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(42 revisi perantara oleh 26 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
Berikut adalah '''daftar [[algoritmaalgoritme]]'''.
''Lihat juga [[daftar struktur data]], [[daftar topik umum algoritmaalgoritme]], dan [[daftar istilah yang berhubungan dengan algoritmaalgoritme dan struktur data]].''
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme kombinatorial ==
=== AlgoritmaAlgoritme kombinatorial umum ===
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme pencari-siklus Floyd]]: iterasi untuk mencari siklus dalam barisan/sekuens
* (uniformly distributed) [[Pseudorandom number generator]]s:
** [[Blum Blum Shub]]
** [[Mersenne twister]]
* [[Robinson-Schensted algorithm]]: generateskorespondensi permutationsdan frompasangan pairsyang ofbijetif dari [[Young tableaux]] yang standar
=== AlgoritmaAlgoritme graphgraf ===
{{utama|Teori graphgraf}}
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Bellman-Ford]]: menghitung [[jarak terpendek]] pada graf berbobot, di mana sisi bisa memiliki bobot negatif
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Dijkstra]]: menghitung [[jarak terpendek]] pada graf berbobot, tanpa sisi berbobot negatif.
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Floyd-Warshall]]: menghitung solusi jarak terpendek untuk semua pasang titik pada sebuah graf berarah dan berbobot
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Kruskal]]: mencari [[pohon rentang minimum]] pada sebuah graf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Prim]]: mencari [[pohon rentang minimum]] pada sebuah graf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Boruvka]]: mencari [[pohon rentang minimum]] pada sebuah graf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Ford-Fulkerson]]: computes themenghitung [[maximum flow problem|maximumaliran flowmaksimal]] indi adalam graphgraf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Edmonds-Karp]]: implementationimplementasi ofdari Ford-Fulkerson
* [[Nonblocking Minimal Spanning Switch]] say, for a [[telephone exchange]]
* [[Spring based algorithm]]: algorithmalgoritme foruntuk [[graph drawing|penggambaran draf]]
* [[Topological sorting|Topological sort]]
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Hungaria]]: algorithm for finding a perfect [[matching]]
=== [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme pencarian]] ===
* [[Pencarian linear]]: mencari sebuah item pada sebuah list tak berurut
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme seleksi]]: mencari item ke-''k'' pada sebuah list
* [[Pencarian biner]]: menemukan sebuah item pada sebuah list terurut
* [[Pohon Pencarian Biner]]
Baris 39:
* [[Pencarian Depth-first]]: menelusuri sebuah graf cabang demi cabang
* [[Pencarian Best-first]]: menelusuri sebuah graf dengan urutan sesuai kepentingan dengan menggunakan [[antrian prioritas]]
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Pencarian A Bintang|Pencarian pohon A*]]: kasus khusus dari pencarian best-first
* [[Pencarian Interpolasi|Pencarian Prediktif]]: pencarian mirip biner dengan faktor pada [[magnitudo (matematika)|magnitudo]] dari syarat pencarian terhadap nilai atas dan bawah dalam pencarian. Kadang-kadang disebut pencarian kamus atau pencarian interpolasi.
* [[Tabel Hash]]: mencari sebuah item dalam sebuah kumpulan tak berurut dalam waktu O(1).
=== StringAlgoritme algorithmsstring ===
==== [[StringAlgoritme searchingpencarian algorithmstring|SearchingPencarian]] ====
* [[Algoritme pencarian string#Algoritme brute force dalam pencarian string|Algoritme brute force]]
*[[Algoritma Aho-Corasick]]
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme BitapAho-Corasick]]
* [[Algoritme Boyer-Moore string search algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme Karp-Rabin]]
*[[Rabin-Karp string search algorithm]]
==== ApproximatePencocokan matchingstring ====
* [[Algoritme Bitap]]
*[[Levenshtein distance|Levenshtein edit distance]]
* [[Algoritme Fonetik]]
** [[Metaphone]]
** [[Soundex]]
* [[Metrik kemiripan string]]
** [[Jarak Damerau–Levenshtein]]
** [[Jarak Hamming]]
** [[Jarak Jaro-Winkler]]
** [[Jarak Levenshtein]]
=== [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme penyusunan]] ===
* [[Binary search tree|Binary tree sort]]
* [[Bogosort]]
* [[Bubble sort]]: foruntik eachsetiap pair of indicespasangan, swap the items if outtukar ofitem ordertersebut
* [[Bucket sort]]
* [[Comb sort]]
Baris 64 ⟶ 72:
* [[Counting sort]]
* [[Gnome sort]]
* [[Heapsort]]: convert themengubah list into amenjadi heap, keeplalu removingpindah theyang largestterbesar elementkepada from the heap and adding it to the end of the listdaftar.
* [[Insertion sort]]: determinemenentukan where the currentdimana item belongstertentu intermasuk thedalam list ofyang sorted onester-urut, and insertdan itmenyisipkan therepadanya
* [[Merge sort]]: pisah daftar menjadi pasangan dua-dua, urutkan lalu digabung dengan satu pasangan lainnya, kembali diurutkan, dan diulang hingga menjadi daftar utuh
* [[Merge sort]]: sort the first and second half of the list separately, then merge the sorted lists
* [[Pancake sorting]]
* [[Pigeonhole sort]]
* [[Quicksort]]: pisah daftar menjadi dua daftar, yang satu lebih rendah yang satu lebih besar, dan urut terpisah.
* [[Quicksort]]: divide list into two, with all items on the first list coming before all items on the second list.; then sort the two lists. Often the method of choice
* [[Radix sort]]: sorts strings letter by letter
* [[Selection sort]]: pick the smallest of the remaining elements, add it to the end of the sorted list
Baris 77 ⟶ 85:
* [[Topological sorting|Topological sort]]
== [[DataKompresi compression|Compression algorithmsdata]] ==
=== [[Kompresi data tanpa kehilangan]] ===
=== [[:Category:Lossless compression algorithms|Lossless compression algorithms]] ===
* [[Burrows-Wheeler transform]]: preprocessing useful for improving lossless compression
Baris 85 ⟶ 93:
* [[Delta encoding]]: aid to compression of data in which sequential data occurs frequently
* [[Incremental encoding]]: delta encoding applied to sequences of strings
* [[LZW]]: losslesssingkatan data compressiondari (Lempel-Ziv-Welch)
* [[LZ77 (algorithm)]]: LZ77 and LZ78 are the names for the two lossless data compression algorithms
* [[LZMA]]: shortsingkatan fordari Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm
* [[LZO]]: pemadatan data compression algorithm that is focused onyang speedcepat
* [[PPM compression algorithm]]
* [[Shannon-Fano coding]]
* [[Truncated binary encoding]]
* [[Run-length encoding]]: losslesspemadatan data compressionyang takingmenggunakan advantagederetan ofhuruf stringsyang of repeated charactersberulang.
* [[SEQUITUR algorithm]]: lossless compression by incremental grammar inference on a string
* [[Embedded Zerotree Wavelet|EZW (Embedded Zerotree Wavelet)]]
Baris 107 ⟶ 115:
** [[Rice coding]]: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric distributions
=== [[Kompresi data berkehilangan]] ===
=== [[:Category:Lossy compression algorithms|Lossy compression algorithms]] ===
* [[Linear predictive coding]]: lossy compression by representing the spectral envelope of a digital signal of speech in compressed form
Baris 131 ⟶ 139:
* [[Ray tracing]]: realistic image [[rendering (computer graphics)|rendering]]
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme [[Kriptografi]] ==
''Lihat juga [[Topik dalam kriptografi]]''
* [[Enkripsi simetris]] dengan kata kunci:
* [[symmetric key algorithm|Symmetric (secret key) encryption]]:
** [[Advanced Encryption Standard]] (AES), winnerpemenang kompetisi [[National Institute of Standards and Technology|NIST]] pada tahun competition2000
** [[Blowfish (cipher)|Blowfish]]
** [[Data Encryption Standard]] (DES), sometimespemenang DEkompetisi Algorithm,[[National winnerInstitute of Standards and Technology|NBS]] selection(sekarang competitionNIST), replacedtelah bydigantikan dengan AES for most purposes.
** [[International Data Encryption Algorithm|IDEA]]
** [[RC4 (cipher)]]
* [[Enkripsi asimetris]] dengan kunci publik atau [[tanda tangan digital]]:
* [[Asymmetric key algorithm|Asymmetric (public key) encryption]] or [[digital signature]]:
** [[Digital Signature Algorithm|DSA]]
** [[ElGamal encryption|ElGamal]]
Baris 147 ⟶ 155:
** [[NTRUEncrypt]]
* Cryptographic [[Message digest]] functions:
** [[MD5]] – Sekarang ini sudah terdapat algoritme yang mampu memalsukan jumlah MD5.<ref>[http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/md5collision/ Presentasi pemalsuan jumlah MD5]</ref>
** [[MD5]] – Note that there is now a method of generating collisions for MD5
** [[RIPEMD-160]]
** [[SHA-1]]
** [[keyed-hash message authentication code|HMAC]]: keyed-hash message authentication
* [[Perhitungan nomor acak tentu yang aman untuk persandian]] (Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator]]s)
** [[Blum Blum Shub]] - based on the hardness ofberdasarkan [[integerfaktorisasi factorization|factorizationprima]].
** [[Yarrow algorithm]]
** [[Fortuna (PRNG)|Fortuna]], allegedly an improvement on Yarrow
Baris 158 ⟶ 166:
** [[Diffie-Hellman]]: key exchange
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme [[Distributed systems]] ==
* [[Lamport ordering]]: a [[partial order]]ing of events based on the ''happened-before'' relation
* [[Snapshot algorithm]]: a snapshot is the process of recording the global state of a system
* [[Vector ordering]]: a [[total order]]ing of events
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme NumericalNumerik ==
''See also main article ''[[numerical analysis]]'' and [[list of numerical analysis topics]]''
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme De Boor]]: computes [[Spline (mathematics)|splines]].
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Dede Casteljau]]: computesmelakukan perhitungan [[Bezierkurva curveBézier]]s
* [[False position method]]: approximates roots of a function
* [[Eliminasi Gauss-Jordan elimination]]: solvesmenyelesaikan systemssistem ofpersamaan linear equations
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Gauss-Legendre]]: computes the digits of [[pi]]
* [[Gauss-Newton algorithm]]: find minimum of function of several variables
* [[Penambahan Kahan]]: menambahkan bilangan-bilangan titik mengambang dengan ketelitian lebih
* [[Kahan summation algorithm]]: a more accurate method of summing floating-point numbers
* [[Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm]]: find minimum of function of several variables
* [[MISER algorithm]]: Monte Carlo simulation, [[numerical integration]]
* [[Newton's method]]: finds zeros of functions with [[calculus]]
* [[Bracketing Methods]]:
* [[Pembulatan]]: membulatkan bilangan pecah
* [[Rounding functions]]: the classic ways to round numbers
* [[Secant method]]: approximates roots of a function
* [[Shifting nth-root algorithm]]: digit by digit root extraction
* [[Akar persegi]]: menghitungkan akar persegi dengan ketelitian terbatas
* [[Square root]]: approximates the square root of a number
* [[Strassen algorithm]]
Baris 196 ⟶ 204:
* [[CORDIC]]: Fast [[trigonometric function]] computation technique.
* [[Fast Fourier transform]]: determines the frequencies contained in a (segment of a) signal
** [[Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm]]
* [[Rainflow-counting algorithm]]: Reduces a complex [[stress (physics)|stress]] history to a count of elementary stress-reversals for use in [[fatigue (material)|fatigue]] analysis
* [[Osem]]: algorithm for processing of medical images
* [[Goertzel algorithm]] Can be used for [[Persinyalan nada ganda multifrekuensi|DTMF]] digit decoding.
* [[Discrete Fourier transform<ref>frequency domain ICA</ref>** [[Rader's FFT algorithm]]
** [[Rader's FFT algorithm]]
** [[Bluestein's FFT algorithm]]
Baris 211 ⟶ 218:
** [[Index calculus algorithm]]
* [[Euclidean algorithm]]: computes the [[greatest common divisor]]
* [[Faktorisasi prima]]: pemecahan bilangan bulat menjadi faktor [[Bilangan prima|prima]].
* [[Integer factorization]]: breaking an integer into its [[prime number|prime]] factors
** [[Trial division]]
** [[LenstraFaktorisasi elliptickurva curveeliptik factorizationLenstra]]
** [[Pollard's rho algorithm]]
** [[Pollard's p-1 algorithm]]
Baris 219 ⟶ 226:
** [[Quadratic sieve]]
** [[Special number field sieve]]
** [[General number field sieve]]
** [[Jones's period proxy algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme perkalian]]: cara perkalian dua bilangan yang cepat.
* [[Multiplication algorithm]]s: fast multiplication of two numbers
* [[Ujian bilangan prima]]: menentukan apakah suatu bilangan adalah [[bilangan prima]].
* [[Primality test]]s: determining whether a given number is [[prime number|prime]]
** [[AKS primality test]]
** [[Miller-Rabin primality test]]
Baris 241 ⟶ 248:
* [[Recursive descent parser]]: A [[top-down parser]] suitable for LL(''k'') grammars
* [[LL parser]]: A relatively simple [[linear time]] parsing algorithm for a limited class of [[context-free grammar]]s
* [[LR parser]]: A more complex [[linear time]] parsing algorithm for a larger class of [[context-free grammar]]s. Variants:
** [[Operator-precedence parser]]
** [[Simple LR parser|SLR (Simple LR) parser]]
Baris 258 ⟶ 265:
* [[Diff]]: compare two sequences. An example of [[Dynamic programming]] (dynamic refers to the property that the optimal solution can be constructed by combining optimal solutions to sub-problems e.g. quicksort).
== [[Komputer kuantum|AlgoritmaAlgoritme kuantum]] ==
''<small>Application of [[quantum computation]] to various categories of problems and algorithms</small>''
Baris 265 ⟶ 272:
* [[Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm]]: criterion of balance for Boolean function
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme medis ==
* [[Medical algorithm]]
Baris 271 ⟶ 278:
== Lainnya ==
* [[Astronomical algorithm]]s
* [[Banker's algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme Baum-Welch algorithm]]
* [[Doomsday algorithm]]: day of the week
* [[Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm]]
* [[Marzullo's algorithm]]: distributed clock synchronization
* [[Page replacement algorithms]]
* [[Risch algorithm]]
* [[Schreier-Sims algorithm]]
* [[Todd-Coxeter algorithm]]
* [[Viterbi algorithm]]
* [[Penukaran XOR]]: menukar nilainya dua variabel tanpa menggunakan variabel sementara
*[[Xor swap algorithm]]: swaps the values of two variables without using a buffer
* [[Algoritme merge]]
* [[Algoritme penggantian halaman]]
== Referensi ==
<references />
[[Kategori:AlgoritmaAlgoritme| ]]
[[Kategori:Daftar bertopik matematika|Algoritme]]
[[de:Liste von Algorithmen]]
[[en:List of algorithms]]
[[et:Algoritmide loend]]
[[pt:Lista de algoritmos]]
[[ru:Список алгоритмов]]
[[sr:Списак алгоритама]]
[[tg:Рӯихати алгоритмҳо]]
[[uk:Список алгоритмів]]

Revisi terkini sejak 24 Desember 2023 04.18

Berikut adalah daftar algoritme.

Lihat juga daftar struktur data, daftar topik umum algoritme, dan daftar istilah yang berhubungan dengan algoritme dan struktur data.

Algoritme kombinatorial

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Algoritme kombinatorial umum

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Algoritme graf

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Algoritme string

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Pencocokan string

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Bresenham's line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses decision variables)
  • DDA line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses floating-point math)
  • Flood fill: fills a connected region of a multi-dimensional array with a specified symbol
  • Painter's algorithm: detects visible parts of a 3-dimensional scenery
  • Ray tracing: realistic image rendering

Lihat juga Topik dalam kriptografi

Algoritme Numerik

[sunting | sunting sumber]

See also main article numerical analysis and list of numerical analysis topics

Application of quantum computation to various categories of problems and algorithms

Algoritme medis

[sunting | sunting sumber]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Presentasi pemalsuan jumlah MD5
  2. ^ frequency domain ICA