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Adam (bahasa Ibrani: אָדָם‎, ʼĀḏām, "dust; man; mankind"; bahasa Arab: آدم, ʼĀdam) and Eve (bahasa Ibrani: חַוָּה‎, Ḥawwā, "living one"; bahasa Arab: حواء, Ḥawwāʼ) were, according to the Book of Genesis of the Bible, the first man and woman created by God. The following is an outline of their descendants as presented in the Bible:

  • The number on each line denotes the generation number, starting at 1 for Adam:
  • The + m: indicates a marriage:
  • The ?: indicates a descendant in which the exact lineage is unknown, and thus the generation number is unknown:


[sunting | sunting sumber]
1. Adam[1]
+ m. Eve[2]
2. Cain[3]
3. Enoch[4]
4. Irad[5]
5. Mehujael[5]
6. Methushael[5]
7. Lamech[5]
+ m. Adah[6]
8. Jabal[7]
8. Jubal[8]
+ m. Zillah[6]
8. Tubal-Cain[9]
8. Naamah[9]
2. Abel[10]
2. Seth[11]
3. Enos[12]
4. Kenan[13]
5. Mahalalel[14]
6. Jared[15]
7. Enoch[16]
8. Methuselah[17]
9. Lamech[18]
10. Noah[19]
11. Shem[20]
12. Elam[21]
12. Asshur[21]
12. Arpachshad[21]
13. Shelah[22]
14. Eber[22]
15. Peleg[23]
16. Reu[24]
17. Serug[25]
18. Nahor[26]
19. Terah[27]
20. Abraham[28]
+ m. Sarah[29]
21. Isaac[30]
+ m. Rebekah[31]
22. Esau[32]
+ m. Judith[33]
+ m. Basemath[33]
+ m. Adah[34]
23. Eliphaz[35]
24. Teman1[36]
24. Omar[36]
24. Zepho[36]
24. Gatam[36]
24. Kenaz[36]
+ m. Timna[37]
24. Amalek[37]
+ m. Oholibamah[34]
23. Jeush[38]
23. Jalam[38]
23. Korah[38]
+ m. Basemath[39]
23. Reuel [35]
24. Nahath[40]
24. Zerah[40]
25. Jobab, King of Edom[41]
24. Shammah[40]
24. Mizzah[40]
22. Jacob[42]
+ m. Leah[43]
23. Reuben2[44]
24. Hanoch[45]
24. Pallu[45]
25. Eliab[46]
26. Dathan[47]
26. Abiram[47]
26. Nemuel[48]
24. Hezron[45]
24. Carmi[45]
24. Bohan[49]
23. Simeon3[50]
24. Jemuel[51]
24. Jamin[51]
24. Ohad[51]
24. Jakin[51]
24. Zohar[51]
24. Shaul[51]
23. Levi4[52]
24. Gershon[53]
25. Libni[54]
26. Jehath[55]
27. Zimmah[55]
28. Joah[56]
29. Iddo[56]
30. Zerah[56]
31. Jeatherai[56]
25. Shimei[54]
25. Jahath[57]
26. Shimei[58]
27. Zimmah[58]
28. Ethan [58]
29. Adaiah[59]
30. Zerah[59]
31. Ethni[59]
32. Malkijah[60]
33. Baaseiah[60]
34. Michael[60]
35. Shimea[61]
36. Berekiah[61]
37. Asaph[61]
38. Zikri[62]
39. Mika[62]
40. Mattaniah[62]
24. Kohath[53]
25. Amram[63]
+ m. Jochebed[64]
26. Aaron[64]
+ m. Elisheba[65]
27. Nadab[65]
27. Abihu[65]
27. Eleazar[65]
28. Phinehas[66]
29. Abishua[67]
30. Bukki[68]
31. Uzzi[68]
32. Zerahiah[69]
33. Meraioth[69]
34. Amariah[70]
35. Ahitub[70]
36. Zadok[71]
37. Ahimaaz[71]
38. Azariah[72]
39. Johanan[72]
40. Azariah[73]
41. Amariah[74]
42. Ahitub[74]
43. Zadok[75]
44. Shallum[75]
45. Hilkiah[76]
46. Azariah[76]
47. Seraiah[77]
48. Jehozadak[77]
27. Ithamar[65]
26. Moses[64]
+ m. Zipporah[78]
27. Gershom[79]
28. Jonathan[80]
27. Eliezer[81]
26. Miriam[82]
25. Izhar[63]
26. Korah[83]
27. Assir[84]
27. Elkanah[84]
27. Abiasaph[83]
27. Ebiasaph[85]
28. Assir[85]
29. Tahath[85]
30. Zephaniah[86]
31. Azariah[86]
32. Joel[86]
33. Elkanah[86]
34. Amasai[87]
35. Mahath[87]
36. Elkanah[87]
37. Zuph[87]
38. Toah[88]
39. Eliel[88]
40. Jeroham[88]
41. Elkanah[88]
42. Samuel[89]
43. Joel[89]
44. Heman[89]
45. Kore[90]
46. Shallum[90]
46. Meshelemiah[91]
47. Zechariah[92]
47. Jediael[92]
47. Zebadiah[92]
47. Jathniel[92]
47. Elam[93]
47. Jehohanan[93]
47. Eliehoenai[93]
26. Nepheg[83]
26. Zicri[83]
25. Hebron[63]
25. Uzziel[63]
26. Mishael[94]
26. Elzaphan[94]
26. Sithri[94]
25. Amminadab[95]
26. Korah[95]
27. Assir[95]
28. Elkanah[96]
29. Ebiasaph[96]
30. Assir[96]
31. Tahath[97]
32. Uriel[97]
33. Uzziah[97]
34. Shaul[97]
29. Amasai[98]
29. Ahimoth[98]
29. Elkanah[99]
30. Zophai[99]
31. Nahath[99]
32. Eliab[100]
33. Jeroham[100]
34. Elkanah[100]
35. Samuel[100]
36. Joel[101]
36. Abijah[101]
24. Merari5[53]
25. Mahli[102]
26. Libni[103]
27. Shimei[103]
28. Uzzah[103]
29. Shimea[104]
30. Haggiah[104]
31. Asaiah[104]
25. Mushi[102]
26. Mahli[105]
27. Shemer[106]
28. Bani[106]
29. Amzi[106]
30. Hilkiah[107]
31. Amaziah[107]
32. Hashabiah[107]
33. Malluch[108]
34. Abdi[108]
35. Kishi[108]
36. Ethan[108]
33. Azrikam[109]
34. Hasshub[109]
35. Shemaiah[109]
24. Jochebed[64]
23. Judah[110]
24. Er[111]
+ m. Tamar[112]
24. Onan[113]
+ m. Tamar[112]
24. Shelah[114]
25. Er[115]
26. Lecah[115]
25. Laadah[115]
26. Mareshah[115]
25. Jokim[116]
25. Men of Cozeba[116]
25. Joash[116]
25. Saraph[116]
+ m. Tamar[112]
24. Perez[117]
25. Hezron[118]
26. Jerahmeel[119]
27. Ram[119]
28. Maaz[120]
28. Jamin[120]
28. Eker[120]
27. Bunah[121]
27. Oren[121]
27. Ozem[121]
27. Ahijah[121]
+ m. Atarah[121]
27. Onam[121]
28. Shammai[122]
29. Nadab[122]
30. Seled[123]
30. Appaim[123]
31. Ishi[124]
32. Sheshan[124]
33. Ahlai[124]
33. Daughter[125]
+ m. Jarha[125]
34. Attai[125]
35. Nathan[126]
36. Zabad[126]
37. Ephlal[127]
38. Obed[127]
39. Jehu[128]
40. Azariah[128]
41. Helez[129]
42. Eleasah[129]
43. Sismai[130]
44. Shallum[130]
45. Jekamiah[131]
46. Elishaama[131]
32. Pelatiah[132]
32. Neariah[132]
32. Rephaiah[132]
32. Uzziel[132]
?. Zoheth[133]
?. Ben-Zoheth[133]
29. Abisur[122]
+ m. Abihail[134]
30. Ahban[134]
30. Molid[134]
28. Jada[122]
29. Jether[135]
29. Jonathan[135]
30. Peleth[136]
30. Zaza[136]
26. Ram[137]
27. Amminadab[138]
28. Nahshon[138]
29. Salmon[139]
30. Boaz[140]
+ m. Ruth[141]
31. Obed[140]
32. Jesse[142]
33. Eliab[143]
34. Abihail[144]
+ m. Jerimoth[144]
35. Mahalath[145]
+ m. Rehoboam, King of Judah[146]
33. Abinadab[143]
33. Shammah[143]
33. Shimeah[147]
34. Jonadab[147]
33. Nethanel[148]
33. Raddai[148]
33. Ozem[149]
33. David[142]
+ m. Michal[150]
+ m. Ahinoam of Jezreel[151]
34. Amnon[151]
+ m. Abigail[152]
34. Daniel[153]
34. Kileab[152]
+ m. Maacah[152]
34. Absalom[154]
34. Absalom[152]
34. Tamar[155]
34. Ibhar[156]
34. Elishua[156]
34. Nepheg[156]
34. Japhia[156]
34. Elishama[157]
34. Eliada[157]
34. Eliphelet[157]
34. Nogah[158]
+ m. Haggith[159]
34. Adonijah[159]
+ m. Abital[159]
34. Shephatiah[159]
+ m. Eglah[160]
34. Ithream[160]
+ m. Bathsheba[161]
34. Shammua[162]
34. Shobab[162]
34. Nathan[162]
35. Azariah[163]
35. Zabud[163]
34. Solomon, King of Judah and Israel[162]
+ m. Naamah[164]
35. Rehoboam, King of Judah[146]
+ m1. Mahalath[145]
36. Jeush[145]
36. Shemariah[145]
36. Zaham[145]
+ m2. Maakah[165]
36. Abijah, King of Judah[166]
37. Asa, King of Judah[167]
38. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah[168]
39. Jehoram, King of Judah[169]
+ m. Athaliah[170]
40. Ahaziah, King of Judah[171]
41. Joash, King of Judah[170]
42. Amaziah, King of Judah[172]
43. Azariah, King of Judah[173]
44. Jotham, King of Judah[174]
45. Ahaz, King of Judah[175]
46. Hezekiah, King of Judah[176]
47. Manasseh, King of Judah[177]
48. Amon, King of Judah[178]
49. Josiah, King of Judah[179]
50. Johanan[180]
50. Jehoiakim, King of Judah[181]
51. Jehoiachin, King of Judah[182]
52. Shealtiel[183]
52. Malkiram[184]
52. Pedaiah[184]
53. Zerubbabel[185]
53. Zerubbabel[186]
54. Abiud[186]
55. Eliakim[186]
56. Azor[186]
57. Zadok[186]
58. Achim[186]
59. Eliud[186]
60. Eleazar[186]
61. Matthan[186]
62. Yakub[186]
63. Jacob[186]
+ m. Mary
64. Jesus
54. Meshullam[185]
54. Hananiah[185]
55. Pelatiah[187]
55. Jeshaiah[187]
55. Rephaiah[187]
55. Arnan[187]
55. Obadiah[187]
55. Shecaniah[187]
56. Shemaiah[188]
56. Hattush[188]
56. Igal[188]
56. Bariah[188]
56. Neariah[188]
57. Elioenai[189]
58. Hodaviah[190]
58. Eliashib[190]
58. Pelaiah[190]
58. Akkub[190]
58. Johanan[190]
58. Delaiah[190]
58. Anani[190]
57. Hizkiah[189]
57. Azrikam[189]
56. Shaphat[188]
54. Shelomith[185]
55. Hashubah[191]
55. Ohel[191]
55. Berekiah[191]
55. Hasadiah[191]
55. Jushab-Hesed[191]
53. Shimei[185]
52. Shenazzar[184]
52. Jekamiah[184]
52. Hoshama[184]
52. Nedabiah[184]
50. Zedekiah, King of Judah[180]
50. Shallum[180]
40. Jehosheba[192]
36. Attai[165]
36. Ziza[165]
36. Shelomith[165]
33. Zeruiah[193]
34. Abishai[193]
34. Joab[193]
34. Asahel[193]
33. Abigail[193]
+ m. Jether[194]
34. Amasa[194]
26. Caleb[119]
27. Mesha[195]
28. Ziph[195]
29. Mareshah[195]
30. Hebron[195]
31. Korah[196]
31. Tappuah[196]
31. Rekem[196]
32. Shammai[197]
33. Maon[198]
34. Beth Zur[198]
31. Shema[196]
32. Raham[197]
33. Jorkeam[197]
27. Jesher[199]
27. Shobab[199]
27. Ardon[199]
+ m. Ephrath[200]
28. Hur[201]
29. Uri[201]
30. Bezalel[201]
29. Shobal[202]
30. Kiriath Jearim[202]
31. Ithrites[203]
31. Puthites[203]
31. Shumathites[203]
31. Mishraites[203]
?. Zorathites[203]
?. Eshtaolites[203]
30. Haroeh[204]
30. Manahathite[204]
30. Reaiah[205]
31. Jahath[205]
32. Ahumai[205]
32. Lahad[205]
29. Salma[206]
30. Bethlehem[206]
?. Netophathites[207]
?. Atroth Beth Joab[207]
?. Half the Manahathites[207]
?. Zorites[207]
?. Tirathites[208]
?. Shimeathites[208]
?. Sucathites[208]
29. Hareph[206]
30. Beth Gader[206]
?. Etam[209]
?. Jezreel[209]
?. Ishma[209]
?. Idbash[209]
?. Hazzelelponi[209]
?. Penuel[210]
?. Gedor[210]
?. Ezer[210]
?. Hushah[210]
+ m. Ephah[211]
27. Haran[211]
28. Gezez[211]
27. Moza[211]
27. Gezez[211]
+ m. Maacah[212]
27. Sheber[212]
27. Tirhanah[212]
27. Shaaph[213]
28. Madmannah[213]
27. Sheva[213]
28. Macbenah[213]
28. Gibea[213]
27. Acsah[213]
26. Segub[214]
27. Jair, Judge of Israel[215]
+ m. Abijah[216]
26. Ashhur[216]
27. Tekoa[216]
?. Jephunneh[217]
?. Caleb[217]
?. Acsah[218]
?. Iru[219]
?. Elah[219]
? Kenaz[219]
?. Naam[219]
25. Hamul[118]
?. Bani[220]
?. Imri[220]
?. Omri[220]
?. Ammihud[220]
?. Uthai[220]
24. Zerah[221]
25. Zimri[222]
26. Carmi[222]
27. Achan[222]
25. Ethan[223]
26. Azariah[224]
25. Heman[223]
25. Calcol[223]
25. Darda[223]
?. Jeuel[225]
?. Ashhur[226]
?. Tekoa[226]
+ m. Helah[226]
?. Zereth[227]
?. Zohar[227]
?. Ethnan[227]
?. Koz[228]
?. Anub[228]
?. Hazzobebah[228]
?. Harum[228]
?. Aharhel[228]
+ m. Naarah[226]
?. Ahuzzam[229]
?. Hepher[229]
?. Temeni[229]
?. Haahashtari[229]
?. Jabez[230]
?. Shuhah[231]
?. Kelub[231]
?. Mehir[231]
?. Eshton[231]
?. Beth Rapha[232]
?. Paseah[232]
?. Tehinnah[232]
?. Ir Nahash[232]
?. Kenaz[233]
?. Othniel, Judge of Israel[233]
?. Hathath[233]
?. Meonothai[233]
?. Ophrah[234]
?. Seraiah[233]
?. Joab[234]
?. Ge Harashim[234]
?. Jehallelel[235]
?. Ziph[235]
?. Ziphah[235]
?. Tiria[235]
?. Asarel[235]
?. Ezrah[236]
?. Jether[236]
?. Mered[236]
+ m. Bithiah, daughter of Pharaoh[237]
?. Miriam[236]
?. Shammai[236]
?. Ishbah[236]
?. Eshtemoa[236]
+ m. Unknown[237]
?. Jered[237]
?. Gedor[237]
?. Heber[237]
?. Soco[237]
?. Jekuthiel[237]
?. Zanoah[237]
?. Epher[236]
?. Jalon[236]
?. Hodiah's wife[238]
?. Unknown[238]
?. Keilah[238]
?. Unknown[238]
?. Eshtemoa[238]
?. Naham[238]
?. Shimon[133]
?. Amnon[133]
?. Rinnah[133]
?. Ben-Hanan[133]
?. Tilon[133]
23. Issachar[239]
24. Tola[240]
25. Uzzi[241]
26. Izrahiah[242]
27. Michael[242]
27. Obadiah[242]
27. Joel[242]
27. Isshiah[242]
25. Rephaiah[241]
25. Jeriel[241]
25. Jahmai[241]
25. Ibsam[241]
25. Samuel[241]
24. Puah[240]
24. Jashub[240]
24. Shimron[240]
?. Zuar[243]
?. Nethanel[243]
?. Joseph[244]
?. Igal[244]
?. Azzan[245]
?. Paltiel[245]
?. Dodo[246]
?. Puah[246]
?. Tola, Judge of Israel[246]
23. Zebulun[247]
24. Sered[248]
24. Elon[248]
24. Jahleel[248]
?. Helon[249]
?. Eliab[249]
?. Sodi[250]
?. Gaddiel[250]
?. Parnach[251]
?. Elizaphan[251]
23. Dinah[252]
+ m. Rachel[253]
23. Joseph[254]
+ m. Asenath[255]
24. Manasseh[255]
25. Makir[256]
26. Gilead[256]
27. Hepher[256]
28. Zelophehad[256]
29. Mahlah[256]
29. Noah[256]
29. Hoglah[256]
29. Milcah[256]
29. Tirzah[256]
26. Hammoleketh[257]
27. Ishhod[257]
27. Abiezer[257]
27. Mahlah[257]
+ m. Maacah[258]
26. Peresh[258]
27. Ulam)[258]
28. Bedan[259]
27. Rakem[258]
26. Sheresh[258]
25. Maacah[260]
25. Jair[261]
?. Pedahzur[262]
?. Gamaliel[262]
?. Susi[263]
?. Gaddi[263]
?. Ephod[264]
?. Hanniel[264]
?. Epher[265]
?. Ishi[265]
?. Eliel[265]
?. Azriel[265]
?. Jeremiah[265]
?. Hodaviah[265]
?. Jahdiel[265]
?. Asriel[266]
?. Shemida[267]
?. Ahian[267]
?. Shechem[267]
?. Likhi[267]
?. Aniam[267]
24. Ephraim[255]
25. Ezer[268]
25. Elead[268]
25. Beriah[269]
26. Sheerah[270]
26. Rephah[271]
27. Resheph[271]
28. Telah[271]
29. Tahan[271]
30. Ladan[272]
31. Ammihud[272]
32. Elishama[272]
33. Nun[273][274]
34. Joshua[273][274]
?. Ammihud[262]
?. Elishama[262]
?. Shiphtan[275]
?. Kemuel[275]
?. Zuph[276]
?. Tohu[276]
?. Elihu[276]
?. Jeroham[276]
?. Elkanah[276]
+ m. Hannah[277]
?. Samuel[278]
?. Nebat[279]
?. Jeroboam[279]
?. Nadab[280]
?. Shuthelah[281]
?. Bered[281]
?. Tahath[281]
?. Eleadah[281]
?. Tahath[281]
?. Zabad[281]
?. Shuthelah[281]
23. Benjamin[282]
24. Bela[283]
25. Ezbon[284]
25. Uzzi[284]
25. Uzziel[284]
25. Jerimoth[284]
25. Iri[284]
25. Addar[285]
25. Gera[285]
25. Abihud[285]
25. Abishua[286]
25. Naaman[286]
25. Ahoah[286]
25. Gera[287]
25. Shephuphan[287]
25. Huram[287]
24. Ashbel[283]
24. Aharah[288]
24. Nohah[289]
24. Rapha[289]
24. Beker[283]
25. Zemirah[290]
25. Joash[290]
25. Eliezer[290]
25. Elioenai[290]
25. Omri[290]
25. Jeremoth[290]
25. Abijah[290]
25. Anathoth[290]
25. Alemeth[290]
24. Gera[283]
24. Naaman[283]
24. Ehi[283]
24. Rosh[283]
24. Muppim[283]
24. Huppim[283]
24. Ard[283]
24. Jediael[291]
25. Bilhan[292]
26. Jeush[293]
26. Benjamin[293]
26. Ehud[293]
27. Naaman[294]
27. Ahijah[294]
27. Gera[294]
28. Uzza[294]
28. Ahihud[294]
26. Kenaanah[293]
26. Zethan[293]
26. Tarshish[293]
26. Ahishahar[293]
?. Gideoni[295]
?. Abidan[295]
?. Raphu[296]
?. Palti[296]
?. Kison[297]
?. Elidad[297]
?. Gera[298]
?. Ehud[298]
?. Naaman[294]
?. Ahijah[294]
?. Gera[294]
?. Uzza[294]
?. Ahihud[294]
?. Aphiah[299]
?. Becorath[299]
?. Zeror[299]
?. Abiel[299]
?. Kish[299]
?. Saul[300]
+ m. Ahinoam[301]
?. Jonathan[302]
?. Mephibosheth[303]
?. Mica[304]
?. Ishvi[150]
?. Malki-Shua[150]
?. Merab[150]
?. Michal[150]
?. Abinadab[305]
?. Ish-Bosheth[306]
?. Merab[307]
?. Ner[301]
?. Abner[301]
?. Shaharaim[308]
+ m. Hushim[308]
?. Abitub[309]
?. Elpaal[309]
?. Eber[310]
?. Misham[310]
?. Shemed[310]
?. Beriah[311]
?. Ahio[312]
?. Shashak[312]
?. Ishpan[313]
?. Eber[313]
?. Eliel[313]
?. Abdon[314]
?. Zicri[314]
?. Hanan[314]
?. Hananiah[315]
?. Elam[315]
?. Anthothijah[315]
?. Iphdeiah[316]
?. Penuel[316]
?. Jeremoth[312]
?. Zebadiah[317]
?. Arad[317]
?. Eder[317]
?. Michael[318]
?. Ishpah[318]
?. Joha[318]
?. Shema[311]
?. Zebadiah[319]
?. Meshullam[319]
?. Hizki[319]
?. Heber[319]
?. Ishmerai[320]
?. Izliah[320]
?. Jobab[320]
+ m. Baara[308]
+ m. Hodesh[321]
?. Jobab[321]
?. Zibia[321]
?. Mesha[321]
?. Malcam[321]
?. Jeuz[322]
?. Sakia[322]
?. Mirmah[322]
?. Shimei[323]
?. Jakim[324]
?. Zicri[324]
?. Zabdi[324]
?. Elienai[325]
?. Zillethai[325]
?. Eliel[325]
?. Adaiah[323]
?. Beraiah[323]
?. Shimrath[323]
?. Jeiel[326]
?. Gibeon[326]
+ m. Maacah[326]
?. Abdon[327]
?. Zur[327]
?. Kish[327]
?. Baal[327]
?. Ner[327]
?. Kish[328]
?. Saul[328]
?. Jonathan[328]
?. Merib-Baal[329]
?. Micah[329]
?. Pithon[330]
?. Melech[330]
?. Tarea[330]
?. Ahaz[330]
?. Jehoaddah[331]
?. Alemeth[331]
?. Azmaveth[331]
?. Jeziel[332]
?. Pelet[332]
?. Zimri[331]
?. Moza[331]
?. Binea[333]
?. Raphah[333]
?. Eleasah[333]
?. Azel[333]
?. Azrikam[334]
?. Bokeru[334]
?. Ishmael[334]
?. Sheariah[334]
?. Obadiah[334]
?. Hanan[334]
?. Eshek[335]
?. Ulam[335]
?. Jeush[335]
?. Eliphelet[335]
?. Malki-Shua[328]
?. Abinadab[328]
?. Esh-Baal[328]
?. Nadab[327]
?. Gedor[336]
?. Ahio[336]
?. Zeker[336]
?. Mikloth[337]
?. Shimeah[337]
?. Hassenuah[338]
?. Hodaviah[338]
?. Meshullam[338]
?. Sallu[338]
?. Jeroham[339]
?. Ibneiah[339]
?. Micri[339]
?. Uzzi[339]
?. Elah[339]
?. Ibnijah[339]
?. Reuel[339]
?. Shephatiah[339]
?. Meshullam[339]
+ m. Bilhah[340]
23. Dan[341]
24. Hushim[342]
?. Ahisamach[343]
?. Oholiab[343]
?. Ammishaddai[344]
?. Ahiezer[344]
?. Gemalli[345]
?. Ammiel[345]
?. Jogli[346]
?. Bukki[346]
23. Naphtali[347]
24. Jahziel[348]
24. Guni[348]
24. Jezer[348]
24. Shillem[348]
?. Enan[349]
?. Ahira[349]
?. Vophsi[350]
?. Nahbi[350]
?. Ammihud[351]
?. Pedahel[351]
+ m. Zilpah[347]
23. Gad[352]
24. Zephon[353]
24. Haggi[353]
24. Shuni[353]
24. Ezbon[353]
24. Eri[353]
24. Arodi[353]
24. Areli[353]
?. Deuel[354]
?. Eliasaph[354]
?. Maki[355]
?. Geuel[355]
?. Joel[356]
?. Shapham[356]
?. Janai[356]
?. Shaphat[356]
?. Buz[357]
?. Jahdo[357]
?. Jeshishai[357]
?. Michael[357]
?. Gilead[357]
?. Jaroah[357]
?. Huri[357]
?. Abihail[357]
?. Michael[358]
?. Meshullam[358]
?. Sheba[358]
?. Jorai[358]
?. Jacan[358]
?. Zia[358]
?. Eber[358]
?. Guni[359]
?. Abdiel[359]
?. Ahi[359]
23. Asher[360]
24. Imnah[361]
24. Ishvah[361]
24. Ishvi[361]
24. Beriah[361]
25. Heber[361]
26. Japhlet[362]
27. Pasach[363]
27. Bimhal[363]
27. Ashvath[363]
26. Shomer[362]
27. Ahi[364]
27. Rohgah[364]
27. Hubbah[364]
27. Aram[364]
26. Hotham[362]
26. Shua[362]
26. Helem[365]
27. Zophah[365]
28. Suah[366]
28. Harnepher[366]
28. Shual[366]
28. Beri[366]
28. Imrah[366]
28. Bezer[367]
28. Hod[367]
28. Shamma[367]
28. Shilshah[367]
28. Ithran[367]
28. Beera[367]
27. Imna (Bible)[365]
27. Shelesh[365]
27. Amal[365]
25. Malkiel[361]
26. Birzaith[368]
24. Serah[361]
?. Ocran[369]
?. Pagiel[369]
?. Michael[370]
?. Sethur[370]
?. Shelomi[371]
?. Ahihud[371]
?. Jether[372]
?. Jephunneh[372]
?. Pispah[372]
?. Ara[372]
?. Ulla[373]
?. Arah[373]
?. Hanniel[373]
?. Rizia[373]
+ m. Hagar[374]
21. Ishmael[375]
22. Nebaioth[376]
22. Kedar[376]
22. Adbeel[376]
22. Mibsam[376]
22. Mishma[377]
22. Dumah[377]
22. Massa[377]
22. Hadad[378]
22. Tema[378]
22. Jetur[378]
22. Naphish[378]
22. Kedemah[378]
22. Basemath[39]
+ m. Keturah[379]
21. Zimran[380]
21. Jokshan[380]
22. Sheba[381]
22. Dedan[381]
23. Asshurites[381]
23. Letushites[381]
23. Leummites[381]
21. Medan[380]
21. Midian[380]
22. Ephah[382]
22. Epher[382]
22. Hanoch[382]
22. Abida[382]
22. Eldaah[382]
21. Ishbak[380]
21. Shuah[380]
20. Nahor[28]
+ m. Milcah[29]
21. Uz[383]
21. Buz[383]
21. Kemuel[383]
22. Aram[383]
21. Kesed[384]
21. Hazo[384]
21. Pildash[384]
21. Jidlaph[384]
21. Bethuel[384]
22. Rebekah[31]
22. Laban[385]
23. Leah[43]
23. Rachel[253]
+ m. Reumah[386]
21. Tebah[386]
21. Gaham[386]
21. Tahash[386]
21. Maacah[386]
20. Haran[28]
21. Lot[387]
22. Older daughter[388]
22. Younger daughter[388]
+ m. Older daughter[388]
22. Moab[389]
23. Moabites[389]
+ m. Younger daughter[388]
22. Ben-Ammi[390]
23. Ammonites[390]
21. Milcah[29]
21. Iscah[29]
20. Sarah[29]
15. Joktan[23]
16. Almodad[391]
16. Sheleph[391]
16. Hazarmaveth[391]
16. Jerah[391]
16. Hadoram[392]
16. Uzal[392]
16. Diklah[392]
16. Obal[393]
16. Abimael[393]
16. Sheba[393]
16. Ophir[394]
16. Havilah[394]
16. Jobab[394]
12. Lud[21]
12. Aram[21]
13. Uz[395]
13. Hul[395]
13. Gether[395]
13. Meshech[395]
11. Ham[20]
12. Cush[396]
13. Seba[397]
13. Havilah[397]
13. Sabtah[397]
13. Raamah[397]
14. Sheba[397]
14. Dedan[397]
13. Sabteca[397]
13. Nimrod[398]
12. Mizraim[396]
13. Ludites[399]
13. Anamites[399]
13. Lehabites[399]
13. Naphtuhites[399]
13. Pathrusites[400]
13. Casluhites[400]
14. Philistines[400]
13. Caphtorites[400]
12. Put[396]
12. Canaan6[396]
13. Sidon[401]
13. Hittites7[401]
13. Jebusites[402]
13. Amorites[402]
13. Girgashites[402]
13. Hivites8[403]
13. Arkites[403]
13. Sinites[403]
13. Arvadites[404]
13. Zemarites[404]
13. Hamathites[404]
11. Japheth[20]
12. Gomer[405]
13. Ashkenaz[406]
13. Riphath[406]
13. Togarmah[406]
12. Magog[405]
12. Madai[405]
12. Javan[405]
13. Elishah[407]
13. Tarshish[407]
13. Kittim[407]
13. Rodanim[407]
12. Tubal[405]
12. Meshech[405]
12. Tiras[405]
13. Jesus


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Genesis
  2. ^ Genesis 3:20
  3. ^ Genesis 4:1
  4. ^ Genesis 4:17
  5. ^ a b c d Genesis 4:18
  6. ^ a b Genesis 4:19
  7. ^ Genesis 4:20
  8. ^ Genesis 4:21
  9. ^ a b Genesis 4:22
  10. ^ Genesis 4:2
  11. ^ Genesis 4:25
  12. ^ Genesis 4:26
  13. ^ Genesis 5:9
  14. ^ Genesis 5:12
  15. ^ Genesis 5:15
  16. ^ Genesis 5:18
  17. ^ Genesis 5:21
  18. ^ Genesis 5:25
  19. ^ Genesis 5:29
  20. ^ a b c Genesis 4:32
  21. ^ a b c d e Genesis 10:22
  22. ^ a b Genesis 10:24
  23. ^ a b Genesis 10:25
  24. ^ Genesis 11:18
  25. ^ Genesis 11:20
  26. ^ Genesis 11:22
  27. ^ Genesis 11:24
  28. ^ a b c Genesis 11:26
  29. ^ a b c d e Genesis 11:29
  30. ^ Genesis 21:3
  31. ^ a b Genesis 22:23
  32. ^ Genesis 25:25
  33. ^ a b Genesis 26:34
  34. ^ a b Genesis 36:2
  35. ^ a b Genesis 36:4
  36. ^ a b c d e Genesis 36:11
  37. ^ a b Genesis 36:12
  38. ^ a b c Genesis 36:5
  39. ^ a b Genesis 36:3
  40. ^ a b c d Genesis 36:13
  41. ^ Genesis 36:33
  42. ^ Genesis 25:26
  43. ^ a b Genesis 29:16
  44. ^ Genesis 29:32
  45. ^ a b c d Genesis 46:9
  46. ^ Numbers 26:8
  47. ^ a b Numbers 16:1
  48. ^ Numbers 26:9
  49. ^ Joshua 15:6
  50. ^ Genesis 29:33
  51. ^ a b c d e f Genesis 46:10
  52. ^ Genesis 29:34
  53. ^ a b c Genesis 46:11
  54. ^ a b Exodus 6:17
  55. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:20
  56. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:21
  57. ^ 1 Chronicles 6:43
  58. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:42
  59. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:41
  60. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:40
  61. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:39
  62. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 9:15
  63. ^ a b c d Exodus 6:18
  64. ^ a b c d Exodus 6:20
  65. ^ a b c d e Exodus 6:23
  66. ^ Exodus 6:25
  67. ^ 1 Chronicles 6:4
  68. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:5
  69. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:6
  70. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:7
  71. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:8
  72. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:9
  73. ^ 1 Chronicles 6:10
  74. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:11
  75. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:12
  76. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:13
  77. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:14
  78. ^ Exodus 2:21
  79. ^ Exodus 2:22
  80. ^ Judges 18:30
  81. ^ Exodus 18:4
  82. ^ Exodus 15:20
  83. ^ a b c d Exodus 6:21
  84. ^ a b Exodus 6:24
  85. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:37
  86. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:36
  87. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:35
  88. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:34
  89. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:33
  90. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 9:19
  91. ^ 1 Chronicles 26:1
  92. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 26:2
  93. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 26:3
  94. ^ a b c Exodus 6:22
  95. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:22
  96. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:23
  97. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:24
  98. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:25
  99. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:26
  100. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:27
  101. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 6:28
  102. ^ a b Exodus 6:19
  103. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:29
  104. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:30
  105. ^ 1 Chronicles 6:47
  106. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:46
  107. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 6:45
  108. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 6:44
  109. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 9:14"
  110. ^ Genesis 29:35
  111. ^ Genesis 38:3
  112. ^ a b c Genesis 38:6
  113. ^ Genesis 38:4
  114. ^ Genesis 38:5
  115. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:21
  116. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:22
  117. ^ Genesis 38:29
  118. ^ a b Genesis 46:12
  119. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:9
  120. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:27
  121. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 2:25
  122. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 2:28
  123. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:30
  124. ^ a b c Chronicles 2:31
  125. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:35
  126. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:36
  127. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:37
  128. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:38
  129. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:39
  130. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:40
  131. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:41
  132. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:42
  133. ^ a b c d e f g 1 Chronicles 4:20
  134. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:29
  135. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:32
  136. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:33
  137. ^ Ruth 4:19
  138. ^ a b Numbers 1:7
  139. ^ Ruth 4:20
  140. ^ a b Ruth 4:21
  141. ^ Ruth 4:13
  142. ^ a b Ruth 4:22
  143. ^ a b c 1 Samuel 17:13
  144. ^ a b 2 Chronicles 11:18
  145. ^ a b c d e 2 Chronicles 11:19
  146. ^ a b 1 Kings 11:43
  147. ^ a b 2 Samuel 13:3
  148. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:14
  149. ^ 1 Chronicles 2:15
  150. ^ a b c d e 1 Samuel 14:49
  151. ^ a b 2 Samuel 3:2
  152. ^ a b c d 2 Samuel 3:3
  153. ^ 1 Chronicles 3:1
  154. ^ 1 Chronicles 3:2
  155. ^ 2 Samuel 13:1
  156. ^ a b c d 2 Samuel 5:15
  157. ^ a b c 2 Samuel 5:16
  158. ^ 1 Chronicles 3:7
  159. ^ a b c d 2 Samuel 3:4
  160. ^ a b 2 Samuel 3:5
  161. ^ 1 Chronicles 3:5
  162. ^ a b c d 2 Samuel 3:14
  163. ^ a b 1 Kings 4:5
  164. ^ 1 Kings 14:21
  165. ^ a b c d 2 Chronicles 11:20
  166. ^ 1 Kings 14:31
  167. ^ 1 Kings 15:9
  168. ^ 1 Kings 15:24
  169. ^ 2 Kings 8:16
  170. ^ a b 2 Kings 11:1
  171. ^ 2 Kings 8:24
  172. ^ 2 Kings 14:13
  173. ^ 2 Kings 15:1
  174. ^ 2 Kings 15:5
  175. ^ 2 Kings 15:38
  176. ^ 2 Kings 18:1
  177. ^ 2 Kings 20:21
  178. ^ 2 Kings 21:18
  179. ^ 2 Kings 21:24
  180. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 3:15
  181. ^ 2 Kings 23:34
  182. ^ 2 Kings 24:6
  183. ^ 1 Chronicles 3:17
  184. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 3:18
  185. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 3:19
  186. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Matthew 1:1-17
  187. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 3:21
  188. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 3:22
  189. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 3:23
  190. ^ a b c d e f g 1 Chronicles 3:24
  191. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 3:20
  192. ^ 2 Kings 11:2
  193. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 2:16
  194. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:17
  195. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 2:42
  196. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 2:43
  197. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:44
  198. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:45
  199. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:18
  200. ^ 1 Chronicles 2:19
  201. ^ a b c Exodus 31:2
  202. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:50
  203. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 2:53
  204. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 2:52
  205. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:2
  206. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 2:51
  207. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 2:54
  208. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:55
  209. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 4:3
  210. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:4
  211. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 2:46
  212. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:48
  213. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 2:49
  214. ^ 1 Chronicles 2:21
  215. ^ 1 Chronicles 2:22
  216. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 2:24
  217. ^ a b Numbers 13:6
  218. ^ Joshua 15:7
  219. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:15
  220. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 9:4
  221. ^ Genesis 38:30
  222. ^ a b c Joshua 7:1
  223. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 2:6
  224. ^ 1 Chronicles 2:8
  225. ^ 1 Chronicles 9:6
  226. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:5
  227. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 4:7
  228. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 4:8
  229. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:6
  230. ^ 1 Chronicles 4:9
  231. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:11
  232. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 4:12
  233. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 4:13
  234. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 4:14
  235. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 4:16
  236. ^ a b c d e f g h i 1 Chronicles 4:17
  237. ^ a b c d e f g h 1 Chronicles 4:18
  238. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 4:19
  239. ^ Genesis 30:18
  240. ^ a b c d Genesis 46:13
  241. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 7:2
  242. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 7:3
  243. ^ a b Numbers 1:8
  244. ^ a b Numbers 13:
  245. ^ a b Numbers 34:26
  246. ^ a b c Judges 10:1
  247. ^ Genesis 30:20
  248. ^ a b c Genesis 46:14
  249. ^ a b Numbers 1:9
  250. ^ a b Numbers 13:10
  251. ^ a b Numbers 34:25
  252. ^ Genesis 30:21
  253. ^ a b Genesis 29:6
  254. ^ Genesis 30:24
  255. ^ a b c Genesis 46:20
  256. ^ a b c d e f g h i Numbers 27:1
  257. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 7:18
  258. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 7:16
  259. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:17
  260. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:15
  261. ^ 1 Kings 4:13
  262. ^ a b c d Numbers 1:10
  263. ^ a b Numbers 13:11
  264. ^ a b Numbers 34:23
  265. ^ a b c d e f g 1 Chronicles 5:24
  266. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:14
  267. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 7:19
  268. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 7:21
  269. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:23
  270. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:24
  271. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 7:25
  272. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 7:26
  273. ^ a b Numbers 13:8
  274. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 7:27
  275. ^ a b Numbers 34:24
  276. ^ a b c d e 1 Samuel 1:1
  277. ^ 1 Samuel 1:8
  278. ^ 1 Samuel 1:20
  279. ^ a b 1 Kings 11:26
  280. ^ 1 Kings 14:20
  281. ^ a b c d e f g 1 Chronicles 7:20
  282. ^ Genesis 35:18
  283. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Genesis 46:21
  284. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 7:7
  285. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:3
  286. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:4
  287. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:5
  288. ^ 1 Chronicles 8:1
  289. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 8:2
  290. ^ a b c d e f g h i 1 Chronicles 7:8
  291. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:6
  292. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:10
  293. ^ a b c d e f g 1 Chronicles 7:11
  294. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 1 Chronicles 8:7
  295. ^ a b Numbers 1:11
  296. ^ a b Numbers 13:9
  297. ^ a b Numbers 34:21
  298. ^ a b Judges 3:15
  299. ^ a b c d e 1 Samuel 9:1
  300. ^ 1 Samuel 9:2
  301. ^ a b c 1 Samuel 14:50
  302. ^ 1 Samuel 13:16
  303. ^ 2 Samuel 4:4
  304. ^ 2 Samuel 9:12
  305. ^ 1 Samuel 31:2
  306. ^ 2 Samuel 2:8
  307. ^ 2 Samuel 21:8
  308. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:8
  309. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 8:11
  310. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:12
  311. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 8:13
  312. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:14
  313. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:22
  314. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:23
  315. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:24
  316. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 8:25
  317. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:15
  318. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:16
  319. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 8:17
  320. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:18
  321. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 8:9
  322. ^ a b c Chronicles 8:10
  323. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 8:21
  324. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:19
  325. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:20
  326. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:29
  327. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 8:30
  328. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 8:33
  329. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 8:34
  330. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 8:35
  331. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 8:36
  332. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 12:3
  333. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 8:37
  334. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 8:38
  335. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 8:39
  336. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 8:31
  337. ^ a b 1 Chronicles 8:32
  338. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 9:7
  339. ^ a b c d e f g h i 1 Chronicles 9:8
  340. ^ Genesis 30:4
  341. ^ Genesis 30:6
  342. ^ Genesis 46:23
  343. ^ a b Exodus 31:6
  344. ^ a b Numbers 1:12
  345. ^ a b Numbers 13:12
  346. ^ a b Numbers 34:22
  347. ^ a b Genesis 30:8
  348. ^ a b c d Genesis 46:24
  349. ^ a b Numbers 1:15
  350. ^ a b Numbers 13:14
  351. ^ a b Numbers 34:28
  352. ^ Genesis 30:11
  353. ^ a b c d e f g Genesis 46:16
  354. ^ a b Numbers 1:14
  355. ^ a b Numbers 13:15
  356. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 5:12
  357. ^ a b c d e f g h 1 Chronicles 5:14
  358. ^ a b c d e f g 1 Chronicles 5:13
  359. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 5:15
  360. ^ Genesis 30:13
  361. ^ a b c d e f g Genesis 46:17
  362. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 7:32
  363. ^ a b c 1 Chronicles 7:33
  364. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 7:34
  365. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 7:35
  366. ^ a b c d e 1 Chronicles 7:36
  367. ^ a b c d e f 1 Chronicles 7:37
  368. ^ 1 Chronicles 7:31
  369. ^ a b Numbers 1:13
  370. ^ a b Numbers 13:1
  371. ^ a b Numbers 34:27
  372. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 7:38
  373. ^ a b c d 1 Chronicles 7:39
  374. ^ Genesis 16:3
  375. ^ Genesis 16:15
  376. ^ a b c d Genesis 25:13
  377. ^ a b c Genesis 25:14
  378. ^ a b c d e Genesis 25:15
  379. ^ Genesis 25:1
  380. ^ a b c d e f Genesis 25:2
  381. ^ a b c d e Genesis 25:3
  382. ^ a b c d e Genesis 25:4
  383. ^ a b c d Genesis 22:21
  384. ^ a b c d e Genesis 22:22
  385. ^ Genesis 24:29
  386. ^ a b c d e Genesis 22:24
  387. ^ Genesis 11:27
  388. ^ a b c d Genesis 19:8
  389. ^ a b Genesis 19:37
  390. ^ a b Genesis 19:38
  391. ^ a b c d Genesis 10:26
  392. ^ a b c Genesis 10:27
  393. ^ a b c Genesis 10:28
  394. ^ a b c Genesis 10:29
  395. ^ a b c d Genesis 10:23
  396. ^ a b c d Genesis 10:6
  397. ^ a b c d e f g Genesis 10:7
  398. ^ Genesis 10:8
  399. ^ a b c d Genesis 10:13
  400. ^ a b c d Genesis 10:14
  401. ^ a b Genesis 10:15
  402. ^ a b c Genesis 10:16
  403. ^ a b c Genesis 10:17
  404. ^ a b c Genesis 10:18
  405. ^ a b c d e f g Genesis 10:2
  406. ^ a b c Gemesis 10:3
  407. ^ a b c d Genesis 10:4