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Franz Liszt: Perbedaan antara revisi

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22Kartika (bicara | kontrib)
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Beberapa karya Franz Liszt yang cukup dikenal adalah:<ref name="pbs">[http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/education/liszt.html Liszt, Franz [Ferenc]], Educational Resources - Composer Bioraphies.</ref>
* Don Sanche, opera (1825)
* Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth, oratorio (1857-62)
* Christus, oratorio (1853-66)
* Missa solemnis (1855)
* Missa choralis (1865)
* Hungarian Coronation Mass (1867)
* Requiem (1867-8)
* Psalm xiii (1855)
* Psalm xviii (1860)
* Via crucis (1878-9)
* 2 Beethoven cantatas (1845, 1869-70)
* An die Künstler (1853)
* Hungaria 1848, cantata (1848)
* Les préludes, sym. poem (1848)
* Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne, sym. poem (1849)
* Tasso, sym. poem (1849)
* Héroïde funèbre, sym. poem (1850)
* Prometheus, sym. poem (1850)
* Mazeppa, sym. poem (1851)
* Festklänge, sym. poem (1853)
* Orpheus, sym. poem (1854)
* Hungaria, sym. poem (1854)
* Hunnenschlacht, sym. poem (1857)
* Die Ideale, sym. poem (1857)
* Faust-Symphonie (1857)
* Dante Symphony (1857)
* Hamlet, sym. poem (1858)
* First Mephisto Waltz (1861)
* Trois odes funèbres (1866)
* Second Mephisto Waltz (1881)
* Pf Conc. no.1, E-flat (1855)
* Pf Conc. no.2, A (1857)
* Totentanz, pf/orch (1865)
* Grand galop chromatique (1838)
* Grosses Konzertsolo (1849)
* Années de pèlerinage, i, Suisse (1854), ii, Italie (1849), iii (1877)
* Sonata, b (1853)
* Hungarian Rhapsodies (1853, 1885)
* Third Mephisto Waltz (1883)

Fantasy and Fugue on Ad nos., ad salutarem undam, org (1850)
Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H, org (1855)
