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Baris 53: Baris 53:
| [[Epsilon Pavonis|ε Pav]] || ||孔雀九 ||[[China]]||bintang kesembilan pada rasi [[Daftar asterisme di Langit Selatan#Burung Merak|Burung Merak]]
| [[Epsilon Pavonis|ε Pav]] || ||孔雀九 ||[[China]]||bintang kesembilan pada rasi [[Daftar asterisme di Langit Selatan#Burung Merak|Burung Merak]]

Pavo berbatasan dengan [[Telescopium]] di sebelah utara, [[Apus]] dan Ara di sebelah barat, [[Octans]] di sebelah selatan, dan [[Indus (rasi bintang)|Indus]] di sebelah timur dan timur laut. Membentang seluas 378 derajat persegi, masuk urutan ke-44 dalam 88 [[rasi bintang modern]] dari segi ukuran dan meliputi 0,916% luas langit pada malam hari.<ref name=bagnall>{{cite book |last=Bagnall |first=Philip M. |title=The Star Atlas Companion: What You Need to Know about the Constellations |publisher=Springer |location=New York, New York |date=2012 |isbn=1-4614-0830-X |page=338|url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=KcIg02TKW6QC&pg=PA338&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false}}</ref> Singkatan tiga huruf rasi bintang ini mulai dipakai oleh [[International Astronomical Union]] pada tahun 1922, yaitu "Pav".<ref name="pa30_469">{{cite journal | last=Russell | first=Henry Norris |author-link=Henry Norris Russell | title=The New International Symbols for the Constellations | journal=Popular Astronomy | volume=30 | page=469 | bibcode=1922PA.....30..469R | date=1922 }}</ref> Batas rasi bintang secara resmi ditetapkan oleh [[:en:Eugène Joseph Delporte|Eugène Delporte]] pada tahun 1930, didefinisikan dalam bentuk suatu poligon yang terdiri dari 10 segmen. Dalam [[sistem koordinat ekuatorial]], koordinat [[right ascension]] batas-batas ini terletak antara {{RA|18|10.4}} dan {{RA|21|32.4}}, sedangkan koordinat [[declination]] terletak antara −56.59° dan −74.98°.<ref name="boundary">{{Cite journal | title=Pavo, constellation boundary | work=The Constellations | publisher=International Astronomical Union | url=http://www.iau.org/public/constellations/#pav | accessdate=23 August 2013 }}</ref> Sebagai salah satu rasi bintang selatan dalam, rasi bintang ini selalu berada di bawah horizon pada latitude utara dari paralel 30 derajat di [[belahan langit utara]], dan ''circumpolar'' pada latitude selatan dari paralel 50 derajat pada [[belahan langit selatan]].<ref name="motz">{{cite book|last=Motz|first=Lloyd|author2=Nathanson, Carol|title=The Constellations: An Enthusiast's Guide to the Night Sky|publisher=Aurum Press|location=London, United Kingdom|date=1991|pages=385, 388–89|isbn=978-1-85410-088-7}}</ref> Sejumlah bintang dalam rasi ini membentuk suatu [[:en:Asterism (astronomy)|asterisme]] yang dikenal sebagai "''the Saucepan''" ("panci saus") di [[Australia]] bilamana digunakan untuk navigasi, karena menunjuk ke arah kutub selatan selestial.<ref>{{cite web | title = Pavo |url= http://www.topastronomer.com/StarCharts/Constellations/Pavo.php | accessdate=19 November 2013|work=Top Astronomer|location=Byfleet, United Kingdom}}</ref>

== Fitur terkenal ==

=== Bintang-bintang ===
{{see also|Daftar bintang dalam Pavo}}
[[Image:Constellation Pavo.jpg|thumb|left|256px|Rasi bintang Pavo yang terlihat oleh mata telanjang]]
Meskipun menggambarkan Pavo pada petanya, Bayer tidak memberi penomoran bintang-bintangnya menurut [[:en:Bayer designation|designasi Bayer]]. Penjelajah dan astronom Perancis [[Nicolas Louis de Lacaille]] memberi label pada bintang-bintang itu "Alpha" sampai "Omega" pada tahun 1756, tetapi tidak menyebut "Psi" dan "Xi", serta memberi label dua pasang bintang yang terletak berdekatan Mu dan Phi Pavonis. Pada tahun 1879, astronom Amerika [[:En:Benjamin Apthorp Gould|Benjamin Gould]] memberi label bintang Xi Pavonis karena ia merasa tingkat kecerahannya mengizinkan penamaan, tetapi menggugurkan penamaan Chi Pavonis karena pudar.<ref name="wagman">{{cite book | last = Wagman | first = Morton | date = 2003 | title = Lost Stars: Lost, Missing and Troublesome Stars from the Catalogues of Johannes Bayer, Nicholas Louis de Lacaille, John Flamsteed, and Sundry Others | publisher = The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company | location = Blacksburg, [[Virginia|VA]] | isbn = 978-0-939923-78-6 |pages=231–32}}</ref><!-- referensi untuk tiga kalimat sebelumnya-->

[[Alpha Pavonis]], bintang paling terang dalam Pavo, terletak dekat batas rasi bintang sebelah utara yang bersebelahan dengan Telescopium.<ref name="motz" /> [[:en:Star designation#Proper names|Nama awamnya]]—"Peacock" ("burung merak")— merupakan terjemahan bahasa Inggris dari nama rasi bintang ini.<ref name=bagnall/> Nama ini diberikan oleh [[:en:Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office|Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office]] Britania pada akhir tahun 1930-an; waktu itu [[Royal Air Force]] bersikeras agar semua bintang yang terang diberi nama, sedangkan bintang ini belum mempunyai nama resmi.<ref name="sadler1993">{{citation | last1=Sadler | first1=D.H. | title=A Personal History of H.M. Nautical Almanac Office | page=48 | publisher=Edited and privately published by Wilkins, G.A. | date=1993 | url= http://astro.ukho.gov.uk/nao/history/dhs_gaw/nao_perhist_0802_dhs.pdf }}</ref> Alpha mempunyai besaran/magnitude [[apparent magnitude|''apparent'']] (atau visual) 1,91 dan [[:en:Stellar classification|jenis spektral]] B2IV.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=Alpha+Pavonis |title = Peacock – Spectroscopic Binary |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 23 August 2013}}</ref><!-- It is a [[Binary star#Spectroscopic binaries|spectroscopic binary]] system, one estimate placing the distance between the pair of stars as 0.21 [[astronomical units]] (AU), or half the distance between [[Mercury (planet)|Mercury]] and the [[Sun]].<ref name="kaleralpha">{{cite web|url=http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/peacock.html |title=Peacock |last=Kaler|first=James B.|author-link=James B. Kaler|work=Stars|publisher=University of Illinois|accessdate=23 August 2013}}</ref> The two stars rotate around each other in a mere 11 days and 18 hours.<ref name="motz" /> The [[star system]] is located around 180 light years away from Earth.<ref name="kaleralpha" />
Dengan magnitude visual 3,43, [[Beta Pavonis]] merupakan bintang paling terang nomor dua dalam rasi bintang ini. Merupakan suatu [[:en:Giant star|bintang raksasa]] putih dengan kelas spektral A7III.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=beta+pav&NbIdent=1&Radius=2&Radius.unit=arcmin&submit=submit+id |title = Beta Pavonis |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 23 August 2013}}</ref><!-- Merupakan sebuah ''aging star'' that has used up the hydrogen fuel at its core and has expanded and cooled after moving off the [[main sequence]]. It lies 135 light years away from our solar system.<ref name="kalerbeta">{{cite web|url=http://stars.astro.illinois.edu/sow/betapav.html |title=Beta Pavonis |last=Kaler|first=James B.|work=Stars|publisher=University of Illinois|accessdate=23 August 2013|date=24 September 2010}}</ref>
Lying a few degrees west of Beta is [[Delta Pavonis]], a nearby Sun-like but more [[stellar evolution|evolved]] star;<ref name="motz" /> this is a yellow subgiant of spectral type G8IV and apparent magnitude 3.56 that is only 19.9 light years distant from Earth.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=delta+pav&NbIdent=1&Radius=2&Radius.unit=arcmin&submit=submit+id |title = Delta Pavonis – Variable Star |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 23 August 2013}}</ref> East of Beta and at the constellation's eastern border with Indus is [[Gamma Pavonis]], a fainter, [[solar-type star]] 30 light years from Earth with a magnitude of 4.22 and stellar class F9V.<ref>{{cite journal | last1=Mosser, B. | last2=Deheuvels | first2=S. | last3=Michel | first3=E. | last4=Thévenin | first4=F. | last5=Dupret | first5=M.A. | last6=Samadi | first6=R. | last7=Barban | first7=C. | last8=Goupil | first8=M.J. | title=HD 203608, a Quiet Asteroseismic Target in the Old Galactic Disk | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=488 | issue=2 | pages=635–42 | doi=10.1051/0004-6361:200810011 | bibcode = 2008A&A...488..635M | arxiv=0804.3119 }}</ref> Other nearby stars in Pavo are much fainter: [[SCR 1845-6357]] is a binary system with an apparent magnitude of 17.4 consisting of a [[red dwarf]] and [[brown dwarf]] companion lying around 12.6 light years distant, while [[Gliese 693]] is a red dwarf of magnitude 10.78 lying 19 light years away.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?submit=display&bibdisplay=refsum&bibyear1=1850&bibyear2=%24currentYear&Ident=%403464606&Name=GJ+++693#lab_bib |title = GJ 693 – Variable Star |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 24 August 2013}}</ref>

Pavo contains several variable stars of note. [[Lambda Pavonis]] is a bright [[irregular variable]] ranging between magnitudes 3.4 and 4.4; this variation can be observed with the unaided eye. Classed as a Gamma Cassiopeiae variable or [[shell star]],<ref name="inglis">{{cite book |last=Inglis |first=Mike |title=Astronomy of the Milky Way: Observer's Guide to the Southern Sky |publisher=Springer |location=New York, New York |date=2004 |pages=153–54 |isbn=978-1-85233-742-1|url=http://books.google.com/?id=1r0qvMjSCGAC&pg=SA3-PA31&dq=Circinus+inglis#v=onepage&q&f=false}}</ref> it is of spectral type B2II-IIIe and lies around 1430 light years distant from Earth.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=lambda+pavonis&NbIdent=1&Radius=2&Radius.unit=arcmin&submit=submit+id |title = Lambda Pavonis – Be Star |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 24 August 2013}}</ref> [[Kappa Pavonis]] is a [[W Virginis variable]]—a subclass of [[Type II Cepheid]].<ref name="inglis" /> It ranges from magnitude 3.91 to 4.78 over 9 days and is a yellow-white [[supergiant]] pulsating between spectral classes F5I-II and G5I-II.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=25119 |title = Kappa Pavonis |publisher = AAVSO |work = International Variable Star Index |date = 7 January 2011 |accessdate = 24 August 2013}}</ref> [[NU Pavonis|NU]] and [[V Pavonis]] are pulsating [[Semiregular variable star|semiregular variable]] [[red giant]] stars. NU has a spectral type M6III and ranges from magnitude 4.9 to 5.3,<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=25016 |title = NU Pavonis |publisher = AAVSO |work = International Variable Star Index |date = 7 January 2011 |accessdate = 24 August 2013}}</ref> while V Pavonis ranges from magnitude 6.3 to 8.2 over two periods of 225.4 and 3735 days concurrently.<ref name="inglis" /> V is a [[carbon star]]<ref name="gray_corbally" group="note">C6 is equivalent to a class M2–M3 star, the 4 shows the strength of the [[Swan bands]] on a scale of 1 (weak) to 5 (strong), and the Nb indicates bands of the chemical element [[niobium]]. See:<br>{{cite book | author=Gray, Richard O.; Corbally, Christopher J. | title=Stellar Spectral Classification | date=2009 | publisher=Princeton University Press |location=Princeton, New Jersey | page=309 | isbn=978-0-691-12511-4 }}</ref> of spectral type C6,4(Nb)<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=24725 |title = V Pavonis |publisher = AAVSO |work = International Variable Star Index |date = 7 January 2011 |accessdate = 24 August 2013}}</ref> with a prominent red hue.<ref name="inglis" />

Located in the west of the constellation and depicting the peacock's tail are [[Eta Pavonis|Eta]] and [[Xi Pavonis]].<ref name="streicher">{{cite web | last = Streicher | first = Magda | date = October 2010 | title = Pavo—A Fanciful Bird | publisher = The Astronomical Society of Southern Africa | work = Deepsky Delights | url =http://assa.saao.ac.za/sections/deepsky/delights/2010_oct_deepsky_delights.pdf | accessdate = 26 August 2013 }}</ref> At apparent magnitude 3.6, Eta is a luminous orange giant of spectral type K2II some 350 light years distant from Earth.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-basic?Ident=Eta+Pavonis&submit=SIMBAD+search |title = Eta Pavonis |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 26 August 2013}}</ref> Xi Pavonis is a multiple star system visible in small telescopes as a brighter orange star and fainter white companion.<ref name="inglis" /> Located around 470 light years from Earth, the system has a magnitude of 4.38.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-basic?Ident=Xi+Pavonis&submit=SIMBAD+search |title = Xi Pavonis |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 25 August 2013}}</ref> [[AR Pavonis]] is a faint but well-studied [[Binary star#Eclipsing binaries|eclipsing binary]] composed of a red giant and smaller hotter star some 18000 light years from Earth. It has some features of a [[cataclysmic variable]], the smaller component most likely having an [[accretion disc]].<ref>{{cite journal|author=Skopal, A.; Djurašević, G.; Jones, A.; Drechsel, H.; Rovithis-Livaniou, H.; Rovithis, P|date=2000|title=A Photometric Study of the Eclipsing Symbiotic Binary AR Pavonis|journal=[[Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society]]|volume=311|issue=2|pages=225–33|url=http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/311/2/225.full.pdf|doi=10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03040.x|bibcode = 2000MNRAS.311..225S }}</ref> The visual magnitude ranges from 7.4 to 13.6 over 605 days.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=24791 |title = AR Pavonis |publisher = AAVSO |work = International Variable Star Index |date = 4 January 2010 |accessdate = 25 August 2013}}</ref>

===Planetary systems and debris disks===
Six stars with [[planetary systems]] have been found. Three planets have been discovered in the system of the orange star [[HD 181433]], an inner super-earth with an orbital period of 9.4 days and two outer gas giants with periods of 2.6 and 6 years respectively.<ref name="bouchy2009">{{cite journal | title=The HARPS Search for Southern Extra-solar Planets. XVII. Super-Earth and Neptune-mass Planets in Multiple Planet Systems HD 47186 and HD 181433 | url=http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2009/11/aa10669-08/aa10669-08.html | last1=Bouchy | first1=F. | last2=Mayor | first2=M. | last3=Lovis | first3=C. | last4=Udry | first4=S. | last5=Benz | first5=W. | last6=Bertaux | first6=J.-L. | last7=Delfosse | first7=X. | last8=Mordasini | first8=C. | last9=Pepe | first9=F. | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=496 | issue=2 | pages=527–31 | date=2009 | arxiv=0812.1608 | bibcode=2009A&A...496..527B | doi=10.1051/0004-6361:200810669 }}</ref> [[HD 196050]] and [[HD 175167]] are yellow G-class Sun-like stars, while [[HD 190984]] is an F-class main sequence star slightly larger and hotter than the Sun; all three are accompanied by a gas giant companion.<ref>{{cite journal | url=http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118945825/abstract | author=Jones | title=Extrasolar Planets around HD 196050, HD 216437 and HD 160691 | journal=[[Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society]] |date=2002 |volume=337 |issue=4 | pages=1170–78 |doi=10.1046/j.1365-8711.2002.05787.x | format=abstract | last2=Paul Butler | first2=R. | last3=Marcy | first3=Geoffrey W. | last4=Tinney | first4=Chris G. | last5=Penny | first5=Alan J. | last6=McCarthy | first6=Chris | last7=Carter | first7=Brad D.|arxiv = astro-ph/0206216 |bibcode = 2002MNRAS.337.1170J}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | author=Arriagada, Pamela; Butler, R. Paul; Minniti, Dante; López-Morales, Mercedes; Shectman, Stephen A.; Adams, Fred C.; Boss, Alan P.; Chambers, John E. | title=Five Long-period Extrasolar Planets in Eccentric Orbits from the Magellan Planet Search Program | journal=The [[Astrophysical Journal]] | date=2010 | arxiv=1001.4093 |doi=10.1088/0004-637X/711/2/1229 | volume=711 | issue=2 | pages=1229–35 |bibcode = 2010ApJ...711.1229A }}</ref><ref name="santos2010">{{cite journal | title=The HARPS Search for Southern Extra-solar Planets XXI. Three New Giant Planets Orbiting the Metal-poor Stars HD 5388, HD 181720, and HD 190984 | url=http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2010/04/aa13489-09/aa13489-09.html | last1=Santos | first1=N.C. | last2=Mayor | first2=M. | last3=Benz | first3=W. | last4=Bouchy | first4=F. | last5=Figueira | first5=P. | last6=Lo Curto | first6=G. | last7=Lovis | first7=C. | last8=Melo | first8=C. | last9=Moutou | first9=C. | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=512 | issue=A47|pages=1–6 | date=2010 | arxiv=0912.3216 | bibcode=2010A&A...512A..47S | doi=10.1051/0004-6361/200913489 }}</ref> [[HD 172555]] is a young white A-type main sequence star, two planets of which appear to have had a major collision in the past few thousand years. [[Spectrographic]] evidence of large amounts of [[silicon dioxide]] gas indicates the smaller of the two, which had been at least the size of Earth's moon, was destroyed, and the larger, which was at least the size of Mercury, was severely damaged. Evidence of the collision was detected by NASA's [[Spitzer Space Telescope]].<ref>{{Cite journal | title = Abundant Circumstellar Silica Dust And Sio Gas Created By A Giant Hypervelocity Collision In The ~12 Myr HD172555 System | first = C. M. | last = Lisse | author2 = Chen, C.H. | author3 = Wyatt, M.C. | author4 = Morlok, A. | author5 = Song, I. | author6 = Bryden, G. | author7 = Sheehan, P. | journal = [[Astrophysical Journal]] | date = 16 June 2009 | pages = 984–97 | url = http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0004-637X/701/2/2019 | doi = 10.1088/0004-637X/701/2/2019 | volume = 701 | bibcode=2009ApJ...701.2019L | issue = 2|arxiv = 0906.2536 }}</ref> In the south of the constellation, [[Epsilon Pavonis]] is a 3.95-magnitude white main sequence star of spectral type A0Va located around 105 light years distant from Earth.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-basic?Ident=Epsilon+Pavonis&submit=SIMBAD+search |title = Epsilon Pavonis |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 29 August 2013}}</ref> It appears to be surrounded by a narrow ring of dust at a distance of 107&nbsp;AU.<ref>{{cite journal|authors=Booth, Mark; Kennedy, Grant; Sibthorpe, Bruce; Matthews, Brenda C.; Wyatt, Mark C.; Duchêne, Gaspard; Kavelaars, J.J.; Rodriguez, David; Greaves, Jane S.; Koning, Alice; Vican, Laura; Rieke, George H.; Su, Kate Y.L.; Moro-Martín, Amaya; Kalas, Paul|date=2012|title=Resolved Debris Discs Around A Stars in the Herschel DEBRIS Survey|journal=Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society|volume=428|issue=2|pages=1263–80|bibcode=2013MNRAS.428.1263B|arxiv = 1210.0547 |doi = 10.1093/mnras/sts117 }}</ref>

===Deep-sky objects===
[[File:Star cluster NGC 6752.jpg|thumb|right|The globular cluster NGC 6752 contains an estimated 100,000 stars.]]
The [[deep-sky object]]s in Pavo include [[NGC 6752]], the third-brightest [[globular cluster]] in the sky, after [[47 Tucanae]] and [[Omega Centauri]]. An estimated 100 light years across, it is thought to contain 100,000 stars.<ref name="APODNASA">{{cite web|url=http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap130705.html|title=Globular Star Cluster NGC 6752 |last=Nemiroff, Robert; Bonnell, Jerry|date=5 July 2013|work=Astronomy Picture of the Day|publisher=NASA|accessdate=23 August 2013}}</ref><!-- cites previous two sentences --> Lying three degrees to the south is [[NGC 6744]],<ref name="motz" /> a [[spiral galaxy]] around 30 million light years away from Earth that resembles the [[Milky Way]], but is twice its diameter.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1118/|title=A Postcard from Extragalactic Space? A spiral galaxy that resembles our Milky Way|last=Hook|first=Richard |date=1 June 2011|work=European Southern Observatory|publisher=ESO Images and Downloads|accessdate=23 August 2013}}</ref> A [[Type Ib and Ic supernovae|type 1c supernova]] was discovered in the galaxy in 2005;<ref name="mobberley">{{cite book |title=The Caldwell Objects And How to Observe Them |first=Martin |last=Mobberley |authorlink=Martin Mobberley |pages=208–09|url=http://books.google.com.au/books?id=amPrWoOWgHcC&pg=PA208&dq=supernova+pavo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=onEZUpTLIYnoiAf72IHwDQ&ved=0CEoQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=supernova%20pavo&f=false|publisher=Springer |location=New York, New York |date=1999 |isbn=978-1-4419-0326-6}}</ref> known as SN2005at, it peaked at magnitude 16.8.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/sn2005/|title=Bright Supernovae - 2005|last=Bishop|first=David|date=10 September 2013|work=Astronomy Section|publisher=Rochester Academy of Science|accessdate=22 September 2013|location=Rush, New York}}</ref> The dwarf galaxy [[IC 4662]] lies 10 [[Minute of arc|arcminutes]] northeast of Eta Pavonis,<ref name="inglis" /> and is of magnitude 11.62.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=IC+4662 |title =IC 4662 – Blue compact Galaxy |work = SIMBAD Astronomical Database|publisher=Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg |accessdate = 24 August 2013}}</ref> Located only 8 million light years away, it has several regions of [[Starburst region|high star formation]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo0919d/|title=Hubble ACS image of IC 4662|last=McQuinn|first=K. |date=30 April 2009|work=Hubble website|publisher=European Space Agency (ESA) |accessdate=24 August 2013}}</ref> The 14th-magnitude galaxy [[IC 4965]] lies 1.7 degrees west of Alpha Pavonis, and is a central member of the [[Shapley Supercluster]].<ref name="streicher" />
=== Hujan meteor ===
Pavo merupakan [[:en:radiant (meteor shower)|radian]] dari dua [[hujan meteor]] tahunan: [[:en:Delta Pavonids|Delta Pavonids]] dan [[:en:August Pavonids|August Pavonids]].

Delta Pavonids muncul dari tanggal [[21 Maret]] sampai [[8 April]] dan biasanya memuncak sekitar [[5 April|5 atau]] [[6 April]], dianggap berkaitan dengan Komet Grigg-Mellish.{{sfn|Levy|2008|p = 109}} Hujan meteor ini pertama kali ditemukan oleh seorang bernama Michael Buhagiar dari [[Perth]], [[Australia]],<ref>{{cite book | first=Petrus Matheus Marie | last=Jenniskens | title=Meteor Showers and Their Parent Comets | publisher=Cambridge University Press|location=Cambridge, United Kingdom | page=315 | date=2006 | isbn=978-0-521-85349-1 | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=QpajMuyXG8AC&pg=PA315 }}</ref> yang mengamatinya sebanyak enam kali dalam 11 tahun antara [[1969]] dan [[1980]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://meteorshowersonline.com/showers/delta_pavonids.html|title=Delta Pavonids|last=Kronk|first=Gary W.|work=Meteor Showers Online|publisher=self-published|accessdate=26 August 2013}}</ref>

August Pavonids memuncak sekitar 31 Agustus dan dianggap berkaitan dengan komet sejenis [[Komet Halley]], yaitu Komet Levy (P/1991 L3).{{sfn|Levy|2008|p = 117}}

== Galeri ==
File:Johan Doppelmayr's celestial chart of Pavo and Indus.jpg|Rasi bintang Pavo dan [[Indus (rasi bintang)|Indus]] ditampilkan dalam peta belahan langit selatan oleh [[Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr]] dalam karyanya "Atlas Coelestis", sekitar tahun 1742.
File:Johann Bayer - Uraniometria - Southern Birds.jpg|Pavo (kanan atas), dengan rasi bintang "burung-burung" lain di belahan langit selatan; penampilan pertama dalam suatu peta bintang, ''[[Uranometria]]'' karya [[Johann Bayer]].

== Referensi ==
== Referensi ==
Baris 58: Baris 98:

{{12 rasi Keyser dan de Houtman}}


[[Kategori:Rasi bintang]]
[[Kategori:Rasi bintang]]

Revisi per 29 Januari 2015 17.18

Rasi bintang
SimbolismeBurung merak
Asensio rekta20 h
Luas378 derajat persegi (44)
Bintang paling terangJoo Tseo
(Peacock, α Pav) (1.94m)
Hujan meteorDelta Pavonids
Rasi yang
Triangulum Australe
Terlihat di garis lintang antara +15° dan −90°.
Terlihat paling baik pada pukul 21:00 (9 malam) selama bulan Agustus.

Pavo, sang Merak, adalah suatu rasi bintang di belahan selatan. Rasi ini dinamai oleh Johann Bayer.

Daftar bintang

Bintang-bintang yang berada pada rasi ini adalah :

Nama Kondisi Nama
α Pav Peacock Inggris burung merak
β Pav 孔雀七 China bintang ketujuh pada rasi Burung Merak[1]
δ Pav dekat dengan Bumi, bintang yang mirip Matahari 孔雀六 China bintang keenam pada rasi Burung Merak
η Pav 孔雀一 China bintang pertama pada rasi Burung Merak
ε Pav 孔雀九 China bintang kesembilan pada rasi Burung Merak


Pavo berbatasan dengan Telescopium di sebelah utara, Apus dan Ara di sebelah barat, Octans di sebelah selatan, dan Indus di sebelah timur dan timur laut. Membentang seluas 378 derajat persegi, masuk urutan ke-44 dalam 88 rasi bintang modern dari segi ukuran dan meliputi 0,916% luas langit pada malam hari.[2] Singkatan tiga huruf rasi bintang ini mulai dipakai oleh International Astronomical Union pada tahun 1922, yaitu "Pav".[3] Batas rasi bintang secara resmi ditetapkan oleh Eugène Delporte pada tahun 1930, didefinisikan dalam bentuk suatu poligon yang terdiri dari 10 segmen. Dalam sistem koordinat ekuatorial, koordinat right ascension batas-batas ini terletak antara  18j 10.4m dan  21j 32.4m, sedangkan koordinat declination terletak antara −56.59° dan −74.98°.[4] Sebagai salah satu rasi bintang selatan dalam, rasi bintang ini selalu berada di bawah horizon pada latitude utara dari paralel 30 derajat di belahan langit utara, dan circumpolar pada latitude selatan dari paralel 50 derajat pada belahan langit selatan.[5] Sejumlah bintang dalam rasi ini membentuk suatu asterisme yang dikenal sebagai "the Saucepan" ("panci saus") di Australia bilamana digunakan untuk navigasi, karena menunjuk ke arah kutub selatan selestial.[6]

Fitur terkenal


Rasi bintang Pavo yang terlihat oleh mata telanjang

Meskipun menggambarkan Pavo pada petanya, Bayer tidak memberi penomoran bintang-bintangnya menurut designasi Bayer. Penjelajah dan astronom Perancis Nicolas Louis de Lacaille memberi label pada bintang-bintang itu "Alpha" sampai "Omega" pada tahun 1756, tetapi tidak menyebut "Psi" dan "Xi", serta memberi label dua pasang bintang yang terletak berdekatan Mu dan Phi Pavonis. Pada tahun 1879, astronom Amerika Benjamin Gould memberi label bintang Xi Pavonis karena ia merasa tingkat kecerahannya mengizinkan penamaan, tetapi menggugurkan penamaan Chi Pavonis karena pudar.[7]

Alpha Pavonis, bintang paling terang dalam Pavo, terletak dekat batas rasi bintang sebelah utara yang bersebelahan dengan Telescopium.[5] Nama awamnya—"Peacock" ("burung merak")— merupakan terjemahan bahasa Inggris dari nama rasi bintang ini.[2] Nama ini diberikan oleh Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office Britania pada akhir tahun 1930-an; waktu itu Royal Air Force bersikeras agar semua bintang yang terang diberi nama, sedangkan bintang ini belum mempunyai nama resmi.[8] Alpha mempunyai besaran/magnitude apparent (atau visual) 1,91 dan jenis spektral B2IV.[9] Dengan magnitude visual 3,43, Beta Pavonis merupakan bintang paling terang nomor dua dalam rasi bintang ini. Merupakan suatu bintang raksasa putih dengan kelas spektral A7III.[10] Lying three degrees to the south is NGC 6744,[5] a spiral galaxy around 30 million light years away from Earth that resembles the Milky Way, but is twice its diameter.[11] A type 1c supernova was discovered in the galaxy in 2005;[12] known as SN2005at, it peaked at magnitude 16.8.[13] The dwarf galaxy IC 4662 lies 10 arcminutes northeast of Eta Pavonis,[14] and is of magnitude 11.62.[15] Located only 8 million light years away, it has several regions of high star formation.[16] The 14th-magnitude galaxy IC 4965 lies 1.7 degrees west of Alpha Pavonis, and is a central member of the Shapley Supercluster.[17] -->

Hujan meteor

Pavo merupakan radian dari dua hujan meteor tahunan: Delta Pavonids dan August Pavonids.

Delta Pavonids muncul dari tanggal 21 Maret sampai 8 April dan biasanya memuncak sekitar 5 atau 6 April, dianggap berkaitan dengan Komet Grigg-Mellish.[18] Hujan meteor ini pertama kali ditemukan oleh seorang bernama Michael Buhagiar dari Perth, Australia,[19] yang mengamatinya sebanyak enam kali dalam 11 tahun antara 1969 dan 1980.[20]

August Pavonids memuncak sekitar 31 Agustus dan dianggap berkaitan dengan komet sejenis Komet Halley, yaitu Komet Levy (P/1991 L3).[21]



  1. ^ salah satu rasi bintang menurut bangsa Cina
  2. ^ a b Bagnall, Philip M. (2012). The Star Atlas Companion: What You Need to Know about the Constellations. New York, New York: Springer. hlm. 338. ISBN 1-4614-0830-X. 
  3. ^ Russell, Henry Norris (1922). "The New International Symbols for the Constellations". Popular Astronomy. 30: 469. Bibcode:1922PA.....30..469R. 
  4. ^ "Pavo, constellation boundary". The Constellations. International Astronomical Union. Diakses tanggal 23 August 2013. 
  5. ^ a b c Motz, Lloyd; Nathanson, Carol (1991). The Constellations: An Enthusiast's Guide to the Night Sky. London, United Kingdom: Aurum Press. hlm. 385, 388–89. ISBN 978-1-85410-088-7. 
  6. ^ "Pavo". Top Astronomer. Byfleet, United Kingdom. Diakses tanggal 19 November 2013. 
  7. ^ Wagman, Morton (2003). Lost Stars: Lost, Missing and Troublesome Stars from the Catalogues of Johannes Bayer, Nicholas Louis de Lacaille, John Flamsteed, and Sundry Others. Blacksburg, VA: The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company. hlm. 231–32. ISBN 978-0-939923-78-6. 
  8. ^ Sadler, D.H. (1993), A Personal History of H.M. Nautical Almanac Office (PDF), Edited and privately published by Wilkins, G.A., hlm. 48 
  9. ^ "Peacock – Spectroscopic Binary". SIMBAD Astronomical Database. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Diakses tanggal 23 August 2013. 
  10. ^ "Beta Pavonis". SIMBAD Astronomical Database. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Diakses tanggal 23 August 2013. 
  11. ^ Hook, Richard (1 June 2011). "A Postcard from Extragalactic Space? A spiral galaxy that resembles our Milky Way". European Southern Observatory. ESO Images and Downloads. Diakses tanggal 23 August 2013. 
  12. ^ Mobberley, Martin (1999). The Caldwell Objects And How to Observe Them. New York, New York: Springer. hlm. 208–09. ISBN 978-1-4419-0326-6. 
  13. ^ Bishop, David (10 September 2013). "Bright Supernovae - 2005". Astronomy Section. Rush, New York: Rochester Academy of Science. Diakses tanggal 22 September 2013. 
  14. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama inglis
  15. ^ "IC 4662 – Blue compact Galaxy". SIMBAD Astronomical Database. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Diakses tanggal 24 August 2013. 
  16. ^ McQuinn, K. (30 April 2009). "Hubble ACS image of IC 4662". Hubble website. European Space Agency (ESA). Diakses tanggal 24 August 2013. 
  17. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama streicher
  18. ^ Levy 2008, hlm. 109.
  19. ^ Jenniskens, Petrus Matheus Marie (2006). Meteor Showers and Their Parent Comets. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. hlm. 315. ISBN 978-0-521-85349-1. 
  20. ^ Kronk, Gary W. "Delta Pavonids". Meteor Showers Online. self-published. Diakses tanggal 26 August 2013. 
  21. ^ Levy 2008, hlm. 117.

Daftar dua belas rasi bintang yang dibuat oleh Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser dan Frederick de Houtman antara tahun 1595 dan 1597 dan diperkenalkan oleh Johann Bayer pada Uranometria, sebuah teks bertahun 1603

Apus | Chamaeleon | Dorado | Grus | Hydrus | Indus | Musca | Pavo | Phoenix | Triangulum Australe | Tucana | Volans

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