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Karl Martell
Baris 1: Baris 1:
{{Infobox royalty
'''Charles Martel '''(Karl Martell, ca. [[23 Agustus]], [[686]] - [[22 Oktober]], [[741]]) Itu [[Frankish kingdom]] pemimpin politik dan militer, Duke of Frank 718-741 dan kerajaan bupati 737-741.
| native name = Karl Martell
| title = [[Daftar Penguasa Franka|Raja Franka]] <br/> [[Mayordomo]]
| image = Charles Martel 01.jpg
| caption = Patung pahatan dari abad ke-19 [[Istana Versailles]].<ref>This sculpture was located in the Palace of Versailles as of this publication date. By Debaye, pere, sculpted marble, 1839, first displayed at the Salon in 1839. Height 2.09m. Soulié (1855), op. cit.</ref><ref name=Soulie1855>Eudore Soulié (1855) ''Notice des peintures et sculptures composant le musée impérial de Versailles,'' Versailles, FRA: Montalant-Bougleux, see [https://books.google.ca/books?id=0jXoFSgoDMAC], accessed 2 August 2015.</ref>{{rp|281}}
| succession = [[Daftar Penguasa Franka|Adipati dan Pangeran Franka]]
| reign = 718–741
| coronation = 718
| predecessor = [[Pippin dari Herstal]]
| successor = [[Pippin yang Pendek]]
| succession1 = [[Mayordomo]] [[Austrasia]]
| reign1 = 715–741
| coronation1 = 715
| predecessor1 = [[Theudoald]]
| successor1 = [[Karlmann (Karoling)|Karlmann]]
| succession2 = [[Mayordomo]] [[Neustria]]
| reign2 = 718–741
| coronation2 = 718
| predecessor2 = [[Raganfrid]]
| successor2 = [[Pippin yang Pendek]]
| succession3 = [[Daftar Penguasa Franka|Raja Franka]] (bertindak)
| reign3 = 737–741
| coronation3 = 737
| predecessor3 = [[TheuderichIV]]
| successor3 = [[Childerich III]]
| spouse = Rotrude dari Trier<br/>[[Swanahild]]
| issue = [[Karlmann (Karoling|Karlmann]]<br/>[[Pippin yang Pendek|Pippin]]<br/>[[Grifo]]<br/>[[Bernard dari Saint Quentin|Bernard]]<br/>[[Remi dari Rouen|Remigius]]<br/>[[Hiltrud]]<br/>Lainnya
| house = [[Kekaisaran Karoling|Wangsa Karoling]]
| father = [[Pippin dari Herstal]]
| mother = [[Alpaida]]
| birth_date = skt. 686
| birth_place = [[Herstal]]
| death_date = 22 Oktober 741 (usia 55)
| death_place = [[Quierzy-sur-Oise|Quierzy]]
| place of burial = [[Basilika Saint-Denis]]
| signature =

'''Karl Martell''' (skt. 686 – 22 Oktober 741) merupakan negarawan [[suku Franka|Franka]] dan seorang pemimpin militer sebagai [[Daftar Penguasa Franka|Adipati dan Pangeran Franka]] dan [[Mayordomo]], ia merupakan seorang pemimpin ''de facto'' di [[Kerajaan Franka]] dari tahun 718 sampai kematiannya.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Schulman |first=Jana K. |title=The Rise of the Medieval World, 500–1300: A Biographical Dictionary |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=f_jLbHTM_zgC&pg=PA101&dq=Charles+Martel+688 |publisher=[[Greenwood Publishing Group]] |year=2002 |page=101 |isbn=0-313-30817-9}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|last=Cawthorne |first=Nigel |authorlink=Nigel Cawthorne |title=Military Commanders: The 100 Greatest Throughout History |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=F-QawgVmYn8C&pg=PA52&dq=Charles+Martel+688 |publisher=Enchanted Lion Books |year=2004 |pages=52–53 |isbn=1-59270-029-2}}</ref><ref name=Fouracre00>Fouracre, Paul (2000) ''The Age of Charles Martel,'' London, GBR: [[Longman]], see ISBN 0582064759, see [https://books.google.com/books?id=WsNnAAAAMAAJ], accessed 2 August 2015.{{page needed|date=August 2015}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|last=Kibler |first=William W. |last2=Zinn |first2=Grover A. |title=Medieval France: An Encyclopedia |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4qFY1jpF2JAC&pg=PA205&dq=Charles+Martel+688#PPA205,M1 |publisher=[[Routledge]] |year=1995 |pages=205–206 |isbn=0-8240-4444-4}}</ref>

Ayahanda Karl adalah [[Pippin dari Herstal]] dan ibundanya adalah seorang bangsawan wanita bernama [[Alpaida]], Karl berhasil menjadi ahli waris ayahandanya sebagai seorang [[Mayordomo|tokoh yang berkuasa di dalam]] kancah politik suku Franka. Ia melanjutkan dan membangun karya ayahandanya dan mengembalikan pusat pemerintahan di [[Kerajaan Franka]] serta memulai serangkaian kampanye militer untuk mendirikan kembali suku Franka sebagai master dari seluruh [[Galia]].

Setelah bekerja untuk mempersatukan Galia, perhatian Karl beralih ke konflik asing dan ia berurusan dengan [[Serangan Umayyah di Gaul|perkembangan Islam ke Eropa Barat]] yang membuatnya prihatin. Pasukan Arab dan Berber Islam telah menaklukkan Spanyol (711), menyeberangi Pirenia (720), menyita [[Gallia Narbonensis|ketergantungan]] utama [[Penaklukan Umayyah di Hispania|Visigoth]] (721–725),<ref>{{cite book|author1-last=Lewis|author1-first=David Levering|title=God's crucible: Islam and the making of Europe, 570 – 1215|date=2008|publisher=W. W. Norton|location=New York, New York|pages=157 ff.}}</ref> dan setelah tantangan berselang, dibawah [[Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi]], Gubernur Arab [[Al-Andalus]], maju menuju Galia dan Tours, "kota suci Galia"; di bulan Oktober 732, pasukan [[Kekhalifahan Umayyah]] yang dipimpin oleh Al Ghafiqi bertemu dengan pasukan Franka dan Bourgogne di bawah pimpinan Karl di sekitar kota-kota Tours dan Poitiers (modern utara pusat-Perancis<ref>The location is near the present village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers; hence, the location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. {{cite book|author1-last=Lewis|author1-first=David Levering|title=God's crucible: Islam and the making of Europe, 570 – 1215|date=2008|publisher=W. W. Norton|location=New York, New York|page=160}}</ref>), yang menjadi medan pertempuran sengit dan yang menjadi sejarah penting yang dikenal sebagai [[Pertempuran Tours]] (atau ''ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ'', Pertempuran Istana Para Martir), yang mengakhiri "serangan besar bangsa Arab yang terakhir di Perancis," kemenangan militer yang "brilian" di bagian Karl.<ref name = PfisterEncBrit10>Christian Pfister, 1910, "Charles Martel," in ''The Encyclopædia Britannica: The New Volumes, Constituting… the Twelfth Edition of that Work, and Also Supplying… '', Vol. 5, pp. 942–943, Chicago, IL, USA: Encyclopædia Britannica Company, see [https://books.google.com/books?id=L0UbAQAAMAAJ], accessed 2 August 2015. Christian Pfister, D. ès. L. (1857–1933), was a professor at the Sorbonne, in Paris, and recipient of the Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.</ref><ref>Quote from Pfister, 1910, op. cit, regarding this text statement: "Besides establishing a certain unity in Gaul, Charles saved it from a great peril. In 711 the Arabs had conquered Spain. In 720 they crossed the Pyrenees, seized Narbonensis, a dependency of the kingdom of the Visigoths, and advanced on Gaul. By his able policy Odo succeeded in arresting their progress for some years; but a new vali, [[Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi|Abdur Rahman]], a member of an extremely fanatical sect, resumed the attack, reached Poitiers, and advanced on Tours, the holy town of Gaul. In October 732—just 100 years after the death of [[Muhammad|Mahomet]]—Charles gained a brilliant victory over [[Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi|Abdur Rahman]], who was called back to Africa by revolts of the Berbers and had to give up the struggle. This was the last of the great Arab invasions of Europe. After his victory, Charles took the offensive, and endeavoured to wrest Narbonensis from the Musselmans. Although he was not successful in his attempt to recover Narbonne (737), he destroyed the fortresses of Agde, Be'ziers and Maguelonne, and set fire to the amphitheatre at Nimes."</ref><ref>"Charles's victory has often been regarded as decisive for world history, since it preserved western Europe from Muslim conquest and Islamization." [http://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Tours]</ref><ref>[[Will Durant|Durant, Will]] (1950) [1939] ''The Age of Faith,'' p. 461, New York, NY, USA: Simon and Schuster, {{OCLC|225699907}}, ISBN 9780671418007.</ref><ref>Per Pfister, op. cit., [[Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi|Abdur Rahman]] was called back to North Africa to deal with Berber revolts, and gave up the struggle in Europe at that battle.</ref> Karl kemudian menyerang Tours, menghancurkan benteng-benteng di [[Agde]], [[Béziers]] dan [[Maguelonne]], dan menghadapi pasukan Islam di [[Nimes]], meskipun akhirnya gagal memulihkan Narbonne (737) atau untuk sepenuhnya merebut kembali Visigoth [[Gallia Narbonensis|Narbonensis]] ini.<ref name = PfisterEncBrit10/> Ia kemudian mengambil keuntungan dari luar lebih lanjut terhadap kerajaan-kerajaan sesamanya yang Kristen, dengan membangun kendali Franka atas [[Bayern]], [[Suku Alemanni|Alemanni]], dan [[Frisia]], dan menarik beberapa [[Bangsa Sachsen]] untuk menawarkan upeti (738).<ref name = PfisterEncBrit10/>

Terlepas dari upaya militer, Karl dianggap sebagai tokoh pendiri [[Abad Pertengahan]].<ref>{{cite book|author1-last=Lewis|author1-first=David Levering|title=God's crucible: Islam and the making of Europe, 570 – 1215|date=2008|publisher=W. W. Norton|location=New York, New York|page=183}}</ref> Terampil sebagai seorang administrator dan sebagai seorang pejuang, ia berjasa di dalam pengembangan sistem [[Feodalisme]] Franka.<ref>{{cite book|author1-last=White, Jr.|author1-first=Lynn|title=Medieval technology and social change|date=1962|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=London, England|pages=2–14}}</ref> Lebih dari itu, Karl sebagai pelindung Santo [[Bonifasius]] yang pertama-tama membuat rekonsiliasi di antara suku Franka dan [[Paus Gregorius III|Kepausan]]. [[Paus Gregorius III]], yang kekuasaannya terancam oleh [[Langobardi|Lombardia]], berharap Karl dapat menjadi pembela [[Tahta Suci]] dan menawarkannya menjadi [[Konsul Romawi]], meskipun Karl menolaknya.<ref name = PfisterEncBrit10/><ref>Anon., 2001, "The Frankish Kingdom," in ''The Encyclopedia of World History''.</ref><ref>Thomas Dell, curator (2014) "Charles Martel," ''Notable Names Database'' (NNDB), see [http://www.nndb.com/people/874/000092598/], accessed 2 August 2015.{{better source|date=August 2015}}<!--
NNDB is a aggregator of information that (i) mentions Wikipedia in its bibliography, raising the spectra of a circular information path, (ii) does not otherwise make clear its sources, only indicating via list other places where similar articles appear (and so without inline or other citation style indicating what information was derived from where, even if that list is the article source list), (iii) is curated by a silicon value technical professional, with no university or other scholarly affiliation, and (iv) is associated with ''Dr. Sputnik's Society Pages'' and other such information aggregation efforts. NNDB CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AN APPROPRIATE SOURCE FOR THIS ENCYCLOPEDIA.
--></ref><ref>Quote from Pfister (1910), op. cit, regarding this text statement: "Pope Gregory III, menaced by the Lombards, invoked the aid of Charles in 739, sent him a deputation with the keys of the Holy Sepulchre and the chains of St. Peter, and offered to break with the emperor and Constantinople, and to give Charles the Roman consulate (ut a partibus imperatoris recederet et Romanum consulatum Carolo sanciret). This proposal, though unsuccessful, was the starting point of a new papal policy."</ref>

Ia membagi Frankia di antara putra-putranya, [[Karlmann (Karoling)|Karlmann]] dan [[Pippin yang Pendek|Pippin]]. Yang terakhir kemudian menjadi pelopor [[Kekaisaran Karoling|Wangsa Karoling]]. Cucu Karl, [[Charlemagne]], memperluas Kerajaan Franka dan memasukkan banyak dari Barat, dan menjadi Kaisar pertama di Barat sejak runtuhnya [[Kekaisaran Romawi Barat|Roma]].<ref name=Fouracre00/>

== Referensi ==
== Referensi ==

<br />
{{S-hou|[[Kekaisaran Karoling|Wangsa Karoling]]||686||741}}
{{s-hou|[[Kekaisaran Carolingia|Wangsa Carolingia]]||686||741}}
{{s-bef|before=[[Pepin II]]}}
{{S-bef|before=[[Pippin II]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=Adipati dari Frank|years=718–741}}
{{S-ttl|title=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Mayordomo|Mayordomo Austrasia]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|years=717–741}}
{{s-aft|after=[[Pepin III]] and<br />[[Carloman I]]}}
{{S-aft|after=[[Karlmann (Karoling)|Karlmann]]}}
<br />
{{S-ttl|title=[[Mayordomo|Mayordomo Neustria]]|years=717–741}}
{{S-aft|after=[[Pippin yang Pendek|Pippin]]}}
{{s-bef|before=[[Theuderich IV]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[Daftar Penguasa Franka|Raja Franka]]<br>(Bertindak)|years=737–741}}
{{s-aft|after=[[Childerich III]]|reason=[[Interregnum]]}}

[[Kategori:Kelahiran 714]]
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 688]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 768]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 741]]
[[Kategori:Raja Franka]]
[[Kategori:Penguasa monarki Katolik Roma]]
[[Kategori:Penguasa Kekaisaran Karoling]]
[[Kategori:Raja Burgundia]]
[[Kategori:Raja Burgundia]]

Revisi per 30 September 2016 23.27

Karl Martell
Raja Franka
Patung pahatan dari abad ke-19 Istana Versailles.[1][2]:281
Adipati dan Pangeran Franka
PendahuluPippin dari Herstal
PenerusPippin yang Pendek
Mayordomo Austrasia
Mayordomo Neustria
PenerusPippin yang Pendek
Raja Franka (bertindak)
PenerusChilderich III
Kelahiranskt. 686
Kematian22 Oktober 741 (usia 55)
PasanganRotrude dari Trier
WangsaWangsa Karoling
AyahPippin dari Herstal

Karl Martell (skt. 686 – 22 Oktober 741) merupakan negarawan Franka dan seorang pemimpin militer sebagai Adipati dan Pangeran Franka dan Mayordomo, ia merupakan seorang pemimpin de facto di Kerajaan Franka dari tahun 718 sampai kematiannya.[3][4][5][6]

Ayahanda Karl adalah Pippin dari Herstal dan ibundanya adalah seorang bangsawan wanita bernama Alpaida, Karl berhasil menjadi ahli waris ayahandanya sebagai seorang tokoh yang berkuasa di dalam kancah politik suku Franka. Ia melanjutkan dan membangun karya ayahandanya dan mengembalikan pusat pemerintahan di Kerajaan Franka serta memulai serangkaian kampanye militer untuk mendirikan kembali suku Franka sebagai master dari seluruh Galia.

Setelah bekerja untuk mempersatukan Galia, perhatian Karl beralih ke konflik asing dan ia berurusan dengan perkembangan Islam ke Eropa Barat yang membuatnya prihatin. Pasukan Arab dan Berber Islam telah menaklukkan Spanyol (711), menyeberangi Pirenia (720), menyita ketergantungan utama Visigoth (721–725),[7] dan setelah tantangan berselang, dibawah Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Gubernur Arab Al-Andalus, maju menuju Galia dan Tours, "kota suci Galia"; di bulan Oktober 732, pasukan Kekhalifahan Umayyah yang dipimpin oleh Al Ghafiqi bertemu dengan pasukan Franka dan Bourgogne di bawah pimpinan Karl di sekitar kota-kota Tours dan Poitiers (modern utara pusat-Perancis[8]), yang menjadi medan pertempuran sengit dan yang menjadi sejarah penting yang dikenal sebagai Pertempuran Tours (atau ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ, Pertempuran Istana Para Martir), yang mengakhiri "serangan besar bangsa Arab yang terakhir di Perancis," kemenangan militer yang "brilian" di bagian Karl.[9][10][11][12][13] Karl kemudian menyerang Tours, menghancurkan benteng-benteng di Agde, Béziers dan Maguelonne, dan menghadapi pasukan Islam di Nimes, meskipun akhirnya gagal memulihkan Narbonne (737) atau untuk sepenuhnya merebut kembali Visigoth Narbonensis ini.[9] Ia kemudian mengambil keuntungan dari luar lebih lanjut terhadap kerajaan-kerajaan sesamanya yang Kristen, dengan membangun kendali Franka atas Bayern, Alemanni, dan Frisia, dan menarik beberapa Bangsa Sachsen untuk menawarkan upeti (738).[9]

Terlepas dari upaya militer, Karl dianggap sebagai tokoh pendiri Abad Pertengahan.[14] Terampil sebagai seorang administrator dan sebagai seorang pejuang, ia berjasa di dalam pengembangan sistem Feodalisme Franka.[15] Lebih dari itu, Karl sebagai pelindung Santo Bonifasius yang pertama-tama membuat rekonsiliasi di antara suku Franka dan Kepausan. Paus Gregorius III, yang kekuasaannya terancam oleh Lombardia, berharap Karl dapat menjadi pembela Tahta Suci dan menawarkannya menjadi Konsul Romawi, meskipun Karl menolaknya.[9][16][17][18]

Ia membagi Frankia di antara putra-putranya, Karlmann dan Pippin. Yang terakhir kemudian menjadi pelopor Wangsa Karoling. Cucu Karl, Charlemagne, memperluas Kerajaan Franka dan memasukkan banyak dari Barat, dan menjadi Kaisar pertama di Barat sejak runtuhnya Roma.[5]


  1. ^ This sculpture was located in the Palace of Versailles as of this publication date. By Debaye, pere, sculpted marble, 1839, first displayed at the Salon in 1839. Height 2.09m. Soulié (1855), op. cit.
  2. ^ Eudore Soulié (1855) Notice des peintures et sculptures composant le musée impérial de Versailles, Versailles, FRA: Montalant-Bougleux, see [1], accessed 2 August 2015.
  3. ^ Schulman, Jana K. (2002). The Rise of the Medieval World, 500–1300: A Biographical Dictionary. Greenwood Publishing Group. hlm. 101. ISBN 0-313-30817-9. 
  4. ^ Cawthorne, Nigel (2004). Military Commanders: The 100 Greatest Throughout History. Enchanted Lion Books. hlm. 52–53. ISBN 1-59270-029-2. 
  5. ^ a b Fouracre, Paul (2000) The Age of Charles Martel, London, GBR: Longman, see ISBN 0582064759, see [2], accessed 2 August 2015.[halaman dibutuhkan]
  6. ^ Kibler, William W.; Zinn, Grover A. (1995). Medieval France: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. hlm. 205–206. ISBN 0-8240-4444-4. 
  7. ^ Lewis, David Levering (2008). God's crucible: Islam and the making of Europe, 570 – 1215. New York, New York: W. W. Norton. hlm. 157 ff. 
  8. ^ The location is near the present village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers; hence, the location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. Lewis, David Levering (2008). God's crucible: Islam and the making of Europe, 570 – 1215. New York, New York: W. W. Norton. hlm. 160. 
  9. ^ a b c d Christian Pfister, 1910, "Charles Martel," in The Encyclopædia Britannica: The New Volumes, Constituting… the Twelfth Edition of that Work, and Also Supplying… , Vol. 5, pp. 942–943, Chicago, IL, USA: Encyclopædia Britannica Company, see [3], accessed 2 August 2015. Christian Pfister, D. ès. L. (1857–1933), was a professor at the Sorbonne, in Paris, and recipient of the Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.
  10. ^ Quote from Pfister, 1910, op. cit, regarding this text statement: "Besides establishing a certain unity in Gaul, Charles saved it from a great peril. In 711 the Arabs had conquered Spain. In 720 they crossed the Pyrenees, seized Narbonensis, a dependency of the kingdom of the Visigoths, and advanced on Gaul. By his able policy Odo succeeded in arresting their progress for some years; but a new vali, Abdur Rahman, a member of an extremely fanatical sect, resumed the attack, reached Poitiers, and advanced on Tours, the holy town of Gaul. In October 732—just 100 years after the death of Mahomet—Charles gained a brilliant victory over Abdur Rahman, who was called back to Africa by revolts of the Berbers and had to give up the struggle. This was the last of the great Arab invasions of Europe. After his victory, Charles took the offensive, and endeavoured to wrest Narbonensis from the Musselmans. Although he was not successful in his attempt to recover Narbonne (737), he destroyed the fortresses of Agde, Be'ziers and Maguelonne, and set fire to the amphitheatre at Nimes."
  11. ^ "Charles's victory has often been regarded as decisive for world history, since it preserved western Europe from Muslim conquest and Islamization." [4]
  12. ^ Durant, Will (1950) [1939] The Age of Faith, p. 461, New York, NY, USA: Simon and Schuster, OCLC 225699907, ISBN 9780671418007.
  13. ^ Per Pfister, op. cit., Abdur Rahman was called back to North Africa to deal with Berber revolts, and gave up the struggle in Europe at that battle.
  14. ^ Lewis, David Levering (2008). God's crucible: Islam and the making of Europe, 570 – 1215. New York, New York: W. W. Norton. hlm. 183. 
  15. ^ White, Jr., Lynn (1962). Medieval technology and social change. London, England: Oxford University Press. hlm. 2–14. 
  16. ^ Anon., 2001, "The Frankish Kingdom," in The Encyclopedia of World History.
  17. ^ Thomas Dell, curator (2014) "Charles Martel," Notable Names Database (NNDB), see [5], accessed 2 August 2015.[butuh sumber yang lebih baik]
  18. ^ Quote from Pfister (1910), op. cit, regarding this text statement: "Pope Gregory III, menaced by the Lombards, invoked the aid of Charles in 739, sent him a deputation with the keys of the Holy Sepulchre and the chains of St. Peter, and offered to break with the emperor and Constantinople, and to give Charles the Roman consulate (ut a partibus imperatoris recederet et Romanum consulatum Carolo sanciret). This proposal, though unsuccessful, was the starting point of a new papal policy."
Karl Martell
Lahir: 686 Meninggal: 741
Didahului oleh:
Pippin II
    Mayordomo Austrasia    
Diteruskan oleh:
Didahului oleh:
Mayordomo Neustria
Diteruskan oleh:
Didahului oleh:
Theuderich IV
Raja Franka

Diteruskan oleh:
Childerich III