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Templat:Country data Persemakmuran Negara-negara Merdeka: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 18: Baris 18:
[[af:Sjabloon:Landdata Gemenebes van Onafhanklike State]]
[[ar:قالب:معطيات اتحاد الدول المستقلة]]
[[arz:قالب:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[as:সাঁচ:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[bg:Шаблон:Данни страна ОНД]]
[[bn:টেমপ্লেট:Country data স্বাধীন রাষ্ট্রের কমনওয়েলথ]]
[[ckb:داڕێژە:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[da:Skabelon:Lande data SNG]]
[[en:Template:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[en:Template:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[hu:Sablon:Country data Független Államok Közössége]]
[[ja:Template:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[ka:თარგი:ქვეყნის მონაცემები დამოუკიდებელ სახელმწიფოთა თანამეგობრობა]]
[[map-bms:Cithakan:Country data Persemakmuran Negara-negara Merdeka]]
[[ml:ഫലകം:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[mn:Загвар:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[mr:साचा:देश माहिती स्वतंत्र राज्यांचे कॉमनवेल्थ]]
[[ms:Templat:Country data Komanwel Negara-negara Merdeka]]
[[mt:Mudell:Dati pajjiż Komunità tal-Istati Indipendenti]]
[[ne:ढाँचा:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[new:Template:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[nn:Mal:Landdata Samveldet av sjølvstendige statar]]
[[pt:Predefinição:Country data Comunidade dos Estados Independentes]]
[[ro:Format:Country data Comunitatea Statelor Independente]]
[[sa:फलकम्:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[sl:Predloga:Podatki države Skupnost neodvisnih držav]]
[[sl:Predloga:Podatki države Skupnost neodvisnih držav]]
[[sr:Шаблон:Подаци о застави Заједница независних земаља]]
[[su:Citakan:Country data CIS]]
[[sv:Mall:Landsdata Oberoende staters samvälde]]
[[sw:Kigezo:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[ta:வார்ப்புரு:நாட்டுத் தகவல் Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[th:แม่แบบ:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[tl:Suleras:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[tr:Şablon:Ülke veri Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu]]
[[ur:سانچہ:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[vi:Bản mẫu:Country data CIS]]
[[war:Batakan:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[yo:Àdàkọ:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]
[[zh:Template:Country data Commonwealth of Independent States]]

Revisi per 14 Juni 2012 13.54