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Pembicaraan Pengguna:Nein/20-8

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Terima kasih N/A(bicara) 09:35, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

Arsip (per 20): 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5- 6


Nein, I got two words for you: "Bicycle Pants" Serenity 10:42, 15 Maret 2007 (UTC)

RE: Apa kabar

Kabar baik. Saya mulai aktif lagi tetapi masih belum menyentuh dua wiki yang dulu karena sekarang ini sibuk mengurus wiki tentang makanan (permintaan teman-teman dari Dave's ESL Cafe Chat Room), namanya: Foodopedia. Banyak resep masakannya hehehhehe. Asyik banget. Sekali-sekali lihat-lihat ya? --Agus elex 2005 14:49, 15 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Mengapa tidak? Saya sih setuju saja dengan usul beeyan, tetapi harus request inter wiki language dulu dengan pengurus wikia. --Agus elex 2005 15:03, 15 Maret 2007 (UTC)


hehe...duh Gatel.....liat kat artik yg perlu dihapus.....pada kemana yah..penggurus yang lain...??? --•• Jagawana 15:20, 15 Maret 2007 (UTC)

you know ..sibuk :)...lagian kan di Jakarta.. capek kalo bulak-bulak.. --•• Jagawana 15:29, 15 Maret 2007 (UTC)

تشكر ايدريم

Dear Nein

Thank you very much for your vote. Have a good work.

--Tarih 20:47, 15 Maret 2007 (UTC)


Mungkin itu maksudnya jumlah native speaker dibagi jumlah artikel untuk Wikipedia ybs. borgx(kirim pesan) 00:01, 16 Maret 2007 (UTC)

salam kenal...

Halo! gw baru kasih tanggapan tentang komentar loe di halaman pembicaraan gue. anyway, gw emang sering bikin artikel tentang makhluk dalam legenda. waktu pertama kali explore wikipedia, gw liat, kok artikel di kategori tsb dikit banget? trus gw tambah-tambahin en jadinya baru 31 artikel yg terkumpul. gw banyak bikin rinrisan di kategori2 kayak gitu. gw rasa kalo lo tertarik, bantu gw mengembangkannya.

salam sejahtera

Made Adiputra 02:39, 17 Maret 2007 (UTC)


Nein, maaf jika baru hari ini saya membalas, karena saya akhir-akhir ini sibuk, setelah Rigorosum berakhir, sedang mempersiapkan buku yang akan diterbitkan di Jerman. Tentu sangat baik jika ada jumpa darat, tapi maaf saya tidak dapat ikut, karena tanggal 23 Maret ini saya akan terbang kembali ke Indo. Salam saya Agus Santoso 20:15, 19 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Behind the screen story

Dear Nein,

Since you asked, I might as well tell you what happened during the seminar in my own words. I was going to write it in the official "what's going on" page, but there's nothing official about my personal experience so I rather write it to you instead. I'm not an expert on this kind of stuff, as Mersault once pointed out,

"You can't join citizendum, you're not an expert on anything..."

Hmm... I forgot to thank him for his moral support on that one.

Sorry pake bahasa kumpeni, tapi enakan nulis begini, kebiasaan.

Let see, why did I bail out?

Well it was more technical than anything really, I didn't think I could make it on that particular Saturday. For one thing, I was expected in my uni to fill out administrative crap (read: payment and layer of forms). Second, I don't know where Binus is and how to get there, most importantly, get there in time. I could take a cab, but I'm awfully incompetent when it comes to streetwise direction.

Then I thought of you Nein.

Honest, I did.

I told myself, what would've Nein did if he was in my position?


Not Available! That's it!

So I cancelled out.

He he he.

But somehow the wind blows in my favor. On Friday, Borgx was nagging me about not coming, you know, show up for moral support. I nag him back about not being able to beam my arse from one place to another - since teleport is yet invented.

Then he offered a simple solution, he'd picked me up and drop me off at the agreeable point. I spit on my palm and shake his.

It turns out to be a very brave decision. We're almost late, luckily almost doesn't count.

The traffic was backed up pretty bad, but just enough to make it in time, and enough to not loose my sense of humor and catches borgx's :D (just kidding borgx!)

Anyhoo, the comittee was obviously unprepared. There's little use of getting there on time since the whole thing was about 40 minutes late.

The audience is ready, the speaker is ready, the committee is not. One Binus professor sat next to me also complaining about the delay. He said, "They thought they were in U.S. where everything is set and ready for them." I turned him flat by saying that I worked with the American a lot, and like us, they screw up too.

But that is about the only thing that goes wrong, the rest was smooth sailing. Oh ya, did I mentioned that the professor's was Borgx teacher once? He he :p

Mersault and Borgx appointed me to be their official photographer. I'm not much of a photographer myself - but I guess if you couldn't have the best, you'd settle with what is left, and I'm all they've got.

So after a quick rendezvous’ with Mersault's camera, I finally gave up because the instructions are in Dutch, and if I recall correctly we beat 'em in 1945. On the contrary, I got pretty good in operating Borgx's, I even manage to peek his little girl pictures. She was grinning back at me, two tails and all, naughty nine months. She look exactly like him, only cuter, and judging from her naughty grin I dare say she did not inherit her father sense of humor. So she's save :D *LOL*

I wasn't grinning long though, my blood freezes as soon as I saw the hand out given by the committee. My name is still in there, along with topic slides of what I was going to say. It was pretty good too, the way I imagine it to be IF I was to speak at all. But that's the thing, I never had a chance to write anything at all. Then who did? Lex and Borgx was so occupied they were about to bail out themselves. So my biggest suspect is Mersault.

Too late, the screen is on and my name is still on it, the committee was reading it too, aloud. I was doing a silent Tarzan body language saying, "Kill it, kill it, erase." But the three musketeers were grinning back at me devilishly.

Borgx was mouthing, "You've got to speak."

I was mouthing back saying, "I'm won't do it."

Lex was raising his shoulder as to say, "What can I do? It's done."

Oh dear...

to be continued -- that is if you're still interested. Serenity 01:25, 20 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Hmm... tapi panjang banget Nein + itu dalam bahasa kumpeni. Masak ditaruh di official site? Gue udah tulis di blog gue -- apa mau lihat disitu aja ya? Serenity 00:42, 21 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Ummm *cemberut & males2an* tapi jangan liat yang lain-lain yah... malu. blog Serenity 08:39, 21 Maret 2007 (UTC) ---> now with pictures! 01:34, 30 Maret 2007 (UTC)


Ya, saya usahakan. Apa syarat artikel pilihan? Asam asetat apa sudah pantas? kalau belum, apa yang perlu diperbaiki? Tolong bantu juga ya.. Arkwatem 14:30, 20 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Gw belum sempat obrak abrikperpus lagi. Tapi dalam sejarah seni rupa, gerakan air (fluida) pertama kali diteliti oleh Leonardo da Vinci. Cari aja di buku biografi Leonardo da VInci pasti ada. Hariadhi - Ngobrol 16:34, 24 Maret 2007 (UTC)


Halo juga Nein :-). ProyekWikinya? hmm baru jalan 3 hari nih, masih dalam tahap pengelompokan artikel. Btw, saya baca cersil yang kamu buat, ceritanya bagus^^. Salam. --(^_^) RickySetiawan (kirim pesan) 14:19, 21 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Air dan anime?? hmm sepertinya ada, tapi saya belum tahu secara pasti (takutnya malah jadi riset orisinal :-). Mungkin saya bisa bantu cari referensinya nanti.

Tentang display air, saya belum pernah dengar tuh. Btw, kalo warnanya transparan, gimana gambarnya bisa dilihat?? --(^_^) RickySetiawan (kirim pesan) 14:51, 21 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Air seni

Iya boleh juga di tolololpedia ... Sudah lama nggak ke sana lagi! Meursault2004ngobrol 17:00, 21 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Re: ashura

Wah, saya gak membaca komik ashura nih, jadi gak tau ceritanya :-D. Ngomong2 yg display, bentuknya itu seperti air mancur ya? Saya nggak nonton video YouTubenya, abis downloadnya (loading) lama benerrrrr >.< --(^_^) RickySetiawan (kirim pesan) 15:37, 22 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Re: Bantuan ejaan baru

ia saja aken pilih-pilih doeloe, kebanjakan saja salin tokoh2 journalist tionghoa melajoe, djoega ada recept bikin thee cider, kroket dll, malah saja dapetken satoe mandblad pertama dari tjerita silat, prilakoe tionghoa peranakan (khoesoes ini apa bisa diseboet artikel saja tida taoe) tentang oplag soerat kabar tionghoa melajoe dll--Tjamboek berdoeri 04:28, 29 Maret 2007 (UTC)

Trima kasih atas jij poenja soemanget!!!, baroe sadja saja toelis tenteng madjalah Kiam Hiap ( emang betoel saja tida taoe tempat jang tjotjok agar dapet teratoer rapih) tapi niat saja baek dan sedikit kian sedikit setiap saja poenja pantaoean aken teroes saja perhatiken dan saja tambah sekiranja perloe, tjoema jang saja seselin ampe ini detik, masoekin gambar soelit sekali apa saja moesti soedjoed doeloe sama borg jang pegang itoe divisi? mohon pendjelasan--Tjamboek berdoeri 05:06, 4 April 2007 (UTC)


Coba kasih komentar di sini deh. Meursault2004ngobrol 15:04, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

Kelihatannya ngomongnya gak nyambung ... "mendesah" ... Saya juga tidak tahu lagi :-( Meursault2004ngobrol 19:19, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

Re:Kopi darat di Eropa

Halo, maaf baru dijawab sekarang, setelah lama absen dari wikipedia. Tentang kopi darat di Eropa boleh juga, asal tempat ketemunya nggak jauh-jauh amat. Acaramoy 12:31, 5 April 2007 (UTC)

TK 92

Yup, TK 92 :-) Lho, pernah ketemu toh? •• ivanlanin 02:55, 6 April 2007 (UTC)

Ha? Waduh, dunia sempit ternyata :-) Jurusan/angkatan? (kalo gak takut anonimitasnya kebongkar kayak gw :P) •• ivanlanin 10:53, 6 April 2007 (UTC)


Memang saya kadangkala juga memberikan selamat datang. Nggak botnya nggak mati kok. Sekedar saja karena saya anggap lebih personal hehehe. Saya sudah kembali ke Belanda dan harus menyelesaikan disertasi secepat mungkin. Padahal harus mengerjakan paper juga nih ... Wish me luch! BTW gimana nih rencana kopdar Eropanya? Mungkin kalau ada hari libur begitu ya. Hari Pantekosta misalkan, tapi hari Sabtu sebelumnya. Saya ada rencana untuk mengadakannya di perbatasan Jerman-Belanda. Misalkan di kota Kerkrade/Herzogenrath. Jadi ini merupakan simbol kerjasama! Meursault2004ngobrol 16:49, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

awesome tag

that is the most awesome tag (blokir) I ever saw in one's page. I thought japri’s babel id-0 were pretty good. but yours definitely exceed it. Serenity 00:48, 17 April 2007 (UTC)

Model Bohr --> cuma mancing di air keruh :D

Saya cuma mancing di air keruh Mas Nein hahaha.. :D geboy 13:33, 24 April 2007 (UTC)

Iya se-alumni. Tesis blom kelar nih Boss, malah ngetik di wikipedia mulu. Tesis nulis 1 paragraf, di wikipedia nulis 2 halaman :D. Wah selamat ngerjain TA aza deh.. jangan lupa pesta wisudaannya aku diundang. :-P geboy 13:41, 24 April 2007 (UTC)

Abis liat pembicaraan Mas Nein dengan Bang Ivanlanin di halaman penggunanya.. hmmm.. :-? kayaknya Mas Nein ini orang yang akrab sama ITB.. Anonimitasnya ga mau terbongkar ya? Jangan khawatir.. semakin terkenal orang semakin keliatan :-D. geboy 13:52, 24 April 2007 (UTC)

Wah, makasih ya Boss semangatnya :D. Mudah2an ga harus memutus akses internet 24 jam di tempatku ya :-). geboy 14:13, 24 April 2007 (UTC)


coba jangan banyak komentar.. anda sedang di block tau.... hehe --•• Jagawana 15:37, 9 Mei 2007 (UTC)

kalo tambah lagi komentar akan diblok selama-lamanya, bila tesisnya sudah kelar silahkan anda kembali menyunting disin.. hahah --•• Jagawana 15:42, 9 Mei 2007 (UTC)
kali ini ada dispensasi, karena moncor lewat portal(tidak di ruang nama Utama), tapi di Sini anda diwajibkan untuk komentar loh.. awas kalo gak!... --•• Jagawana 15:58, 9 Mei 2007 (UTC)
hah.. keduluan?.. ah terbalik, lihat waktu postingnya dong!, btw, terimakasih atas kontribusinya, soalnya disana sedikit sekali yg aktif, tapi perlu segera ada birokrat, masa kalah sama jv, yang sudah punya Birokrat duluan..hehe (tapi sejujurnya emang perlu untuk angkat Bot yang mengganggu perubahan terbaru.) --•• Jagawana 16:06, 9 Mei 2007 (UTC)