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Sistem klasifikasi APG IV: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Muhammad Anas Sidik (bicara | kontrib)
←Membuat halaman berisi 'thumb|500px|Evolusi angiospermae ditampilkan dalam format diagram, per APG IV '''Sistem klasifikasi APG IV''' adalah versi keempat dari sistem taksonomi tumbuhan modern yang sebagian besar berbasis molekul untuk tumbuhan berbunga (angiospermae) yang dikembangkan oleh ''Angiosperm Phylogeny Group'' (APG). Sistem ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2016, tujuh tahun setelah Sistem klasifikasi...'
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Muhammad Anas Sidik (bicara | kontrib)
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(6 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
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Dibandingkan dengan sistem klasifikasi APG III, sistem klasifikasi APG IV mengenali lima ordo baru ([[Boraginales]], [[Dilleniales]], [[Icacinales]], [[Metteniusales]] dan [[Vahliales]]) bersamaan dengan beberapa famili baru, sehingga total menjadi 64 ordo dan 416 famili angiospermae.{{sfnp|ps=none|APG IV|2016}} Secara umum, penulis menggambarkan filosofi mereka sebagai "konservatif", berdasarkan pada perubahan dari APG III hanya jika "kebutuhan yang didukung dengan baik" telah ditunjukkan. Hal ini terkadang mengakibatkan penempatan yang tidak sesuai dengan penelitian yang dipublikasikan, namun memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut sebelum klasifikasi dapat diubah.{{sfnp|ps=none|APG IV|2016|p=5}}
Dibandingkan dengan sistem klasifikasi APG III, sistem klasifikasi APG IV mengenali lima ordo baru ([[Boraginales]], [[Dilleniales]], [[Icacinales]], [[Metteniusales]] dan [[Vahliales]]) bersamaan dengan beberapa famili baru, sehingga total menjadi 64 ordo dan 416 famili angiospermae.{{sfnp|ps=none|APG IV|2016}} Secara umum, penulis menggambarkan filosofi mereka sebagai "konservatif", berdasarkan pada perubahan dari APG III hanya jika "kebutuhan yang didukung dengan baik" telah ditunjukkan. Hal ini terkadang mengakibatkan penempatan yang tidak sesuai dengan penelitian yang dipublikasikan, namun memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut sebelum klasifikasi dapat diubah.{{sfnp|ps=none|APG IV|2016|p=5}}
== Versi Detail ==
== Detail Klasifikasi ==

Kunci simbol yang digunakan:
<nowiki>*</nowiki> = famili telah ditambah atau batasannya diubah sejak sistem klasifikasi APG III tahun 2009

+ = ordo telah ditambahkan sejak sistem klasifikasi APG III

===[[Basal angiospermae]]===
* [[Amborellales]] <small>Melikyan et al.</small>
** [[Amborellaceae]] <small>Pichon, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Nymphaeales]] <small>Salisb. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Hydatellaceae]] <small>U.Hamann</small>
** [[Cabombaceae]] <small>Rich. ex A.Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Nymphaeaceae]] <small>Salisb., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Austrobaileyales]] <small>Takht. ex Reveal</small>
** [[Austrobaileyaceae]] <small>Croizat, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Trimeniaceae]] <small>Gibbs, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Schisandraceae]] <small>Blume, nom. cons.</small>

* [[Canellales]] <small>Cronq.</small>
** [[Canellaceae]] <small>Mart., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Winteraceae]] <small>R.Br. ex Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Piperales]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Saururaceae]] <small>Rich. ex T.Lestib., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Piperaceae]] <small>Giseke, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Aristolochiaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Asaraceae <small>Vent.</small>, Hydnoraceae <small>C.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>, Lactoridaceae <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>)
* [[Magnoliales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Myristicaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Magnoliaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Degeneriaceae]] <small>I.W.Bailey & A.C.Sm., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Himantandraceae]] <small>Diels, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Eupomatiaceae]] <small>Orb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Annonaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Laurales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Calycanthaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Siparunaceae]] <small>Schodde</small>
** [[Gomortegaceae]] <small>Reiche, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Atherospermataceae]] <small>R.Br.</small>
** [[Hernandiaceae]] <small>Blume, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Monimiaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lauraceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>

===Silsilah independen: tidak ditempatkan pada klad yang lebih inklusif===
* [[Chloranthales]] <small>Mart.</small>
** [[Chloranthaceae]] <small>R.Br. ex Sims, nom. cons.</small>

===[[Tumbuhan berkeping biji tunggal|Monocotyl]]===
* [[Acorales]] <small>Mart.</small>
** [[Acorales|Acoraceae]] <small>Martinov</small>
* [[Alismatales]] <small>R.Br. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Araceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Tofieldiaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Alismataceae]] <small>Vent., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Butomaceae]] <small>Mirb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Hydrocharitaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Scheuchzeriaceae]] <small>F.Rudolphi, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Aponogetonaceae]] <small>Planch., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Juncaginaceae]] <small>Rich., nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Maundiaceae]] <small>Nakai</small> *
** [[Zosteraceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Potamogetonaceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl, nom. cons</small>
** [[Posidoniaceae]] <small>Vines, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ruppiaceae]] <small>Horan., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cymodoceaceae]] <small>Vines, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Petrosaviales]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Petrosaviaceae]] <small>Hutch., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Dioscoreales]] <small>Mart.</small>
** [[Nartheciaceae]] <small>Fr. ex Bjurzon</small>
** [[Burmanniaceae]] <small>Blume, nom. cons.</small> (tidak monofiletik.)
** [[Dioscoreaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Pandanales]] <small>R.Br. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Triuridaceae]] <small>Gardner, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Velloziaceae]] <small>J.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Stemonaceae]] <small>Caruel, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cyclanthaceae]] <small>Poit. ex A.Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Pandanaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Liliales]] <small>Perleb</small>
** [[Campynemataceae]] <small>Dumort.</small>
** [[Corsiaceae]] <small>[[Odoardo Beccari|Becc.]], nom. cons.</small>
** [[Melanthiaceae]] <small>Batsch ex Borkh., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Petermanniaceae]] <small>Hutch, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Alstroemeriaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Colchicaceae]] <small>DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Philesiaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ripogonaceae]] <small>Conran & Clifford</small>
** [[Smilacaceae]] <small>Vent., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Liliaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Asparagales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Orchidaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Boryaceae]] <small>M.W.Chase et al.</small>
** [[Blandfordiaceae]] <small>R.Dahlgren & Clifford</small>
** [[Asteliaceae]] <small>Dumort.</small>
** [[Lanariaceae]] <small>H.Huber ex R.Dahlgren</small>
** [[Hypoxidaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Doryanthaceae]] <small>R.Dahlgren & Clifford</small>
** [[Ixioliriaceae]] <small>Nakai</small> (sebagai '''Ixiolirionaceae''', ejaannya diperbaiki)
** [[Tecophilaeaceae]] <small>Leyb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Iridaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Xeronemataceae]] <small>M.W.Chase et al.</small>
** [[Asphodelaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons. prop.</small> (termasuk Xanthorrhoeaceae <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>)
** [[Amaryllidaceae]] <small>J.St.-Hil., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Asparagaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Arecales]] <small>Bromhead</small>
** [[Dasypogonaceae]] <small>Dumort.</small>
** [[Arecaceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl, nom. cons.</small> (='''Palmae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)
* [[Commelinales]] <small>Mirb. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Hanguanaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Commelinaceae]] <small>Mirb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Philydraceae]] <small>Link, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Pontederiaceae]] <small>Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Haemodoraceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Zingiberales]] <small>Griseb.</small>
** [[Strelitziaceae]] <small>Hutch., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lowiaceae]] <small>Ridl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Heliconiaceae]] <small>Vines</small>
** [[Musaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cannaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Marantaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Costaceae]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Zingiberaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Poales]] <small>Small</small>
** [[Typhaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Bromeliaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Rapateaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Xyridaceae]] <small>C.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Eriocaulaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Mayacaceae]] <small>Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Thurniaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Juncaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cyperaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Restionaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Anarthriaceae <small>D.W.Cutler & Airy Shaw</small>, Centrolepidaceae <small>Endl., nom. cons.</small>)
** [[Flagellariaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Joinvilleaceae]] <small>Toml. & A.C.Sm.</small>
** [[Ecdeiocoleaceae]] <small>D.W.Cutler & Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Poaceae]] <small>Barnhart, nom. cons.</small> (= '''Gramineae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)

===Kemungkinan saudara dari eudicotyl===
* [[Ganggeng (tumbuhan)|Ceratophyllales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Ganggeng (tumbuhan)|Ceratophyllaceae]] <small>Gray, nom. cons.</small>

* [[Ranunculales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Eupteleaceae]] <small>K.Wilh., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Papaveraceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Circaeasteraceae]] <small>Hutch., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lardizabalaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Menispermaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Berberidaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ranunculaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Proteales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Sabiaceae]] <small>Blume, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Nelumbonaceae]] <small>A.Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Platanaceae]] <small>T.Lestib., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Proteaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Trochodendrales]] <small>Takht. ex Cronq.</small>
** [[Trochodendraceae]] <small>Eichler, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Buxales]] <small>Takht. ex Reveal</small>
** [[Buxaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Haptanthaceae <small>C.Nelson</small>)

===[[Core eudicotyl]]===
* [[Gunnerales]] <small>Takht. ex Reveal</small>
** [[Myrothamnaceae]] <small>Nied., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Gunneraceae]] <small>[[Carl Meissner|Meisn.]], nom. cons.</small>
* [[Dilleniales]] <small>DC. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small> +
** [[Dilleniaceae]] <small>Salisb., nom. cons.</small>

* [[Saxifragales]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Peridiscaceae]] <small>Kuhlm., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Paeoniaceae]] <small>Raf., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Altingiaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Hamamelidaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cercidiphyllaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Daphniphyllaceae]] <small>Müll.Arg., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Iteaceae]] <small>J.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Grossulariaceae]] <small>DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Saxifragaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Crassulaceae]] <small>J.St.-Hil., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Aphanopetalaceae]] <small>Doweld</small>
** [[Tetracarpaeaceae]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Penthoraceae]] <small>Rydb. ex Britton, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Haloragaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cynomoriaceae]] <small>Endl. ex Lindl., nom. cons.</small>

* [[Vitales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Vitaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>


* [[Zygophyllales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Krameriaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Zygophyllaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Fabales]] <small>Bromhead</small>
** [[Quillajaceae]] <small>D.Don</small>
** [[Fabaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small> (= '''Leguminosae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)
** [[Surianaceae]] <small>Arn., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Polygalaceae]] <small>Hoffmanns. & Link, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Rosales]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Rosaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Barbeyaceae]] <small>Rendle, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Dirachmaceae]] <small>Hutch.</small>
** [[Elaeagnaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Rhamnaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ulmaceae]] <small>Mirb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cannabaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Moraceae]] <small>Gaudich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Urticaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Fagales]] <small>Engl.</small>
** [[Nothofagaceae]] <small>Kuprian.</small>
** [[Fagaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Myricaceae]] <small>Rich. ex Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Juglandaceae]] <small>DC. ex Perleb, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Casuarinaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ticodendraceae]] <small>Gomez-Laur. & L.D.Gomez</small>
** [[Betulaceae]] <small>Gray, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Cucurbitales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Apodanthaceae]] <small>Tiegh. ex Takht.</small> *
** [[Anisophylleaceae]] <small>Ridl.</small>
** [[Corynocarpaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Coriariaceae]] <small>DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cucurbitaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Tetramelaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Datiscaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Begoniaceae]] <small>C.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>

{{anchor|COM clade}}
======klad COM; [[Incertae sedis|penempatannya tidak pasti]]======
* [[Celastrales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Lepidobotryaceae]] <small>J. Leonard, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Celastraceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Oxalidales]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Huaceae]] <small>A.Chev.</small>
** [[Connaraceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Oxalidaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cunoniaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Elaeocarpaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cephalotaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Brunelliaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Malpighiales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Pandaceae]] <small>Engl. & Gilg, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Irvingiaceae]] <small>Exell & Mendonça, nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Allantospermum <small>Forman</small>)
** [[Ctenolophonaceae]] <small>Exell & Mendonça</small>
** [[Rhizophoraceae]] <small>Pers., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Erythroxylaceae]] <small>Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ochnaceae]] <small>DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Bonnetiaceae]] <small>L.Beauvis. ex Nakai</small>
** [[Clusiaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small> (= '''Guttiferae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)
** [[Calophyllaceae]] <small>J.Agardh</small>
** [[Podostemaceae]] <small>Rich. ex Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Hypericaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Caryocaraceae]] <small>Voigt, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lophopyxidaceae]] <small>H.Pfeiff.</small>
** [[Putranjivaceae]] <small>Meisn.</small>
** [[Centroplacaceae]] <small>Doweld & Reveal</small>
** [[Elatinaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Malpighiaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Balanopaceae]] <small>Benth. & Hook.f., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Trigoniaceae]] <small>A.Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Dichapetalaceae]] <small>Baill., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Euphroniaceae]] <small>Marc.-Berti</small>
** [[Chrysobalanaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Humiriaceae]] <small>A.Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Achariaceae]] <small>Harms, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Violaceae]] <small>Batsch, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Goupiaceae]] <small>Miers</small>
** [[Passifloraceae]] <small>Juss. ex Roussel, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lacistemataceae]] <small>Mart., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Salicaceae]] <small>Mirb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Peraceae]] <small>Klotzsch</small> *
** [[Rafflesiaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Euphorbiaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Linaceae]] <small>DC. ex Perleb, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ixonanthaceae]] <small>Planch. ex Miq., nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Picrodendraceae]] <small>Small, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Phyllanthaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>

* [[Geraniales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Geraniaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Francoaceae]] <small>A.Juss., nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Bersamaceae <small>Doweld</small>, Greyiaceae <small>Hutch., nom. cons.</small>, Ledocarpaceae <small>Meyen</small>, Melianthaceae <small>Horan., nom. cons.</small>, Rhynchothecaceae <small>A.Juss.</small>, Vivianiaceae <small>Klotzsch, nom. cons.</small>)
* [[Myrtales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Combretaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lythraceae]] <small>J.St.-Hil., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Onagraceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Vochysiaceae]] <small>A.St.-Hil., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Myrtaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Melastomataceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Crypteroniaceae]] <small>A.DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Alzateaceae]] <small>S.A.Graham</small>
** [[Penaeaceae]] <small>Sweet ex Guill., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Crossosomatales]] <small>Takht. ex Reveal</small>
** [[Aphloiaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Geissolomataceae]] <small>A.DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Strasburgeriaceae]] <small>Tiegh., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Staphyleaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Guamatelaceae]] <small>S.H.Oh & D.Potter</small>
** [[Stachyuraceae]] <small>J.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Crossosomataceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Picramniales]] <small>Doweld</small>
** [[Picramniaceae]] <small>Fernando & Quinn</small>
* [[Huerteales]] <small>Doweld</small>
** [[Gerrardinaceae]] <small>M.H.Alford</small>
** [[Petenaeaceae]] <small>Christenh. et al.</small> *
** [[Tapisciaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Dipentodontaceae]] <small>Merr., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Sapindales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Biebersteiniaceae]] <small>Schnizl.</small>
** [[Nitrariaceae]] <small>Lindl.</small>
** [[Kirkiaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Burseraceae]] <small>Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Anacardiaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Sapindaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small> (termasuk Xanthocerataceae <small>Buerki et al.</small>, sebagai 'Xanthoceraceae')
** [[Rutaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Simaroubaceae]] <small>DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Meliaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Malvales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Cytinaceae]] <small>A.Rich.</small>
** [[Muntingiaceae]] <small>C.Bayer et al.</small>
** [[Neuradaceae]] <small>Kostel., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Malvaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Sphaerosepalaceae]] <small>Bullock</small>
** [[Thymelaeaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Bixaceae]] <small>Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cistaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk ''Pakaraimaea'' <small>Maguire & P.S.Ashton</small>)
** [[Sarcolaenaceae]] <small>Caruel, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Dipterocarpaceae]] <small>Blume, nom. cons.</small> *
* [[Brassicales]] <small>Bromhead</small>
** [[Akaniaceae]] <small>Stapf, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Tropaeolaceae]] <small>Juss. ex DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Moringaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Caricaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Limnanthaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Setchellanthaceae]] <small>Iltis</small>
** [[Koeberliniaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Bataceae]] <small>Mart. ex Perleb, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Salvadoraceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Emblingiaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Tovariaceae]] <small>Pax, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Pentadiplandraceae]] <small>Hutch. & Dalziel</small>
** [[Gyrostemonaceae]] <small>A.Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Resedaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Borthwickiaceae <small>J.X.Su et al.</small>, Stixidaceae <small>Doweld</small> sebagai 'Stixaceae', ''Forchhammeria'' <small>Liebm.</small>)
** [[Capparaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Cleomaceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Brassicaceae]] <small>Burnett, nom. cons.</small> (= '''Cruciferae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)

* [[Berberidopsidales]] <small>Doweld</small>
** [[Aextoxicaceae]] <small>Engl. & Gilg, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Berberidopsidaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
* [[Santalales]] <small>R.Br. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Olacaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small> (tidak [[Monofili|monofiletik]]; termasuk Aptandraceae <small>Miers</small>, Coulaceae <small>Tiegh.</small>, Erythropalaceae <small>Planch. ex Miq., nom. cons.</small>, Octoknemaceae <small>Soler. nom. cons.</small>, Strombosiaceae <small>Tiegh.</small>, Ximeniaceae <small>Horan.</small>)
** [[Opiliaceae]] <small>Valeton, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Balanophoraceae]] <small>Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Santalaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small> (tidak monofiletik jika Balanophoraceae tertanam; termasuk Amphorogynaceae <small>Nickrent & Der</small>, Cervantesiaceae <small>Nickrent & Der</small>, Comandraceae <small>Nickrent & Der</small>, Nanodeaceae <small>Nickrent & Der</small>, Thesiaceae <small>Vest</small>, Viscaceae <small>Batsch</small>)
** [[Misodendraceae]] <small>J.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Schoepfiaceae]] <small>Blume</small>
** [[Loranthaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Caryophyllales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Frankeniaceae]] <small>Desv., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Tamaricaceae]] <small>Link, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Plumbaginaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Polygonaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Droseraceae]] <small>Salisb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Nepenthaceae]] <small>Dumort, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Drosophyllaceae]] <small>Chrtek et al.</small>
** [[Dioncophyllaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ancistrocladaceae]] <small>Planch. ex Walp., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Rhabdodendraceae]] <small>Prance</small>
** [[Simmondsiaceae]] <small>Tiegh.</small>
** [[Physenaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Asteropeiaceae]] <small>Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland</small>
** [[Macarthuriaceae]] <small>Christenh.</small> *
** [[Microteaceae]] <small>Schäferhoff & Borsch</small> *
** [[Caryophyllaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Achatocarpaceae]] <small>Heimerl, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Amaranthaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Stegnospermataceae]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Limeaceae]] <small>Shipunov ex Reveal</small> *
** [[Lophiocarpaceae]] <small>Doweld & Reveal</small>
** [[Kewaceae]] <small>Christenh.</small> *
** [[Barbeuiaceae]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Gisekiaceae]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Aizoaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Phytolaccaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Petiveriaceae]] <small>C.Agardh</small> * (termasuk Rivinaceae <small>C.Agardh</small>)
** [[Sarcobataceae]] <small>Behnke</small>
** [[Nyctaginaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Molluginaceae]] <small>Bartl., nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Montiaceae]] <small>Raf.</small>
** [[Didiereaceae]] <small>Radlk., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Basellaceae]] <small>Raf., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Halophytaceae]] <small>S.Soriano</small>
** [[Talinaceae]] <small>Doweld</small>
** [[Portulacaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Anacampserotaceae]] <small>Eggli & Nyffeler</small>
** [[Cactaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>

* [[Cornales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Nyssaceae]] <small>Juss. ex Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Hydrostachyaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Hydrangeaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Loasaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Curtisiaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Grubbiaceae]] <small>Endl. ex Meisn., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cornaceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Ericales]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Balsaminaceae]] <small>A.Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Marcgraviaceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Tetrameristaceae]] <small>Hutch.</small>
** [[Fouquieriaceae]] <small>DC., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Polemoniaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lecythidaceae]] <small>A.Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Sladeniaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Pentaphylacaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Sapotaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ebenaceae]] <small>Gürke, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Primulaceae]] <small>Batsch ex Borkh., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Theaceae]] <small>Mirb., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Symplocaceae]] <small>Desf., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Diapensiaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Styracaceae]] <small>DC. & Spreng., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Sarraceniaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Roridulaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Actinidiaceae]] <small>Gilg & Werderm., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Clethraceae]] <small>Klotzsch, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Cyrillaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Ericaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Mitrastemonaceae]] <small>Makino, nom. cons.</small> (penempatannya dalam urutan yang tidak jelas)

* [[Icacinales]] <small>Tiegh.</small> +
** [[Oncothecaceae]] <small>Kobuski ex Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Icacinaceae]] <small>Miers, nom. cons.</small> *
* [[Metteniusales]] <small>Takht.</small> +
** [[Metteniusaceae]] <small>H.Karst. ex Schnizl.</small> *
* [[Garryales]] <small>Mart.</small>
** [[Eucommiaceae]] <small>Engl., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Garryaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Gentianales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Rubiaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Gentianaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Loganiaceae]] <small>R.Br. ex Mart., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Gelsemiaceae]] <small>L.Struwe & V.A.Albert</small> * (termasuk Pteleocarpaceae <small>Brummitt</small>)
** [[Apocynaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Boraginales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small> +
** [[Boraginaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small> (termasuk Codonaceae <small>Weigend & Hilger</small>)
* [[Vahliales]] <small>Doweld</small> +
** [[Vahliaceae]] <small>Dandy</small>
* [[Solanales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Convolvulaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Solanaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Montiniaceae]] <small>Nakai, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Sphenocleaceae]] <small>T.Baskerv., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Hydroleaceae]] <small>R.Br.</small>
* [[Lamiales]] <small>Bromhead</small>
** [[Plocospermataceae]] <small>Hutch.</small>
** [[Carlemanniaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Oleaceae]] <small>Hoffmanns. & Link, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Tetrachondraceae]] <small>Wettst.</small>
** [[Calceolariaceae]] <small>Olmstead</small>
** [[Gesneriaceae]] <small>Rich. & Juss., nom. cons.</small> * (posisi ''Peltanthera'' <small>Benth.</small> bermasalah dan di sini dianggap tidak sesuai dengan keluarga)
** [[Plantaginaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Scrophulariaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Stilbaceae]] <small>Kunth, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Linderniaceae]] <small>Borsch et al.</small>
** [[Byblidaceae]] <small>Domin, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Martyniaceae]] <small>Horan., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Pedaliaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Acanthaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Bignoniaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lentibulariaceae]] <small>Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Schlegeliaceae]] <small>Reveal</small>
** [[Thomandersiaceae]] <small>Sreem.</small>
** [[Verbenaceae]] <small>J.St.Hil., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Lamiaceae]] <small>Martinov, nom. cons.</small> (= '''Labiatae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)
** [[Mazaceae]] <small>Reveal</small>
** [[Phrymaceae]] <small>Schauer, nom. cons.</small> *
** [[Paulowniaceae]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Orobanchaceae]] <small>Vent., nom. cons.</small> * (termasuk Lindenbergiaceae <small>Doweld</small>, Rehmanniaceae <small>Reveal</small>)

* [[Aquifoliales]] <small>Senft</small>
** [[Stemonuraceae]] <small>Kårehed</small>
** [[Cardiopteridaceae]] <small>Blume, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Phyllonomaceae]] <small>Small</small>
** [[Helwingiaceae]] <small>Decne.</small>
** [[Aquifoliaceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl, nom. cons.</small>
* [[Asterales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Rousseaceae]] <small>DC.</small>
** [[Campanulaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Pentaphragmataceae]] <small>J.Agardh, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Stylidiaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Alseuosmiaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
** [[Phellinaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Argophyllaceae]] <small>Takht.</small>
** [[Menyanthaceae]] <small>Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Goodeniaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Calyceraceae]] <small>R.Br. ex Rich., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Asteraceae]] <small>Bercht. & J.Presl, nom. cons.</small> (= '''Compositae''' <small>Giseke, nom. cons.</small>)
* [[Escalloniales]] <small>Link</small>
** [[Escalloniaceae]] <small>R.Br. ex Dumort., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Bruniales]] <small>Dumort.</small>
** [[Columelliaceae]] <small>D.Don, nom. cons.</small>
** [[Bruniaceae]] <small>R.Br. ex DC., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Paracryphiales]] <small>Takht. ex Reveal</small>
** [[Paracryphiaceae]] <small>Airy Shaw</small>
* [[Dipsacales]] <small>Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
** [[Adoxaceae]] <small>E.Mey., nom. cons.</small> (= '''Viburnaceae''' <small>Raf., nom. cons. prop.</small>)
** [[Caprifoliaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
* [[Apiales]] <small>Nakai</small>
** [[Pennantiaceae]] <small>J.Agardh</small>
** [[Torricelliaceae]] <small>Hu</small>
** [[Griseliniaceae]] <small>Takht., nom. cons. prop.</small>
** [[Pittosporaceae]] <small>R.Br., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Araliaceae]] <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>
** [[Myodocarpaceae]] <small>Doweld</small>
** [[Apiaceae]] <small>Lindl., nom. cons.</small> (= '''Umbelliferae''' <small>Juss., nom. cons.</small>)

== Filogeni ==
== Filogeni ==

Seperti sistem APG sebelumnya, revisi APG IV didasarkan pada [[pohon filogenetika]] untuk angiospermae, seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini.{{sfnp|ps=none|Cole|Hilger|Stevens|2019}}
{{clade |style=font-size:100%;line-height:110%;
|label2=[[Core angiospermae]]
|label2=[[core&nbsp;eudicots|core eudicotyl]]
|2=([[#PENTA|berlajut ke bawah]])

{{anchor|PENTA}} {{clade |style=font-size:100%;line-height:110%;
|label1=[[core&nbsp;eudicots|core eudicotyl]]

== Referensi ==
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Taksonomi tumbuhan]]
[[Kategori:Taksonomi tumbuhan]]
== Bibliografi ==
== Bibliografi ==
* {{Citation |last=Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |year=2009 |title=An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III |journal=Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=161 |issue=2 |pages=105–121 |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x |ref={{harvid|APG III|2009}} |doi-access=free}}
* {{Citation |last=Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |year=2016 |title=An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV |journal=[[Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society]] |volume=181 |issue=1 |pages=1–20 |doi=10.1111/boj.12385 |ref={{harvid|APG IV|2016}} |doi-access=free}}
* {{Citation |last1=Haston |first1=E. |last2=Richardson |first2=J.E. |last3=Stevens |first3=P.F. |last4=Chase |first4=M.W. |last5=Harris |first5=D.J. |date=2009 |title=The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) III: a linear sequence of the families in APG III |journal=Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=161 |issue=2 |pages=128–131 |url=http://www.bvaenviro.com/Public/Angiosperm%20Phylogeny%20Group%20III/APG%20III%20linear%20list.pdf |name-list-style=amp |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.01000.x |access-date=2016-06-13 |archive-date=2015-12-23 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20151223184037/http://www.bvaenviro.com/Public/Angiosperm%20Phylogeny%20Group%20III/APG%20III%20linear%20list.pdf |url-status=dead |doi-access=free}}
* {{citation |last1=Fay |first1=Michael |author-link=Michael Francis Fay |title=APG - classification by consensus |url=http://www.kew.org/discover/blogs/kew-science/apg-classification-consensus |website=Kew Science |publisher=[[RBG Kew]] |access-date=2016-06-12 |date=9 May 2016 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160805051050/http://www.kew.org/discover/blogs/kew-science/apg-classification-consensus |archive-date=5 August 2016 |url-status=dead}}
* {{citation |last1=Cole |first1=Theodor C.H. |last2=Hilger |first2=Hartmut H. |last3=Stevens |first3=Peter F. |title=Angiosperm Phylogeny Poster - Flowering Plant Systematics |date=2019 |url=https://d3amtssd1tejdt.cloudfront.net/2019/2320/6/APP-E-2019-V3-PPA.pdf |access-date=2023-06-16 |name-list-style=amp}}

Revisi terkini sejak 16 November 2023 04.58

Evolusi angiospermae ditampilkan dalam format diagram, per APG IV

Sistem klasifikasi APG IV adalah versi keempat dari sistem taksonomi tumbuhan modern yang sebagian besar berbasis molekul untuk tumbuhan berbunga (angiospermae) yang dikembangkan oleh Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG). Sistem ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2016, tujuh tahun setelah Sistem klasifikasi APG III diterbitkan (tahun 2009), dan 18 tahun setelah Sistem klasifikasi APG pertama diterbitkan (tahun 1998).[1] Pada tahun 2009, susunan linier sistem diterbitkan secara terpisah.[2] Makalah APG IV memuat susunan seperti itu, dengan referensi silang ke makalah tahun 2009.[1]

Dibandingkan dengan sistem klasifikasi APG III, sistem klasifikasi APG IV mengenali lima ordo baru (Boraginales, Dilleniales, Icacinales, Metteniusales dan Vahliales) bersamaan dengan beberapa famili baru, sehingga total menjadi 64 ordo dan 416 famili angiospermae.[1] Secara umum, penulis menggambarkan filosofi mereka sebagai "konservatif", berdasarkan pada perubahan dari APG III hanya jika "kebutuhan yang didukung dengan baik" telah ditunjukkan. Hal ini terkadang mengakibatkan penempatan yang tidak sesuai dengan penelitian yang dipublikasikan, namun memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut sebelum klasifikasi dapat diubah.[3]

Detail Klasifikasi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kunci simbol yang digunakan:

* = famili telah ditambah atau batasannya diubah sejak sistem klasifikasi APG III tahun 2009

+ = ordo telah ditambahkan sejak sistem klasifikasi APG III

Basal angiospermae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Magnoliidae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Silsilah independen: tidak ditempatkan pada klad yang lebih inklusif[sunting | sunting sumber]

Monocotyl[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kemungkinan saudara dari eudicotyl[sunting | sunting sumber]

Eudicotyl[sunting | sunting sumber]

Core eudicotyl[sunting | sunting sumber]

Superrosidae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Rosidae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Fabidae[sunting | sunting sumber]

klad COM; penempatannya tidak pasti[sunting | sunting sumber]
Malvidae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Superasteridae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Asteridae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Lamiidae[sunting | sunting sumber]
Campanulidae[sunting | sunting sumber]

Filogeni[sunting | sunting sumber]

Seperti sistem APG sebelumnya, revisi APG IV didasarkan pada pohon filogenetika untuk angiospermae, seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini.[4]





Core angiospermae


























core eudicotyl

(berlajut ke bawah)

core eudicotyl


















































Referensi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Bibliografi[sunting | sunting sumber]