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Baris 418: Baris 418:
Pergerakan Karismatik adalah tren internasional di kalangan jemaat-jemaat Kristen arus utama untuk mengadopsi akidah-akidah dan amalan-amalan yang serupa dengan yang diimani dan diamalkan umat Kristen [[Pentakostalisme|Pentakosta]]. Unsur hakiki pergerakan ini adalah pemanfaatan karunia-[[karunia Roh Kudus]]. Di kalangan umat Protestan, pergerakan ini bermula sekitar tahun 1960.
Pergerakan Karismatik adalah tren internasional di kalangan jemaat-jemaat Kristen arus utama untuk mengadopsi akidah-akidah dan amalan-amalan yang serupa dengan yang diimani dan diamalkan umat Kristen [[Pentakostalisme|Pentakosta]]. Unsur hakiki pergerakan ini adalah pemanfaatan karunia-[[karunia Roh Kudus]]. Di kalangan umat Protestan, pergerakan ini bermula sekitar tahun 1960.

Di Amerika Serikat, rohaniwan gereja Episkopal [[Dennis Bennett (pendeta)|Dennis Bennett]] adakalanya disebut-sebut sebagai salah seorang tokoh perintis pergerakan Karismatik.<ref>{{Citation | first = Randall | last = Balmer | title = Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism: Revised and Expanded Edition | edition = 2 | place = Waco | publisher = Baylor | year = 2004 | contribution = Charismatic Movement}}</ref> Di [[Inggris Raya]], yang disebut-sebut sebagai tokoh perintis pergerakan Karismatik adalah [[Colin Urquhart]], [[Michael Harper (priest)|Michael Harper]], [[David Watson (evangelist)|David Watson]] dan beberapa tokoh lain. Konferensi [[Universitas Massey|Massey]] tahun 1964 di Selandia Baru dihadiri oleh beberapa rohaniwan Anglikan, antara lain Pendeta Ray Muller, rohaniwan yang mengundang Dennis Bennett ke Selandia Baru pada tahun 1966, dan menjadi tokoh utama dalam pengembangan dan penyebarluasan seminar-seminar ''Hidup dalam Roh''. Salah seorang tokoh utama lainnya dalam pergerakan Karismatik di Selandia Baru adalah [[Bill Subritzky]].<!--
Di Amerika Serikat, rohaniwan gereja Episkopal [[Dennis Bennett (pendeta)|Dennis Bennett]] adakalanya disebut-sebut sebagai salah seorang tokoh perintis pergerakan Karismatik.<ref>{{Citation | first = Randall | last = Balmer | title = Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism: Revised and Expanded Edition | edition = 2 | place = Waco | publisher = Baylor | year = 2004 | contribution = Charismatic Movement}}</ref> Di [[Inggris Raya]], yang disebut-sebut sebagai tokoh perintis pergerakan Karismatik adalah [[Colin Urquhart]], [[Michael Harper (priest)|Michael Harper]], [[David Watson (evangelist)|David Watson]] dan beberapa tokoh lain. Konferensi [[Universitas Massey|Massey]] tahun 1964 di Selandia Baru dihadiri oleh beberapa rohaniwan Anglikan, antara lain Pendeta Ray Muller, rohaniwan yang mengundang Dennis Bennett ke Selandia Baru pada tahun 1966, dan menjadi tokoh utama dalam pengembangan dan penyebarluasan seminar-seminar ''Hidup dalam Roh''. Salah seorang tokoh utama lainnya dalam pergerakan Karismatik di Selandia Baru adalah [[Bill Subritzky]].

Larry Christenson, teolog Lutheran yang bermarkas di [[San Pedro, California]], did much in the 1960s and 1970s to interpret the charismatic movement for Lutherans. A very large annual conference regarding that matter was held in [[Minneapolis]]. Charismatic Lutheran congregations in Minnesota became especially large and influential; especially "Hosanna!" in Lakeville, and North Heights in St. Paul. The next generation of Lutheran charismatics cluster around the Alliance of Renewal Churches. There is considerable charismatic activity among young Lutheran leaders in California centered around an annual gathering at Robinwood Church in Huntington Beach. [[Richard A. Jensen]]'s ''Touched by the Spirit'' published in 1974, played a major role of the Lutheran understanding to the charismatic movement.
Larry Christenson, teolog Lutheran yang bermarkas di [[San Pedro, California]], banyak berusaha pada dasawarsa 1960-an dan 1970-an untuk menafsirkan pergerakan Karismatik bagi umat Lutheran. Konferensi tahunan besar-besaran terkait usaha tersebut digelar di [[Minneapolis]]. Jemaat-jemaat Lutheran Karismatik di Minnesota menjadi jemaat-jemaat yang besar dan berpengaruh, teristimewa jemaat "Hosanna!" di Lakeville, dan jemaat North Heights di St. Paul. Generasi Lutheran Karismatik berikutnya mengelompok di di bawah naungan Aliansi Gereja-Gereja Pembaharuan. Ada pula aktivitas Karismatik yang lumayan besar di kalangan pemimpin muda Lutheran di California, berkiblat ke pertemuan tahunan yang digelar di Robinwood Church, Huntington Beach. Buku ''Touched by the Spirit'' karangan [[Richard A. Jensen]] yang terbit pada tahun 1974 cukup besar andilnya bagi pemahaman Lutheran mengenai pergerakan Karismatik.<!--

In Congregational and Presbyterian churches which profess a traditionally [[Calvinist]] or [[Reformed theology]] there are differing views regarding present-day [[continuationism|continuation]] or [[cessationism|cessation]] of the gifts (''{{lang|la|charismata}}'') of the Spirit.<ref name="phen">{{Cite book | last1 = Masters | first1 = Peter | last2 = Whitcomb | first2 = John | title = Charismatic Phenomenon| publisher = Wakeman | location = London | page = [https://archive.org/details/charismaticpheno0000mast/page/113 113] | date = 1988 | isbn = 978-1870855013 | url = https://archive.org/details/charismaticpheno0000mast/page/113}}</ref><ref name="epidemic">{{Cite book | last1 = Masters | first1 = Peter | last2 = Wright | first2= Professor Verna| title = Healing Epidemic | url = https://archive.org/details/healingepidemic0000mast | publisher = Wakeman Trust | location = London| page = [https://archive.org/details/healingepidemic0000mast/page/227 227] | date = 1988 | isbn = 978-1870855006}}</ref> Generally, however, Reformed charismatics distance themselves from renewal movements with tendencies which could be perceived as overemotional, such as [[Word of Faith]], [[Toronto Blessing]], [[Brownsville Revival]] and [[Lakeland Revival]]. Prominent Reformed charismatic denominations are the [[Sovereign Grace Churches]] and the [[Every Nation]] Churches in the US, in Great Britain there is the [[Newfrontiers]] churches and movement, which leading figure is [[Terry Virgo]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.tateville.com/churches.html |title=Presbyterian and Reformed Churches |access-date=5 January 2016 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141111183209/http://www.tateville.com/churches.html |archive-date=11 November 2014}}</ref>
In Congregational and Presbyterian churches which profess a traditionally [[Calvinist]] or [[Reformed theology]] there are differing views regarding present-day [[continuationism|continuation]] or [[cessationism|cessation]] of the gifts (''{{lang|la|charismata}}'') of the Spirit.<ref name="phen">{{Cite book | last1 = Masters | first1 = Peter | last2 = Whitcomb | first2 = John | title = Charismatic Phenomenon| publisher = Wakeman | location = London | page = [https://archive.org/details/charismaticpheno0000mast/page/113 113] | date = 1988 | isbn = 978-1870855013 | url = https://archive.org/details/charismaticpheno0000mast/page/113}}</ref><ref name="epidemic">{{Cite book | last1 = Masters | first1 = Peter | last2 = Wright | first2= Professor Verna| title = Healing Epidemic | url = https://archive.org/details/healingepidemic0000mast | publisher = Wakeman Trust | location = London| page = [https://archive.org/details/healingepidemic0000mast/page/227 227] | date = 1988 | isbn = 978-1870855006}}</ref> Generally, however, Reformed charismatics distance themselves from renewal movements with tendencies which could be perceived as overemotional, such as [[Word of Faith]], [[Toronto Blessing]], [[Brownsville Revival]] and [[Lakeland Revival]]. Prominent Reformed charismatic denominations are the [[Sovereign Grace Churches]] and the [[Every Nation]] Churches in the US, in Great Britain there is the [[Newfrontiers]] churches and movement, which leading figure is [[Terry Virgo]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.tateville.com/churches.html |title=Presbyterian and Reformed Churches |access-date=5 January 2016 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141111183209/http://www.tateville.com/churches.html |archive-date=11 November 2014}}</ref>