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Baris 37: Baris 37:
* Johansson, Hilding (1986) 'Skara som stiftstad', in Sträng 1986, pp. 387–410.
* Johansson, Hilding (1986) 'Skara som stiftstad', in Sträng 1986, pp. 387–410.
* King-lists of Sweden: Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi vol. I, pp. 1–15
* King-lists of Sweden: Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi vol. I, pp. 1–15
* Kjöllerström, Sven (1979) Sankt Sigfrid, Sigfridslegenden och Växjö Stift (Lecture given at the Kyrkohistoriska föreningens ärsmöte, Uppsala, April 1979 and at the 500th anniversary of the University of Copenhagen, May 1979.
* Kjöllerström, Sven (1979) Sankt Sigfrid, Sigfridslegenden och Växjö Stift (Lecture given at the Kyrkohistoriska föreningens ärsmöte, Uppsala, April 1979 and at the 500th anniversary of the [[Universitas Kopenhagen|University of Copenhagen]], May 1979.
* Knibbs (2011), Anskar, Rimbert and the Forged Foundations of Hamburg-Bremen (Farnham)
* Knibbs (2011), Anskar, Rimbert and the Forged Foundations of Hamburg-Bremen (Farnham)
* Liber Eliensis: Latin text ed. E.O. Blake 1962 (Royal Historical Society: Camden third series, volume 92, London); English translation by Janet Fairweather 2005, Liber Eliensis: a History of the Isle of Ely from the seventh century to the twelfth (Woodbridge).
* Liber Eliensis: Latin text ed. E.O. Blake 1962 (Royal Historical Society: Camden third series, volume 92, London); English translation by Janet Fairweather 2005, Liber Eliensis: a History of the Isle of Ely from the seventh century to the twelfth (Woodbridge).
Baris 53: Baris 53:
* Robinson, Charles H (1921), Anskar, the Apostle to the North, 801-65, translated from the Vita Anskarii by Bishop Rimbert (London)
* Robinson, Charles H (1921), Anskar, the Apostle to the North, 801-65, translated from the Vita Anskarii by Bishop Rimbert (London)
* Sawyer, Birgit (2000), The Viking Age Rune-Stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia (Oxford).
* Sawyer, Birgit (2000), The Viking Age Rune-Stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia (Oxford).
* Sawyer, Birgit and Sawyer, Peter (1993) Medieval Scandinavia: from Conversion to Reformation, circa 800-1500 (Minneapolis & London)
* Sawyer, Birgit and Sawyer, Peter (1993) Medieval Scandinavia: from Conversion to Reformation, circa 800-1500 ([[Minneapolis]] & London)
* Sawyer, Birgit, Sawyer, Peter & Wood, Ian (1987), The Christianization of Scandinavia: Report of a Symposium held at Kungalv, Sweden, 4–9 August 1985 (Alingsås)
* Sawyer, Birgit, Sawyer, Peter & Wood, Ian (1987), The Christianization of Scandinavia: Report of a Symposium held at Kungalv, Sweden, 4–9 August 1985 (Alingsås)
* Sawyer, Peter, The Making of Sweden (1988: Occasional Papers on Medieval Topics 3 - Viktoria Bokforlag, Alingsås, in cooperation with the Department of History, Gothenburg University)
* Sawyer, Peter, The Making of Sweden (1988: Occasional Papers on Medieval Topics 3 - Viktoria Bokforlag, Alingsås, in cooperation with the Department of History, Gothenburg University)
Baris 64: Baris 64:
* Schmid, Toni (1942) 'Trois légendes de Saint Sigfrid', Analecta Bollandiana 60, pp. 82–90.
* Schmid, Toni (1942) 'Trois légendes de Saint Sigfrid', Analecta Bollandiana 60, pp. 82–90.
* Scott, John (1981) ed. & trans.William of Malmesbury, De antiquitate Glastoniensis ecclesiae (Woodbridge).
* Scott, John (1981) ed. & trans.William of Malmesbury, De antiquitate Glastoniensis ecclesiae (Woodbridge).
* Snorri Sturluson, Óláfs saga Helga, from Heimskringla ed. Aðalbjarnarson 1941-51; English translations in Monson, E. & Smith. A.H. (Cambridge 1932); Hollander. Lee M. (Austin, Texas 1964).
* [[Snorri Sturluson]], Óláfs saga Helga, from Heimskringla ed. Aðalbjarnarson 1941-51; English translations in Monson, E. & Smith. A.H. (Cambridge 1932); Hollander. Lee M. (Austin, Texas 1964).
* Sträng, Arne (1986), Skara: Före 1700, Staden i Stiftet (Skara).
* Sträng, Arne (1986), Skara: Före 1700, Staden i Stiftet (Skara).
* Talbot, C.H. (1954), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (London).
* Talbot, C.H. (1954), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (London).

Revisi terkini sejak 7 Februari 2024 07.03

Santo Sigafridus (wafat 1045), Penginjil dan santo Swedia kelahiran Inggris. Patung oleh Peter Linde di luar Katedral Växjö.

Santo Sigfrid dari Swedia (bahasa Swedia: Sigfrid, bahasa Latin: Sigafridus, Bahasa Norse Kuno: (Sigurðr), bahasa Inggris Kuno: Sigefrið/Sigeferð) merupakan uskup misionaris di Skandinavia selama pertengahan pertama abad kesebelas. Berasal dari Inggris, Santo Sigfrid berjasa dalam daftar raja dan hagiografi akhir abad pertengahan dengan membaptis raja pertama Swedia, Olof Skötkonung.[1] Dia kemungkinan besar tiba di Swedia segera setelah 1000 dan melakukan misi panjang di Götaland dan Svealand.[2] Selama beberapa tahun setelah 1014, setelah kembali ke Inggris, Sigfrid berbasis di Trondheim, Norwegia.[3] Namun, posisinya di sana menjadi tidak dapat dipertahankan setelah kekalahan Olaf II Haraldsson.[4]

Selama di Norwegia, Sigfrid terus berpartisipasi dalam Kristenisasi Swedia, di mana ia mengabdikan sisa hidupnya.[5] Menurut tradisi Swedia dan Islandia, dia pensiun ke Värend.[6] Sigfrid kemudian meninggal di Växjö pada tanggal yang tidak diketahui dalam masa hidup Adam dari Bremen.[7] Tempat pemakaman Sigfrid di Växjö menjadi pusat kultus.[8] Menurut pernyataan Johannes Vastovius, seorang penulis antik abad ke-17,[9] Sigfrid dikanonisasi oleh Paus Adrianus IV pada sekitar 1158. Kalender orang kudusnya pada 15 Februari.[10]

Sigfrid dikenang di Gereja Inggris dengan peringatan pada 15 Februari.[11]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi, vol.I, p. 8 for king lists; vol. II, part i, pp. 356, 368 for hagiographical references; discussion of this tradition, and alternative attributions of the baptism, in Fairweather 2014, pp.140-154.
  2. ^ See Fairweather 2014, pp. 181-194.
  3. ^ See Fairweather 2014, pp.198-205,
  4. ^ See Adam of Bremen 4,34; 4.37; Snorri, Olafs saga Helga, chapter 217.
  5. ^ Adam of Bremen 2.57; 4.34.
  6. ^ Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi vol. II, part 1, p. 364 and vol. III, part ii, 112,115 (Eng. trans. in Fairweather 2014, p. 210; also Icelandic traditions about Bishop 'Sigurd' in Olafs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta ed. Halldorson, vol III, pp. 57-64; trans. by Michael Taylor et al. in Fairweather 2014, pp. 334-8.
  7. ^ Adam of Bremen 4.34.
  8. ^ Åberg 2007, pp. 9-16.
  9. ^ Vastovius (1623) p. 32.
  10. ^ Åberg 2007, p. 13.
  11. ^ "The Calendar". The Church of England (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2021-03-27. 

Daftar pustaka

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Åberg, Göran (2013), Växjö Diocese: past and present, (Växjö Stiftshistoriska Sallskap, Skrifter 20, Växjö).
  • Abrams, Lesley (1995), 'The Anglo-Saxons and the Christianization of Scandinavia', Anglo-Saxon England 24, pp. 213–49.
  • Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesie Pontificum: Latin text in Schmeidler (1917); Latin text and German translation in Trillmich 1961; English translation in Tschan 2002.
  • Beauchet, Ludovic (1894), Loi de Vestrogothie (Westgöta-lagen) traduite et annotée et precedée d'une étude sur les sources du droit Suédois (Paris).
  • Berend, Nora, ed. (2007), Christianization and the Rise of Christian Monarchy: Scandinavia, Central Europe and Rus' (Cambridge).
  • Bishop-lists of Skara = Chronicon Vetus Episcoporum Scarensium and Chronicum Rhythmicum Episcoporum Scarensium auctore Brynolpho . . . Episcopo Scarensi in Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi, vol. III, part ii, pp. 112–120; for English translations of the earliest entries in these lists by Bishop Lars-Göran Lonnermark, see Fairweather 2014, pp. 210–11; 283; 286; 301.
  • Bishop-list of Växjö: Chronicon Vetus Episcoporum Wexionensium in Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi, vol. III, part ii, pp. 129–32.
  • Brunius, Jan (2005) ed. Medieval Book Fragments in Sweden: an international seminar in Stockholm, 13–16 November 2003 (Stockholm)
  • Brunius Jan (2013) From Manuscripts to Wrappers: Medieval Book Fragments in the Swedish National Archive (Skrifter utgivna ac Riksarkivet 33: Stockholm)
  • Campbell, Alistair (1949) reprinted in Campbell, Alisdair & Keynes, Simon, Encomium Emmae Reginae, (Camden Classic Reprints 4, Cambridge 1998), pp. 66–82.
  • Carver, Martin ed. (2003), The Cross Goes North: Processes of Conversion in Northern Europe, A.D. 300-1300 (York & Woodbridge).
  • Curshmann, Fritz (1909), Älteren Papsturkunden des Erzbistums Hamburg (Hamburg & Leipzig).
  • Dunn-Macray, W (1886) ed. Chronicon Rameseiensis, a saec. X usque ad an. circiter 1200, (Rolls Series LXXXIII, London)
  • Ekrem, Inger, Mortensen Lars-Boje & Fisher, Peter ed. & trans. (2003), Historia Norvegie (Copenhagen)
  • Fairweather, Janet (2014), Bishop Osmund, A Missionary to Sweden in the Late Viking Age (Skara Stiftshistoriska Sällskaps Skriftserie, volume 71, Skara).
  • Flateyjarbók, eds. G, Vigfusson & C.R. Unger (Christiania 1859-68).
  • Gneuss, Helmut (2001), Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts: a list of manuscripts and manuscript fragments written or owned in England up to 1100
  • Goscelini Miracula Sancti Ivonis in Dunn Macray 1886 (Appendix II to Preface)
  • Hagiography of St Sigfrid = Historia Sancti Sigfridi Episcopi et Confessoris Latine et Suethice (= Vita I) and Vita Sancti Sigfridi Episcopi et Confessoris ( = Vita II) in Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi, vol II, part 1, pp. 344–370 + the texts printed in Schmid 1942.
  • Halldorsson, Ólafur ed. (1958-2000) Oláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta, ed. (3 vols. København)
  • Hartzell, K.D (2006) Catalogue of Manuscripts written or owned in England up to 1200 containing music (Woodbridge).
  • Hervarar saga: see Tolkien
  • Historia Norvegie: Latin text in Monumenta Historica Norvegiae (1880), pp. 69–124; text and English translation in Ekrem, Mortensen & Fisher 2003.
  • Johansson, Hilding (1986) 'Skara som stiftstad', in Sträng 1986, pp. 387–410.
  • King-lists of Sweden: Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi vol. I, pp. 1–15
  • Kjöllerström, Sven (1979) Sankt Sigfrid, Sigfridslegenden och Växjö Stift (Lecture given at the Kyrkohistoriska föreningens ärsmöte, Uppsala, April 1979 and at the 500th anniversary of the University of Copenhagen, May 1979.
  • Knibbs (2011), Anskar, Rimbert and the Forged Foundations of Hamburg-Bremen (Farnham)
  • Liber Eliensis: Latin text ed. E.O. Blake 1962 (Royal Historical Society: Camden third series, volume 92, London); English translation by Janet Fairweather 2005, Liber Eliensis: a History of the Isle of Ely from the seventh century to the twelfth (Woodbridge).
  • Lager, Linn (2003), 'Runestones and the Conversion of Sweden' in Carver 2003, pp. 497–507.
  • Larsson Lars-Olof (1931), Det medeltida Värend (Diss. Lund).
  • Malmer, Brita (1989), The Sigtuna Coinage c. 995-1005 (Commentationes de nummis saeculorum IX-XI in Suecia repertis, nova series 4, Stockholm & London.
  • Malmer, Brita 1997, The Anglo-Scandinavian Coinage, c. 995-1026 (Commentationes de nummis saeculorum IX-XI repertis, nova series 9 (Stockholm & London)
  • Monumenta Historica Norvegiae: Latinske kildeskrifter til Norges historie in Middelaldern ed. G. Strom (Kristiania 1880)
  • Niblaeus, Erik G. (2010) German Influence on religious practice in Scandinavia c. 1050 - 1150, King's College, London, diss.
  • Norton, Christopher (2004), 'York Minster in the time of Wulfstan', in Townend 2004, pp. 207–34.
  • Oláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta: 'Frá Sigurði Byskupi; Her (s(egir) af framferd Sigurdar byskups; Kapitulum': printed in Halldorsson vol III (2000) pp. 57–64; also cited in secondary sources as from Flateyjarbók.
  • Oppermann, C.J.A. (1937), The English Missionaries in Sweden and Finland (London)
  • Raine, James ed. (1874–94), Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops (Rolls Series, vols. LXXI – LXXII London).
  • Rimbert, Vita Sancti Anskarii, Latin text in Waitz 1884 and Trillmich 1961 (with German translation; English translation in Robinson 1921.
  • Robinson, Charles H (1921), Anskar, the Apostle to the North, 801-65, translated from the Vita Anskarii by Bishop Rimbert (London)
  • Sawyer, Birgit (2000), The Viking Age Rune-Stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia (Oxford).
  • Sawyer, Birgit and Sawyer, Peter (1993) Medieval Scandinavia: from Conversion to Reformation, circa 800-1500 (Minneapolis & London)
  • Sawyer, Birgit, Sawyer, Peter & Wood, Ian (1987), The Christianization of Scandinavia: Report of a Symposium held at Kungalv, Sweden, 4–9 August 1985 (Alingsås)
  • Sawyer, Peter, The Making of Sweden (1988: Occasional Papers on Medieval Topics 3 - Viktoria Bokforlag, Alingsås, in cooperation with the Department of History, Gothenburg University)
  • Scriptores Rerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi (Uppsala 1818-1876):
    • vol. I, ed. E.M. Fant (1818)
    • vol. II ed. E.J. Geijer & J.H. Schröder (1828)
    • vol. III. ed. E. Annerstadt (1871–76)
  • Schmeidler, Bernhard (1917) ed. Adam Bremensis, Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesie Pontificum (MGH SRG vol. 2, 3rd edition).
  • Schmid, Toni (1931) Den Helige Sigfrid (Lund)
  • Schmid, Toni (1942) 'Trois légendes de Saint Sigfrid', Analecta Bollandiana 60, pp. 82–90.
  • Scott, John (1981) ed. & trans.William of Malmesbury, De antiquitate Glastoniensis ecclesiae (Woodbridge).
  • Snorri Sturluson, Óláfs saga Helga, from Heimskringla ed. Aðalbjarnarson 1941-51; English translations in Monson, E. & Smith. A.H. (Cambridge 1932); Hollander. Lee M. (Austin, Texas 1964).
  • Sträng, Arne (1986), Skara: Före 1700, Staden i Stiftet (Skara).
  • Talbot, C.H. (1954), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany (London).
  • Tolkien, Christopher (1960), Hervarar saga och Heidreks konungs: the Saga of King Heidrek the Wise, translated from the Icelandic with introduction, notes, and appendices (London).
  • Townend, Matthew (2004) ed. Wulfstan, Archbishop of York (Proceedings of the Second Alcuin Conference: Studies in the Early Middle Ages 10: York)
  • Trillmich W. (1961) ed. Quellen des 9. und 11. Jahrhunderts zur Geschichte der Hamburgischen Kirche und des Reiches (Darmstadt).
  • Tschan F. (2002), trans. History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen, with introduction and bibliography by Timothy Reuter (New York).
  • Vastovius, Ioannes (1623), Vitis Aquilonia (Cologne, 2nd edition, corrected and annotated by Erik Benzelius, Uppsala 1708).
  • Vretemark, Maria and Axelsson, Tony (2008), 'The Varnhem Archaeological Research Project - a new insight into the Christianisation of Västergötland', Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 4, pp. 209 – 219.
  • Waitz, G (1884), Vita Anskarii auctore Rimberto: accedit Vita Rimberti (MGH SRG, vol. LV: Hannover).
  • William of Malmesbury, see Scott 1981.
  • Wordsworth, John, Bishop of Salisbury (1911), The National Church of Sweden (London, Oxford, Milwaukee)

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