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Baris 1: Baris 1:

{{Infobox Military Conflict
{{Infobox Military Conflict
|conflict=Perang Saudara Yunani
|conflict=Perang Saudara Yunani
Baris 9: Baris 8:
|result=Kemenangan Tentara nasional
|result=Kemenangan Tentara nasional
|combatant1={{flagicon|Greece|royal}} Tentara Nasional{{br}}didukung oleh :{{br}}{{flagicon|United States}} [[Amerika Serikat]]{{br}}{{flagicon|United Kingdom}} [[Inggris]]|combatant2=[[Berkas:Hammer and sickle.svg|19px]] Tentara Demokrasi Yunani{{br}}
|combatant1={{flagicon|Greece|royal}} Tentara Nasional{{br}}didukung oleh :{{br}}{{flagicon|United States}} [[Amerika Serikat]]{{br}}{{flagicon|United Kingdom}} [[Inggris]]|combatant2=[[Berkas:Hammer and sickle.svg|19px]] Tentara Demokrasi Yunani{{br}}
*{{flagicon|Macedonia|1947}} Partisan N.O.F.{{br}}
* {{flagicon|Macedonia|1947}} Partisan N.O.F.{{br}}
didukung oleh :{{br}} {{flagicon|Soviet Union}} [[USSR]]{{br}} {{flagicon|Albania}} [[Albania]]
didukung oleh :{{br}} {{flagicon|Soviet Union}} [[USSR]]{{br}} {{flagicon|Albania}} [[Albania]]
|commander1={{flagicon|Greece|royal}} Alexander Papagos,{{br}}{{flagicon|Greece|royal}} Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos|commander2=[[Berkas:Hammer and sickle.svg|19px]] Markos Vafiadis,{{br}}[[Berkas:Hammer and sickle.svg|19px]] Nikolaos Zachariadis
|commander1={{flagicon|Greece|royal}} Alexander Papagos,{{br}}{{flagicon|Greece|royal}} Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos|commander2=[[Berkas:Hammer and sickle.svg|19px]] Markos Vafiadis,{{br}}[[Berkas:Hammer and sickle.svg|19px]] Nikolaos Zachariadis
Baris 35: Baris 34:

== Lihat pula ==
== Lihat pula ==
*[[Perang saudara]]
* [[Perang saudara]]

== Referensi ==
== Referensi ==
Baris 41: Baris 40:

=== Sumber ===
=== Sumber ===
*Lars Bærentzen, John O. Iatrides, Ole Langwitz Smith, ''Studies in the history of the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949'', 1987
* Lars Bærentzen, John O. Iatrides, Ole Langwitz Smith, ''Studies in the history of the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949'', 1987
*W. Byford-Jones, ''The Greek Trilogy: Resistance-Liberation-Revolution'', London, 1945
* W. Byford-Jones, ''The Greek Trilogy: Resistance-Liberation-Revolution'', London, 1945
*R. Capell, ''Simiomata: A Greek Note Book 1944-45'', London, 1946
* R. Capell, ''Simiomata: A Greek Note Book 1944-45'', London, 1946
*Philip Carabott, Thanasis D. Sfikas, ''The Greek Civil War'', 2004
* Philip Carabott, Thanasis D. Sfikas, ''The Greek Civil War'', 2004
*W. S. Churchill, ''The Second World War''
* W. S. Churchill, ''The Second World War''
*Nigel Clive, ''A Greek experience 1943-1948'', ed. Michael Russell, Wilton Wilts.: Russell, 1985 (ISBN 0-85955-119-9)
* Nigel Clive, ''A Greek experience 1943-1948'', ed. Michael Russell, Wilton Wilts.: Russell, 1985 (ISBN 0-85955-119-9)
*Richard Clogg, ''Greece, 1940-1949: Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: a Documentary History'', New York, 2003 (ISBN 0-333-52369-5)
* Richard Clogg, ''Greece, 1940-1949: Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: a Documentary History'', New York, 2003 (ISBN 0-333-52369-5)
*D. Close (ed.), ''The Greek civil war 1943-1950: Studies of Polarization'', Routledge, 1993
* D. Close (ed.), ''The Greek civil war 1943-1950: Studies of Polarization'', Routledge, 1993
*Dominique Eude, ''Les Kapetanios'' (in French and Greek), Artheme Fayard, 1970
* Dominique Eude, ''Les Kapetanios'' (in French and Greek), Artheme Fayard, 1970
*André Gerolymatos, ''Red Acropolis, Black Terror'', London, 2003
* André Gerolymatos, ''Red Acropolis, Black Terror'', London, 2003
*N.G.L. Hammond ''Venture into Greece: With the Guerillas, 1943-44'', London, 1983 (Like Woodhouse, he was a member of the British Military Mission)
* N.G.L. Hammond ''Venture into Greece: With the Guerillas, 1943-44'', London, 1983 (Like Woodhouse, he was a member of the British Military Mission)
*Cordell Hull, ''The Memoirs of Cordell Hull'', New York 1948
* Cordell Hull, ''The Memoirs of Cordell Hull'', New York 1948
*S.N. Kalyvas, [[The Logic of Violence in Civil War|''The Logic of Violence in Civil War'']], Cambridge, 2006
* S.N. Kalyvas, [[The Logic of Violence in Civil War|''The Logic of Violence in Civil War'']], Cambridge, 2006
*Georgios Karras, ''The Revolution that Failed. The story of the Greek Communist Party in the period 1941-49'' M.A. Thesis, 1985 Dept. of Political Studies University of Manitoba Canada.
* Georgios Karras, ''The Revolution that Failed. The story of the Greek Communist Party in the period 1941-49'' M.A. Thesis, 1985 Dept. of Political Studies University of Manitoba Canada.
*D. G. Kousoulas, ''Revolution and Defeat: The Story of the Greek Communist Party,'' London, 1965
* D. G. Kousoulas, ''Revolution and Defeat: The Story of the Greek Communist Party,'' London, 1965
*Reginald Leeper, ''When Greek Meets Greek: On the War in Greece, 1943-1945'', London, 1950
* Reginald Leeper, ''When Greek Meets Greek: On the War in Greece, 1943-1945'', London, 1950
*M. Mazower (ed.) ''After the War was Over. Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943-1960'' Princeton University Press, 2000 (ISBN 0-691-05842-3)[http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/paper/finneyPatrick.html]
* M. Mazower (ed.) ''After the War was Over. Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943-1960'' Princeton University Press, 2000 (ISBN 0-691-05842-3)[http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/paper/finneyPatrick.html]
*E. C. W. Myers, ''Greek Entanglement'', London, 1955
* E. C. W. Myers, ''Greek Entanglement'', London, 1955
*Amikam Nachmani, ''International intervention in the Greek Civil War'', 1990 (ISBN 0-275-93367-9)
* Amikam Nachmani, ''International intervention in the Greek Civil War'', 1990 (ISBN 0-275-93367-9)
*Elias Petropoulos, ''Corpses, corpses, corpses'' (ISBN 960-211-081-3)
* Elias Petropoulos, ''Corpses, corpses, corpses'' (ISBN 960-211-081-3)
*[[Montague Woodhouse, 5th Baron Terrington|C. M. Woodhouse]], ''Apple of Discord: A Survey of Recent Greek Politics in their International Setting'', London, 1948 (Woodhouse was a member of the British Military Mission to Greece during the war)
* [[Montague Woodhouse, 5th Baron Terrington|C. M. Woodhouse]], ''Apple of Discord: A Survey of Recent Greek Politics in their International Setting'', London, 1948 (Woodhouse was a member of the British Military Mission to Greece during the war)
*C. M. Woodhouse, ''The Struggle for Greece, 1941-1949''
* C. M. Woodhouse, ''The Struggle for Greece, 1941-1949''

== Pranala luar ==
== Pranala luar ==

Revisi per 27 Maret 2010 08.02

Perang Saudara Yunani
Bagian dari the Perang dingin

Peta Yunani.
Tanggal1945 - 1949
Hasil Kemenangan Tentara nasional
Pihak terlibat
Yunani Tentara Nasional
didukung oleh :
Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat
Britania Raya Inggris

Tentara Demokrasi Yunani

  • Makedonia Utara Partisan N.O.F.
didukung oleh :
Uni Soviet USSR
Albania Albania
Tokoh dan pemimpin
Yunani Alexander Papagos,
Yunani Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos
Markos Vafiadis,
Nikolaos Zachariadis
150,000 51,000

Tentara Nasional, dari 16 Agustus 1945 – 22 Desember 1951:[1]
terbunuh: 15,268
terluka: 37,255
hilang: 3,843
865 desertir

Hellenic Gendarmerie, dari 1 Desember 1944 – 27 Desember 1951:[2]
terbunuh: 1,485
terluka: 3,143
hilang: 159.
1,000,000 orang yang dievakuasi selama perang[3]

Perang Saudara Yunani (bahasa Yunani: ο Eμφύλιος [Πόλεμος], "Perang Saudara") (1946-1949) adalah perang antara pasukan pemerintah Yunani, yang didukung oleh Britania Raya, Amerika Serikat, dan Tentara Demokratik Yunani, cabang militer dari Partai Komunis Yunani (KKE).

Ini adalah hasil dari perjuangan yang sangat terpolarisasi antara kaum kiri dan kanan yang mulai dari tahun 1943 dan ditargetkan kekosongan kekuasaan pendudukan Jerman-Italia selama Perang Dunia II.

Salah satu konflik pertama Perang Dingin, menurut beberapa analis ini merupakan contoh pertama pascaperang campur tangan Barat dalam politik internal negara asing, [4] .

Tahapan Perang

Tahap pertama perang sipil terjadi pada 1942-1944, selama Pendudukan. Dengan pemerintah Yunani dalam pengasingan tidak mampu untuk mempengaruhi situasi, berbagai kelompok perlawanan afiliasi politik yang berbeda muncul, salah satunya yang dominan kiri Front Pembebasan Nasional (EAM), dikontrol secara efektif oleh Komunis. Dimulai pada musim gugur 1943, gesekan antara EAM dan kelompok-kelompok perlawanan lain yang tersebar mengakibatkan bentrokan, yang berlanjut sampai musim semi tahun 1944, ketika sebuah kesepakatan dicapai untuk membentuk pemerintah persatuan nasional yang meliputi enam menteri EAM.

Tahap kedua terjadi pada Desember 1944, setelah negeri itu telah dibebaskan. EAM, militer menguasai sebagian besar dari Yunani, menghadapi pemerintah yang didukung Inggris, dan mencoba untuk merebut kendali atas ibukota Athena. Kekalahan pasukan EAM merupakan akhir dari kekuasaan: ELAS dilucuti, dan EAM terus sebagai tindakan politik sebagai organisasi multi-partai. Namun ketegangan tetap tinggi, seperti bentrokan antara kanan dan faksi sayap kiri terus.

Tahap ketiga (1946-1949), pasukan gerilya dikontrol oleh KKE, politik dan memiliki cadangan logistik yang baru didirikan oleh Sosialis utara Serikat (Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria dan Uni Soviet) berperang melawan pemerintah yang diakui secara internasional Yunani yang dibentuk setelah pemilihan yang diboikot oleh KKE. Meskipun kegagalan awal oleh pasukan pemerintah dari 1946 hingga 1948, peningkatan bantuan Amerika, kurangnya jumlah merekrut yang tinggi kepada jajaran DSE dan efek samping dari Tito-Stalin, menyebabkan kekalahan mereka.

Kemenangan akhir-Barat yang didukung pasukan pemerintah menyebabkan keanggotaan Yunani di NATO, dan membantu untuk menentukan keseimbangan kekuasaan ideologis di Laut Aegea sepanjang Perang Dingin. Perang saudara juga meninggalkan Yunani dengan keras pembentukan keamanan anti-Komunis, yang akan mengarah pada pembentukan sebuah rezim militer, dan warisan polarisasi politik yang berlangsung hingga tahun 1980-an.

Lihat pula


  1. ^ Γενικόν Επιτελείον Στρατού, Διεύθυνσις Ηθικής Αγωγής, Η Μάχη του Έθνους, Ελεύθερη Σκέψις, Athens, 1985, pp. 35-36
  2. ^ Γενικόν Επιτελείον Στρατού, p. 36
  3. ^ Γιώργος Μαργαρίτης, Η ιστορία του Ελληνικού εμφυλίου πολέμου ISBN 960-8087-12-0
  4. ^ Chomsky, Noam (1994)). World Orders, Old And New. 


  • Lars Bærentzen, John O. Iatrides, Ole Langwitz Smith, Studies in the history of the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949, 1987
  • W. Byford-Jones, The Greek Trilogy: Resistance-Liberation-Revolution, London, 1945
  • R. Capell, Simiomata: A Greek Note Book 1944-45, London, 1946
  • Philip Carabott, Thanasis D. Sfikas, The Greek Civil War, 2004
  • W. S. Churchill, The Second World War
  • Nigel Clive, A Greek experience 1943-1948, ed. Michael Russell, Wilton Wilts.: Russell, 1985 (ISBN 0-85955-119-9)
  • Richard Clogg, Greece, 1940-1949: Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: a Documentary History, New York, 2003 (ISBN 0-333-52369-5)
  • D. Close (ed.), The Greek civil war 1943-1950: Studies of Polarization, Routledge, 1993
  • Dominique Eude, Les Kapetanios (in French and Greek), Artheme Fayard, 1970
  • André Gerolymatos, Red Acropolis, Black Terror, London, 2003
  • N.G.L. Hammond Venture into Greece: With the Guerillas, 1943-44, London, 1983 (Like Woodhouse, he was a member of the British Military Mission)
  • Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, New York 1948
  • S.N. Kalyvas, The Logic of Violence in Civil War, Cambridge, 2006
  • Georgios Karras, The Revolution that Failed. The story of the Greek Communist Party in the period 1941-49 M.A. Thesis, 1985 Dept. of Political Studies University of Manitoba Canada.
  • D. G. Kousoulas, Revolution and Defeat: The Story of the Greek Communist Party, London, 1965
  • Reginald Leeper, When Greek Meets Greek: On the War in Greece, 1943-1945, London, 1950
  • M. Mazower (ed.) After the War was Over. Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943-1960 Princeton University Press, 2000 (ISBN 0-691-05842-3)[1]
  • E. C. W. Myers, Greek Entanglement, London, 1955
  • Amikam Nachmani, International intervention in the Greek Civil War, 1990 (ISBN 0-275-93367-9)
  • Elias Petropoulos, Corpses, corpses, corpses (ISBN 960-211-081-3)
  • C. M. Woodhouse, Apple of Discord: A Survey of Recent Greek Politics in their International Setting, London, 1948 (Woodhouse was a member of the British Military Mission to Greece during the war)
  • C. M. Woodhouse, The Struggle for Greece, 1941-1949

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