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Halaman baru: {{Gnosticism}} <!-- '''Marcion of Sinope''' (ca. 110-160), was a major 2nd century Early Christian theologian, founder of what would later be called Marcionism,...
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'''Marsion dari Sinope''' (ca. [[110]]-[[160]]), adalah was a major [[2nd century]] [[Early Christian]] [[theologian]], pendiri kelompok yang disebut [[Marsionisme]].

'''Marcion of Sinope''' (ca. [[110]]-[[160]]), was a major [[2nd century]] [[Early Christian]] [[theologian]], founder of what would later be called [[Marcionism]], and one of the first to be strongly denounced by other Christians (who would later be called [[Catholic]] as opposed to Marcionite) as [[Heresy|heretical]]. He created a strong ecclesiastical organization, parallel to that of the [[Church of Rome]], with himself as [[Bishop]]. The [[Catholic Encyclopedia]] says of the Marcionites "they were perhaps the most dangerous foe Christianity has ever known."
and one of the first to be strongly denounced by other Christians (who would later be called [[Catholic]] as opposed to Marcionite) as [[Heresy|heretical]]. He created a strong ecclesiastical organization, parallel to that of the [[Church of Rome]], with himself as [[Bishop]]. The [[Catholic Encyclopedia]] says of the Marcionites "they were perhaps the most dangerous foe Christianity has ever known."

According to the 1911 [[Encyclopædia Britannica]] article on [http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/MAL_MAR/MARCION.html Marcion]: "It was no mere school for the learned, disclosed no mysteries for the privileged, but sought to lay the foundation of the Christian community on the pure [[gospel]], the authentic institutes of [[Christ]]. The pure gospel, however, Marcion found to be everywhere more or less corrupted and mutilated in the Christian circles of his time. His undertaking thus resolved itself into a reformation of [[Christendom]]. This reformation was to deliver Christendom from [[Judaizers|false Jewish doctrines]] by restoring the [[Pauline Christianity|Pauline conception of the gospel]], —Paul being, according to Marcion, the only [[apostle]] who had rightly understood the new message of [[salvation]] as delivered by Christ. In Marcion's own view, therefore, the founding of his church—to which he was first driven by opposition—amounts to a reformation of Christendom through a return to the gospel of Christ and to Paul; nothing was to be accepted beyond that. This of itself shows that it is a mistake to reckon Marcion among the [[Gnostics]]. A [[dualist]] he certainly was, but he was not a Gnostic."
According to the 1911 [[Encyclopædia Britannica]] article on [http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/MAL_MAR/MARCION.html Marcion]: "It was no mere school for the learned, disclosed no mysteries for the privileged, but sought to lay the foundation of the Christian community on the pure [[gospel]], the authentic institutes of [[Christ]]. The pure gospel, however, Marcion found to be everywhere more or less corrupted and mutilated in the Christian circles of his time. His undertaking thus resolved itself into a reformation of [[Christendom]]. This reformation was to deliver Christendom from [[Judaizers|false Jewish doctrines]] by restoring the [[Pauline Christianity|Pauline conception of the gospel]], —Paul being, according to Marcion, the only [[apostle]] who had rightly understood the new message of [[salvation]] as delivered by Christ. In Marcion's own view, therefore, the founding of his church—to which he was first driven by opposition—amounts to a reformation of Christendom through a return to the gospel of Christ and to Paul; nothing was to be accepted beyond that. This of itself shows that it is a mistake to reckon Marcion among the [[Gnostics]]. A [[dualist]] he certainly was, but he was not a Gnostic."

Baris 22: Baris 26:
== Teachings ==
== Teachings ==
The teachings of Marcion and his followers are described under [[Marcionism]].
The teachings of Marcion and his followers are described under [[Marcionism]].

==External links==
*[http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09645c.htm ''Catholic Encyclopedia'':] Marcionites
*[http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/3827/ Center for Marcionite Research]
*[http://www.tertullian.org/articles/evans_carn/evans_carn_00index.htm Tertullian, ''De Carne Christi'' (Latin and English), 1956]
*[http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/info/marcion-wace.html Wace on Marcion]
*[http://ontruth.com/marcion.html Carrigan on Marcion]
*[http://www.earlychurch.org.uk/marcion.php EarlyChurch.org.uk on Marcion]
*[http://www.earlychurch.org.uk/article_marcion.html ''Marcion: Portrait of a Heretic'' by Rob Bradshaw]
*[http://www.christianorigins.com/marcion.html "Marcion, the Canon, the Law, and the Historical Jesus"] by Christopher Price
*[http://www.ccel.org/ccel/harnack/origin_nt.v.i.html The Marcionite Prologues to the Pauline Epistles]
*[http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/MAL_MAR/MARCION.html Marcion] in the 1911 [[Encyclopædia Britannica]]

== References ==
== Referensi ==
*Blackman, E.C. ''Marcion and His Influence'' 2004 ISBN 1-59244-731-7
*Blackman, E.C. ''Marcion and His Influence'' 2004 ISBN 1-59244-731-7
*Clabeaux, John James. ''The Lost Edition of the Letters of Paul: A Reassessment of the Text of Pauline Corpus Attested by Marcion (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series No. 21)'' 1989 ISBN 0-915170-20-5
*Clabeaux, John James. ''The Lost Edition of the Letters of Paul: A Reassessment of the Text of Pauline Corpus Attested by Marcion (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series No. 21)'' 1989 ISBN 0-915170-20-5
Baris 51: Baris 45:
* Andrew McGowan is Associate Professor of Early Christian History at the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusettshttp://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_early_christian_studies/v009/9.3mcgowan.html
* Andrew McGowan is Associate Professor of Early Christian History at the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusettshttp://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_early_christian_studies/v009/9.3mcgowan.html

== Pranala luar ==
[[Category:Ancient Roman Christianity]]
*[http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09645c.htm ''Catholic Encyclopedia'':] Marcionites
*[http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/3827/ Center for Marcionite Research]
*[http://www.tertullian.org/articles/evans_carn/evans_carn_00index.htm Tertullian, ''De Carne Christi'' (Latin and English), 1956]
*[http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/info/marcion-wace.html Wace on Marcion]
*[http://ontruth.com/marcion.html Carrigan on Marcion]
*[http://www.earlychurch.org.uk/marcion.php EarlyChurch.org.uk on Marcion]
*[http://www.earlychurch.org.uk/article_marcion.html ''Marcion: Portrait of a Heretic'' by Rob Bradshaw]
*[http://www.christianorigins.com/marcion.html "Marcion, the Canon, the Law, and the Historical Jesus"] by Christopher Price
*[http://www.ccel.org/ccel/harnack/origin_nt.v.i.html The Marcionite Prologues to the Pauline Epistles]
*[http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/MAL_MAR/MARCION.html Marcion] in the 1911 [[Encyclopædia Britannica]]

[[Kategori:Kekristenan Romawi Kuno]]
[[Kategori:Denominasi Kristen Kuno]]
[[Kategori:Ajaran sesat]]


Revisi per 28 November 2006 10.41

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Marsion dari Sinope (ca. 110-160), adalah was a major 2nd century Early Christian theologian, pendiri kelompok yang disebut Marsionisme.


  • Blackman, E.C. Marcion and His Influence 2004 ISBN 1-59244-731-7
  • Clabeaux, John James. The Lost Edition of the Letters of Paul: A Reassessment of the Text of Pauline Corpus Attested by Marcion (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series No. 21) 1989 ISBN 0-915170-20-5
  • Dahl, Nils Alstrup. "The Origin of the Earliest Prologues to the Pauline Letters", Semeia 12 (1978), 233-277
  • Epiphanius of Salamis. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Book 1 (Sects 1-46) Frank Williams translator, 1987 ISBN 90-04-07926-2
  • Grant, Robert M. Marcion and the Critical Method Peter Richardson & John Collidge Hurd, eds., From Jesus to Paul. Studies in Honour of Francis Wright Beare. Waterloo, ON, 1984. pp.207-215.
  • Harnack, Adolf von 1961. History of Dogma (Neil Buchanan, translating Harnack's Dogmengeschichte 1900), vol I, pp 267 – 313, vol II, pp 1 – 19
  • Harnack, Adolf von. Marcion: The Gospel of the Alien God translation 1990 ISBN 0-939464-16-0
  • Hoffmann, R. Joseph Marcion, on the Restitution of Christianity: An Essay on the Development of Radical Paulist Theology in the Second Century 1984 ISBN 0-89130-638-2
  • Knox, John. Marcion and the New Testament 1942 ISBN 0-404-16183-9
  • Francis Legge, Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity, From 330 B.C. to 330 A.D. (1914), reprinted in two volumes bound as one, University Books New York, 1964. LC Catalog 64-24125.
  • Livingstone, E.A. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3rd ed.), pp. 1033-34, 1997 ISBN 0-19-211655-X
  • Tertullian. Ernest Evans, translator, 1972. Against Marcion (Oxford University Press). E-text of Adversus Marcionem and Evan's introduction "Marcion : His Doctrine and Influence"
  • Williams, David Salter. Reconsidering Marcion's Gospel Journal of Biblical Literature 108 (1989), p.477-796
  • Andrew McGowan is Associate Professor of Early Christian History at the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusettshttp://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_early_christian_studies/v009/9.3mcgowan.html

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