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{{about|bagian pembacaan di seluruh [[Tanakh]]|bacaan mingguan (Parashat HaShavua)|Bacaan Taurat Mingguan}}
<!--{{About|pembagian Taurat untuk pembacaan mingguan|bagian Taurat minggu ini|:Portal:Judaism/Weekly Torah portion box{{!}}Torah portion}}-->
[[File:Aleppo Codex (Deut).jpg|thumb|right||300px|Sebuah halaman dari [[Kodeks Aleppo]] yang memuat Ulangan 32:50-33:29. Pemisahan ''parsyah'' pada halaman ini adalah: {P} 33:1-6 (kolom kanan, baris kosong, baris ke-8 dari atas) {S} 33:7 (kolom kanan, baris berindentasi, baris ke-23) {P} 33:8-11 (kolom kanan, baris kosong, baris ke-2 dari bawah) {S} 33:12 (kolom tengah, indentasi pertama) {S} 33:13-17 (kolom tengah, indentasi kedua) {S} 33:18-19 (kolom kiri, indentasi paling atas) {S} 33:20-21 (kolom kiri, spasi di tengah baris ke-6) {S} 33:22 (kolom kiri, baris ke-13 yang berindentasi) {S} 33:24-39 (kolom kiri, baris ke-17 yang berindentasi).]]
[[File:YanovTorah.JPG|thumb|right|Gulungan [[Taurat]] dan penunjuk perak (''[[yad]]'') yang digunakan untuk membaca.]]
'''''Parsyah''''' (''parashah''; [[bahasa Ibrani]]: פָּרָשָׁה ''Pārāšâ'' "bagian," jamak: ''parashot'' atau ''parashiyot'') secara resmi diartikan sebagai bagian dari suatu kitab dalam [[Alkitab Ibrani]] ([[Tanakh]]) versi [[Teks Masoret]].<ref>In common usage today the word often refers to the [[Weekly Torah portion]] (a shortened form of ''Parashat HaShavua''). This article deals with the first, formal meaning of the word.</ref> Dalam Teks Masoret tersebut, bagian-bagian ''parsyah'' diberi tanda dengan berbagai jenis spasi di antaranya, sebagaimana didapati pada [[gulungan Taurat]], gulungan kitab-kitab [[Nevi'im]] atau [[Ketuvim]] (khususnya [[:en:five megillot|megillot]]), kodeks-kodeks masoretik dari [[Abad Pertengahan]] serta edisi cetak teks Masoret.
'''Bacaan Taurat Mingguan''' atau '''Parsyah'''({{lang-he|פָּרָשַׁת הַשָּׁבוּעַ Parashat ha-Shavua}}, secara populer hanya disebut ''parashah'' atau ''parshah'' atau ''parsha'' dan juga dikenal sebagai''Sidra'' atau ''Sedra'') adalah suatu bagian dari kumpulan kitab [[Taurat]] (atau ''[[Torah]]'') pada [[Alkitab Ibrani]] (atau [[Perjanjian Lama]] di [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]]) yang dibacakan dalam ibadah doa Yahudi, terutama pada hari [[Sabat]] ([[Sabtu]]) atau dalam ibadah pagi hari [[Senin]] dan [[Kamis]], bagian dari ''Shnayim mikra ve-echad targum'' (praktik mingguan yang lebih luas). Dalam [[Yudaisme]], [[Taurat]] [[pembacaan Taurat|dibacakan di depan umum]] selama setahun, dengan satu bagian utama dibacakan setiap minggu dalam ibadah pagi hari [[Sabat]], kecuali bila ada hari raya yang jatuh pada hari Sabat (Sabtu). Taurat secara tradisional dibagi atas 54 ''parshiyot'' atau ''parshas'' (bentuk jamak dari "parsyah").

Pembagian teks ke dalam ''parashot'' pada kitab-kitab dalam [[Alkitab Ibrani]] (yaitu bagian [[Perjanjian Lama]] di [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]]) ini tidak bergantung [[Pasal dan ayat dalam Alkitab|pembagian asal dan ayat dalam Alkitab keseluruhan]], yang bukan bagian dari tradisi masoretik. ''Parashot'' tidak diberi nomor, melainkan diberi nama-nama khusus.
Setiap bagian Taurat mingguan mengambil namanya dari salah satu kata (atau perkataan) unik/''incipit'' dalam naskah [[bahasa Ibrani]] tersebut. Diyakini dimulai dari masa [[pembuangan ke Babel]] (abad ke-6 SM) pembacaan Taurat di depan umum biasanya mengikuti siklus tahunan yang dimulai dan diakhiri pada [[hari raya Yahudi]] [[Simkhat Torah]], dengan pembagian Taurat atas 54 bagian mingguan sesuai dengan sistem ''lunisolar'' yang digunakan oleh [[kalender Ibrani]], yang dapat mencapai 55 minggu (perbedaan pada tahun biasa dan kabisat).<ref> Satu minggu selalu untuk perayaan [[Paskah Yahudi|Paskah]], satu minggu lain selalu untuk [[Sukkot]], sedangkan parsyah terakhir, ''V'Zot HaBerakah'', selalu dibacakan pada hari raya [[Simkhat Torah]]. Jadi, pada praktiknya tersedia 53 minggu untuk 53 bagian bacaan. Dalam tahun-tahun biasa yang kurang dari 53 minggu, beberapa bacaan digabungkan supaya memenuhi pembacaan setahun.</ref>
The division of ''parashot'' found in the modern-day Torah scrolls of all Jewish communities is based upon the systematic list provided by [[Maimonides]] in [[Mishneh Torah]], ''Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls'', chapter 8. Maimonides based his division of the ''parashot'' for the Torah on the [[Aleppo Codex]].<ref>Though initially doubted by [[Umberto Cassuto]], this has become the established position in modern scholarship. As Goshen-Gottstein, Penkower, and Ofer have shown, Cassuto's doubts were based upon apparent discrepancies he noted between the ''parashah'' divisions in the Aleppo Codex and those recorded by Maimonides. However, the most striking of these apparent discrepancies are rooted in the faulty manuscripts and printed editions of Maimonides that Cassuto consulted (as noted in his personal journals), while the remaining cases can be reasonably explained as differing interpretations of very small spaces in the Aleppo Codex. Furthermore, the best manuscripts of Maimonides describe highly unusual implementations of spacing techniques that are found in no other masoretic manuscript besides the Aleppo Codex. Full explanations of each individual discrepancy appear in the notes to this article.</ref> The division of ''parashot'' for the books of [[Nevi'im]] and [[Ketuvim]] was never completely standardized in printed Hebrew bibles and handwritten scrolls, though important attempts were made to document it and create fixed rules.

Incorrect division of the text into ''parashot'', either by indicating a ''parashah'' in the wrong place or by using the wrong spacing technique, [[halakhah|halakhically]] invalidates a [[Torah scroll]] according to Maimonides.<ref>For more details see the section on [[#Halakhic significance|Halakhic significance]] below.</ref>
Ada pula siklus pembacaan tiga-tahunan (''triennial cycle'') kuno di beberapa bagian dunia. Pada abad-abad ke-19 dan ke-20, banyak kongregasi Yudaisme Reform dan Konservatif menerapkan alternatif siklus tiga-tahunan, yaitu hanya sepertiga parsyah dibacakan dalam suatu tahun; urutan pembacaan ''parasyot'' masih konsisten dengan siklus tahunan, tetapi pembacaan seluruh Taurat diselesaikan dalam tiga tahun.

== Purpose ==
Mengingat terdapat perbedaan lamanya perayaan hari raya di [[Israel]] dan [[Diaspora]], bagian yang dibacakan pada suatu minggu tertentu kadangkala berbeda di dalam dengan di luar Israel.

A ''parashah'' break creates a textual pause, roughly analogous to a modern [[paragraph]] break.<ref>For a general description of the section divisions and their purpose, see Emanuel Tov, ''Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible'', 2nd revised edition (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001), pp. 50-51.</ref> Such a pause usually has one of the following purposes:
== Pembagian atas ''parashot'' mingguan ==
#In most cases, a new ''parashah'' begins where a new topic or a new thought is clearly indicated in the biblical text.
Pembagian ''parashot'' ditemukan dalam semua gulungan Taurat dalam zaman modern dalam komunitas [[Ashkenazi]], [[Sefardim]], dan [[Yahudi Yemen]] communities berdasarkan daftar sistematis yang disusun oleh [[Maimonides]] dalam ''[[Mishneh Torah]]'', ''[http://www.mechon-mamre.org/i/2300n.htm Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls]'', [http://www.mechon-mamre.org/i/2308n.htm Chapter 8]. Maimonides mendasarkan pembagian ''parashot'' Taurat ini pada [[teks Masoret]] yang termuat dalam [[Aleppo Codex]].<ref>Meskipun awalnya diragukan oleh [[Umberto Cassuto]], hal ini sudah menjadi posisi yang diterima dalam dunia modern. (Lihat [[Aleppo Codex]] untuk informasi lebih lanjut.)</ref>
#In many places, however, the ''parashah'' divisions are used even in places where it is clear that no new topic begins, in order to highlight a special verse by creating a textual pause before it or after it (or both).
#A special example of #2 is for lists: The individual elements in many biblical lists are separated by ''parashah'' spacing of one type or another.<ref>This phenomena often borders on "song" format. The various types and degrees of "song" format as a sophisticated expansion of the ''parashah'' spaces in the Tiberian masoretic manuscripts has been analyzed at length by [[Mordechai Breuer]] in ''The Aleppo Codex and the Accepted Text of the Bible'' (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1976), pp. 149-165 (Hebrew).</ref>

To decide exactly where a new topic or thought begins within a biblical text involves a degree of subjectivity on the part of the reader. This subjective element may help explain differences amongst the various masoretic codices in some details of the section divisions (though their degree of conformity is high). It may also explain why certain verses which might seem like introductions to a new topic lack a section division, or why such divisions sometimes appear in places where no new topic seems indicated. For this reason, the ''parashah'' divisions may at times contribute to biblical [[exegesis]].<ref>Tov, p. 51: "The subdivision into open and closed sections reflects exegesis on the extent of the content units... It is possible that the subjectivity of this exegesis created the extant differences between the various sources. What in one Masoretic manuscript is indicated as an open section may appear in another as a closed section, while the indication of a section may be altogether absent in yet a third source. Nevertheless, a certain uniformity is visible in the witnesses of M."</ref>
== Tabel pembacaan mingguan ==
Dalam tabel di bawah ini, bagian yang dapat digabungkan dengan bagian berikutnya, sebagai kompensasi perubahan jumlah minggu dalam [[kalender Ibrani]] yang menggunakan sistem lunisolar, ditandai dengan tanda bintang.

== History ==

''Parashot'' appear in manuscripts as early as the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]], in which the division is generally similar to that found in the masoretic text.<ref>"The division of the text in the Qumran scrolls into content units reflects in general terms the system of ''parashiyyot'' that was later accepted in M: a space in the middle of the line to denote a minor subdivision and a space extending from the last word in the line to the end of the line, to denote a major subdivision..." (Tov, p. 210). "Although the medieval manuscripts continue the tradition of the proto-Masoretic texts from Qumran in general, they often differ with regard to the indication of individual section breaks..." (ibid., p. 50). Data on the manuscript evidence for ''parashot'' beginning with the Dead Sea Scrolls is collated in the ''[[Hebrew University Bible Project]]''.</ref> The idea of spacing between portions, including the idea of "open" and "closed" portions, is mentioned in early midrashic literature<ref>''Dibbura de-Nedava'' (introduction to ''Sifrei'' on Leviticus).</ref> and the Talmud. Early masoretic lists detailing the Babylonian tradition include systematic and detailed discussion of exactly where portions begin and which type they are.

As a group, Tiberian masoretic codices share similar but not identical ''parashah'' divisions throughout the Bible. Unlike the Babylonian ''[[Masoretic Text|mesorah]]'', however, Tiberian masoretic notes never mention the ''parashah'' divisions or attempt to systematize them. This is related to the fact that the Babylonian lists are independent compositions, while the Tiberian notes are in the margins of the biblical text itself, which shows the ''parashot'' in a highly visible way.

In the centuries following the Tiberian ''mesorah'', there were ever-increasing efforts to document and standardize the details of the ''parashah'' divisions, especially for the Torah, and even for [[Nevi'im]] and [[Ketuvim]] as time went on.

== Spacing techniques ==

[[File:Sefer-torah-vayehi-binsoa.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Illustration of a closed section followed by an open section in a modern Torah scroll (closed at Numbers 10:35 and open at 11:1). Note the rare occurrence of "[[Masoretic Text#Inverted letters|inverted Nun]]" at these two points.]]
In most modern Torah scrolls and Jewish editions of the Bible, there are two types of ''parashot'', an "open portion" (''parashah petuhah'') and a "closed portion" (''parashah setumah''). An "open portion" is roughly similar to a modern paragraph: The text of the previous portion ends before the end of the column (leaving a space at the end of the line), and the new "open" portion starts at the beginning of the next line (but with no indentation). A "closed portion", on the other hand, leaves a space in the ''middle'' of the line of text, where the previous portion ends before the space, and the next portion starts after it, towards the end of the line of text.

In some manuscripts and in many printed editions, an "open portion" (''petuhah'') is abbreviated with the Hebrew letter "פ" (''peh''), and a "closed portion" (''setumah'') with the Hebrew letter "ס" (''samekh''), often in place of the visual gap in the line.<ref>The abbreviations are most often used in Hebrew editions of the Bible with commentaries, and in older one-volume editions of the Tanakh published through the first half of the 20th century. Though most current Jewish editions use the actual spacing techniques instead of the abbreviations, they are still used some in one-volume editions, most prominently in [[Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia]].</ref> Rough English equivalents are "P" and "S" respectively.<ref>As implemented [http://mechon-mamre.org/e/et/et0.htm here].</ref>

In masoretic codices and in medieval scrolls, these two spacing techniques allowed for a larger range of options:
* An "open portion" ''always started at the beginning of a new line''. This could happen the way described above, but also by leaving a ''blank line'' between the two portions, thus allowing the previous portion to sometimes entirely fill its last line of text.
* A "closed portion" ''never began at the beginning of a line''. This could happen as in modern scrolls (a space in the middle of a line), but also by the previous portion ending before the end of the line, and the new portion beginning on the next line after an indentation.

Open portions often seem to reflect the beginning of a new topic or a major subdivision within a biblical book, while closed portions seem to reflect smaller units or minor subdivisions.<ref>Tov, pp. 50-51, 210-211. However, no comprehensive and systematic study of the matter has even been done.</ref>

Most printed Hebrew bibles today represent the ''parashot'' using the more limited techniques found in typical modern Torah scrolls: A space in the middle of a line for a closed portion, and beginning at the start of the next line for an open portion (not a blank line). A notable exception is ''The Jerusalem Crown'' (The Bible of the [[Hebrew University]] of Jerusalem, 2000), whose typography and layout is fashioned after the Aleppo codex, and follows the medieval spacing techniques for ''parashah'' divisions by leaving an empty line for {P} and starts {S} on a new line with an indentation.

Medieval Ashkenazic sources beginning with the [[Mahzor Vitry]] also refer to a third spacing technique called a ''parashah sedurah''. This involved starting a new ''parashah'' at the same point in the line where the previous ''parashah'' ended on the line above.

== Halakhic significance ==

=== Validity of scrolls ===
According to the ruling of Maimonides (''Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls'' 10:1), any error regarding a ''parashah'' completely invalidates a Torah scroll. This includes a ''parashah'' in the wrong place, of the wrong type, or a missing ''parashah''.

However, there is also a responsum by Maimonides<ref>Blau, responsum #294; also appears in ''Shu"t HaRambam Pe'er HaDor'' #9, and is thus cited by Rabbi [[Ovadiah Yosef]] in ''Yehaveh Da'at'' VI:56.</ref> in which he ruled that one may recite a blessing over reading from an invalid scroll, based on the reasoning that the commandment is in the reading itself, not in the text being read from.

Maimonides' strict ruling that any error in the ''parashot'' completely invalidates a Torah scroll led to a major [[halakhah|halakhic]] debate that continues to this day.<ref>An English-language survey of the halakhic sources that deal with discrepancies in the transmission of details in the masoretic text of the Torah, regarding both its spelling (letter-text) and its ''parashah'' divisions, may be found in Barry Levy's ''Fixing God's Torah: The Accuracy of the Hebrew Bible text in Jewish Law'' (Oxford University Press, 2001). Levy discusses most of the sources listed here and translates some of them.</ref> Among those who ruled against Maimonides' stricture in practice were his son, [[Avraham son of Rambam|Rabbi Abraham]],<ref>Responsum #91.</ref> Rabbi [[Menachem Meiri|Menachem HaMeiri]],<ref>Commentary ''Beit HaBehira'' to Kiddushin 30a and in the introduction to his ''Kiryat Sefer'' on the laws of writing Torah scrolls.</ref> Maharam Halava,<ref>Responsum #145. Maharam was a student of [[Shlomo ben Aderet|Rashba]] in thirteenth century Spain.</ref> Mahari Mintz,<ref>Responsum #8. Rabbi Judah Mintz flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.</ref> and Rabbi [[Ovadia Yosef]].<ref>''Yehaveh Da'at'' VI:56. Basing himself on previous authorities who disputed Maimonides ruling entirely, in addition to Maimonides' own ruling that a blessing may be recited upon reading from an invalid Torah Scroll, Rabbi Yosef permits [[Ashkenazi Jews|Ashkenazic]] and [[Sephardi Jews|Sephardic Jews]] to recite a blessing upon reading from a [[Yemenite Jews|Yemenite]] Torah Scroll. Yemenite scrolls differ from both Ashkenazic and Sephardic scrolls for exactly one ''parashah'' division: an open section at Leviticus 7:22 (Yemen) instead of at 7:28 (Ashkenaz and Sepharad). Yemenite scrolls also differ regarding certain spellings (exactly 9 letters), while Ashkenazic and Sephardic scrolls are identical in all of these details.</ref>

All of the above authorities rule that a scroll containing ''parashot'' based on alternative scribal traditions that disagree with Maimonides' list of ''parashot'' (''Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls'', chapter 8) is nevertheless a valid scroll. However, even according to the lenient opinion, a blatant error with no source in any scribal tradition invalidates a Torah scroll.

=== Rules and customs for public reading ===
{{See also|Torah reading}}
One basic halakhic rule for public reading of the Torah is that no fewer than three verses at a time be read. As a corollary to this, there is a specific rule regarding ''parashot'': One may not leave off reading less than three verses before the end of a ''parashah'', nor may one end off reading by starting a new ''parashah'' but leaving off less than three verses from its beginning.<ref>The talmudic source for this is''Megillah'' 22a. In later halakhic literature, these rules are discussed in ''[[Orah Hayyim]]'' 138.</ref>

When a Torah portion is read in public from a [[Torah scroll|scroll]] as part of the synagogue service, it is divided into smaller sections among several people (for instance, 3 short sections on weekdays or 7 on the Sabbath). The points at which the portion is subdivided often take the ''parashot'' into account, but there is no hard and fast rule for this.

The selections from [[Nevi'im]] that are read as ''[[haftarot]]'' are based on custom. At times, some of these customs choose the exact beginning or end of a ''[[haftarah]]'' because it coincides with a ''parashah'' division.

== Torah ==
Due to the influence of [[Maimonides]], ''parashah'' divisions in the Torah have become highly standardized, and there is close to exact agreement among Torah scrolls, printed Jewish bibles, and similar online texts.<ref>Such as the text found at [http://mechon-mamre.org/i/t/t0.htm Mechon Mamre].</ref> The following list thus presents the ''parashah'' divisions as found in (a) modern [[Sefer Torah|Torah scrolls]], (b) [[Maimonides]]' [[Mishneh Torah]], and (c) the Aleppo Codex (based on several witnesses besides Maimonides to the ''parashot'' in its missing parts). Rare inconsistencies between these three sources are explained in footnotes.

The list is constructed as follows:
* Only breaks ''between'' two sections are listed: Any open or closed ''parashah'' break, {P} or {S}, must always appear ''between'' two biblical sections. The symbols {P} and {S} always indicate the status of the ''following'' section. In Genesis, for instance, '''{S} 5:32-6:4 {P}''' indicates a ''closed'' section (''setumah'') because it '''begins''' with {S}. Therefore, no section break is indicated before the ''first'' portion of a biblical book, or after its ''last'' portion.
* The five books of the [[Torah]] have been broken down into their [[Weekly Torah portion|weekly Torah readings]] for convenience. The weekly Torah readings always begin at a ''parashah'' break, with the single exception of ''Vayechi'' (Genesis 47:28). The division into weekly readings is a prominent feature of the Tiberian masoretic codices along with the division into smaller ''parashot'', and they are indicated with a special flourish in the margin parallel to the line in which each one begins.
* Special series of ''parashot'' used for special types of text (such as chronologies, lists, step-by-step sequences, repeating formulas) are indicated.
* When a ''parashah'' ignores a chapter break, this is indicated for convenience by spelling out the exact verses from each chapter found in that parashah; for instance: {P} 32:4-33;33:1-17 {S}. This system allows for immediate calculation of the number verses in the ''parashah'', and also facilitates easier comparison between the ''parashot'' and the chapter divisions.
* Variations found in alternative masoretic traditions (such as in the [[Leningrad Codex]]) are provided separately at the end of each book.
* Unusual data (such as an unusually lengthy ''parashah'') is underlined to draw special attention, followed by a parenthetical note identifying the contents of the ''parashah'' at hand.
* The first words of a ''parashah'' are sometimes provided in Hebrew for clarity, especially for ''parashot'' that appear within a verse. A prominent example is for the Ten Commandments. The titles of prominent ''parashot'' mentioned in rabbinic literature are also sometimes given.
*The verse numbering in this list is according to the system commonly found in most Hebrew editions. The numbers in translations (and even in some Hebrew editions such as BHS) may differ slightly.

* {P} = ''parashah '''p'''etuhah'' ("open portion"), typically resembles a new '''p'''aragraph
* {S} = ''parashah '''s'''etumah'' ("closed portion"), typically represented as a blank '''s'''pace in the middle of a line
* {-} = no ''parashah'' break indicated
* {SONG} = Special format for songs; details of the special layout will be described in separate sections.

=== Genesis ===
[[File:Wickes-Accentuation-1887.pdf|thumb|right||300px|A page of the Aleppo Codex was photographed in 1887 by William Wickes, containing Genesis 26:35 (החתי) to 27:30 (ויהי אך). It shows a single open ''parashah'' break {S} at 27:1 (ויהי כי זקן יצחק); that ''parashah'' is in bold within the list below for ''Parashat Toledot''.|page=8]]
* [[Bereishit (parsha)|Parashat Bereshit]] (Genesis 1:1-6:8):
** Seven days:1:1-5 {P} 1:6-8 {P} 1:9-13 {P} 1:14-19 {P} 1:20-23 {P} 1:24-31 {P} 2:1-3
** {P} 2:4-3:15 {S} 3:16 {S} 3:17-21 {P} 3:22-24 {P} 4:1-26
** From Adam to Noah: {S} 5:1-5 {S} 5:6-8 {S} 5:9-11 {S} 5:12-14 {S} 5:15-17 {S} 5:18-20 {S} 5:21-24 {S} 5:25-27 {S} 5:28-31 {S} 5:32;6:1-4
** {P} 6:5-8
* [[Noach (parsha)|Parashat Noach]] (Genesis 6:9-11:32):
** {P} 6:9-12 {S} 6:13-22;7:1-24;8:1-14 {S} 8:15-22;9:1-7 {S} 9:8-17 {P} 9:18-29 {P} 10:1-14 {S} 10:15-20 {S} 10:21-32 {P} 11:1-9
** From Noah to Abraham: {P} 11:10-11 {S} 11:12-13 {S} 11:14-15 {S} 11:16-17 {S} 11:18-19 {S} 11:20-21 {S} 11:22-23 {S} 11:24-25 {S} 11:26-32
* [[Lech-Lecha (parsha)|Parashat Lekh Lekha]] (Genesis 12:1-17:27):
** {P} 12:1-9 {P} 12:10-20;13:1-18 {P} 14:1-24 {P} 15:1-21 {S} 16:1-16 {S} 17:1-14 {S} 17:15-27
* [[Vayeira (parsha)|Parashat Vayera]] (Genesis 18:1-22:24):
** {P} 18:1-33;19:1-38 {S} 20:1-18 {S} 21:1-21 {P} 21:22-34 {P} 22:1-19 {P} 22:20-24
* [[Chayei Sarah (parsha)|Parashat Chayyei Sarah]] (Genesis 23:1-25:18):
** {P} 23:1-20 {S} <u>24:1-67</u> (Eliezer & Rebeccah) {P} 25:1-11 {P} 25:12-18
* [[Toledot (parsha)|Parashat Toledot]] (Genesis 25:19-28:9):
** {P} 25:19-34 {P} 26:1-33 {S} 26:34-35 '''{S}''' <u>27:1-46;28:1-9</u> (blessings of Isaac & Jacob; see image)
* [[Vayetze (parsha)|Parashat Vayetzei]] (Genesis 28:10-32:3):
** {S} <u>28:10-22;29:1-35;30:1-43;31:1-54;32:1-3</u> (Jacob in Haran)
* [[Vayishlach (parsha)|Parashat Vayishlach]] (Genesis 32:4-36:43):
** {P} 32:4-33;33:1-17 {S} 33:18-20 {S} 34:1-31 {P} 35:1-8 {P} 35:9-22a {P} 33:22b-29 {P} 36:1-19 {S} 36:20-43
* [[Vayeshev (parsha)|Parashat Vayeshev]] (Genesis 37-40):
** {P} 37:1-36 {P} 38:1-30 {S} 39:1-23 {P} 40:1-23
* [[Miketz (parsha)|Parashat Miketz]] (Genesis 41:1-44:17):
** {P} <u>41:1-57;42:1-38;43:1-34;44:1-17</u> (Joseph in Egypt)
* [[Vayigash (parsha)|Parashat Vayigash]] (Genesis 44:18-47:27) and [[Vayechi|Parashat Vayechi]] (Genesis 47:28-50:26):<ref name="wayehi">''[[Vayechi (parsha)|Parashat Vayechi]]'' is the only one of the [[Weekly Torah portion|weekly Torah readings]] whose opening verse (Genesis 47:28) is not the beginning of an open or a closed section. Its ''parashot'' are thus listed here sequentially along with those of the previous weekly reading.</ref>
** {S} <u>44:18-34;45:1-28;46:1-7</u> (Reconciliation) {S} 46:8-27 {S} 46:28-34;47:1-31<ref name="wayehi"/> {P} 48:1-22
** Jacob's blessings: {P} 49:1-4 {P} 49:5-7 {P} 49:8-12 {P} 49:13 {P} 49:14-15 {S} 49:16-18 {S} 49:19 {S} 49:20 {S} 49:21 {S} 49:22-26 {P} 49:27-33;50:1-26

* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {P} 5:1 {S} 5:3 {P} 5:21 {P} 5:25 {P} 5:28 {S} 7:1 {S} 12:1 {S} 23:1 {S} 25:12 {S} 26:1 {S} 40:1 {P} 46:28 {S} 49:8 {S} 49:14 {-} 49:19

=== Exodus ===
* [[Shemot (parsha)|Parashat Shemot]] (Exodus 1:1-6:1):
** 1:1-7 {P} 1:8-22 {P} 2:1-22 {P} 2:23-25 {S} 3:1-22;4:1-17 {P} 4:18-26 {P} 4:27-31;5:1-23;6:1
* [[Va'eira (parsha)|Parashat Va'era]] (Exodus 6:2-9:35):
** {S} 6:2-9 {P} 6:10-12 {P} 6:13 {S} 6:14-28 {S} 6:29-30 {P} 7:1-7 {P} 7:8-13 {S} 7:14-18 {S} 7:19-25 {P} 7:26-29;8:1-11 {S} 8:12-15 {S} 8:16-28 {P} 9:1-7 {P} 9:8-12 {S} 9:13-21 {P} 9:22-35
* [[Bo (parsha)|Parashat Bo]] (Exodus 10:1-13:16):
** {P} 10:1-11 {S} 10:12-20 {P} 10:21-29 {P} 11:1-3 {S} 11:4-8 {S} 11:9-10 {S} 12:1-20 {P} 12:21-28 {S} 12:29-36 {P} 12:37-42 {P} 12:43-50 {S} 12:51 {P} 13:1-10 {P} 13:11-16
* [[Beshalach (parsha)|Parashat Beshallach]] (Exodus 13:17-17:16):
** {S} 13:17-22 {P} 14:1-14 {P} 14:15-25 {P} 14:26-31
** {P} '''[[#Song of the Sea|Song of the Sea: {SONG} 15:1-19 {SONG}]]'''
** {P} 15:20-26 {S} 15:27;16:1-3 {S} 16:4-10 {P} 16:11-27 {S} 16:28-36 {P} 17:1-7 {P} 17:8-13 {P} 17:14-16
* [[Yitro (parsha)|Parashat Yitro]] (Exodus 18:1-20:23):
** {P} 18:1-27 {P} 19:1-24
** '''Ten Commandments:''' {S} 20:1 וידבר {S} 20:2-5 אנכי {S} 20:6 לא תשא {P} 20:7-10 זכור {S} 20:11 כבד {S} 20:12a לא תרצח {S} 20:12b לא תנאף {S} 20:12c לא תגנב {S} 20:12d לא תענה {S} 20:13a לא תחמד בית רעך {S} 20:13b<ref>Numerous testimonies verify that the Aleppo codex had a closed section at 20:13b (לא תחמד אשת רעך). Though this data does not agree with what is found in several editions of Maimonides' ''Mishneh Torah'', it accords with the original reading of Maimonides based on early manuscripts and testimonies. See Penkower, Maimonides, pp. 50-64 (at length); Ofer, Cassutto, p. 326; Ofer, Yelin, p. 306.</ref> לא תחמד אשת רעך
** {P} 20:14-17 {S} 20:18-22
* [[Mishpatim (parsha)|Parashat Mishpatim]] (Exodus 21:1-24:18):
** Laws: {P} 21:1-6 {S} 21:7-11 {S} 21:12-13 {S} 21:14 {S} 21:15 {S} 21:16 {S} 21:17 {S} 21:18-19 {S} 21:20-21 {S} 21:22-25 {S} 21:26-27 {P} 21:28-32 {S} 21:33-34 {S} 21:35-36 {S} 21:37;22:1-3 {S} 22:4 {S} 22:5 {S} 22:6-8 {S} 22:9-12 {S} 22:13-14 {S} 22:15-16 {S} 22:17-18 {S} 22:19-23 {P} 22:24-26 {S} 22:27-30 {S} 23:1-3 {S} 23:4 {S} 23:5 {S} 23:6-19
** {P} 23:20-25 {S} 23:26-33 {P} 24:1-11 {S} 24:12-18
* [[Terumah (parsha)|Parashat Terumah]] (Exodus 25:1-27:19):
** {P} 25:1-9 {S} 25;10-22 {P} 25:23-30 {P} 25:31-40 {S} 26:1-14 {P} 26:15-30 {S} 26:31-37 {S} 27:1-8 {S} 27:9-19
* [[Tetzaveh (parsha)|Parashat Tetzaveh]] (Exodus 27:20-30:10):
** {S} 27:20-21 {S} 28:1-5 {P} 28:6-12 {S} 28:13-14 {S} 28:15-30 {S} 28:31-35 {S} 28:36-43 {S} 29:1-37 {S} 29:38-46 {P} 30:1-10
* [[Ki Tisa (parsha)|Parashat Ki Tissa]] (Exodus 30:11-34:35):
** {P} 30:11-16 {P} 30:17-21 {P} 30:22-33 {S} 30:34-38 {S} 31:1-11 {P} 31:12-17 {S} 31:18;32:1-6 {P} 32:7-14 {P} 32:15-35 {S} 33:1-11 {P} 33:12-16 {P} 33:17-23 {S/P}<ref name="Exodus 34:1">For Exodus 34:1, פסל-לך, the vast majority of accurate Tiberian manuscripts have {S} here instead of {P} (the latter is as listed by Maimonides and found in current Torah scrolls). Testimony about the text of the Aleppo codex when it was still intact (by Kimhi) reveals that the form of the ''parashah'' at this point was a line of text that didn't reach the end of the column, followed at 34:1 by a line that began close to the beginning of the column. Identifying the type of ''parashah'' in such a context depends on whether the reader considers there to be a significant gap at the beginning of the line (in which case it is ''setumah'') or does not consider the gap to be significant (in which case it is ''petuhah''). This form of ''parashah'' is often indicated by a very small indentation in the extant parts of the Aleppo Codex, sometimes no wider than the space of one or two letters. Therefore, Penkower (p. 51 n. 125) and Ofer (pp. 306-307) suggest that Maimonides judged 34:1 to start at the beginning of its line without a significant gap, and was thus followed in later Torah scrolls. Other observers noted it as ''setumah'' (Kimhi, Sithon) or wrote conflicting notations (Amadi).</ref> 34:1-26 {P} 34:27-35
* [[Vayakhel (parsha)|Parashat Vayakhel]] (Exodus 35:1-38:20):
** {S} 35:1-3 {P} 35:4-29 {P} 35:30-35;36:1-7 {S} 36:8-13 {P} 36:14-19 {S} 36:20-38 {P} 37:1-9 {P} 37:10-16 {P} 37:17-24 {P} 37:25-29 {S} 38:1-7 {S} 38:8 {S} 38:9-20
* [[Pekudei (parsha)|Parashat Pekudei]] (Exodus 38:21-40:38):
** {S} 38:21-23 {S} 38:24-31;39:1 {P} 39:2-5 {S} 39:6-7 {P} 39:8-21 {P} 39:22-26 {S} 39:27-29 {S} 39:30-31 {S} 39:32 {P} 39:33-43 {P} 40:1-16 {S} 40:17-19 {S} 40:20-21 {S} 40:22-23 {S} 40:24-25 {S} 40:26-27 {S} 40:28-29 {S} 40:30-32 {S} 40:33 {P} 40:34-38

* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {S} 2:1 {P} 6:29 {P} 7:14 {P} 10:12 {P} 12:1 {S} 13:11 {S} 16:6 {P} 20:18 {-} 21:16 {S} 21:27 {S} 22:18 {S} 23:2 {S} 23:20 {-} 23:26 {P} 26:7 {S} 33:12 {S} 34:1<ref name="Exodus 34:1"/> {S} 36:14 {P} 38:1 {-} 39:6 {-} 39:22 {P} 40:28

=== Leviticus ===
* [[Vayikra (parsha)|Parashat Vayikra]] (Leviticus 1:1-5:26):
** 1:1-9 {S} 1:10-13 {P} 1:14-17 {S} 2:1-3 {S} 2:4 {S} 2:5-6 {S} 2:7-13 {S} 2:14-16 {P} 3:1-5 {P} 3:6-11 {P} 3:12-17 {P} 4:1-12 {P} 4:13-21 {P} 4:22-26 {P} 4:27-31 {P} 4:32-35 {P} 5:1-10 {S} 5:11-13 {S} 5:14-16 {P} 5:17-19 {P} 5:20-26
* [[Tzav (parsha)|Parashat Tzav]] (Leviticus 6:1-8:36):
** {P} 6:1-6 {S} 6:7-11 {P} 6:12-16 {P} 6:17-23 {P} 7:1-10 {P} 7:11-21 {P/-}<ref name="wayedabber">Ashkenazic and Sephardic Torah scrolls lack an open portion at 7:22 (וידבר... דבר... כל חלב) while Yemenite scrolls have one. Conversely, Yemenite scrolls lack an open portion at 7:28 (וידבר... דבר... המקריב) while Ashkenazic and Sephardic scrolls have one. This situation derives from Maimonides' ambiguous formulation in ''Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls'', chapter 8, where he lists a series of six consecutive open ''parashot'' at this point in Leviticus, one of them beginning with the words "וידבר... דבר אל בני ישראל" ("The Lord spoke to Moses... Speak to the children of Israel..."). However, there are actually ''two'' places where this is found (Leviticus 7:22 and 7:28), and it is unclear which of them Maimonides was referring to. Thus, the scrolls that have a section break at 7:22 and those with a break at 7:28 are both implementing Maimonides' ambiguous formulation in two different ways. How this formulation by Maimonides accords with the Aleppo Codex has been discussed at length by Ofer (Cassuto, pp. 328-330) and Penkower (''New Evidence'', pp. 76-90). If the Aleppo Codex was indeed missing a ''parashah'' break at either 7:22 or 7:28, that would be unique among the 71 occurrences of "The Lord spoke to Moses..." in the Torah. Furthermore, all other Tiberian masoretic manuscripts have ''parashot'' in both places. Available data on this now-missing part of the codex is as follows: Rabbi Judah Ityah, who examined the codex to answer questions posed by [[Umberto Cassuto]], reported that there were open ''parashah'' breaks at ''both'' 7:22 and 7:28. Earlier, Rabbi Samuel Vital (Responsa ''Be'er Mayyim Hayyim'' 27) also confirmed an open ''parashah'' at 7:22. Amadi, however, wrote two opposing notes at 7:22—that a ''parashah'' break is lacking and that the "Codex of Ezra" has a ''parashah'' here—which apparently refer to two different codices but it is unclear which ones. Ofer deals with the evidence by assuming that Ityah's report was correct and that Maimonides, in the process of adding sums to the final version of his list of ''parashot'' for ''Mishneh Torah'', counted "וידבר... דבר אל בני ישראל" once instead of twice. Penkower prefers an alternative explanation, namely that there was a small space at the end of the line preceding 7:22 which Maimonides did not consider significant, but which other witnesses thought indicated an open ''parashah'' break (pp. 79-80). Modern editions based on the Aleppo Codex show these ''parashot'' as follows: Breuer's first edition, published before most of this evidence became available, shows a break only at 7:28 (following the Yemenite tradition). His two later editions (''Horev'' and ''Jerusalem Crown'') show breaks at both 7:22 and 7:28, noting in the margin that "the scrolls of Ashkenaz and Sepharad" or "the scrolls of Yemen" lack a break in either place. The Feldheim ''Simanim'' edition shows a break only at 7:28, keeping to the tradition of Ashkenaz and Sepharad.</ref> 7:22-27 {P/-}<ref name="wayedabber"/> 7:28-38 {P} 8:1-36
* [[Shemini (parsha)|Parashat Shemini]] (Leviticus 9:1-11:47):
** {S} 9:1-24;10:1-7 {P} 10:8-11 {P} 10:12-20 {P} 11:1-28 {S} 11:29-38 {S} 11:39-47
* [[Tazria (parsha)|Parashat Tazria]] (Leviticus 12:1-13:59):
** {P} 12:1-8 {P} 13:1-8 {P} 13:9-17 {P} 13:18-23 {S} 13:24-28 {P} 13:29-37 {S} 13:38-39 {S} 13:40-46 {S} 13:47-59
* [[Metzora (parsha)|Parashat Metzora]] (Leviticus 14:1-15:33):
** {P} 14:1-20 {S} 14:21-32 {P} 14:33-57 {P} 15:1-15 {S} 15:16-18 {P} 15:19-24 {S} 15:25-33
* [[Acharei Mot (parsha)|Parashat Acharei Mot]] (Leviticus 16:1-18:30):
** {P} 16:1-34 {P} 17:1-16 {P} 18:1-5
** Forbidden relations: {S} 18:6 {S} 18:7 {S} 18:8 {S} 18:9 {S} 18:10 {S} 18:11 {S} 18:12 {S} 18:13 {S} 18:14 {S} 18:15 {S} 18:16 {S} 18:17-30
* [[Kedoshim (parsha)|Parashat Kedoshim]] (Leviticus 19:1-20:27):
** {P} 19:1-22 {P} 19:23-32 {S} 19:33-37 {P} 20:1-27
* [[Emor (parsha)|Parashat Emor]] (Leviticus 21:1-24:23):
** {P} 21:1-9 {S} 21:10-15 {S} 21:16-24 {P} 22:1-16 {P} 22:17-25 {S} 22:26-33 {P} 23:1-3 {P} 23:4-8 {P} 23:9-14 {S} 23:15-22 {P} 23:23-25 {S} 23:26-32 {P} 23:33-44 {P} 24:1-4 {P} 24:5-9 {S} 24:10-12 {P} 24:13-23
* [[Behar (parsha)|Parashat Behar]] (Leviticus 25:1-26:2):
** {P} 25:1-7 {S} 25:8-24 {S} 25:25-28 {S} 25:29-34 {S} 25:35-38 {S} 25:39-46 {S} 25:47-26:2
* [[Bechukotai (parsha)|Parashat Bechukotai]] (Leviticus 26:3-27:34):
** {P} 26:3-13 {P} 26:14-26 {S} 26:27-46 {P} 27:1-8 {S} 27:9-34

* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {P}<ref name="wayedabber"/> 7:22 {P}<ref name="wayedabber"/> 7:28 {S} 11:21 {S} 15:1 {P} 15:17 {-} 15:18 {P} 15:25 {S} 17:13 {P} 19:20 {P} 19:33 {P} 21:16 {S} 22:14 {P} 22:26 {S} 23:23 {-} 25:29 {S} 26:3 {S} 26:18 {S} 27:26

=== Numbers ===
* [[Bamidbar (parsha)|Parashat Bemidbar]] (Numbers 1:1-4:20):
** 1:1-19 {S} 1:20-21 {P} 1:22-23 {P} 1:24-25 {P} 1:26-27 {P} 1:28-29 {P} 1:30-31 {P} 1:32-33 {P} 1:34-35 {P} 1:36-37 {P} 1:38-39 {P} 1:40-41 {P} 1:42-43 {P} 1:44-47 {P} 1:48-54 {P} 2:1-9 {S} 2:10-16 {S} 2:17 {S} 2:18-24 {S} 2:25-31 {P} 2:32-34 {P} 3:1-4 {P} 3:5-10 {P} 3:11-13 {P} 3:14-26 {S} 3:27-39 {S} 3:40-43 {P} 3:44-51 {P} 4:1-16 {P} 4:17-20
* [[Naso (parsha)|Parashat Naso]] (Numbers 4:21-7:89):
** {P} 4:21-28 {S} 4:29-37 {S} 4:38-49 {P} 5:1-4 {P} 5:5-10 {P} 5:11-31 {P} 6:1-21 {P} 6:22-23 {S} 6:24 {S} 6:25 {S} 6:26 {S} 6:27 {S} 7:1-11 {S} 7:12-17 {P} 7:18-23 {P} 7:24-29 {P} 7:30-35 {P} 7:36-41 {P} 7:42-47 {P} 7:48-53 {P} 7:54-59 {P} 7:60-65 {P} 7:66-71 {P} 7:72-77 {P} 7:78-83 {P} 7:84-89
* [[Behaalotecha (parsha)|Parashat Beha'alotekha]] (Numbers 8:1-12:16):
** {P} 8:1-4 {P} 8:5-22 {S} 8:23-26 {P} 9:1-8 {P} 9:9-14 {S} 9:15-23 {P} 10:1-10 {P} 10:11-28 {S} 10:29-34 {S} נ 10:35-36 נ {P} 11:1-15 {P} 11:16-22 {P} 11:23-35 {P} 12:1-3 {S} 12:4-13 {P} 12:14-16
* [[Shlach (parsha)|Parashat Shelach]] (Numbers 13:1-15:41):
** {P} 13:1-33;14:1-10 {P} 14:11-25 {P} 14:26-45 {P} 15:1-16 {P} 15:17-21 {S} 15:22-26 {S} 15:27-31 {P} 15:32-34 {S} 15:35-36 {P} 15:37-41
* [[Korach (parsha)|Parashat Korach]] (Numbers 16:1-18:32):
** {P} 16:1-19 {S} 16:20-22 {S} 16:23-35 {S} 17:1-5 {P} 17:6-7 {S} 17:8-15 {P} 17:16-24 {P} 17:25-26 {P} 17:27-28 {S} 18:1-7 {P} 18:8-20 {S} 18:21-24 {P} 18:25-32
* [[Chukat (parsha)|Parashat Chukkat]] (Numbers 19:1-22:1):
** {P} 19:1-22 {P} 20:1-6 {P} 20:7-11 {S} 20:12-13 {S} 20:14-21 {P} 20:22-29 {S} 21:1-3 {P} 21:4-16 {S} 21:17-20 {P} 21:21-35;22:1
* [[Balak (parsha)|Parashat Balak]] (Numbers 22:2-25:9):
** {S} <u>22:2-41;23:1-30;24:1-25</u> (Balaam & Balak) {P} 25:1-9
* [[Pinchas (parsha)|Parashat Pinchas]] (Numbers 25:10-30:1):
** {P} 25:10-15 {P} 25:16-18;26:1a
** Census: {P} 26:1b-11 {S} 26:12-14 {S} 26:15-18 {S} 26:19-22 {S} 26:23-25 {S} 26:26-27 {S} 26:28-32 {S} 26:33-34 {S} 26:35-37 {S} 26:38-41 {S} 26:42-43 {S} 26:44-47 {S} 26:48-51
** {P} 26:52-56 {S} 26:57-65 {S} 27:1-5 {P} 27:6-11 {P} 27:12-14 {S} 27:15-23
** Offerings: {P} 28:1-8 {P} 28:9-10 {P} 28:11-15 {S} 28:16-25 {S} 28:26-31 {P} 29:1-6 {S} 29:7-11
** ''Sukkot'' offerings: {S} 29:12-16 {S} 29:17-19 {S} 29:20-22 {S} 29:23-25 {S} 29:26-28 {S} 29:29-31 {S} 29:32-34 {S} 29:35-39;30:1
* [[Matot (parsha)|Parashat Mattot]] (Numbers 30:2-32:42):
** {P} 30:2-17 {P} 31:1-12 {S} 31:13-20 {S} 31:21-24 {S} 31:25-54 {P} 32:1-4 {S} 32:5-15 {S} 32:16-19 {P} 32:20-42
* [[Masei (parsha)|Parashat Masei]] (Numbers 33:1-36:13):
** {P} 33:1-39 {S} 33:40-49 {S} 33:50-56 {P} 34:1-15 {P} 34:16-29 {P} 35:1-8 {P} 35:9-34 {P} 36:1-13

* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {P} 1:20 {S} 2:7 {-} 3:1 {S} 3:14 {-} 3:27 {S} 4:17 {P} 4:29 {P} 7:1 {P} 9:15 {S} 10:18 {S} 10:22 {S} 10:25 {S} 11:1 {P} 16:20 {P} 16:23 {P} 17:1 {-} 17:6 {P} 17:9 {S} 17:25 {S} 17:27 {S} 18:8 {S} 27:6 {S} 27:12 {P} 27:15 {S} 28:11 {P} 29:12 {P} 29:32 {P} 29:35 {P} 31:25

=== Deuteronomy ===
[[File:Aleppo Deut 1910 Photo.jpg|thumb|right||300px|Two consecutive pages of the Aleppo Codex from the now-missing part of Deuteronomy were photographed in 1910 by Joseph Segall, containing the Ten Commandments. The image shows Deuteronomy 4:38 (גדלים) to 6:3 (ואשר), including the following ''parashah'' breaks: {P} 4:41 אז יבדיל {P} 5:1 ויקרא משה {S} 5:6 אנכי {S} 5:10 לא תשא {S} 5:11 שמור {S} 5:15 כבד {S} 5:16a לא תרצח {S} 5:16b ולא תנאף {S} 5:16c ולא תגנב {S} 5:16d ולא תענה {S} 5:17a ולא תחמד {S} 5:21b ולא תתאוה {S} את הדברים 5:22. These ''parashot'' are shown in bold within the list below for ''Parashat Va'etchannan''.]]
The Aleppo Codex is intact starting at Deuteronomy 28:17 (משארתך). ''Parashot'' from the extant parts are in bold, as are the ''parashot'' shown in the Segall photograph (image at right).

* [[Devarim (parsha)|Parashat Devarim]] (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22):
** 1:1-46;2:1 {S} 2:2-8a {S} 2:8b-16 ונפן {S} 2:17-30 {S} 2:31-37;3:1-22
* [[Va'etchanan (parsha)|Parashat Va'etchannan]] (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11):
** {S} 3:23-29 {P} 4:1-24 {P} 4:25-40 '''{P}''' 4:41-49 '''{P}''' 5:1-5
** '''Ten Commandments:''' '''{S}''' 5:6-9 אנכי '''{S}''' 5:10 לא תשא '''{S}''' 5:11-14 שמור '''{S}''' 5:15 כבד '''{S}''' 5:16a לא תרצח '''{S}''' 5:16b ולא תנאף '''{S}''' 5:16c ולא תגנב '''{S}''' 5:16d ולא תענה '''{S}''' 5:17a ולא תחמד '''{S}''' 5:17b ולא תתאוה
** '''{S}''' 5:18-29;6:1-3 {P} 6:4-9 שמע {S} 6:10-15 {S} 6:16-18 {S} 6:19-25 {S} 7:1-11
* [[Eikev (parsha)|Parashat Ekev]] (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25):
** {P} 7:12-16 {S} 7:17-26 {P} 8:1-18 {P} 8:19-20 {P} 9:1-29 {P} 10:1-11 {P} 10:12-22;11:1-9 {S} 11:10-12 {S} 11:13-21 {S} 11:22-25
* [[Re'eh (parsha)|Parashat Re'eh]] (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17):
** {S} 11:26-28 {S} 11:29-32;12:1-19 {S} 12:20-28 {S} 12:29-31;13:1 {P} 13:2-6 {S} 13:7-12 {S} 13:13-19 {S} 14:1-2 {S} 14:3-8 {S} 14:9-10 {S} 14:11-21 {P} 14:22-29 {S} 15:1-6 {S} 15:7-11 {S} 15:12-18 {P} 15:19-23 {P} 16:1-8 {S} 16:9-12 {P} 16:13-17
* [[Shoftim (parsha)|Parashat Shofetim]] (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9):
** {S} 16:18-20 {S} 16:21-22 {S} 17:1 {S} 17:2-7 {P} 17:8-13 {S} 17:14-20 {S} 18:1-2 {S} 18:3-5 {S} 18:6-8 {S} 18:9-22 {S} 19:1-10 {P} 19:11-13 {S} 19:14 {S} 19:15-21 {S} 20:1-9 {S} 20:10-18 {S} 20:19-20 {P} 21:1-9
* [[Ki Teitzei (parsha)|Parashat Ki Tetzei]] (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19):
** {S} 21:10-14 {S} 21:15-17 {S} 21:18-21 {S} 21:22-23 {S} 22:1-3 {S} 22:4 {S} 22:5 {P} 22:6-7 {S} 22:8-9 {S} 22:10-11 {S} 22:12 {S} 22:13-19 {S} 22:20-21 {S} 22:22 {S} 22:23-24 {S} 22:25-27 {S} 22:28-29 {S} 23:1 {S} 23:2 {S} 23:3 {S} 23:4-7 {S} 23:8-9 {S} 23:10-15 {S} 23:16-17 {S} 23:18-19 {S} 23:20-21 {S} 23:22-24 {S} 23:25 {S} 23:26 {S} 24:1-4 {S} 24:5-6 {S} 24:7 {S} 24:8-9 {S} 24:10-13 {S} 24:14-15 {S} 24:16 {S} 24:17-18 {S} 24:19 {S} 24:20-22 {S} 25:1-4 {S} 25:5-10 {S} 25:11-12 {S} 25:13-16 {P} 25:17-19
* [[Ki Tavo|Parashat Ki Tavo]] (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8):
** {P} 26:1-11 {S} 26:12-15 {S} 26:16-19 {P} 27:1-8 {S} 27:9-10 {S} 27:11-14 {S} 27:15 {S} 27:16 {S} 27:17 {S} 27:18 {S} 27:19 {S/-}<ref>Deuteronomy 27:20 is the only one in a series of verses beginning with ארור ("cursed") not preceded by a closed break in Maimonides' list of ''parashot'' (and hence in current Torah scrolls). But other Tiberian masoretic codices have {S} here as for the other verses in the series, while testimonies about the Aleppo Codex from when it was still intact are conflicted. Ofer (pp. 307-8) suggests that since 27:19 has more words than usual for this series of similarly constructed verses, its relative length resulted in a very small space between 27:19 and 27:20 in the narrow columns of the Aleppo Codex, a space which Maimonides interpreted as no more than the space between words and not a closed section break, while other readers evaluated it as a closed section break.</ref> 27:20 {S} 27:21 {S} 27:22 {S} 27:23 {S} 27:24 {S} 27:25 {S} 27:26 {P} 28:1-14 {P} 28:15-68 '''{S}''' 28:69 '''{P}''' 29:1-8
* [[Nitzavim (parsha)|Parashat Nitzavim]] (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20):
** '''{P}''' 29:9-29:28 '''{S}''' 30:1-10 '''{S}''' 30:11-14 '''{S}''' 30:15-20
* [[Vayelech (parsha)|Parashat Vayelekh]] (Deuteronomy 31:1-30):
** '''{P}''' 31:1-6 '''{S}''' 31:7-13 '''{P}''' 31:14-30
* [[Haazinu (parsha)|Parashat Ha'azinu]] (Deuteronomy 32:1-52):
** '''{P}''' '''[[#Song of Moses|Song of Moses: {SONG} 32:1-43 {SONG}]]'''
** '''{P}''' 32:44-47 '''{P}''' 32:48-52
* [[V'Zot HaBerachah (parsha)|Parashat Vezot Haberakhah]] (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12):
** '''{P}''' 33:1-6 '''{S}''' 33:7 '''{P}''' 33:8-11 '''{S}''' 33:12-17 '''{S}''' 33:18-19 '''{S}''' 33:20-21 '''{S}''' 33:22-23 '''{S}''' 33:24-29 '''{S}''' 34:1-12

* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {S} 7:7 {-} 13:7 {S} 16:22 {S} 18:14 {S} 19:8 {S} 19:11 {S} 22:9 {S} 22:11 {S} 23:8b לא תתעב מצרי {S} 24:6 {S} 24:9 {S} 24:21 {S} 25:4 {S} 25:14 {S} 27:1 {S} 27:20 {-} 24:8 {-} 24:20 {S} 28:15 {P} 30:11 {P} 31:7 {S} 31:16 {S} 33:8

== Nevi'im ==
''Parashot'' in [[Nevi'im]] are listed here according to the [[Aleppo codex]], with variants from other masoretic traditions noted at the end of each book's section.

<small>The Aleppo codex is intact for the bulk of Nevi'im. The few parashot noted here from its missing parts are listed according to the notes taken by Joshua Kimhi, who recorded the ''parashot'' of the Aleppo codex in the nineteenth century in the bible of Rabbi Shalom Shachna Yellin. These are indicated by an asterisk.</small>

=== Joshua ===
* 1:1-9 {P} 1:10-11 {P} 1:12-18 {P} 2:1-24 {S} 3:1-4 {P} 3:5-6 {S} 3:7-8 {P} 3:9-17;4:1a {P} 4:1b-3 {S} 4:4-13 {S} 4:14 {P} 4:15-24 {P} 5:1 {P} 5:2-8 {P} 5:9-12 {S} 5:13-15;6:1 {S} 6:2-11 {P} 6:12-25 {P} 6:26 {S} 6:27;7:1 {S} 7:2-26 {P} 8:1-17 {P} 8:18-29 {P} 8:30-35;9:1-2 {P} 9:3-27 {P} 10:1-7 {P} 10:8-11 {S} 10:12-14 {S} 10:15-28 {S} 10:29-30 {S} 10:31-32 {P} 10:33-35 {P} 10:36-37 {S} 10:38-43 {P} 11:1-5 {P} 11:6-9 {S} 11:10-20 {S} 11:21-23 {S} 12:1-8
* {P} '''[[#Canaanite Kings|Canaanite Kings: {SONG} 12:9-24 {SONG}]]'''
* {P} 13:1-14 {P} 13:15-23 {P} 13:24-32 {P} 13:33 {S} 14:1-5 {P} 14:6-15 {P} 15:1-19
* Cities of Judah: {P} 15:20-32 {S} 15:33-36 {S} 15:37-41 {S} 15:42-46 {S} 15:47 {S} 15:48-49 {S} 15:50-51 {S} 15:52-54 {S} 15:55-57 {S} 15:58-59 {P} 15:60 {S} 15:61-63
* {P} 16:1-10 {P} 17:1-13 {S} 17:14-18 {P} 18:1-10 {P} 18:11-20 {P} 18:21-28 {P} 19:1-9 {P} 19:10-16 {P} 19:17-23 {P} 19:24-31 {P} 19:32-39 {P} 19:40-48 {S} 19:49-51 {P} 20:1-9
* Levite cities: {P} 21:1-2 {P} 21:3-4 {S} 21:5 {S} 21:6 {S} 21:7 {S} 21:8 {S} 21:9-12 {S} 21:13-16 {S} 21:17-19 {S} 21:20-22 {S} 21:23-26 {S} 21:27 {S} 21:28-29 {S} 21:30-31 {S} 21:32-33 {S} 21:34-35 {S} 21:36-40 {S} 21:41-43
* {P} 22:1-6 {P} 22:7-8 {P} 22:9-12 {P} 22:13-20 {S} 22:21-29 {P} 22:30-34 {P} 23:1-16 {P} 24:1-15 {P} 24:16-26 {P} 24:27-28 {P} 24:29-33

=== Judges ===
* 1:1-7 {P} 1:8-15 {P} 1:16-21 {P} 1:22-26 {P} 1:27-28 {S} 1:29 {S} 1:30 {S} 1:31-32 {S} 1:33-36 {P} 2:1a {P} 2:1b-5 {P} 2:6-10 {P} 2:11-23 {P} 3:1-6 {P} 3:7-11 {P} 3:12-30 {P} 3:31 {P} 4:1-3 {P} 4:4-24
* {P} '''[[#Song of Deborah|Song of Deborah: {SONG} 5:1-31 {SONG}]]'''
* {P} 6:1-6 {P} 6:7-10 {P} 6:11-19 {P} 6:20-24 {S} 6:25-32 {S} 6:33-40 {P} 7:1 {S} 7:2-3 {S} 7:4-6 {S} 7:7-8 {P} 7:9-14 {P} 7:15-18 {P} 7:19-25;8:1-9 {P} 8:10-21 {P} 8:22-28 {P} 8:29-32 {P} 8:33-35 {P} 9:1-5 {S} 9:6-25 {P} 9:26-45 {P} 9:46-49 {P} 9:50-57 {P} 10:1-2 {P} 10:3-4 {P} 10:6-10 {P} 10:11-16 {P} 10:17-18 {P} 11:1-3 {P} 11:6-11 {P} 11:12-31 {P} 11:32-33 {P} 11:34-40 {P} 12:1-7 {P} 12:8-10 {P} 12:11-12 {P} 12:13-15 {P} 13:1 {P} 13:2-7 {P} 13:8-14 {S} 13:15-18 {P} 13:19-25 {P} 14:1-20 {P} 15:1-8 {P} 15:9-20 {P} 16:1-3 {P} 16:4-22 {P} 16:23-31 {P} 17:1-6 {P} 17:7-13 {P} 18:1 {P} 18:2-6 {P} 18:7-31 {P} 19:1-30 {P} 20:1-2 {P} 20:3-11 {P} 20:12-16 {P} 20:17-23 {P} 20:24-29 {P} 20:30-34 {P} 20:35-48 {P} 21:1-4 {P} 21:5-12 {P} 21:13-18 {S} 21:19-22 {S} 21:23-24 {P} 21:25

=== Samuel ===
* <u>(1Sam)</u> 1:1-28 {S} 2:1-10 {P} 2:11-21 {S} 2:22-26 {P} 2:27-36 {P} 3:1 {S} 3:2-3 {P} 3:4-5 {S} 3:6-10 {P} 3:11-18 {P} 3:19-20 {S} 3:21 {P} 4:1-17 {P} 4:18-22 {P} 5:1-5 {P} 5:6-8 {S} 5:9-12 {S} 6:1-2 {S} 6:3-14 {S} 6:15-16
* Philistine offering:<ref>The word ''ladonai'' appears at the beginning of a line followed by a space and then the first place-name (''le-Ashdod'') at the end of the line (left side of the column). Each subsequent occurrence of "one" (''ehad'') appears below ''ladonai'' at the beginning of a line followed by a space, with the place-names at the end of the line (left side of the column).</ref> {S} 6:17a {S} 6:17b {S} 6:17c {S} 6:17d {S} 6:17e {S} 6:17f
* {S} 6:18-21;7:1 {P} 7:2 {S} 7:3-4 {P} 7:5-17 {P} 8:1-3 {P} 8:4-6 {P} 8:7-9 {S} 8:10 {S} 8:11-21 {P} 8:22 {P} 9:1-14 {S} 9:15-20 {S} 9:21 {S} 9:22-27 {P} 10:1-9 {S} 10:10-11a {S} 10:11b-16 {S} 10:17-18a {P} 10:18b-22a {S} 10:22b-24 {S} 10:25-27 {P} 11:1-10 {S} 11:11-15 {P} 12:1-5 {P} 12:6-17 {S} 12:18-25 {P} 13:1-12 {S} 13:13-14 {S} 13:15-18 {S} 13:19=23 {S} 14:1-5 {S} 14:6-7 {S} 14:8-12a {P} 14:12b-16 {P} 14:17-19a {P} 14:19b-24 {S} 14:25-35 {P} 14:36-40 {S} 14:41-43 {S} 14:44-45 {S} 14:46-48 {P} 14:49-51 {S} 14:52 {P} 15:1 {S} 15:2-3 {S} 15:4-9 {P} 15:10-15 {P} 15:16 {S} 15:17-19 {S} 15:20-21 {S} 15:22-23 {S} 15:24-26 {S} 15:27 {S} 15:28 {S} 15:29-31 {S} 15:32 {S} 15:33 {S} 15:34-35 {P} 16:1-6 {S} 16:7-12a {P} 16:12b-16 {P} 16:17-23 {P} 17:1-11 {P} 17:12-14 {S} 17:15-16 {P} 17:17-19 {S} 17:20-15 {P} 17:26-33 {S} 17:34-26 {S} 17:37a {S} 17:37b-44 {S} 17:45-47 {S} 17:48-54 {S} 17:55-56 {S} 17:57-58;18:1-5 {P} 18:6-9 {S} 18:10-13 {S} 18:14-16 {P} 18:17 {S} 18:18-27 {S} 18:28-29 {P} 18:30 {S} 19:1-3 {S} 19:4-7 {S} 19:8-10 {P} 19:11-13 {S} 19:14 {S} 19:15-16 {S} 19:17-21a {P} 19:21b-24 {P} 20:1-4 {P} 20:5-8 {P} 20:9 {S} 20:10 {S} 20:11 {S} 20:12-17 {S} 20:18-23 {S} 20:24-26 {S} 20:27a {P} 20:27b-29 {S} 20:30-31 {S} 20:32-33 {S} 20:34 {S} 20:35-39 {S} 20:40-42 {P} 21:1-5 {P} 21:6-9 {S} 21:10a {S} 21:10b-14 {S} 21:15-16 {P} 22:1-4 {S} 22:5 {S} 22:6-8 {S} 22:9-11 {S} 22:12-13 {S} 22:14-17 {S} 22:18-23 {S} 23:1-2a {S} 23:2b-3 {S} 23:4-5 {S} 23:6-9 {S} 23:10-11a {S} 23:11b {S} 23:12 {S} 23:13-15 {S} 23:16-18 {S} 23:19-29 {S} 24:1 {S} 24:2-7 {S} 24:8 {S} 24:9-15 {P} 24:16-22 {S} 25:1 {P} 25:2-31 {S} 25:32-44 {S} 26:1-7 {S} 26:8-9 {P} 26:10-14 {P} 26:15-24 {P} 26:25 {P} 27:1-4 {S} 27:5-6 {P} 27:7-12 {P} 28:1-2 {P} 28:3-14 {S} 28:15 {S} 28:16-25 {P} 29:1-3 {P} 29:4-5 {S} 29:6-7 {S} 29:8-11 {S} 30:1-6 {S} 30:7-12 {S} 30:13-21 {S} 30:22 {S} 30:23-24 {S} 30:25 {P} 30:26
* Spoils:<ref>The thirteen occurrences of ''la-asher'' or ''vela-asher'' (3 each in 30:27-30 and once at the beginning of 30:31) are arranged above each other at the end of each line (left end of the column), with the appropriate place-names following at the beginning of the next line (right side of each column) and a space in the middle of the line. Some modern editions follow the same principle with different layout by presenting place names followed by ''two'' columns of ''vela-asher'' on each line.</ref> {S} 30:27a {S} 30:27b {S} 30:27c {S} 30:28a {S} 30:28b {S} 30:28c {S} 30:29a {S} 30:29b {S} 30:29c {S} 30:30a {S} 30:30b {S} 30:30c {S} 30:31
* {P} 31:1-7 {P} 31:8-13 {P} <u>(2Sam)</u> 1:1-12 {P} 1:13-16 {P} 1:17-27 {P} 2:1-4 {S} 2:5-7 {P} 2:8-9 {P} 2:10-11 {S} 2:12-32;3:1 {S} 3:2-5 {P} 3:6-8 {S} 3:9-11 {S} 3:12-13 {S} 3:14-30 {S} 3:31-32 {S} 3:33-37 {S} 3:38-39 {P} 4:1-3 {S} 4:4-12 {P} 5:1-3 {S} 5:4-10 {P} 5:11-12 {S} 5:13-16 {P} 5:17-19a {P} 5:19b-21 {P} 5:22-25 {P} 6:1-20a {S} 6:20b-23 {P} 7:1-4a {S} 7:4b {S} 7:4c-5a {S} 7:5b-17 {P} 7:18-24 {S} 7:25-29 {P} 8:1-8 {S} 8:9-18 {S} 9:1-13 {P} 10:1-16 {S} 10:17-19 {P} 11:1 {S} 11:2-15 {S} 1:16-24 {S} 11:25-27 {P} 12:1-6 {S} 12:7a {S} 12:7b-10 {S} 12:11-12 {S} 12:13a {S} 12:13b-25 {P} 12:26-31 {P} 13:1-22 {P} 13:23-27 {S} 13:28-30 {P} 13:31 {S} 13:32-33 {P} 13:34-39 14:1-4 {S} 14:5-7 {P} 14:8-9 {S} 14:10-12 {S} 14:13-17 {P} 14:18-20 {S} 14:21-23 {S} 14:24 {S} 14:25-27 {P} 14:28-30 {P} 14:31-33 {S} 15:1-6 {P} 15:7-9 {P} 15:10-18 {S} 15:19-24 {S} 15:25-26 {S} 15:27-37 {S} 16:1-9 {S} 16:10 {S} 16:11-13a {S} 16:13b {P} 16:14-19 {P} 16:20-23 {S} 17:1-4 {S} 17:5-6 {S} 17:7-13 {P} 17:14a {S} 17:14b {S} 17:15-20 {S} 17:21-23 {S} 17:24-26 {S} 17:27-29 {S} 18:1-2a {S} 18:2b-3 {S} 18:4-18 {S} 18:19-28a {S} 18:28b {S} 18:29-31 {S} 18:32 {S} 19:1-5 {S} 19:6-8a {S} 19:8b {S} 19:9 {S} 19:10-11 {S} 19:12-21 {S} 19:22 {S} 19:23-24 {S} 19:25-29 {P} 19:30-31 {S} 19:32-38 {S} 19:39-40 {S} 19:41-42 {S} 19:43 {S} 19:44{S} 20:1-3 {S} 20:4-5 {S} 20:6-8 {S} 20:9-14a {S} 2-:14b-19 {P} 2-:20-22 {S} 20:23-26 {S} 21:1a {S} 21:1b-6 {P} 21:7-14 {P} 21:15-17 {P} 21:18 {S} 21:19 {S} 21:20-22
* {P} '''[[#Song of David|Song of David: {SONG} 22:1-51 {SONG}]]'''
* {P} 23:1-7 {P} 23:8 {S} 23:9-10 {S} 23:11-12 {S} 23:13-15 {S} 23:16-17 {S} 23:18-19 {S} 23:20-23
* David's Thirty Champions:<ref>The closed portions found in the Aleppo Codex for this list mostly appear in the ''middle'' of its narrow columns, leaving just a single word (or a short phrase) at the beginning and end of each line.</ref> {S} 23:24 {S} 23:25a {S} 23:25b {S} {S} 23:26a {S} 23:26b {S} 23:26c {S} 23:27a {S} 23:27b {S} {S} 23:28a {S} 23:28b {S} {S} 23:29a {S} 23:29b {S} {S} 23:30a {S} 23:30b {S} 23:31a {S} 23:31b {S} {S} 23:32a {S} 23:32b {S} {S} 23:33a {S} 23:33b {S} {S} 23:34a {S} 23:34b {S} {S} 23:35a {S} 23:35b {S} {S} 23:36a {S} 23:36b {S} {S} 23:37a {S} 23:37b {S} {S} 23:38a {S} 23:38b {S} 23:39
* {P} 24:1-2 {S} 24:3-10a {P} 24:10b-11a {P} 24:11b-13 {S} 24:14-16 {S} 24:17 {P} 24:18-23a {S} 24:23b-25

=== Kings ===
<small>The Aleppo codex is missing three folios from II Kings that included 14:21 (את עזריה) to 18:13 (שנה). ''Parashot'' listed from the missing section are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex<ref name="Ofer, Yellin p. 320">Ofer, Yellin, p. 320 and p. 332 n. 1.</ref> and marked with an asterisk (*).</small>

*<u>(1Kings)</u> 1:1-19a {P} 1:19b-27 {S} 1:28-31 {P} 1:32-53 {P} 2:1-10 {P} 2:11-12 {S} 2:13-22 {P} 2:23-25 {S} 2:26-27 {P} 2:28-38 {S} 2:39-40 {S} 2:41-46;3:1-2 {P} 3:3-14 {S} 3:15 {P} 3:16-23 {P} 3:24-27 {S} 3:28
*Solomon's officials: {S} 4:1 {S} 4:2 {S} 4:3a {S} 4:3b {S} 4:4a {S} 4:4b {S} 4:5a {S} 4:5b {S} 4:6a {S} 4:6b {S} 4:7 {S} 4:8 {S} 4:9 {S} 4:10 {S} 4:11 {S} 4:12 {S} 4:13 {S} 4:14 {S} 4:15 {S} 4:16 {S} 4:17 {S} 4:18 {S} 4:19-20;5:1
*{P} 5:2-5 {S} 5:6-8 {S} 5:9-14 {S} 5:15 {S} 5:16-25 {P} 5:26-28 {S} 5:29-30 {S} 5:31-32 {P} 6:1-10 {P} 6:11-13 {P} 6:14-38;7:1-12 {P} 7:13-26 {P} 7:27-37 {S} 7:38-39 {S} 7:40-50 {P} 7:51 {P} 8:1-11 {P} 8:12-21 {S} 8:22-34 {S} 8:35-36 {S} 8:37-53 {P} 8:54-66;9:1 {P} 9:2-9 {P} 9:10-13 {P} 9:14-22 {S} 9:23-28 {P} 10:1-13 {P} 10:14-17 {P} 10:18-25 {S} 10:26-29 {P} 11:1-6 {S} 11:7-10 {P} 11:11-13 {S} 11:14-25 {P} 11:26-28 {S} 11:29-39 {S} 11:40 {S} 11:41-43 {S} 12:1-17 {P} 12:18-19 {S} 12:20-21 {P} 12:22-24 {S} 12:25-33 {P} 13:1-10 {P} 13:11-20a {P} 13:20b-32 {P} 13:33-34 {P} 14:1-4 {P} 14:5-20 {P} 14:21-24 {P} 14:25-31 {P} 15:1-8 {P} 15:9-14 {S} 15:15-24 {P} 15:25-32 {P} 15:33-34 {S} 16:1-7 {P} 16:8-14 {P} 16:15-20 {P} 16:21-22 {P} 16:23-28 {P} 16:29-34 {S} 17:1 {S} 17:2-7 {S} 17:8-16 {P} 17:17-24 {P} 18:1-14 {S} 18:15-46;19:1-14 {S} 19:15-21 {P} 20:1-22 {P} 20:23-25 {P} 20:26-34 {S} 20:35-43 {P} 21:1-16 {P} 21:17-26 {P} 21:27 {P} 21:28-29;22;1 {P} 22:2-18 {S} 22:19-40 {P} 22:41-51 {S} 22:52-54;1:1-2<u>(2Kings)</u><ref>The Aleppo Codex has no break at all where 2 Kings begins in the Greek textual tradition; text continues on the very same line with no interruption (see the relevant image at [http://aleppocodex.org/ aleppocodex.org]). In the Leningrad codex there is a closed ''parashah'' break where 2 Kings begins, such that in printed editions reflecting that tradition, text continues at the end of the same line after a gap.</ref> {S} 1:3-14 {S} 1:15-17a {P} 1:17b {S} 1:18 {P} 2:1-18 {S} 2:19-22 {P} 2:23-25 {P} 3:1-3 {P} 3:4-10 {S} 3:11-27 {P} 4:1-7 {P} 4:8-37 {P} 4:38-41 {S} 4:42-44 {P} 5:1-19 {S} 5:20-27;6:1-7 {P} 6:8-23 {P} 6:24-33 {P} 7:1-2 {P} 7:3-20 {S} 8:1-4 {S} 8:5-6 {P} 8:7-15 {P} 8:16-24 {P} 8:25-29 {P} 9:1-28 {P} 9:29-37 {S} 10:1-14 {S} 10:15-17 {P} 10:18-29 {P} 10:30-36 {P} 11:1-3 {P} 11:4-12 {S} 11:13-16 {S} 11:17-20 {S} 12:1 {P} 12:2-6 {P} 12:7-17 {P} 12:18-22 {P} 13:1-9 {P} 13:10-13 {P} 13:14-19 {P} 13:20-21 {P} 13:22-25 {P} 14:1-7 {P} 14:8-16 {P} 14:17-22 {P*} 14:23-29 {P*} 15:1-7 {P*} 15:8-12 {P*} 15:13-16 {P*} 15:17-22 {P*} 15:23-26 {P*} 15:27-31 {P*} 15:32-38 {P*} 16:1-20<ref>The Leningrad codex has an open section at 16:7 (וישלח אחז), but Kimhi did not note any ''parashah''. The possibility that Kimhi erred by neglecting to note a ''parashah'' at 16:7 is lessened by the fact that [[Codex Cairensis]] also lacks a ''parashah'' at this point (Ofer, Yellin, p. 332 n. 1). For this reason Breuer's editions based on the Aleppo Codex and Kimhi's notes (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown'') do not show a ''parashah'' at 16:7. Finfer similarly does not record this verse in his list of ''parashot'' (p. 130), and thus no break is shown in the ''Koren'' edition. However, the volume of ''Mikraot Gedolot Haketer'' on Kings does show an open ''parashah'' break {P} at 16:7 as found in the Leningrad Codex.</ref> {P*} 17:1-6 {P*} 17:7-23 {P*} 17:24-41 {P*} 18:1-8 {P*} 18:9-12 {P*} 18:13-16 {P} 18:17-37;19:1-14 {P} 19:15-19 {S} 19:20-31 {S} 19:32-37 {P} 20:1-3 {S} 20:4-11 {P} 20:12-21 {P} 21:1-11 {S} 21:12-18 {P} 21:19-26 {P} 22:1-2 {P} <u>22:3-20;23:1-30</u> (Josiah's deeds) {P} 23:31-35 {S} 23:36-37;24:1-7 {P} 24:8-17 {P} 24:18-20 {S} 25:1-7 {S} 25:8-24 {P} 25:25-26 {P} 25:27-30

=== Isaiah ===

* '''Prophecies about Judah and Israel (1-12):''' 1:1-9 {P} 1:10-17 {S} 1:18-20 {P} 1:21-23 {S} 1:24-31 {P} 2:1-4 {P} 2:5-11 {P} 2:12-22 {P} 3:1-12 {P} 3:13-15 {S} 3:16-17 {S} 3:18-26;4:1 {S} 4:2-6 {P} 5:1-6 {P} 5:8-10 {S} 5:11-17 {S} 5:18-19 {S} 5:20 {S} 5:21 {S} 5:22-23 {P} 5:24-30 {P} 6:1-13 {P} 7:1-2 {S} 7:3-6 {P} 7:7-9 {P} 7:10-17 {P} 7:18-20 {P} 7:21-22 {S} 7:23-25 {P} 8:1-3a {S} 8:3b-4 ויאמר ה' אלי {S} 8:5-8 {S} 8:9-10 {S} 8:11-15 {P} 8:16-18 {S} 8:19-23;9:1-6 {P} 9:7-12 {S} 9:13-20 {S} 10:1-4 {P} 10:5-11 {P} 10:12-15 {P} 10:16-19 {S} 10:20-23 {P} 10:24-32 {P} 10:33-34 {S} 11:1-9 {S} 11:10 {P} 11:11-16;12:1-6
* '''Prophecies about the Nations (13-23):''' {S} 13:1-5 {S} 13:6-22;14:1-2 {S} 14:3-27 {P} 14:28-32 {P} 15:1-9;16:1-4 {S} 16:5-12 {S} 16:13-14 {P} 17:1-3 {P} 17:4-8 {S} 17:9-11 {S} 17:12-14 {P} 18:1-3 {S} 18:4-6 {S} 18:7 {S} 19:1-17 {S} 19:18 {S} 19:19-22 {S} 19:23 {S} 19:24-25 {S} 20:1-2 {S} 20:3-6 {P} 21:1-5 {S} 21:6-10 {P} 21:11-12 {P} 21:13-15 {S} 21:16-17 {S} 22:1-14 {P} 22:15-25 {P} 23:1-14 {S} 23:15-18
* '''Prophecies about Judah and Israel (24-35):''' {P} 24:1-15 {S} 24:16-20 {S} 24:21-23 {P} 25:1-5 {P} 25:6-8 {P} 25:9-12 {S} 26:1-10 {P} 26:11 {S} 26:12 {S} 26:13-15 {P} 26:16-19 {P} 26:20-21 {P} 27:1 {S} 27:2-6 {P} 27:7-11 {P} 27:12 {P} 27:13 {P} 28:1-4 {S} 28:5-6 {S} 28:7-8 {P} 28:9-13 {P} 28:14-15 {P} 28:16-17 {S} 28:18-22 {P} 28:23-29 {P} 29:1-8 {P} 29:9-12 {S} 29:13-14 {S} 29:15-21 {P} 29:22-24 {S} 30:1-5 {S} 30:6-11 {S} 30:12-14 {S} 30:15-18 {P} 30:19-26 {P} 30:27-33 {P} 31:1-3 {S} 31:4-9 {P} 32:1-8 {S} 32:9-20 {S} 33:1 {S} 33:2-6 {P} 33:7-9 {S} 33:10-12 {P} 33:13-24 {S} 34:1-17 {S} 35:1-2 {P} 35:3-10
* '''Narrative (36-39):''' {S} 36:1-10 {S} 36:11-16a {P} 36:16b-22 כי כה אמר {S} 37:1-14 {S} 37:15-32 {S} 37:33-35 {S} 37:36-38 {S} 38:1-3 {S} 38:4-8 {S} 38:9-22 {S} 39:1-2 {S} 39:3-8
* '''Consolations (40-66):''' {P} 40:1-2 {S} 40:3-5 {P} 40:6-8 {S} 40:9-11 {S} 40:12-16 {P} 40:17-20 {S} 40:21-24 {S} 40:25-26 {S} 40:27-31 {S} 41:1-7 {S} 41:8-13 {S} 41:14-16 {S} 41:17-20 {P} 41:21-24 {P} 41:25-29 {P} 42:1-4 {P} 42:5-9 {P} 42:10-13 {S} 42:14-17 {P} 42:18-25;43:1-10 {S} 43:11-13 {S} 43:14-15 {S} 43:16-21 {S} 43:22-28 {P} 44:1-5 {P} 44:6-20 {S} 44:21-23 {S} 44:4-28 {P} 45:1-7 {P} 45:8 {S} 45:9 {S} 45:10 {S} 45:11-13 {S} 45:14-17 {P} 45:18-25;46:1-2 {P} 46:3-4 {S} 46:5-7 {S} 46:8-11 {S} 46:12-13 {S} 47:1-3 {P} 47:4-7 {P} 47:8-15 {S} 48:1-2 {S} 48:3-11 {P} 48:12-16 {P} 48:17-19 {S} 48:20-22 {P} 49:1-4 {S} 49:5-6 {S} 49:7 {S} 49:8-13 {S} 49:14-21 {P} 49:22-23 {S} 49:24 {S} 49:25-26 {S} 50:1-3 {P} 50:4-9 {S} 50:10 {S} 50:11 {S} 51:1-3 {S} 51:4-6 {P} 51:7-8 {S} 51:9-11 {S} 51:12-16 {S} 51:17-21 {P} 51:22-23 {P} 52:1-2 {S} 52:3 {S} 52:4-6 {S} 52:7-10 {S} 52:11-12 {S} 52:13-15 {S} 53:1-12 {P} 54:1-8 {S} 54:9-10 {S} 54:11-17 {S} 55:1-5 {S} 55:6-13 {P} 56:1-2 {S} 56:3 {P} 56:4-5 v{S} 56:6-9 {P} 56:10-12;57:1-2 {S} 57:3-14 {S} 57:15-21 {P} 58:1-14 {P} 59:1-14 {S} 59:15-21 {S} 60:1-22 {S} 61:1-9 {P} 61:10-11;62:1-9 {S} 62:10-12 {S} 63:1-6 {S} 63:7-19;64:1-2 {S} 64:3-11 {P} 65:1-7 {S} 65:8-12 {P} 65:13-25 {S} 66:1-4 {S} 66:5-9 {S} 66:10-11 {S} 66:12-14 {S} 66:15-24

=== Jeremiah ===

Jeremiah is divided into distinct prophecies, each of which begins with an announcement of "the word of the Lord to Jeremiah" or a similar phrase. Each such prophecy begins a new open ''parashah'' {P} in the Aleppo Codex, with the single exception of the sixth prophecy (14:1) that begins with a closed ''parashah'' {S}.

<small>The Aleppo codex is missing two folios from Jeremiah, and the folio following them is also partly torn. The missing text included parts of chapters 29-32.<ref>These include 29:9 (יהוה) to 31:34 (נתן); 32:1 (לנבוכדראצר) to 32:5 (כי); 32:8 (שדי) to 32:12 (בספר); 32:14 (רבים) to 32:19 (עיניך); 32:21 (ובמורא) to 32:24. However, a few words from 32:4-5 and 32:24 remain.</ref> ''Parashot'' listed from the missing parts are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex<ref name="Ofer, Yellin p. 320"/> and marked with an asterisk (*).</small>

'''Prophecies of Destruction (1-25):'''
* '''First prophecy (1):''' 1:1-3 {P} 1:4-6 {S} 1:7-10 {P} 1:11-12 {S} 1:13-19
* '''Second prophecy (2:1-3:5):''' {P} 2:1-3 {P} 2:4-28 {S} 2:29-37;3:1-5
* '''Third prophecy (3:6-6:30):''' {P} 3:6-10 {S} 3:11-17 {S} 3:18-25 {S} 4:1-2 {S} 4:3-8 {P} 4:9 {S} 4:10-18 {P} 4:19-21 {P} 4:22-31 {S} 5:1-9 {S} 5:10-13 {S} 5:14-19 {P} 5:20-29 {S} 5:30-31;6:1-5 {P} 6:6-8 {P} 6:9-15 {S} 6:16-21 {P} 6:22-30
* '''Fourth prophecy (7-10):''' {P} 7:1-2 {S} 7:3-15 {P} 7:16-20 {P} 7:21-28 {S} 7:29-31 {P} 7:32-34;8:1-3 {S} 8:4-12 {P}8:13-16 {P} 8:17 {S} 8:18-22 {S} 8:23 {S} 9:1-5 {S} 9:6-8 {S} 9:9-10 {S} 9:11 {S} 9:12-13 {P} 9:14-15 {P} 9:16-18 {S} 9:19-21 {S} 9:22-23 {S} 9:24-25 {P} 10:1-5 {P} 10:6-10 {P} 10:11 {S} 10:12-16 {S} 10:17 {S} 10:18 {S} 10:19-21 {P} 10:22 {S} 10:23-25
* '''Fifth prophecy (11-13):''' {P} 11:1-5 {P} 11:6-8 {S} 11:9-10 {S} 11:11-13 {S} 11:14 {S} 11:15-17 {P} 11:18-20 {S} 11:21 {P} 11:22-23 {S} 12:1-3 {P} 12:4-6 {S} 12:7-12 {S} 12:13 {P} 12:14-17 {S} 13:1-2 {P} 13:3-7 {P} 13:8-10 {S} 13:11-12a {S} 13:12b-17 כה אמר {S} 13:18-19 {S} 13:20-27
* '''Sixth prophecy (14-17):''' {S} 14:1-9 {S} 14:10 {P} 14:11-12 {S} 14:13 {S} 14:14 {S} 14:15-18 {S} 14:19-22 {P} 15:1-9 {S} 15:10 {S} 15:11-14 {S} 15:15-16 {S} 15:17-18 {S} 15:19-21 {S} 16:1-2 {S} 16:3-4 {S} 16:5-8 {P} 16:9-13 {P} 16:14-5 {P} 16:16-18 {P} 16:19-21 {S} 17:1-4 {S} 17:5-6 {S} 17:7-10 {S} 17:11-13 {P} 17:14-18 {S} 17:19-27
* '''Seventh prophecy (18-20):''' {P} 18:1-4 {S} 18:5-6 {S} 18:7-8 {S} 18:9-10 {S} 18:11-12 {P} 18:13-17 {S} 18:18-23 {S} 19:1-5 {P} 19:6-13 {P} 19:14 {S} 19:15;20:1-3 {S} 20:4-6 {P} 20:7-12 {S} 20:13 {S} 20:14-18
* '''Eighth prophecy (21-24):''' {P} 21:1-3 {S} 21:1-3 {S} 21:4-10 {S} 21:11-14;22:1-5 {P} 22:6-9 {S} 22:10-12 {S} 22:13-17 {S} 22:18-19 {S} 22:20-27 {P} 22:28-30 {P} 23:1 {S} 23:2-4 {S} 23:5-6 {P} 23:7-8 {P} 23:9-14 {P} 23:15 {P} 23:16-22 {S} 23:23-29 {S} 23:30-40 {P} 24:1-2 {P} 24:3 {P} 24:4-7 {S} 24:8-10
* '''Ninth prophecy (25):''' {P} 25:1-7 {P} 25:8-14 {P} 25:15-27a {P} 25:27b-31 כה אמר {S} 25:32-38

'''Prophecies interwoven with narratives about the prophet's life (26-45):'''
* '''Tenth prophecy (26-29):''' {P} 26:1-6 {P} 26:7-10 {S} 26:11-15 {S} 26:16-24 {P} 27:1-22 {P} 28:1-11 {P} 28:12-17 {P} 29:1-9 {P*} 29:10-15 {S*} 29:16 {S*} 29:17-20 {P*} 29:21-23 {S*} 29:24-29 {P*} 29:30-32
* '''Consolations (30-33):'''
** '''Eleventh prophecy (30-31):''' {P*} 30:1-3 {P*} 30:4-9 {S*} 30:10-11 {S*} 30:12-17 {S*} 30:18-22 {S*} 30:23-25 {S*} 31:1-5 {P*} 31:6-8 {P*} 31:9-13 {P*} 31:14 {S*} 31:15-19<ref>The Leningrad codex has a closed section break {S} at 31:17 (שמוע), but Kimhi did not note any ''parashah''. The possibility that Kimhi erred by neglecting to note a ''parashah'' at 31:17 is lessened by the fact that [[Codex Cairensis]] also lacks a ''parashah'' at this point, as well as the fact that Finfer records lack of a ''parashah'' break here in most manuscripts (Ofer, Yellin, p. 332 n. 1). For this reason Breuer's editions based on the Aleppo Codex and Kimhi's notes (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown'') do not show a ''parashah'' at 31:17, nor does a break appear in the ''Koren'' edition based on Finfer's list. However, Finfer does note that "a few manuscripts" have {S} here (p. 133).</ref> {S*} 31:20-21 {P*} 31:22-25 {S*} 31:26-29 {S*} 31:30-33 {S*} 31:34-35 {S} 31:36 {S} 31:37-39
** '''Twelfth prophecy (32-33):''' {P} 32:1-5 {P} 32:6-14 {S*} 32:15 {P*} 32:16-25 {S} 32:26-35 {S} 32:36-41 {S} 32:42-44 {P} 33:1-3 {P} 33:4-9 {S} 33:10-11 {S} 33:12-13 {S} 33:14-16 {S} 33:17-18 {P} 33:19-22 {S} 33:23-24 {S} 33:25-26
* '''Thirteenth prophecy (34):''' {P} 34:1-5 {S} 34:6-7 {P} 34:8-11 {P} 34:12-16 {S} 34:17-22
* '''Fourteenth prophecy (35):''' {P} 35:1-11 {P} 35:12-19
* '''Fifteenth prophecy (36-39):''' {P} 36:1-3 {S} 36:4-8 {P} 36:9-18 {S} 36:19-26 {S} 36:27-29 {S} 36:30-32 {P} 37:1-5 {P} 37:6-8 {P} 37:9-11 {S} 37:12-21;38:1-2 {S} 38:3-6 {S} 38:7-13 {S} 38:14-16 {S} 38:17a {S} 38:17b-18 כה אמר {S} 38:19-23 {S} 38:24-26 {P} 38:27-28a {S} 38:28b;39:1-14 והיה כאשר {S} 29:15-18
* '''Sixteenth prophecy (40-45):''' {P} 40:1-6 {P} 40:7-12 {S} 40:13-16 {P} 41:1-10 {S} 41:11-15 {S} 41:16-18 {P} 42:1-6 {P} 42:7-22 {S} 43:1 {S} 43:2-7 {S} 43:8-13 {P} 44:1-6 {S} 44:7-10 {S} 44:11-14 {P} 44:15-19 {S} 44:20-23 {S} 44:24-25 {S} 44:26-29 {P} 44:30 {S} 45:1-5

'''Prophecies against the nations (46-51):'''
* '''Against the nations (46-49):''' {P} 46:1-12 {P} 46:13-19 {S} 46:20-26 {P} 46:27-28 {P} 47:1-7 {P} 48:1-11 {S} 48:12-39 {S} 48:40-47 {S} 49:1-6 {P} 49:7-11 {S} 49:12-19 {S} 49:20-22 {P} 49:23-27 {P} 49:28-33 {S} 49:34-39
* '''Against Babylon (50-51):''' {P} 50:1-7 {S} 50:8-16 {S} 50:17 {P} 50:18-20 {P} 50:21 {S} 50:22-27 {S} 50:28-30 {P} 50:31-32 {S} 50:33-46 {S} 51:1-10 {S} 51:11-14 {S} 51:15-19 {P} 51:20-24 {S} 51:25-32 {S} 51:33-35 {S} 51:36-51 {P} 51:52-53 {S} 51:54-57 {S} 51:58 {S} 51:59-64

'''Narrative (52):'''
* '''Destruction and Hope (52):''' {P} 52:1-23 {S} 52:24-27 {S} 52:28-30 {S} 52:31-34

=== Ezekiel ===

* '''Prophecies before the Fall of Jerusalem (1-24):''' 1:1-28 {P} 2:1-2 {P} 2:3-5 {P} 2:6-7 {P} 2:8-10 {S} 3:1-3 {P} 3:4-9 {P} 3:10-16a {P} 3:16b-21ויהי דבר {P} 3:22-27 {P} 4:1-3 {P} 4:4-12 {S} 4:13-14 {S} 4:15 {S} 4:16-17 {P} 5:1-4 {P} 5:5-6 {S} 5:7-9 {P} 5:10 {S} 5:11-17 {P} 6:1-10 {P} 6:11-14 {P} 7:1-4 {P} 7:5-22 {P} 7:23-27 {P} 8:1-6 {P} 8:7-8 {S} 8:9-14 {S} 8:15-18;9:1-3 {P} 9:4-11 {P} 10:1-22;11:1 {P} 11:2-3 {S} 11:4-6 {P} 11:7-13 {P} 11:14-15 {S} 11:16 {S} 11:17-25 {P} 12:1-7 {P} 12:8-16 {P} 12:17-20 {P} 12:21-25 {P} 12:26-28 {P} 13:1-7 {S} 13:8-12 {S} 13:13-16 {P} 13:17-19 {S} 13:20-23;14:1 {P} 14:2-3 {S} 14:4-5 {S} 14:6-8 {S} 14:9-11 {P} 14:12-20 {P} 14:21-23 {P} 15:1-5 {S} 15:6-8 {P} 16:1-35 {P} 16:36-50 {S} 16:51-58 {S} 16:59-63 {P} 17:1-10 {P} 17:11-18 {S} 17:19-21 {P} 17:22-24 {P} 18:1-20 {S} 18:21-23 {S} 18:24-26 {S} 18:27-32 {P} 19:1-9 {P} 19:10-14 {P} 20:1 {S} 20:2-26 {S} 20:27-29 {S} 20:30-31a {S} 20:31b-44 ואני אדרש {P} 21:1-5 {P} 21:6-10 {S} 21:11-12 {P} 21:13-18 {P} 21:19-22 {P} 21:23-28 {S} 21:29 {P} 21:30 {S} 21:31-32 {P} 21:33-37 {P} 22:1-16 {P} 22:17-18 {S} 22:19-22 {P} 22:23-31 {P} 23:1-10 {S} 23:11-21 {S} 23:22-27 {P} 23:28-31 {S} 23:32-34 {S} 23:35 {S} 23:36-45 {S} 23:46-49 {P} 24:1-5 {S} 24:6-8 {P} 24:9-14 {P} 24:15-24 {S} 24:25-27
* '''Prophecies about the Nations (25-32):''' {P} 25:1-5 {P} 25:6-7 {P} 25:8-11 {P} 25:12-17 {P} 26:1-6 {P} 26:7-14 {S} 26:15-18 {S} 26:19-21 {P} 27:1-3 {S} 27:4-36 {P} 28:1-5 {S} 28:6-10 {P} 28:11-19 {P} 28:20-24 {P} 28:25-26 {P} 29:1-7 {S} 29:8-12 {S} 29:13-16 {P} 29:17-18 {S} 29:19-21 {P} 30:1-5 {P} 30:6-9 {S} 30:10-12 {S} 30:13-19 {P} 30:20-21 {S} 30:22-26 {P} 31:1-9 {P} 31:10-14 {P} 31:15-18 32:1-2 {S} 32:3-10 {P} 32:11-16 {P} 32:17-32
* '''Prophecies after the Fall of Jerusalem (33-39):''' {P} 33:1-6 {P} 33:7-9 {P} 33:10-11 {P} 33:12-20 {P} 33:21-22 {P} 33:23-24 {S} 33:25-26 {S} 33:27-29 {P} 33:30-33 {P} 34:1-10 {S} 34:11-19 {P} 34:20-31 {P} 35:1-10 {S} 35:11-13 {S} 35:14-15 {P} 36:1-12 {S} 36:13-15 {P} 36:16-21 {P} 36:22-32 {S} 36:33-36 {S} 36:37-38 {P} 37:1-9a {S} 37:9b-14 כה אמר {P} 37:15-28 {P} 38:1-9 {S} 38:10-13 {S} 38:14-16 {S} 38:17 {S} 38:18-23 {S} 39:1-10 {S} 39:11-16 {P} 39:17-24 {S} 39:25-29
* '''Visions of the Future Jerusalem (40-48):''' {P} <u>40:1-49;41:1-26;42:1-20;43:1-9</u> (the future Temple) {S} 43:10-27a {S} 43:27b והיה ביום השמיני {S} 44:1-8 {S} 44:9-14 {P} 44:15-31 {P} 45:1-8 {P} 45:9-15 {P} 45:16-17 {S} 45:18-25 {S} 46:1-5 {S} 46:6-11 {P} 46:12-15 {S} 46:16 {S} 46:17-24;47:1-12 {P} 47:13-23 {P} 48:1-29 {S} 48:30-35

=== Twelve Minor Prophets ===
The Aleppo Codex leaves four empty lines between each of the books of the [[Minor prophet|Twelve Minor Prophets]]. The [[Leningrad Codex]] leaves three lines. ''Parashot'' within each of the twelve individual books are listed below.

<small>The Aleppo Codex is missing seven folios from two different sections of the Twelve Minor Prophets. ''Parashot'' listed from the missing sections are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 321.</ref> and marked with an asterisk (*). The two sections are: (a) three missing folios that included Amos 8:13 to the end, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah until 5:1 (מקדם); (b) four missing folios that included Zephaniah 3:10 (הארץ) to the end, Haggai, Zechariah until 9:17 (דגן).</small>

* '''Hosea:''' 1:1-2a {P} 1:2b-9 {P} 2:1-15 {S} 2:16-22 {P} 2:23-25 {P} 3:1-5 {P} 4:1-19 {P} 5:1-7 {S} 5:8-15;6:1-11 {P} 7:1-12 {S} 7:13-16;8:1-14 {P} 9:1-9 {P} 9:10-17 {S} 10:1-8 {P} 10:9-15;11:1-11 {S} 12:1-15;13:1-11 {P} 13:12-15;14:1 {P} 14:2-10
* '''Joel:''' 1:1-12 {S} 1:13-20 {S} 2:1-14 {P} 2:15-27 {P} 3:1-5;4:1-8 {P} 4:9-17 {S} 4:18-21
* '''Amos:'''
** Three and four transgressions: 1:1-2 {P} 1:3-5 {P} 1:6-8 {P} 1:9-10 {P} 1:11-12 {P} 1:13-15 {P} 2:1-2 {P} 2:4-5 {P} 2:6-16
** {P} 3:1-10 {P} 3:11-15 {S} 4:1-9 {S} 4:10-13 {P} 5:1-15 {S} 5:16-17 {P} 5:18-27 {P} 6:1-10 {S} 6:11-14 {P} 7:1-6 {P} 7:7-9 {S} 7:10-11 {S} 7:12-17 {P} 8:1-3 {P} 8:4-8 {P} 8:9-10 {P} 8:11-14 {P*} 9:1-6 {P*} 9:7-12 {P*} 9:13-15
* '''Obadiah:''' There are no ''parashah'' divisions in the 21 verses of Obadiah (1:1-21).
* '''Jonah:''' 1:1-16;2:1-10 {P*} 2:11 {S*} 3:1-10;4:1-3 {P*} 4:4-11
* '''Micah:''' 1:1-16 {S*} 2:1-2 {S*} 2:3-13 {P*} 3:1-4 {P*} 3:5-8 {P*} 3:9-12 {P*} 4:1-5 {P*} 4:6-7 {P*} 4:8-14 {S*} 5:1-5 {P*} 5:6 {P} 5:7-14 {P} 6:1-8 {S} 6:9-16 {P} 7:1-8 {P} 7:9-13 {P} 7:14-20
* '''Nahum:''' 1:1-11 {S} 1:12-14 {P} 2:1-14 {P} 3:1-19
* '''Habakkuk:''' 1:1-17 {S} 2:1-4 {S} 2:5-8 {P} 2:9-11 {P} 2:12-14 {P} 2:15-18 {S} 2:19-20 {S} 3:1-13 {P} 3:14-19
* '''Zephaniah:''' 1:1-11 {S} 1:12-18 {S} 2:1-4 {S} 2:5-15 {P} 3:1-13 {P*} 3:14-15 {P*} 3:16-20
* '''Haggai:''' 1:1-2 {P*} 1:3-6 {P*} 1:7-11 {P*} 1:12-14 {P*} 1:15;2:1-5 {P*} 2:6-9 {P*} 2:10-19 {P*} 2:20-23
* '''Zechariah:''' 1:1-6 {P*} 1:7-17 {P*} 2:1-2 {P*} 2:3-4 {S*} 2:5-9 {P*} 2:10-11 {P*} 2:12-13 {S*} 2:14-17 {P*} 3:1-10;4:1-7 {P*} 4:8-14;5:1-8 {S*} 5:9-11 {P*} 6:1-8 {P*} 6:9-15 {P*} 7:1-3 {S*} 7:4-7 {P*} 7:8-14 {P*} 8:1-5 {P*} 8:6 {P*} 8:7-8 {P*} 8:9-13 {S*} 8:14-17 {P*} 8:18-19 {P*} 8:20-22 {S*} 8:23 {P*} 9:1-8 {S*} 9:9-17;10:1-2 {P} 10:3-12 {P} 11:1-3 {P} 11:4-11 {S} 11:12-14 {P} 11:15-17 {P} 12:1-14;13:1-6 {P} 13:7-9 {P} 14:1-11 14:12-21
* '''Malachi:''' 1:1-13 {S} 1:14;2:1-9 {P} 2:10-12 {P} 2:13-16 {P} 2:17;3:1-12 {P} 3:13-18 {P} 3:19-21 {S} 3:22-24

== Poetic layout of Psalms, Proverbs and Job ==
The three [[biblical poetry|poetic]] books of Psalms, Proverbs and Job are collectively known as ''Sifrei Emet'' (see the article on [[Ketuvim]]). These three books share a unique system of [[cantillation]] unlike that of the other 21 books in [[Tanakh]], a system designed to highlight the [[parallelism (rhetoric)|parallelism]]s in their verses.

In the Tiberian masoretic codices, the unique system of cantillation for ''Sifrei Emet'' is complemented by a scribal layout unlike that of the rest of the Bible: Instead of the three narrow columns per page typical of these codices, ''Sifrei Emet'' are written in two wide columns per page. In each line of these wide columns text begins on the right, followed by a gap, and then continued by further text until the left margin of the column. Although there is ample evidence that the scribes attempted to place the gaps in the middle of the lines at the points where the cantillation divides the verses, they often did not succeed in doing so because of space limitations. Modern editions based upon the Aleppo Codex have implemented the idea fully by allowing wide full-page columns for Psalms, Proverbs, and Job.<ref>Editions which have implemented the poetic layout in full include''Jerusalem Crown: The Bible of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem'' (2000); ''Mikraot Gedolot Haketer'', ed. Menachem Cohen (Bar-Ilan University, 1992-present) on Psalms (two volumes); and the''Simanim'' editions of Psalms and the full Tanakh (Feldheim, 2005). For a clear explanation of the phenomenon see Cohen's remarks in his introduction to the first volume of Psalms (p. 8).</ref>

In poetic layout, ''parashah'' divisions are typically indicated by a blank line for an open ''parashah''. The gaps in the middle of lines are not considered ''parashah'' divisions, and each scribe formatted the verses as he saw fit for aesthetic and practical reasons. An exception to this rule, however, is for the introductory titles of many individual psalms which are followed by formal ''parashah'' breaks, often by continuing the text at the beginning of the next line. These formal breaks will be indicated in the list of ''parashot'' for Psalms.

The special poetic cantillation and layout are ''not'' implemented for the narrative opening and conclusion of the book of Job (1:1-3:1 and 42:7-17).

== Ketuvim ==
Parashot in [[Ketuvim]] are listed here according to the [[Aleppo codex]], with variants from other masoretic traditions noted at the end of each book's section. The books of [[Ketuvim]] are presented in the order they appear in most printed Hebrew bibles. In Tiberian and early Sephardic masoretic codices (such as the Aleppo Codex) the order is as follows: Chronicles, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah.

The Aleppo codex is largely intact until the word ציון ("Zion") in Song of Songs 3:11. It is missing the rest of Song of Songs, as well as the final books of ''Ketuvim'' in their entirety: Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel and Ezra-Nehemiah. It is also missing two folios which included about 10 psalms (15:1-25:1). ''Parashot'' listed here from its missing parts are according to the notes taken by Joshua Kimhi, who recorded the ''parashot'' of the Aleppo codex for Rabbi Shalom Shachna Yellin in the nineteenth century. These are indicated by an asterisk. For some of the books that are largely or completely missing, charts have been provided below to allow for easy comparison of the parallel data found in the masoretic manuscripts.

'''Key to symbols for variants:'''
* A = [[Aleppo Codex]].
* A* = [[Aleppo Codex]] (''parashot'' in the lost parts based on Kimhi's notes).
* L = [[Leningrad Codex]].
* Y = Cambridge University Library Add. Ms. 1753 (Yemenite). Yeivin regards this manuscript of ''Ketuvim'' as "a second or third hand copy" of a Tiberian manuscript "no less accurate and reliable than the Aleppo Codex."<ref>See ''BHQ'', General Introduction, pp. xxiii-xxiv. This was one of the four main codices consulted by Breuer for his ''Horev'' edition and the ''Jerusalem Crown''. See n. 6 to Breuer's explanatory essay at the end of ''Jerusalem Crown''. It was also collated for ''BHQ'', where it is referred to as M<sup>Y</sup>. With regard to the ''parashot'' it is very close to the Aleppo Codex, as shown in Yeivin, Division, and also borne out in this article's lists.</ref>
* S1 = Sassoon 1053 (10th century). Yeivin judges this manuscript to be carelessly prepared by comparison with other accurate Tiberian codices.<ref>''BHQ'', ibid. pp. xxiv-xxv. This was also one of the four main codices consulted by Breuer for his ''Horev'' edition and the ''Jerusalem Crown'' and was also collated for ''BHQ'', where it is referred to as M<sup>S1</sup>.</ref>
* L34 = EBP. II B 34 of the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, a carefully prepared manuscript of ''Ketuvim'' but with many gaps.<ref>''BHQ'', ibid. p. xxv.</ref>
* F = Finfer, Pesah. ''Masoret HaTorah VehaNevi'im.''
** Ff = Finfer, "few books" (קצת ספרים). If a "few books" say one thing and a "few books" another, these are indicated by Ff1 & Ff2.
** Fo = Finfer, "other books" (שאר ספרים).
** C="Cairo"
** D="Damascus"
** Finfer also sometimes notes a ''tiqqun''.
** {-} Finfer notes that there is no ''parashah'' break at this verse.
** (-) Finfer doesn't list this verse at all.

=== Psalms ===
The Aleppo Codex leaves two empty lines between the five Books of Psalms (following psalms 41, 72, 89, 106). Otherwise there is one blank line between each two psalms, the standard way of indicating an open ''parashah'' break {P} in poetic layout.

There is no break at all, however, between psalms 114-115, which were apparently considered a single psalm by the scribes. Psalm 119, which has sets of eight verses for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has an open ''parashah'' break (a blank line) between each set of eight verses.

The titles of individual Psalms have formal rules. Symbols for representing these rules are as follows, based on examples:
* 1 {-} = Psalm 1 has no formal title. The entire psalm is written in regular poetic layout.
* 3:1a {S/T} = '''Closed''' ''parashah'' within '''title''' verse of psalm. The title of psalm 3 is more than minimal, an entire verse containing more than one [[hemistich]]. There is a '''closed''' ''parashah'' division after the first hemistich. In masoretic manuscripts, this gap in the middle of the first title verse often closely resembles the poetic layout of the body of the psalm following the title verse.
* 4:1 {P} = The first full verse of psalm 4 is a title followed by an open ''parashah'' break (text of the body of the psalm starts at the beginning of the next line).
* 11:1a {P} = The beginning of the first verse of psalm 11 is a title, followed by an open ''parashah'' break in the middle of the verse (text of the body of the psalm starts at the beginning of the next line). Besides formal titles, this form is also found after the word "halleluyah" at the beginning of a number of psalms (e.g. 106).
* 15a {S} = A closed ''parashah'' division following a title at the beginning of the first verse of the psalm. This is also occasionally found for a full-verse title, e.g. psalm 108:1 {P}.
* 26 {-/T} The beginning of the first verse is a title, but there is no ''parashah'' division.

'''Book One (Psalms 1-41):'''
* 1 {-} '''·''' 2 {-} '''·''' 3:1a {S/T} '''·''' 4:1 {P} '''·''' 5:1a {S/T} '''·''' 6:1a {S/T} '''·''' 7:1a {S/T} '''·''' 8:1a {S/T} '''·''' 9:1a {S/T} '''·''' 10:1 {-} '''·''' 11:1a {P} '''·''' 12:1 {S/T} '''·''' 13:1 {P} '''·''' 14:1a {P} '''·''' 15:1a {S*} '''·''' 16:1a {P*} '''·''' 17:1a {P*} '''·''' 18:1a {P*} '''·''' 19:1 {P*} '''·''' 20:1 {P*} '''·''' 21:1 {P*} '''·''' 22:1a {S/T*} '''·''' 23:1a {S*} '''·''' 24:1a {P*} '''·''' 25:1a {S*} '''·''' 26 {-/T} '''·''' 27:1a {S} '''·''' 28 {-/T} '''·''' 29:1a {S} '''·''' 30:1 {P} '''·''' 31:1 {P} '''·''' 32:1a {S} '''·''' 33 {-} '''·''' 34:1a {S/T} '''·''' 35:1a {S} '''·''' 36:1 {P} '''·''' 37 {-/T} '''·''' 38:1 {P} 39:1 {P} '''·''' 40:1 {P} '''·''' 41:1 {P}
'''Book Two (Psalms 42-72):'''
* 42:1 {P} '''·''' 43 {-} '''·''' 44:1 {P} 45:1a {S/T} '''·''' 46:1a {S/T} '''·''' 47:1 {P} '''·''' 48:1 {P} '''·''' 49:1 {P} '''·''' 50:1a {P} '''·''' 51:1 {P} '''·''' 52:1 {P} '''·''' 53:1 {P} '''·''' 54:1 {P} '''·''' 55:1 {P} '''·''' 56:1a {S/T} '''·''' 57:1a {S/T} '''·''' 58:1 {P} '''·''' 59:1a {S/T} '''·''' 60:1a {S/T} '''·''' 61:1 {P} '''·''' 62:1a {S/T} '''·''' 63:1a {S/T} '''·''' 64:1 {P} '''·''' 65:1 {P} '''·''' 66:1a {S/T} '''·''' 67:1 {P} '''·''' 68:1 {P} '''·''' 69:1 {P} '''·''' 70:1 {S} '''·''' 71 {-} '''·''' 72:1a {S}
'''Book Three (Psalms 73-89):'''
* 73:1a {S} '''·''' 74:1a {S} '''·''' 75:1 {P} '''·''' 76:1 {P} '''·''' 77:1 {P} '''·''' 78:1a {P} '''·''' 79:1a {P} '''·''' 80:1a {S/T} '''·''' 81:1 {P} '''·''' 82:1a {P} '''·''' 83:1 {P} '''·''' 84:1 {P} '''·''' 85:1 {P} '''·''' 86:1a {P} '''·''' 87:1a {S/T} '''·''' 88:1a {P} 88:1b {S/T} '''·''' 89:1 {P}
'''Book Four (Psalms 90-106):'''
* 90:1a {P} '''·''' 91 {-} '''·''' 92:1 {P} '''·''' 93 {-} '''·''' 94 {-} '''·''' 95 {-} '''·''' 96 {-} '''·''' 97 {-} '''·''' 98 {-/T} '''·''' 99:1a {S} (not a title) '''·''' 100:1a {S} '''·''' 101:1a {S} '''·''' 102 {-/T} (first verse is title) '''·''' 103 {-/T} '''·''' 104 {-} '''·''' 105 {-} '''·''' 106:1a {P}
'''Book Five (Psalms 107-150):'''
* 107 {-} '''·''' 108:1 {S} '''·''' 109:1a {P} '''·''' 110:1a {P} [...] '''·''' 111:1a {P} '''·''' 112:1a {P} '''·''' 113:1a {P} '''·''' 114-115 {-} '''·''' 116 {-} '''·''' 117 {-} '''·''' 118 {-} '''·''' 119:1-8 {P} 119:9-16 {P} 119:17-24 {P} 119:25-32 {P} 119:33-40 {P} 119:41-48 {P} 119:49-56 {P} 119:57-64 {P} 119:65-72 {P} 119:73-80 {P} 119:81-88 {P} 119:89-96 {P} 119:97-104 {P} 119:105-112 {P} 119:113-120 {P} 119:121-128 {P} 119:129-136 {P} 119:137-144 {P} 119:145-152 {P} 119:153-160 {P} 119:161-168 {P} 119:169-176 '''·''' 120:1a {P} '''·''' 121:1a {P} '''·''' 122:1a {P} '''·''' 123:1a {P} '''·''' 124:1a {P} '''·''' 125:1a {P} '''·''' 126:1a {P} '''·''' 127:1a {P} '''·''' 128:1a {P} '''·''' 129:1a {P} '''·''' 130:1a {P} '''·''' 131:1a {P} '''·''' 132:1a {P} '''·''' 133:1a {P} '''·''' 134:1a {P} '''·''' 135:1a {P} '''·''' 136 {-} '''·''' 137 {-} '''·''' 138 {-/T} 139:1a {P} '''·''' 140:1 {P} '''·''' 141:1a {P} '''·''' 142:1a {P} '''·''' 143:1a {P} '''·''' 144 {-/T} 145:1a {P} '''·''' 146:1a {P} '''·''' 147:1a {P} '''·''' 148:1a {P} '''·''' 149:1a {P} '''·''' 150:1a {P}

=== Proverbs ===
* 1:1-7 {P} 1:8-19 {P} 1:20-33 {P} 2:1-22 {P} 3:1-10 {P} 3:11-18 {P} 3:19-35 {P} 4:1-19 {P} 4:20-27 {P} 5:1-6 {P} 5:7-23 {P} 6:1-5 {P} 6:6-11 {P} 6:12-15 {P} 6:16-19 {P} 6:20-26 {P} 6:27-35 {P} 7:1-27 {P} 8:1-31 {P} 8:32-36;9:1-18
* Centered title: "The Proverbs of Solomon" '''10:1a''' (10:1b-19:9). There are no ''parashah'' divisions following the centered title until 19:10, an unusually large amount of unbroken text (278 verses).
* {P} 19:10-29;20:1-30;21:1-30 {P} 21:31;22:1-29 {P} 23:1-5 {P} 23:6-35;24:1-14 {P} 24:15-18 {P} 24:19-22 {P} 24:23-27 {P} 24:28-29 {P} 24:30-34
* {P} גם אלה משלי שלמה אשר העתיקו אנשי חזקיה מלך יהודה 25:1-13 {P} 25:14-20 {P} 25:21-28;26;1-21 {P} 26:22-25;27:1-22 {P} 27:23-27;28:1-4 {P} 28:5-10 {P} 28:11-16 {P} 28:17-28;29:1-17 {P} 29:18-27 {P} 30:1-6 דברי אגור בן יקה המשא {P} 30:7-9 {P} 30:10-14 {P} 30:15-17 {P} 30:18-20 {P} 30:21-23 {P} 30:24-28 {P} 30:29-33 {P} 31:1-7 דברי למואל מלך משא אשר יסרתו אמו {P} 31:8-9 {P} 31:10-31 אשת חיל.

=== Job ===
<u>'''I. Narrative Opening (1:1-3:1):'''</u>
* Common layout and regular [[cantillation]]: 1:1-5 {P} 1:6-22 {P} 2:1-10 {P} 2:11-13;3:1.

<u>'''II. Poetic Disputations:'''</u> The disputations, which constitute the bulk of the book of Job, employ the special poetic layout in common with Psalms and Proverbs, along its associated poetic [[cantillation]]. In Tiberian masoretic codices, the formal title of each individual speech appears in the center of its line, while the body of the reply appears in poetic form (as in Psalms and Proverbs). The break between the title and the body is considered an open ''parashah'', and the verse numbers for these titles appear in bold in the list. Blank lines as open ''parashot'' are also used occasionally, and these are noted as {P}.
* '''Main Disputation (3:2-32:1):'''
** Centered titles: '''3:2''' (Job 3:3-26)
***First cycle: '''4:1''' (Eliphaz 4:2-21;5:1-27), '''6:1''' (Job 6:2-30;7:1-21), '''8:1''' (Bildad 8:2-22), '''9:1''' (Job 9:2-35;10:1-22), '''11:1''' (Zophar 11:2-20), '''12:1''' (Job 12:2-25;13:1-28;14:1-22)
*** Second cycle: '''15:1''' (Eliphaz 15:2-35), '''16:1''' (Job 16:2-22;17:1-16), '''18:1''' (Bildad 18:2-21), '''19:1''' (Job 19:2-29), '''20:1''' (Zophar 20:2-29), '''21:1''' (Job 21:2-34), '''22:1''' (Eliphaz 22:2-30), '''23:1''' (Job 23:2-17;24:1-25), '''25:1''' (Bildad 25:2-6), '''26:1''' (Job I 26:2-14), '''27:1''' (Job II 27:2-23;28:1-28), '''29:1''' (Job III 29:2-25;30:1-31;31:1-40).
** Conclusion of the main disputation: {P} 32:1.
* '''Elihu (32:2-37:24):'''
** Introduction: {P} 32:2-5
** Speech: {P} 32:6-22;33:1-33 (Elihu I). Centered titles: '''34:1''' (Elihu II 34:2-37), '''35:1''' (Elihu III 35:2-16), '''36:1''' (Elihu IV 36:2-33;37:1-24).
* '''God and Job (38:1-42:6):'''
** God: {P} 38:1-41;39:1-18 {P} 39:19-30.
** God and Job (centered titles): '''40:1''' (God 40:2), '''40:3''' (Job 40:4-5).
** God: {P} 40:6-32;41:1-26 {P}.
** Job (centered title): '''42:1''' (Job 42:2-6).

<u>'''III. Narrative Conclusion (42:7-17):'''</u>
* Common layout and regular [[cantillation]]: {P} 42:7 {S} 42:8-17.

=== Song of Songs ===
The Aleppo codex is extant until the word ציון ("Zion") in Song of Songs 3:11. Bibles that show ''parashot'' in the Song of Songs based upon the Aleppo Codex (with reconstruction of its missing parts based on Kimhi's notes) include two editions following the Breuer method (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown''). The flow of text in such bibles is as follows:
* 1:1-4 {P} 1:5-8 {P} 1:9-14 {S} 1:15-17;2:1-7 {S} 2:8-13 {S} 2:14 {S} 2:15-17 {S} 3:1-5 {S} 3:6-8 {S} 3:9-11 {S*} 4:1-7 {S*} 4:8-16;5:1 {S*} 5:2-16;6:1-3 {S*} 6:4-9 {S*} 6:10 {S*} 6:11-12;7:1-11 {S*} 7:12-14;8:1-4 {S*} 8:5-7 {S*} 8:8-10 {P*} 8:11-14

The Tiberian masoretic codices are nearly identical in the parts at which they show ''parashah'' breaks in the text. However, while A and L have {S} almost exclusively, Y (which is usually very close to A) shows {P} for the large majority of ''parashot'',<ref name="BHQ Canticles"/> as shown in the chart below:

<div align="center">
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|- bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
! Kitab !! Nama Parsyah !! Makna <ref>http://philologos.org/bpr/files/t012.htm</ref> !! Bagian Parsyah
! Words !! Verse no. !!colspan=3| Tiberian tradition !!colspan=2| Other traditions
|- align=center
| '''[[Kitab Kejadian|Bereishit]]''' (Kejadian) || [[Bereshit (parsyah)|Bereshit]], בְּרֵאשִׁית || Pada mulanya || Kej. 1:1-6:8
|colspan=2| || A/A* || L || Y<ref name="BHQ Canticles">''BHQ Megilloth'', pp. 8-9*.</ref> || Finfer<ref>P. 145. Besides the verses listed below, Finfer records that there are no ''parashah'' breaks in the manuscripts he consulted at 2:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1.</ref>
|- align=center
| || [[Noakh (parsyah)|Noakh]], נֹחַ || Nuh (istirahat) || 6:9-11:32
| שחורה אני || 1:5 || {P} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Lek-Leka (parsyah)|Lek-Leka]], לֶךְ-לְךָ || Pergilah, engkau! || 12:1-17:27
| לססתי || 1:9 || {P} || {S} || {S} || {S} Ff={P}
|- align=center
| || [[Vayeira (parsyah)|Vayeira]], וַיֵּרָא || Dan Ia muncul || 18:1-22:24
| הנך יפה... עיניך יונים || 1:15 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Khayei Sarah (parsyah)|Khayei Sarah]], חַיֵּי שָׂרָה || Kehidupan [[Sara]] || 23:1-25:18
| קול דודי || 2:8 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Toledot (parsyah)|Toledot]], תּוֹלְדֹת || Riwayat || 25:19-28:9
| יונתי || 2:14 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Vayetze (parsyah)|Vayetze]], וַיֵּצֵא || Dan ia keluar || 28:10-32:3
| אחזו לנו || 2:15 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Vayishlakh (parsyah)|Vayishlakh]], וַיִּשְׁלַח || Dan ia mengutus || 32:4-36:43
| על משכבי || 3:1 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Vayeshev (parsyah)|Vayeshev]], וַיֵּשֶׁב || Dan ia tinggal || 37:1-40:23
| מי זאת עלה... כתימרות || 3:6 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Miketz (parsyah)|Miketz]], מִקֵּץ || Di akhir || 41:1-44:17
| אפריון || 3:9 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Vayigash (parsyah)|Vayigash]], וַיִּגַּשׁ || Dan ia mendekat || 44:18-47:27
| הנך יפה... מבעד לצמתך || 4:1 || {S*} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Vayekhi (parsyah)|Vayekhi]], וַיְחִי || Dan ia hidup || 47:28-50:26
| אתי מלבנון || 4:8 || {S*} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| '''[[Kitab Keluaran|Shemot]]''' (Keluaran) || [[Shemot (parsyah)|Shemot]], שְׁמוֹת || Nama-nama || Kel. 1:1-6:1
| גן נעול || 4:12 || {-*}<ref>Kimhi made no notation here, and no ''parashah'' break appears in the Breuer editions as in Y but as opposed to L.</ref> || {S} || {-} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Va'eira (parsyah)|Va'eira]], וָאֵרָא || Dan Aku muncul || 6:2-9:35
| אני ישנה || 5:2 || {S*} || {S} || {P} || {S} Ff={P}
|- align=center
| || [[Bo (parsyah)|Bo]], בֹּא || Masuklah! || 10:1-13:16
| יפה את רעיתי כתרצה || 6:4 || {-*}<ref name="Kimhi not listed">Not listed in Ofer, Yellin, pp. 322-328, but appears thus in ''Horev'' and ''Jerusalem Crown'' editions as stated in the editorial essays as the back of these volumes: "In a few places where Kimhi did not note anything but a ''parashah'' appears in other accurate codices, I have added a ''parashah'' based on the Leningrad Codex. These include..." (Breuer, Horev, p. 14). These additions assume that Kimhi failed to note a ''parashah'' accidentally.</ref> || {S} || {P} || {P}
|- align=center
| || [[Beshalakh (parsyah)|Beshalakh]], בְּשַׁלַּח || Ketika ia membiarkan pergi || 13:17-17:16
| מי זאת הנשקפה || 6:10 || {S*} || {S} || {S} || {S} Ff={P}
|- align=center
| || [[Yitro (parsyah)|Yitro]], יִתְרוֹ || [[Yitro]] || 18:1-20:23
| אל גנת אגוז || 6:11 || {S*} || {S} || {P} || (-)
|- align=center
| || [[Mishpatim (parsyah)|Mishpatim]], מִּשְׁפָּטִים || Hukum-hukum || 21:1-24:18
| לכה דודי נצא || 7:12 || {S*} || {S} || {P} || {-} Fo={S}
|- align=center
| || [[Terumah (parsyah)|Terumah]], תְּרוּמָה || Persembahan || 25:1-27:19
| מי זאת עלה... מתרפקת || 8:5 || {-*}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Tetzaveh (parsyah)|Tetzaveh]], תְּצַוֶּה || Engkau harus memerintahkan || 27:20-30:10
| אחות לנו קטנה || 8:8 || {S*} || {S} || {P} || {S}
|- align=center
| || [[Ki Tisa (parsyah)|Ki Tisa]], כִּי תִשָּׂא || Ketika engkau mengangkat || 30:11-34:35
| כרם היה לשלמה || 8:11 || {-*}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> || {P} || {P} || {-}<br>Ff={S} Fo={P}
| || *[[Vayakhel (parsyah)|Vayakhel]], וַיַּקְהֵל || Dan ia mengumpulkan || 35:1-38:20
| || [[Pekudei (parsyah)|Pekudei]], פְקוּדֵי || Penghitungan || 38:21-40:38
| '''[[Kitab Imamat|Vayikra]]''' (Imamat) || [[Vayikra (parsyah)|Vayikra]], וַיִּקְרָא || Dan ia memanggil || Im. 1:1-5:26
| || [[Tzav (parsyah)|Tzav]], צַו || Perintahkan! || 6:1-8:36
| || [[Shemini (parsyah)|Shemini]], שְּׁמִינִי || Kedelapan || 9:1-11:47
| || *[[Tazria (parsyah)|Tazria]], תַזְרִיעַ || Ia mengandung benih || 12:1-13:59
| || [[Metzora (parsyah)|Metzora]], מְּצֹרָע || Orang yang terinfeksi || 14:1-15:33
| || *[[Akharei Mot (parsyah)|Akharei Mot]], אַחֲרֵי מוֹת || Setelah kematian || 16:1-18:30
| || [[Kedoshim (parsyah)|Kedoshim]], קְדֹשִׁים || Orang-orang kudus || 19:1-20:27
| || [[Emor (parsyah)|Emor]], אֱמֹר || Katakanlah! || 21:1-24:23
| || *[[Behar (parsyah)|Behar]], בְּהַר || Di atas gunung || 25:1-26:2
| || [[Bekhukotai (parsyah)|Bekhukotai]], בְּחֻקֹּתַי || Dalam hukum-hukum-Ku || 26:3-27:34
| '''[[Kitab Bilangan|Bamidbar]]''' (Bilangan) || [[Bemidbar (parsyah)|Bemidbar]], בְּמִדְבַּר || Di padang gurun || Bil. 1:1-4:20
| || [[Naso (parsyah)|Naso]], נָשֹׂא || Tinggikan! || 4:21-7:89
| || [[Behaaloteka (parsyah)|Behaaloteka]], בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ || Pada waktu engkau menaikkan || 8:1-12:16
| || [[Shlakh (parsyah)|Shlakh(-leka)]], שְׁלַח-לְךָ || Suruhlah bagimu || 13:1-15:41
| || [[Korakh (parsyah)|Korakh]], קֹרַח || Korakh (botak) || 16:1-18:32
| || *[[Khukat (parsyah)|Khukat]], חֻקַּת || Peraturan || 19:1-22:1
| || [[Balak (parsyah)|Balak]], בָּלָק || [[Balak]] (penghancur) || 22:2-25:9
| || [[Pinkhas (parsyah)|Pinkhas]], פִּינְחָס || [[Pinehas]] (berkulit gelap) || 25:10-30:1
| || *[[Matot (parsyah)|Matot]], מַּטּוֹת || Suku-suku || 30:2-32:42
| || [[Masei (parsyah)|Masei]], מַסְעֵי || Perjalanan || 33:1-36:13
| '''[[Kitab Ulangan|Devarim]]''' (Ulangan) || [[Devarim (parsyah)|Devarim]], דְּבָרִים || Perkataan || Ul. 1:1-3:22
| || [[Va'etchanan (parsyah)|Va'etchanan]], וָאֶתְחַנַּן || Dan aku memohon || 3:23-7:11
| || [[Eikev (parsyah)|Eikev]], עֵקֶב || Sebagai hasilnya || 7:12-11:25
| || [[Re'eh (parsyah)|Re'eh]], רְאֵה || Lihatlah! || 11:26-16:17
| || [[Shoftim (parsyah)|Shoftim]], שֹׁפְטִים || Hakim-hakim || 16:18-21:9
| || [[Ki Teitzei (parsyah)|Ki Teitzei]], כִּי-תֵצֵא || Ketika engkau keluar || 21:10-25:19
| || [[Ki Tavo (parsyah)|Ki Tavo]], כִּי-תָבוֹא || Ketika engkau masuk || 26:1-29:8
| || *[[Nitzavim (parsyah)|Nitzavim]], נִצָּבִים || Engkau berdiri || 29:9-30:20
| || [[Vayelekh (parsyah)|Vayelekh]], וַיֵּלֶךְ || Dan ia pergi || 31:1-31:30
| || [[Haazinu (parsyah)|Haazinu]], הַאֲזִינוּ || Sendengkan telinga! || 32:1-32:52
| || [[V'Zot HaBerakah (parsyah)|V'Zot HaBerakah]], וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה || Dan inilah berkat || 33:1-34:12

=== Ruth ===
In the Tiberian masoretic codices, the only ''parashah'' found in Ruth is for the short chronology at the end of the book:
* {P} 4:18-22 ואלה תולדות פרץ

* While A, Y, L, and Ff1 all have {P} at 4:18, other traditions noted by Finfer differ: F={-}, Ff2={S}.<ref>''BHQ Megilloth'', p. 6*; Finfer p. 145. Besides this verse, Finfer records that there are no ''parashah'' breaks in the manuscripts he consulted at 1:19. 2:1, 3:1, 3:8, 4:1.</ref>

=== Lamentations ===
The Aleppo codex lacks Lamentations in its entirety. ''Parashot'' listed here are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 323.</ref>

* First lamentation (1:1-22): {S} between each of the 22 verses and {P} following the last one.<ref name="Kimhi Lamentations missing">Kimhi omits notation of individual verses in Lamentations at the following points: 1:2, 1:5, 1:14, 4:4, 4:5, 4:6, 4:7, 4:14 (Ofer, Yellin, p. 323). The Breuer edition supplies these ''parashot'', apparently missing based upon an oversight by Kimhi (see Breuer, Horev, p. 14).</ref>
* Second lamentation (2:1-22): {S} between each of the 22 verses and {P} following the last one.
* Third lamentation (3:1-66): {S} between each of 66 verses and {P} following the last one.
* Fourth lamentation (4:1-22): {S} between each of the 22 verses and {P} following the last one.<ref name="Kimhi Lamentations missing"/>
* Fifth lamentation (5:1-22): 5:1-18 {P} 5:19-22

* In the third lamentation, the Leningrad Codex has {S} between each set of three verses beginning with the same letter.

=== Ecclesiastes ===
The Aleppo codex lacks Ecclesiastes in its entirety. ''Parashot'' listed here are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 322.</ref>

* 1:1-11 {P*} 1:12-18;2:1-26;3:1
* {S*} '''[[#Song of the Seasons|Song of the Seasons {SONG*} 3:2-8 {SONG*}]]'''
* {S*} 3:9<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/>

There are no further ''parashah'' divisions at all in the rest of the book (3:9-12:14) according to Kimhi's notes on the Aleppo Codex, an unusually large amount of unbroken text (170 verses) that is confirmed by Y. The Leningrad codex has a solitary ''parashah'' break: {S} at 9:11. The following chart compares the meager ''parashah'' breaks for Ecclesiastes as found in manuscripts:

<div align="center">
{| class="wikitable"
|- bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
! Words !! Verse no. !!colspan=4| Tiberian tradition !!colspan=4| Other traditions
|- align=center
|colspan=2| || A*<ref>In addition to the verses listed below, Kimhi specifically noted that the Aleppo Codex lacks ''parashah'' breaks at the following points: 2:1, 5:1.</ref> || Y<ref name="BHQ Ecclesiastes">''BHQ Megilloth'', p. 14*.</ref> || L || L34<ref name="BHQ Ecclesiastes"/> || Finfer<ref>P. 145. Besides the verses listed below, Finfer records that there are no ''parashah'' breaks in the manuscripts he consulted at 2:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1, 10:1. 11:1, 12:1. "A few manuscripts" have {S} at 1:11,12; 3:1,2; 9:7. "Other manuscripts" have {S} at 3:9, 7:1, 11:9.</ref>
|- align=center
| אין זכרון לראשונים || 1:11 || {-*} || {-} || {-} || {-} || {-} Ff={S}
|- align=center
| אני קהלת הייתי מלך || 1:12 || {P*} || {S} || {P} || {S} || {-} Ff={S}
|- align=center
| לכל זמן ועת לכל חפץ || 3:1 || {-*} || {-} || {-} || {-} || {-} Ff={S}
|- align=center
| עת ללדת || 3:2 || {S*} || {S} || {S} || {P} || {-} Ff={S}
|- align=center
| עת ללדת... ועת שלום || 3:2-8 ||colspan=6| {S/P} '''[[#Song of the Seasons|Song of the Seasons {SONG}]]''' {S}
|- align=center
| שמר רגלך || 4:17 || {-*} || {-} || {-} || {S} || {-}
|- align=center
| טוב שם משמן טוב || 7:1 || {-*} || {-} || {-} || {-} || {-} Fo={S}<ref name="Ecc seder">This verse also begins one of the four ''sedarim'' in Ecclesiastes: 1:1, 3:3, 7:1, 9:7 (''BHQ Megilloth'', p. 14*).</ref>
|- align=center
| לך אכל בשמחה לחמך || 9:7 || {-*} || {-} || {-} || {-} || {-} Ff={S}<ref name="Ecc seder"/>
|- align=center
| שבתי וראה תחת השמש || 9:11 || {-*} || {-} || {S} || {S} || {-}
|- align=center
| שמח בחור בילדותיך || 11:9 || {-*} || {-} || {-} || {S} || {-} Fo={S}

=== Esther ===
The book of Esther is traditionally read by Jews on the holiday of [[Purim]] from a handwritten scroll on parchment that must be [[#Validity of scrolls|halakhically valid]]. This means that the rules of open and closed ''parashot'' are of more practical relevance for Esther than for any other book in [[Nevi'im]] or [[Ketuvim]]. Despite this—or perhaps because of the large numbers of scrolls of Esther that have been written, and the special attention that has therefore been paid to the problem by rabbis and scribes—manuscripts of Esther and opinions about how they should be written betray a relatively large number of discrepancies regarding the ''parashah'' divisions.

In the nineteenth century, Rabbi [[Shlomo Ganzfried]] published a manual for scribes called ''Keset HaSofer'', in which he follows the rule that all ''parashot'' in Esther are closed {S} (''Keset HaSofer'' 28:5).<ref>These closed portions are noted with the word סתומה at each relevant verse in Ganzfried's notes on Esther towards the end of the book (beginning on page 133a). A digital image of the text may be found [http://hebrewbooks.org/8308 here]. The rule is codified in ''[[Shulhan Arukh]] [[Orah Hayyim]]'' 691:2 (Rema), and its source is ''Hagahot Maimoniyot'' on Maimonides' ''Laws of Megillah'' chapter 2.</ref> This is currently the dominant tradition for [[Ashkenazi Jews|Ashkenazic]] and [[Sephardi Jews|Sephardic]] ''megillot'' (scrolls of [[Book of Esther|Esther]]) today. But the Tiberian masoretic codices contain both open and closed portions. Also, Yemenite scribes did not entirely adopt the tradition of closed portions, leaving the divisions in many scrolls of Esther similar to what is found in the masoretic codices.

Ganzfried ruled that a scroll of Esther with open portions is invalid, but added that "some authorities validate" it (''Keset HaSofer'' 28:5).<ref>Page (40a) in the digital image of the text found [http://hebrewbooks.org/8308 here].</ref> When discussing these authorities in his additional notes,<ref>''Lishkat HaSofer'', note 5 (40a). Ganzfried cites ''Magen Avraham'' as allowing such a scroll to be used in difficult circumstances, while ''Peri Megadim'' is unsure whether a blessing should be recited over it.</ref> Ganzfried cites a list open ''parashot'' found in the book ''Orhot Hayyim'', and concludes: "And even though our custom is that all of these are closed, it nevertheless seems that if some or all of these are open one may read from the scroll with a blessing." These have been listed in the chart below under at "OH" under ''Keset HaSofer'', and they are very similar to what is found in the Tiberian masoretic codices.<ref>Another medieval list of open and closed sections in Esther is found in [[Isaac ben Moses of Vienna]]'s ''Or Zarua'' (Part II, Laws of ''Megillah'' 373), citing his teacher [[Eliezer ben Joel HaLevi]] (Ra'avyah). [[:s:he:ערוך השולחן אורח חיים תרצא|''Arukh Hashulchan Orah Hayyim'' 691:6]] notes an internal contradiction in ''Or Zarua'' and concludes that a scroll of Esther written with open sections may still be used; but see [[Israel Isserlin]], ''Terumat HaDeshen'', Rulings and Essays 23.</ref>

<div align="center">
{| class="wikitable"
|- bgcolor="#CCCCCC"
! Words !! Verse no. !!colspan=4| Tiberian tradition !!colspan=2| Other traditions
|- align=center
|colspan=2| || A* || Y<ref name="BHQ Esther">''BHQ Megilloth'' p.&nbsp;21*. An empty cell in the table under L34 indicates a gap in that manuscript.</ref> || L || L34<ref name="BHQ Esther"/> || Finfer || ''Keset HaSofer''
|- align=center
| גם ושתי המלכה || 1:9 || {-} || {-} || {-} || || {S} DC={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ביום השביעי || 1:10 || {S} || {S} || {S} || || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ויאמר המלך לחכמים || 1:13 || {-} || {S} || {-} || || (-) ||{S}
|- align=center
| ויאמר ממוכן || 1:16 || {P} || {P} || {S} || || {S} DC={P} ||{S} OH={P}
|- align=center
| אחר הדברים האלה כשוך || 2:1 || {P} || {P} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S} OH={P}
|- align=center
| איש יהודי || 2:5 || {P} || {P} || {S} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S} OH={P}
|- align=center
| ובכל יום ויום || 2:11 || {S}<ref name="Esther 2:11">Kimhi simply noted "ס" at 2:11 (ובכל יום). No other textual tradition, Tiberian or otherwise, has a ''parashah'' at this point in the text, nor does the narrative indicate that one would be appropriate. Editions based on the Breuer method or close to it (''Horev'', ''The Jerusalem Crown'', and ''Mikra'ot Gedolot ha-Keter'') nonetheless show {S} here.</ref> || {-} || {-} || {-} || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| בימים ההם ומרדכי יושב בשער מלך || 2:21 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| אחר הדברים האלה גדל || 3:1 || {P} || {P} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S} OH={P}
|- align=center
| ויאמר המן למלך || 3:8 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ומרדכי ידע || 4:1 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S} OH={P}
|- align=center
| ויאמר מרדכי להשיב || 4:13 || {P} || {P} || {P} || {P} || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ויהי ביום השלישי ותלבש || 5:1 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ויאמר לה המלך מה לך || 5:3 || {S} || {-} || {S} || {S} || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| בלילה ההוא נדדה || 6:1 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ויאמר המלך אחשורוש ויאמר לאסתר המלכה || 7:5 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ויאמר חרבונה || 7:9 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ביום ההוא נתן המלך אחשורוש || 8:1 || {P} || {P} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S} OH={P}
|- align=center
| ותוסף אסתר ותדבר || 8:3 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ויאמר המלך אחשורוש לאסתר המלכה ולמרדכי || 8:7 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ומרדכי יצא מלפני המלך || 8:15 || {S} || {S} || {P} || || {S} C={P} || {S}
|- align=center
| ויכו היהודים בכל איביהם || 9:5 || {-} || {-} || {P} || || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ואת פרשנדתא... ואת ויזתא || 9:7-9 ||colspan=6| {S} '''[[#Haman's Sons|Haman's Sons {SONG}]]''' {S}
|- align=center
| ויאמר המלך לאסתר המלכה בשושן הבירה || 9:12 || {-} || {-} || {S}<ref>Mistakenly listed as both {P} and {S} in the notes at the back of the Dotan edition.</ref> || || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ויכתב מרדכי את הדברים האלה || 9:20 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {P} || (-) || {-}
|- align=center
| ותכתב אסתר המלכה || 9:29 || {S} || {S} || {S} || {S} || {-}<br>Fo1={P}<br>Fo2+tiqqun={S} || {S}
|- align=center
| וישם המלך אחשורוש מס || 10:1 || {S} || {S} || {P} || {P} || {S} C={P} || {S}

Most printed Jewish bibles, even those based on manuscripts, show the flow of text in Esther according to the widespread tradition based on ''Keset HaSofer'' (only closed ''parashot''). Such editions include the ''Koren'' edition (Jerusalem, 1962), Breuer's first edition (Jerusalem, 1982) and Dotan's editions (which are otherwise based upon the Leningrad Codex). The flow of text in such bibles is as follows:
* 1:1-8 {S} 1:9-12 {S} 1:13-15 {S} 1:16-22 {S} 2:1-4 {S} 2:5-20 {S} 2:21-23 {S} 3:1-7 {S} 3:8-15 {S} 4:1-17;5:1-14 {S} 6:1-14;7:1-4 {S} 7:5-8 {S} 7:9-10 {S} 8:1-2 {S} 8:3-6 {S} 8:7-14 {S} 8:15-17;9:1-6
* {S} [[#Haman's Sons|'''Haman's Sons: {SONG} 9:7-9 {SONG}]]'''
* {S} 9:10-28 {S} 9:29-32 {S} 10:1-3

Bibles that show the ''parashot'' in Esther based upon a reconstruction of the Aleppo Codex include two editions following the Breuer method (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown''). The flow of text in such bibles is as follows:
* 1:1-9 {S*} 1:10-15 {P*} 1:16-22 {P*} 2:1-4 {P*} 2:5-10 {S*}<ref name="Esther 2:11"/> 2:11-20 {S*} 2:21-23 {P*} 3:1-7 {S*} 3:8-15 {S*} 4:1-12 {P*} 4:13-17 {S*} 5:1-2 {S*} 5:3-14 {S*} 6:1-14;7:1-4 {S*} 7:5-8 {S*} 7:9-10 {P*} 8:1-2 {S*} 8:3-6 {S*} 8:7-14 {S*} 8:15-17;9:1-6
* {S*} [[#Haman's Sons|'''Haman's Sons: {SONG*} 9:7-9 {SONG*}]]'''
* {S*} 9:10-19 {S*} 9:20-28 {S*} 9:29-32 {S*} 10:1-3

=== Daniel ===
The Aleppo codex lacks Daniel in its entirety. ''Parashot'' listed here are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 324-325.</ref>

* 1:1-21 {S} 2:1-13 {S} 2:14-16 {S} 2:17-24 {S} 2:25-28 {S} 2:29-30 {S} 2:31-45 {S} 2:46-49 {P} 3:1-18 {P} 3:19-23 {P} 3:24-30 {P} 3:31-33;4:1-25 {P} 4:26-34 {P} 5:1-7 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 5:8-12 {P} 5:13-16 {P} 5:17-30 {P} 6:1-6 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 6:7-11 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 6:12-14 {P} 6:15 {S} 6:16-29
* {P} 7:1-14 {P} 7:15-28 {P} 8:1-27 {P} 9:1-27 {S} 10:1-3 {P} 10:4-21 {P} 11:1-45;12:1-3 {P} 12:4-13

=== Ezra-Nehemiah ===

The Aleppo codex lacks [[Ezra-Nehemiah]] in its entirety. ''Parashot'' listed here are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, pp. 325-328.</ref>

* <u>(Ezra)</u> 1:1-8 {S} 1:9 {S} 1:10-11
* People of the province who returned to Jerusalem: {P} 2:1-2 {S} 2:3 {S} 2:4 {S} 2:5 {S} 2:6 {S} 2:7 {S} 2:8 {S} 2:9 {S} 2:10 {S} 2:11 {S} 2:12 {S} 2:13 {S} 2:14 {S} 2:15 {S} 2:16 {S} 2:17 {S} 2:18 {S} 2:19 {S} 2:20 {S} 2:21 {S} 2:22 {S} 2:23 {S} 2:24 {S} 2:25 {S} 2:26 {S} 2:27 {S} 2:28 {S} 2:29 {S} 2:30 {S} 2:31 {S} 2:32 {S} 2:33 {S} 2:34 {S} 2:35 {S} 2:36 {S} 2:37 {S} 2:38 {S} 2:39 {S} 2:40 {S} 2:41 {S} 2:42 {S} 2:43 {S} 2:44 {S} 2:45 {S} 2:46 {S} 2:47 {S} 2:48 {S} 2:49 {S} 2:50 {S} 2:51 {S} 2:52 {S} 2:53 {S} 2:54 {S} 2:55 {S} 2:56 {S} 2:57 {S} 2:58 {S} 2:59 {P} 2:60 {S} 2:61 {S} 2:62-66 {S} 2:67 {P} 2:68-69 {S} 2:70
* {S} 3:1a {S} 3:1b {S} 3:2-7 {P} 3:8-9a {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 3:9b-13 בני חנדד {P} 4:1-6 {S} 4:7 {P} 4:8-11 {P} 4:12 {S} 4:13 {S} 4:14-16 {P} 4:17 {P} 4:18-22 {S} 4:23 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 4:24 {P} 5:1 {S} 5:2 {P} 5:3-5 {P} 5:6-7 {S} 5:8-10 {P} 5:11-12 {P} 5:13-15 {P} 5:16-17 {P} 6:1-2 {P} 6:3-4 {S} 6:5 {S} 6:6-12 {P} 6:13-15 {P} 6:16-18 {P} 6:19-22 {P} 7:1-6 {P} 7:7-10 {S} 7:11 {P} 7:12-24 {P} 7:25-26 {P} 7:27-28
* Chiefs of the clans: {P} 8:1 {S} 8:2a {S} 8:2b {S} 8:2c {S} 8:3a מבני שכניה {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 8:3b מבני פרעש {S} 8:4 {S} 8:5 {S} 8:6 {S} 8:7 {S} 8:8 {S} 8:9 {S} 8:10 {S} 8:11 {S} 8:12 {S} 8:13 {S} 8:14
* {S} 8:15-18a {S} 8:18b-19 מבני מחלי {S} 8:20-30 {P} 18:31-34 {P}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 18:35 {P} 18:36 {S} 9:1-9 {S} 9:10-14 {S} 9:15 {P} 10:1 {P} 10:2-3 {P} 10:4 {P} 10:5-8 {P} 10:9 {P} 10:10-11 {S} 10:12-14 {S} 10:15-17
* Priestly families who were found to have foreign women: {P} 10:18-19 {S} 10:20 {S} 10:21 {S} 10:22 {S} 10:23 {S} 10:24 {S} 10:25 {S} 10:26 {S} 10:27 {S} 10:28 {S} 10:29 {S} 10:30 {S} 10:31 {S} 10:32 {S} 10:33 {S} 10:34 {S} 10:35 {S} 10:36 {S} 10:37 {S} 10:38 {S} 10:39 {S} 10:40 {S} 10:41 {S} 10:42 {S} 10:43-44
* {P} <u>(Nehemiah)</u> 1:1-11 {P} 2:1-9 {P} 2:10-18 {P} 2:19-20
* Builders: {P} 3:1 {S} 3:2 {S} 3:3 {S} 3:4b {S} 3:4c {S} 3:4a {S} 3:5 {S} 3:6 {S} 3:7 {S} 3:8a {S} 3:8b {S} 3:9 {S} 3:10 {S} 3:11 {S} 3:12 {S} 3:13-14 {S} 3:15 {S} 3:16 {S} 3:17a {S} 3:17b {S} 3:18 {S} 3:19 {S} 3:20 {S} 3:21 {S} 3:22-23a {S} 3:23b {S} 3:24-25 {S} 3:26 {S} 3:27-28 {S} 3:29a {S} 3:29b {S} 3:30a {S} 3:30b {S} 3:31-32
* {P} 3:33-35 {P} 3:36-38 {P} 4:1-8 {P} 4:9-17 {P} 5:1-8 {P} 5:9-19 6:1-4 {P} 6:5-7 {P} 6:8-13 {P} 6:14-15 {P} 6:16-19 {P} 7:1-5
* People of the province who returned to Jerusalem: {P} 7:6-7 {S} {S} 7:7 {S} 7:8 {S} 7:9 {S} 7:10 {S} 7:11 {S} 7:12 {S} 7:13 {S} 7:14 {S} 7:15 {S} 7:16 {S} 7:17 {S} 7:18 {S} 7:19 {S} 7:20 {S} 7:21 {S} 7:22 {S} 7:23 {S} 7:24 {S} 7:25 {S} 7:26 {S} 7:27 {S} 7:28 {S} 7:29 {S} 7:30 {S} 7:31 {S} 7:32 {S} 7:33 {S} 7:34 {S} 7:35 {S} 7:36 {S} 7:37 {S} 7:38 ''{P}'' 7:39 {S} 7:40 {S} 7:41 {S} 7:42 {S} 7:43 {S} 7:44 {S} 7:45 ''{P}'' 7:46 {S} 7:47 {S} 7:48 {S} 7:49 {S} 7:50 {S} 7:51 {S} 7:52 {S} 7:53 {S} 7:54 {S} 7:55 {S} 7:56 {S} 7:57 {S} 7:58 {S} 7:59a {S} 7:59b בני פרכת {P} 7:60 ''{P}'' 7:61 {S} 7:62 {S} 7:63-67 {S} 7:68-69 {S} 7:70-72a {S} 7:72b;8:1-4 ויגע החדש השביעי {S} 8:5-8 {P} 8:9-12 {P} 8:13-15 {S} 8:16 {S} 8:17-18 {P} 9:1-3 {P} 9:4-37 {P} 10:1-14 {S} 10:15-34 {S} 10:35-40;11:1-2 {P} 11:3-6 {P} 11:7-9 {P} 11:10-14 {S} 11:15-18 {P} 11:19-21 {P} 11:22-36 {P} 12:1-7 {P} 12:8-22 {P} 12:23-26 {P} 12:27-34 {P} 12:35-47 {P} 13:1-9 {P} 13:10-13 {P} 13:14-18 {P} 13:19-21 {P} 13:22 {P} 13:23-30a {P} 13:30b-31 ואעמידה משמרות.

=== Chronicles ===

* '''Chronology until David (1 Chronicles 1-10):''' 1:1-4 {S} 1:5 {S} 1:6 {S} 1:7 {S} 1:8-9 {S} 1:10 {S} 1:11-12 {S} 1:13-16 {S} 1:17 {S} 1:18-23 {S} 1:24-27 {S} 1:28 {S} 1:29-31 {S} 1:32 {S} 1:33 {S} 1:34 {S} 1:35 {S} 1:36 {S} 1:37 {S} 1:38 {S} 1:39 {S} 1:40 {S} 1:41-42 {P} 1:43-51a {P} 1:51b-54 ויהיו אלופי אדום {P} 2:1-2 {P} 2:3 {S} 2:4 {S} 2:5 {S} 2:6 {S} 2:7 {S} 2:8 {S} 2:9-20 {S} 2:21-22 {S} 2:23-24 {S} 2:25-26 {S} 2:27-32 {S} 2:33-41 {S} 2:42-46 {S} 2:47-49 {S} 2:50-53 {S} 2:54-55 {S} 3:1-4 {S} 3:5-9 {P} 3:10-23 {S} 3:24 {S} 4:1-2 {S} 4:3-10 {S} 4:11-12 {S} 4:13-14 {P} 4:15-18 {S} 4:19-23 {S} 4:24-27 {S} 4:28-33a {S} 4:33b-43 זאת מושבתם {P} 5:1-2 {S} 5:3-10 {S} 5:11-13 {S} 5:14-17 {P} 5:18-22 {P} 5:23-26 {P} 5:27-28 {S} 5:29a {S} 5:29b-41 ובני אהרן {P} 6:1-3 {S} 6:4-13 {S} 6:14-15 {P} 6:16-23 {S} 6:24-28 {S} 6:29-32 {S} 6:33-34 {P} 6:35-38 {S} 6:39-41 {S} 6:42-44 {S} 6:45 {S} 6:46 {P} 6:47 {S} 6:48 {S} 6:49-50 {S} 6:51-55 {P} 6:56-58 {S} 6:59-60 {S} 6:61 {S} 6:62-66 {S} 7:1 {S} 7:2 {S} 7:3-5 {S} 7:6-13 {P} 7:14-19 {P} 7:20-29 {P} 7:30-40 {S} 8:1-32 {S} 8:33-40 {P} 9:1 {S} 9:2-4 {S} 9:5-9 {S} 9:10-11 {S} 9:12-34 {S} 9:35-38 {S} 9:39 -44 {P} 10:1-4a {S} 10:4b-5 ויקח שאול {S} 10:6-7 {S} 10:8-10 {S} 10:11-14
* '''King David (1 Chronicles 11-29):'''
** {P} 11:1-3 {S} 11:4-9 {P} 11:10 {S} 11:11-21 {S} 11:22-25
** David's champions (11:26-47): {S} 11:26a {S} 11:26b אלחנן {S} 11:27a {S} 11:27b חלץ {S} 11:28a {S} 11:28b אביעזר {S} 11:29a {S} 11:29b עילי {S} 11:30a {S} 11:30b חלד {S} 11:31a {S} 11:31b בניה {S} 11:32a {S} 11:32b אביאל {S} 11:33a {S} 11:33b אליחבא {S} 11:34a {S} 11:34b יונתן {S} 11:35a {S} 11:35b אליפל {S} 11:36 {S} 11:37a {S} 11:37b נערי {S} 11:38a {S} 11:38b מבחר {S} 11:39 {S} 11:40a {S} 11:40b גרב {S} 11:41a {S} 11:41b זבד {S} 11:42a {S} 11:42b חנן {S} 11:43 {S} 11:44a {S} 11:44b שמע {S} 11:45 {S} 11:46a {S} 11:46b-47a ויתמה {S} 11:47b ויעשיאל.
** {P} 12:1-5 {S} 12:6-14 {S} 12:15-16 {P} 12:17-18 {S} 12:19 {P} 12:20-23
** David's supporters in Hebron: {P} 12:24 {S} 12:25 {S} 12:26 {S} 12:27 {S} 12:28 {S} 12:29 {S} 12:30 {S} 12:31 {S} 12:32 {S} 12:33 {S} 12:34 {S} 12:35 {S} 12:36 {S} 12:37 {S} 12:38 {S} 12:38-41
** {P} 13:1-14 {S} 14:1-2 {S} 14:3-7 {P} 14:8-12 {P} 14:13-17;15:1-2 {P} 15:3-4 Levites: {S} 15:5 {S} 15:6 {S} 15:7 {S} 15:8 {S} 15:9 {S} 15:10 {P} 15:11 {S} 15:12-15 {P} 15:16 {P} 15:17a {S} 15:17b-25 ומן בני מררי {P} 15:26-29 {P} 16:1-4 {S} 16:5-7
** {P} '''Song of Assaf: [[#Song of Assaf|{SONG} 16:8-22 {P} 16:23-36 {SONG}]]'''
** {P} 16:37-38 {S} 16:39-43 {P} 17:1-2 {S} 17:3-7a {S} 17:7b-15 כה אמר {P} 17:16-27 18:1-8 {P} 18:9-17 {P} 19:1-5 {S} 19:6-7a {S} 19:7b ובני עמון {S} 19:8-12a {S} 19:12b-15 ואם בני עמון {S} 19:16-19 {S} 20:1-3 {S} 20:4-5 {S} 20:6-8 {P} 21:1-7 {S} 21:8 {P} 21:9-12 {S} 21:13-15 {S} 21:16-17 {S} 21:18-26 {S} 21:27-30 {S} 22:1 {P} 22:2-4 {P} 22:5-6 {S} 22:7-17 {S} 22:18-19 {P} 23:1-5 {S} 23:6 {S} 23:7 {S} 23:8 {S} 23:9 {S} 23:10-11 {S} 23:12 {S} 23:13-14 {S} 23:15-17 {S} 23:18-23 {S} 23:24-32 {P} 24:1-5 {S} 24:6
** {P} 24:7a {S} 24:7b לידעיה {S} 24:8a {S} 24:8b לשערים {S} 24:9a {S} 24:9b למימן {S} 24:10a {S} 24:10b לאביה {S} 24:11a {S} 24:11b לשכניהו {S} 24:12a {S} 24:12b ליקים {S} 24:13a {S} 24:13b לישבאב {S} 24:14a {S} 24:14b לאמר {S} 24:15a {S} 24:15b להפצץ {S} 24:16a {S} 24:16b ליחזקאל {S} 24:17a {S} 24:17b לגמול {S} 24:18a {S} 24:18b למעזיהו.
** {P} 24:19 {P} 24:20 {S} 24:21 {S} 24:22 {S} 24:23 {S} 24:24 {S} 24:25 {S} 24:26 {S} 24:27 {S} 24:28 {S} 24:29 {S} 24:30-31 {S} 25:1-3 {S} 25:4-8 {P} 25:9a {S} 25:9b גדליהו {S} 25:10 {S} 25:11 {S} 25:12 {S} 25:13 {S} 25:14 {S} 25:15 {S} 25:16 {S} 25:17 {S} 25:18 {S} 25:19 {S} 25:20 {S} 25:21 {S} 25:22 {S} 25:23 {S} 25:24 {S} 25:25 {S} 25:26 {S} 25:27 {S} 25:28 {S} 25:29 {S} 25:30 {S} 25:31 {P} 26:1-5 {S} 26:6-13 {P} 26:14-16 {S} 26:17a {S} 26:17b-20 ולאספים {S} 26:21 {S} 26:22 {S} 26:23-24 {S} 26:25-28 {P} 26:29-32 {P} 27:1 {P} 27:2 {S} 27:3 {S} 27:4 {S} 27:5-6 {S} 27:7 {S} 27:8 {S} 27:9 {S} 27:10 {S} 27:11 {S} 27:12 {S} 27:13 {S} 27:14 {S} 27:15 {P} 27:16a {S} 27:16b לשמעוני {S} 27:17 {S} 27:18a {S} 27:18b ליששכר {S} 27:19a {S} 27:19b לנפתלי {S} 27:20 {S} 27:21a {S} 27:16b לבנימן 27:22-24 {S} 27:25a {S} 27:25b ועל האצרות {S} 27:26 {S} 27:27a {S} 27:27b ועל שבכרמים {S} 27:28a {S} 27:28b ועל אצרות השמן {S} 27:29a {S} 27:29b ועל הקבר {S} 27:30a {S} 27:30b ועל האתנות {S} 27:31 {S} 27:32 {S} 27:33 {S} 27:34
** {P} 28:10 {P} 28:11-19 {P} 28:20-21 {S} 29:1-9 {P} 29:10-19 {P} 29:20-25 {P} 29:26-20

* '''King Solomon (2 Chronicles 1-9):''' {P} 1:1-10 {S} 1:11-13 {P} 1:14-18;2:1 {P} 2:2-9 {S} 2:10-15 {P} 2:16-17;3:1-7 {S} 3:8-13 {S} 3:14 {S} 3:15 {S} 3:16-17 {S} 4:1 {S} 4:2-5 {S} 4:6 {S} 4:7 {S} 4:8 {S} 4:9-18 {S} 4:19-22;5:1a {S} 5:1b ויבא שלמה {P} 5:2-10 {P} 5:11-14 {S} 6:1-13 {P} 6:14a ויאמר {P} 6:14b-23 ה' אלהי ישראל {S} 6:24-25 {P} 6:26-27 {S} 6:28-31 {S} 6:32-40 {S} 6:41-42 {P} 7:1-4 {S} 7:5-6 {S} 7:7-11 {P} 7:12-22 {P} 8:1-9 {P} 8:10-11 {P} 8:12-16 {S} 8:17-18 {P} 9:1-12 {P} 9:13-21 {P} 9:22-24 {S} 9:25-31
* '''The Davidic Dynasty (2 Chronicles 10-36):''' {P} 10:1-5 {S} 10:6-11 {P} 10:12-16 {S} 10:17-18a {S} 10:18b והמלך רחבעם התאמץ {S} 10:19;11:1 {P} 11:2-4 {P} 11:5-12 {S} 11:13-23;12:1 {P} 12:2-4 {S} 12:5-8 {S} 12:9-12 {S} 12:13-14 {S} 12:15-16 {P} 13:1-3a {S} 13:3b וירבעם {S} 13:4-5 {P} 13:6-9 {S} 13:10-20 {P} 13:21-23 {P} 14:1-6 {P} 14:7a {S} 14:7b-10 ומבנימן {S} 14:11-14 {S} 15:1-2 {S} 15:3-7 {S} 15:8-9 {P} 15:10-19 {P} 16:1-5 {S} 16:6 {S} 16:7-14 {P} 17:1-6 {P} 17:7-11 {P} 17:12-14a {S} 17:14b עדנה השר {S} 17:15 {S} 17:16 {S} 17:17 {S} 17:18 {S} 17:19 {P} 18:1-17 {S} 18:18-22 {S} 18:23-34;19:1 {S} 19:2-11 {P} 20:1-13 {S} 20:14-30 {P} 20:31-37;21:1-3 {P} 21:4-11 {P} 21:12-20;22:1 {P} 22:2-12 {P} 23:1-11 {S} 23:12-13 {S} 23:14-15 {P} 23:16-21;24:1-2 {S} 24:3-14 {P} 24:15-16 {P} 24:17-19 {S} 24:20-22 {P} 24:23-27 {P} 25:1-10 {S} 25:11-13 {P} 25:14-16 {P} 25:17-24 {P} 25:25-28;26:1-2 {P} 26:3-10 {S} 26:11-23 {P} 27:1-9 {P} 28:1-5 {S} 28:6-7 {S} 28:8 {S} 28:9-11 {S} 28:12-13 {S} 28:14-15 {P} 28:16-27 {P} 29:1-11 {P} 29:12a {S} 29:12b-13 ומן הגרשני {S} 29:14a {S} 29:14b-17 ומן בני ידותון {S} 29:18-19 {S} 29:20-26 {P} 29:27-30 {P} 29:31-36 {P} 30:1-9 {S} 30:10-19 {S} 30:20 {S} 30:21 {S} 30:22 {S} 30:23-24a {S} 30:24b-26 והשרים הרימו {S} 30:27 {P} 31:1 {P} 31:2 {S} 31:3-6 {S} 31:7 {S} 31:8 {P} 31:9-10 {S} 31:11-21 {P} 32:1-8 {P} 32:9-19 {S} 32:20 {S} 32:21-23 {P} 32:24-32 {P} 33:1-9 {P} 33:10-20 {P} 33:21-25 {P} 34:1-7 {P} 34:8-11 {S} 34:12-23 {S} 34:24-26a {S} 34:26b-28 כה אמר ה' אלהי ישראל {S} 34:29-33 {S} 35:1-2 {S} 35:3-6 {P} 35:7 {S} 35:8-18 {S} 35:19 {S} 35:20-22 {S} 35:23-24 {S} 35:25-27 {S} 36:1-4 {P} 36:5-8 {P} 36:9-10 {P} 36:11-14 {S} 36:15-17 {S} 36:18-21 {S} 36:22 {S} 36:23

== Songs with special layout ==
{{Expand section|date=May 2008}}
[[File:Torah2.jpg|thumb|right|Image of a modern Torah scroll open to the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1-19) with special layout visible.]]
In addition to the common "open" and "closed" ''parashot'', the masoretic scribal layout employs spaces in an elaborate way for prominent songs found within narrative books, as well as for certain lists. Each such "song" is formatted in its own exact way, though there are similarities between them. These sections include:

* Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1-19)
* Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32)
* Canaanite Kings (Joshua 12:9-24)
* Song of Deborah (Judges 5)
* Song of David (II Samuel 22)
* Song of the Seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8)
* Haman's Sons (Esther 9:7-9)
* David's Champions (I Chronicles 11:26-47)
* Song of Assaf (I Chronicles 16:8-36)

The following sections discuss the layout and formatting of each of these songs in detail.

=== Song of the Sea (Exodus) ===
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=== Song of Moses (Deuteronomy) ===
{{Empty section|date=May 2008}}

=== Canaanite Kings (Joshua) ===
{{Empty section|date=February 2009}}

=== Song of Deborah (Judges) ===
{{Empty section|date=February 2009}}

=== Song of David (Samuel) ===
{{Empty section|date=February 2009}}

=== Song of the Seasons (Ecclesiastes) ===
{{Empty section|date=May 2008}}

=== Haman's Sons (Esther) ===
[[File:Esther-elihu.djvu|thumb|right||100px|The list of Haman's sons in a standard Scroll of Esther.|page=9]]

Esther 9:7-9 lists Haman's ten sons in three consecutive verses (three names in 7, three in 8, and four in 9). Each name is preceded by the Hebrew particle ואת. The {SONG} format for this list is as follows:
* The last word of verse 9:6 (איש) is purposely planned to be the first word in a new line (at the right margin). This word will begin the first line of text in {SONG} format.
* The first word of 9:7 (the Hebrew particle ואת) is written at the end of the first line in at the left margin. A large gap is thus left between איש and ואת, which forms a closed ''parashah'' division {S}.
* In the next ten lines of text, the ten names of the sons of Haman appear one after another in the beginning of each line at the right margin, beneath the word איש, while the word ואת appears at the end of each line text (left margin) until the final line. The 11th and final line of text ends with the first word of 9:10 (עשרת).
* There are thus a total of eleven lines of text in {SONG} format, each with a single word at the beginning of the line and a single word at the end. The first (right) column begins with the word איש and the names of Haman's 10 sons follow beneath it. The second (left) column has the word ואת ten times, and in the final row it has the first word of 9:10 (עשרת).

The {SONG} format described here originated in the typically narrow columns of the Tiberian masoretic codices, in which a line of text containing only two words at opposite margins with a gap between them appears similar to a standard closed ''parashah''. However, in many later scrolls the columns are much wider, such that lines with single words at opposite margins create a huge gap in the middle. In many scrolls these eleven lines are written in very large letters so that they form one full column of text in the megillah.

=== Song of Assaf (Chronicles) ===
{{Empty section|date=October 2009}}
== Lihat pula ==
== Lihat pula ==

'''Perbandingan dengan konsep pada tradisi masoret:'''
*[[Chumash (Judaism)|Chumash]]
* [[Weekly Torah portion]]
* [[Seder (Bible)]]

'''Perbandingan dengan konsep pada tradisi lain:'''
*[[Sefer Torah]]
* [[Chapters and verses of the Bible]]
*[[Tikkun (book)]]
* [[Lectionary]]
*[[Pembacaan Taurat]]
* [[Pasha (Quran)]]

*[[Weekly Maqam]]
'''Topik masoretik terkait:'''
* [[Teks Masoret]]
* [[Aleppo Codex]]
* [[Leningrad Codex]]
* [[Gulungan Taurat]]
* [[Daftar naskah Alkitab Ibrani]]

== Referensi ==
== Referensi ==

== Pranala luar ==
== Pustaka yang dikutip ==
'''Buku dan artikel yang dikutip dalam [[#Referensi|referensi]] artikel ini:'''
*[http://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/ Links to the Hebrew text for weekly Torah portions]
* Finfer, Pesah. ''Masoret HaTorah VehaNevi'im.'' Vilna, 1906 (Hebrew). Online text: [[:commons:File:Masoret-finfer.djvu|DjVu at Commons]], [http://hebrewbooks.org/6251 (PDF)]
*[http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/olv18cdaciiflov66ah3qlkntk@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic Google Calendar of weekly Torah portions for Diaspora]
* [[Shlomo Ganzfried|Ganzfried, Shlomo]]. ''Keset HaSofer''. Ungvár ([[Uzhhorod]]), 1835 (Hebrew). [http://hebrewbooks.org/8308 Online text (PDF)]
*[http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/tuojqh14bvmhomns7dod9fqci8@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic Google Calendar of weekly Torah portions for Israel]
* [[Moshe Goshen-Gottstein|Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe]]. "The Authenticity of the Aleppo Codex." ''Textus'' 1 (1960):17-58.
*[http://eteacherbiblical.com/bible-study/torah-portion Weekly Torah portion videos]
* [[Moshe Goshen-Gottstein|Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe]]. "A Recovered Part of the Aleppo Codex." ''Textus'' 5 (1966):53-59.
*[http://www.akhlah.com/parsha/parisha.php Torah portion for kids]
* Levy, B. Barry. ''Fixing God's Torah: The Accuracy of the Hebrew Bible text in Jewish Law.'' Oxford University Press, 2001.
*[http://www.jewishnews2day.com/jnt/cont.asp?code=10489&cat=uplinks The Weekly Parshah]
* Ofer, Yosef. "[[Umberto Cassuto|M. D. Cassuto]]'s Notes on the Aleppo Codex." ''Sefunot'' 19 (1989):277-344 (Hebrew). [http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/vl/tohen.asp?id=277 Online text (PDF)]
*[http://www.parshapartner.org Parsha Partner Discussion topics based on the weekly Torah portion]
* Ofer, Yosef. "The Aleppo Codex and the Bible of R. Shalom Shachna Yellin" in ''Rabbi [[Mordechai Breuer]] Festschrift: Collected Papers in Jewish Studies'', ed. M. Bar-Asher, 1:295-353. Jerusalem, 1992 (Hebrew). [http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/vl/tohen.asp?id=277 Online text (PDF)]
* Penkower, Jordan S. "Maimonides and the Aleppo Codex." ''Textus'' 9 (1981):39-128.
* Penkower, Jordan S. ''New Evidence for the Pentateuch Text in the Aleppo Codex''. [[Bar-Ilan University]] Press: Ramat Gan, 1992 (Hebrew).
* Yeivin, Israel. "The Division into Sections in the Book of Psalms." ''Textus'' 7 (1969):76-102.
* Yeivin, Israel. ''Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah''. Trans. and ed. E. G. Revell. Masoretic Studies 5. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1980.

'''Edisi Alkitab terkait (berdasarkan [[Aleppo Codex]]):'''
{{Weekly Torah Portions}}
# Mossad Harav Kuk: Jerualem, 1977-1982. [[Mordechai Breuer]], ed.
# Horev publishers: Jerusalem, 1996-98. [[Mordechai Breuer]], ed.
{{Torah reading}}
# ''[http://www.jerusalem-crown.co.il/website_en/index.asp Jerusalem Crown: The Bible of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem]''. Jerusalem, 2000. Yosef Ofer, ed. (under the guidance of [[Mordechai Breuer]]).
# Jerusalem Simanim Institute (Feldheim Publishers), 2004.
# ''Mikraot Gedolot Haketer'', [[Bar-Ilan University]] Press, 1992–present.
# Mechon Mamre, [http://mechon-mamre.org/i/t/x/x0.htm online version].

'''Edisi Alkitab terkait (berdasarkan [[Leningrad Codex]]):'''
# ''[[Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia]]''. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart, 1984.
[[Category:Bacaan Taurat Mingguan| ]]
# Adi publishers. Tel Aviv, 1986. Aharon Dotan, ed.
[[Category:Liturgi Yahudi]]
# The ''[[New Jewish Publication Society of America Version|JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh]]''. Philadelphia, 1999.
# ''[[Biblia Hebraica Quinta]]: General Introduction and Megilloth''. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2004 (''BHQ'').
[[Kategori:Alkitab Ibrani]]

'''Edisi Alkitab terkait (berdasarkan tradisi lainnya):'''
# [http://www.koren-publishers.co.il/HTMLs/Home.aspx Koren Publishers]: Jerusalem, 1962.

== Pranala luar ==
''Catatan: Pranala terkait '''[[Bacaan Taurat Mingguan]]''' jangan ditempatkan di sini.''
* [http://www.aleppocodex.org/newsite/index.html The Aleppo Codex website] to view high-resolution images of the ''parashot'' and songs as they appear in the extant portions of the codex.
* [http://mechon-mamre.org/i/t/x/x0.htm Mechon-Mamre]'s digital version of the letter-text of the Aleppo Codex showing its ''parashah'' divisions.
* [http://tanach.us/Tanach.xml The Westminster Leningrad Codex] records the ''parashot'' as they appear in the Leningrad Codex.
* [http://bible.ort.org/books/pentd2.asp?ACTION=displaysum&BOOK=1 Titles for the ''Parashot'' in the Torah], by [[Aryeh Kaplan]]

[[Kategori:Alkitab Ibrani]]
[[Kategori:Perjanjian Lama]]

Revisi per 5 Maret 2015 18.29

Sebuah halaman dari Kodeks Aleppo yang memuat Ulangan 32:50-33:29. Pemisahan parsyah pada halaman ini adalah: {P} 33:1-6 (kolom kanan, baris kosong, baris ke-8 dari atas) {S} 33:7 (kolom kanan, baris berindentasi, baris ke-23) {P} 33:8-11 (kolom kanan, baris kosong, baris ke-2 dari bawah) {S} 33:12 (kolom tengah, indentasi pertama) {S} 33:13-17 (kolom tengah, indentasi kedua) {S} 33:18-19 (kolom kiri, indentasi paling atas) {S} 33:20-21 (kolom kiri, spasi di tengah baris ke-6) {S} 33:22 (kolom kiri, baris ke-13 yang berindentasi) {S} 33:24-39 (kolom kiri, baris ke-17 yang berindentasi).

Parsyah (parashah; bahasa Ibrani: פָּרָשָׁה Pārāšâ "bagian," jamak: parashot atau parashiyot) secara resmi diartikan sebagai bagian dari suatu kitab dalam Alkitab Ibrani (Tanakh) versi Teks Masoret.[1] Dalam Teks Masoret tersebut, bagian-bagian parsyah diberi tanda dengan berbagai jenis spasi di antaranya, sebagaimana didapati pada gulungan Taurat, gulungan kitab-kitab Nevi'im atau Ketuvim (khususnya megillot), kodeks-kodeks masoretik dari Abad Pertengahan serta edisi cetak teks Masoret.

Pembagian teks ke dalam parashot pada kitab-kitab dalam Alkitab Ibrani (yaitu bagian Perjanjian Lama di Alkitab Kristen) ini tidak bergantung pembagian asal dan ayat dalam Alkitab keseluruhan, yang bukan bagian dari tradisi masoretik. Parashot tidak diberi nomor, melainkan diberi nama-nama khusus.

Lihat pula

Perbandingan dengan konsep pada tradisi masoret:

Perbandingan dengan konsep pada tradisi lain:

Topik masoretik terkait:


  1. ^ In common usage today the word often refers to the Weekly Torah portion (a shortened form of Parashat HaShavua). This article deals with the first, formal meaning of the word.

Pustaka yang dikutip

Buku dan artikel yang dikutip dalam referensi artikel ini:

  • Finfer, Pesah. Masoret HaTorah VehaNevi'im. Vilna, 1906 (Hebrew). Online text: DjVu at Commons, (PDF)
  • Ganzfried, Shlomo. Keset HaSofer. Ungvár (Uzhhorod), 1835 (Hebrew). Online text (PDF)
  • Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe. "The Authenticity of the Aleppo Codex." Textus 1 (1960):17-58.
  • Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe. "A Recovered Part of the Aleppo Codex." Textus 5 (1966):53-59.
  • Levy, B. Barry. Fixing God's Torah: The Accuracy of the Hebrew Bible text in Jewish Law. Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Ofer, Yosef. "M. D. Cassuto's Notes on the Aleppo Codex." Sefunot 19 (1989):277-344 (Hebrew). Online text (PDF)
  • Ofer, Yosef. "The Aleppo Codex and the Bible of R. Shalom Shachna Yellin" in Rabbi Mordechai Breuer Festschrift: Collected Papers in Jewish Studies, ed. M. Bar-Asher, 1:295-353. Jerusalem, 1992 (Hebrew). Online text (PDF)
  • Penkower, Jordan S. "Maimonides and the Aleppo Codex." Textus 9 (1981):39-128.
  • Penkower, Jordan S. New Evidence for the Pentateuch Text in the Aleppo Codex. Bar-Ilan University Press: Ramat Gan, 1992 (Hebrew).
  • Yeivin, Israel. "The Division into Sections in the Book of Psalms." Textus 7 (1969):76-102.
  • Yeivin, Israel. Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah. Trans. and ed. E. G. Revell. Masoretic Studies 5. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1980.

Edisi Alkitab terkait (berdasarkan Aleppo Codex):

  1. Mossad Harav Kuk: Jerualem, 1977-1982. Mordechai Breuer, ed.
  2. Horev publishers: Jerusalem, 1996-98. Mordechai Breuer, ed.
  3. Jerusalem Crown: The Bible of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 2000. Yosef Ofer, ed. (under the guidance of Mordechai Breuer).
  4. Jerusalem Simanim Institute (Feldheim Publishers), 2004.
  5. Mikraot Gedolot Haketer, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1992–present.
  6. Mechon Mamre, online version.

Edisi Alkitab terkait (berdasarkan Leningrad Codex):

  1. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart, 1984.
  2. Adi publishers. Tel Aviv, 1986. Aharon Dotan, ed.
  3. The JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh. Philadelphia, 1999.
  4. Biblia Hebraica Quinta: General Introduction and Megilloth. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2004 (BHQ).

Edisi Alkitab terkait (berdasarkan tradisi lainnya):

  1. Koren Publishers: Jerusalem, 1962.

Pranala luar

Catatan: Pranala terkait Bacaan Taurat Mingguan jangan ditempatkan di sini.