Modul:Arguments: Perbedaan antara revisi
nieuw |
fix |
Baris 1: | Baris 1: | ||
-- This module provides easy processing of arguments passed to Scribunto from #invoke. |
--[[ |
-- It is intended for use by other Lua modules, and should not be called from #invoke directly. |
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') |
This module provides a number of basic mathematical operations. |
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType |
local arguments = {} |
]] |
local nilArg = {} -- Used for memoizing nil arguments in metaArgs. |
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') |
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs |
-- Generate four different tidyVal functions, so that we don't have to check the options every time we call it. |
local wrap = {} -- Holds wrapper functions that process arguments from #invoke. These act as intemediary between functions meant for #invoke and functions meant for Lua. |
local function tidyValDefault(key, val) |
--[[ |
if type(val) == 'string' then |
Helper functions used to avoid redundant code. |
val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') |
]] |
if val == '' then |
return nil |
local function err(msg) |
else |
-- Generates wikitext error messages. |
return val |
return mw.ustring.format('<strong class="error">Formatting error: %s</strong>', msg) |
end |
local function unpackNumberArgs(args) |
-- Returns an unpacked list of arguments specified with numerical keys. |
local ret = {} |
for k, v in pairs(args) do |
if type(k) == 'number' then |
table.insert(ret, v) |
end |
end |
else |
return val |
end |
end |
return unpack(ret) |
end |
end |
local function |
local function tidyValTrimOnly(key, val) |
if type(val) == 'string' then |
-- Makes an array of arguments from a list of arguments that might include nils. |
return val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') |
local args = {...} -- Table of arguments. It might contain nils or non-number values, so we can't use ipairs. |
else |
local nums = {} -- Stores the numbers of valid numerical arguments. |
return val |
local ret = {} |
for k, v in pairs(args) do |
v = p._cleanNumber(v) |
if v then |
nums[#nums + 1] = k |
args[k] = v |
end |
end |
end |
table.sort(nums) |
for i, num in ipairs(nums) do |
ret[#ret + 1] = args[num] |
end |
return ret |
end |
end |
local function |
local function tidyValRemoveBlanksOnly(key, val) |
if type(val) == 'string' then |
-- Use a function on all supplied arguments, and return the result. The function must accept two numbers as parameters, |
if val:find('%S') then |
-- and must return a number as an output. This number is then supplied as input to the next function call. |
return val |
local vals = makeArgArray(...) |
else |
local count = #vals -- The number of valid arguments |
return nil |
if count == 0 then return |
-- Exit if we have no valid args, otherwise removing the first arg would cause an error. |
nil, 0 |
end |
local ret = table.remove(vals, 1) |
for _, val in ipairs(vals) do |
ret = func(ret, val) |
end |
return ret, count |
end |
--[[ |
random |
Generate a random number |
Usage: |
{{#invoke: Math | random }} |
{{#invoke: Math | random | maximum value }} |
{{#invoke: Math | random | minimum value | maximum value }} |
]] |
function wrap.random(args) |
local first = p._cleanNumber(args[1]) |
local second = p._cleanNumber(args[2]) |
return p._random(first, second) |
end |
function p._random(first, second) |
math.randomseed( + + os.time() + math.floor(os.clock() * 1000000000)) |
-- math.random will throw an error if given an explicit nil parameter, so we need to use if statements to check the params. |
if first and second then |
if first <= second then -- math.random doesn't allow the first number to be greater than the second. |
return math.random(first, second) |
end |
end |
elseif first then |
return math.random(first) |
else |
else |
return |
return val |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function tidyValNoChange(key, val) |
--[[ |
return val |
order |
Determine order of magnitude of a number |
Usage: |
{{#invoke: Math | order | value }} |
]] |
function wrap.order(args) |
local input_string = (args[1] or args.x or '0'); |
local input_number = p._cleanNumber(input_string); |
if input_number == nil then |
return err('order of magnitude input appears non-numeric') |
else |
return p._order(input_number) |
end |
end |
end |
function |
function arguments.getArgs(frame, options) |
checkType('getArgs', 1, frame, 'table', true) |
if x == 0 then return 0 end |
checkType('getArgs', 2, options, 'table', true) |
return math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(x))) |
frame = frame or {} |
end |
options = options or {} |
-- Get the arguments from the frame object if available. If the frame object is not available, we are being called |
--[[ |
-- from another Lua module or from the debug console, so assign the args to a new variable so we can differentiate them. |
precision |
local fargs, pargs, luaArgs |
if type(frame.args) == 'table' and type(frame.getParent) == 'function' then |
Detemines the precision of a number using the string representation |
if not options.parentOnly then |
fargs = frame.args |
Usage: |
end |
{{ #invoke: Math | precision | value }} |
if not options.frameOnly then |
]] |
pargs = frame:getParent().args |
end |
function wrap.precision(args) |
if options.parentFirst then |
local input_string = (args[1] or args.x or '0'); |
fargs, pargs = pargs, fargs |
local trap_fraction = args.check_fraction; |
local input_number; |
if yesno(trap_fraction, true) then -- Returns true for all input except nil, false, "no", "n", "0" and a few others. See [[Module:Yesno]]. |
local pos = string.find(input_string, '/', 1, true); |
if pos ~= nil then |
if string.find(input_string, '/', pos + 1, true) == nil then |
local denominator = string.sub(input_string, pos+1, -1); |
local denom_value = tonumber(denominator); |
if denom_value ~= nil then |
return math.log10(denom_value); |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
input_number, input_string = p._cleanNumber(input_string); |
if input_string == nil then |
return err('precision input appears non-numeric') |
else |
else |
luaArgs = frame |
return p._precision(input_string) |
end |
end |
function p._precision(x) |
if type(x) == 'number' then |
x = tostring(x) |
end |
end |
x = string.upper(x) |
-- Set up the args and metaArgs tables. args will be the one accessed from functions, and metaArgs will hold the actual arguments. |
local decimal = x:find('%.') |
-- The metatable connects the two together. |
local exponent_pos = x:find('E') |
local |
local args, metaArgs, metatable = {}, {}, {} |
setmetatable(args, metatable) |
-- Generate the tidyVal function. If it has been specified by the user, we use that; if not, we choose one of four functions |
if exponent_pos ~= nil then |
-- depending on the options chosen. This is so that we don't have to call the options table every time the function is called. |
local exponent = string.sub(x, exponent_pos + 1) |
local tidyVal = options.valueFunc |
x = string.sub(x, 1, exponent_pos - 1) |
if tidyVal then |
result = result - tonumber(exponent) |
if type(tidyVal) ~= 'function' then |
end |
error("bad value assigned to option 'valueFunc' (function expected, got " .. type(tidyVal) .. ')', 2) |
if decimal ~= nil then |
result = result + string.len(x) - decimal |
return result |
end |
local pos = string.len(x); |
while x:byte(pos) == string.byte('0') do |
pos = pos - 1 |
result = result - 1 |
if pos <= 0 then |
return 0 |
end |
end |
elseif options.trim ~= false then |
end |
if options.removeBlanks ~= false then |
tidyVal = tidyValDefault |
return result |
end |
--[[ |
max |
Finds the maximum argument |
Usage: |
{{#invoke:Math| max | value1 | value2 | ... }} |
Note, any values that do not evaluate to numbers are ignored. |
]] |
function wrap.max(args) |
return p._max(unpackNumberArgs(args)) |
end |
function p._max(...) |
local function maxOfTwo(a, b) |
if a > b then |
return a |
else |
else |
tidyVal = tidyValTrimOnly |
return b |
end |
end |
else |
end |
if options.removeBlanks ~= false then |
local max_value = applyFuncToArgs(maxOfTwo, ...) |
tidyVal = tidyValRemoveBlanksOnly |
if max_value then |
return max_value |
end |
end |
--[[ |
min |
Finds the minimum argument |
Usage: |
{{#invoke:Math| min | value1 | value2 | ... }} |
OR |
{{#invoke:Math| min }} |
When used with no arguments, it takes its input from the parent |
frame. Note, any values that do not evaluate to numbers are ignored. |
]] |
function wrap.min(args) |
return p._min(unpackNumberArgs(args)) |
end |
function p._min(...) |
local function minOfTwo(a, b) |
if a < b then |
return a |
else |
else |
tidyVal = tidyValNoChange |
return b |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local min_value = applyFuncToArgs(minOfTwo, ...) |
if min_value then |
return min_value |
end |
end |
local function mergeArgs(iterator, tables) |
--[[ |
-- Accepts multiple tables as input and merges their keys and values into one table using the specified iterator. |
average |
-- If a value is already present it is not overwritten; tables listed earlier have precedence. |
-- We are also memoizing nil values, but those values can be overwritten. |
Finds the average |
for _, t in ipairs(tables) do |
for key, val in iterator(t) do |
Usage: |
local metaArgsVal = metaArgs[key] |
{{#invoke:Math| average | value1 | value2 | ... }} |
if metaArgsVal == nil or metaArgsVal == nilArg then |
OR |
local tidiedVal = tidyVal(key, val) |
{{#invoke:Math| average }} |
if tidiedVal == nil then |
metaArgs[key] = nilArg |
Note, any values that do not evaluate to numbers are ignored. |
else |
]] |
metaArgs[key] = tidiedVal |
end |
function wrap.average(args) |
end |
return p._average(unpackNumberArgs(args)) |
end |
end |
function p._average(...) |
local function getSum(a, b) |
return a + b |
end |
local sum, count = applyFuncToArgs(getSum, ...) |
if not sum then |
return 0 |
else |
return sum / count |
end |
end |
--[[ |
round |
Rounds a number to specified precision |
Usage: |
{{#invoke:Math | round | value | precision }} |
--]] |
function wrap.round(args) |
local value = p._cleanNumber(args[1] or args.value or 0) |
local precision = p._cleanNumber(args[2] or args.precision or 0) |
if value == nil or precision == nil then |
return err('round input appears non-numeric') |
else |
return p._round(value, precision) |
end |
end |
function p._round(value, precision) |
local rescale = math.pow(10, precision or 0); |
return math.floor(value * rescale + 0.5) / rescale; |
end |
--[[ |
mod |
Implements the modulo operator |
Usage: |
{{#invoke:Math | mod | x | y }} |
--]] |
function wrap.mod(args) |
local x = p._cleanNumber(args[1]) |
local y = p._cleanNumber(args[2]) |
if not x then |
return err('first argument to mod appears non-numeric') |
elseif not y then |
return err('second argument to mod appears non-numeric') |
else |
return p._mod(x, y) |
end |
end |
function p._mod(x, y) |
local ret = x % y |
if not (0 <= ret and ret < y) then |
ret = 0 |
end |
return ret |
end |
--[[ |
gcd |
Calculates the greatest common divisor of multiple numbers |
Usage: |
{{#invoke:Math | gcd | value 1 | value 2 | value 3 | ... }} |
--]] |
function wrap.gcd(args) |
return p._gcd(unpackNumberArgs(args)) |
end |
function p._gcd(...) |
local function findGcd(a, b) |
local r = b |
local oldr = a |
while r ~= 0 do |
local quotient = math.floor(oldr / r) |
oldr, r = r, oldr - quotient * r |
end |
end |
if oldr < 0 then |
oldr = oldr * -1 |
end |
return oldr |
end |
end |
local result, count = applyFuncToArgs(findGcd, ...) |
return result |
end |
-- Set the order of precedence of the argument tables. If the variables are nil, nothing will be added to the table, |
--[[ |
-- which is how we avoid clashes between the frame/parent args and the Lua args. |
precision_format |
local argTables = {fargs} |
argTables[#argTables + 1] = pargs |
argTables[#argTables + 1] = luaArgs |
--[[ |
Rounds a number to the specified precision and formats according to rules |
-- Define metatable behaviour. Arguments are memoized in the metaArgs table, and are only fetched from the |
originally used for {{template:Rnd}}. Output is a string. |
-- argument tables once. Nil arguments are also memoized using the nilArg variable in order to increase |
-- performance. Also, we keep a record in the metatable of when pairs and ipairs have been called, so we |
-- do not run pairs and ipairs on fargs and pargs more than once. We also do not run ipairs on fargs and |
-- pargs if pairs has already been run, as all the arguments will already have been copied over. |
--]] |
metatable.__index = function (t, key) |
Usage: |
local val = metaArgs[key] |
{{#invoke: Math | precision_format | number | precision }} |
if val ~= nil then |
]] |
if val == nilArg then |
return nil |
function wrap.precision_format(args) |
else |
local value_string = args[1] or 0 |
return val |
local precision = args[2] or 0 |
end |
return p._precision_format(value_string, precision) |
end |
end |
for _, argTable in ipairs(argTables) do |
local argTableVal = tidyVal(key, argTable[key]) |
function p._precision_format(value_string, precision) |
if argTableVal == nil then |
-- For access to Mediawiki built-in formatter. |
metaArgs[key] = nilArg |
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage(); |
else |
metaArgs[key] = argTableVal |
local value |
return argTableVal |
value, value_string = p._cleanNumber(value_string) |
precision = p._cleanNumber(precision) |
-- Check for non-numeric input |
if value == nil or precision == nil then |
return err('invalid input when rounding') |
end |
local current_precision = p._precision(value) |
local order = p._order(value) |
-- Due to round-off effects it is neccesary to limit the returned precision under |
-- some circumstances because the terminal digits will be inaccurately reported. |
if order + precision >= 14 then |
orig_precision = p._precision(value_string) |
if order + orig_precision >= 14 then |
precision = 13 - order; |
end |
end |
-- If rounding off, truncate extra digits |
if precision < current_precision then |
value = p._round(value, precision) |
current_precision = p._precision(value) |
end |
local formatted_num = lang:formatNum(math.abs(value)) |
local sign |
-- Use proper unary minus sign rather than ASCII default |
if value < 0 then |
sign = '−' |
else |
sign = '' |
end |
-- Handle cases requiring scientific notation |
if string.find(formatted_num, 'E', 1, true) ~= nil or math.abs(order) >= 9 then |
value = value * math.pow(10, -order) |
current_precision = current_precision + order |
precision = precision + order |
formatted_num = lang:formatNum(math.abs(value)) |
else |
order = 0; |
end |
formatted_num = sign .. formatted_num |
-- Pad with zeros, if needed |
if current_precision < precision then |
local padding |
if current_precision <= 0 then |
if precision > 0 then |
local zero_sep = lang:formatNum(1.1) |
formatted_num = formatted_num .. zero_sep:sub(2,2) |
padding = precision |
if padding > 20 then |
padding = 20 |
end |
formatted_num = formatted_num .. string.rep('0', padding) |
end |
else |
padding = precision - current_precision |
if padding > 20 then |
padding = 20 |
end |
end |
formatted_num = formatted_num .. string.rep('0', padding) |
end |
end |
return nil |
end |
end |
metatable.__newindex = function (t, key, val) |
-- Add exponential notation, if necessary. |
if options.readOnly then |
error('could not write to argument table key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"; the table is read-only', 2) |
-- Use proper unary minus sign rather than ASCII default |
elseif options.noOverwrite and args[key] ~= nil then |
if order < 0 then |
error('could not write to argument table key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"; overwriting existing arguments is not permitted', 2) |
order = '−' .. lang:formatNum(math.abs(order)) |
elseif val == nil then |
metaArgs[key] = nilArg -- Memoize nils. |
else |
else |
metaArgs[key] = val |
order = lang:formatNum(order) |
end |
end |
formatted_num = formatted_num .. '<span style="margin:0 .15em 0 .25em">×</span>10<sup>' .. order .. '</sup>' |
end |
end |
metatable.__pairs = function () |
return formatted_num |
if not metatable.donePairs then |
end |
mergeArgs(pairs, argTables) |
metatable.donePairs = true |
--[[ |
metatable.doneIpairs = true |
Helper function that interprets the input numerically. If the |
input does not appear to be a number, attempts evaluating it as |
a parser functions expression. |
]] |
function p._cleanNumber(number_string) |
if type(number_string) == 'number' then |
-- We were passed a number, so we don't need to do any processing. |
return number_string, tostring(number_string) |
elseif type(number_string) ~= 'string' or not number_string:find('%S') then |
-- We were passed a non-string or a blank string, so exit. |
return nil, nil; |
end |
-- Attempt basic conversion |
local number = tonumber(number_string) |
-- If failed, attempt to evaluate input as an expression |
if number == nil then |
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() |
local attempt = frame:preprocess('{{#expr: ' .. number_string .. '}}') |
attempt = tonumber(attempt) |
if attempt ~= nil then |
number = attempt |
number_string = tostring(number) |
else |
number = nil |
number_string = nil |
end |
end |
return function (t, k) |
else |
local nk, val = next(metaArgs, k) |
number_string = number_string:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") -- String is valid but may contain padding, clean it. |
if val == nilArg then |
number_string = number_string:match("^%+(.*)$") or number_string -- Trim any leading + signs. |
val = nil |
if number_string:find('^%-?0[xX]') then |
end |
-- Number is using 0xnnn notation to indicate base 16; use the number that Lua detected instead. |
return nk, val |
number_string = tostring(number) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
metatable.__ipairs = function () |
return number, number_string |
if not metatable.doneIpairs then |
end |
mergeArgs(ipairs, argTables) |
metatable.doneIpairs = true |
--[[ |
end |
Wrapper function that does basic argument processing. This ensures that all functions from #invoke can use either the current |
return function (t, i) |
frame or the parent frame, and it also trims whitespace for all arguments and removes blank arguments. |
local val = metaArgs[i + 1] |
]] |
if val == nil then |
return nil |
local function makeWrapper(funcName) |
elseif val == nilArg then |
return function (frame) |
val = nil |
local args = getArgs(frame) -- Argument processing is left to Module:Arguments. Whitespace is trimmed and blank arguments are removed. |
end |
return wrap[funcName](args) |
return i + 1, val |
end, nil, 0 |
end |
end |
end |
return args |
for funcName in pairs(wrap) do |
p[funcName] = makeWrapper(funcName) |
end |
end |
return |
return arguments |
Revisi per 3 Februari 2014 21.58
Modul Lua ini digunakan pada sekitar 33.400.000 halaman, atau sekira 846% dari keseluruhan halaman halaman. Untuk mencegah suntingan mengganggu skala besar dan beban peladen, setiap perubahan harus diuji di subhalaman /bak pasir atau /kasus uji Modul:Arguments, atau bak pasir modul Anda. Perubahan yang telah diuji kemudian dapat ditambahkan ke halaman ini dalam satu suntingan. Pertimbangkan untuk mendiskusikan perubahan di halaman pembicaraan sebelum mengimplementasikannya. |
Modul ini dilindungi. Modul ini sangat mencolok yang digunakan oleh banyak halaman, atau sangat sering disubstitusikan. Karena vandalisme atau kesalahan akan mempengaruhi banyak halaman, dan suntingan kecil dapat memberi beban besar pada server, modul ini dilindungi dari penyuntingan. |
Halaman ini perlu diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia. |
This module provides easy processing of arguments passed from #invoke. It is a meta-module, meant for use by other modules, and should not be called from #invoke directly. Its features include:
- Easy trimming of arguments and removal of blank arguments.
- Arguments can be passed by both the current frame and by the parent frame at the same time. (More details below.)
- Arguments can be passed in directly from another Lua module or from the debug console.
- Arguments are fetched as needed, which can help avoid (some) problems with
tags. - Most features can be customized.
Basic use
First, you need to load the module. It contains one function, named getArgs
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
In the most basic scenario, you can use getArgs inside your main function. The variable args
is a table containing the arguments from #invoke. (See below for details.)
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
-- Main module code goes here.
return p
However, the recommended practice is to use a function just for processing arguments from #invoke. This means that if someone calls your module from another Lua module you don't have to have a frame object available, which improves performance.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._main(args)
function p._main(args)
-- Main module code goes here.
return p
If you want multiple functions to use the arguments, and you also want them to be accessible from #invoke, you can use a wrapper function.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName)
return function (frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p[funcName](args)
local p = {}
p.func1 = makeInvokeFunc('_func1')
function p._func1(args)
-- Code for the first function goes here.
p.func2 = makeInvokeFunc('_func2')
function p._func2(args)
-- Code for the second function goes here.
return p
The following options are available. They are explained in the sections below.
local args = getArgs(frame, {
trim = false,
removeBlanks = false,
valueFunc = function (key, value)
-- Code for processing one argument
frameOnly = true,
parentOnly = true,
parentFirst = true,
wrappers = {
'Template:A wrapper template',
'Template:Another wrapper template'
readOnly = true,
noOverwrite = true
Trimming and removing blanks
Blank arguments often trip up coders new to converting MediaWiki templates to Lua. In template syntax, blank strings and strings consisting only of whitespace are considered false. However, in Lua, blank strings and strings consisting of whitespace are considered true. This means that if you don't pay attention to such arguments when you write your Lua modules, you might treat something as true that should actually be treated as false. To avoid this, by default this module removes all blank arguments.
Similarly, whitespace can cause problems when dealing with positional arguments. Although whitespace is trimmed for named arguments coming from #invoke, it is preserved for positional arguments. Most of the time this additional whitespace is not desired, so this module trims it off by default.
However, sometimes you want to use blank arguments as input, and sometimes you want to keep additional whitespace. This can be necessary to convert some templates exactly as they were written. If you want to do this, you can set the trim
and removeBlanks
arguments to false
local args = getArgs(frame, {
trim = false,
removeBlanks = false
Custom formatting of arguments
Sometimes you want to remove some blank arguments but not others, or perhaps you might want to put all of the positional arguments in lower case. To do things like this you can use the valueFunc
option. The input to this option must be a function that takes two parameters, key
and value
, and returns a single value. This value is what you will get when you access the field key
in the args
Example 1: this function preserves whitespace for the first positional argument, but trims all other arguments and removes all other blank arguments.
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if key == 1 then
return value
elseif value then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
Example 2: this function removes blank arguments and converts all arguments to lower case, but doesn't trim whitespace from positional parameters.
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if not value then
return nil
value = mw.ustring.lower(value)
if mw.ustring.find(value, '%S') then
return value
return nil
Note: the above functions will fail if passed input that is not of type string
or nil
. This might be the case if you use the getArgs
function in the main function of your module, and that function is called by another Lua module. In this case, you will need to check the type of your input. This is not a problem if you are using a function specially for arguments from #invoke (i.e. you have p.main
and p._main
functions, or something similar).
Examples 1 and 2 with type checking |
Example 1: local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if key == 1 then
return value
elseif type(value) == 'string' then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return value
Example 2: local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if type(value) == 'string' then
value = mw.ustring.lower(value)
if mw.ustring.find(value, '%S') then
return value
return nil
return value
Also, please note that the valueFunc
function is called more or less every time an argument is requested from the args
table, so if you care about performance you should make sure you aren't doing anything inefficient with your code.
Frames and parent frames
Arguments in the args
table can be passed from the current frame or from its parent frame at the same time. To understand what this means, it is easiest to give an example. Let's say that we have a module called Module:ExampleArgs
. This module prints the first two positional arguments that it is passed.
Module:ExampleArgs code |
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._main(args)
function p._main(args)
local first = args[1] or ''
local second = args[2] or ''
return first .. ' ' .. second
return p
is then called by Template:ExampleArgs
, which contains the code {{#invoke:ExampleArgs|main|firstInvokeArg}}
. This produces the result "firstInvokeArg".
Now if we were to call Template:ExampleArgs
, the following would happen:
Code | Result |
firstInvokeArg |
firstInvokeArg |
firstInvokeArg secondTemplateArg |
There are three options you can set to change this behaviour: frameOnly
, parentOnly
and parentFirst
. If you set frameOnly
then only arguments passed from the current frame will be accepted; if you set parentOnly
then only arguments passed from the parent frame will be accepted; and if you set parentFirst
then arguments will be passed from both the current and parent frames, but the parent frame will have priority over the current frame. Here are the results in terms of Template:ExampleArgs
- frameOnly
Code | Result |
firstInvokeArg |
firstInvokeArg |
firstInvokeArg |
- parentOnly
Code | Result |
firstTemplateArg |
firstTemplateArg secondTemplateArg |
- parentFirst
Code | Result |
firstInvokeArg |
firstTemplateArg |
firstTemplateArg secondTemplateArg |
- If you set both the
options, the module won't fetch any arguments at all from #invoke. This is probably not what you want. - In some situations a parent frame may not be available, e.g. if getArgs is passed the parent frame rather than the current frame. In this case, only the frame arguments will be used (unless parentOnly is set, in which case no arguments will be used) and the
options will have no effect.
The wrappers option is used to specify a limited number of templates as wrapper templates, that is, templates whose only purpose is to call a module. If the module detects that it is being called from a wrapper template, it will only check for arguments in the parent frame; otherwise it will only check for arguments in the frame passed to getArgs. This allows modules to be called by either #invoke or through a wrapper template without the loss of performance associated with having to check both the frame and the parent frame for each argument lookup.
For example, the only content of Template:Side box (excluding content in <noinclude>...</noinclude>
tags) is {{#invoke:Side box|main}}
. There is no point in checking the arguments passed directly to the #invoke statement for this template, as no arguments will ever be specified there. We can avoid checking arguments passed to #invoke by using the parentOnly option, but if we do this then #invoke will not work from other pages either. If this were the case, the |text=Some text
in the code {{#invoke:Side box|main|text=Some text}}
would be ignored completely, no matter what page it was used from. By using the wrappers
option to specify 'Template:Side box' as a wrapper, we can make {{#invoke:Side box|main|text=Some text}}
work from most pages, while still not requiring that the module check for arguments on the Template:Side box page itself.
Wrappers can be specified either as a string, or as an array of strings.
local args = getArgs(frame, {
wrappers = 'Template:Wrapper template'
local args = getArgs(frame, {
wrappers = {
'Template:Wrapper 1',
'Template:Wrapper 2',
-- Any number of wrapper templates can be added here.
- The module will automatically detect if it is being called from a wrapper template's /sandbox subpage, so there is no need to specify sandbox pages explicitly.
- The wrappers option effectively changes the default of the frameOnly and parentOnly options. If, for example, parentOnly were explicitly set to false with wrappers set, calls via wrapper templates would result in both frame and parent arguments being loaded, though calls not via wrapper templates would result in only frame arguments being loaded.
- If the wrappers option is set and no parent frame is available, the module will always get the arguments from the frame passed to
Writing to the args table
Sometimes it can be useful to write new values to the args table. This is possible with the default settings of this module. (However, bear in mind that it is usually better coding style to create a new table with your new values and copy arguments from the args table as needed.) = 'some value'
It is possible to alter this behaviour with the readOnly
and noOverwrite
options. If readOnly
is set then it is not possible to write any values to the args table at all. If noOverwrite
is set, then it is possible to add new values to the table, but it is not possible to add a value if it would overwrite any arguments that are passed from #invoke.
Ref tags
This module uses metatables to fetch arguments from #invoke. This allows access to both the frame arguments and the parent frame arguments without using the pairs()
function. This can help if your module might be passed <ref>...</ref>
tags as input.
As soon as <ref>...</ref>
tags are accessed from Lua, they are processed by the MediaWiki software and the reference will appear in the reference list at the bottom of the article. If your module proceeds to omit the reference tag from the output, you will end up with a phantom reference - a reference that appears in the reference list, but no number that links to it. This has been a problem with modules that use pairs()
to detect whether to use the arguments from the frame or the parent frame, as those modules automatically process every available argument.
This module solves this problem by allowing access to both frame and parent frame arguments, while still only fetching those arguments when it is necessary. The problem will still occur if you use pairs(args)
elsewhere in your module, however.
Known limitations
The use of metatables also has its downsides. Most of the normal Lua table tools won't work properly on the args table, including the #
operator, the next()
function, and the functions in the table library. If using these is important for your module, you should use your own argument processing function instead of this module.
-- This module provides easy processing of arguments passed to Scribunto from #invoke.
-- It is intended for use by other Lua modules, and should not be called from #invoke directly.
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local arguments = {}
local nilArg = {} -- Used for memoizing nil arguments in metaArgs.
-- Generate four different tidyVal functions, so that we don't have to check the options every time we call it.
local function tidyValDefault(key, val)
if type(val) == 'string' then
val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
if val == '' then
return nil
return val
return val
local function tidyValTrimOnly(key, val)
if type(val) == 'string' then
return val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
return val
local function tidyValRemoveBlanksOnly(key, val)
if type(val) == 'string' then
if val:find('%S') then
return val
return nil
return val
local function tidyValNoChange(key, val)
return val
function arguments.getArgs(frame, options)
checkType('getArgs', 1, frame, 'table', true)
checkType('getArgs', 2, options, 'table', true)
frame = frame or {}
options = options or {}
-- Get the arguments from the frame object if available. If the frame object is not available, we are being called
-- from another Lua module or from the debug console, so assign the args to a new variable so we can differentiate them.
local fargs, pargs, luaArgs
if type(frame.args) == 'table' and type(frame.getParent) == 'function' then
if not options.parentOnly then
fargs = frame.args
if not options.frameOnly then
pargs = frame:getParent().args
if options.parentFirst then
fargs, pargs = pargs, fargs
luaArgs = frame
-- Set up the args and metaArgs tables. args will be the one accessed from functions, and metaArgs will hold the actual arguments.
-- The metatable connects the two together.
local args, metaArgs, metatable = {}, {}, {}
setmetatable(args, metatable)
-- Generate the tidyVal function. If it has been specified by the user, we use that; if not, we choose one of four functions
-- depending on the options chosen. This is so that we don't have to call the options table every time the function is called.
local tidyVal = options.valueFunc
if tidyVal then
if type(tidyVal) ~= 'function' then
error("bad value assigned to option 'valueFunc' (function expected, got " .. type(tidyVal) .. ')', 2)
elseif options.trim ~= false then
if options.removeBlanks ~= false then
tidyVal = tidyValDefault
tidyVal = tidyValTrimOnly
if options.removeBlanks ~= false then
tidyVal = tidyValRemoveBlanksOnly
tidyVal = tidyValNoChange
local function mergeArgs(iterator, tables)
-- Accepts multiple tables as input and merges their keys and values into one table using the specified iterator.
-- If a value is already present it is not overwritten; tables listed earlier have precedence.
-- We are also memoizing nil values, but those values can be overwritten.
for _, t in ipairs(tables) do
for key, val in iterator(t) do
local metaArgsVal = metaArgs[key]
if metaArgsVal == nil or metaArgsVal == nilArg then
local tidiedVal = tidyVal(key, val)
if tidiedVal == nil then
metaArgs[key] = nilArg
metaArgs[key] = tidiedVal
-- Set the order of precedence of the argument tables. If the variables are nil, nothing will be added to the table,
-- which is how we avoid clashes between the frame/parent args and the Lua args.
local argTables = {fargs}
argTables[#argTables + 1] = pargs
argTables[#argTables + 1] = luaArgs
-- Define metatable behaviour. Arguments are memoized in the metaArgs table, and are only fetched from the
-- argument tables once. Nil arguments are also memoized using the nilArg variable in order to increase
-- performance. Also, we keep a record in the metatable of when pairs and ipairs have been called, so we
-- do not run pairs and ipairs on fargs and pargs more than once. We also do not run ipairs on fargs and
-- pargs if pairs has already been run, as all the arguments will already have been copied over.
metatable.__index = function (t, key)
local val = metaArgs[key]
if val ~= nil then
if val == nilArg then
return nil
return val
for _, argTable in ipairs(argTables) do
local argTableVal = tidyVal(key, argTable[key])
if argTableVal == nil then
metaArgs[key] = nilArg
metaArgs[key] = argTableVal
return argTableVal
return nil
metatable.__newindex = function (t, key, val)
if options.readOnly then
error('could not write to argument table key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"; the table is read-only', 2)
elseif options.noOverwrite and args[key] ~= nil then
error('could not write to argument table key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"; overwriting existing arguments is not permitted', 2)
elseif val == nil then
metaArgs[key] = nilArg -- Memoize nils.
metaArgs[key] = val
metatable.__pairs = function ()
if not metatable.donePairs then
mergeArgs(pairs, argTables)
metatable.donePairs = true
metatable.doneIpairs = true
return function (t, k)
local nk, val = next(metaArgs, k)
if val == nilArg then
val = nil
return nk, val
metatable.__ipairs = function ()
if not metatable.doneIpairs then
mergeArgs(ipairs, argTables)
metatable.doneIpairs = true
return function (t, i)
local val = metaArgs[i + 1]
if val == nil then
return nil
elseif val == nilArg then
val = nil
return i + 1, val
end, nil, 0
return args
return arguments