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Dear Planet Linux
I have been the vic tim of a satanic hate campaign and ask your LINUX world to assist in destroying these evil terrorists. Please read at your lkeisure the attached links and distribute as you think will be most effective. At least 2 of my children have been murdered by these Satanic Games bastards who promote the use of HEROIN.

Thank you
Erik Young
The United Nations
Human Rights Ambassador
Pattaya Thailand

The THAICIA-SECRETPOLICEIRAQ-TALIBAN-HEROIN-MAFIA of Mr Sophonpanich are still interferring with people I know and telling them lies. I warned them not to do this anymore and they still continue.
I will now make arrangements to have some of their properties blown up and completely destroyed probably using a military specification rocket launcher similar top those used at Heathrow Airport London UK in the 1990s allegedly by the IRA although I suspect it will be connected to the HEROIN TERROISTS and their network. Any people that are helping members of their network are liable to a missile attack using military specification rocket launchers as per this information.
The recent attacks on Gaza Palestine by Israel outline the effect that you will experience for failing to cease aiding and abetting terrorism. These were a direct result of information I provided to Israel about the THAICIA and their associates stealing IDs of others and stealing children from people in order to manipulate and blackmail them. As far as I and others are concerned I could not care less if ALL the THAI CIA MAFIA are killed because of their satanic games wit people's children.
"China's Xinshidai Company has developed a new thermobaric unguided rocket that can be fired from the widely deployed Russian-developed RPG-7 manportable rocket launcher.
Designated the WPF 2004, the fin-stabilised rocket has a launch weight of 3.2 kg and becomes armed 35 m to 50 m from the launcher. Muzzle velocity is 89 m/s with an effective accurate range quoted as 200 m against a 0.45x0.45 m target.
The RPG-7 is normally deployed at the section level and can fire a wide range of unguided rockets with HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) and HEI (High Explosive Incendiary) warheads such as those already being marketed by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO). "

Any motorcycle taxi people who assist these people will be arrested under THE ANTI-TERRORISM ACT 2003 by The Royal Thai Police. Under The Anti-Terrorism Act 2003 you can be held imprisoned for 40 days without being charged or prosecuted.
The THAI CIA using then ID The Secret Police of Saddam Hussein claimed to be "Christians" They were NOT Christians but Satanists/Christian Scientologists. A while after taking control of Saddam Husseins medical files they had a (fake) Doctor diagnose Saddam Hussein as Diabetic and administered what they alleged was Insulin to him. They were lying he did not have Diabetes at all and they were administering Heroin to him so they could gain control of him and his assets. I believe this led to the invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 which was a crude looting of riches by the Secret Police OF IRAQ-THAI/CIA-HEROIN-TALIBAN -SCIENTOLOGY network of Asia which appears to have its headquarters in Bangkok Thailand.
Taliban comes from the words Yaa-si-Ban (House 4 drugs or drugs factory)
Terrorism - Thailand's (fake CIA) MAFIA
written by Erik Young, January 05, 2009
The Scientologists train up children and adults to exactly copy the voices of another person. On the phone you cannot identify that is is a fruadster talking to you. Scienlogists are also involved in locating look-a-likes to enable the ThaiCIA-Secret-Police-Heroin-S ophonpanich-Mafia rob countries, banks,insurance companies and individuals estates. Beneficiary fraud is another one of their satanic crimes. They do this to distract attention so they have the opportunity within the chaos created to loot the assets of their target countries.
I booked into an apartment block called near Soi Buakhao called QD or SQ . There was someone outside constantly psycho-terrorising me. Some appeared to be motorcycle taxi people. Others were in the room above me which I believe they paid for by stealing 8000 baht from my room.
I visited Bangkok to find the place almost deserted and few of my friends remain there. A group of people were psycho-terrorising me there some near the Ekamai bus terminal there were members of The Royal Thai Police looking for them. i spoke briefly with The Royal Thai Police who are obviously aware of the problem.
These people are linked into the network of the Scientology Terrorist Organisation that has aided and abetted in many crimes around the world including terorist attacks.
My girlfriend has been intimidated by them and told to do things to cause me to become nervous. I have not seen her for several days.
In the Thai newspaper I discovered the photos of two people I have known both dead allegedly from committing suicide by drinking something with an insecticide solution added. I suspect it is murder by some Satanic Scientologists who have added a poison to their drink. They were from Bangkok a man and a woman both around 50 years of age.
Erik Young - The United Nations Pattaya Thailand

They keep trying to get others to rob me and keep takling girls away and intimidating people.
I am not leaving Pattaya until the Mafia are stamped out they are mass killers see the record of countries they have looted which includes Afghanistan, The United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, South Africa, The Phillipines, Egypt, Cuba, former Yugoslavia )(I think they caused the political and ethnic rift and were responsible for killing that Molosovich was blamed for doing). They killed the Russian Royal Family and they have kiled over 30 members of my family/friends in the last 4 years.


Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh) - Human Rights Ambassador My Great Grand Father was King Frederick of Denmark who bought land in about 20 countries during his lifetime. Some of this land and property was bought under an alias since he did not want his massive wealth to be too obvious. The United Nations c/o The Copenhagen Soi 13/3 Beach Road Pattaya Thailand 2009-04-01


Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — January 5, 2009 @ 12:10 pm

Please delete the lunatic rant of this mentally sick person!

Comment by kirec lek — January 5, 2009 @ 12:45 pm

Did you know the brand name Coca Cola was lifted from the name of a Thai city in Isaan called Kolat where settlers grew cocoa and supplied The coca cola Corporation with cocaine for many years via western trading companies ? It was banned and mae into an illicit Class A drug due to a problem with Satanism and contaminated batches supplied that damaged the health of the consumers… It was the mafia of Asia who messed everything up trying to steal land and business income from the land owners and tenants. The tenants were terrorised and killed for supporting their landlord a Danish man from Oslo in Norway. His father, King Frederick of Denmark, was the financier of The Bell corporation and their launch of the new invention by Alexander Graham Bell, the telephone. did you now why Danno was called Danno in Haweii Five O (%-% = SOS) I dunno why ? Because Haweii was another place King Frederick and his steamship travelled and invested in land and property. (ask Steve Mcgarret or Margaret Thatcher).

Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — January 8, 2009 @ 1:24 am

{{Infobox_Company |
{{Infobox_Company |
company_name = Red Hat, Inc. |
company_name = Red Hat, Inc. |

Revisi per 9 Januari 2009 14.54

Red Hat, Inc.
IndustriPerangkat lunak komputer
Kantor pusatRaleigh, North Carolina
Tokoh kunci
Matthew Szulik, Ketua Umum, Presiden, CEO
Marc Ewing, Pendiri
Brian Stevens, CTO
ProdukFedora Core
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
PendapatanKenaikan$196,47 juta USD (2005)
~1150 (2006)
Situs webhttp://www.redhat.com

Red Hat (NasdaqRHAT) adalah salah satu perusahaan terbesar dan dikenal untuk dedikasinya atas perangkat lunak sumber bebas. Red Hat didirikan pada 1993 dan bermarkas di Raleigh, North Carolina, Amerika Serikat. Red Hat terkenal karena produknya Red Hat Linux salah satu distro Linux utama.


Pada tahun 1993 Bob Young mendirikan ACC Corporation, bisnis katalog yang menjual aksesori perangkat lunak Linux dan UNIX. Pada tahun 1994 Marc Ewing membuat distribusi Linux sendiri, yang dinamai Red Hat Linux. Ewing merilisnya pada Oktober tahun tersebut, dan dikenal sebagai rilis Halloween. Young membeli bisnis Ewing pada tahun 1995, dan keduana bergabung menjadi Red Hat Software, dengan Young menjabat sebagai CEO.

Saham Red Hat masuk pasar modal pada 11 Agustus 1999, dan menjadi salah satu perusahaan pencetak-laba-terbesar-pada-penjualan-hari-pertama dalam sejarah Wall Street. Matius Szulik menggantikan Bob Young sebagai CEO pada bulan November tahun tersebut.

Pada tanggal [15 November]] 1999, Red Hat mengakuisisi Cygnus Solutions. Cygnus provided commercial support for free software and housed maintainers of GNU software products such as the GNU Debugger and GNU binutils . Cygnus adalah perusahaan penjual jasa dukungan atas perangkat lunak bebas dan pengelola perangkat lunak GNU seperti GNU Debugger dan GNU Binutils. Salah satu pendiri Cygnus, Michael Tiemann, menjabat sebagai Chief Technical Officer Red Hat dan mulai 2008 menjabat sebagai Vice President untuk urusan Open Source. Red Hat kemudian juga mengakuisisi WireSpeed, C2Net dan Hell's Kitchen Systems. Red Hat juga membeli Planning Technologies, Inc pada tahun 2001 dan pada tahun 2004 direktori dan perangkat lunak server-sertifikat AOL iPlanet.

Pada bulan Februari 2000, InfoWorld memberikan Red Hat penghargaan "Operating System Product of the Year" (Produk Sistem Operasi Terbaik Tahun Ini) bagi Red Hat Linux 6.1. Red Hat acquired Planning Technologies, Inc in 2001 and in 2004 AOL 's iPlanet directory and certificate-server software.

Red Hat memindahkan kantor pusatnya dari Durham, NC, ke Centennial Campus NC State University di Raleigh, North Carolina pada Februari 2002.

Pada bulan Maret berikutnya, Red Hat pertama kalinya memperkenalkan sistem operasi Linux untuk perusahaan besar [1]: Red Hat Advanced Server, yang kemudian diganti namanya menjadi Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Dell, IBM, HP dan Oracle Corporation mengumumkan dukungan mereka atas platform tersebut.

Pada bulan Desember 2005 majalah CIO Insight melakukan survei nilai peusahaan tahunannya, dan menaruh Red Hat di peringkat #1 dalam nilai untuk tahun kedua berturut-turut.

Saham Red Hat menjadi bagian dari NASDAQ-100 pada 19 Desember 2005.

Red Hat menmbeli JBoss perusahaan penyedia perangkat lunak sumber terbuka untuk jaringan pada 5 Juni 5 2006 dan JBoss menjadi bagian dari Red Hat. Pada tahun 2007 Red Hat membeli MetaMatrix dan membuat kesepakatan dengan Exadel untuk mendistribusikan perangkat lunaknya.

Pada tanggal 18 September 2006, Red Hat merilis Red Hat Application Stack, proses pengolahan struktur data berdasarkan teknologi JBoss.

Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2006, Red Hat pindah dari NASDAQ (RHAT) ke New York Stock Exchange (RHT).

Pada 15 Maret 2007 Red Hat merilis Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, dan pada bulan Juni, mereka membeli Mobicents.

Pada 13 Maret 2008 Red Hat mengakuisisi Amentra, sebuah penyedia layanan integrasi sistem untuk Service-oriented architecture (SOA), bagi manajemen proses bisnis, pengembangan sistem dan solusi data perusahaan. Amentra beroperasi sebagai perusahaan mandiri dari Red Hat.


Fedora Project

Red Hat mensponsori Fedora Project, sebuah proyek sumber terbuka yang didukung oleh komunitas/masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan kemajuan pengembangan perangkat lunak dan konten sumber terbuka.

Fedora Project Board, yang terdiri dari tokoh masyarakat dan pimpinan Red Hat, memimpin dan mengarahkan Fedora Project, dan distribusi Linux yang dikembangkannya. Red Hat employees work with the code alongside community members, and many innovations within the Fedora Project make their way into new releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Karyawan Red Hat bekerjasama dengan anggota komunitas menciptakan berbagai inovasi dalam Proyek Fedora yang kemudian disaring untuk dimasukkan dalam rilis baru Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

One Laptop per Child (OLPC)

Teknisi Red Hat bekerja dalam One Laptop Per Child (sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang didirikan oleh MIT Media Lab) untuk merancang dan menghasilkan sebuah laptop murah agar setiap anak di dunia mendapat akses atas komunikasi terbuka, pengetahuan terbuka, dan pembelajaran terbuka. Laptop XO-1, komputer proyek ini, menggunakan versi khusus Fedora sebagai sistem operasi.


Red Hat mensponsori Mugshot, proyek terbuka untuk membangun "sebuah pengalaman hidup sosial" berbasis hiburan. Mengalihkan fokus wawasan teknologi dari objek (file, folder, dll) menjadi wawasan kegiatan, seperti browsing web atau berbagi musik. Keduanya adalah fitur Mugshot, yaitu Web Swarm dan Music Radar, yang kegiatannya sudah dimulai sebelum pengumuman proyek tersebut pada Red Hat Summit tahun 2006.


Dogtail, kerangka test GUI otomatis sumber-terbuka, awalnya dikembangkan oleh Red Hat, terdiri dari perangkat lunak bebas yang dirilis dengan lisensi GPL dan ditulis dengan Python. Perangkat ini memungkinkan pengembang untuk membangun aplikasi seklaigus melakukan tes atas aplikasi yang dibangunnya. Red Hat mengumumkan peluncuran Dogtail pada Red Hat Summit tahun 2006.

Red Hat Magazine

Red Hat menerbitkan Red Hat Magazine sebagai publikasi berita online. Isinya isu-isu kepentingan bersama dari dalam dan luar perusahaan, dengan fokus pada diskusi yang mendalam dan pengembangan aplikasi teknologi sumber-terbuka.

Perusahaan awalnya menerbitkan majalah bernama Under the Brim. Majalah Wide Open pertama terbit pada bulan Maret 2004 sebagai sarana bagi Red Hat untuk berbagi konten teknisnya dengan para pelanggan secara teratur. Majalah Under the Brim dan Wide Open bergabung pada bulan November 2004 untuk menjadi Red Hat Magazine.

Red Hat Exchange

Pada tahun 2007, Red Hat mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mencapai kesepakatan dengan perusahaan besar penghasil perangkat lunak bebas (FOSS=free open-source software) untuk membuat sebuah portal distribusi bernama Red Hat Exchange, yang akan menjual perangkat lunak asli.


Pesaing utama Red Hat adalah Sun Microsystems , Canonical Ltd. (penghasil Ubuntu) , Mandriva , Microsoft , Novell , Oracle Corporation , IBM dan SUSE.

  1. ^ "Red Hat Accelerates UNIX-to-LINUX Migration by Announcing the First Enterprise-Class Linux Operating System". Red Hat. 2002-03-26.