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Dolopo, Madiun

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Revisi sejak 30 September 2022 03.33 oleh Pinaplee (bicara | kontrib) (penambahan peta)
Peta lokasi Kecamatan Dolopo
Peta lokasi Kecamatan Dolopo
Negara Indonesia
ProvinsiJawa Timur
 • CamatArik Krisdiananto S.STP
 • Total- jiwa
Kode Kemendagri35.19.02 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Kode BPS3519030 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Luas48,85 km²[1]

Dolopo adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Madiun, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Dolopo terletak di bagian selatan Kabupaten Madiun berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Ponorogo. Kecamatan ini berjarak 37 km dari ibukota kabupaten melalui Kota Madiun. Pusat pemerintahannya berada di desa Dolopo.

Batas wilayah

Batas-batas wilayahnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Utara Kecamatan Geger dan Kecamatan Dagangan
Timur Kecamatan Dagangan dan Kabupaten Ponorogo
Selatan Kabupaten Ponorogo
Barat Kecamatan Kebonsari

Desa/ kelurahan


Dolopo menjadi salah satu pusat perdagangan daerah Madiun bagian selatan, karena letaknya yang strategis yakni pertemuan dari empat penjuru, di timur daerah wisata Ngebel, Ponorogo, di barat daerah pertanian kecamatan Kebonsari, di utara ke arah kota Madiun dan ke selatan ke arah kota Ponorogo, maka memiliki sebuah pasar yang cukup besar dan ramai. Daerah ini juga dikenal sebagai pasar durian di Madiun dan sekitarnya, tetapi asal buah tersebut dari dari kecamatan Ngebel, kabupaten Ponorogo.


Dolopo dikenal sebagai daerah santri karena terdapat banyak pesantren desa. Dolopo telah memiliki sebuah SMA Negeri di Dolopo, 1 Madrasah Aliyah Negeri, 2 SMK di dolopo, 3 SMP Negeri di Bangunsari, Suluk, dan Dolopo dan 1 Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri di desa Doho.


Cerita dan Mitos

  • Pejabat Akan Lengser Jika Berkunjung Ke Situs Ngurawan

There used to be a beautiful princess who lived in Ngurawan Village named Putri Cacing because she was used to be a worm demon. One day, She met Sunan Kalijaga who was looking for ablution water and expressed her desire to become a human.

"I agreed to change you into human," Sunan Kalijaga stated, "but i have some condition that you need to accept."

"I will accept every condition you give." Agreed Putri Cacing.

"You must accept a proposal from one of the two Princes that would come and ask to marry you."

Putri Cacing was agreeing his condition, "I'm agree."

And so, Putri Cacing was became human.

However, when Majapahit Prince came to ask to marry her, ther Princess refused. Not only, the Prince also disappeared. They never returned to the kingdom.

Then, the King of Majapahit sent the Commander Tambakboyo to find out the whereabout of the two Princes. However, after meeting Putri Cacing, Tambakboyo did not find the two Princes. He was furious and then said out loud, "because of you did not fulfill the condition given, I'll turn you back into your demon form."

Feeling that he was failed to carry out the task, he was ashamed to return to Majapahit and chose to settle in Ngurawan as a commoner.

Then a messenger from Majapahit came, asking Tambakboyo to return to Majapahit. However, the request was rejected by him. Hearing report that Tambakboyo refused to return, The King was angry and sent an envoy of troops to forcibly pick up Tambakboyo. Tambakboyo was very angry eith this action and cursed, "Any royal official who is still looking for me in this area will be doomed!"

And so, the curses started. The curses that said any goverment official will face a misfortune after visiting Ngurawan.

Moral Value: We have to keep our promises and not avoid promises that we make.