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Indigofera australis
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Klad: Tracheophyta
Klad: Angiospermae
Klad: Eudikotil
Klad: Rosid

L., 1753
Spesies tipe
Indigofera tinctoria

Lihat teks

  • Acanthonotus Benth. (1849)
  • Amecarpus Benth. (1847)
  • Bremontiera DC. (1825)
  • Brissonia Neck. (1790), opus utique oppr.
  • Eleimanthus Hochst. (1846)
  • Elasmocarpus Hochst. ex Chiov. (1903 publ. 1902)
  • Hemispadon Endl. (1832)
  • Indigo Adans. (1763)
  • Oustropis G.Don (1832)
  • Sphaeridiophorum Desv. (1813)
  • Tricoilendus Raf. (1837)
  • Vaughania S.Moore (1920)

Indigofera atau rinu[3] adalah genus besar yang terdiri lebih dari 750 spesies tumbuhan berbunga[4] yang termasuk dalam keluarga kacang-kacangan (Fabaceae). Anggotanya tersebar luas di seluruh wilayah tropis dan subtropis di dunia.[2][4]

Daftar Spesies

Berikut merupakan daftar spesiesnya:[4][5][6][7][8]

Klad Palaeotropical

Indigofera bracteolata
Indigofera hilaris

Klad Pantropical

Indigofera astragalina
Indigofera australis
Indigofera decora
Indigofera hirsuta
Indigofera sanguinea
Indigofera suffruticosa

Klad Cape

Indigofera cytisoides

Klad Tethyan

Indigofera spicata
Indigofera cordifolia
Indigofera dalzellii
Indigofera linifolia
Indigofera trifoliata

Belum Ditetapkan dalam Klad Manapun

Indigofera aspalathoides
Indigofera basedowii
Indigofera comosa
Indigofera hendecaphylla
Indigofera micrantha
Indigofera monophylla
Indigofera szechuensis
Indigofera procumbens
Indigofera pseudotinctoria


  1. ^ Schrire BD. (2008). "The Madagascan genus Vaughania is reduced to synonymy under Indigofera (Leguminosae–Papilionoideae–Indigofereae)". Kew Bulletin. 63 (3): 477–479. doi:10.1007/s12225-008-9061-7. JSTOR 20649585. 
  2. ^ a b "Indigofera L". Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2023. Diakses tanggal 2 September 2023. 
  3. ^ "Statistik BTNGR - 2013 | PDF". Scribd. Diakses tanggal 2024-01-01. 
  4. ^ a b c Gao X, Schrire BD. "Indigofera L". Flora of China. eFloras (Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA). Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 
  5. ^ Schrire BD, Lavin M, Barker NP, Forest F. (2009). "Phylogeny of the tribe Indigofereae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae): Geographically structured more in succulent-rich and temperate settings than in grass-rich environments". Am J Bot. 96 (4): 816–52. doi:10.3732/ajb.0800185. PMID 21628237. 
  6. ^ "ILDIS LegumeWeb entry for Indigofera". International Legume Database & Information Service. Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 
  7. ^ USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. "GRIN species records of Indigofera". Germplasm Resources Information Network—(GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 
  8. ^ "The Plant List entry for Indigofera". The Plant List. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Missouri Botanical Garden. 2013. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 
  9. ^ English Names for Korean Native Plants (PDF). Pocheon: Korea National Arboretum. 2015. hlm. 497. ISBN 978-89-97450-98-5. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 25 May 2017. Diakses tanggal 19 December 2016 – via Korea Forest Service.