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Paus Yohanes Paulus II: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Siswa dari [[Hukum Kanon]] mengatakan bahwa tidak ada proses resmi untuk menyatakan seorang Paus mendapatkan gelar "Yang Agung"; gelar ini muncul sendiri melalui penggunaan populer dan terus menerus,<ref name="MsnbcNews2"/><ref name="Noonan">{{en}} {{cite web|url=http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/?id=110002074|title=John Paul the Great: What the 12 million know--and I found out too|last=Noonan|first=Peggy|authorlink=Peggy Noonan|date=2 August 2002|work=[[The Wall Street Journal]]|publisher=2002, 2009 Dow Jones & Company|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="Noonan2">{{en}} {{cite book|last=Noonan|first=Peggy|authorlink=Peggy Noonan|title=John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father |publisher=Penguin Group (USA)|location=New York|date=November 2005|isbn=9780670037483|url=http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,John%20Paul%20the%20Great:%20Remembering%20a%20Spiritual%20Father,00.html?id=John%20Paul%20the%20Great:%20Remembering%20a%20Spiritual%20Father|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref> seperti juga pada kasus pemimpin sekuler (sebagai contoh, Aleksander III dari Makedonia menjadi populer dan dikenal sebagai [[Aleksander Agung]]. Tiga paus saat ini yang diketahui menyandang "Yang Agung" adalah [[Paus Leo I]], yang memimpin dari 440-461 dan membujuk [[Attila]] (''Attila the Hun'') untuk mundur dari Roma; [[Paus Gregorius I]], 590-604, yang mengilhami penamaan [[kidung Gregorian]]; dan [[Paus Nikolas I]], 858-867.<ref name="Arlington"/>
Siswa dari [[Hukum Kanon]] mengatakan bahwa tidak ada proses resmi untuk menyatakan seorang Paus mendapatkan gelar "Yang Agung"; gelar ini muncul sendiri melalui penggunaan populer dan terus menerus,<ref name="MsnbcNews2"/><ref name="Noonan">{{en}} {{cite web|url=http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/?id=110002074|title=John Paul the Great: What the 12 million know--and I found out too|last=Noonan|first=Peggy|authorlink=Peggy Noonan|date=2 August 2002|work=[[The Wall Street Journal]]|publisher=2002, 2009 Dow Jones & Company|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="Noonan2">{{en}} {{cite book|last=Noonan|first=Peggy|authorlink=Peggy Noonan|title=John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father |publisher=Penguin Group (USA)|location=New York|date=November 2005|isbn=9780670037483|url=http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,John%20Paul%20the%20Great:%20Remembering%20a%20Spiritual%20Father,00.html?id=John%20Paul%20the%20Great:%20Remembering%20a%20Spiritual%20Father|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref> seperti juga pada kasus pemimpin sekuler (sebagai contoh, Aleksander III dari Makedonia menjadi populer dan dikenal sebagai [[Aleksander Agung]]. Tiga paus saat ini yang diketahui menyandang "Yang Agung" adalah [[Paus Leo I]], yang memimpin dari 440-461 dan membujuk [[Attila]] (''Attila the Hun'') untuk mundur dari Roma; [[Paus Gregorius I]], 590-604, yang mengilhami penamaan [[kidung Gregorian]]; dan [[Paus Nikolas I]], 858-867.<ref name="Arlington"/>
His successor, [[Pope Benedict XVI]], referred to him as "the great Pope John Paul II" in his first address<ref name="FirstSpeech">{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4462443.stm|title=Text: Benedict XVI's first speech |date=19 April 2005|publisher=2005 BBC|accessdate=2009-01-01|quote=Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the Lord's vineyard. The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the resurrected Lord, we go on with his help. He is going to help us and Mary will be on our side. Thank you.}}</ref> from the [[loggia]] of St. Peter's Church, and he referred to Pope John Paul II as "the Great" in his published written [[homily]] for the Mass of Repose.<ref name="Homily">{{cite web|url=http://www.vatican.va/gpII/documents/sodano-suffragio-jp-ii_20050403_en.html|title= Eucharistic Concelebration for the Repose of the Soul of Pope John Paul II: Homily of Card. ''‘Angelo Sodano’''|date=3 April 2005|publisher=The Holy See|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>

Pengerusnya [[Paus Benediktus XVI]], menyebutnya "Paus Yohanes Paulus II yang agung" pada pidato awalnya<ref name="FirstSpeech">{{en}} {{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4462443.stm|title=Text: Benedict XVI's first speech |date=19 April 2005|publisher=2005 BBC|accessdate=2009-01-01|quote=Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the Lord's vineyard. The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the resurrected Lord, we go on with his help. He is going to help us and Mary will be on our side. Thank you.}}</ref> dari [[loggia]] Gereja Santo Petrus, dan menyebutkan Paus Yohanes Paulus II sebagai "Agung" di [[homili]] yang diterbitkan pada Misa pemakamannya (''Mass of Repose'').<ref name="Homily">{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.vatican.va/gpII/documents/sodano-suffragio-jp-ii_20050403_en.html|title= Eucharistic Concelebration for the Repose of the Soul of Pope John Paul II: Homily of Card. ''‘Angelo Sodano’''|date=3 April 2005|publisher=The Holy See|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>
Since giving his homily at the funeral of Pope John Paul, Pope Benedict XVI has continued to refer to John Paul II as "the Great." At the [[World Youth Day 2005|20th World Youth Day]] in Germany 2005, Pope Benedict XVI, speaking in Polish, John Paul's native language, said, "As the Great Pope John Paul II would say: keep the flame of faith alive in your lives and your people." In May 2006, Pope Benedict XVI visited John Paul's native Poland. During that visit, he repeatedly made references to "the great John Paul" and "my great predecessor".<ref name="Poland2006">{{cite web|url=http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060525_poland-clergy_en.html|title= Pastoral Visit by Pope Benedict XVI to Poland 2006: Address by the Holy Father|date=25 May 2006|publisher= Libreria Editrice Vaticana]|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>

Sejak memberikan homili pada pemakaman Paus Yohanes Paulus II, Paus Benediktus selalu menyebut Yohanes Paulus II sebagai "yang Agung". Pada [[Hari Pemuda Dunia]] ke-20 di Jerman 2005, Paus Benediktus XVI, berbicara dalam [[bahasa Polski]], [[bahasa ibu]] Yohanes Paulus II, mengatakan, "Seperti Paus Yohanes Paulus II yang Agung akan berkat: jagalah api keimanan dalam kehidupanmu dan kerabat dekatmu." Pada Mei 2006, Paus Benediktus XVI mengunjungi tanah kelahiran Yohanes Paulus II di Polandia. Selama kunjungannya, ia berulang kali menyebut "Yohanes Paulus yang Agung" dan "pendahulu saya yang agung".<ref name="Poland2006">{{en}}{{cite web|url=http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2006/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060525_poland-clergy_en.html|title= Pastoral Visit by Pope Benedict XVI to Poland 2006: Address by the Holy Father|date=25 May 2006|publisher= Libreria Editrice Vaticana]|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>
In addition to the Vatican calling him "the great," numerous newspapers have also done so. For example, the Italian newspaper ''[[Corriere della Sera]]'' called him "the Greatest" and the South African Catholic newspaper, ''[[The Southern Cross (South Africa)|The Southern Cross]]'', has called him "John Paul II The Great".<ref name="Southern">{{cite web |url=http://www.scross.co.za/?s=John+Paul+the+Great |title=The Southern Cross: John Paul the Great|accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=The Southern Cross 2008 by Posmay Media}}</ref>

Sebagai tambahan Vatikan menyebutnya "yang Agung," banyak surat kabar melakukannya juga. Contohnya, koran Italia ''Corriere della Sera'' menyebutnya "yang sangat Agung" dan koran Katolik Afrika Selatan, ''The Southern Cross'', menyebutnya "Yohanes Paulus II Yang Agung".<ref name="Southern">{{en}} {{cite web |url=http://www.scross.co.za/?s=John+Paul+the+Great |title=The Southern Cross: John Paul the Great|accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=The Southern Cross 2008 by Posmay Media}}</ref>

Beberapa sekolah di Amerika Serikat, seperti [[Universitas Katolik Yohanes Paulus Agung]] dan [[Sekolah Menengah Atas Yohanes Paulus Agung]], dinamakan demikian setelah Yohanes Paulus II meggunakan julukan itu.

Some schools in the United States, such as [[John Paul the Great Catholic University]] and [[John Paul the Great Catholic High School]], have recently been named for John Paul II using this title.
==== Beatifikasi ====
==== Beatifikasi ====
[[File:Beatification of John Paul II (2).jpg|thumb|upright|[[Beatifikasi]] Paus Yohanes Paulus II]]
[[File:Beatification of John Paul II (2).jpg|thumb|upright|[[Beatifikasi]] Paus Yohanes Paulus II]]