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Himpunan Mahasiswa Buddhis Indonesia

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Himpunan Mahasiswa Buddhis Indonesia disingkat HIKMAHBUDHI adalah organisasi mahasiswabuddhis nasional di Indonesia. Organisasi ini didirikan pada tahun 1988 dan saat ini (2005-2007) diketuai oleh Eddy Setiawan. Pada tahun 1998, Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis Jakarta (KMBJ) melebur ke dalam HIKMAHBUDHI.

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HIKMAHBUDHI is an external Buddhist Students Organization, which upholds the Truth, Justice, and Humanistic Values in order to bring Peace and the release of suffering.


HIKMAHBUDHI in its mission carries out the mandate stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution.


HIKMAHBUDHI is an external Buddhist Students organization, which is active in social and national issues based on the non-violent Buddhist moral, ethical and spiritual spirit.

HIKMAHBUDHI is a national organization for Buddhist Students, which is founded in 1988, but during that year the existence had never been significant. In the middle of 90s, some Buddhist student activists tried to revive this organization as a struggle medium to build sensitivity for Indonesian society problems. In addition, HIKMAHBUDHI is also used to fill the lack of Buddhist students’ elements in the reformation movement with other Indonesian Students organization.

The reawakening of HIKMAHBUDHI was officially remarked by the establishment of Central Board Commission, headed by Agus Tjandra, in the Congress of Jakarta Buddhist Students Family (KMBJ) held in 1998. This congress had also declared the fusion of KMBJ into HIKMAHBUDHI and since then KMBJ had become HIKMAHBUDHI Jakarta District Board of HIKMHAHBUDHI. The growth of HIKMAHBUDHI continued with the establishment of several District Boards such as Semarang (October 2000), Malang ( March 2001), Surabaya (April 2001), Lampung (September 2001), and Mataram (December 2001), and will keep continuing its establishment in some other areas in Indonesia.

This is not apart from the contribution and support from many Buddhist student activists in different areas who united their hearts and visions in the Indonesian Buddhist Students Conference (RMBI) held in Jakarta in 2000. The conference has brought about significant value to the history of the rebirth of HIKMAHBUDHI. Without their contributions through the RMBI, HIKMAHBUDHI might have been only a dreaming. The effort to revive HIKMAHBUDHI was not without any challenge. Moreover, with the movement orientation that tends to focus on society.

Cynical attitude, suspicion, and doubt burst out from many directions, even from Buddhist leaders, other activist fellows, including a group member of KMBJ and other Buddhist students organizations. On the other hand, support and motivation come out from moderate Buddhist intellectual society, although in a very less (few) number. Ironically, the biggest support comes from Non-Buddhist and international Buddhist activists, shown in written form as well as other actual concrete forms.

Perceiving the growing indecency (cynicism), HIKMAHBUDHI takes an action to be consistent in their movement path, by still paying attention to inputs and critics for its improvement. HIKMAHBUDHI realizes that without large support, its fight is impossible to gain. This consistency is not based on arrogance but rather on the will to form a medium to fight for the existence of future Buddhist community that cares of social problems, and Buddhist universal values.