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Hulagu Khan: Perbedaan antara revisi

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[[FileBerkas:Hulagu coin.jpg|thumb|left|Coin of Hulagu, with the symbol of a [[hare]].]]
[[FileBerkas:Persian drawing of Hülegü taking a drink. Although he is leaning on a mace, holding his bow, with arrows scattered about, still, the artist conveys a very peaceful moment.jpg|thumb|Persian drawing of Hülegü taking a drink.]]
Hulagu adalah anak dari [[Tulai]], salah satu anak [[Jenghis Khan]], dan [[Sorghaghtani Beki]], seorang putri Kerajaan Kerait. Dia masih bersaudara dengan [[Arik Boke]], [[Mongke Khan]] dan [[Kublai Khan]]. Sorghaghtani berhasil mengatur politik Mongolia, dan membuat semua anak-anaknya menjadi pemimpin bangsa Mongol. Dia adalah seorang Kristen [[Nestorian]], dan Hulagi bersahabat dengan kekristenan. Salah satu istri kesayangan Hulagu, [[Dokuz Khatun]], adalah penganut kekristenan, dan demikian juga salah satu teman dekat dan jenderalnya, [[Kitbuqa]]. Beberapa catatan lain menyebutkan bahwa Hulagu adalah seorang [[Buddhis]]<ref>Hildinger, Erik. ''Warriors of the Steppe: a military history of Central Asia'', p. 148</ref> ketika ia dekat dengan kematiannya, melawan keinginan Dokuz Khatun.<ref>Jackson, p. 176</ref>
Hulagu memiliki paling sedikit tiga anak: [[Abaqa]], [[Teguder Ahmad]], dan Taraqai. <!--Abaqa was second Ilkhan of Persia from 1265–1282, Teguder Ahmad was third Ilkhan from 1282–1284, and Taraqai's son [[Baydu]] became Ilkhan in 1295.<ref>David Morgan, ''The Mongols'', p. 225</ref> [[Mirkhond]] mentions two more children, given as Hyaxemet and Tandon in an early translation; Hyaxemet initially served as governor of [[Armenia]] and [[Azerbaijan]], whereas Tandon was given [[Dyarbekir]] and [[Iraq]].<ref>Stevens, John. ''The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable actions of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact Description of all its Dominions; a curious Account of India, China, Tartary, Kermon, Arabia, Nixabur, and the Islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all Cities occasionally mention'd, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and Customs of those People, Persian Worshippers of Fire; Plants, Beasts, Product, and Trade. With many instructive and pleasant digressions, being remarkable Stories or Passages, occasionally occurring, as Strange Burials; Burning of the Dead; Liquors of several Countries; Hunting; Fishing; Practice of Physick; famous Physicians in the East; Actions of Tamerlan, &c. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkond, a famous Eastern Author that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, King of that Island, both of them translated into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv'd several Years in Persia and India; and now render'd into English.''</ref> The order of birth is listed as Abaqa, then Hyaxemet, then Tandon, and then Teguder and Taraqai.-->
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