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'''Enver Halil Hoxha''' ( /ˈhɒdʒə/ HOJ -ə '', ['' 1 <small>Albania: </small>[ɛnˈvɛɾ hɔdʒa] ( dengarkan ) ; 16 Oktober 1908 – 11 April 1985) adalah seorang politikus [[Komunisme|komunis]] Albania yang menjadi [[diktator]] Albania dari tahun 1944 hingga kematiannya pada tahun 1985. Dia adalah [[Sekretaris Pertama]] [[Partai buruh albania|Partai Buruh Albania]] dari tahun 1941 sampai kematiannya. Dia juga anggota [[Politbiro]] [[Partai Buruh Albania]], ketua [[Front Demokratik Albania]], dan panglima tertinggi angkatan bersenjata. Dia adalah [[Perdana Menteri Albania|Perdana Menteri Albania ke- 22]] dari tahun 1944 hingga 1954 dan pada berbagai waktu menjadi Menteri luar negeri dan [[Menteri pertahanan albania|menteri pertahanan]] Negara tersebut.

| name=Enver Hoxha
{{Infobox officeholder
| image=Enver.jpg
|name = Enver Hoxha
| nationality=[[Albania]]
|image= HODŽA druhá míza.jpg
| order=[[Sekretaris Jenderal|Sekretaris I]] [[Partai Albania untuk Buruh]]
|nationality = Albania
| term_start=November 1944
|order1 = Sekretaris Pertama [[Partai Buruh Albania]]
| term_end=April 1985
|term_start1 = 8 November 1941
| predecessor=[[Victor Emmanuel III dari Italia|Raja Victor Emmanuel III]]
|term_end1 = 11 April 1985
| successor=[[Ramiz Alia]]
|predecessor1 = ''Jabatan baru''
| birth_date=[[16 Oktober]] [[1908]]
|successor1 = [[Ramiz Alia]]
| birth_place=[[Gjirokastër]], [[Albania]]
|order2 = Ketua Dewan Menteri ke-2 [[Republik Rakyat Sosialis Albania|Republik Rakyat Albania]]
| death_date={{death date and age|1985|4|11|1908|10|16}}
|term_start2 = 24 Oktober 1944
| death_place=[[Tirana]], [[Albania]]
|term_end2 = 18 Juli 1954
| spouse=[[Nexhmije Hoxha]]
|predecessor2 = [[Ibrahim Biçakçiu]] (sebagai PM Albania)
| party=[[Partai Albania untuk Buruh]]
|successor2 = [[Mehmet Shehu]]
| profession=
| order3 = Menteri Luar Negeri
| term_start3 = 22 Maret 1946
| term_end3 = 23 Juli 1953
| primeminister3 = Diri sendiri
| predecessor3 = [[Omer Nishani]]
| successor3 = [[Behar Shtylla]]
| order4 = Menteri Pertahanan Rakyat
| term_start4 = 23 Oktober 1944
| term_end4 = 31 Juli 1953
| primeminister4 = Diri sendiri
| successor4 = [[Beqir Balluku]]
|birth_date = {{birth date|1908|10|16|df=yes}}|birth_place = [[Gjirokastër|Ergiri (Gjirokastër)]], [[Vilayet Janina]], [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]
|death_date = {{death date and age|1985|4|11|1908|10|16|df=yes}}
|death_place = [[Tirana]], [[Republik Rakyat Sosialis Albania]]
|party = [[Partai Buruh Albania]]
|religion = tidak ada ([[atheis]])
|spouse = [[Nexhmije Hoxha]]
|children = [[Ilir Hoxha|Ilir]]<br />[[Sokol Hoxha|Sokol]]<br>[[Pranvera Hoxha|Pranvera]]
|profession =

Hoxha lahir di Gjirokastr pada tahun 1908 dan menjadi guru sekolah dasar pada tahun 1936. Setelah invasi Italia ke Albania , ia bergabung dengan Partai Buruh Albania pada pembentukannya pada tahun 1941 di Uni Soviet. Dia terpilih sebagai Sekretaris Pertama pada Maret 1943 pada usia 34. Kurang dari dua tahun setelah pembebasan negara , monarki Raja Zog secara resmi dihapuskan, dan Hoxha naik ke tampuk kekuasaan sebagai kepala negara simbolis Albania.
{{audio|Sq-Enver_Hoxha.ogg|'''Enver Hoxha'''}}, ([[International Phonetic Alphabet|IPA]] {{IPA|/ɛn'vɛɾ 'h&#596;ʤa/}}, [[16 Oktober]] [[1908]]&ndash;[[11 April]] [[1985]]) adalah pemimpin [[Albania]] pada akhir [[Perang Dunia II]] hingga meninggalnya pada tahun 1985 sebagai [[Sekretaris Jenderal|Sekretaris Pertama]] [[Partai Buruh Albania]] era [[Komunis]]. Ia juga [[Perdana Menteri Albania]] pada [[1944]] - [[1954]] dan [[Menteri Luar Negeri Albania]] ([[1946]] - [[1953]]). <!--Under Hoxha, whose rule was characterized by isolation from the rest of [[Europe]] and, according to his adherents, by firm adherence to [[Marxism-Leninism]], Albania's government projected the image that it had emerged from semi-[[feudalism]] to become an [[industrialization|industrialized]] state.-->

Selama 41 tahun pemerintahannya, ia membangun kembali negara, yang ditinggalkan dalam reruntuhan setelah Perang Dunia II , membangun jalur kereta api pertama Albania, meningkatkan tingkat melek huruf orang dewasa dari 5% menjadi lebih dari 90%, menghapus epidemi, menggemparkan negara dan memimpin Albania menuju kemerdekaan pertanian. Dia juga melarang agama, bepergian ke luar negeri, dan kepemilikan pribadi, menutup atau beralih ke penggunaan sekuler semua fasilitas keagamaan Albania. Di bawah rezimnya, ribuan orang yang dianggap pembangkang dieksekusi, dan puluhan ribu lainnya dipenjarakan di kamp kerja paksa .
== Biografi ==
[[Image:Hoxha Bust.jpg|thumb|left|Discarded bust of Enver Hoxha]]

Pemerintahan Hoxha dicirikan oleh kepatuhannya yang teguh pada [[Marxisme–Leninisme]] anti-revisionis , yaitu Stalinisme , dari pertengahan/akhir 1970-an dan seterusnya. Setelah putus dengan Maoisme pada periode 1976–1978, banyak partai Maois di seluruh dunia mendeklarasikan diri sebagai [[Hoxhaisme|Hoxhaist]] . Konferensi Internasional Partai dan Organisasi Marxis-Leninis (Persatuan & Perjuangan) adalah asosiasi paling terkenal dari partai-partai ini.
<!--Hoxha was born in [[Gjirokastër]], a city in southern Albania that has been home to many prominent families. He was the son of a cloth merchant who travelled widely across Europe during his childhood, and the major influence on Enver during these years was his uncle, Hysen Hoxha ({{IPA|/hy'sɛn 'h&#596;ʤa/}}). Hysen Hoxha was a militant who campaigned vigorously for the independence of Albania - which occurred when Enver was four years old - and opposed the repressive governments that prevailed after independence. Enver took to these ideas very strongly, especially after [[Zog of Albania|King Zog]] came to power in 1928.

== Lihat pula ==
In 1930, he went to study at the [[University of Montpellier]] in [[France]] on a state scholarship, but he soon dropped out. From 1934 to 1936 he was a secretary at the Albanian consulate in [[Brussels]]. He also studied [[law]] at the [[university]] there. He returned to Albania in 1936 and became a teacher in [[Korçë]].

* [[Sejarah Albania]]
Hoxha was dismissed from his teaching post following the 1939 [[Italy|Italian]] invasion of [[World War II]] for refusing to join the [[Albanian Fascist Party]]. He opened a [[tobacco]] shop in [[Tiranë]] where soon a small communist group started gathering. He was helped by [[Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia|Yugoslav]] communists to found and become leader of the Albanian Communist Party (called Party of Labour afterwards) in November 1941, as well as the resistance movement (National Liberation Army), which took power in November 1944.

== Referensi ==
Hoxha declared himself an orthodox [[Marxism-Leninism|Marxist-Leninist]] and strongly admired [[Joseph Stalin]]. He adopted the model of the [[Soviet Union]] and severed relations with his former [[Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia|Yugoslav]] communist allies following their ideological breach with Moscow in 1948. He had defence minister [[Koçi Xoxe]] ({{IPA|/'k&#596;ʧi 'ʣ&#596;ʣɛ/}}) executed a year later for alleged pro-Yugoslav activities.

Hoxha's regime confiscated farmland from wealthy landowners and consolidated it into collective farms ([[Cooperative]]s), imprisoning and executing thousands in the process. The Hoxha regime propaganda took great pride in claiming that Albania had become completely self-sufficient in food crops during communist rule, as well as developing an Albanian industry and bringing electricity to most rural areas, all the while stamping out illiteracy and disease.

[[Image:Albania bunkers.jpg|thumb|[[Pill box]]es in [[Albania]] built during Hoxha's rule to avert possible internal revolution or external invasion. Over half a million were built; most have now been removed.]]
However, the opening of the Albanian borders to the outside world, following the collapse of the communist regime, revealed a completely different picture. Albania was not the industrialized, advanced nation of communist party propaganda, but in fact a country that was backward, not only by Western standards, but also by those of other Eastern Bloc countries such as [[Bulgaria]] and [[Romania]]. The vaunted industry of Albania was, in fact, fictional, while the farming collectives used agricultural methods of the previous century. Telephone communication, long established in every household in Albania's neighbouring countries, was rare in most areas; while communist propaganda claimed telephone use was "available for everyone through communal telephone offices" posited "throughout Albania", in fact, very few Albanians other than higher-echelon party apparatchiks had access to such services. Worker wages and living standards were remarkably low by European standards, a fact that led to a massive exodus of Albanian workers into neighbouring Greece and Italy, where they could sustain better standards of living as illegal immigrants, than they did in their country as nationals.

Despite his grandstanding, it appeared that Hoxha's major legacy was a complex of over 600,000 one-man concrete [[bunker]]s across a country of 3 million inhabitants, to act as look-outs and gun emplacements, pointed against towns and villages just as often as they were outside of them. The paranoid nature of Hoxha's character, who was beset by fears of American invasion just as much as internal revolution, was apparent in the design.

Hoxha had remained a firm Stalinist despite new Soviet leader [[Nikita Khrushchev]]'s repudiation of Stalin's excesses in 1956 at the [[Twentieth Party Congress]] of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Soviet Communist Party]], and this meant Albania's isolation from the rest of communist Eastern Europe. In 1960, Hoxha aligned Albania with the [[People's Republic of China]], which also continued to uphold Stalin's legacy, in the [[Sino-Soviet split]], severing relations with [[Moscow]] the following year. In 1968, Albania withdrew from the [[Warsaw Pact]] in response to the Soviet-led invasion of [[Czechoslovakia]].

Hoxha's internal policies were true to the Stalinist paradigm he admired, and the personality cult organized around him held striking resemblance to that of Stalin. Internally, the "Sigurimi" Albanian secret police made sure to replicate the repressive methods of the [[NKVD]], [[MGB]], [[KGB]], and [[Stasi]]. Its activities permeated Albanian society to the extent that every third citizen had either served time in labor camps or been interrogated by Sigurimi officers. To eliminate dissent, the government resorted systematically to purges, in which opponents were dismissed from their jobs, imprisoned in forced-labour camps, and often executed. Travel abroad was forbidden to all but those on official business, in order to sustain the myth of an advanced Albania. Any trace of individuality and creativity in cultural life was stifled, as the arts and belles lettres were allowed to exist only to the degree they served as mouthpieces for the government.

In 1967, following two decades of progressively harsher persecution of [[religion]] under his rule, Hoxha triumphantly declared his nation to be the first and only officially [[atheism|atheist]] state in history. Partly inspired by China's [[Cultural Revolution]], he proceeded to confiscate mosques, churches, monasteries, and shrines. Many were immediately razed, others turned into machine shops, warehouses, stables, and [[film|movie]] theaters. Parents were forbidden to give their children religious names. Anyone caught with the [[Qur'an]], [[Bible]]s, [[icon]]s, or religious objects faced long prison sentences.

According to a landmark [[Amnesty International]] report published in 1984, Albania's [[human rights]] record was dismal under Hoxha. The regime denied its citizens [[freedom of expression]], religion, movement, and association although the [[constitution]] of 1976 ostensibly guaranteed each of these rights. In fact, certain clauses in the constitution effectively circumscribed the exercise of political liberties that the regime interpreted as contrary to the established order. In addition, the regime denied the population access to information other than that disseminated by the government-controlled media. The [[Sigurimi]] routinely violated the privacy of persons, homes, and communications and made arbitrary arrests. The courts ensured that verdicts were rendered from the party's political perspective instead of affording due process to the accused, who were often sentenced without even the formality of a trial.

Hoxha was unhappy with China's rapprochment with the USA in the early seventies. He had himself normalised relations with Albania's neighbours immediately before. Mao's death in 1976 and the defeat of the [[Gang of Four (China)|Gang of Four]] in China's subsequent inner-party struggle in 1977 and 1978 led to the [[Sino-Albanian split]] and Albania's retreat into political isolation, with Hoxha claiming the [[anti-revisionist]] mantle to criticize both [[Moscow]] and [[Beijing]]. Deprived of its last main trading partner, Hoxha's Albania became a near-[[autarky]] from 1976 onwards.

[[Image:Grave Hoxha.jpg|thumb|Hoxha was exhumed in 1992 and informally reburied. The picture shows his second grave.]]
In 1981, Hoxha ordered the execution of several party and government officials in a new purge. Prime Minister [[Mehmet Shehu]] was reported to have committed suicide following a further dispute within the Albanian leadership in December 1981, but it is often believed that he was killed.

Later, Hoxha withdrew into semi-retirement and turned most state functions over to [[Ramiz Alia]].
Hoxha's death on [[April 11]], [[1985]] left Albania with a legacy of repression, technological backwardness, isolation, and fear of the outside world. As communist party rule weakened throughout Eastern Europe, his succession by [[Ramiz Alia]] led to some relaxation in internal and foreign policies, culminating in Albania's abandonment of one-party rule in 1990 and the reformed Socialist Party's defeat in the 1992 elections.-->

== Lihat juga ==
*[[Sejarah Albania]]

== Referensi ==
* ''Albania in Occupation and War'', Owen S. Pearson, [[I.B. Tauris]], London 2006, ISBN 1-84511-104-4
* ''Albania in Occupation and War'', Owen S. Pearson, [[I.B. Tauris]], London 2006, ISBN 1-84511-104-4
* ''Albanian Stalinism'', Pipa, Arshi, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1990, ISBN 0-88033-184-4
* ''Albanian Stalinism'', Pipa, Arshi, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1990, ISBN 0-88033-184-4

== Pranala luar ==
== Pranala luar ==

*[http://www.enverhoxha.info/indexeng.htm Enver Hoxha tungjatjeta]
* [http://www.enverhoxha.info/indexeng.htm Enver Hoxha tungjatjeta] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060203093202/http://www.enverhoxha.info/indexeng.htm |date=2006-02-03 }}
*[http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hoxha/index.htm Enver Hoxha Reference Archive at marxists.org]
* [http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hoxha/index.htm Enver Hoxha Reference Archive at marxists.org]
*[http://www.diacritica.com/degenerate/5/enver.html ''Comrade Loulou and the Fun Factory'' - A critical and satirical view of Hoxha]
* [http://www.diacritica.com/degenerate/5/enver.html ''Comrade Loulou and the Fun Factory'' - A critical and satirical view of Hoxha] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20051224010211/http://www.diacritica.com/degenerate/5/enver.html |date=2005-12-24 }}
*[http://www.albanian.com/main/history/hoxha.html Albanian.com article on Hoxha]
* [http://www.albanian.com/main/history/hoxha.html Albanian.com article on Hoxha] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20040803214237/http://www.albanian.com/main/history/hoxha.html |date=2004-08-03 }}
*[http://www.enverhoxha.info/ A site dedicated to Enver Hoxha, has video and footage]
* [http://www.enverhoxha.info/ A site dedicated to Enver Hoxha, has video and footage]
* [http://www.enverhoxha.ru/ Enver Hoxha. His Life and Work.]

{{start box}}
{{start box}}
Baris 71: Baris 64:
before=[[Victor Emmanuel III dari Italia|Raja Victor Emmanuel III]] (''de jure'') |
before=[[Victor Emmanuel III dari Italia|Raja Victor Emmanuel III]] (''de jure'') |
title= [[Presiden Albania|Pemimpin Albania]] |
title= [[Presiden Albania|Pemimpin Albania]] |
years= 1944&ndash;1985 |
years= 1944–1985 |
after= [[Ramiz Alia]]
after= [[Ramiz Alia]]
Baris 77: Baris 70:
before=Terbentuk|'''Terbentuk''' |
before=Terbentuk|'''Terbentuk''' |
title= [[Perdana Menteri Albania|Ketua Dewan Menteri Albania]] |
title= [[Perdana Menteri Albania|Ketua Dewan Menteri Albania]] |
years= 1946&ndash;1954 |
years= 1946–1954 |
after= [[Mehmet Shehu]]}}
after= [[Mehmet Shehu]]}}
{{end box}}
{{end box}}

[[Kategori:Perdana Menteri Albania|Hoxha, Enver]]
[[Kategori:Komunis Albania|Hoxha, Enver]]
[[Kategori:Politisi Albania|Hoxha, Enver]]
[[Kategori:Penguasa Komunis|Hoxha, Enver]]
[[Kategori:Atheisme Albania|Hoxha, Enver]]
[[Kategori:Former Muslims|Hoxha, Enver]]
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1908|Hoxha]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 1985|Hoxha]]
[[Kategori:Presiden Albania|Hoxha]]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Hoxha, Enver}}
[[bg:Енвер Ходжа]]
[[Kategori:Perdana Menteri Albania]]
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[[Kategori:Tokoh yang berpindah agama dari Islam]]
[[ca:Enver Hoxha]]
[[cs:Enver Hodža]]
[[Kategori:Presiden Albania]]
[[Kategori:Pemimpin Perang Dingin]]
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[[el:Ενβέρ Χότζα]]
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[[fa:انور خوجه]]
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[[ka:ენვერ ხოჯა]]
[[ko:엔버 호자]]
[[nl:Enver Hoxha]]
[[no:Enver Hoxha]]
[[oc:Enver Hoxha]]
[[pl:Enver Hodża]]
[[pt:Enver Hoxha]]
[[ru:Ходжа, Энвер]]
[[sh:Enver Hodža]]
[[sq:Enver Hoxha]]
[[sr:Енвер Хоџа]]
[[sv:Enver Hoxha]]
[[tr:Enver Hoca]]

Revisi terkini sejak 20 Desember 2023 11.40

Enver Halil Hoxha ( /ˈhɒdʒə/ HOJ -ə , [ 1 Albania: [ɛnˈvɛɾ hɔdʒa] ( dengarkan ) ; 16 Oktober 1908 – 11 April 1985) adalah seorang politikus komunis Albania yang menjadi diktator Albania dari tahun 1944 hingga kematiannya pada tahun 1985. Dia adalah Sekretaris Pertama Partai Buruh Albania dari tahun 1941 sampai kematiannya. Dia juga anggota Politbiro Partai Buruh Albania, ketua Front Demokratik Albania, dan panglima tertinggi angkatan bersenjata. Dia adalah Perdana Menteri Albania ke- 22 dari tahun 1944 hingga 1954 dan pada berbagai waktu menjadi Menteri luar negeri dan menteri pertahanan Negara tersebut.

Enver Hoxha
Sekretaris Pertama Partai Buruh Albania
Masa jabatan
8 November 1941 – 11 April 1985
Jabatan baru
Ramiz Alia
Ketua Dewan Menteri ke-2 Republik Rakyat Albania
Masa jabatan
24 Oktober 1944 – 18 Juli 1954
Ibrahim Biçakçiu (sebagai PM Albania)
Mehmet Shehu
Menteri Luar Negeri
Masa jabatan
22 Maret 1946 – 23 Juli 1953
Perdana MenteriDiri sendiri
Omer Nishani
Behar Shtylla
Menteri Pertahanan Rakyat
Masa jabatan
23 Oktober 1944 – 31 Juli 1953
Perdana MenteriDiri sendiri
Beqir Balluku
Informasi pribadi
Lahir(1908-10-16)16 Oktober 1908
Ergiri (Gjirokastër), Vilayet Janina, Kesultanan Utsmaniyah
Meninggal11 April 1985(1985-04-11) (umur 76)
Tirana, Republik Rakyat Sosialis Albania
Partai politikPartai Buruh Albania
Suami/istriNexhmije Hoxha
Find a Grave: 7719503 Modifica els identificadors a Wikidata
Sunting kotak info
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Bantuan penggunaan templat ini

Hoxha lahir di Gjirokastr pada tahun 1908 dan menjadi guru sekolah dasar pada tahun 1936. Setelah invasi Italia ke Albania , ia bergabung dengan Partai Buruh Albania pada pembentukannya pada tahun 1941 di Uni Soviet. Dia terpilih sebagai Sekretaris Pertama pada Maret 1943 pada usia 34. Kurang dari dua tahun setelah pembebasan negara , monarki Raja Zog secara resmi dihapuskan, dan Hoxha naik ke tampuk kekuasaan sebagai kepala negara simbolis Albania.

Selama 41 tahun pemerintahannya, ia membangun kembali negara, yang ditinggalkan dalam reruntuhan setelah Perang Dunia II , membangun jalur kereta api pertama Albania, meningkatkan tingkat melek huruf orang dewasa dari 5% menjadi lebih dari 90%, menghapus epidemi, menggemparkan negara dan memimpin Albania menuju kemerdekaan pertanian. Dia juga melarang agama, bepergian ke luar negeri, dan kepemilikan pribadi, menutup atau beralih ke penggunaan sekuler semua fasilitas keagamaan Albania. Di bawah rezimnya, ribuan orang yang dianggap pembangkang dieksekusi, dan puluhan ribu lainnya dipenjarakan di kamp kerja paksa .

Pemerintahan Hoxha dicirikan oleh kepatuhannya yang teguh pada Marxisme–Leninisme anti-revisionis , yaitu Stalinisme , dari pertengahan/akhir 1970-an dan seterusnya. Setelah putus dengan Maoisme pada periode 1976–1978, banyak partai Maois di seluruh dunia mendeklarasikan diri sebagai Hoxhaist . Konferensi Internasional Partai dan Organisasi Marxis-Leninis (Persatuan & Perjuangan) adalah asosiasi paling terkenal dari partai-partai ini.

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[sunting | sunting sumber]


[sunting | sunting sumber]

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[sunting | sunting sumber]
Didahului oleh:
Raja Victor Emmanuel III (de jure)
Pemimpin Albania
Diteruskan oleh:
Ramiz Alia
Didahului oleh:
Ketua Dewan Menteri Albania
Diteruskan oleh:
Mehmet Shehu