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Hukum Sali: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 100:
This law was by no means intended to cover all matters of inheritance — for example, not the inheritance of movables – only those lands considered "Salic" — and there is still debate as to the legal definition of this word, although it is generally accepted to refer to lands in the royal [[fisc]]. Only several hundred years later, under the [[House of Capet|Direct Capetian]] kings of [[France]] and their English contemporaries who held lands in France, did Salic law become a rationale for enforcing or debating succession. By then it was somewhat anachronistic — there were no Salic lands, since the Salian monarchy and its lands had originally emerged in what is now the [[Belanda]].
Shakespeare claimsmengklaim thatbahwa [[Charles VI ofdari FrancePerancis|Raja Charles VI]] rejectedmenolak klaim [[Henry V ofdari EnglandInggris|Raja Henry V]]'s claimatas totakhta theKerajaan FrenchPerancis throneberdasarkan onaturan thepewarisan basisHukum ofSali. SalicPenolakan law'sini inheritancememicu rules, leading to theterjadinya [[Battle ofPertempuran Agincourt]]. Sesungguhnya Inkonflik fact,antara theHukum conflictSali betweendan Salichukum lawInggrislah andyang Englishmenjadi lawpenyebab was a justification fordari [[EnglishKlaim claimsInggris toatas thetakhta French thronePerancis|manybanyaknya overlappingklaim claimsyang tumpang tindih]] between theantara Frenchpihak Perancis anddan Englishpihak monarchsInggris overatas thetakhta FrenchKerajaan ThronePerancis.
MoreLebih thandari aseabad century laterkemudian, [[Felipe II dari Spanyol|Raja Spanyol, Felipe II]], mencoba mengklaim jabatan penguasatakhta Kerajaan Perancis bagi putrinya, [[Isabella Clara Eugenia]], yang dilahirkan oleh permaisurinyapermaisuri Felipe II, seorang putri wangsa Valois. Philip's agents were instructed to "insinuate cleverly" that the Salic law was a "pure invention". But even if the "Salic law" did not really apply to the throne of France, the very principle of agnatic succession had become a cornerstone of the French royal succession; they had upheld it in the Hundred Years' War with the English, and it had produced their kings for more than two centuries. The eventual recognition of [[Henry IV ofDari FrancePerancis|Henry IV]], theraja firstpertama ofdari thewangsa Bourbons kings, further solidified the agnatic principle in France.
=== Penerapan Hukum Sali di negara-negara Eropa lainnya ===
Baris 109:
In the modern [[Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946)|Kerajaan Italia]], under the [[wangsa Savoie]], succession to the throne was regulated by Salic law.
Jabatan penguasa [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland|BritishKerajaan Britania Raya]] and thedan [[Kingdom ofKerajaan Hanover|Hanoverian]] thrones separated after the death of King [[William IV of the United Kingdom]] and of Hanover, in 1837. Hanover practised Semi-Salic law, but not Britain. Kemenakan perempuan Raja William, [[Queen Victoria|Victoria]], naik takhta menjadi Ratu Britania Raya dan Irlandia, tetapi takhta Hanover jatuh ke tangan saudara Raja William, [[Ernest Augustus I dari Hanover|Ernest, Adipati Cumberland]].
Hukum Sali was also an important issue in the [[Schleswig-Holstein Question]] and played a weary prosaic day-to-day role in the inheritance and marriage decisions of common princedoms of the [[List of historic states of Germany|German states]], such as [[Saxe-Weimar]], to cite a representative example. Agaknya tidaklah berlebihan jika dikatakan bahwa kaum bangsawan Eropa confronted Salic issues at every turn and nuance of diplomacy, and certainly, especially when negotiating marriages, for the entire male line had to be extinguished for a land title to pass (melalui pernikahan) ''to a female's husband''—women rulers were anathema in the German states sampai ke Zaman Modern.-->