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Miniseri adalah serial televisi yang menceritakan sebuah cerita dalam jumlah episode yang telah ditentukan dan terbatas. Banyak miniseri juga dapat disebut dan ditayangkan sebagai film televisi. "Seri terbatas" adalah istilah AS terkini yang terkadang digunakan secara bergantian. Pada tahun 2021, popularitas format miniseri meningkat baik di layanan streaming maupun jaringan televisi. Istilah "serial" digunakan di Inggris dan negara-negara persemakmuran lainnya untuk menggambarkan acara yang memiliki alur cerita naratif yang berkelanjutan, ketika "serial" digunakan untuk serangkaian episode dengan cara yang mirip dengan penggunaan "musim" di Amerika Utara.


Sebuah miniseri dibedakan dari serial televisi yang sedang berlangsung; yang terakhir ini biasanya tidak memiliki jumlah episode yang telah ditentukan dan dapat berlanjut selama beberapa tahun. Sebelum istilah ini diciptakan di AS pada awal tahun 1970an, bentuk episodik yang sedang berlangsung selalu disebut sebuah "serial", seperti sebuah novel yang muncul dalam episode-episode di edisi majalah atau surat kabar yang berurutan disebut sebagai sebuah serial. Di Inggris, miniseri sering masih disebut dengan serial.

Beberapa komentator telah memberikan definisi yang lebih tepat tentang istilah tersebut. Dalam Halliwell's Television Companion (1987), Leslie Halliwell dan Philip Purser menyarankan bahwa miniseri cenderung "muncul dalam empat hingga enam episode dengan durasi yang berbeda-beda"[1][2], ketika Stuart Cunningham dalam Textual Innovation in the Australian Historical Mini-series (1989) mendefinisikan miniseri sebagai "program terbatas yang terdiri lebih dari dua dan kurang dari 13 bagian musim atau blok setengah musim yang terkait dengan pemrograman serial atau seri".[1][3] With the proliferation of the format in the 1980s and 90s, television films broadcast over even two or three nights were commonly referred to as miniseries in the US.[4][5]

In Television: A History (1985), Francis Wheen points out a difference in character development between the two: "Both soap operas and primetime series cannot afford to allow their leading characters to develop, since the shows are made with the intention of running indefinitely. In a miniseries on the other hand, there is a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end (as in a conventional play or novel), enabling characters to change, mature, or die as the serial proceeds".[1][6]

In 2015, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences changed its guidelines on how Emmy nominees are classified, with shows with a limited run all referred to as "limited series" instead of "miniseries". This was a reversion to 1974, when the category was named "outstanding limited series". It had been changed to "outstanding miniseries" in 1986. Miniseries were put in the same category as made-for-television films from 2011 to 2014 before being given separate categories again.[7]

21st-century definitions

The Collins English Dictionary (online, as of 2021, UK) defines a miniseries as "a television programme in several parts that is shown on consecutive days or weeks for a short period; while Webster's New World College Dictionary's (4th ed., 2010, US) definition is "a TV drama or docudrama broadcast serially in a limited number of episodes".[8]

In popular usage, by around 2020, the boundaries between miniseries and limited series have become somewhat blurred; the format has been described as a series with "a self-contained narrative – whether three or 12 episodes long".[9]

  1. ^ a b c "Miniseries". Museum of Broadcast Communication. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 7 Juli 2015. Diakses tanggal 9 Maret 2015. 
  2. ^ Halliwell, Leslie, and Peter Purser, Halliwell's Television Companion, London: Paladin, 1987
  3. ^ Cunningham, Stuart. "Textual Innovation in the Australian Historical Mini-series", chapter in Australian Television: Programs, Pleasures and Politics, Sidney: Allen and Unwin, 1989
  4. ^ Corry, John (31 January 1986). "Joan Collins In Sins, A Mini-Series". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal 7 March 2015. 
  5. ^ Scott, Tony (16 October 1992). "Review: NBC Movie of the Week Danielle Steel's Jewels". Variety. Diakses tanggal 8 March 2015. 
  6. ^ Wheen, Francis; Television: A History, London: Century Publishing, 1985
  7. ^ Albiniak, Paige (25 May 2015). "Rule Changes Open Gates To More Hopefuls". Broadcasting Cable. Diakses tanggal 25 October 2021. 
  8. ^ "Miniseries definition and meaning". Collins English Dictionary. Diakses tanggal 25 October 2021. 
  9. ^ Davies, Hannah J. (2 June 2020). "Less! Less! Less!: How the miniseries took over TV". The Guardian. Diakses tanggal 25 October 2021.