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Hukum Sali: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 64: Baris 64:
Dalam penerapannya oleh monarki-monarki turun-temurun di daratan Eropa semenjak abad ke-15, sebagai dasar bagi suksesi agnatis, Hukum Sali dianggap meniadakan segenap kaum perempuan dari garis suksesi dan melarang pewarisan hak suksesi melalui perempuan mana pun. Sekurang-kurangnya ada dua tatanan suksesi turun-temurun yang merupakan penerapan langsung dan seutuhnya dari aturan Hukum Sali, yakni [[senoritas agnatis]] dan [[primogenitur agnatis]].<!--
Dalam penerapannya oleh monarki-monarki turun-temurun di daratan Eropa semenjak abad ke-15, sebagai dasar bagi suksesi agnatis, Hukum Sali dianggap meniadakan segenap kaum perempuan dari garis suksesi dan melarang pewarisan hak suksesi melalui perempuan mana pun. Sekurang-kurangnya ada dua tatanan suksesi turun-temurun yang merupakan penerapan langsung dan seutuhnya dari aturan Hukum Sali, yakni [[senoritas agnatis]] dan [[primogenitur agnatis]].<!--

Apa yang disebut-sebut sebagai tata urutan suksesi versi ''Semi-Sali'' stipulates that firstly all-male descendance is applied, including all collateral male lines; but if all such lines are extinct, then the closest female agnate (misalnya seorang anak perempuan) of the last male holder of the property inherits, and after her, her own male heirs according to the Salic order. In other words, the female closest to the last incumbent is "regarded as a male" for the purposes of inheritance/succession. This has the effect of following the closest extant blood line (at least in the first instance) and not involving any more distant relatives (see, for example: [[Pragmatic Sanction of 1713]] in Austria). Kerabat perempuan terdekat boleh jadi adalah anak dari salah satu cabang nasab yang relatif junior dari keseluruhan wangsa, namun tetap memiliki hak waris karena kedudukannya dalam garis nasab laki-laki, berkat masih terpeliharanya kesinambungan cabang nasabnya; any existing senior{{clarify|date=May 2017}} female lines come behind that of the closest female.
Apa yang disebut-sebut sebagai tata urutan suksesi versi ''Semi-Sali'' stipulates that firstly all-male descendance is applied, including all collateral male lines; but if all such lines are extinct, then the closest female agnate (misalnya seorang anak perempuan) of the last male holder of the property inherits, and after her, her own male heirs according to the Salic order. In other words, the female closest to the last incumbent is "regarded as a male" for the purposes of inheritance/succession. This has the effect of following the closest extant blood line (at least in the first instance) and not involving any more distant relatives (see, for example: [[Pragmatic Sanction of 1713]] di Austria). Kerabat perempuan terdekat boleh jadi adalah anak dari salah satu cabang nasab yang relatif junior dari keseluruhan wangsa, namun tetap memiliki hak waris karena kedudukannya dalam garis nasab laki-laki, berkat masih terpeliharanya kesinambungan cabang nasabnya; any existing senior{{clarify|date=May 2017}} female lines come behind that of the closest female.

Semenjak Abad Pertengahan, muncul sistem suksesi lain yang disebut kognatis promogenitur laki-laki, yang sesungguhnya fulfills apparent stipulations{{clarify|date=May 2017}} of the original Salic law: succession is allowed also through female lines, but excludes the females themselves in favour of their sons. For example, a grandfather, without sons, is succeeded by a son of his daughter, when the daughter in question is masih hidup. Or an paman, with no children of his own, is succeeded by a son of his sister, when the sister in question is still alive.
Semenjak Abad Pertengahan, muncul sistem suksesi lain yang disebut kognatis promogenitur laki-laki, yang sesungguhnya fulfills apparent stipulations{{clarify|date=May 2017}} of the original Salic law: succession is allowed also through female lines, but excludes the females themselves in favour of their sons. For example, a grandfather, without sons, is succeeded by a son of his daughter, when the daughter in question is masih hidup. Or an paman, with no children of his own, is succeeded by a son of his sister, when the sister in question is still alive.

Strictly seen{{clarify|date=June 2017}}, this fulfils the Salic condition of "no land comes to a woman, but the land comes to the male sex". This can be called a ''Quasi-Salic'' system of succession and it should be classified as primogenitural, cognatic, and male.-->
Strictly seen{{clarify|date=June 2017}}, this fulfils the Salic condition of "tak sebidang tanah pun diwariskan kepada seorang perempuan tetapi seluruh tanah menjadi milik kaum lelaki". This can be called a ''Quasi-Salic'' system of succession and it should be classified as primogenitural, cognatic, and male.-->

== Penerapan hukum alih kepemimpinan dan hukum waris ==
== Penerapan hukum alih kepemimpinan dan hukum waris ==