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Timo Kotipelto

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Timo Kotipelto

Timo Antero Kotipelto (lahir 15 Maret, 1969) adalah vokalis Finlandia dari band power metal Stratovarius yang merupakan pencipta dan vokalis dari band Kotipelto.

Kotipelto dilahirkan di Lappajärvi, Finlandia. Ia mempelajari vokal at the pop/jazz conservatory in Helsinki , briefly singing for an amateur cover band named Filthy Asses. Ia belajar di vocals pop / jazz konservatori di Helsinki, bernyanyi sebentar untuk menutupi amatir band bernama asses kotor. In summer of 1994, he applied to Stratovarius , who were looking for a singer at the time, and was accepted. Dalam musim panas 1994, ia diterapkan ke Stratovarius, yang mencari singer pada saat itu, dan telah diterima. His arrival corresponds closely with the band's rise to international fame. Kedatangannya terkait erat dengan band dari menimbulkan ketenaran internasional. The first album he recorded with the band was Fourth Dimension , in 1995. Album pertama ia tercatat dengan Ukuran Keempat band ini, pada tahun 1995. Stratovarius has then become a top name in the European heavy metal scene, recording seven more albums and performing in numerous notable rock festivals. Stratovarius yang kemudian menjadi atas nama di Eropa heavy metal scene, rekaman album dan tujuh lagi dalam melakukan berbagai festival rock terkemuka.

In late 2003, Kotipelto split from Stratovarius after intra-band disagreements, notably with guitarist Timo Tolkki . Pada akhir 2003, dari Kotipelto split Stratovarius setelah intra-band perbedaan pendapat, terutama dengan gitar Timo Tolkki. After much turmoil throughout 2004, he rejoined the band in January 2005, recorded the album Stratovarius , and performed live on tour that covered North America, South America, Europe and Asia. Setelah banyak kekacauan sepanjang tahun 2004, dia rejoined band di Januari 2005, tercatat album Stratovarius, dan dilakukan langsung di wisata yang meliputi Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Eropa dan Asia. In 2008 Timo Tolkki made public that he and Timo Kotipelto had arguments but Koltipelto never really left the band and the announcement that he left was part of a big publicity stunt. Dalam 2008 Timo Tolkki dibuat masyarakat bahwa dia dan Timo Kotipelto mempunyai argumen Koltipelto tetapi tidak pernah benar-benar meninggalkan band dan pengumuman bahwa ia merupakan bagian kiri dari publisitas besar kekerdilan.

In 2002 Kotipelto started his solo project , called Kotipelto. Pada tahun 2002 ia mulai Kotipelto solo proyek, yang disebut Kotipelto. So far he has released three albums: " Waiting For The Dawn, "Coldness" and the last one, released 20 April 2007, "Serenity" . Kotipelto performed with Rod Kresp(Lead singer) of The Vault in Brazil Sejauh ini dia telah merilis tiga album: "Waiting For The Dawn," kedinginan "dan terakhir, dirilis 20 April 2007," Serenity ". Kotipelto dilakukan dengan Rod Kresp (Lead singer) dari The Vault di Brazil

Aside from Stratovarius and Kotipelto, Timo Kotipelto has also provided additional vocals to Sonata Arctica 's Silence album, and lead vocals for the song "Out of the White Hole", on Ayreon 's 2000 release Universal Migrator Part 2: Flight of the Migrator . Selain Stratovarius dan Kotipelto, Timo Kotipelto juga telah disediakan tambahan vocals ke Sonata Arctica 's Diam album, dan untuk memimpin vocals lagu "Out of the White Hole", di Ayreon' s 2000 rilis Universal Migrator Part 2: Penerbangan dari Migrator .