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Paus Yohanes Paulus II: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 287:
=== PemakamanWafat dan pemakaman ===
[[Berkas:jp2crowdstoseepope.jpg |thumb|280px|right|Pemakaman Paus Yohanes Paulus II menjadi pelayatan terbesar dalam sejarah masa Kristen sejak Perang Salib, menarik kunjungan lebih dari 4 juta pengunjung ke Vatikan ditambah dengan lebih dari 3,7 juta penduduk yang menetap di Roma. Hanya 2 juta orang yang diizinkan untuk melihat jenazah Yohanes Paulus II.]]
Baris 297:
Keadaannya semakin memburuk hingga akhirnya dia meninggal pada [[2 April]] pukul 19:37 [[UTC]] (02:37 [[WIB]]), pada usia 84 tahun. Sri Paus dimakamkan enam hari kemudian pada [[8 April]] di Basilika St. Petrus. Pada awalnya, Mehmet Ali Agca, penembak Paus ingin datang ke pemakaman Paus di [[Vatikan]] dengan menggunakan haknya untuk keluar [[penjara]] selama 72 jam. Sayangnya, permohonan tersebut ditolak [[pemerintah]] [[Turki]] namun keluarganya, [[Adnan Agca]], dapat menghadiri pemakaman tersebut.
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=== Death and funeral ===
[[File:JPII on bier.jpg|thumb|''(l-r):'' Then-U.S. President [[George W. Bush]], First Lady [[Laura Bush]], former Presidents [[George H. W. Bush|Bush]] and [[Bill Clinton|Clinton]], and Secretary of State [[Condoleezza Rice]], pay their respects to John Paul II [[lying in state]] at [[St. Peter's Basilica]], 6 April 2005.]]
[[File:Crowd at Pope's Funeral.jpg|thumb|Crowd assembling for John Paul II's funeral mass on 8 April 2005.]]
{{Main|Funeral of Pope John Paul II}}
On 31 March 2005 following a [[urinary tract infection]],<ref>[[#BBC75|Frail Pope suffers heart failure]]: 2005, Page 1</ref> Pope John Paul II developed [[septic shock]], a widespread form of infection with a very high fever and profoundly low blood pressure, but was not taken to the hospital. Instead, he was offered [[medical monitor]]ing by a team of consultants at his private residence. This was taken as an indication that the pope and those close to him believed that he was nearing death; it would have been in accordance with his wishes to die in the Vatican.<ref>"[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4399189.stm Frail Pope suffers heart failure]," ''BBC News'', 1 April 2005. Retrieved 2006-06-11.</ref> Later that day, Vatican sources announced that John Paul II had been given the [[Anointing of the Sick]] by his friend and secretary [[Stanisław Dziwisz]]. During the final days of the Pope's life, the lights were kept burning through the night where he lay in the Papal apartment on the top floor of the [[Apostolic Palace]]. Tens of thousands of people assembled and held vigil in [[Saint Peter's Square|St. Peter's Square]] and the surrounding streets for two days. Upon hearing of this, the dying pope was said to have stated: "I have searched for you, and now you have come to me, and I thank you."<ref name="LastWords">{{cite news|url=http://www.catholicculture.org/news/features/index.cfm?recnum=39699|title=Final Days, Last Words of Pope John Paul II|date=20 September 2005|publisher=Catholic World News (CWN)|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>
On Saturday 2 April 2005, at about 15:30 [[Central European Summer Time|CEST]], John Paul II spoke his final words, ''"pozwólcie mi odejść do domu Ojca"'', ''("Let me depart to the house of the Father")'', to his aides, and fell into a coma about four hours later.<ref name="LastWords"/><ref name="BBCLastWords">{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4257994.stm|title=John Paul's last words revealed|date=18 April 2005|publisher=2005-2009 [http://news.bbc.co.uk/ BBC News]|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref> The mass of the vigil of the [[Divine Mercy Sunday|Second Sunday of Easter]] commemorating the [[canonisation]] of [[Mary Faustina Kowalska|Saint Maria Faustina]] on 30 April 2000,<ref name="SantaMaria">{{cite web|url=http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/mercy/feast.htm|title=The Feast Of Mercy|work= Divine Mercy in My Soul|publisher=1987 - 2009 Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref> had just been celebrated at his bedside, presided over by Stanisław Dziwisz and two Polish associates. Also present at the bedside was a [[Cardinal (Catholicism)|cardinal]] from [[Ukraine]] who served as a priest with John Paul in Poland, along with Polish nuns of the Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Most [[Sacred Heart]] of [[Jesus]], who ran the [[Prefecture of the Pontifical Household|papal household]]. He died in his private apartment, at 21:37 CEST<ref name="Pisa"/><ref name="BBCLastWords"/><ref>[[#Vatican05|Navarro-Valls, Joaquin (2 April 2005) - ''The Holy See'' 2005]]</ref> (19:37 [[Coordinated Universal Time|UTC]]) of heart failure from profound [[hypotension]] and complete [[circulatory collapse]] from septic shock, 46 days short of his 85th birthday. John Paul had no close family by the time he died, and his feelings are reflected in his words, as written in 2000, at the end of [[Testament of Pope John Paul II|his Last Will and Testament]]:<ref name = "Stourton9">{{cite book |last1=Stourton |first1=Edward |authorlink1=Edward Stourton (journalist)|title=John Paul II: Man of History |accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=Hodder & Stoughton |location=London |isbn=0340908165 |page=320 |year=2006}}</ref>
{{cquote|''As the end of my earthly life approaches, I return with my memory to its beginning, to my parents, my brother and the sister (whom I never knew because she died before my birth), to the Parish of Wadowice where I was baptised, to that city I love, to my peers, friends from elementary school, high school and the university, up to the time of the occupation when I was a worker, then in the Parish in Niegowic, to St Florian's in Kraków, to the pastoral ministry of academics, to the milieu of... to all milieux... to Kraków and to Rome... to the people who were entrusted to me in a special way by the Lord.''<ref name = "Stourton9"/>}}
[[File:Funeral St Peters.jpg|thumb|A view from within the congregation at the [[Requiem]] Mass, 8 April 2005]]
The death of the pontiff set in motion rituals and traditions dating back to medieval times. The Rite of Visitation took place from 4 April to 7 April at [[St. Peter's Basilica]]. The [[Testament of Pope John Paul II]] published on 7 April<ref name="Last Will">{{cite web |url=http://www.zenit.org/article-12691?l=english|title=ZENIT: ''John Paul II's Last Will and Testament'' |accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher= 2004-2008 Innovative Media, Inc.}}</ref> revealed that the pontiff contemplated being buried in his native Poland but left the final decision to The [[College of Cardinals]], which in passing, preferred burial beneath St. Peter's Basilica, honouring the pontiff's request to be placed "in bare earth". [[Mass (liturgy)|The Mass]] of Requiem on 8 April was said to have set world records both for attendance and number of [[head of state|heads of state]] present at a funeral.<ref name="MsnbcNews2">{{cite news|url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12083308/|title=Perhaps ‘Saint John Paul the Great?'|last=Weeke|first=Stephen|date=31 March 2006|publisher=2006-2009 [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ msnbc World News]|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="CNN">{{cite news|url=http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/08/pope.funeral/index.html|title= ''"Pope John Paul II buried in Vatican crypt-Millions around the world watch funeral"''|accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=2005,2009 CNN.com |archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20080613162604/http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/08/pope.funeral/index.html |archivedate = June 13, 2008}}</ref><ref name="Independent">{{cite news |url=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/millions-mourn-pope-at-historys-largest-funeral-757246.html|title=The Independent: ''"Millions mourn Pope at history's largest funeral"''|accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=2005,2009 Independent News and Media Limited | location=London | date=8 April 2005}}</ref><ref name="BBCMiracle">{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4428149.stm|title=City of Rome celebrates ‘miracle’|last=Holmes|first=Stephanie|date=9 April 2005|work=BBC News|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref> ''(See: [[List of dignitaries at the funeral of Pope John Paul II|List of Dignitaries]])''. It was the single largest gathering of heads of state in history, surpassing the funerals of [[Winston Churchill]] (1965) and [[Josip Broz Tito#Final years|Josip Broz Tito]] (1980). Four kings, five queens, at least 70 presidents and prime ministers, and more than 14 leaders of other religions attended alongside the faithful.<ref name="CNN"/> It is also likely to have been the largest single [[pilgrimage]] of Christianity ''in history'', with numbers estimated in excess of four million mourners gathering in Rome.<ref name="MsnbcNews2"/><ref name="Independent"/><ref name="BBCMiracle"/><ref name="Beltway">{{cite web |url=http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/pope_john_paul_ii_funeral/|title=''"Pope John Paul II Funeral"''|accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=2005,2009 Outside the Beltway}}</ref> Between 250,000 and 300,000 watched the event from within the Vatican walls.<ref name="BBCMiracle"/> The [[Dean of the College of Cardinals]], [[Pope Benedict XVI|Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger]], who would become the next pope, conducted the ceremony. John Paul II was interred in the [[grotto]]es under the basilica, the [[List of extant papal tombs|Tomb of the Popes]]. He was lowered into a tomb created in the same [[alcove]] previously occupied by the remains of [[Pope John XXIII]]. The alcove had been empty since Pope John's remains had been moved into the main body of the basilica after his beatification.
{{Wikinews|Pope John Paul II dies}}
=== Pengakuan anumerta ===