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* ''[[The Seven Lady Godivas]]'', buku awal [[Dr. Seuss]]
* ''[[The Seven Lady Godivas]]'', buku awal [[Dr. Seuss]]
* [[Ketelanjangan dan protes]]
* [[Ketelanjangan dan protes]]
Lady Godiva was the wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia. They had one proved son Aelfgar, Earl of Mercia.
Lady Godiva adalah istri Leofric, Earl of Mercia. Mereka mempunyai satu anak Aelfgar, Earl of Mercia.

Lady Godiva's name occurs in charters and the Domesday survey, though the spelling varies. The Old English name Godgifu or Godgyfu meant "gift of God"; Godiva was the Latinised version. Since the name was a popular one, there are contemporaries of the same name
Nama Lady Godiva yang terjadi pada charter dan survei Domesday, meskipun ejaan bervariasi. Nama Inggris Lama Godgifu atau Godgyfu berarti "pemberian Allah"; Godiva adalah versi Latinised. Karena nama itu salah satu yang populer, ada sezaman dengan nama yang sama.

If she were the same Godiva who appears in the history of Ely Abbey, the Liber Eliensis, written at the end of the 12th century, then she was a widow when Leofric married her. Both Leofric and Godiva were generous benefactors to religious houses. In 1043 Leofric founded and endowed a Benedictine monastery at Coventry on the site of a nunnery destroyed by the Danes in 1016. Writing in the 12th century, Roger of Wendover credits Godiva as the persuasive force behind this act. In the 1050s, her name is coupled with that of her husband on a grant of land to the monastery of St Mary, Worcester and the endowment of the minster at Stow St Mary, Lincolnshire. She and her husband are commemorated as benefactors of other monasteries at Leominster, Chester, Much Wenlock and Evesham. She gave Coventry a number of works in precious metal made for the purpose by the famous goldsmith Mannig, and bequeathed a necklace valued at 100 marks of silver. Another necklace went to Evesham, to be hung around the figure of the Virgin accompanying the life-size gold and silver rood she and her husband gave, and St Paul's Cathedral, London received a gold-fringed chasuble. She and her husband were among the most munificent of the several large Anglo-Saxon donors of the last decades before the Conquest; the early Norman bishops made short work of their gifts, carrying them off to Normandy or melting them down for bullion.
Jika dia adalah Godiva yang sama yang muncul dalam sejarah Ely Abbey, Eliensis Liber, yang ditulis pada akhir abad ke-12, maka dia adalah seorang janda ketika Leofric menikahinya. Kedua Leofric dan Godiva adalah dermawan yang murah hati untuk rumah agama. Pada 1043 Leofric didirikan dan dikaruniai sebuah biara Benediktin di Coventry di situs biara dihancurkan oleh Denmark di 1016. Menulis di abad ke-12, Roger dari Wendover kredit Godiva sebagai kekuatan persuasif balik tindakan ini. Di 1050s, nama nya digabungkan dengan suaminya pada hibah tanah ke biara St Mary, Worcester dan endowmen dari gereja biara di Stow St Mary, Lincolnshire. Dia dan suaminya diperingati sebagai dermawan dari biara-biara lain di Leominster, Chester, Much Wenlock dan Evesham. Dia memberi Coventry sejumlah karya di logam mulia dibuat untuk tujuan tersebut oleh Mannig tukang emas terkenal, dan diwariskan kalung senilai 100 tanda perak . kalung lain pergi ke Evesham, untuk digantung di sekitar sosok Perawan menyertai emas seukuran dan perak potongan tanah ia dan suaminya memberi, Katedral St Paul, London menerima kasula emas berpohon. Dia dan suaminya adalah yang paling murah hati dari beberapa besar Anglo-Saxon donor dari dekade terakhir sebelum penaklukan; Norman awal uskup membuat karya pendek hadiah mereka, membawa mereka ke Normandia atau mencair mereka turun untuk bullion.

The manor of Woolhope in Herefordshire, along with four others, was given to the cathedral at Hereford before the Norman Conquest by the benefactresses Wulviva and Godiva – usually held to be this Godiva and her sister. The church there has a 20th-century stained glass window representing them.
Para bangsawan dari Woolhope di Herefordshire, bersama empat orang lainnya, diberikan kepada katedral di Hereford sebelum Penaklukan Norman oleh Wulviva benefactresses dan Godiva - biasanya dianggap ini Godiva dan adiknya. Gereja ada memiliki jendela abad ke-20 kaca patri mewakili mereka.

Her mark, di Ego Godiva Comitissa diu istud desideravi , The Countess Godiva, have desired this for a long time], appears on a charter purportedly given by Thorold of Bucknall to the Benedictine monastery of Spalding. However, this charter is considered spurious by many historians. Even so it is possible that Thorold, who appears in the Domesday Book as sheriff of Lincolnshire, was her brother.
Tanda-Nya, di Ego Godiva Comitissa Diu istud desideravi , The Countess Godiva, telah diinginkan ini untuk waktu yang lama], muncul di sebuah piagam konon diberikan oleh Thorold dari Bucknall ke biara Benediktin dari Spalding. Namun, piagam ini dianggap palsu oleh banyak sejarawan. Meskipun demikian ada kemungkinan bahwa Thorold, yang muncul dalam Kitab Domesday sebagai sheriff Lincolnshire, adalah adiknya.

After Leofric's death in 1057, his widow lived on until sometime between the Norman Conquest of 1066 and 1086. She is mentioned in the Domesday survey as one of the few Anglo-Saxons and the only woman to remain a major landholder shortly after the conquest. By the time of this great survey in 1086, Godiva had died, but her former lands are listed, although now held by others.Thus, Godiva apparently died between 1066 and 1086.
Setelah kematian Leofric di 1057, jandanya hidup sampai kira antara Penaklukan Norman dari 1066 dan 1086. Dia disebutkan dalam survei Domesday sebagai salah satu Anglo-Saxon sedikit dan satu-satunya wanita untuk tetap menjadi pemilik lahan besar tak lama setelah penaklukan. Pada saat survei ini besar di 1086, Godiva telah meninggal, tetapi tanah mantan terdaftar, meskipun sekarang dipegang oleh orang lain. Dengan demikian, Godiva tampaknya meninggal antara 1066 dan 1086.

The place where Godiva was buried has been a matter of debate. According to the Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham, or Evesham Chronicle, she was buried at the Church of the Blessed Trinity at Evesham, which is no longer standing. According to the account in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, "There is no reason to doubt that she was buried with her husband at Coventry, despite the assertion of the Evesham chronicle that she lay in Holy Trinity, Evesham."
Tempat di mana Godiva dikuburkan telah menjadi bahan perdebatan. Menurut Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham, atau Evesham Chronicle, ia dimakamkan di Gereja Tritunggal Mahakudus di Evesham, yang tidak lagi berdiri. Menurut uraian dalam Kamus Oxford Biografi Nasional, "Tidak ada alasan untuk meragukan bahwa ia dimakamkan bersama suaminya di Coventry, walaupun pernyataan dari babad Evesham bahwa ia berbaring di Holy Trinity, Evesham."

Dugdale (1656) says that a window with representations of Leofric and Godiva was placed in Trinity Church, Coventry, about the time of Richard II.
Dugdale (1656) mengatakan bahwa jendela dengan representasi Leofric dan Godiva ditempatkan di Trinity Church, Coventry, tentang waktu Richard II.

== Catatan ==
== Catatan ==

Revisi per 24 Juli 2012 15.49

Lady Godiva karya John Maler Collier, sekitar tahun 1897

Lady Godiva (bahasa Inggris Kuno: Godgifu; ± 9971067)[1][2] ialah seorang bangsawati Anglo-Sakson. Terdapat legenda yang mengatakan bahwa ia berkuda sambil telanjang bulat melalui jalanan di Coventry, Inggris. Ia melakukan hal demikian agar suaminya Leofric dari Mercia menurunkan pajak terhadap kawulanya. Nama "Peeping Tom" untuk seorang pengintip ditambahkan kemudian. Dalam versi itu, seorang lelaki bernama Tom mencuri pandang saat ia berkuda lalu langsung buta dan mati.

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  1. ^ Roy Palmer (1976) The Folklore of Warwickshire: 134
  2. ^ "The Historical Godiva", Octavia Randolph

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