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Baris 65: Baris 65:
e'''d. And cr'''ossing over [unto the land] <br>
e'''d. And cr'''ossing over [unto the land] <br>
they came unto Ge'''nnes'''aret and <br>
they came unto Ge'''nnes'''aret and <br>
drew to the sh'''or'''e. And com- <br>
drew to the '''pantai'''. And com- <br>
ing forth out of the boat immediately <br>
ing forth out of the boat immediately <br>
they recognized him.
they recognized him.

== Argument ==
== Argumen ==

[[Image:Cave7Q.JPG|right|thumb|200px|The 7th Cave at Qumran, where 7Q5 was found.]]
[[Image:Cave7Q.JPG|right|thumb|200px|Gua ke-7 di Qumran, dimana 7Q5 ditemukan.]]

Argumen yang mendukung adalah:
The argument is weighted on two points.
* Spasi sebelum '''και''' <kai> ("dan") menyatakan alinea baru, yang konsisten dengan tatanan Injil Markus di naskah-naskah kuno.
* First, the spacing before the word '''και''' <kai> ("and") signifies a paragraph break, which is consistent with the normative layout of Mark in early copies. Secondly, the combination of letters '''ννησ''' <nnes> found in line 4 is highly characteristic and may point at the word Γε'''ννησ'''αρετ <[[Gennesaret]]>, found three times in the New Testament.
*Kombinasi huruf-huruf '''ννησ''' <nnes> pada baris ke-4 sangat karakteristik untuk Γε'''ννησ'''αρετ <[[Genesaret]]>, yang ditemukan 3 kali dalam Perjanjian Baru
* Furthermore, a computer search "using the most elaborate Greek texts ... has failed to yield any text other than Mark 6:52-53 for the combination of letters identified by O’Callaghan et al. in 7Q5".<ref>Thiede n. 31, pp. 40-41</ref>
*Pencarian menyeluruh dengan komputer pada naskah-naskah Yunani "gagal menemukan teks lain selain Markus 6:52-53 untuk kombinasi huruf-huruf yang diidentifikasi oleh O’Callaghan dan kawan-kawan dalam 7Q5".<ref>Thiede n. 31, pp. 40-41</ref>

Argumen yang menentang adalah:
Several counterarguments exist.
*Spasi sebelum kata '''και''' <kai> ("dan") dapat merupakan alinea baru, tetapi juga ditemukan di antara kata-kata (Pap. Bodmer XXIV, plate 26; dalam Qumran di fragmen 4Q122), jadi mungkin tidak tergantung struktur teks.
* The spacing before the word '''και''' <kai> ("and") might be a paragraph break. But spacings of this width can be found in papyri sometimes even within words (Pap. Bodmer XXIV, plate 26; in Qumran in fragment 4Q122). Other examples in the Qumran texts show that the word '''και''' <kai> ("and") in many cases was separated with spacings - and this has in many cases nothing to do with the text's structure.
* Although the sequence '''ννησ''' is unusual in Greek, the word εγε'''ννησ'''εν <egennesen> ("begot") also contains those four letters. In fact, this conjecture was proposed by the authors of the first edition (''editio princeps'') published in [[1962]]. In such case the fragment might be part of some [[genealogy]].
*Urutan huruf '''ννησ''' memang tidak umum di dalam bahasa Yunani, kata εγε'''ννησ'''εν <egennesen> ("memperanakkan") juga mengandung 4 huruf. Ini yang asalnya diusulkan dalam edisi pertama (''editio princeps'') naskah Laut Mati yang diterbitkan tahun [[1962]], sehingga selama bertahun-tahun dianggap bagian dari silsilah.
*Untuk mengidentifikasi fragmen dengan Markus 6:52-53, huruf asli '''d''' <d> harus diganti dengan '''t''' <t> pada baris ke-3, meskipun ini pernah ditemukan di naskah Yunani lain dimana 2 huruf disalah tempatkan, tetapi ini menghasilkan kata yang tidak diketahui maknanya.<ref name="wallace">{{Cite journal
* In order to identify the fragment with Mark 6:52-53, one must account for the replacement of original '''δ''' <d> with '''τ''' <t> in line 3, and, although such difference is not without parallel in ancient Greek where two similar meaning words might be confused, the suggested reading requires the misspelling of a prepositional prefix to create an unknown word.<ref name="wallace">{{Clarify|date=September 2009}}
*{{Cite journal
Baris 89: Baris 89:
}} quoted at {{cite book
}} dikutip dalam {{cite book
Baris 101: Baris 101:
* As the lines of a column are always more or less of the same length, it must be assumed that the words επι την γην <epi ten gen> ("to the land") were omitted, a variant which is not attested elsewhere.<ref name="wallace"/>
*Karena panjang baris dalam setiap kolom hampir sama panjangnya, maka diduga kata-kata ep? t?? ??? <epi ten gen> ("ke darat") dihilangkan, tapi ini tidak pernah ditemukan.<ref name="wallace"/>
* The identification of the last letter in line 2 with ''nu'' has been strongly disputed because it does not fit into the pattern of this Greek letter as it is clearly written in line 4.<ref>Gundry (1999)</ref>
* The identification of the last letter in line 2 with ''nu'' has been strongly disputed because it does not fit into the pattern of this Greek letter as it is clearly written in line 4.<ref>Gundry (1999)</ref>
*Pencarian komputer Thiede berasumsi bahwa semua identifikasi O'Callaghan benar, tetapi jika huruf "t" dipakai untuk baris ke-3 maka tidak ditemukan Mk 6:52-53.<ref>See Wallace, footnote 18.</ref>
* The computer search performed by Thiede assumed that all the disputed letter identifications made by O'Callaghan were correct. However, a similar search performed by scholar Daniel Wallace, but allowing other possible identifications for the disputed letters, found sixteen matches.<ref name="wallace"/> If a computer search is performed with the undisputed letters of the fragment 7Q5 it will not find the text Mk 6,52-53, because the undisputed letter '''τ''' in line 3 does not fit to this text.<ref>See Wallace, footnote 18.</ref>

== Significance ==
== Signifikan ==
If 7Q5 were identified as {{bibleref|Mark|6:52-53}} and was deposited in the cave at Qumran by 68 AD, it would become the earliest known fragment of the [[New Testament]], predating [[Rylands Library Papyrus P52|P52]] by at least some if not many decades.
Jika 7Q5 benar-benar dari {{Alkitab|Markus 6:52-53}} dan disimpan di gua Qumran sebelum tahun 68 M, maka ini merupakan salah satu naskah Perjanjian Baru tertua, lebih tua dari [[:en:Rylands Library Papyrus P52|Rylands Library Papirus P52]] beberapa puluh tahun.<ref>

Since the amount of text in the manuscript is so small, even a confirmation of 7Q5 as Markan "might mean nothing more than that the contents of these few verses were already formalized, not necessarily that there was a manuscript of Mark's Gospel on hand".<ref>
{{cite book
{{cite book
Baris 121: Baris 119:
|location=Nashville, TN
|location=Nashville, TN
</ref> Since the entirety of the find in Cave 7 consists of fragments in Greek, it is possible that the contents of this cave are of a separate "Hellenized" library than the Hebrew texts found in the other caves. Additionally, as Robert Eisenman points out: "Most scholars agree that the scrolls were deposited in the cave in or around 68 AD, but often mistake this date...for the ''[[terminus ad quem]]'' for the deposit of the scrolls in the caves/cessation of Jewish habitation at the site, when it cannot be considered anything but the ''[[terminus ad quem|terminus a quo]]'' for both of these, i.e., not the latest but the ''earliest'' possible date for such a deposit and/or Jewish abandonment of the site. The actual ''terminus ad quem'' for both of these events, however difficult it may be to accept at first, is 136 AD."(''italics his'')<ref>
{{cite book
|title=The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians
|publisher=Element Books, Inc.
|location=Rockport, MA
}}</ref>. So, for this is long after the currently accepted date range for the composition of [[Gospel of Mark|Mark]], according to Eisenman this would mean the even if it could be proved that 7Q5 is a Mark's fragment, an earlier composition date for the gospel could not be proved. However, Eisenman's objection can be con confuted on paleographical grounds; in fact, the fragment has been analysed and dated paleographically, and the upper limit of its date is 50 AD<ref>
[http://bible.org/article/7q5-earliest-nt-papyrus]. Alan Johnson: "Why all the furor? What is at stake? A number of things: (1) If this identification is correct, it would be the earliest NT MS by some 50-100 years;8 (2) on paleographical grounds, since the upper limit of its date is 50 CE, this would put Mark in the 40’s at the latest"
==Lihat pula==
==Lihat pula==
*[[Naskah Laut Mati]]
*[[Naskah Laut Mati]]


Revisi per 7 November 2011 20.53

Keseluruhan fragmen 5 dari Gua 7 Komunitas Qumran

7Q5 adalah kode untuk sepotong fragmen papirus di antara Naskah Laut Mati yang ditemukan di gua ke-7 komunitas Qumran. Menurut Romo Jose O´Callaghan dalam karyanya ¿Papiros neotestamentarios en la cueva 7 de Qumrân? ("Papirus Perjanjian Baru di gua 7, Qumran?") tahun 1972 merupakan potongan dari Markus 6:52–53. Karyanya kemudian dikembangkan oleh pakar Jerman, Carsten Peter Thiede dalam karyanya The Earliest Gospel Manuscript? ("Naskah Injil Tertua?") tahun 1982. Mayoritas pakar tidak yakin akan pendapat O'Callaghan dan Thiede.[1][2][3][4]

Identifikasi O'Callaghan

Teks bahasa Yunani dari Markus 6:52–53, dengan huruf tebal menunjukkan yang bisa dibaca dari fragmen 7Q5:[5]

ου γαρ
συνηκαν επι τοις αρτοις,
αλλ ην αυτων η καρδια πεπωρω-
μενη. και διαπερασαντες [επι την γην]
ηλθον εις γεννησαρετ και
προσωρμισθησαν. και εξελ-
θοντων αυτων εκ του πλοιου ευθυς
επιγνοντες αυτον. }} dikutip dalam Cox, Stephen L. (2007). Harmony of the Gospels. Broadman & Holman. hlm. 252. ISBN 0-8054-9444-8.  </ref>

  • Karena panjang baris dalam setiap kolom hampir sama panjangnya, maka diduga kata-kata ep? t?? ??? <epi ten gen> ("ke darat") dihilangkan, tapi ini tidak pernah ditemukan.[6]
  • The identification of the last letter in line 2 with nu has been strongly disputed because it does not fit into the pattern of this Greek letter as it is clearly written in line 4.[7]
  • Pencarian komputer Thiede berasumsi bahwa semua identifikasi O'Callaghan benar, tetapi jika huruf "t" dipakai untuk baris ke-3 maka tidak ditemukan Mk 6:52-53.[8]


Jika 7Q5 benar-benar dari Markus 6:52–53 dan disimpan di gua Qumran sebelum tahun 68 M, maka ini merupakan salah satu naskah Perjanjian Baru tertua, lebih tua dari Rylands Library Papirus P52 beberapa puluh tahun.[9]

Lihat pula


  1. ^ Millard, A. R. (2000). Reading and Writing in the Time of Jesus. NYU Press. hlm. 56. ISBN 0-8147-5637-9. C.P. Thiede drew on papyrology, statistics and forensic microscopy to try to prove O'Callaghan's case, yet without convincing the majority of leading specialists. 
  2. ^ McCready, Wayne O. (1997). "The Historical Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls". Dalam Arnal, William E.; Desjardins, Michael. Whose Historical Jesus?. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. hlm. 193. ISBN 0-88920-295-8. . "Secara umum, tesis O'Callaghan disambut dengan skeptik karena fragmen ini kecil dan hampir tak terbaca, dan sulit dicocokkan dengan versi Injil Markus yang ada."
  3. ^ "... Qumran ms. 7Q5 ... is captioned as if it contains a fragment of Mark: it was of course O’Callaghan who made that controversial — and now virtually universally rejected - identication of this Dead Sea text as a piece of the New Testament ..." Elliot (2004), JK, Book Notes, Novum Testamentum, Volume 45, Number 2, 2003 , pp. 203.
  4. ^ Gundry(1999), p.698
  5. ^ VanderKam, James (2004). The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls : Their Significance for Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity (edisi ke-First HarperCollins paperback). New York: HarperCollins. hlm. 315. ISBN 0-06-068465-8. 
  6. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama wallace
  7. ^ Gundry (1999)
  8. ^ See Wallace, footnote 18.
  9. ^ Picirilli, Robert E. (2003). The Gospel of Mark (edisi ke-first). Nashville, TN: Randall House Publications. hlm. 11. ISBN 0-89265-500-3. 
  • Gundry, Robert H. (1999). "No NU in Line 2 of 7Q5: A Final Disidentification of 7Q5 With Mark 6:52-53". Journal of Biblical Literature. The Society of Biblical Literature. 118 (4): 698–707. doi:10.2307/3268112. JSTOR 3268112. 
  • Thiede, Carsten Peter (1992). The Earliest Gospel Manuscript?: the Qumran Papyrus 7Q5 and its Significance for New Testament Studies. Exeter: Paternoster Press. ISBN 0-85364-507-8. 

Pustaka tambahan

  • Enste(2000), Stefan: Kein Markustext in Qumran. Eine Untersuchung der These: Qumran-Fragment 7Q5 = Mk 6,52-53, Freiburg/Göttingen 2000 (NTOA 45).
  • Estrada, David and White, Jr., William: The First New Testament, Nashville/Thomas Nelson Inc. 1978, ISBN 0-8407-5121-4.

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