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Templat:Kotak info tokoh/doc

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Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

{{Infobox person}} dapat digunakan untuk meringkas informasi tentang orang tertentu, biasanya diletakkan pada bagian atas artikel.

Pengalihan dan panggilan

Setidaknya 1 templat lain memanggil ini dan banyak templat dialihkan ke sini.


Templat berikut cocok untuk digunakan sebagai "modul" dalam hal ini:


Kotak info dapat ditambahkan dengan menempelkan templat seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini ke dalam artikel dan kemudian mengisi bidang yang diinginkan. Parameter apa pun yang dibiarkan kosong atau dihilangkan tidak akan ditampilkan.

Templat kosong dengan parameter dasar

Nama lainother_names
Tahun aktifyears_active
Dikenal atasknown_for
Karya terkenalnotable_works
{{Infobox person
| name          = <!-- Gunakan nama umum/judul artikel -->
| image         = <!-- Hanya nama file, tanpa awalan "File:" atau "Image:", dan tanpa [[kurung]] -->
| alt           = <!-- Teks deskriptif untuk digunakan oleh perangkat lunak sintesis ucapan (text-to-speech) -->
| caption       = 
| birth_name    = <!-- Hanya digunakan jika berbeda dari nama -->
| birth_date    = <!-- {{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} untuk orang yang hidup hanya menyediakan tahun dengan {{Birth year and age|YYYY}} kecuali tanggal pastinya sudah dipublikasikan secara luas, sesuai [[WP:DOB]]. Untuk orang yang telah meninggal, gunakan {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}}. -->
| birth_place   = 
| death_date    = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (Tanggal KEMATIAN kemudian tanggal LAHIR)  -->
| death_place   = 
| nationality   = 
| other_names   = 
| occupation    = 
| years_active  = 
| known_for     = 
| notable_works = 

Template kosong dengan semua parameter

Hanya informasi yang paling relevan yang harus dimasukkan. Tolong remove parameter yang tidak digunakan, dan jangan memasukkan hal-hal sepele yang meragukan dalam upaya untuk mengisi semua parameter.

Nama asalnative_name
Sebab meninggaldeath_cause
Penemuan jasadbody_discovered
Tempat tinggalresidence
Nama lainother_names
Warga negaracitizenship
Tahun aktifyears_active
Tempat kerjaemployer
Dikenal atasknown_for
Karya terkenalnotable_works
Kota asalhome_town
Kekayaan bersihnet_worth
Masa jabatanterm
Partai politikparty
Gerakan politikmovement
Lawan politikopponents
Anggota dewanboards
Gugatan kejahatancriminal_charge
Hukuman kriminalcriminal_penalty
Status kriminalcriminal_status
Orang tuaparents
Situs webwebsite
Tanda tangan
{{Infobox person
| pre-nominals       = 
| name               =  <!-- Gunakan nama umum/judul artikel -->
| post-nominals      = 
| image              =  <!-- Hanya nama file, tanpa awalan "File:" atau "Image:", dan tanpa [[kurung]] -->
| image_upright      = 
| alt                = 
| caption            = 
| native_name        = 
| native_name_lang   = 
| pronunciation      = 
| birth_name         =  <!-- Hanya digunakan jika berbeda dari nama di atas -->
| birth_date         =  <!-- {{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} untuk orang yang hidup hanya menyediakan tahun dengan {{Birth year and age|YYYY}} kecuali tanggal pastinya sudah dipublikasikan secara luas, sesuai [[WP:DOB]]. Untuk orang yang telah meninggal, gunakan {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}}. -->
| birth_place        = 
| baptised           =  <!-- Tidak akan ditampilkan jika tanggal lahir dimasukkan -->
| disappeared_date   =  <!-- {{disappeared date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (tanggal menghilang kemudian tanggal lahir) -->
| disappeared_place  = 
| disappeared_status = 
| death_date         =  <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (tanggal kematian kemudian tanggal lahir) -->
| death_place        = 
| death_cause        = 
| body_discovered    = 
| resting_place      = 
| resting_place_coordinates =  <!-- {{coord|LAT|LONG|type:landmark|display=inline}} -->
| burial_place       =  <!-- dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti resting_place and resting_place_coordinates (menampilkan "Tempat pemakaman" sebagai label) -->
| burial_coordinates =  <!-- {{coord|LAT|LONG|type:landmark|display=inline}} -->
| monuments          = 
| residence          = 
| nationality        = 
| other_names        = 
| citizenship        = 
| education          = 
| alma_mater         = 
| occupation         = 
| years_active       = 
| era                = 
| employer           = 
| organization       = 
| agent              =  <!-- Get discouraged in most cases, especially during promotions, and need a reliable source -->
| known_for          = 
| notable_works      =  <!-- menghasilkan label "Karya Terkemuka"; dapat ditimpa oleh |credits=, yang menghasilkan label "Kredit terkenal"; or by |works=, yang menghasilkan label "Karya"; atau dengan |label_name=, yang menghasilkan label "Label(s)" -->
| style              = 
| home_town          = 
| salary             = 
| net_worth          =  <!-- Kekayaan bersih harus didukung dengan kutipan dari sumber yang dapat dipercaya -->
| height             =  <!-- "X cm", "X m" atau "X ft Y in" plus referensi opsional (konversi dilakukan secara otomatis) -->
| weight             =  <!-- "X kg", "X lb" atau "X st Y lb" plus referensi opsional (konversi dilakukan secara otomatis) -->
| television         = 
| title              =  <!-- Jabatan formal/diberikan/pekerjaan. Parameter |office= dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif ketika label lebih baik dirender sebagai "Kantor" (misalnya jabatan publik atau janji temu) -->
| term               = 
| predecessor        = 
| successor          = 
| party              = 
| movement           = 
| opponents          = 
| boards             = 
| criminal_charge    =  <!-- Parameter kriminalitas harus didukung dengan kutipan dari sumber terpercaya -->
| criminal_penalty   = 
| criminal_status    = 
| spouse             =  <!-- Gunakan judul artikel atau nama umum -->
| partner            =  <!-- (pasangan jangka panjang yang belum menikah) -->
| children           = 
| parents            =  <!-- mengesampingkan parameter ibu dan ayah -->
| mother             =  <!-- Dapat digunakan (opsional dengan parameter ayah) sebagai pengganti parameter orang tua (menampilkan "Induk" sebagai label) -->
| father             =  <!-- Dapat digunakan (opsional dengan parameter induk) sebagai pengganti parameter induk (menampilkan "Induk" sebagai label) -->
| relatives          = 
| family             = 
| callsign           = 
| awards             = 
| website            =  <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| module             = 
| module2            = 
| module3            = 
| module4            = 
| module5            = 
| module6            = 
| signature          = 
| signature_size     = 
| signature_alt      = 
| footnotes          = 


Jangan gunakan semua parameter ini untuk satu orang. Daftarnya panjang untuk mencakup banyak orang. Hanya gunakan parameter yang menyampaikan informasi penting atau penting tentang subjek, dan pastikan bahwa informasi tersebut bersumber dari artikel atau (jika hanya ada di kotak info) di kotak info

Parameter apa pun yang dibiarkan kosong atau dihilangkan tidak akan ditampilkan. Banyak parameter memiliki nama alternatif, diimplementasikan untuk kompatibilitas dengan templat lain (terutama untuk membantu penggabungan). Nama-nama yang disukai ditunjukkan pada tabel di bawah ini.

Parameter Penjelasan
pre-nominals Untuk memunculkan pada baris di atas nama orang tersebut. Ini untuk hal-hal seperti |pre-nominals=Sir – gelar kehormatan yang sangat penting yang melekat pada nama dalam alamat resmi, seperti gelar kebangsawanan dan gelar bangsawan; jangan menggunakannya untuk hal-hal rutin seperti "Mr." atau "Ms."
name Nama umum orang (default ke nama artikel jika dibiarkan kosong; berikan |birth_name= (di bawah) jika berbeda dari |name=). Jika inisial tengah ditentukan (atau tersirat) oleh judul artikel, dan tidak ditentukan secara terpisah dalam parameter |birth_name=, termasuk mereka di sini. Jangan masukkan nama kehormatan atau nama alternatif dalam parameter ini. Ada parameter terpisah untuk hal-hal ini, yang dibahas di bawah ini.
post-nominals Untuk memunculkan pada baris di bawah nama orang tersebut. Ini untuk hal-hal seperti |post-nominals=[[Officer of the Order of the British Empire|OBE]] – gelar kehormatan yang sangat penting yang dilampirkan pada nama dalam alamat resmi, seperti ordo nasional dan doktor non-kehormatan; jangan menggunakannya untuk hal-hal rutin seperti "BA". Hal ini diperbolehkan, tetapi tidak wajib menggunakan templat {{post-nominals}} di dalam parameter ini; melakukannya membutuhkan {{post-nominals|size=100|...}}.
image Nama gambar: abc.jpg, xpz.png, 123.gif, dll., tanpa prefix File: or Image:. Jika gambar diinginkan tetapi tidak tersedia, seseorang dapat menambahkan yes ke parameter |needs-photo= dari templat {{WikiProject Biography}} di halaman pembicaraan. Jika gambar belum tersedia, jangan gunakan placeholder gambar.
image_upright Skala thumbnail gambar dari ukuran default dengan faktor yang diberikan. Nilai kurang dari skala 1 gambar diperkecil (0,9 = 90%) dan nilai lebih dari skala 1 gambar diperbesar (1,15 = 115%)
alt Deskriptif alt teks untuk gambar, untuk pembaca tunanetra. Satu kata (seperti foto) jarang cukup. Jangan copy-paste nilai |caption= (di bawah) ke dalam parameter ini. Contoh perbedaannya: "Willie Nelson di konser di Dallas, 1989" bagus untuk nilai |caption=; "Nelson dalam pakaian barat dengan gitar akustik, di atas panggung dalam pertunjukan siang hari dengan band di latar belakang" ini adalah deskripsi |alt=. Jika tidak ada sesuatu yang bermakna yang belum ada dalam teks, gunakan stock text |alt=refer to caption.
caption Keterangan untuk gambar, jika diperlukan. Coba sertakan tanggal foto, beberapa konteks, dan fotografer jika diketahui (Periksalah File: atau halaman Commons untuk gambar).
native_name Nama orang tersebut dalam bahasanya sendiri, jika berbeda.
native_name_lang Kode ISO 639-1, misalnya, "fr" untuk bahasa Prancis. Jika lebih dari satu, gunakan {{lang}} di sekitar setiap nama di |native_name= sebagai gantinya.
pronunciation Rincian cara mengucapkan nama asli individu.
birth_name Nama saat lahir; hanya digunakan jika berbeda dari |name=.
birth_date Tanggal lahir: Gunakan {{birth date and age}} (jika masih hidup) atau {{birth date}} (jika telah meninggal). Lihat halaman templat untuk detil penggunaan. Jika hanya tahun kelahiran yang diketahui, atau usia pada tanggal tertentu, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan {{birth year and age}} atau {{birth based on age as of date}}. Untuk orang hidup, hanya menyediakan tahun kecuali tanggal pastinya sudah dipublikasikan secara luas. Perlakukan kasus seperti itu seolah-olah hanya tahun yang diketahui, jadi gunakan {{birth year and age}} atau opsi serupa. Templat yang disebutkan dalam paragraf ini memancarkan metadata yang menunjukkan tanggal dalam kalender Gregorian; jika tanggalnya ada di kalender Julian, jangan gunakan templat ini, tulis saja tanggalnya.
birth_place Tempat lahir: kota, wilayah administrasi, negara.
  • Gunakan nama tempat lahir pada saat lahir, misalnya: Saigon (sebelum 1976) atau Ho Chi Minh City (setelah 1976).
  • Jangan gunakan templat bendera, lambang, atau ikon lainnya.
  • Abaikan detil yang tidak perlu atau berlebihan. Misalnya, tidak perlu menyatakan: New York City, New York, United States ketika New York City, US menyampaikan informasi yang pada dasarnya sama dengan lebih ringkas.
  • Negara umumnya tidak ditautkan.
  • Untuk objek modern, negara pada umumnya harus menjadi negara berdaulat; untuk lokasi Inggris Raya, konstituen negara-negara Inggris kadang-kadang digunakan sebagai gantinya, ketika lebih tepat dalam konteksnya.
  • Untuk subjek bersejarah, gunakan nama tempat yang paling sesuai dengan konteks dan pembaca kami. Apa tempat yang mungkin sesuai dengan peta modern adalah masalah teks utama artikel.
  • Untuk tempat selanjutnya (dari kematian, dll.) tidak perlu mengulang detil yurisdiksi atau tautan untuk nama tempat yang sama.
baptised Tanggal pembaptisan: Hanya untuk digunakan ketika tanggal lahir tidak diketahui (misalnya, untuk Ludwig van Beethoven). Tidak akan ditampilkan jika tanggal lahir dimasukkan. Jangan gunakan subtemplat. Parameter baptized dapat digunakan untuk artikel yang menggunakan ejaan bahasa Inggris Amerika.
disappeared_date (Untuk orang yang hilang) Tanggal menghilang: Gunakan {{disappeared date and age}} (jika tanggal lahir diketahui) atau {{disappeared date}} (jika tanggal lahir tidak diketahui).
disappeared_place (Untuk orang hilang) Tempat menghilang: kota, wilayah administrasi, negaraLihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, redundansi, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
disappeared_status (Untuk orang hilang) Status orang tersebut saat ini, misalnya, jika orang tersebut masih dianggap hilang (gunakan {{missing for}} untuk menghitung waktu sejak menghilang), atau jika orang tersebut pernah dinyatakan meninggal in absentia, dengan tanggal untuk keputusan seperti itu.
death_date Tanggal kematian: Gunakan {{death date and age}} (jika tanggal lahir diketahui) atau {{death date}} (jika tanggal lahir tidak diketahui). Lihat halaman templat untuk detail penggunaan. Jika tanggal pastinya tidak diketahui, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan {{death year and age}}. Templat yang disebutkan dalam paragraf ini memancarkan metadata yang menunjukkan tanggal dalam kalender Gregorian; jika tanggalnya ada di kalender Julian, jangan gunakan templat ini, tulis saja tanggalnya.
death_place Tempat meninggal: kota, wilayah administrasi, negaraLihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, redundansi, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
death_cause Penyebab kematian. Harus didefinisikan dan bersumber dengan jelas, dan hanya boleh dimasukkan jika penyebab kematian memiliki arti penting bagi ketenaran subjek, misalnya James Dean, John Lennon. Itu tidak boleh diisi untuk kematian biasa-biasa saja seperti kematian karena usia tua atau penyakit rutin, misal Bruce Forsyth, Eduard Khil.
body_discovered Tempat mayat ditemukan (jika berbeda dengan tempat kematian): kota, wilayah administrasi, negaraLihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, redundansi, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
burial_place Tempat pemakaman: kota, wilayah administrasi, negaraLihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, redundansi, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.

Lihat |resting_place= untuk non-penguburan.

burial_coordinates Koordinat untuk tempat pemakaman, untuk menemani |burial_place=. Gunakan templat {{coord}}.
resting_place Lokasi columbarium, hamburan abu, dll. Jika tidak ada lokasi, kosongkan. Lokasi: kota, wilayah administrasi, negaraLihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, redundansi, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
resting_place_coordinates Koordinat untuk lokasi columbarium, hamburan abu, dll. Gunakan templat {{coord}}.
monuments Monumen penting didirikan, bangunan dinamai, dll., untuk menghormati subjek. Jika banyak, tautkan ke bagian artikel yang sesuai.
residence Lokasi di mana orang tersebut tinggal/tinggal, jika berbeda dari tempat lahir. Lokasi: kota, wilayah administrasi, negaraLihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, redundansi, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
nationality Dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti |citizenship= (di bawah) atau sebaliknya dalam kasus di mana kebingungan dapat terjadi. Sebaiknya hanya digunakan dengan |citizenship= ketika mereka berbeda. Lihat |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
other_names Nama penting lainnya untuk orang tersebut, jika berbeda dari |name= dan |birth_name=. Ini bisa termasuk nama panggung, nama gadis/menikah, nama panggilan, alias kriminal, dll.
citizenship Negara kewarganegaraan hukum, jika berbeda dari kewarganegaraan. Jarang dibutuhkan. Lihat catatan penggunaan untuk |nationality=, di atas. Seharusnya hanya digunakan jika kewarganegaraan berbeda dari nilai dalam |nationality= dan tidak dapat disimpulkan dari tempat kelahirannya. Perhatikan bahwa banyak negara tidak secara otomatis memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada orang yang lahir di dalam perbatasan mereka. See |birth_place=, di atas, untuk petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan parameter ini, termasuk: tidak ada templat bendera, penautan yang tidak sesuai, anakronisme, definisi "negara", dll.
education Pendidikan, misalnya, gelar, institusi dan tahun kelulusan, jika relevan. Jika sangat sedikit informasi yang tersedia atau relevan, parameter |alma_mater= mungkin lebih tepat.
alma_mater Almamater. Parameter ini adalah alternatif yang lebih ringkas untuk (bukan tambahan) |education=, dan akan sering terdiri dari nama terkait dari institusi pendidikan tinggi yang terakhir diikuti (bukan sekolah menengah). Biasanya tidak relevan untuk memasukkan salah satu parameter untuk non-lulusan, tetapi konsensus halaman pembicaraan artikel mungkin menyimpulkan sebaliknya, seperti mungkin pada Bill Gates.
occupation Pekerjaan seperti yang diberikan dalam memimpin. Gunakan markup daftar untuk tiga entri atau lebih, misal dengan {{flatlist}}. Harap perhatikan kasus kalimat dan gunakan huruf besar hanya pada huruf pertama dari item pertama; misalnya.:
  • Pemusik
  • penyanyi-penulis lagu
  • aktor
years_active Rentang tanggal dalam tahun di mana subjek aktif dalam pekerjaan utama mereka dan/atau aktivitas lain yang membuat mereka terkenal. Gunakan format 1950—2000, atau 1970—sekarang jika masih aktif. Rentang tanggal selalu gunakan en dash, bukan tanda hubung. Jika tidak ada tanggal lahir dan/atau kematian yang diketahui untuk subjek tersebut, hanya rentang tanggal floruit, seperti biasa dengan subjek kuno, parameter ini dapat digunakan untuk itu. Jika perkiraan (circa) tanggal diketahui salah satu atau keduanya, masukkan ke dalam |birth_date= dan parameter |death_date=. Templat yang membantu: {{floruit}}, {{circa}}.
era Era (e.g., Medieval) in which the person lived; less specific than |years_active=. Should not be used if dates are available.
employer Employer(s), if relevant.
organization Non-employing organization(s), if relevant.
agent The subject's agent (individual and/or agency), discouraged in most cases, specifically when promotional, and requiring a reliable source.
known_for A brief description of why the person is notable.
  • notable_works;
  • credits
  • label_name
  • works
Title(s) of notable work(s) (publications, compositions, sculptures, films, etc.) by the subject, if any. Produces the label Notable work. May be overridden by |credits=, which produces Notable credit(s); or by |works=, which produces Works; or by |label_name=, which produces Label(s).
  • The |notable_works=, |credits=, and |label_name= parameters are intended to be (at most) short inline lists.
  • The |label_name= variant is used for one or more record labels with which a performer is associated, or a fashion label in which a designer has been heavily involved or for which they are well known. Remember that this parameter is an alternative to the others mentioned here and is not used along with them.
  • The |works= variant is intended to link to a specific list article for a larger body of work (not all of which may be individually notable).
style The style of the subject's works, if applicable. This parameter is not for styles of address or office; see |pre-nominals=.
home_town The place where the person was raised and matured, if different from birthplace and residence. city, administrative region, country.  (See |birth_place=, above, for instructions on how to use this parameter, including: no flag templates, inappropriate linking, redundancy, anachronisms, "country" definitions, etc.)
salary Annual salary or compensation, if relevant. Link the first occurrence to the currency article, e.g.: [[Pound sterling|₤]]86,000
net_worth Current estimated net worth, if relevant. Please be sure to support with a citation from a reliable source, in the article body.
height If person was notable for their height, or if height is relevant. If used, this should also include the year of the measurement if the person had not reached full adulthood when this stat was published. See documentation of this parameter at Template:Infobox sportsperson for more information.
weight If person was notable for their weight, or if weight is relevant. If used, this should also include the year of the measurement. See documentation of this parameter at Template:Infobox sportsperson for more information.
television Television programmes presented by or closely associated with the subject. For multiple entries, use an inline list.
title Multiple uses:

For multiple entries, use an inline list.

Use the |awards= parameter, below, for awarded honors that are not really titles. A single award should not use both parameters.

office May be used as an alternative to |title= when the label is better displayed as Office (e.g. public office or appointments). Using this parameter will override |title=.
term Years the person held the |title= or |office= listed above. Helpful template: {{reign}} (also used for civil offices).
predecessor Person who previously held the |title= or |office= listed above.
successor Person who subsequently held the |title= or |office= listed above.
party If relevant. Field labelled Political party.
movement If relevant. Can be social, political (non-party), artistic, philosophical, literary, cultural, etc.
opponents Notable relevant opponents (e.g., for major political office).
boards For board of directors membership(s), if relevant. Field labeled Board member of.
  • criminal_charge
  • criminal_penalty
  • criminal_status
For convicted criminals only. Please be certain to support these parameters with citations from reliable sources, in the article body.
spouse Name of spouse(s), followed by years of marriage. Use the format Name (married 1950–present) for a current spouse, and Name (married 1970–99) for former spouse(s). Use article title (if linking) or common name. For multiple entries, use an inline list. For deceased persons still married at time of death, close the date range with death year.
partner If particularly relevant, or if the partner is notable; "partner" here means unmarried life partners (of any gender or sexual preference), not business partner. Use the format Name (1950–present) for current partner and Name (1970–1999) for former partner(s). Do not use truncated years (as in "1970–99").
children Only if independently notable themselves or particularly relevant. Number of children (e.g., three), or list of names if notable. For multiple entries, use an inline list. For privacy reasons, consider omitting the names of living children, unless notable.
parents Names of parents; include only if they are independently notable or particularly relevant. For multiple entries, use an inline list. If subject has only one notable mother and/or only one notable father, |mother= and |father= parameters may be used instead. These parameter may be used for biological, adoptive, foster, or step-parents.
mother Name of mother; include only if subject has one mother who is independently notable or particularly relevant. Displays Parent(s) as label, and is overridden by the |parents= parameter.
father Name of father; include only if subject has one father who is independently notable or particularly relevant. Displays Parent(s) as label, and is overridden by the |parents= parameter.
relatives Names of siblings or other relatives; include only if independently notable or particularly relevant. Include the relationship in parentheses after the name (sister, uncle, etc.). For multiple entries, use an inline list.
callsign Amateur radio call sign, if relevant.
awards Notable awards. If many, link to an appropriate section of the article instead. Use |title= parameter, above, for awarded titles; A single award should not use both parameters.
website Official website only. Unofficial websites should be placed under ==External links== in the body of the article. Use {{URL}} as in {{URL|Example.com}}. Do not display the www. part unless the site requires it.
  • module
  • module2
  • module3
  • module4
  • module5
  • module6
Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one. Example:
{{Infobox person
| name                = Ian Watkins
| module =
    {{Infobox musical artist
    | embed = yes
    | background = solo_singer <!-- mandatory field -->
    }} <!-- end of Infobox musical artist -->
}} <!-- end of Infobox person -->

For more detailed information, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Infoboxes/embed.

signature An image of the person's signature. Please use image name: abc.jpg, xpz.png, 123.gif, etc., without the File: or Image: prefix
signature_size Default is 150px. If necessary, a signature can be resized manually as per the |image_size= parameter.
signature_alt Alt text for the signature image. For example, for File:Thomas Jefferson Signature.svg, the alt text might be |signature_alt= Th: Jefferson, spelling out the signature exactly as it appears in the image.
footnotes Textual notes about any of the infobox data. This is not for reference citations. If an infobox parameter's value needs a citation, cite inline at the end of the value. Citations will appear in the article's references section along with the other citations in the article.
image_size Deprecated. Size to display image: 200px (set width), x300px (set height), or 200x300px (max width & max height). If empty or omitted, this defaults to frameless (default is 220px, but logged-in users can change this by clicking on "my preferences" and adjusting thumbnail size). Use of this parameter is discouraged. Use image_upright instead. Do not use "×" or capital "X"

Inline lists

Parameters with multiple values should be formatted with inline-list templates.

Horizontal ones include {{hlist}} or {{flatlist}}. In horizontal style, only the first item is capitalized (aside from proper names).

This style is best for short items, and few of them. An entry of two or three very short items that will all fit on one line can be done simply with commas: |parameter_name=Foo, bar, baz (use semicolons if any items contain their own commas).

Horizontal list example with {{hlist|Item one|item two|item three}}:

  • Item one
  • item two
  • item three

Vertical templates are {{plainlist}} and {{unbulleted list}} (vertical), use unbulleted, non-indented lists for clean display in infoboxes. Entries may be all sentence case, or all lowercase (aside from proper names) after the first.

This style is best for long items, and longer lists. For long lists of information that may not be of immediate interest but retained for reference, the {{collapsible list}} template can be used; this is not a universally accessible option, so should not be used for key information.

Do not use <br /> markup to create fake lists, as in: Item one<br />item two<br />item three.

Vertical list example:, using {{unbulleted list|Item one|item two|item three}}:

  • Item one
  • item two
  • item three


Bill Gates
Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum in Davos, 2007
LahirWilliam Henry Gates III
28 Oktober 1955 (umur 68)
Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Tempat tinggalMedina, Washington, U.S.
Kekayaan bersihUS$53 billion (2010)[1]
(m. 1994)
Orang tua
Situs webmicrosoft.com/presspass/exec/billg
Tanda tangan
{{Infobox person
| name              = Bill Gates
| image             = Bill Gates in WEF, 2007.jpg
| caption           = Bill Gates at the [[World Economic Forum]] in [[Davos]], 2007
| birth_name        = William Henry Gates III
| birth_date        = {{birth date and age|1955|10|28}}
| birth_place       = [[Seattle]], Washington, US
| occupation        = {{unbulleted list| Chairperson of [[Microsoft]] (non-executive) | Co-chair of [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]] | Director of [[Berkshire Hathaway]] | CEO of [[Cascade Investment]] }}
| networth          = {{increase}}[[United States dollar|US$]]53 [[1,000,000,000 (number)|billion]] (2010)<ref>[https://www.forbes.com/profile/bill-gates/ Bill Gates profile]. Forbes.com. Retrieved April 2010.</ref>
| spouse            = [[Melinda Gates]] (married 1994)
| children          = 3
| residence         = [[Medina, Washington]]
| alma_mater        = Harvard University (dropped out in 1975)
| website           = {{URL|microsoft.com/presspass/exec/billg}}
| signature         = BillGates Signature.svg
| parents           = {{unbulleted list| [[William H. Gates, Sr.]] | [[Mary Maxwell Gates]] }}


Markah HTML yang dihasilkan templat ini akan menggunakan microformat hCard, yang membuat detail tokohnya dapat diparser oleh komputer, baik bertindak otomatis untuk membuat katalog artikel di Wikipedia atau melalui peramban yang dijalankan oleh pembaca, untuk (misalnya) menambahkan subjek ke buku alamat atau basis data.


Informasi tanggal lahir ("bday") akan dimasukkan dalam microformat bila {{birth date}}, atau {{birth date and age}} digunakan di kotak info. (Jangan digunakan untuk tokoh yang lahir sebelum 1583.) Waspada bila digunakan untuk tokoh yang masih hidup, lihat WP:ULTAH.

Untuk memasukkan URL, gunakan {{URL}}.

Tolong jangan hapus contoh subtemplat ini.


hCard menggunakan kelas HTML seperti:

  • adr
  • agent
  • bday
  • birthplace
  • category
  • country-name
  • deathdate
  • deathplace
  • extended-address
  • family-name
  • fn (required)
  • given-name
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • label
  • locality
  • n
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • role
  • url
  • vcard

Harap jangan mengganti nama atau menghapus kelas-kelas ini atau menciutkan elemen yang menggunakannya.


Ini dokumennya TemplateData untuk template ini digunakan oleh VisualEditor dan alat lainnya; lihat laporan penggunaan parameter bulanan untuk templat ini.

TemplateData untuk Kotak info tokoh

An infobox for articles about people

Parameter templat

Templat ini memiliki pemformatan ubahsuai.

Pre-nominalspre-nominals honorific_prefix honorific-prefix honorific prefix

Honorific prefix(es), to appear on the line above the person's name

Tak dikenalopsional

Common name of person (defaults to article name if left blank; provide birth_name (below) if different from name). If middle initials are specified (or implied) by the lead of the article, and are not specified separately in the birth_name field, include them here.

Tak dikenalwajib diisi
Post-nominalspost-nominals honorific_suffix honorific-suffix honorific suffix

Honorific suffix(es), to appear on the line below the person's name

Tak dikenalopsional

Image name: abc.jpg, xpz.png, 123.gif, etc. If an image is desired but not available, one may add "yes" to the "needs-photo" section of the :Template:WPBiography on the talkpage. If no image is available yet, do not use an image placeholder.

Tak dikenalopsional
Image uprightimage_upright

Scales the image thumbnail from its default size by the given factor. Values less than 1 scale the image down (0.9 = 90%) and values greater than 1 scale the image up (1.15 = 115%).

Tak dikenalopsional
DEPRECATED: Image sizeimage_size image size imagesize

DEPRECATED/DISCOURAGED. Size to display image: 200px (set width), x300px (set height), or 200x300px (max width & max height). This defaults to frameless (default is 220px, but logged in users can change this by clicking on "my preferences" and adjusting thumbnail size) if empty or omitted. Use of this parameter is discouraged as per WP:IMGSIZE. Use image_upright instead.

Tak dikenalusang

Alt text for image, for visually impaired readers. One word (such as "photograph") is rarely sufficient. See WP:ALT.

Tak dikenalopsional
Captioncaption image caption image_caption

Caption for image, if needed. Try to include date of photo and the photographer.

Tak dikenalopsional
Native namenative_name

The person's name in their own language, if different.

Tak dikenalopsional
Native name languagenative_name_lang

ISO 639-1 code, e.g., "fr" for French. If more than one, use Template:lang in `native_name` instead.

Tak dikenalopsional
Native name pronunciationpronunciation

Details of how to pronounce the individual's native name.

Tak dikenalopsional
Birth namebirth_name birthname

Name at birth; only use if different from name.

Tak dikenalopsional
Birth datebirth_date

Date of birth: {{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} for living people. For people who have died, use {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}}. If only a year of birth is known, or age as of a certain date, consider using Template:birth year and age or Template:birth based on age as of date.

Tak dikenalopsional
Birth placebirth_place

Place of birth: city, administrative region, sovereign state. Use the name of the birthplace at the time of birth, e.g.: Saigon (prior to 1976), Ho Chi Minh City (post 1976). Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional
Baptisedbaptised baptized

Date of baptism: ONLY for use when birth date is not known (e.g., Beethoven). Will not display if a birth date is entered. Do not use subtemplates. Parameter 'baptized' can be used for articles that use American english spelling.

Tak dikenalopsional
Disappeared datedisappeared_date

(For missing people) Date of disappearance: Template:disappeared date and age (if birth date is known) or Template:disappeared date (if birth date unknown).

Tak dikenalopsional
Disappeared placedisappeared_place

(For missing people) Place of disappearance: city, administrative region, sovereign state. Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional
Disappeared statusdisappeared_status status

(For missing people) Current status for the person, e.g., if the person is still regarded as missing (using Template:missing for to calculate the time since disappearance), or if the person has been declared dead in absentia, with a date for such a ruling.

Tak dikenalopsional
Death datedeath_date

Date of death: {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (if birth date is known) or Template:death date (if birth date unknown). See Template:Death date/doc for details on usage. If exact dates are unknown, consider using Template:death year and age.

Tak dikenalopsional
Death placedeath_place

Place of death: city, administrative region, sovereign state. Note: Do not use a flag template. Use the name of the deathplace at the time of death, e.g.: Saigon (prior to 1976), Ho Chi Minh City (post 1976)

Tak dikenalopsional
Death causedeath_cause death cause

Cause of death.

Tak dikenalopsional
Body discoveredbody_discovered body discovered

Place where the body was discovered (if different from place of death). Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional
Resting placeresting_place resting place restingplace

Place of burial, ash-scattering, etc. Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional
Resting place coordinatesresting_place_coordinates resting place coordinates restingplacecoordinates

Coordinates for place of burial, ash-scattering etc. Use Template:coord template.

Tak dikenalopsional
Burial placeburial_place

Place of burial, alternative to 'Resting place' Displays the label 'Burial place'.

Burial place coordinatesburial_coordinates

Coordinates for place of burial, to accompany 'Burial place'. Use {{coord}} template.

Tak dikenalopsional

Significant monuments erected, buildings named, etc., in honour of the subject. If many, link to an appropriate section of the article instead.

Tak dikenalopsional

Location(s) where the person notably resides/resided, if different from birth place. Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional

Nationality. May be used instead of citizenship (below) or vice versa in cases where any confusion could result. Should only be used 'with' citizenship when they somehow differ. Should only be used if nationality cannot be inferred from the birthplace. Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional
Other namesother_names other names othername alias

Other notable names for the person, if different from name and birth_name.

Tak dikenalopsional

Country of legal citizenship, if different from nationality. Rarely needed. See usage notes for nationality above. Should only be used if citizenship cannot be inferred from the birthplace. Do not use a flag template.

Tak dikenalopsional

Education, e.g., degree, institution and graduation year, if relevant. If very little information is available or relevant, the `alma_mater` parameter may be more appropriate.

Tak dikenalopsional
Alma materalma_mater alma mater

Alma mater. This parameter is a more concise alternative to `education`, and will most often simply consist of the linked name of the last-attended higher education institution. It is usually not relevant to include either parameter for non-graduates, but article talk page consensus may conclude otherwise, as at Bill Gates.

Tak dikenalopsional

Occupation(s) as given in the lead.

Tak dikenalopsional
Years activeyears_active years active yearsactive

Date range in years during which the subject was active in their principal occupation(s) and/or other activity for which they are notable. Use the format 1950–2000, or 1970–present if still active (note the use of an en dash, not hyphen). If no dates of birth and/or death are known for the subject, only a floruit date range, as is common with ancient subjects, this parameter can be used for it. If approximate (circa) dates are known for either or both, put them in the birth_date and death_date parameters.

Tak dikenalopsional

Era during which the subject lived or was active. Less specific than 'years active'.

Tak dikenalopsional

Employer(s), if relevant.

Tak dikenalopsional
Organizationorganization organizations

Non-employing organization(s), if relevant.

Tak dikenalopsional

The subject's agent (individual and/or agency), discouraged in most cases, specifically when promotional, and requiring a reliable source.

Tak dikenalopsional
Known Forknown_for known for known

A brief description of what the person is notable for.

Environmental activism
Tak dikenalopsional
Notable worksnotable_works works credits notable works

Title(s) of notable work(s) (publications, compositions, sculptures, films, etc.) by the subject, if any.

Tak dikenalopsional

The style in which the subject works, if applicable.

Tak dikenalopsional
Home townhome_town home town

The place where the person was raised and matured, if different from birth place and residence.

Tak dikenalopsional

Annual salary or compensation, if relevant.

Tak dikenalopsional
Net worthnet_worth net worth networth

Current estimated net worth, if relevant. Please be sure to support with a citation from a reliable source, in the article body.

Tak dikenalopsional

If person was notable for their height, or if height is relevant. If used, this should also include the year of the measurement if the person had not reached full adulthood when this stat was published. See documentation of this parameter at Template:Infobox sportsperson for more information.

Tak dikenalopsional
Height in metresheight_m

If person was notable for their height, or if height is relevant, their height in metres (it will be automatically converted to Imperial).

Tak dikenalopsional
Height in centimetresheight_cm

If person was notable for their height, or if height is relevant, their height in centimetres (it will be automatically converted to Imperial).

Tak dikenalopsional
Height in feetheight_ft

If person was notable for their height, or if height is relevant, their height in whole feet (it will be automatically converted to SI). Use with height_in.

Tak dikenalopsional
Remaining height in inchesheight_in

If person was notable for their height, or if height is relevant, their height in remaining inches (it will be automatically converted to SI). Use with height_ft.

Tak dikenalopsional

If person was notable for their weight, or if weight is relevant. If used, this should also include the year of the measurement. See documentation of this parameter at Template:Infobox sportsperson for more information.

Tak dikenalopsional
Weight in kilogrammesweight_kg

If person was notable for their weight, or if weight is relevant, their weight in kilogrammes (it will be automatically converted to Imperial).

Tak dikenalopsional
Weight in poundsweight_lb

If person was notable for their weight, or if weight is relevant, their weight in pounds, or their weight in remaining pounds if weight in whole stones is specified (it will be automatically converted to SI).

Tak dikenalopsional
Weight in stonesweight_st

If person was notable for their weight, or if weight is relevant, their weight in whole stones (it will be automatically converted to SI).

Tak dikenalopsional

Television programmes presented by or closely associated with the subject.

Tak dikenalopsional

Multiple uses: Formal title, such as First Lady of Japan for Akie Abe.; Awarded title, such as Mr. Olympia for Arnold Schwarzenegger.; Job title, such as President of Calvin College for Anthony Diekema.; A combination of the above, such as Professor of Mathematics and Fellow of the Royal Society for Bill Parry See also "awards" parameter, below, for awarded honors that are not really titles. A single award should not use both parameters.

Tak dikenalopsional

Years the person held the title listed above.

Tak dikenalopsional

Person who previously held the title listed above.

Tak dikenalopsional

Person who subsequently held the title listed above.

Tak dikenalopsional

If relevant. Field labelled Political party.

Tak dikenalopsional

If relevant. '''Movement''' can be social, political (non-party), artistic, philosophical, literary, cultural, etc.

Tak dikenalopsional

Notable relevant opponents (e.g., for major political office).

Tak dikenalopsional

For board of directors membership(s), if relevant. Field labeled Board member of.

Tak dikenalopsional
Criminal chargecriminal_charge criminal charge

For convicted criminals only. Please be certain to support these parameters with citations from reliable sources, in the article body.

Tak dikenalopsional
Criminal penaltycriminal_penalty criminal penalty

For convicted criminals only. Please be certain to support these parameters with citations from reliable sources, in the article body.

Tak dikenalopsional
Criminal statuscriminal_status judicial_status judicial status criminal status

For convicted criminals only. Please be certain to support these parameters with citations from reliable sources, in the article body.

Tak dikenalopsional
Spouse(s)spouse spouses spouse(s)

Name of spouse(s), followed by years of marriage. Use the format Name (married 1950–present) for a current spouse, and Name (married 1970–99) for former spouse(s). Separate entries using Template:Plainlist or Template:Unbulleted list. For deceased persons still married at time of death, close the date range with death year.

Tak dikenalopsional
Partner(s)partner partners partner(s) domestic_partner domestic_partner

For unmarried life partners (of any gender or sexual preference), not business partners. Use the format Name (1950–present) for current partner and Name (1970–99) for former partner(s).

Tak dikenalopsional

Number of children (e.g., three or 3), or list of names, in which case, separate entries using Template:Plainlist or Template:Unbulleted list. For privacy reasons, consider omitting the names of children of living persons, unless the children are independently notable.

Tak dikenalopsional

Names of parents. Separate entries using Template:Plainlist or Template:Unbulleted list. If subject has only one notable mother and/or father, 'mother' and 'father' parameters may be used instead

Tak dikenalopsional

Name of mother; include only if subject has one mother who is independently notable or particularly relevant. Overwritten by 'parents' parameter.

Tak dikenalopsional

Name of father; include only if subject has one father who is independently notable or particularly relevant. Overwritten by 'parents' parameter.

Tak dikenalopsional
Relativesrelatives relations

Names of siblings or other relatives. Include the relationship in parentheses after the name (sister, uncle, etc). Separate entries using Template:Plainlist or Template:Unbulleted list.

Tak dikenalopsional

Family or house of the individual, if notable.

Tak dikenalopsional

Amateur radio call sign, if relevant.

Tak dikenalopsional

Notable awards. If many, link to an appropriate section of the article instead. See also "title" parameter, above, for awarded titles. A single award should not use both parameters.

Tak dikenalopsional
Honourshonours honors

Honours the individual has been awarded, if notable.

Tak dikenalopsional
Websitewebsite homepage URL url

Official website only. Unofficial websites should be placed under ==External links== in the body of the article. Use Template:URL as in Example.com . Do not include the www. part unless the server requires it. Use camel case capitalization to make multiword domain names easier to read.

Tak dikenalopsional
Modulemodule misc

Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one.

Tak dikenalopsional
Module twomodule2 misc2

Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one.

Tak dikenalopsional
Module threemodule3 misc3

Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one.

Tak dikenalopsional
Module fourmodule4 misc4

Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one.

Tak dikenalopsional
Module fivemodule5 misc5

Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one.

Tak dikenalopsional
Module sixmodule6 misc6

Used for embedding other infoboxes into this one.

Tak dikenalopsional

An image of the person's signature. Please use image name: abc.jpg, xpz.png, 123.gif, etc.

Tak dikenalopsional
Signature sizesignature_size

Default is 150px. If necessary, a signature can be resized manually as per the "image_size" parameter.

Tak dikenalopsional
Signature altsignature_alt signature alt

Alt text for the signature image. For example, for :File:Thomas Jefferson Signature.svg, the alt text might be |signature_alt= Th: Jefferson, spelling out the signature exactly as it appears in the image.

Tak dikenalopsional

Notes about any of the infobox data.

Tak dikenalopsional
DEPRECATED: Name CSS over-rideabovestyle

DEPRECATED: A CSS style to use for the individual's name, over-riding the community norm. Only use in exception circumstances.

Tak dikenalusang
DEPRECATED: Use as an embedded infoboxchild

DEPRECATED: Use this infobox within another one. For experts only.

Tak dikenalusang
DEPRECATED: Influencesinfluences

DEPRECATED and unused in the infobox. Do not use.

Tak dikenalusang
DEPRECATED: Influencedinfluenced

DEPRECATED and unused in the infobox. Do not use.

Tak dikenalusang

Tracking categories

See also

Variations of this template which use Wikidata:

Alternative templates are listed at WikiProject Biography/Infoboxes and within the people and person infobox templates category.

  1. ^ Bill Gates profile. Forbes.com. Retrieved April 2010.