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{{dab|Artikel ini mengenai Tuhan Bangsa [[Kerajaan Israel|Israel]] dan [[Kerajaan Yehuda|Yehuda]]. Lihat juga: [[Tetragrammaton]].}}
[[Berkas:Zeus Yahweh.jpg|jmpl|220px|ka|Sekeping koin [[drachma]] (seperempat [[shekel]]) dari provinsi Persia [[Yehud Medinata|Yehud]], menampilkan Yahweh (dewa bulan) digambarkan sebagai laki-laki berjanggut duduk di atas takhta beroda dan bersayap.{{sfn|Edelman|1995|p=190Yahweh}}]]
'''Yahweh''' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|j|ɑː|hw|eɪ}}, atau sering disebut {{IPAc-en|ˈ|j|ɑː|w|eɪ}} dalam bahasa Indonesia; bentuk baku dalam [[bahasa Indonesia]]: Yahwe;<ref name="KBBIDYahwe">{{cite web|url=https://kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id/entri/{{urlencode:Yahwe|WIKI}}|title=Arti kata Yahwe|website=KBBI Daring|department=Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kemendikbud|access-date=2 September 2020}}</ref> {{lang-he|יהוה}}) meskipun Yahweh tidak pernah disembah secara eksklusif oleh bangsa Israel.{{sfn|Miller|1986|p=110}} Namanya mungkin dimulai sebagai [[julukan]] kepada [[El]], Dewa tertinggi dalam [[Agama Kanaan|Panteon Kanaan]],{{sfn|Dijkstra|2001|p=92}} Referensi terawal yang menyebut nama Yahweh didapat dari catatan [[Mesir Kuno]] yang menempatkannya sebagai sesembahan di antara kaum [[nomad]] di kawasan selatan [[Transjordan]].{{sfn|Dever|2003b|p=128}} Dalam literatur alkitab tertua, dia digambarkan sebagai "prajurit ilahi" yang memimpin [[tentara surgawi]] melawan semua musuh Israel;{{sfn|Hackett|2001|p=158–159}} ia kemudian menjadi pemimpin utama dari kerajaan [[Kerajaan Israel (Samaria)|Samaria]] dan [[Kerajaan Yehuda|Yehuda]],{{sfn|Smith|2002|p=72}} dan dalam kurun waktu tertentu, kerajaan menyatakan bahwa Yahweh sebagai pencipta seluruh alam semesta dan memiliki keilahian yang tak dapat disangkal.{{sfn|Wyatt|2010|p=69–70}}{{sfn|Betz|2000|p=917}} Pada masa akhir [[pembuangan ke Babilonia]] (abad ke-6 SM), keberadaan ilah-ilah lain disangkal, dan Yahweh dicanangkan sebagai [[Tuhan pencipta|pencipta alam semesta]], sebagai Tuhan satu-satunya yang menjadi pemilik sejati seluruh alam semesta.{{sfn|Betz|2000|p=917}}

== Referensi ==
=== Catatan kaki ===

=== Daftar Pustaka ===
* {{cite book
|last = Ackerman
|first = Susan
|chapter = Goddesses
|editor1-last = Richard
|editor1-first = Suzanne
|title = Near Eastern Archaeology:A Reader
|publisher = Eisenbrauns
|year = 2003
|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=khR0apPid8gC&pg=PA394#v=onepage&q=Anat-Yahu%20Yahweh&f=false
|isbn = 978-1-57506-083-5
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Ahlstrom
|first = Gosta W.
|chapter = The Role of Archaeological and Literary Remains in Reconstructing Israel's History
|editor1-last = Edelman
|editor1-first = Diana Vikander
|title = The Fabric of History: Text, Artifact and Israel's Past
|publisher = A&C Black
|year = 1991
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=8ocfaZ6NaIMC&pg=PA116&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Albertz
|first = Rainer
|title = A History of Israelite Religion, Volume I: From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy
|publisher = Westminster John Knox
|year = 1994
|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=yvZUWbTftSgC&pg=RA1-PA145#v=onepage&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Allen
|first = Spencer L.
|title = The Splintered Divine: A Study of Istar, Baal, and Yahweh Divine Names and Divine Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East
|publisher = Walter de Gruyter
|year = 2015
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=ou9eCAAAQBAJ&pg=PP6&dq=The+Splintered+Divine&hl=en&sa=X&ei=hVdhVeiuIKLamAXs1YHYAg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=The%20Splintered%20Divine&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Becking
|first = Bob
|chapter = The Gods in Whom They Trusted
|editor1-last = Becking
|editor1-first = Bob
|title = Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah
|publisher = A&C Black
|year = 2001
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=z72KmReV-bIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Only+One+God?:+Monotheism+in+Ancient+Israel+and+the+Veneration+of+the+Goddess+Asherah&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3GRYVfiUNMLm8AXZ5YOIAw&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Only%20One%20God%3F%3A%20Monotheism%20in%20Ancient%20Israel%20and%20the%20Veneration%20of%20the%20Goddess%20Asherah&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Bennett
|first = Harold V.
|title = Injustice Made Legal: Deuteronomic Law and the Plight of Widows, Strangers, and Orphans in Ancient Israel
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2002
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=2wunawFdWaMC&pg=PA83&dq=%22Shiloh,+Bethel,+Gilgal,+Mizpah,+Ramah,+and+Dan%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NO0hVYm7KqT3mQW89YCgCg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Shiloh%2C%20Bethel%2C%20Gilgal%2C%20Mizpah%2C%20Ramah%2C%20and%20Dan%22&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Betz
|first = Arnold Gottfried
|chapter = Monotheism
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myer
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2000
|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA917#v=onepage&q=bible%20monotheism%20Betz&f=false
|isbn = 9053565035
|ref = harv
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|last = Cohen
|first = Shaye J.D.
|chapter = The Temple and the Synagogue
|editor1-last = Finkelstein
|editor1-first = Louis
|editor2-last = Davies
|editor2-first = W. D.
|editor3-last = Horbury
|editor3-first = William
|title = The Cambridge History of Judaism: Volume 3, The Early Roman Period
|publisher = Cambridge University Press
|year = 1999
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|first = Norman
|title = Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith
|publisher = Yale University Press
|year = 2001
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=dXpW9gsIJXsC&pg=PA132&dq=%22Yahweh+became+the+patron+god+of+the+kingdom%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=-7gGVdSwFIPVmgWPzIGgAg&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Yahweh%20became%20the%20patron%20god%20of%20the%20kingdom%22&f=false
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|last = Collins
|first = John J.
|title = The Bible After Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2005
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=yqClWOhqso0C&pg=PA99&dq=%22Israelite+Religion:+The+Return+of+the+Goddess%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cEHtVOuRDorf8AWql4CQAw&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Israelite%20Religion%3A%20The%20Return%20of%20the%20Goddess%22&f=false
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* {{cite book
|last1 = Coogan
|first1 = Michael D.
|last2 = Smith
|first2 = Mark S.
|title = Stories from Ancient Canaan (2nd Edition)
|publisher = Presbyterian Publishing Corp
|year = 2012
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=G49SJI183IkC&source=gbs_navlinks_s
|isbn = 9053565035
|ref = harv
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|last = Cook
|first = Stephen L.
|title = The Social Roots of Biblical Yahwism
|publisher = Society of Biblical Literature
|year = 2004
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=4LEA7FnNi-kC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
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|last = Darby
|first = Erin
|title = Interpreting Judean Pillar Figurines: Gender and Empire in Judean Apotropaic Ritual
|publisher = Mohr Siebeck
|year = 2014
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=q4LXDvCwogQC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
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|last1 = Davies
|first1 = Philip R.
|last2 = Rogerson
|first2 = John
|title = The Old Testament World
|publisher = Westminster John Knox
|year = 2005
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=1MMF6Titau8C&pg=PA151&dq=%22sacrifices+and+psalms%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=M8EgVeWyIJbj8AWc14D4CA&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22sacrifices%20and%20psalms%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Davies
|first = Philip R.
|chapter = Urban Religion and Rural Religion
|editor1-last = Stavrakopoulou
|editor1-first = Francesca
|editor2-last = Barton
|editor2-first = John
|title = Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah
|publisher = Continuum International Publishing Group
|year = 2010
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=kG_9-vki4ocC&pg=PA112&dq=%22impression+that+Jerusalem+was+always+supposed+to+be+the+central,+even+exclusive,+temple+of+Yahweh%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5WxpVavrD-TOmAWfjoOIAw&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22impression%20that%20Jerusalem%20was%20always%20supposed%20to%20be%20the%20central%2C%20even%20exclusive%2C%20temple%20of%20Yahweh%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Day
|first = John
|authorlink = John Day (Old Testament scholar)
|title = Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan
|publisher = Continuum
|year = 2002
|url = http://books.google.com.au/books?id=y-gfwlltlRwC&dq=Yahweh+and+the+gods+and+goddesses+of+Canaan&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=ZlAsTMPnDYuecfK9pdcJ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Dever
|first = William G.
|chapter = Religion and Cult in the Levant
|editor1-last = Richard
|editor1-first = Suzanne
|title = Near Eastern Archaeology:A Reader
|publisher = Eisenbrauns
|year = 2003a
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=khR0apPid8gC&pg=PA388&f=false
|isbn = 978-1-57506-083-5
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Dever
|first = William G.
|title = Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2003b
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=A_ByXkpofAgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=who+were+the+early+israelites&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5DrxVKKKBMnr8AXC_YKIAg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=who%20were%20the%20early%20israelites&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Dever
|first = William G.
|title = Did God Have A Wife?: Archaeology And Folk Religion In Ancient Israel
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2005
|isbn = 978-0-8028-2852-1
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Dijkstra
|first = Meindert
|chapter = El the God of Israel-Israel the People of YHWH: On the Origins of Ancient Israelite Yahwism
|editor1-last = Becking
|editor1-first = Bob
|editor2-last = Dijkstra
|editor2-first = Meindert
|editor3-last = Korpel
|editor3-first = Marjo C.A.
|editor4-last = Vriezen
|editor4-first = Karel J.H.
|title = Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah
|publisher = A&C Black
|year = 2001
|url = https://books.google.nl/books?id=z72KmReV-bIC&pg=PA92&lpg=PA92&dq=%22El+who+is+present,+who+makes+himself+manifest%22&source=bl&ots=fqsTsBe0eL&sig=etEaBrdN_qK5Z4v7-vEHrpe99Yw&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=lFPmVMmcMIb0UqifgYgG&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%22El%20who%20is%20present%2C%20who%20makes%20himself%20manifest%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Edelman
|first = Diana V.
|chapter = Tracking Observance of the Aniconic Tradition
|editor1-last = Edelman
|editor1-first = Diana Vikander
|title = The Triumph of Elohim: From Yahwisms to Judaisms
|publisher = Peeters Publishers
|year = 1995
|url = https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=bua2dMa9fJ4C&pg=PA45&f=false&f=false
|isbn = 9053565035
|ref = harv
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|last = Elior
|first = Rachel
|chapter = Early Forms of Jewish Mysticism
|editor1-last = Katz
|editor1-first = Steven T.
|title = The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period
|publisher = Cambridge University Press
|year = 2006
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=BjtWLZhhMoYC&pg=PA779&dq=%22High+Priest+once+a+year+on+the+Day+of+Atonement%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3qAQVYqvIc7v8gWq_YHQCA&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=%22High%20Priest%20once%20a%20year%20on%20the%20Day%20of%20Atonement%22&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last1 = Finkelstein
|first1 = Israel
|last2 = Silberman
|first2 = Neil Asher
|title = The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts
|publisher = Simon and Schuster
|year = 2002
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=lu6ywyJr0CMC&dq=The+Bible+Unearthed&source=gbs_navlinks_s
|ref = harv
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|last1 = Frerichs
|first1 = Ernest S.
|title = The Bible and Bibles in America
|publisher = Scholars Press
|year = 1998
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?ei=YoYwVfK5K4nNoAT0sIHwAQ&id=dqvYAAAAMAAJ&dq=The+Bible+and+Bibles+in+America&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Sacred+Name+Movement
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Gnuse
|first = Robert Karl
|title = No Other Gods: Emergent Monotheism in Israel
|publisher = Continuum
|year = 1997
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=_lmvAwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Gorman
|first = Frank H., Jr.
|chapter = Feasts, Festivals
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myers
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|publisher = Amsterdam University Press
|year = 2000
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA458&dq=%22saving+actions+on+behalf+of+the+nation%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jignVfbzG5HX8gX3jYCACg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22saving%20actions%20on%20behalf%20of%20the%20nation%22&f=false
|isbn = 978-1-57506-083-5
|ref = harv
* {{cite journal
| last1 = Gnuse
| first1 = Robert
| date = 1999
| title = The Emergence of Monotheism in Ancient Israel: A Survey of Recent Scholarship
| journal = Religion
| volume = 29
| pages = 315–336
| url = http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1006/reli.1999.0198?journalCode=rrel20#preview
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Grabbe
|first = Lester
|chapter = 'Many nations will be joined to YHWH in that day': The question of YHWH outside Judah
|editor1-last = Stavrakopoulou
|editor1-first = Francesca
|editor2-last = Barton
|editor2-first = John
|title = Religious diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah
|publisher = Continuum International Publishing Group
|year = 2010
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=kG_9-vki4ocC&pg=PA184&dq=%22Yhwh+deity+and+Yhwh+cults+were+unique+to+Israel+and+Judah%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ARsOVYj3EIb78QW81oDYCQ&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Yhwh%20deity%20and%20Yhwh%20cults%20were%20unique%20to%20Israel%20and%20Judah%22&f=false
|isbn = 978-0-567-03216-4
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Grabbe
|first = Lester
|title = Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?
|publisher = A&C Black
|year = 2007
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=IvfTAwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Hackett
|first = Jo Ann
|chapter = 'There Was No King In Israel': The Era of the Judges
|editor1-last = Coogan
|editor1-first = Michael David
|title = The Oxford History of the Biblical World
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|year = 2001
|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=zFhvECwNQD0C&pg=PA132#v=onepage&q=There%20was%20no%20king%20in%20Israel&f=false
|isbn = 978-0-19-513937-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last1 = Halpern
|first1 = Baruch
|last2 = Adams
|first2 = Matthew J.
|title = From Gods to God: The Dynamics of Iron Age Cosmologies
|publisher = Mohr Siebeck
|year = 2009
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=SBmg9umxM2MC&pg=PA26&dq=%22crystallized+at+the+close+of+the+Bronze+Age%22%22worship+of+the+national+god%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=738jVY-WGNfx8gXOvIH4Cg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22crystallized%20at%20the%20close%20of%20the%20Bronze%20Age%22%22worship%20of%20the%20national%20god%22&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Handy
|first = Lowell K.
|title = Among the Host of Heaven: The Syro-Palestinian Pantheon as Bureaucracy
|publisher = Eisenbrauns
|year = 1995
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=fx1by4b1HzEC&pg=PA101&dq=%22Baal%27s+sphere+of+influence%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LLIKVazvFM_h8AXxpIJg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Baal%27s%20sphere%20of%20influence%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Hess
|first = Richard S.
|title = Israelite Religions: An Archaeological and Biblical Survey
|publisher = Baker Academic
|year = 2007
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=2aJzBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA103&dq=%22four+tiers+of+deities%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SKEKVZ6dC6G8mQWC-YGwDw&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22four%20tiers%20of%20deities%22&f=false
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* {{cite book
|last = Humphries
|first = W. Lee
|chapter = God, Names of
|editor1-last = Mills
|editor1-first = Watson E.
|editor2-last = Bullard
|editor2-first = Roger Aubrey
|title = Mercer Dictionary of the Bible
|publisher = Mercer University Press
|year = 1990
|url = https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=goq0VWw9rGIC&pg=PA340&dq=%22used+in+the+Septuagint+where+Yahweh+appears%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=x4IwVc-BENLSoASlrYHgAg&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22used%20in%20the%20Septuagint%20where%20Yahweh%20appears%22&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Keel
|first = Othmar
|title = The Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms
|publisher = Eisenbrauns
|year = 1997
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Fy4B1iMg33YC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Levin
|first = Christoph
|year = 2013
|title = Re-Reading the Scriptures: Essays on the Literary History of the Old Testament
|publisher = Mohr Siebeck
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=aSNZ76USaYgC&pg=PA247&dq=%22ninth+century+onwards%22%22court+cult+definitely+bound+to+Yahweh%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dIMjVfywDonV8gWRm4DwCA&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22ninth%20century%20onwards%22%22court%20cult%20definitely%20bound%20to%20Yahweh%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Liverani
|first = Mario
|title = Israel's History and the History of Israel
|publisher = Routledge
|year = 2014
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=_1zfBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA74#v=onepage&q=%22two%20kinds%20of%20co-existing%20political%20systems%22&f=false
|isbn = 978-1317488934
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Mafico
|first = Temba L.J.
|chapter = The Divine Name Yahweh Alohim from an African Perspective
|editor1-last = Segovia
|editor1-first = Fernando F.
|editor2-last = Tolbert
|editor2-first = Mary Ann
|title = Reading from this Place: Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in Global Perspective
|volume = 2
|publisher = Fortress Press
|year = 1992
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=PDE8sUdAyosC&pg=PA21&dq=The+Divine+Name+Yahweh+Alohim+from+an+African+Perspective&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3QsBVYnvBoGl8AWJqoCwCQ&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=The%20Divine%20Name%20Yahweh%20Alohim%20from%20an%20African%20Perspective&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Mastin
|first = B.A.
|chapter = Yahweh's Asherah, Inclusive Monotheism and the Question of Dating
|editor1-last = Day
|editor1-first = John
|title = In Search of Pre-Exilic Israel
|publisher = Bloomsbury
|year = 2005
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|editor1-last = Amit
|editor1-first = Yaira
|editor2-last = Naʼaman
|editor2-first = Nadav
|title = Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context
|publisher = Eisenbrauns
|year = 2006
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|ref = harv
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|last = Meyers
|first = Carol
|chapter = Kinship and Kingship: The early Monarchy
|editor1-last = Coogan
|editor1-first = Michael David
|title = The Oxford History of the Biblical World
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|year = 2001
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gM-tZeEO4wgC&pg=PA166&dq=%22monarchic+state%22%22formal+concentration+of+power%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=JFkOVebrOY3V8gWb1IHIBg&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22monarchic%20state%22%22formal%20concentration%20of%20power%22&f=false
|isbn = 978-0-19-513937-2
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|last = McDonald
|first = Nathan
|chapter = Aniconism in the Old Testament
|editor1-last = Gordon
|editor1-first = R.P.
|title = The God of Israel
|publisher = Cambridge University Press
|year = 2007
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=ZrGfxNqfszsC&pg=PA21&dq=%22Aniconism+in+the+Old+Testament%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=H0XtVKL2F4iV8QXP2YDoDQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Aniconism%20in%20the%20Old%20Testament%22&f=false
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|last = Miller
|first = Patrick D
|author-link = Patrick D. Miller
|title = The Religion of Ancient Israel
|publisher = Westminster John Knox Press
|year = 2000
|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=JBhY9BQ7hIQC
|isbn = 978-0-664-22145-4
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|first = Patrick D
|author-link = Patrick D. Miller
|title = A History of Ancient Israel and Judah
|publisher = Westminster John Knox Press
|year = 1986
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|last1 = Moore
|first1 = Megan Bishop
|last2 = Kelle
|first2 = Brad E.
|title = Biblical History and Israel's Past: The Changing Study of the Bible and History
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2011
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Qjkz_8EMoaUC&pg=PA125&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Niehr
|first = Herbert
|chapter = The Rise of YHWH in Judahite and Israelite Religion
|editor1-last = Edelman
|editor1-first = Diana Vikander
|title = The Triumph of Elohim: From Yahwisms to Judaisms
|publisher = Peeters Publishers
|year = 1995
|url = https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=bua2dMa9fJ4C&pg=PA45&f=false&f=false
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|last = Noll
|first = K.L.
|title = Canaan and Israel in Antiquity: An Introduction
|publisher = A&C Black
|year = 2001
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=XSpoCmOe0S8C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
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|last = Petersen
|first = Allan Rosengren
|title = The Royal God: Enthronement Festivals in Ancient Israel and Ugarit?
|publisher = A&C Black
|year = 1998
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=4YetAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA23&dq=%22the+enthronement+festival+of+Yahweh%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xC4nVfKqOIrU8gXv7IGADw&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%22the%20enthronement%20festival%20of%20Yahweh%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Schniedewind
|first = William M.
|title = A Social History of Hebrew: Its Origins Through the Rabbinic Period
|publisher = Yale University Press
|year = 2013
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=CcjYAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA93&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Smith
|first = Mark S.
|chapter = El
|editor1-last = Freedman
|editor1-first = David Noel
|editor2-last = Myer
|editor2-first = Allen C.
|title = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 2000
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA385&dq=%22facts+militate+against+an+identification+of+Yahweh+as+originally+a+title+of+El%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=phNcVeWVNaWymAWAk4CoDQ&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22facts%20militate%20against%20an%20identification%20of%20Yahweh%20as%20originally%20a%20title%20of%20El%22&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Smith
|first = Mark S.
|year = 2001
|authorlink = Mark S. Smith
|title = The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=n0v0NB5-n3sC&printsec=frontcover&dq=mark+smith+2001&hl=en&sa=X&ei=wpcKVZi5HYrr8gXp3IKIAw&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=mark%20smith%202001&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Smith
|first = Mark S.
|year = 2002
|authorlink = Mark S. Smith
|title = The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=1yM3AuBh4AsC&pg=PA28&dq=%22Iron+I+Israel+was+largely+Canaanite%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=N1LyVNC9L5fs8AW-34GIAw&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Iron%20I%20Israel%20was%20largely%20Canaanite%22&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last = Smith
|first = Mark S.
|chapter = Astral Religion and the Divinity
|editor1-last = Noegel
|editor1-first = Scott
|editor2-last = Walker
|editor2-first = Joel
|title = Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World
|publisher = Penn State Press
|year = 2003
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=gb-jl0nef-4C&pg=PA187&dq=%22West+Semitic+religion+in+general+owes+much+to+astral+religion%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ulFcVZbDFqXLmwWX54GwAQ&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22West%20Semitic%20religion%20in%20general%20owes%20much%20to%20astral%20religion%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Smith
|first = Mark S.
|year = 2010
|authorlink = Mark S. Smith
|title = God in Translation: Deities in Cross-Cultural Discourse in the Biblical World
|publisher = Eerdmans
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=yvWlC0kUlkYC&pg=PA119&dq=%22various+chief+gods%22%22stand+more+or+less+on+par%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=H38jVdyyF8m68gXK9IG4Cg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22various%20chief%20gods%22%22stand%20more%20or%20less%20on%20par%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Smith
|first = Morton
|chapter = Jewish Religious Life in the Persian Period
|editor1-last = Finkelstein
|editor1-first = Louis
|title = The Cambridge History of Judaism: Volume 1, Introduction: The Persian Period
|publisher = Cambridge University Press
|year = 1984
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=Jo0LKxcMJKAC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
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|last1 = Sommer
|first1 = Benjamin D.
|chapter = God, names of
|editor1-last = Berlin
|editor1-first = Adele
|editor2-last = Grossman
|editor2-first = Maxine L.
|title = The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|year = 2011
|url = http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=hKAaJXvUaUoC&pg=PA299
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Van Der Toorn
|first = Karel
|chapter = Ritual Resistance and Self-Assertion
|editor1-last = Platvoet
|editor1-first = Jan. G.
|editor2-last = Van Der Toorn
|editor2-first = Karel
|title = Pluralism and Identity: Studies in Ritual Behaviour
|publisher = BRILL
|year = 1995
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=178X5n7zArwC&pg=PA229&dq=%22Ritual+Resistance+and+Self-Assertion%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dwIIVau9JKbmmAX19oGQCQ&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Ritual%20Resistance%20and%20Self-Assertion%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Van Der Toorn
|first = Karel
|chapter = Yahweh
|editor1-last = Van Der Toorn
|editor1-first = Karel
|editor2-last = Becking
|editor2-first = Bob
|editor3-last = van der Horst
|editor3-first = Pieter Willem
|title = Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible
|publisher = Eerdmans
|year = 1999
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=yCkRz5pfxz0C&pg=PA912&dq=%22If+the+Kenite+hypothesis+is+to+be+maintained%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3_sHVYefGeS6mQWjyoHABA&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22If%20the%20Kenite%20hypothesis%20is%20to%20be%20maintained%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Van Der Toorn
|first = Karel
|title = Family Religion in Babylonia, Ugarit and Israel: Continuity and Changes in the Forms of Religious Life
|publisher = BRILL
|year = 1996
|url = https://books.google.com.au/books?id=VSJWkrXfbLQC&pg=PA281&dq=%22Yahweh+was+not+worshipped+in+the+West+Semitic+world%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zTTxVMWGOM7c8AWIloHABg&ved=0CCIQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Yahweh%20was%20not%20worshipped%20in%20the%20West%20Semitic%20world%22&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last1 = Wright
|first1 = J. Edward
|title = The Early History of Heaven
|year = 2002
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|url = http://books.google.com.au/books?id=lKvMeMorNBEC&pg=PA42&dq=Mesopotamian&hl=en&sa=X&ei=-Af5TqCHKYy5iAep55W2AQ&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|last = Wyatt
|first = Nicolas
|chapter = Royal Religion in Ancient Judah
|editor1-last = Stavrakopoulou
|editor1-first = Francesca
|editor2-last = Barton
|editor2-first = John
|title = Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah
|publisher = Continuum International Publishing Group
|year = 2010
|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=kG_9-vki4ocC&pg=PR5|isbn=978-0-567-03216-4
|ref = harv
<!-- {{Nama Tuhan}} -->

[[Kategori:Yahweh| ]]
[[Kategori:Agama Semit Kuno]]
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[[Kategori:Yahudi dan Yudaisme]]
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[[Kategori:Dewa perang]]
[[Kategori:Istilah yang direkonstruksi]]

Revisi per 28 November 2023 06.35

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