John Constantine
John Constantine (10 Mei 1953 di Liverpool, Inggris) adalah karakter prontagonis fiksi pada serial komik Hellblazer. Karakter ini muncul pertama kalinya pada komik Swamp Thing #37, yang ditulis oleh Alan Moore. Ia juga muncul pada The Books of Magic, dan muncul pada beberapa komik DC dan Vertigo Comics.
Pranala luar
Wikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan:
- The Ultimate Hellblazer Index - An obsessive listing of John Constantine's appearances in Hellblazer and other comics.
- Roots of the Swamp Thing - a complete and detailed timeline chronicling all the events of Swamp Thing, Hellblazer and related titles in chronological order, spanning millions of years of DC/Vertigo history
- Hellblazer Trades - chronological list of all trade paperback collections in which John Constantine has appeared
- The Sting connection - Interview with Alan Moore about the creation of John Constantine
- CHUD interview - Lorenzo DiBonaventura admits that there will be no Constantine sequel
- Box Office Mojo - Constantine comes in at #237 in the all time worldwide box-office grosses