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k RaFaDa20631 memindahkan halaman Tri Satya ke Janji kepanduan: mengikuti AD/ART Pramuka, internasionalisasi
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Sejak terbitnya ''[[Scouting for Boys]]'' tahun 1908, gerakan Kepanduan Putra dan Putri di seluruh dunia menyatakan janji atau bersumpah untuk meraih cita-cita dan tujuan organisasi, dan menepati [[Ketentuan moral kepanduan|ketentuan moral]] (darma). Kata-kata dalam '''janji kepanduan''' (dikenal dengan istilah '''satya''') dapat bervariasi di berbagai negara. Sejumlah satya organisasi nasional dapat muncul di bawah. Meskipun sebagian besar organisasi Kepanduan Putra dan Putri menggunakan kata "janji", beberapa organisasi seperti Kepanduan Amerika Serikat cenderung menyatakan "sumpah". Biasanya, Pandu Putra dan Putri akan membuat Tanda Pramuka berjari tiga saat mengucapkan janji. Dalam kepramukaan, satya yang tiga ini disebut '''trisatya'''.
'''Tri Satya''' adalah sebuah janji yang diikrarkan oleh para anggota [[Pramuka]]
Dan juga di amalkan

== Isi ==
== Naskah asli ==
Janji pramuka dalam buku karya Baden-Powell berbunyi:<ref name="SfB">{{cite book|last1=Baden-Powell, C.B., F.R.G.S.|first1=Robert|date=1908|title=Scouting for Boys (Part I ed.)|location=London: Oxford|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0192805478|page=36-37}}</ref>
<blockquote>Demi kehormatanku, aku berjanji, akan bersungguh-sungguh:
{| class="wikitable"
# Menjalankan kewajibanku terhadap Tuhan, bangsa dan negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dan menjalankan Pancasila.
# Menolong sesama hidup dan mempersiapkan diri membangun masyarakat.
!Teks asli berbahasa Inggris
# Menepati Dasa Dharma. </blockquote>
|Before he becomes a scout, a boy must take the scout's oath, thus:
<nowiki>:</nowiki>'On my honour I promise that—

<nowiki>:#</nowiki>I will do my duty to God and the King.
== Kewajiban ==
Di dalam Tri Satya terdapat 6 kewajiban, yaitu:
* 1.Tuhan
* 2.Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
* 3.Pancasila
* 4.Sesama hidup
* 5.Masyarakat
* 6.Dasa Dharma

<nowiki>:#</nowiki>I will do my best to help others, whatever it costs me.
== Dasa Dharma Pramuka ==
Dasa Dharma pramuka ialah sebagai berikut:

<nowiki>:#</nowiki>I know the scout law, and will obey it.'
Dasa Dharma Pramuka, Pramuka itu:
# Takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
# Cinta alam dan kasih sayang kepada sesama manusia.
# Patriot yang sopan dan ksatria.
# Patuh dan suka bermusyawarah.
# Rela menolong dan tabah.
# Rajin, terampil, dan gembira.
# Hemat, cermat, dan bersahaja.
# Disiplin, berani, dan setia.
# Bertanggung jawab dan dapat dipercaya.
# Suci dalam pikiran, perkataan, dan perbuatan.

While taking this oath the scout will stand, holding his right hand raised level with his shoulder, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the little finger and the other three fingers upright, pointing upwards:—
== Pranala luar ==

This is the scout's salute and secret sign.
|Sebelum menjadi anggota Pramuka, seorang anak laki-laki harus bersumpah dengan mengucapkan:
<nowiki>:</nowiki>'Demi kehormatanku, aku berjanji dengan bersungguh-sungguh:

<nowiki>:#</nowiki>menjalankan kewajibanku kepada Tuhan dan Raja

<nowiki>:#</nowiki>menolong sesama hidup, tanpa pamrih.

<nowiki>:#</nowiki>menepati Darma Kepanduan.'

Saat berjanji atau bersumpah, seorang pandu akan berdiri mengangkat tangan kanan sejajar dengan bahu, telapak tangan ke depan, ibu jari bertumpu pada kuku kelingking dan tiga jari lainnya tegak, menunjuk ke atas:

— Tanda ini adalah adalah tanda penghormatan rahasia kepanduan.

== Persyaratan Organisasi Kepanduan Dunia ==
Janji kepanduan dapat berbeda di berbagai negara, tetapi harus mematuhi persyaratan minimum yang ditetapakan [[Organisasi Gerakan Kepanduan Dunia|Organisasi Kepanduan Dunia]] agar mematuhi syarat sah keanggotaan organisasi nasional. Konstitusi WOSM Pasal II ayat 2 berbunyi:<ref name=":1">{{Cite web|date=2017-08-01|title=Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement|url=https://www.scout.org/sites/default/files/library_files/WOSMconstitutionV2017%20EN%20FR%20xweb_1.pdf|publisher=World Organization of the Scout Movement}}</ref>
{{quotation|All members of the Scout Movement are required
to adhere to a Scout Promise and Law reflecting, in
language appropriate to the culture and civilization of
each National Scout Organization and approved by the
World Organization, the principles of Duty to God, Duty
to others and Duty to self, and inspired by the Promise
and Law originally conceived by the Founder of the
Scout Movement in the following terms:

The Scout Promise
<poem>On my honour I promise that I will do my best—
To do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country);
To help other people at all times;
To obey the Scout Law. </poem>|author=|title=|source=}}
{{quotation|Setiap anggota Gerakan Kepanduan (Dunia) wajib mematuhi satya dan darma Kepanduan dalam bahasa yang sesuai dengan budaya dan peradaban setiap Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional dan disetujui oleh Organisasi Dunia, prinsip-prinsip kewajiban kepada Tuhan, kepada orang lain, diri sendiri, dan diilhami oleh satya dan darma yang digagas oleh pendiri gerakan kepanduan nasional dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Janji (Satya)
<poem>Demi kehormatanku, aku berjanji akan bersungguh-sungguh—
Menjalankan kewajibanku kepada Tuhan dan Raja (atau kepada Tuhan dan Negara);
Menolong sesama hidup;
Menepati Darma Kepanduan. </poem>|author=|title=|source=}}
In order to accommodate many different religions within Scouting, "God" may refer to a higher power, and is not specifically restricted to the God of the monotheistic religions. The WOSM Constitution explains "Duty to God" as "Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom."<ref name=":1" />

The [[World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts]] (WAGGGS), which is a sister organization to WOSM, has the very same wording in their constitution (Part 4, Paragraph 2: Original Promise),<ref>{{Cite web|date=2017-09-01|title=Constitution and Bye-Laws|url=https://duz92c7qaoni3.cloudfront.net/documents/CIO_English_2018.pdf|publisher=World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts}}</ref> and follows similar policies.

In 2014, the WOSM passed a resolution, "Spirituality in Scouting", recognizing the importance of spirituality, but without defining it with the word "God".<ref>{{Cite web|title=World Scout Conference Resolutions 1920 - 2017|url=https://www.scout.org/sites/default/files/library_files/1920-2017%20WSConf%20Resolutions%20and%20Index%20EN.pdf|at=Resolution 2014-05}}</ref> The WOSM then convened a 2015 "Duty to God" task force, which in turn produced another draft resolution to be considered at the WOSM 2017 conference.<ref>{{Cite web|author=The World Scout Committee|date=2017|title=Background Document Regarding Draft Resolution 2017-F Spirituality in Scouting|url=https://www.scout.org/sites/default/files/media-files/ConfDoc12_Baku2017_Background%20document%20regarding%20Resolution%202017-F%20Spirituality%20in%20Scouting_EN.pdf|access-date=24 November 2020}}</ref> The final 2017 resolution passed indicated a need for further investigation, and for WOSM to take into consideration a member organization's "culture and civilization" if asked to approve changes to their Promise or Law. Conversely, a member organization was asked to consider the global movement and its goals if it requested alternative wording.<ref>{{Cite web|title=World Scout Conference Resolutions 1920 - 2017|url=https://www.scout.org/sites/default/files/library_files/1920-2017%20WSConf%20Resolutions%20and%20Index%20EN.pdf|at=Resolution 2017-06}}</ref> Implicit to both resolution statements was the possibility of introducing an alternative Promise or Law within a member organization.{{or?|date=November 2020}}

=== Alternative promises ===
{{Further|Religion in Scouting}}
Although the Constitution of WOSM states that the Promise should include a reference to Duty to ''God'',<ref name="constitution">{{cite web|title=WOSM Constitution and By-Laws|url=http://www.scout.org/en/content/download/13661/118988/file/WOSMconstitutionE.pdf|publisher=World Scout Bureau|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081116001638/http://www.scout.org/en/content/download/13661/118988/file/WOSMconstitutionE.pdf|archive-date=16 November 2008|access-date=10 March 2007|url-status=dead|df=dmy-all}}</ref> Scouting founder [[Lord Baden-Powell]] approved the use of promises with reference to a ''higher ideal'', ''higher truth'', an optional reference to God, or without a reference to God, for Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Finland.<ref name="FundPrinc">{{cite web|author=[[World Organization of the Scout Movement|WOSM]] and [[WAGGGS]]|date=13 June 2001|title=Report on the Discussion on the Fundamental Principles of WAGGGS and WOSM|url=http://www.ppoe.at/scoutdocs/relationships/wagggs_wosm_rel.pdf|pages=7–8|access-date=6 August 2009}}</ref> Three of these countries still offer this alternative promise (France, the Netherlands and Czech Republic). WOSM stated in 1932 that no new exceptions would be made and expressed the hope that the few remaining countries would stop using a promise without any reference to Duty to God.<ref name="FundPrinc" />

The [[Scouting in Israel|Israeli Scouts]], though founded in 1919/1920, and joining WOSM in 1951 and WAGGGS in 1963, also have no "duty to God" or apparent equivalent in their promise.<ref>{{cite web|title=FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SCOUTS: ABOUT THE TZOFIM'S OATH & COMMANDMENTS|url=http://www.israelscouts.org/scouts_oath.html|website=Israelscouts.org|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071204205905/http://www.israelscouts.org/scouts_oath.html|archive-date=4 December 2007|access-date=25 August 2009|url-status=dead|df=dmy}}</ref><!-- Looking at their promise shows they don't have it. Someone who knows Hebrew may want to look at http://www.zofim.org.il/ and check. It is also possible that some of the subgroups have different promises. -->In 1969, the [[Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France]] decided to discontinue using the reference to ''God'' due to its inconsistency with religious beliefs and practices from a [[Names of God in Judaism|Jewish perspective]]. Use of the word God (Dieu), derived from Zeus, can be seen as an inappropriate pagan reference in Jewish texts or education.<ref>{{cite web|title=Promesses des éclaireuses et éclaireurs israélites de France|url=http://fr.scoutwiki.org/Promesses_des_%C3%A9claireuses_et_%C3%A9claireurs_isra%C3%A9lites_de_France|website=Fr.scoutwiki.org|access-date=25 August 2009}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Paracha Ki Tétsé 576 : Dieu ou Bon Dieu ?|url=http://www.eeif.org/paradet.php?recordID=118|website=Eeif.org|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071025070149/http://www.eeif.org/paradet.php?recordID=118|archive-date=25 October 2007|access-date=25 August 2009|url-status=dead|df=dmy-all}}</ref>

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, some WOSM and WAGGGS affiliated organizations have introduced alternative promises for their programs, giving adherents a choice. Examples include Scouterna (Sweden),<ref>{{Cite web|title=The Scout Method and the Scout Law {{!}} Scouterna|url=http://www.scouterna.se/other-languages/en/about-scouting-in-sweden/the-scout-method-and-the-scout-law/|website=www.scouterna.se|language=sv-SE|access-date=2017-04-23}}</ref> Scouts Australia,<ref>{{Cite web|title=Promise and Law|url=https://scouts.com.au/about/what-is-scouting/promise-law/|website=Scouts Australia|language=en-AU|access-date=2020-10-14}}</ref> and Scouts Canada.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|title=Values (Promise section)|url=https://www.scouts.ca/about/values.html#promise|website=www.scouts.ca|access-date=2020-09-27}}</ref>

== Di luar Organisasi Kepanduan Dunia ==
Scout sections that follow [[traditional Scouting]], such as [[Baden-Powell Scouts]] within the [[World Federation of Independent Scouts]], use several promises including the original Scout promise above that includes the reference to God.<ref>{{cite web|title=BP Scouting|url=http://www.bpscouting.org/|publisher=BP Scouting|access-date=10 March 2007}}</ref> Some, however, for example the 1st Tarrant Scout Group in [[Fort Worth]], [[Texas]] use a blend of the original promise<ref>{{cite web|title=B-P Scouts Introduction|url=http://www.1sttarrantbpscouts.org/Intro.html|publisher=1st Tarrant Baden-Powell Scouts|access-date=10 March 2007}}</ref> and the "Outlander Promise" which, "according to tradition", B-P wrote for Scouts that had to omit the reference to God or a monarch for reasons of conscience.<ref>{{cite web|title=B-P Law & Promise|url=http://www.inquiry.net/ideals/b-p/law.htm|publisher=Inquiry Net|access-date=10 March 2007}}</ref>

== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Pramuka Indonesia]]
[[Kategori:Pramuka Indonesia]]

Revisi per 17 Oktober 2021 04.06

Sejak terbitnya Scouting for Boys tahun 1908, gerakan Kepanduan Putra dan Putri di seluruh dunia menyatakan janji atau bersumpah untuk meraih cita-cita dan tujuan organisasi, dan menepati ketentuan moral (darma). Kata-kata dalam janji kepanduan (dikenal dengan istilah satya) dapat bervariasi di berbagai negara. Sejumlah satya organisasi nasional dapat muncul di bawah. Meskipun sebagian besar organisasi Kepanduan Putra dan Putri menggunakan kata "janji", beberapa organisasi seperti Kepanduan Amerika Serikat cenderung menyatakan "sumpah". Biasanya, Pandu Putra dan Putri akan membuat Tanda Pramuka berjari tiga saat mengucapkan janji. Dalam kepramukaan, satya yang tiga ini disebut trisatya.

Naskah asli

Janji pramuka dalam buku karya Baden-Powell berbunyi:[1]

Teks asli berbahasa Inggris Terjemahannya
Before he becomes a scout, a boy must take the scout's oath, thus:

:'On my honour I promise that—

:#I will do my duty to God and the King.

:#I will do my best to help others, whatever it costs me.

:#I know the scout law, and will obey it.'

While taking this oath the scout will stand, holding his right hand raised level with his shoulder, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the little finger and the other three fingers upright, pointing upwards:—

This is the scout's salute and secret sign.

Sebelum menjadi anggota Pramuka, seorang anak laki-laki harus bersumpah dengan mengucapkan:

:'Demi kehormatanku, aku berjanji dengan bersungguh-sungguh:

:#menjalankan kewajibanku kepada Tuhan dan Raja

:#menolong sesama hidup, tanpa pamrih.

:#menepati Darma Kepanduan.'

Saat berjanji atau bersumpah, seorang pandu akan berdiri mengangkat tangan kanan sejajar dengan bahu, telapak tangan ke depan, ibu jari bertumpu pada kuku kelingking dan tiga jari lainnya tegak, menunjuk ke atas:

— Tanda ini adalah adalah tanda penghormatan rahasia kepanduan.

Persyaratan Organisasi Kepanduan Dunia

Janji kepanduan dapat berbeda di berbagai negara, tetapi harus mematuhi persyaratan minimum yang ditetapakan Organisasi Kepanduan Dunia agar mematuhi syarat sah keanggotaan organisasi nasional. Konstitusi WOSM Pasal II ayat 2 berbunyi:[2]

All members of the Scout Movement are required

to adhere to a Scout Promise and Law reflecting, in language appropriate to the culture and civilization of each National Scout Organization and approved by the World Organization, the principles of Duty to God, Duty to others and Duty to self, and inspired by the Promise and Law originally conceived by the Founder of the Scout Movement in the following terms:

The Scout Promise

On my honour I promise that I will do my best—
To do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country);
To help other people at all times;
To obey the Scout Law.


Setiap anggota Gerakan Kepanduan (Dunia) wajib mematuhi satya dan darma Kepanduan dalam bahasa yang sesuai dengan budaya dan peradaban setiap Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional dan disetujui oleh Organisasi Dunia, prinsip-prinsip kewajiban kepada Tuhan, kepada orang lain, diri sendiri, dan diilhami oleh satya dan darma yang digagas oleh pendiri gerakan kepanduan nasional dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Janji (Satya)

Demi kehormatanku, aku berjanji akan bersungguh-sungguh—
Menjalankan kewajibanku kepada Tuhan dan Raja (atau kepada Tuhan dan Negara);
Menolong sesama hidup;
Menepati Darma Kepanduan.

In order to accommodate many different religions within Scouting, "God" may refer to a higher power, and is not specifically restricted to the God of the monotheistic religions. The WOSM Constitution explains "Duty to God" as "Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom."[2]

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), which is a sister organization to WOSM, has the very same wording in their constitution (Part 4, Paragraph 2: Original Promise),[3] and follows similar policies.

In 2014, the WOSM passed a resolution, "Spirituality in Scouting", recognizing the importance of spirituality, but without defining it with the word "God".[4] The WOSM then convened a 2015 "Duty to God" task force, which in turn produced another draft resolution to be considered at the WOSM 2017 conference.[5] The final 2017 resolution passed indicated a need for further investigation, and for WOSM to take into consideration a member organization's "culture and civilization" if asked to approve changes to their Promise or Law. Conversely, a member organization was asked to consider the global movement and its goals if it requested alternative wording.[6] Implicit to both resolution statements was the possibility of introducing an alternative Promise or Law within a member organization.Templat:Or?

Alternative promises

Although the Constitution of WOSM states that the Promise should include a reference to Duty to God,[7] Scouting founder Lord Baden-Powell approved the use of promises with reference to a higher ideal, higher truth, an optional reference to God, or without a reference to God, for Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Finland.[8] Three of these countries still offer this alternative promise (France, the Netherlands and Czech Republic). WOSM stated in 1932 that no new exceptions would be made and expressed the hope that the few remaining countries would stop using a promise without any reference to Duty to God.[8]

The Israeli Scouts, though founded in 1919/1920, and joining WOSM in 1951 and WAGGGS in 1963, also have no "duty to God" or apparent equivalent in their promise.[9]In 1969, the Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France decided to discontinue using the reference to God due to its inconsistency with religious beliefs and practices from a Jewish perspective. Use of the word God (Dieu), derived from Zeus, can be seen as an inappropriate pagan reference in Jewish texts or education.[10][11]

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, some WOSM and WAGGGS affiliated organizations have introduced alternative promises for their programs, giving adherents a choice. Examples include Scouterna (Sweden),[12] Scouts Australia,[13] and Scouts Canada.[14]

Di luar Organisasi Kepanduan Dunia

Scout sections that follow traditional Scouting, such as Baden-Powell Scouts within the World Federation of Independent Scouts, use several promises including the original Scout promise above that includes the reference to God.[15] Some, however, for example the 1st Tarrant Scout Group in Fort Worth, Texas use a blend of the original promise[16] and the "Outlander Promise" which, "according to tradition", B-P wrote for Scouts that had to omit the reference to God or a monarch for reasons of conscience.[17]


  1. ^ Baden-Powell, C.B., F.R.G.S., Robert (1908). Scouting for Boys (Part I ed.). London: Oxford: Oxford University Press. hlm. 36-37. ISBN 978-0192805478. 
  2. ^ a b "Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement" (PDF). World Organization of the Scout Movement. 2017-08-01. 
  3. ^ "Constitution and Bye-Laws" (PDF). World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. 2017-09-01. 
  4. ^ "World Scout Conference Resolutions 1920 - 2017" (PDF). Resolution 2014-05. 
  5. ^ The World Scout Committee (2017). "Background Document Regarding Draft Resolution 2017-F Spirituality in Scouting" (PDF). Diakses tanggal 24 November 2020. 
  6. ^ "World Scout Conference Resolutions 1920 - 2017" (PDF). Resolution 2017-06. 
  7. ^ "WOSM Constitution and By-Laws" (PDF). World Scout Bureau. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 16 November 2008. Diakses tanggal 10 March 2007. 
  8. ^ a b WOSM and WAGGGS (13 June 2001). "Report on the Discussion on the Fundamental Principles of WAGGGS and WOSM" (PDF). hlm. 7–8. Diakses tanggal 6 August 2009. 
  9. ^ "FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SCOUTS: ABOUT THE TZOFIM'S OATH & COMMANDMENTS". Israelscouts.org. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 4 December 2007. Diakses tanggal 25 August 2009. 
  10. ^ "Promesses des éclaireuses et éclaireurs israélites de France". Fr.scoutwiki.org. Diakses tanggal 25 August 2009. 
  11. ^ "Paracha Ki Tétsé 576 : Dieu ou Bon Dieu ?". Eeif.org. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 25 October 2007. Diakses tanggal 25 August 2009. 
  12. ^ "The Scout Method and the Scout Law | Scouterna". www.scouterna.se (dalam bahasa Swedia). Diakses tanggal 2017-04-23. 
  13. ^ "Promise and Law". Scouts Australia (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2020-10-14. 
  14. ^ "Values (Promise section)". www.scouts.ca. Diakses tanggal 2020-09-27. 
  15. ^ "BP Scouting". BP Scouting. Diakses tanggal 10 March 2007. 
  16. ^ "B-P Scouts Introduction". 1st Tarrant Baden-Powell Scouts. Diakses tanggal 10 March 2007. 
  17. ^ "B-P Law & Promise". Inquiry Net. Diakses tanggal 10 March 2007.