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Nadere Reformatie

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Templat:17th Century Scholasticism

Nadere Reformatie (Reformasi Kedua Belanda atau Reformasi Lanjutan[1]) adalah periode dalam sejarah gereja di Belanda setelah Reformasi Protestan, dari sekitar tahun 1600 hingga 1750.


The period and its representatives are known for their desire to apply the principles of the Reformation to their day – their homes, churches, and, indeed, all sectors of Dutch society in the seventeenth and early eighteenth century. In their balance and value of both orthodoxy as well as piety, the Nadere Reformatie resembles English Puritanism and German Pietism.[2]

In fact, Puritanism had much influence on the Nadere Reformatie. Many Puritan works were translated into Dutch during this time. Moreover, many Dutch visiting students learned about Puritan ideas from English universities.[3]

The two leading figures of the period are a professor, Gisbertus Voetius, and a pastor, Wilhelmus à Brakel. Brakel's main work, the Redelijke Godsdienst, an explanation, defense, and application of the Reformed faith, has been translated into English.[4]


  1. ^ Herman Selderhuis, ed. (2015). "The Further Reformation". Handbook of Dutch Church History. Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. hlm. 338–341. ISBN 978-3-525-55787-7. 
  2. ^ van Lieburg, Fred (2014). "Dynamics of Dutch Calvinism: Early Modern Programs for Further Reformation". Calvinism and the Making of the European Mind. Leiden: Brill. hlm. 43–66. ISBN 978-90-04-28005-2. 
  3. ^ Milton, Anthony (2008). "Puritanism and the continental Reformed churches". Dalam John Coffey; Paul C. H. Lim. The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. hlm. 118–119. ISBN 978-1-139-82782-9. 
  4. ^ À Brakel, Wilhemus (2015). The Christian's Reasonable Service, 4 Vols [De Redelijke Godsdienst]. Diterjemahkan oleh Elshout, Bartel. Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books. ISBN 978-1-60178-131-4.