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Baris 102: Baris 102:

[[File:Alms Bag taken from some Tapestry in Orleans Fifteenth Century.png|thumb|Alms bag taken from a [[tapestry]] in [[Orléans]], fifteenth century]]
[[Berkas:Alms Bag taken from some Tapestry in Orleans Fifteenth Century.png|thumb|Alms bag taken from a [[tapestry]] in [[Orléans]], fifteenth century]]
The giving of alms is an act of [[Charity (practice)|charity]] toward those less fortunate. In the [[Apostolic age]], Christians were taught that giving alms was an expression of love which was first expressed by God to them in that Jesus sacrificed himself as an act of love for the salvation of believers.<ref name="james">The Book of James, chapter 1:27 (NIV) "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."</ref> The [[offertory]] is the traditional moment in [[Mass_(Catholic_Church)|Roman Catholic Mass]], [[Anglican eucharistic theology|Anglican Eucharist]], and [[Divine Service (Lutheran)|Lutheran Divine Services]] when alms are collected. Some Protestant groups, such as [[Baptist]]s or Methodists, also engage in alms, although it is more commonly referred to as "[[tithe]]s and offerings" by the church. Some fellowships practice regular giving for special purposes called [[Love Offerings]] for the poor, destitute or victims of catastrophic loss such as home fires or medical expenses. Traditionally, Deacons and Deaconesses are responsible for distributing these gifts among widows, orphans, and others in need. Many Christians support a plethora of charitable organizations not all of which claim a Christian religious affiliation. Many American Educational and Medical Institutions were founded by Christian fellowships giving alms.
The giving of alms is an act of [[Charity (practice)|charity]] toward those less fortunate. In the [[Apostolic age]], Christians were taught that giving alms was an expression of love which was first expressed by God to them in that Jesus sacrificed himself as an act of love for the salvation of believers.<ref name="james">The Book of James, chapter 1:27 (NIV) "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."</ref> The [[offertory]] is the traditional moment in [[Mass_(Catholic_Church)|Roman Catholic Mass]], [[Anglican eucharistic theology|Anglican Eucharist]], and [[Divine Service (Lutheran)|Lutheran Divine Services]] when alms are collected. Some Protestant groups, such as [[Baptist]]s or Methodists, also engage in alms, although it is more commonly referred to as "[[tithe]]s and offerings" by the church. Some fellowships practice regular giving for special purposes called [[Love Offerings]] for the poor, destitute or victims of catastrophic loss such as home fires or medical expenses. Traditionally, Deacons and Deaconesses are responsible for distributing these gifts among widows, orphans, and others in need. Many Christians support a plethora of charitable organizations not all of which claim a Christian religious affiliation. Many American Educational and Medical Institutions were founded by Christian fellowships giving alms.

[[File:Collecting the Offering in a Scottish Kirk by John Phillip YORAG 384.jpg|thumb|''Collecting the Offering in a Scottish Kirk'' by [[John Phillip]]]]
[[Berkas:Collecting the Offering in a Scottish Kirk by John Phillip YORAG 384.jpg|thumb|''Collecting the Offering in a Scottish Kirk'' by [[John Phillip]]]]
In the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]] and the [[Eastern Catholic Churches]], the collection of alms and tithes has not been formally united to the offertory in any liturgical action. However, either having a collection plate in the [[narthex]] or passing it unobtrusively during the service is not uncommon. In [[Orthodox theology]], almsgiving is an important part of the spiritual life, and [[fasting]] should always be accompanied by increased prayer and almsgiving.<ref>{{Cite book
In the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]] and the [[Eastern Catholic Churches]], the collection of alms and tithes has not been formally united to the offertory in any liturgical action. However, either having a collection plate in the [[narthex]] or passing it unobtrusively during the service is not uncommon. In [[Orthodox theology]], almsgiving is an important part of the spiritual life, and [[fasting]] should always be accompanied by increased prayer and almsgiving.<ref>{{Cite book
| last =Kallistos (Ware)
| last =Kallistos (Ware)
Baris 142: Baris 142:
{{Quote|Rather, give as alms what is inside, and then everything will be clean for you!|{{bibleverse||Luke|11:41}}}}
{{Quote|Rather, give as alms what is inside, and then everything will be clean for you!|{{bibleverse||Luke|11:41}}}}

[[File:Gospel of Luke Chapter 21-4 (Bible Illustrations by Sweet Media).jpg|thumb|Jesus commends this poor but generous woman.]]
[[Berkas:Gospel of Luke Chapter 21-4 (Bible Illustrations by Sweet Media).jpg|thumb|Jesus commends this poor but generous woman.]]
Giving of the rich versus the poor:<br />
Giving of the rich versus the poor:<br />
Here Jesus contrasts the giving of the rich and the poor
Here Jesus contrasts the giving of the rich and the poor
Baris 150: Baris 150:
{{quote|He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'|{{bibleverse||Matthew|25:45}}}}
{{quote|He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'|{{bibleverse||Matthew|25:45}}}}

== Agama Hindu ==
[[File:Ravi Varma-Lady Giving Alms at the Temple.jpg|right|thumb|Lady giving alms at the Temple, by [[Raja Ravi Varma]], (1848–1906)]]
[[Berkas:Ravi Varma-Lady Giving Alms at the Temple.jpg|right|thumb|Lady giving alms at the Temple, by [[Raja Ravi Varma]], (1848–1906)]]

Dāna (Sanskrit: दान) is an ancient concept of alms-giving dating to the [[Vedas|Vedic period]] of Hinduism.<ref name=shahsoulful>Shah et al (2013), Soulful Corporations: A Values-Based Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, Springer, {{ISBN|978-8132212744}}, page 125, Quote: "The concept of Daana (charity) dates back to the Vedic period. The Rig Veda enjoins charity as a duty and responsibility of every citizen."</ref> The word for alms in Vedic literature is ''Bhiksha'' (भिक्षा).<ref>[http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=dakSiNA&direction=SE&script=HK&link=yes&beginning=0 bhikSA] Sanskrit English Dictionary, University of Koeln, Germany</ref><ref>Alberto Garcia Gomez et al. (2014), Religious Perspectives on Human Vulnerability in Bioethics, Springer, {{ISBN|978-9401787352}}, pages 170-171</ref> The [[Rigveda]] has the earliest discussion of ''dāna'' in the [[Vedas]] and offers reasons for the virtue of alms-giving.<ref name=rhdana>R Hindery, Comparative ethics in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Vol 2, Number 1, page 105</ref>
Dāna (Sanskrit: दान) is an ancient concept of alms-giving dating to the [[Vedas|Vedic period]] of Hinduism.<ref name=shahsoulful>Shah et al (2013), Soulful Corporations: A Values-Based Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, Springer, {{ISBN|978-8132212744}}, page 125, Quote: "The concept of Daana (charity) dates back to the Vedic period. The Rig Veda enjoins charity as a duty and responsibility of every citizen."</ref> The word for alms in Vedic literature is ''Bhiksha'' (भिक्षा).<ref>[http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=dakSiNA&direction=SE&script=HK&link=yes&beginning=0 bhikSA] Sanskrit English Dictionary, University of Koeln, Germany</ref><ref>Alberto Garcia Gomez et al. (2014), Religious Perspectives on Human Vulnerability in Bioethics, Springer, {{ISBN|978-9401787352}}, pages 170-171</ref> The [[Rigveda]] has the earliest discussion of ''dāna'' in the [[Vedas]] and offers reasons for the virtue of alms-giving.<ref name=rhdana>R Hindery, Comparative ethics in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Vol 2, Number 1, page 105</ref>

Revisi per 29 Oktober 2017 16.33

Perempuan bederma, karya János Thorma

Derma adalah pemberian kepada orang lain atas dasar kemurahan hati atau niat untuk berbuat kebajikan. Derma dapat berwujud barang maupun jasa (misalnya pendidikan) yang diberikan secara cuma-cuma. Tindakan bederma terdapat dalam ajaran sejumlah agama dan adat-istiadat beberapa daerah. Kata "derma" berasal dari [धर्म, dharma] Error: {{Lang-xx}}: text has italic markup (help), yang berarti kepatutan, kebajikan, atau perbuatan yang benar. Istilah lain untuk derma adalah "sedekah", dari bahasa Arab: صدقة, ṣadaqah, yang berarti segala macam perbuatan baik yang dilakukan secara tulus dan suka rela bagi orang lain.

Agama Yahudi

Ukiran kotak tzedakah (puske) pada patahan sebuah batu nisan di Pekuburan Yahudi di Otwock (Karczew-Anielin), Polandia.
Pundi-pundi tzedakah dan gelt (koin atau uang dalam bahasa Yiddi).

Dalam agama Yahudi, tzedakah (bahasa Ibrani: צדקה, ṣedakah‎, secara harfiah berarti kebenaran, tetapi lazim pula diartikan sebagai karya amal atau kedermawanan [1]) mengacu pada kewajiban pemeluk agama Yahudi untuk bertindak benar dan adil.[2] Pemberian tzedakah yang dilakukan sekarang ini dianggap sebagai kelanjutan dari praktik Ma'ser Ani atau persepuluhan bagi fakir miskin, serta praktik-praktik kedermawanan lain yang diamanatkan dalam Alkitab, seperti mengizinkan fakir miskin menuai hasil bumi yang tumbuh di sudut-sudut lahan, dan membiarkan siapa saja menikmati hasil bumi yang tumbuh selama Smitah (tahun sabat). Tzedakah, disertai doa dan pertobatan, dianggap sebagai penawar bagi akibat-akibat dari perbuatan buruk.

Dalam agama Yahudi, tzedakah (kedermawanan) dipandang sebagai salah satu perbuatan termulia yang dapat dilakukan oleh manusia.[3] Para petani Yahudi dilarang memanen hasil bumi yang tumbuh di sudut-sudut ladangnya maupun memungut panenan yang terjatuh, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh fakir miskin.

Ulama besar Yahudi, Musa bin Maymun, pernah menyusun sebuah daftar tindakan kedermawanan. Menurut Musa bin Maymun, tindakan kedermawanan yang paling benar adalah memampukan seseorang untuk mandiri sehingga mampu menjadi dermawan bagi orang lain. Tindakan-tindakan kedermawanan dalam daftar yang disusunnya adalah sebagai berikut:[4]

  1. Memampukan si penerima menjadi mandiri
  2. Memberi bilamana si pemberi dan si penerima tidak saling kenal
  3. Memberi bilamana si pemberi mengenal si penerima, tetapi si penerima tidak mengenal si pemberi
  4. Memberi bilamana si pemberi tidak mengenal si penerima, tetapi si penerima mengenal si pemberi
  5. Memberi sebelum diminta
  6. Memberi sesudah diminta
  7. Memberi kurang dari yang mampu diberikan, tetapi dilakukan dengan senang hati
  8. Memberi dengan bersungut-sungut

Agama Islam

Dalam agama Islam, konsep kedermawanan pada umumnya dibedakan menjadi Sadaqah yang berarti memberi dengan suka rela, dan Zakat yang berarti memberi menurut ketentuan yang telah digariskan oleh syariat Islam dengan maksud untuk memenuhi kewajiban terhadap agama dan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, meskipun Zakat memainkan peranan yang lebih besar bagi karya amal Islam, agaknya Sadaqah yang lebih semakna dengan 'derma'.

Zakat adalah rukun ketiga dari Lima Rukun Islam.[5][6] Ada berbagai aturan terkait pelaksanaan zakat, tetapi secara umum, orang diwajibkan untuk menyerahkan 2,5% dari jumlah simpanan dan pendapatan usahanya, serta 5–10% dari hasil panennya kepada fakir miskin. Para penerima zakat meliputi orang-orang yang nyaris tidak memiliki apa-apa, orang-orang yang berpenghasilan sangat rendah, orang-orang yang tidak sanggup membayar utang, orang-orang yang kehabisan dana dalam perjalanan, dan pihak-pihak lain yang memerlukan bantuan. Prinsip umum zakat adalah zakaah, yakni yang kaya harus memberi kepada yang miskin. Salah satu prinsip penting dalam agama Islam adalah ajaran bahwa segala sesuatu merupakan milik Allah, sehingga harta kekayaan hanya boleh disimpan sebagai titipan untuk dikelola.

Arti harfiah dari kata zakat adalah "memurnikan", "mengembangkan", dan "memicu pertumbuhan". Menurut syariat Islam, zakat adalah ibadah. Harta kekayaan seorang Muslim dimurnikan melalui tindakan memisahkan sebagian dari harta kekayaan itu bagi orang-orang yang membutuhkannya, selayaknya tanaman dipangkas untuk meremajakannya dan merangsang tumbuhnya tunas-tunas baru.

Zakat adalah sejumlah uang yang wajib diserahkan oleh setiap Muslim dewasa, pria maupun wanita, yang waras (bermental sehat), merdeka, dan mampu secara finansial, untuk digunakan sebagai bantuan dana bagi pihak-pihak tertentu.

Lihat pula



  1. ^ Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin; 'To Be A Jew.' Basic Books, New York; 1972, hlm. 48.
  2. ^ "Umat Yahudi tidak melakukan karya amal, dan konsep karya amal nyaris tidak ada dalam tradisi agama Yahudi. Sebagai gantinya, umat Yahudi memberi tzedakah, yang berarti 'kebenaran' dan 'keadilan.' Bilamana seorang Yahudi menyumbangkan uang, waktu, dan sumber-sumber daya yang ia miliki kepada orang yang membutuhkannya, ia tidak sedang bersikap welas asih, murah hati, atau 'dermawan.' Ia hanya sekadar bertindak benar dan adil." Tzedakah vs The Myth of Charity; oleh Yanki Tauber; Diakses 03-11-2012.
  3. ^ ?
  4. ^ http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/45907/jewish/Eight-Levels-of-Charity.htm
  5. ^ "Five Pillars". PBS. Diakses tanggal 2010-11-17. 
  6. ^ Hooker, Richard (14 Juli 1999). "arkan ad-din the five pillars of religion". Washington State University. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2010-12-03. Diakses tanggal 2010-11-17. 

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