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Al Makin

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Al Makin Prof. Dr. Phil. Al Makin, S.Ag. MA (lahir di Bojonegoro Jawa Timur 12 September 1972; umur 47 tahun) adalah profesor, ilmuwan, serta pakar di bidang filsafat, sejarah Islam awal, sosiologi masyarakat Muslim, keragaman, multikulturalisme, studi minoritas, dialog antar iman, dan studi Gerakan Keagamaan Baru (NRM/New Religious Movement). Dia saat ini tercatat sebagai Ketua Editor Jurnal Internasional Al-Jami’ah, pendiri portal jurnal Kementrian Agama Moraref (Ministry of Religous Affairs Reference), dan ketua LP2M (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UIN Sunan Kalijaga periode 2016-2020. Makin juga tercatat sebagai anggota ALMI (Asosiasi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia) sejak 2017.

Dia adalah penulis dan peneliti yang produktif dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, yang dituangkan ke dalam bentuk buku dan artikel di jurnal ilmiah. Dia juga penulis kolom regular di The Jakarta Post pada 2008-2016. Bukunya tentang keragaman diresensi di berbagai media, dia menawarkan konsep keragaman dalam sejarah Islam dan Indonesia. Bukunya yang lain juga tentang fenomena kenabian dan kemunculan para nabi di Indonesia. Berbagai artikelnya berbicara tentang keragaman, politik, budaya, filsafat, tafsir, dan sejarah. Pidato pengukuhan Al Makin di kutip diberbagai media karena kritik terhadap birokrasi dan administrasi kampus dan ilmuan Indonesia.


  • Pesantren Al-Hikmah, Bendo, Sidorejo, Kedungadem Bojonegoro (1981-1985)
  • MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Gaya Baru Sidorejo Kedungadem Bojonegoro (1981-1985)
  • MTsN (Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri) I Bojonegoro (1985-1988)
  • Pondok Pesantren Adnan Al-Haris Kendal Ngumpak Dalem Dander Bojonegoro (1985-1988)
  • MAPK (Madrasah Aliyah Program Khusus) Jember (1988-1991)
  • IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, S.Ag (1991-1995)
  • McGill University, Montreal, Kanada, M.A. (1998-1999)
  • Heidelberg University, Jerman (2005-2008)

Academic Qualifications

  • 2008 Ph. D. Philosophie Fakultät, Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients Ruprecht-Karls- Universität, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • 1999 MA. the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • 1996 BA. State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Academic positions In Indonesia

  • 2000-present Professor of philosophy (2018) at the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University (UIN), Yogyakarta.
  • 2017-2022 Member of ALMI (Akademi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia/Indonesia Young Scientists Institute)
  • 2016-2020 Director of the Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • 2015-2016 Head of the Research Center (Puslit) LP2M UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • 2015-present Reviewer of journals in social and humanities in Higher Education (Dikti) of the Ministry of Research and Science (Kemenristek) of the Republic of Indonesia and LIPI (Science Institute of Indonesia)
  • 2013-present Reviewer of proposals on Innovative and Progressive researches, a research program under the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia.
  • 2011-present Editor in chief, Al Jam’iah, international journal of Islamic studies, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta (indexed by Scopus, Pro-quest and Ebscho): https://aljamiah.or.id/index.php/AJIS
  • 2015 Editor of Indonesian journal of Islam and Muslim Society, IAIN Salatiga https://ijims.iainsalatiga.ac.id/index.php/ijims/
  • 2014 Editor of international journal Indonesian Islam, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya http://jiis.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/JIIs
  • 2002-2004 Lecturer at the Sanata Dharma Catholic University, Yogyakarta.
  • 2002-2004 Editor, Retorika, Journal of Graduate Studies of Religion and Culture, the Sanata Dharma Catholic University, Yogyakarta
  • 2011-present Lecturer at the ICRS (International Consortium for Religious Studies), Gadjah Mada State University, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and Duta Wacana University, for Ph.D program.

International academic positions

  • 2017-2020 Faculty Development Fellow: the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Hong Kong); Dali University (Yunnan, China), the Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies (Chennai, India); and the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).
  • 2014 Visiting scholar at the Religion and Society Research Center of the University of Western Sydney Australia
  • 2014 Visiting scholar at the Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Ruprecht-Karls- Universität, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2012 Lecturer at the ESSEC, Asia Pacific, French Business School in Singapore, on the theme “Asian Culture and Society, the Case of Indonesian Islam.”
  • 2011-2012 Visiting research fellow at the ARI (Asia Research Institute) National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore (starting from October 2011)
  • 2009-2010 International research fellow at The International Consortium for Research in The Humanities “the Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe” (IKGF), Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany.
  • 2008-2009 Visiting scholar, Philosophy Department, McGill University,

Montreal, Canada (2008-2009).

  • 2005-2008 DAAD (Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst) scholarship holder for pursuing Ph.D at Heidelberg University
  • 2000 CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) scholarship holder for visiting Ph.D student at the Anthropology Department, McGill University.
  • 1997-1999 CIDA scholarship holder for MA at the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University.


  • Mother tongues: Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Fluent in English (speaking and writing)
  • Fluent in Arabic (classical and modern texts).
  • Active in German (living in Germany for 5 years).
  • Fair in French.
  • Speak Madurese fairly (a language spoken by the inhabitants of a small island near East Java).

Scholarships/Grants/Awards achieved

  • 2017-2020 Faculty Development Fellow: funded by the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Hong Kong); Dali University (Yunnan, China), the Asian Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies (Chennai, India); and the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).
  • 2016 Best lecturer, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta
  • 2014 Fellowship from the Endeavour, Australia, to go to the University of Western Sydney
  • 2013 Grant for international collaborative research by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, in collaboration with Heidelberg University, Germany.
  • 2012 National best lecturer, for international research and publication, an Award from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, at the API (Apresiasi Pendidikan Islam/Appreciation toward Islamic Education) during HAB (Hari Amal Bakti/The Anniversary of the Ministry of Religious Affairs) on December.
  • 2011-2012 Fellowship from the ARI (Asian Research Institute) National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore (starting from October 2011), planning to study Lia Aminuddin, an Indonesian claimant to prophethood—a case drawing a controversy between orthodoxy and pluralism in Indonesia.
  • 2009-2010 Fellowship for research on early Islam at the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities “the Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe” (IKGF), Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany. I did some presentations on the results of my research, whose subject I focus on Musaylimah (a seventh century claimant to prophethood), Umayyah b. Abi Salt (a seventh century poet and claimant to prophethood), and contemporary Islam in Indonesia.
  • 2005-2008 Full scholarship from the DAAD for pursuing the Ph.D program at the Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Islamwissenschaft, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.
  • 2004 Travel Grant for participating the International Institute for Leadership, FNSt (Freidrich Neumann Stiftung), Seminar on Political Strategies: Fighting Fundamentalism III. Gummersbach, Germany (26 March-2 April).
  • 2000-2001 Researcher, “Annotated Bibliography of Tafsir/Qur’anic Malay Literature” under the coordination of Prof. Abdullah Saeed (University of Melbourne), with the Sponsorship of the University Of Melbourne (submitted December), will be published in the form of CD-room.
  • 2000 Full scholarship from CIDA scholarship, for visiting Student, at the Department of Anthropology, McGill University (January-June).
  • 1997-1999 Full scholarship from CIDA for pursuing the Master Degree in Islamic Studies, McGill University.
  • 1992-1995 SUPERSEMAR scholarship (Mandate of 11th of March 1966, sponsored by the president of the Republic Indonesia) in IAIN (State Institute of Islamic Studies), Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
  • 1988-1991 Full scholarship from the Department of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, during studying at the MAPK (Senior High School with a Special Program of Islamic Studies).

PUBLICATIONS : Monograph in English

  • 2017 Plurality, Theology, Patriotism: Critical Insights into Indonesia and Islam. Yogyakarta and Geneva, Switzerland: Suka Press and Globe Ethics.
  • 2016 Challenging Islamic Orthodoxy, the Accounts of Lia Eden and Other Prophets in Indonesia. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • 2010 Representing the Enemy: Musaylima in Muslim Literature, Frankfurt, Bern, Oxford, New York, Peter Lang.

PUBLICATIONS : Monographs in Bahasa Indonesia

  • 2019 Membela Yang Lemah, Demi Bangsa dan Ilmu: Keragaman, Minoritas, Khilafah, Kapitalisme Agama dan Mazhab Yogya. Yogyakarta, Suka Press.
  • 2017 Nabi-Nabi Nusantara: Kisah Lia Eden dan lainnya. Yogyakarta, Suka Press.
  • 2016 Keragaman dan Perbedaan: Budaya dan Agama dalam Lintas Sejarah Manusia (Diversity and Difference: Culture and Religion in Human History) Yogyakarta: Suka Press.
  • 2015/2016 Antara Barat dan Timur: Melampui Jurang Masa Lalu untuk Meniti Jembatan Penghubung Barat dan Timur (Between West and East: To pass over the gap of the past to walk through the bridge connecting the West and East. Jakarta: Serambi (2015). Yogyakarta: Suka Press (2016)
  • 2006 Bunuh Sang Nabi: Kebenaran di Balik Pertarungan Setan Melawan Malaikat (Kill the Prophet: Truth behind the Struggle between Satan and Angel)." Jakarta: Hikmah, Mizan.
  • 2003 Nabi Palsu, Membuka Kembali Pintu Kenabian (A False Prophet, Opening the Gate of Prophethood) Yogyakarta/Indonesia: Ar-Ruzz.
  • 2002 Anti-Kesempurnaan, Membaca, Melihat dan Bertutur tentang Islam (Unfinished: Reading, Observing, and Telling about Islam). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Published Articles in Refereed Journals

  • 2019 “Nada Polifonik Teks Marxist Ala Kuntowijoyo: Pencarian Jati Diri Dari Marxisme Ke Islam.” Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif 13, no. 2 (June 19, 2019): 189–208. https://doi.org/10.14421/jsr.v13i12.1613.
  • 2019 “Returning to the Religion of Abraham: Controversies over the Gafatar Movement in Contemporary Indonesia” Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, vol. 30, no. 1: pp. 87-104.
  • 2018 “Not a religious state: A study of three Indonesian religious leaders on the relation of state and religion” Indonesia and the Malay World, vol. 46, no. 135, Routledge London 2017: pp. 95-116, DOI: 10.1080/13639811.2017.1380279.
  • 2017 “Tuhan Di Antara Desakan Dan Kerumunan: Komodifikasi Spiritualitas Makkah Di Era Kapitalisasi (God among Crowd: Commodification of Spirituality in Mecca in the era of Capitalism“ Episteme, vol. 12. No. 1, pp. 1-28.
  • 2017 “Homogenizing Indonesian Islam: Study of the narratives of the persecution of the Rausyan Fikr Shia group in Yogyakarta” Studia Islamika, vol. 24 no. 1, pp. 1-32.
  • 2016 “Revisiting the Spirit of Religious Nationalism in the Era Of Pluralism and Globalization: Reading the Text of NDP Of HMI” Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 285-310
  • 2016 “Antara Ziarah Religius dan Kapitalisasi di Era Globalisasi: Catatan Etnografis Umrah (Between Religious Pilgrimage and Capitalization in the Globalization Era: Ethnographical notes of Lesser Pilgramage” Afkaruna vol. 12 no. 1, pp. 114-134.
  • 2016 “Identitas Keacehan dalam isu-isu Syariatisasi, Kristenisasi, Aliran Sesat dan Hegemoni Barat (Acehnese Identity on the Issues of Shari’a, Christianization mission, Defiant Sects, and Western Hegemony)” Islamica, Jurnal Studi Keislaman, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-22.
  • 2016 “Tanggalkan Khalifah Di Bumi Ini: Membaca Narasi Sukarno tentang Sekularisme Turki (Abondon the caliphate on earth: Reading Sukarno’s Narrative on Turkey’s Secularization“ Al-Tahrir, Jurnal Pemikiran Islam vol. 16 no. 2, pp. 313-338.
  • 2016 “Unearthing Nusantara’s concept of religious pluralism: Harmonization and syncretism in Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic classical texts“Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 1-30.
  • 2016 “Fears of an Open Market: Citizens‘ Voices of Asian Economic Community (AEC) Addin, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 55-78.
  • 2016 “ Islamic Acehnese Identity, Sharia, and Christianization Rumor: A Study of the Narratives of the Attack on the Bethel Church in Penauyong Banda Aceh“ International Journal of Indonesian Islam, vol. 10, no. 1, pp: 1-35.
  • 2016 “Are there any Indonesian prophets? Dealing with a common question and possible answer, Ulumuna, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1-29.
  • 2015 “Revisiting Indonesian public reactions against Danish cartoons depicting prophet Muhammad” Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, vol. 5, no. 2, pp: 195-229.
  • 2013 “From Musaylima to Kharijite Najdiyya” Al Jamiah, vol. 51, no. 2, 2013.
  • 2012 “Pluralism in education, a study of Mukti Ali’s thought” in eds. Rommel A. Curaming, Frank Dhont, Education in Indonesia perspectives, politics and practices. Yogyakarta: Yale Indonesia Forum, International Conference Book Series 4, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University.
  • 2011 “Pluralism versus Islamic Orthodoxy, The Indonesian public debate over the case of Lia Aminuddin, the founder of Salamullah religious cult” in ed. Thomas J. Connors, Social justice and rule of law: addressing the growth of a pluralist Indonesian democracy. Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia; [New Haven]: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University ; Yale Indonesia Forum.
  • 2010 “Rethinking other claimants to prophethood, the case of Umayya b. Abi Salt,” Al-Jamiah, Journal for Islamic Studies, vol. 48 no. 1: 169-190
  • 2009 “Pope Benedict XVI and Islam: Indonesian Reactions to the Regensburg Address” Journal of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relation/ICMR [Francis and Taylor, Routledge, London], vol. 20, no. 4, October: pp. 409–421.
  • 2003 “A Defender of an ‘Existence’: Mulla Sadra’s [philosophical principles] on Mumkin [Potentiality]” al-Jami’ah, vol. 41 no. 1: pp. 42-67.
  • 2002 “Demythologizing the Narratives of the Qur’an: Muhammad ‘Abduh’s and Bint Shati’s Accounts on ‘Ad, Thamud and Pharaoh in interpreting Q. 89: 1-10. al-Jami’ah vol. 40, no. 1 (January-June): pp. 80-97.
  • 2001 “Al-Tha’labi’s Account of Fir’awn: From the Birth of Musa to his Contest against Fir’awn’s Magicians” Retorika vol. 1, (September-December): pp. 102-114.
  • 1999 “The Influence of Zahiri Theory on Ibn Hazm’s Theology: The Case of His Interpretation of the Anthropomorphic Text ‘the Hand of God’.” Medieval Encounter [Brill Academic Publisher, Leiden], vol. 5 no. 1 (March): pp.112-120.

Chapters of Books

  • 2019 “Deviant Quranic Interpretation in Indonesia: Reading Lia Eden’s Defense of the claim to prophethood” in Mun’im Sirry, ed. New Trends in Qur’anic Studies: Text, Context and Interpretation. Atlanta: Lockwood Press.
  • 2017/2014 “Kebangkitan Para Nabi Pribumi: Perspektif Kenabian dan Gerakan Sosial Nusantara (The rise of indigenous prophets: Prophetic perspective and social movement in the Indonesian archipelago)” dalam Ratu Adil: Kuasa dan Pemberontakan di Nusantara (Just king: Power and Rebellion in the Archipelagic Indonesia). Borobudur: Samana Fondation. Pp. 36-64.
  • 2016 “Kritik Ideologi HMI dan Amandemen NDP Tantangan Era Keragaman dan Kemajemukan Global (Critical Insight into the Muslim Student Association, Challenges to the Era of Diverse Globalization)” in ed. Alfan Alfian, et al. Demi Kemaslahatan Bangsa, pp. 494-516. Jakarta: Penjuru Ilmu Sejati dan Majelis Nasional KAHMI
  • 2016 “Haji Omar Said Tjokroaminoto: Islam and Socialism (Indonesia, 1924/1963)” in eds. Björn Bernlage, Marion Eggert, Hans Martin Krämer, and Stefan Reichmuth, Religious dynamics under the impact of colonialism and imperialism. Pp. 249-264. Leiden: Brill Academic Publisher.
  • 2015/2017 Mengenal para Pemimpin Pascasarjana (Leaders of Post-graduate Programs/History of the Post-graduate program of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University). Al Makin (editor). Yogyakarta: Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
  • 2013 “Menambal Jembatan Retak: Nusantara dan Dunia Arab/Patching Up the Cracks: Nusantara and the Arab World/islah munkasar al hasr: arkhibal wa al-alam al-arabi,” in Jalan Berlubang/A Path of Pot-Holes, Navigating the Edges and Vortex of the Indonesian-Arab Region Relationship through Biennale Jogja xii 2013, English/Indonesian and Arabic editions. eds. Yoshi Fajar Kresna Murti. Yogyakarta: Biennale XII.
  • 2013 “The shared concept of God among trading prophets,” Trading Religions: Religious Formation, Transformation, and Cross-Cultural Exchanges between East and West. Eds. Peter Wick and Volker Rabens. Brill, Leiden.
  • 2013 “Pemimpin Intelektual yang berkarakter (An Intellectual Leader with Character)” dalam Festscrift untuk Amin Abdullah, ed. Moch. Nur Ichwan. Yogyakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Press.
  • 2012 “Free Thinker dengan Mazhab dan Golongannya Sendiri: Dorongan untuk Generasi Mendatang (Free thinker and his own school of thought: Encouragement for future generation)” in Kebebasan Berfikir dan Komitmen Kemanusiaan, Ulasan Pemikiran Musa Asy’arie (Free thinking and humanity commitment, review on the thoughts of Musa Asy’arie). Ed. Al Makin (Yogyakarta: LESFI)
  • 2009 “Nada polifonik teks Kuntowijoyo (the polyphonic tone of Kuntowijoyo’s text)” in Syafaatun Almirzanah and Sahiron Syamsuddin (eds.), Upaya Integrasi Hermeneutika, dalam kajian Qur’an dan Hadis Teori dan Aplikasi/An Attempt at integrating Heremeneutics in the Quranic and Hadith Studies, Theory and Praxis. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
  • 2003 “Jika Saya Membaca Lebih Dahulu dari Anda: Sebuah Kata Pengantar (If I Read [the book] before You Do: Forewords” Forewords to Irwandar, Demitologisasi Adam dan Hawa (Demythologizing the Story of Adam and Eve). Yogyakarta: al-Ruzz.
  • 2002 “Saya Membaca Kisah Adam, Membaca Q.S.: 2: 30-37 (I Read the Story of Adam, Reading Q.: 2: 30-37, A Semiotic Approach) in Tafsir Baru Studi Islam dalam Era Multikultural (New Interpretations of Islamic Studies in the Era of Multi-cultures), ed. Khoiruddin Nasution. Yogyakarta: Panitia Dies IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta ke 50, pp. 65-81.
  • 2002 “Musa Menyeberangi Laut Media (Moses Crossing the Sea of Media)” Retorika vol. 2 (Januari-April), pp. 37-48.
  • 2002 “Apakah Tafsir Masih Mungkin? (Is Qur’anic Interpretation Possible?)” in Studi al-Qur’an Kontemporer: Wacana Baru Berbagai Metodologi Tafsir (Contemporary Qur’anic Studies: A New Discourse of New Methodologies of Interpretation), eds. Abdul Mustaqim and Syahiron Syamsuddin. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, pp. 3-16.
  • 2000 Al Makin (editor), IAIN and McGill Cooperation (10 Years: Past and Future. Yogyakarta: IAIN Indonesian Social Equity Project in Cooperation with the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga. See http://www.ditpertais.net/buku05.asp
  • 1998 “Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts.” In The Qur’an and Philosophical Reflections. Yogyakarta: Titian Ilahi Press, pp. 97-105.

Presentations at the International Conferences/Seminars

  • 2019 Book Review of my new book: Membela Yang Lemah, Demi Bangsa dan Ilmu: Keragaman, Minoritas, Khilafah, Kapitalisme Agama dan Mazhab Yogya, in the 19th Annual Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS), October 2, Jakarta, Digital Islam, Education and Youth, Changing Landscape of Indonesian Islam, Mercure Hotel Batavia Jakarta.
  • 2019 “Pluralism, Minority, and Identity: A reflection of cases in seeking a formulation” The Third Annual International Forum on Law and Religion, Is Religious Freedom Still Considered A Fundamental Human Right? July 31, University of Philippines, Bonifacio Global City Campus, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
  • 2019 “Islam and Religiosity in Southeast Asia: Reconnecting Network,” March 21, University of the Philippines Diliman, Bulwagang Salam Romulo Hall, Quezon City, Philippines.
  • 2018 “Understanding differences: minorities in Indonesian interfaith relations” In search of the common ground: fostering harmonious interfaith relations, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, September 25-26.
  • 2018 Book review Challenging Islamic Orthodoxy, the British Embassy, Jakarta, September 20.
  • 2018 Book review Challenging Islamic Orthodoxy and chair of the session of Islamic studies in Indonesia and Iran at the AICIS (Annual Conference on Islamic Studies) the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, at the IAIN (Islamic State Institute) Palu, Central Sulawesi, September 17-20.
  • 2018 “Qur’an Translation and Interpretation by a New Prophet: Ahmad Mushaddeq’s and Mahful Muis’ Syncretic Innovative Approach of Reading the Qur’an, New and Old Testaments“ at the International conference on the Quranic Translation in Indonesia, organized by Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Department of Islamic Studies, and Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, School of Graduate Studies, August 30-31.
  • 2018 “Auhtority contestation in Indonesia during the reform era: orthodoxy, New Religious Movmement and government“ conference on religious authority in Indonesian Islam: contestation, pluralization and new actors, Yusuf Ishaq Institute Rajaratnam School in Singapore, July 3-4.
  • 2018 “NRM and State: the Gafatar hijrah and state reaction“ Chennai India, The second Summer School of the Faculty Development Fellowship: India, China and Indonesia, Chennai University, May 13-20.
  • 2018 “Redefining Indonesian Pluralism for a Civilized Society” in conference “Religion and Public Civilization,” Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku, Christian University Program Pascasarjana Magister Teologi, at the Pacific Hotel, Jalan Cendrawasih No. 8 Ambon May 3-5.
  • 2017 Presenting book Challenging Islamic Orthodoxy, at the Borobudur writers and cultural festival, Gandawyuha dan pencarian religiusitas agama-agama Nusantara/Gandawyuha and the search of Indonesian religions, at the Hotel Garuda Yogyakarta, November 23.
  • 2017 Chair at the session of “Diversity and religiosity, reinventing religious plurality in Indonesia and beyond“ at the AICIS, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, Jakarta, November 17-23.
  • 2017 “Why and How Identity Politics and Populism Reemerge in Current Globalized World?“ Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Indonesian Academy of Sciences – U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Ambon, July 19-21.
  • 2017 “Prophetic Movement and Pluralism” The first Summer School of the Faculty Development Fellowship: India, China and Indonesia, Hong Kong University, May 13-20.
  • 2015 “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Harmony in diversity): Exploring an indigenous theology of pluralism based on the roots of classical texts of NusantaraExploring” at AICIS International Conference on Islamic Studies, held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, Menado, Sulawesi, September 3-6.
  • 2015 “Epistimologi Barat dan Memunculkan Epistimologi Indonesia”, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, May 5.
  • 2015 “Epistimologi Barat dan Memunculkan Epistimologi Indonesia” bagian 2, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, May 19.

2014 “Plurality in Prophethood” Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University and Georg August University Gottingen, Yogyakarta, October 28-30.

  • 2014 The Hermenutical Principle of German Tradition Hans Georg Gadamer, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, November 25.
  • 2014 Fenomena berbagai kemunculan nabi palsu dan pergerakan nasional Nusantara, Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival, Magelang, November, 12-15.
  • 2012 “Plurality Denied: The Defeat of Pluralism Advocates in Indonesia during the Reformation Era” in Negotiating Diversity in Indonesia, School of Social Sciences, Management University, Singapore, November 5-6.
  • 2012 “Apostates in White Robe, Tales from Lia Eden’s Divine Kingdom and Paradise on Earth” Series Seminar, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, September 25.
  • 2012 “Islamic political thought in the wake of the Arab uprisings” Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, May 29.
  • 2012 “Indonesian prophets against colonialism” Indonesian Study Group, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, April 18.
  • 2012 “Eyes of Beholder: Victim’s Perspective of the 1965 Blashpemy Law in Indonesia” International Conference “Islam and Human Rights: Theories and Practices in Contemporary Indonesia” Centre for Islamic Studies Universitas Islam Indonesia, March 11-14.
  • 2011 “Religious People in the Non-religious State: The Voices of Two Indonesian Ulama and Their Christian Counterpart” presented at MUSLIM RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY IN CONTEMPORARY ASIA, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, NOVEMBER 24 – 25.
  • 2011 “Keualamaan, Kebangsaan, dan Kekinian: Catatan Kiprah Sosial Politik MUI di Indonesia/Scholarship, nationality, and contemporary issues: Note on the Ulema Council’s social and political role in Indonesia” Seminar Nasional MUI dalam Sorotan “Islamic Conference on MUI Studies” Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Jakarta 25 – 26 juli.
  • 2011 “Inter-religious harmony and multiculturalism education: A Study of A. Mukti Ali’s thoughts," Fourth International Indonesia Yale Forum, the Yogyakarta National University, 27-28 June.
  • 2011 “Pluralism in education, a study of Mukti Ali’s thought” the University of Muhammadiyah, Surakarta, May 5. A keynote speaker, with Bernard Adeney Rasikotta (The University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta) and Mark Woodward (the University of Arizona, USA), Muhammadiyah Surakarta University.
  • 2011 “Jejaring sutra, satu putus benang hancurlah seluruh sistem/A net of silk, if one threat is broken, the whole system is in peril” presented at the Dialog dengar pendapat tentang penanganan permasalahan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia tahun 2011/Dialogue and public hearing on the issue of Ahmadiyah’s case in Indonesia 2011, held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, in Jakarta, March 23.
  • 2010 “Reading Mukti Ali’s Text: Deconstructing an ‘old’ text with the message of inter-religious dialogue” Annual Conference on Islamic Studies (ACIS), held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, in Banjarmasin, November 1-4.
  • 2010 “Religious orthodoxy versus pluralism: The Indonesian public debate over the case of Lia Aminuddin, the founder of Salamaullah religious cult,” presented at the 3rd: Interdisciplinary Conference, International Yale Indonesia forum, Social Justice and Rule of Law: Addressing the growth of a Pluralist Indonesian Democracy, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia, July 14-15.
  • 2010 “The concept of God according to Umayyah b. Abi Salt,” presented at the congress of IKGF, International Consortium Dynamics in the History of Religions, Ruhr University Bochum, “Trading Religions: Formation, Transformation, and Cross-Cultural Exchanges between East and West” January 25.
  • 2009 “Umayya b. Abi Salt, a poet and prophet,” a colloquium lecture, IKGF, Ruhr University Bochum, November 23.
  • 2009 “Umayya b. Abi Salt on the world to come,” workshop on Stereological geographies, IKGF, Ruhr University Bochum, November 20.
  • 2009 “Transmitting the rival’s message: reading the poetry of Umayyah b. Abi Salt on the Noah’s ark,” presented at the workshop of Dynamiken der Religionsgeschichte: Historische und gegenwärtige Perspektiven, coordinated by the IKGF and DVRG (Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft), Ruhr University Bochum (September, 23).
  • 2009 “The fate of man according to Umayyah b. Abi Salt,” presented at the IKGF symposium on “Schicksal,” Ruhr University Bochum (September 10).
  • 2009 “Indonesian public responses to the cartoon controversy,” presented at the workshop of “Religion and globalization,” the IKGF, Ruhr University Bochum (September 8).
  • 2009 “The followers of Musaylimah and the Kharijite Najdiyyah”, presented at the Seminar für Orientalistik und Islamwissenschaften, Ruhr Universität, Bochum, Germany (13 May).
  • 2007 “Media Portrayals of Indonesian Public Sphere in Response to the Speech of Benedict XVI,” presented at the “Pluralism, Politics, and God”, an International Symposium on Religion and Public Reason, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (13-15 September). See http://www.newmancentre.org/pages/rationaltheism_files/page0001.html
  • 2004 “Fundamentalism and the State: Finding Possible Strategies to Fight Radical Islam in Indonesia” presented at the International Institute for Leadership (IAF), FNSt (Freidrich Neumann Stiftung), Seminar on Political Strategies: Fighting Fundamentalism III. Gummersbach, Cologne Germany (26 March-2 April).
  • 1999 “The Significance Meaning of Salih Versus Thamud for Sayyid Qutb in His Fi Zilal al-Qur’an,” presented at the session of “Revisiting Qur’anic Studies” Annual Meeting of MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America), Washington DC., USA (: (November 20-21).
  • 1999 “Soekarnno’s Syncretism: His Concept of Nationalism, Marxism, and Islam,” presented at the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, in Sherbrooke and Bishop University, Canada (June 5-6).
  • 1999 “Two Approaches [of Muhammad Abduh and Bint al-Shati] to the Historical Narratives of the Qur’an: the Case of Ad, Thamud, and Pharaoh Q. 89: 6-10,” in the session of “Implications and Interpretations,” presented at the Faculty Club of Concordia University, Montreal, Canada (June 5-6).
  • 1998 “Free Will Issues in Fakhr al-Din al-Razi’s and al-Zamakhshari’s Interpretations of Verses 17: 15 and 28: 59 of the Qur’an: A Comparison,” presented at the session of “Qur’anic Hermeneutics: Past and Present,” annual meeting of MESA (Middle East Studies Association of North America), Chicago, USA (December 4-5).
  • 1998 “The Influence of Zahiri Theory on Ibn Hazm’s Theology: The Case of His Interpretation of the Anthropomorphic Text ‘the Hand of God’,” presented at The Institute for Islamic and Judaic Studies, University of Denver, Colorado, USA (March 8-10).


Pidato Guru besar Al Makin https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329827467_BISAKAH_MENJADI_ILMUWAN_DI_INDONESIA

Book review

  • 2002 “Keberadaan Pemahaman Gadamer (On Gadamer’s Hermeneutic),” book review of Georgia Warnke’s Gadamer: Heremeneutics, Tradition and Reason, Stanford Univ. Press, 1987. Retorika vol. 2 (Januari-April), pp. 135-140.
  • 2006-2016 Published English Op-ed (Opinions and Editorials) regularly in The Jakarta Post compiled in book, Plurality, Theology, Patriotism: Critical Insights into Indonesia and Islam. Yogyakarta and Geneva, Switzerland: Suka Press and Globe Ethics (2017).

Published Op-ed (Opinions and Editorials) in Bahasa Indonesia in Republika, an Indonesian newspaper:

  • 2016 “Ketika Toleransi tak lagi Cukup” Jawa Post, January 28. See http://digital.jawapos.com/shared.php?type=imap&date=20160128&name=H4-A230258
  • 2010 “Kurban dan bantuan kemanusiaan” Kompas, November 16.
  • 2007 “Perspektif lain soal pembaruan Islam (Another perspective on the reform of Islam)” (Januari 19).
  • 2006 “Menghindari argumen sirkuler pluralisme (Avoiding the circular argument on pluralism),” (December 22).
  • 2006 “Kemenangan konservatisme global (The triumph of global conservatism)” (October 17).

Interviews and media coverage

  • 2019 Pluralisme Jaga Harmonisasi Berbangsa, Indopos, February 1.


  • 2018 Politik Identitas Jelang Pemilu, Al Makin: Menghilangkan Substansi Masalah Sebenarnya, Kajalangko.com November 14.


  • 2018 Sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia Belum Apresiatif dalam Keragaman, Media Indonesia, November 8.


  • 2018 Tantangan Indonesia Menjadi Wajah Islam Dunia, VOA, Juli 17.


  • 2018 Beban Administrasi Membelenggu Dosen dan Peneliti

Tribunjogja.com, November 12. https://jogja.tribunnews.com/2018/11/12/beban-administrasi-membelenggu-dosen-dan-peneliti.

  • 2018 Dosen Terbelenggu Administrasi, Kompas, November 7.


  • 2018 Al Makin: Sistem ASN Kurang Menjawab Kebutuhan Keilmuwan, Media Indonesia November 7.


  • 2018 Akademisi Indonesia Terbebani Aturan Administrasi, VOA November 8.


  • 2018 Guru Besar UIN Yogyakarta: Ilmuwan Kita Dibelenggu Birokrasi, Gatra, November 9.


  • 2018 Aku Membahas Proses Datangnya Kiamat Bersama Pengikut Lia Eden (Hanging With the Followers of a Doomsday Cult in Indonesia), by Arzia Tivany Wargadiredja, Vice April 11.

https://www.vice.com/id_id/article/evqm7a/aku-membahas-proses-datangnya-kiamat-bersama-pengikut-lia-eden https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/59jke3/hanging-out-with-the-followers-of-indonesias-self-proclaimed-doomsday-prophet

  • 2017 Harus Ada Revolusi Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama, Republika, July 23.


  • 2017 “Indonesia’s sentencing of ‘Son of God’ adds to alarm over crackdown” New York Times, 9 March. See:


Available at: http://afkar.numesir.org/index.php?pilih=news&mod=yes&aksi=lihat&id=71

  • 2007 “Tema Kenabian Saya Pesimis” (On the theme of Prophethood, I am rather Pessimistic), Jurnal Justisia (published by IAIN/State Institute of Islamic Studies Walisongo, Semarang) vol. 31, 16, pp. 54-59.
  • 2007 An Interview with Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (November 6): Dienstag Nr. 256/ Seite 12.
  • 2002 “Mati itu Hidup/Death is Life” an Interview with H. Anshori, a Javanese Muslim sufi leader, on the issues of death, Retorika vol. 1, no. 3 (November), pp. 51-59.

As an expert witness in court trials:

  • 2017 The court trial of Mushaddeq, Mahful Muis Tumanurung, and Andry Cahya, the leaders of Gafatar, a New Religious Movement, South Jakarta Court, January 30.
  • 2018 The Constitutional Court (MK) on blasphemy law 1965, proposed by Ahmadiyah group, MK Jakarta, January 10.

Video Youtube:

Managerial and administrative positions (experiences in working with and under International Fundings)

  • 2016 Head of Research and Community Engagement, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • 2015-present Head of research center UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
  • 2013 co-founder of Journal Portal of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, Moraref: https://moraref.kemenag.go.id
  • 2012-present Head/editor in chief International Journal Al Jamiah, indexed by Scopus, Pro-quest, Ebscho, Index Islamicus, Cross-ref, Google Scholar, Garuda, Moraref: https://aljamiah.or.id/index.php/AJIS
  • 2004-2005 Manager-project for “Promoting Democracy and Law Enforcement through positioning the roles and strengthening the members of DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/Local legislators) and empowering Civil society in making and implementing policies, and monitoring the process of formulating Local Regulation (Peraturan Daerah/Perda) and APBD (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah/Local Budgeting of Income and Expenditure),” with IRCOS (Institute for Research and Community Development Studies), Jakarta, under the sponsorship of European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), European Union.
  • 2004 Secretary of CRSD (Center for Religious and Social Diversity) of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta (2004-2005). The center has cultivated some projects in cooperation with the Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Beliefs, Norway. One of the workshops was “International Workshop on Equality and Plurality” in Yogyakarta (June).
  • 2003-2004 Secretary of PIC (Project Implementation Committee) Canada-Indonesia Social Equality Project, UIN Yogyakarta. The UIN-McGill Project was sponsored by the CIDA (Canadian International Agency) and the Department of Religious Affairs of Indonesia (MORA).
  • 2002-2003 Head/Director of LPIU (Local Project Implementing Unit) of Indonesia-Canada cooperation, IAIN/UIN-McGill Project under the sponsorship of CIDA, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga.
  • 2001-2002 Secretary of LPIU

Workshop and Training in Management

  • 2012 Leadership and Management at Higher Education in Indonesia, under the sponsorship of the USAID, Chemonics, and HELM project. Manila, Philippines, October 7-13.

Karya Buku

  • 2017 Plurality, Theology, Patriotism: Critical Insights into Indonesia and Islam. Yogyakarta and Geneva, Switzerland: Suka Press and Globe Ethics.
  • 2016 Challenging Islamic Orthodoxy, the Accounts of Lia Eden and Other Prophets in Indonesia. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • 2010 Representing the Enemy: Musaylima in Muslim Literature, Frankfurt, Bern, Oxford, New York, Peter Lang.
  • 2019 Membela Yang Lemah, Demi Bangsa dan Ilmu: Keragaman, Minoritas, Khilafah, Kapitalisme Agama dan Mazhab Yogya. Yogyakarta, Suka Press.
  • 2017 Nabi-Nabi Nusantara: Kisah Lia Eden dan lainnya. Yogyakarta, Suka Press.
  • 2016 Keragaman dan Perbedaan: Budaya dan Agama dalam Lintas Sejarah Manusia (Diversity and Difference: Culture and Religion in Human History) Yogyakarta: Suka Press.
  • 2015/2016 Antara Barat dan Timur: Melampui Jurang Masa Lalu untuk Meniti Jembatan Penghubung Barat dan Timur (Between West and East: To pass over the gap of the past to walk through the bridge connecting the West and East. Jakarta: Serambi (2015). Yogyakarta: Suka Press (2016)
  • 2006 Bunuh Sang Nabi: Kebenaran di Balik Pertarungan Setan Melawan Malaikat (Kill the Prophet: Truth behind the Struggle between Satan and Angel)." Jakarta: Hikmah, Mizan.
  • 2003 Nabi Palsu, Membuka Kembali Pintu Kenabian (A False Prophet, Opening the Gate of Prophethood) Yogyakarta/Indonesia: Ar-Ruzz.
  • 2002 Anti-Kesempurnaan, Membaca, Melihat dan Bertutur tentang Islam (Unfinished: Reading, Observing, and Telling about Islam). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.