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'''Gnostisisme''' ({{Lang-el|γνῶσις}} ''gnōsis'', [[pengetahuan]]) merujuk pada bermacam-macam gerakan keagamaan yang beraliran [[sinkretisme]] pada zaman dahulu kala. Gerakan ini mencampurkan pelbagai ajaran agama, yang biasanya pada intinya mengajarkan bahwa manusia pada dasarnya adalah [[jiwa]] yang terperangkap di dalam alam semesta yang diciptakan oleh tuhan yang tidak sempurna. Secara umum dapat dikatakan Gnostisisme adalah [[agama]] [[dualistik]], yang dipengaruhi dan memengaruhi [[filosofi Yunani]], [[Yudaisme]], dan [[Kekristenan Kalsedonia|Kekristenan]].

Istilah ''gnōsis'' merujuk pada suatu pengetahuan [[esoteris]] yang telah dipaparkan. Dari sana manusia melalui unsur-unsur rohaninya diingatkan kembali akan asal-muasal mereka dari Tuhan yang superior. [[Yesus Kristus]] dipandang oleh sebagian sekte Gnostis sebagai perwujudan dari makhluk ilahi yang menjadi manusia untuk membawa ''gnōsis'' ke bumi<ref name="nhlintro">{{cite web | title = An Introduction to Gnosticism and The Nag Hammadi Library | publisher = The Gnostic Society Library | url = http://www.gnosis.org/gnintro.htm | accessdate = 2009-12-02}}</ref>.

Pada mulanya Gnostisisme dianggap sebagai cabang aliran sesat dari Kekristenan, namun sekte Gnostis telah ada sejak sebelum [[kelahiran Yesus]]<ref name="newadvent">{{cite web | title = Gnosticism | publisher = Catholic Encyclopedia | url = http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06592a.htm |accessdate = 2009-02-12 }}</ref><ref>[[Bart D. Ehrman]] ''Lost Christianities''. Oxford University press, 2003, p.188-202</ref>. Keberadaan kaum Gnostik sejak Abad Pertengahan semakin berkurang dikarenakan pengikutnya memeluk [[Islam]] atau akibat dari [[Perang Salib Albigensian]] ([[1209]]–[[1229]]). Gagasan Gnostis kembali muncul seiring dengan bertumbuhnya gerakan [[mistis]] [[esoteris]] pada akhir abad ke-19 dan abad ke-20 di [[Eropa]] dan [[Amerika Utara]].

== Lihat pula ==
* [[Antinomianisme]]
* [[Apokrifa]]
* [[Mistisisme Kristen]]
* [[Konsili Nicaea I]]
* [[Gnosiologi]]
* [[Gnosis]]
* [[Hermetisisme]]
* [[Theodisi]]

== Catatan kaki ==

== Referensi ==
=== Buku ===
==== Sumber primer ====
* {{cite book | authorlink = Bentley Layton | last = Layton | first = Bentley | title = The Gnostic Scriptures | publisher = SCM Press | year = 1987 | isbn = 0-334-02022-0 | pages = 526 pages }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = James M. Robinson | last = Robinson | first = James | title = The Nag Hammadi Library in English | publisher = | year = 1978 | isbn = 0-06-066934-9 | pages = 549 pages }}
* {{cite book | author = [[Plotinus]] | other = translated by A.H. Armstrong | title = The [[Enneads]] | publisher = [[Harvard University|Harvard University Press]] | year = 1989 | id = }} (in 7 volumes), vol. 1: ISBN 0-674-99484-1
* The Gnostic Bible, Ed. [[Willis Barnstone]]

==== Sumber sekunder ====
* {{cite book | last = Aland | first = Barbara | title = [[Festschrift]] für Hans Jonas | publisher = Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | year = 1978 | isbn = 3-525-58111-4 }}
* {{cite book | last= Burstein | first = Dan | title = Secrets of Mary Magdalene | publisher = CDS Books | year = 2006 | isbn = 1-59315-205-1 }}
* {{cite book | last = Freke | first = Timothy | coauthors = Gandy, Peter | title = Jesus and the Lost Goddess : The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians | publisher = Three Rivers Press | year = 2002 | isbn = 0-00-710071-X }}
* {{cite book | last = Green | first = Henry | title = Economic and Social Origins of Gnosticism | publisher = Scholars P.,U.S. | year = 1985 | isbn = 0-89130-843-1 }}
* {{cite book | last = Haardt | first = Robert | title = Die Gnosis: Wesen und Zeugnisse | publisher = Otto-Müller-Verlag, Salzburg | year = 1967 | id = | pages = 352 pages }}, translated as {{cite book | last = Haardt | first = Robert | title = Gnosis: Character and Testimony | publisher = Brill, Leiden | year = 1971 | id = }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Stephan A. Hoeller | last = Hoeller | first = Stephan A. | title = Gnosticism - New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing | publisher = | year = 2002 | isbn = 0-8356-0816-6 | pages = 257 pages }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Hans Jonas | last = Jonas | first = Hans | title = Gnosis und spätantiker Geist vol. 2:1-2, Von der Mythologie zur mystischen Philosophie | publisher = | year = | isbn = 3-525-53841-3 }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Charles William King | last = King | first = Charles William | title = The Gnostics and Their Remains | year = 1887 | url = http://www.sacred-texts.com/gno/gar/ }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Karen Leigh King| last = King | first = Karen L. | title = What is Gnosticism? | publisher = Harvard University Press | year = 2003 | isbn = 0-674-01071-X | pages = 343 pages }}
* {{cite book | last = Klimkeit | first = Hans-Joachim | title = Gnosis on the Silk Road: Gnostic Texts from Central Asia | publisher = Harper, San Francisco | year = 1993 | isbn = 0-06-064586-5 }}
* {{cite book | last = Layton | first = Bentley | editor = edited by [[L. Michael White]], O. Larry Yarbrough | chapter = Prolegomena to the study of ancient gnosticism | title = The Social World of the First Christians: Essays in Honor of Wayne A. Meeks | publisher = Fortress Press, Minneapolis | year = 1995 | isbn = 0-8006-2585-4 }}
* {{cite book | author = Layton, Bentley (ed.) | title = The Rediscovery of Gnosticism: Sethian Gnosticism | publisher = E.J. Brill | year = 1981 }}
* {{cite book | last = Markschies | first = Christoph | other = trans. John Bowden | title = Gnosis: An Introduction | publisher = T & T Clark | year = 2000 | isbn = 0-567-08945-2 | pages = 145 pages }}
* {{cite book | last = Mins | first = Denis | title = Irenaeus | publisher = Geoffrey Chapman | year = 1994 | id = }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Elaine Pagels | last = Pagels | first = Elaine | title = The Gnostic Gospels | publisher = | year = 1979 | isbn = 0-679-72453-2 | pages = 182 pages }}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Elaine Pagels | last = Pagels | first = Elaine | title = The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis | publisher = | year = 1989 | isbn = 1-55540-334-4 | pages = 128 pages }}
* Petrement, Simone (1990), ''A Separate God: The Origins and Teachings of Gnosticsim'', Harper and Row ISBN 0-06-066421-5
* {{cite book | last = Rudolph | first = Kurt | authorlink= Kurt Rudolph | title = Gnosis: The Nature & Structure of Gnosticism | publisher = Harper & Row | year = 1987 | isbn = 0-06-067018-5 }}
* {{cite book | last = [[Benjamin Walker|Walker]] | first = [[Benjamin Walker|Benjamin]] | title = Gnosticism: Its History and Influence | publisher = Harper Collins | year = 1990 | isbn = 1-85274-057-4 }}
* {{cite book | last = Williams | first = Michael | title = Rethinking Gnosticism: An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category | publisher = Princeton University Press | year = 1996 | isbn = 0-691-01127-3 }}

=== Video ===
* ''The Naked Truth: Exposing the Deceptions About the Origins of Modern Religions'' (1995).

== Pranala luar ==
<!-- All external links are given in alphabetical order by page title or, where available, by author. If you wish to add to the lists, please maintain this layout. Also see the subpages, e.g. [[Gnosticism in modern times]] which have their own link lists, in order to place links in the appropriate page. -->
* [http://www.religioustolerance.org/gnostic.htm Religious Tolerance] - A survey of Gnosticism
* [http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/gnostics.html Early Christian Writings] - primary texts
* [http://www.gnosis.org/library.html The Gnostic Society Library] - primary sources and commentaries.
* [http://www.iep.utm.edu/g/gnostic.htm Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Gnosticism]
* [http://www.kheper.net/topics/Gnosticism/intro.htm Introduction to Gnosticism]
* [http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=280&letter=G&search=gnosticism Jewish Encyclopedia: Gnosticism]
* [http://www.theandros.com/pregnostic.html Proto-Gnostic elements in the Gospel according to John]
* [http://www9.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/gospel/index.html Gnostic version of the Bible and more on Gnostics]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06592a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia: Gnosticism]
* [http://www.gnosiskultur.de Gnosis Germany]
* {{dmoz|Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Gnosticism|Gnosticism}}

{{Sistem kepercayaan}}

[[Kategori:Gnostisisme| ]]
[[Kategori:Sejarah Kristen]]