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Pembicaraan Pengguna:Pierrewee

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WAM Address Collection - 1st reminder

Hi there. This is a reminder to fill the address collection. Sorry for the inconvenience if you did submit the form before. If you still wish to receive the postcard from Wikipedia Asian Month, please submit your postal mailing address via this Google form. This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems in accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email.

If you do not wish to share your personal information and do not want to receive the postcard, please let us know at WAM talk page so I will not keep sending reminders to you. Best, Sailesh Patnaik

Undangan diskusi

Undangan diskusi

Undangan diskusi 10

Undangan diskusi 11

Undangan diskusi Wikipedia:Daftar pilihan/Usulan/Audrey Hepburn pada layar dan panggung

Undangan diskusi 12

Undangan diskusi 15

Halaman sangha agung indonesia

Namo Buddhaya, Apakah boleh ikut periksa halaman sangha agung indonesia? Saya termasuk newbie, hanya ikut bantu menyunting beberapa artikel di wiki.

Terima kasih B. Jnanabhadra (bicara) 16 Agustus 2018 02.07 (UTC)Balas

Namo Buddhaya, Terima kasih sudah memeriksa halaman SAGIN. Nanti akan segera saya susulkan bagian referensi dari susunan pengurus. Mungkin akan saya sunting lagi, semoga berkenan bantu lihat dan kasih saran.

Salam metta, B. Jnanabhadra (bicara) 16 Agustus 2018 14.40 (UTC)Balas