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(65 revisi perantara oleh 38 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 2: Baris 2:
| color = lightgreen
| color = lightgreen
| name = Chlorella
| name = Chlorella
| image = Chlorella regularis.jpg
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[Ganggang|Chlorophyta]]
| image_caption = [[Chorella regularis]]
| image_width = 220px
| classis = [[Ganggang hijau|Chlorophyceae]]
| regnum = [[Protista]]
| divisio = [[Chlorophyta]]
| classis = [[Chlorophyceae]]
| ordo = [[chlorococcales]]
| ordo = [[chlorococcales]]
| familia = [[Oocystaceae]]
| familia = [[Oocystaceae]]
Baris 13: Baris 16:

'''Chlorella''' adalah [[genus]] [[ganggang hijau]] ber[[sel]] tunggal yang hidup di air tawar, [[laut]], dan tempat basah. [[Ganggang]] ini memiliki tubuh seperti bola. Di dalam tubuhnya terdapat [[kloroplas]] berbentuk mangkuk. Perkembangbiakannya terjadi secara vegetatif dengan membelah diri. Setiap selnya mampu membelah diri dan menghasilkan empat sel baru yang tidak mempunyai [[flagel]]. Ganggang ini sering digunakan di [[laboratorium]] untuk penyelidikan [[fotosintesis]]. Karena sifatnya yang unik, para ahli berpendapat bahwa Chlorella dapat ikut mengatasi kebutuhan pangan manusia di masa yang akan datang.
'''Chlorella''' adalah [[genus]] [[mikroalga]] atau [[ganggang hijau]] ber[[sel]] tunggal yang hidup di air tawar, [[laut]], dan tempat basah.<ref name="kawaroe">Kawaroe M, Prartono T, Sunuddin A, Sari DW, Augustine D. 2010. "Mikroalga: potensi dan pemanfaatannya untuk produksi bio bahan bakar". Bogor: PT Penerbit IPB Press.</ref> [[Ganggang]] ini memiliki tubuh seperti bola.{{fact}} Di dalam tubuhnya terdapat [[kloroplas]] berbentuk mangkuk.{{fact}} Perkembangbiakannya terjadi secara vegetatif dengan membelah diri.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Ratna|first=Dewi|date=25 Maret 2016|title=Kenali Chlorococcum dan Chlamydomonas - ganggang hijau unik|url=https://www.merdeka.com/pendidikan/kenali-chlorococcum-dan-chlamydomonas-ganggang-hijau-unik.html|website=www.merdeka.com|access-date=22 Desember 2022}}</ref> Setiap selnya mampu membelah diri dan menghasilkan empat sel baru yang tidak mempunyai [[flagel]].{{fact}} Ganggang ini sering digunakan di [[laboratorium]] untuk penyelidikan [[fotosintesis]].{{fact}} Karena sifatnya yang unik, para ahli berpendapat bahwa Chlorella dapat ikut mengatasi kebutuhan pangan manusia pada masa yang akan datang.<ref>Belasco, Warren. "Algae Burgers for a Hungry World? The Rise and Fall of Chlorella Cuisine". ''Technology and Culture'', Vol. 38 No. 3, hlm 608-634

== Struktur ==
'''Chlorella''' is a [[genus]] of single-[[Cell (biology)|celled]] green [[algae]], belonging to the phylum [[Chlorophyta]]. It is spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 [[Metre#SI prefixes applied to the metre|μm]] in diameter, and is without [[flagella]]. ''Chlorella'' contains the green photosynthetic pigments [[chlorophyll]]-a and -b in its [[chloroplast]]. Through [[photosynthesis]] it multiplies rapidly requiring only [[carbon dioxide]], [[water]], [[sunlight]], and a small amount of [[mineral]]s to reproduce.
=== Secara Umum ===
Chlorella merupakan [[mikroorganisme]] yang termasuk dalam filum [[Chlorophyta]] atau yang sering kita kenal sebagai [[alga hijau]].<ref name="kawaroe"/> Mikroalga jenis ''Chlorella'' spp. berwarna hijau, pergerakannya tidak motil dan struktur tubuhnya tidak memiliki [[flagel]].<ref name="kawaroe"/> Selnya berbentuk bola berukuran sedang dengan diameter 2-10 μm, bergantung pada spesiesnya, dengan [[kloroplas]] berbentuk seperti cangkir.<ref name="kawaroe"/> Alga hijau memiliki struktur yang hampir sama dengan [[tumbuhan]], salah satunya ialah [[dinding sel]]nya. Chlorella juga mempunyai dinding sel yang tersusun atas [[selulosa]].<ref>{{Cite web|last=atap|date=2020-04-26|title=Tumbuhan Ganggang: Pengertian, Ciri, Klasifikasi dan Manfaat|url=https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/ganggang/|website=Gramedia Literasi|language=id-ID|access-date=2022-06-05}}</ref>

=== Struktur Khusus ===
The name ''Chlorella'' is taken from the [[Greek language|Greek]] word ''chloros'' meaning green and the [[Latin]] diminutive suffix ''ella'' meaning "small". The [[Germany|German]] [[biochemist]] [[Otto Heinrich Warburg]] received the [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]] in 1931 for his study on photosynthesis in ''Chlorella''. In [[1961]] [[Melvin Calvin]] of the [[University of California]] received the [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry]] for his research on the pathways of carbon dioxide assimilation in [[plant]]s using ''Chlorella''. In recent years researchers have made less use of ''Chlorella'' as an [[Model organism|experimental organism]] because it lacks a [[Biological life cycle|sexual cycle]] and, therefore, the research advantages of [[genetics]] are unavailable.
Selain tersusun atas selulosa, beberapa [[spesies]] chlorella mempunyai dinding sel yang juga tersusun atas [[sporopollenin]].<ref>{{cite journal
| author = Rahat M, Reich V
| year = 1985
| month =
| title = Correlation between characteristic of some free-living Chlorella sp. And their ability to form stable symbioses with Hydra viridis
| journal = J. Cell Sci
| volume = 71
| issue =
| pages = 257-266
| doi =
| id =
| url = http://jcs.biologists.org/cgi/reprint/74/1/257.pdf
| format = pdf
| accessdate =
}}</ref> Sporopollenin juga terdapat pada [[spora]] dan [[serbuk sari]] yang merupakan suatu [[biopolimer]] dari [[karotenoid]] yang mempunyai kemampuan [[resisten]] yang luar biasa terhadap [[degradasi]] oleh [[enzim]] atau [[reagen]]-reagen [[kimia]] yang kuat.<ref name=zagarese>{{citation
|title=UV Effects in Aquatic Organism and Ecosystems
|publisher=Royal Society of Chemistry
|isbn=0-85404-301-2}} ({{google books with page|45pupaUl_jUC|lihat|332|zagarese+UV+Effects+in+Aquatic+Organism+and+Ecosystems}})

Selain mempunyai kemampuan resisten yang sangat kuat, sporopollenin ini juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk meng[[adsorpsi]] [[ion logam]] dari suatu [[larutan]] membentuk kompleks logam dengan [[ligan]].<ref>{{cite journal
Many people believed that ''Chlorella'' could serve as a potential source of food and energy because its [[photosynthetic efficiency]] can theoretically reach 8%,<ref>I.Zelitch, Photosynthesis, Photorespiration and Plant Productivity, Academic Press, 1971, p.275</ref> this is comparable with other highly efficient crops such as sugar cane. It is also an attractive food source because it is high in [[protein]] and other essential nutrients; when dried, it is about 45% [[protein]], 20% [[fat]], 20% [[carbohydrate]], 5% fiber, and 10% minerals and [[vitamin]]s. However, because it is a single-celled algae, harvest posed practical difficulties for its large-scale use as a food source. Mass production methods are now being used to cultivate it in large artificial circular ponds.
| author = Pehlivan E,Ersoz M, Pehlivan M,Yildiz S,Duncan HJ
| year = 1995
| month =
| title = The effect of pH and temperature on the sorption of zinc(II), cadmium(II), and aluminum(III) onto new metal-ligand complexes of sporopollenin
| journal = J Coll Inter Sci
| volume = 170
| issue =
| pages = 320-325
| doi =
| id =
| url = http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WHR-45PTP49-19&_user=10&_coverDate=03/15/1995&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1285165073&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=70dd1858147dbc71cec9da85f7674a72
| format =
| accessdate =
}}{{Pranala mati|date=Januari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> Hal ini menyebabkan alga hijau ini disebut sebagai ''[[Hewan penyaring|filter feeder]]'', yaitu organisme yang mampu menyaring partikel yang berasal dari [[suspensi]] di lingkungan hidupnya.<ref>Cannon HG.1928. On the feeding mechanism of the fairy shrimp Chirocephalus diaphanous.PreVost.Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb.55:807-22.</ref>

== Kandungan dan manfaat ==
Chlorella sering dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan fungsional dan produk farmasi karena mengandung komponen yang menunjang kesehatan tubuh. Hal ini dikarenakan Chlorella memiliki komponen [[lemak tak jenuh ganda]], komponen [[Fenol|fenolik]], komponen [[volatil]], [[sterol]], [[protein]], [[asam amino]] dan [[peptida]], [[vitamin]] , [[polisakarida]], [[pigmen]] (beta karoten), dan [[serat pangan]]. <ref name=":0">{{Cite book|last=Budiman|first=Arief|last2=Suyono|first2=Eko Agus|last3=Dewayanto|first3=Nugroho|last4=Dewati|first4=Putri Restu|last5=Pradana|first5=Yano Surya|last6=Widawati|first6=Teta Fathya|date=2023|title=Biorefinery Mikroalga|location=Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta|publisher=Gadjah Mada University Press|isbn=9786233591201|url-status=live}}</ref>

Komponen lemak jenuh tak ganda yang terkandung dalam Chlorella antara lain [[Asam eikosapentanoat|asam eikosapentanoat (EPA)]], [[Asam dokosaheksaenoat|asam dokosaheksaenoat (DHA)]], [[Asam arakidonat|asam arakidonat (ARA)]], dan [[Asam linolenat gamma|asam linolenat gamma (GLA)]], dimana digunakan sebagai suplemen makanan. EPA memiliki peran dalam menjaga kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah.<ref name=":0" />
''Chlorella'' green [[algae]] can create green and opaque water problems in [[aquarium]]s. ''Chlorella'' can grow due to high [[nitrate]] and [[phosphate]] levels or direct sunlight. Decreasing phosphate and nitrate by partial water change and moving the aquarium to shade can help in solving the problem.

Chlorella juga mengandung komponen fenolik, antara lain [[floroglusinol]], [[Asam p- kumarat|asam p-kumarat]], [[asam ferulat]], dan [[apigenin]]. Zat-zat ini berperan sebagai antioksidan yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas, sehingga dimanfaatkan sebagai suplemen diet.<ref name=":0" />
==''Chlorella'' as a food source==

Selain itu, Chlorella juga mengandung komponen volatil seperti [[alkana]], [[alkena]], [[alkohol]] [[alifatik]], [[aldehida]], [[ester]], [[keton]], [[Tioeter|tioester]], [[hidrokuinon]] [[Brominasi|terbrominasi]], hidrokoinon [[Isoprenilasi|terisoprenilasi]], dan [[terpena]]. Zat-zat ini penting untuk [[antibakteri]], [[antijamur]], [[antiviral]], dan [[antikanker]].<ref name=":0" />
During the late 1940s and the early 1950s chlorella was seen as a new and promising primary food source and as a possible solution to the then current world hunger crisis. Many people during this era thought that world hunger was a growing problem and saw chlorella as a way to end this crisis by being able to provide large amounts of high quality food for a relatively low cost.<ref>Belasco, Warren. "Algae Burgers for a Hungrey World? The Rise and Fall of Chlorella Cuisine"</ref>

Chlorella juga mengandung komponen sterol seperti [[fitosterol]], [[ergosterol]], dan 7-[[dehidroporiferasterol]],. Fitosterol sendiri memiliki peran dalam perawatan [[penyakit jantung koroner]], [[antiinflamasi]], [[antihiperkolesterol]], antikanker, dan [[antidiabetes]].<ref name=":0" />
Following global fears of an uncontrollable population boom in the 1940's, chlorella became a possible answer to the tremendous food shortages the world would face in light of this speedy, post-war growth. Many institutions stepped up to research the algae, including the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, the NIH, UC Berkeley, the Atomic Energy Commission, and Stanford University. Following WWI, many Europeans were starving and many Malthusians attributed this not only to the war but to the inability of the world to produce enough food to support the currently increasing population. According to a 1946 FAO report, the world would need to produce 25 to 35 percent more food in 1960 than in 1939 to keep up with the increasing population, while health improvements would require a 90 to 100 percent increase (Belasco, 612). Because meat was costly and energy intensive to produce, protein shortages were also an issue. Increasing harvest area alone would only go so far in providing adequate nutrition to the population. The USDA calculated that to feed the US population by 1975, it would have to add 200 million acres (800,000 km²) of land, but only 45 million were available. One way to combat national food shortages was to increase the land available for farmers, yet the American frontier and farm land had long since been extinguished in trade for expansion and urban life. Hopes rested solely on new agricultural techniques and technologies. Because of these circumstances, an alternative solution was needed.

Vitamin yang terdapat pada Chlorella di antaranya vitamin [[Vitamin A|A]], [[Vitamin C|C]], [[Vitamin K|K]], [[Vitamin E|E]], [[Tiamina|B1]], [[Vitamin B2|B2]], [[Vitamin B3|B3]], [[Vitamin B5|B5]], [[Vitamin B6|B6]], [[Vitamin B9|B9]], [[Vitamin B12|B12]]. Vitamin ini berguna sebagai antioksidan, antikanker, antidiabetes, antitumor, dan lain-lain, sehingga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai suplemen makanan.<ref name=":0" />
To cope with the upcoming post-war population boom in the United States and elsewhere, researchers decided to tap into the unexploited sea resources. Initial testing by the Stanford Research Institute showed that chlorella (when growing in warm, sunny, shallow conditions) could convert 20 percent of solar energy into a plant that, when dried, contained 50 percent protein (Belasco 617). In addition, chlorella contained amino acids, fat, calories and vitamins. The plant's photosynthetic efficiency allowed it to yield more protein per unit area than any other plant - one scientist predicted that 10,000 tons of protein a year could be produced with just 20 workers staffing a one thousand-acre (4 km²) chlorella farm (Belasco, 618). The pilot research performed at Stanford and elsewhere led to immense press from journalists and newspapers, yet sadly never panned out. Chlorella was a seemingly viable option because of the technological advances in agriculture at the time and the widespread acclaim it got from experts and scientists who studied it. Algae researchers had even hoped to add a neutralized chlorella powder to conventional food products, as a way to fortify them with vitamins and minerals (Belasco, 625). Unfortunately, the hype far surpassed the productivity of the plant and early estimates of its success were proven to be no more than exaggerated optimism.

Adapun zat-zat lain seperti polisakarida ([[immulina]] dan [[immurela]]), protein, pigmen ([[beta-karoten]] dan [[tokoferol]]), dan lain-lain berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh seperti antikanker, antiinflamasi, antioksidan, [[imunomodulator]], dan lain-lain.<ref name=":0" />
Ultimately, scientists discovered that chlorella would be much more difficult to produce than previously thought. The experimental research was carried out in laboratories, not in the field. Practically, the entire batch of algae grown would have to be placed either in artificial light or in the shade so that it would produce at its maximum photosynthetic efficiency. Additionally, for the chlorella to be as productive as the world would require, the chlorella would have to be grown in carbonated water which would have added millions to the production cost. A sophisticated process that would cost additional money was required to harvest the chlorella, and for the chlorella to be a viable food source, its cellulose cell walls would have to be pulverized. The plant could only reach its nutritional potential in highly modified artificial situations. Economic problems and the public's distaste for the flavor of chlorella and its byproducts ultimately led to the demise of chlorella.

== Referensi ==
Since the growing world food problem of the 1940's was solved by better crop efficiency and not from a "super food," chlorella has lost public and scientific interest for the time being. Chlorella can still be found today in rare occasions from companies still promoting chlorella's "super food" effects.<ref>Belasco, "Algae Burgers for a Hungry World?", pp ??</ref>

== Pranala luar ==
* Pandangan FDA (Food and Drug Administration pemerintah AS [http://www.fda.gov/cder/warn/cyber/2005/CL134e.pdf] tre

[[Kategori:Alga hijau]]
It was believed in the early 1940s that unlike most plants, Chlorella’s protein was “complete,” for it had the ten amino acids then considered essential, and it was also packed with calories, fat, and vitamins(Belasco 613).
Chlorella has been found to have anti tumor properties when fed to mice.[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=2229925&query_hl=4&itool=pubmed_docsum][http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=3253484&query_hl=4&itool=pubmed_docsum][http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=3845850&query_hl=4&itool=pubmed_DocSum]
Another study found enhanced vascular function in hypertensive rats given oral doses of chlorella.[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17330510&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum]
Although at its onset Chlorella was thought by many to add a "dirt cheap" form of high protein to the human diet, studies proved otherwise. Chlorella, which actually lost most of its nutritional value when altered/processed in any way, was no longer an effective protein and therefore pro-Chlorella supporters decided to communicate other health benefits of the algae. Hence, weight control, cancer prevention, and immune system support were all positive health benefits attributed to this algae (Belasco 608,628-630).
It was also thought that humans would never eat algae directly; instead they believed it could be added to animal feed, thereby increasing to protein consumption indirectly (Belasco 625).

==Evidence of health and healing effects==

The marketing of ''Chlorella'' for human consumption as a palliative, or "Superfood", has received criticism{{ref_label | becker | 1 | a}} ; as such, the following recommendations should be treated as speculative: [This claim is not supported by the Zelitch reference. Find new reference or modify this section accordingly]

Maintenance Dosage: 3-5 grams/day

Significant Part of the Diet: 6-10 grams/day

Immune System Builder: 11-14 grams/day

Primary Source of Protein: 12-19 grams/day

Healing Purposes & Heavy Metal Detoxification: 20-30 grams/day

==Early Reception and Scientific Backing==

When the preliminary laboratory results were published the reaction of scientific literature backed the possibilities of the supposed superfood. Science News Letter praised the optimistic results in an article entitled "Algae to Feed the Starving." John Burlew, the reported editor of Carnegie Institute stated that "the algae culture may fill a very real need," which Science News Letter turned into "future populations of the world will be kept from starving by the production of improved or educated algae related to the green scum on ponds." The cover of the magazine also featured Arthur D Little's Cambridge laboratory which was a supposed future food factory. A few years later, the magazine published an article entitled "Tomorrow's Dinner," which stated that "There is no doubt in the mind of scientists that the farms of the future will actually be factories." Science Digest also reported that "common pond scum would soon become the world's most important agricultural crop." Yet the optimistic initial promises of the algae fell short when further testing was conducted.


Although technologically creative and promising, Chlorella would not prove to be economically viable in the market. Experiencing competition to the health world’s soybean and whole grain craze, algae products simply could not measure up. Economically too, in practice, algae was not as cheaply or easily harvested as technicians predicted it would be 40 years earlier. The efficiency of other "normal" dietary products actually turned out to supersede that of algae growth and production. Aside from production inefficiencies, Chlorella, as it turned out, did not capture the benefits of photosynthesis and sunlight as predicted. After a decade of experimentation, and after exposed to sunlight, Chlorella captured just 2.5 percent — not much better than conventional crops (Belasco, 627). Chlorella, too, was found by scientists in the 1960s to be impossible for humans and animals to digest in its natural state, which presented further problems for the use of algae in American food production.<ref>Belasco, "Algae Burgers for a Hungry World?", pp 13-14</ref> -->

== Rujukan ==
Belasco, Warren. "Algae Burgers for a Hungry World? The Rise and Fall of Chlorella Cuisine". ''Technology and Culture'', Vol. 38 No. 3, hlm 608-634

==Pranala luar ==
* Pandangan FDA (Food and Drug Administration pemerintah AS[http://www.fda.gov/cder/warn/cyber/2005/CL134e.pdf]tre
*[http://www.chlorellafactor.com/ Chlorella dan Spirulina - Supermakanan untuk kesehatan]


[[Kategori:Ganggang hijau]]


Revisi terkini sejak 30 September 2023 08.13

Chorella regularis
Klasifikasi ilmiah

Chlorella adalah genus mikroalga atau ganggang hijau bersel tunggal yang hidup di air tawar, laut, dan tempat basah.[1] Ganggang ini memiliki tubuh seperti bola.[butuh rujukan] Di dalam tubuhnya terdapat kloroplas berbentuk mangkuk.[butuh rujukan] Perkembangbiakannya terjadi secara vegetatif dengan membelah diri.[2] Setiap selnya mampu membelah diri dan menghasilkan empat sel baru yang tidak mempunyai flagel.[butuh rujukan] Ganggang ini sering digunakan di laboratorium untuk penyelidikan fotosintesis.[butuh rujukan] Karena sifatnya yang unik, para ahli berpendapat bahwa Chlorella dapat ikut mengatasi kebutuhan pangan manusia pada masa yang akan datang.[3]

Secara Umum

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Chlorella merupakan mikroorganisme yang termasuk dalam filum Chlorophyta atau yang sering kita kenal sebagai alga hijau.[1] Mikroalga jenis Chlorella spp. berwarna hijau, pergerakannya tidak motil dan struktur tubuhnya tidak memiliki flagel.[1] Selnya berbentuk bola berukuran sedang dengan diameter 2-10 μm, bergantung pada spesiesnya, dengan kloroplas berbentuk seperti cangkir.[1] Alga hijau memiliki struktur yang hampir sama dengan tumbuhan, salah satunya ialah dinding selnya. Chlorella juga mempunyai dinding sel yang tersusun atas selulosa.[4]

Struktur Khusus

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Selain tersusun atas selulosa, beberapa spesies chlorella mempunyai dinding sel yang juga tersusun atas sporopollenin.[5] Sporopollenin juga terdapat pada spora dan serbuk sari yang merupakan suatu biopolimer dari karotenoid yang mempunyai kemampuan resisten yang luar biasa terhadap degradasi oleh enzim atau reagen-reagen kimia yang kuat.[6]

Selain mempunyai kemampuan resisten yang sangat kuat, sporopollenin ini juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengadsorpsi ion logam dari suatu larutan membentuk kompleks logam dengan ligan.[7] Hal ini menyebabkan alga hijau ini disebut sebagai filter feeder, yaitu organisme yang mampu menyaring partikel yang berasal dari suspensi di lingkungan hidupnya.[8]

Kandungan dan manfaat

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Chlorella sering dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan fungsional dan produk farmasi karena mengandung komponen yang menunjang kesehatan tubuh. Hal ini dikarenakan Chlorella memiliki komponen lemak tak jenuh ganda, komponen fenolik, komponen volatil, sterol, protein, asam amino dan peptida, vitamin , polisakarida, pigmen (beta karoten), dan serat pangan. [9]

Komponen lemak jenuh tak ganda yang terkandung dalam Chlorella antara lain asam eikosapentanoat (EPA), asam dokosaheksaenoat (DHA), asam arakidonat (ARA), dan asam linolenat gamma (GLA), dimana digunakan sebagai suplemen makanan. EPA memiliki peran dalam menjaga kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah.[9]

Chlorella juga mengandung komponen fenolik, antara lain floroglusinol, asam p-kumarat, asam ferulat, dan apigenin. Zat-zat ini berperan sebagai antioksidan yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas, sehingga dimanfaatkan sebagai suplemen diet.[9]

Selain itu, Chlorella juga mengandung komponen volatil seperti alkana, alkena, alkohol alifatik, aldehida, ester, keton, tioester, hidrokuinon terbrominasi, hidrokoinon terisoprenilasi, dan terpena. Zat-zat ini penting untuk antibakteri, antijamur, antiviral, dan antikanker.[9]

Chlorella juga mengandung komponen sterol seperti fitosterol, ergosterol, dan 7-dehidroporiferasterol,. Fitosterol sendiri memiliki peran dalam perawatan penyakit jantung koroner, antiinflamasi, antihiperkolesterol, antikanker, dan antidiabetes.[9]

Vitamin yang terdapat pada Chlorella di antaranya vitamin A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. Vitamin ini berguna sebagai antioksidan, antikanker, antidiabetes, antitumor, dan lain-lain, sehingga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai suplemen makanan.[9]

Adapun zat-zat lain seperti polisakarida (immulina dan immurela), protein, pigmen (beta-karoten dan tokoferol), dan lain-lain berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh seperti antikanker, antiinflamasi, antioksidan, imunomodulator, dan lain-lain.[9]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ a b c d Kawaroe M, Prartono T, Sunuddin A, Sari DW, Augustine D. 2010. "Mikroalga: potensi dan pemanfaatannya untuk produksi bio bahan bakar". Bogor: PT Penerbit IPB Press.
  2. ^ Ratna, Dewi (25 Maret 2016). "Kenali Chlorococcum dan Chlamydomonas - ganggang hijau unik". www.merdeka.com. Diakses tanggal 22 Desember 2022. 
  3. ^ Belasco, Warren. "Algae Burgers for a Hungry World? The Rise and Fall of Chlorella Cuisine". Technology and Culture, Vol. 38 No. 3, hlm 608-634
  4. ^ atap (2020-04-26). "Tumbuhan Ganggang: Pengertian, Ciri, Klasifikasi dan Manfaat". Gramedia Literasi. Diakses tanggal 2022-06-05. 
  5. ^ Rahat M, Reich V (1985). "Correlation between characteristic of some free-living Chlorella sp. And their ability to form stable symbioses with Hydra viridis" (pdf). J. Cell Sci. 71: 257–266. 
  6. ^ Zagarese, HE.; Helbling, EW. (2003), UV Effects in Aquatic Organism and Ecosystems, Britain: Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 0-85404-301-2  (lihat di Penelusuran Buku Google)
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