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Baris 9:
|era = [[Antikuitas klasik, [[Abad Pertengahan]]
|status = [[Satrap]], [[Kerajaan]], [[Kekaisaran]], [[Provinsi Romawi|Provinsi]]
|status_text =
|empire = Armenian Empire
|government_type = Monarki
<!--- Rise and fall, events, years and dates --->
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration"-->
Baris 85 ⟶ 82:
|year_leader2 = 422–428
|title_leader = Raja
|representative1 = <!--- Name of representative of head of state (eg. colonial governor) --->
|representative2 =
|representative3 =
|representative4 =
|year_representative1 = <!--- Years served --->
|year_representative2 =
|year_representative3 =
|year_representative4 =
|title_representative = <!--- Default: "Governor"--->
|deputy1 = <!--- Name of prime minister --->
|deputy2 =
|deputy3 =
|deputy4 =
|year_deputy1 = <!--- Years served --->
|year_deputy2 =
|year_deputy3 =
|year_deputy4 =
|title_deputy = <!--- Default: "Prime minister" --->
<!--- Legislature --->
|legislature = <!--- Name of legislature --->
|house1 = <!--- Name of first chamber --->
|type_house1 = <!--- Default: "Upper house"--->
|house2 = <!--- Name of second chamber --->
|type_house2 = <!--- Default: "Lower house"--->
<!--- Area and population of a given year --->
|stat_year1 = 321 BC
|stat_area1 = 400000 <!-- hidden citation needed template because it doesn't render properly, making an error message display in info box. The footnote at bottom is the source, perhaps. Redgate, Anne Elizabeth (2000). The Armenians. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 7. ISBN 0-631-22037-2.{{Citation needed|September 2011|date=May 2012}} -->

Revisi per 9 November 2013 17.45

{{Infobox former country |native_name = Մեծ Հայք
Metz Hayk |conventional_long_name = Kerajaan Armenia |common_name = Kingdom of Armenia |continent = Asia |region = Caucasus, Middle East |country = Armenian Highland |era = [[Antikuitas klasik, Abad Pertengahan |status = Satrap, Kerajaan, Kekaisaran, Provinsi |year_start = 321 SM |year_end = 428 |year_exile_start = |year_exile_end = |event_pre = Pendirian Satrap Armenia |date_pre = c. 533 SM |event_start = Orontes III |date_start = 321 SM |event1 = Kekaisaran Armenia |date_event2 = 83–69 SM |event2 = Pertempuran Rhandeia |date_event2 = 61 M |event3 = Kekristenan menjadi agama negara |date_event3 = 301 AD |event4 = Western Armenia conquered by Byzantium |date_event4 = 387 |event_end = Armenia conquered by Persia |date_end = 428 |event_post = Pendirian kembali |date_post = 884 |p1 = Satrap Armenia |flag_p1 = Yervanduni Armenia, IV-II BC.gif |image_p1 = |p2 = |flag_p2 = |p3 = |flag_p3 = |p4 = |flag_p4 = |p5 = |flag_p5 = |s1 = Kekaisaran Romawi Timur |flag_s1 = Simple Labarum.svg |s2 =Armenia Persia |flag_s2 = Marzbanate.svg |image_flag = Artaxiad.svg |flag_alt = |image_flag2 = Arshakuni.svg |flag = |flag_type = Top: standard of the Artaxiad Dynasty
Bottom: standard of the Arsacid Dynasty
|image_coat = |coat_alt = |symbol = |symbol_type = |image_map = Maps of the Armenian Empire of Tigranes.gif |image_map_alt = |image_map_caption = Armenia dimasa kejayaannya dibawah Tigranes II yang Agung, 69 M (dengan vassal) |image_map2 = |image_map2_alt = |image_map2_caption = |capital =

|capital_exile = |latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= |national_motto = |national_anthem = |common_languages = Armenia (bahasa asli) <br Yunani <br Latin <br Parthia <br Persia |religion = Mitologi Armenia
Hellenisme: abad ke-3 SM - 301 AD
Kristen: dari 301 AD |currency = Taghand |leader1 = Orontes III |leader2 = Artaxias IV |year_leader1 = 321–317 SM |year_leader2 = 422–428 |title_leader = Raja |stat_year1 = 321 BC |stat_area1 = 400000 |stat_pop1 = |stat_year2 = 69 BC |stat_area2 = 500000 |stat_pop2 = 20000000 |stat_year3 = 301 AD |stat_area3 = 350000 |stat_pop3 = 3000000 |stat_year4 = 428 AD |stat_area4 = 120000 |stat_pop4 = |stat_year5 = |stat_area5 = |stat_pop5 = |today =  Armenia
 Turkey |footnotes = Redgate, Anne Elizabeth (2000). The Armenians. Wiley-Blackwell. hlm. 7. ISBN 0-631-22037-2.  }} Kerajaan Armenia adalah kerajaan yang eksis dari tahun 190 SM hingga 387 M. Kerajaan ini terbentang dari Kaspia sampai Laut Tengah.[1][2]

Ibukota kerajaan ini adalah Tigranakert.

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ Time Almanac - Page 724 by Editors of Time Magazine
  2. ^ The New Review - Page 208 edited by Archibald Grove, William Ernest Henley

Daftar pustaka

  • M. Chahin, The Kingdom of Armenia (1987, reissued 1991)
  • Vahan Kurkjian, Tigran the Great (1958)
  • Ashkharbek Kalantar, Armenia: From the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, Civilisations du Proche Orient, Se´rie 1, Vol. 2, Recherches et Publications, Neuchâtel, Paris, 1994;ISBN 978-2-940032-01-3
  • Ashkharbek Kalantar, The Mediaeval Inscriptions of Vanstan, Armenia, Civilisations du Proche-Orient: Series 2 - Philologie - CDPOP 2, Vol. 2, Recherches et Publications, Neuchâtel, Paris, 1999;ISBN 978-2-940032-11-2
  • Ashkharbek Kalantar, Materials on Armenian and Urartian History (with a contribution by Mirjo Salvini), Civilisations du Proche-Orient: Series 4 - Hors Série - CPOHS 3, Neuchâtel, Paris, 2004;ISBN 978-2-940032-14-3

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