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'''Ali Abdullah Saleh''' ([[bahasa Arab]]: علي عبد الله صالح) (lahir [[21 Maret]] [[1942]]) merupakan [[Presiden Yaman|Presiden]] [[Yaman]] saat ini. Ia tadinya menjabat presiden [[Republik Arab Yaman]] dari [[1978]] sampai [[1990]] dan menjadi presiden negara baru [[Yaman]] pada 1990.
| name =Ali Abdullah Saleh<br>علي عبد الله صالح
| nationality =Yaman
| image =Ali Abdullah Saleh 2004.jpg
| caption =Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh pada 2004.
| order =[[Presiden Yaman|Presiden]] [[Yaman]] Ke-1
| term_start =[[22 Mei]] [[1990]]
| term_end =
| deputy =
| predecessor =[[Omar Kaid]]
| successor =
| birth_date =[[21 Maret]] [[1942]]
| birth_place =
| death_date =
| death_place =
| constituency =
| party =[[Kongres Jenderal Rakyat]]
| spouse =
| profession =
| religion =[[Islam]]
| signature =
| footnotes =

Field Marshal '''Ali Abdullah Saleh''' ([[Bahasa Arab]]: علي عبد الله صالح) (lahir [[21 Maret]] [[1942]]) adalah [[Presiden Yaman|Presiden]] [[Yaman]] saat ini. Semula, ia menjabat [[Presiden Yaman Utara|Presiden]] [[Republik Arab Yaman]] (Yaman Utara) yang ke-6 pada periode [[18 Juli]] [[1978]] hingga [[22 Mei]] [[1990]]. Ia kemudian menjadi presiden negara baru [[Yaman]] pada [[1990]].<ref>{{cite book
{{kotak mulai}}
| last = Dresch
{{kotak suksesi|jabatan=[[Presiden Yaman]]|pendahulu=&mdash;|tahun=1990-|pengganti=masih menjabat}}
| first = Paul
{{kotak selesai}}
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| title = A History of Modern Yemen
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| date = 2000
| location = Cambridge
| pages = 184
| url =
| doi =
| id = ISBN 052179482X }}</ref>

<!--Saleh was Yemen's first directly elected president in [[1999]], winning 96.2% of the vote, but the main opposition socialist party was barred from the election. The only other candidate, [[Najib Qahtan al-Shaabi]], is the son of a former President of [[South Yemen]] and a member of Saleh's [[General People's Congress]] (GPC) party. However, Qahtan ran as an independent.<ref name=REVERSAL>[http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=54151&SelectRegion=Middle_East In eleventh-hour reversal, President Saleh announces candidacy], IRIN News</ref>

On [[February 20]], [[2001]] a referendum was held and passed, extending presidential terms from five to seven years, parliamentary terms from four to six years, and creating a 111-member, presidentially appointed council of advisors with legislative power. This move prompted the [[non-profit organization]] [[Freedom House]] to downgrade their rating of political freedom in Yemen from 5 to 6.<ref name=FH>[http://www.freedomhouse.org/inc/content/pubs/fiw/inc_country_detail.cfm?country=2424&pf Freedom in the World - Yemen (2002)] Freedom House</ref>

Saleh announced in July 2005, during the 27th anniversary celebrations of his term in office as President of Yemen, that he would "not contest the (presidential) elections" in September 2006. He expressed hope that "all political parties - including the opposition and the General People's Congress - find young leaders to compete in the elections because we have to train ourselves in the practice of peaceful succession." <ref name=NOCONTEST>[http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/D53A04F7-58E8-4CE5-BB03-446780BB6E50.htm Yemen leader rules himself out of polls] Al Jazeera</ref> However, in June 2006 Saleh changed his mind and accepted his party's nomination as the presidential candidate of the GPC, saying that when he initially decided not to contest the elections his aim was "to establish ground for a peaceful transfer of power" but that he was now bowing to the "popular pressure and appeals of the Yemeni people." Political analyst Ali Saif Hasan said he had been "sure [President Saleh] would run as a presidential candidate. His announcement in July 2005 – that he wouldn’t run – was exceptional and unusual." Mohammed al-Rubai, head of the opposition supreme council, said the president's decision "shows that the president wasn’t serious in his earlier decision. I wish he hadn’t initially announced that he would step down. There was no need for such farce."<ref name=REVERSAL/>

In [[Yemen presidential election, 2006|the 2006 presidential election]], held on [[September 20]], Saleh won with 77.2% of the vote. His main rival, [[Faisal bin Shamlan]], received 21.8%.<ref>[http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/C1D34DD6-1A72-4FA2-8A59-0428AA2AB14D.htm "Saleh re-elected president of Yemen"], Aljazeera.net, [[September 23]] [[2006]].</ref> Opposition parties disputed the results, accusing the government of fraud, citing that their candidate lost by a wider margin than predicted. The opposition threatened to call for large street protests to dispute the election results. <ref>{{cite news|title=Yemeni Opposition Threatens Protest|publisher=Guardian Unlimited|date=22 September 2006|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6099070,00.html}}</ref> Saleh was sworn in for another term on [[September 27]].<ref>[http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-09/27/content_5146302.htm "Yemeni president takes constitutional oath for his new term"], Xinhua, September 27, 2006.</ref> -->

== Referensi ==
{{Commons|Ali Abdullah Saleh}}
<div class=

== Pranala luar ==
*[http://www.presidentsaleh.gov.ye/en/ President Ali Abdullah Saleh Official Website]

{{start box}}
{{succession box|title=[[Presiden Yaman Utara]]|before=[[Abdul Karim Abdullah al-Arashi]]|after=''Tidak Ada''|years=[[1978]] &ndash; [[1990]]}}
{{succession box|title=[[Presiden Yaman]]|before=''Tidak Ada''|after=''Masih Menjabat''|years=[[1990]] &ndash; Sekarang}}
{{end box}}


Revisi per 22 Oktober 2006 05.00

Ali Abdullah Saleh
علي عبد الله صالح
Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh pada 2004.
Presiden Yaman Ke-1
Mulai menjabat
22 Mei 1990
Omar Kaid
Informasi pribadi
Lahir21 Maret 1942
Partai politikKongres Jenderal Rakyat
Sunting kotak info
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Bantuan penggunaan templat ini

Field Marshal Ali Abdullah Saleh (Bahasa Arab: علي عبد الله صالح) (lahir 21 Maret 1942) adalah Presiden Yaman saat ini. Semula, ia menjabat Presiden Republik Arab Yaman (Yaman Utara) yang ke-6 pada periode 18 Juli 1978 hingga 22 Mei 1990. Ia kemudian menjadi presiden negara baru Yaman pada 1990.[1]


  1. ^ Dresch, Paul (2000). A History of Modern Yemen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. hlm. 184. ISBN 052179482X. 

Pranala luar

Didahului oleh:
Abdul Karim Abdullah al-Arashi
Presiden Yaman Utara
Diteruskan oleh:
Tidak Ada
Didahului oleh:
Tidak Ada
Presiden Yaman
1990 – Sekarang
Diteruskan oleh:
Masih Menjabat