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Pemimpin Oposisi (Britania Raya)

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Pemimpin Oposisi
Leader of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition
Jeremy Corbyn

sejak 12 September 2015
GelarThe Right Honourable
Masa jabatanSelama menjadi pemimpin partai terbesar yang berada di luar pemerintahan
Pejabat perdanaWilliam Grenville
DibentukMaret 1807
1 Juli 1937 (lewat undang-undang)
Situs webThe Shadow Cabinet

Di Britania Raya, Pemimpin Oposisi (secara resmi dikenal sebagai Pemimpin Oposisi Yang Mulia Ratu yang Paling Setia di Britania Raya(Leader of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition in the United Kingdom)) adalah seorang politisi yang memimpin oposisi resmi. Terdapat pula seorang Pemimpin Oposisi di Majelis Tinggi (House of Lords). Akan tetapi, sejak Undang-undang Parlemen disahkan pada tahun 1911, tidak ada keraguan bahwa Pemimpin Oposisi di Majelis Rendah (House of Commons) lebih tinggi derajatnya dan memegang jabatan utama.

Sesuai dengan konvensi, Pemimpin Oposisi memimpin partai terbesar yang tidak berada di dalam pemerintahan. Jika partai pertama memenangi suara mayoritas pada pemilihan umum, maka pemimpin partai tersebut menjadi Perdana Menteri, sedangkan pemimpin partai terbesar kedua akan memegang jabatan Pemimpin Oposisi. Seorang Pemimpin Oposisi umumnya dianggap sebagai Perdana Menteri alternatif, dan duduk sebagai anggota Privy Council.

Pada abad ke-19, afiliasi terhadap partai tidak bersifat kaku dan pemimpin di kedua majelis memiliki status yang sederajat. Seorang Pemimpin Oposisi yang tunggal dapat terlihat dengan jelas hanya apabila ia merupakan Perdana Menteri yang selesai menjabat.

Pemimpin Oposisi memperoleh tambahan gaji di luar gajinya sebagai anggota Parlemen. Pada tahun 2010, tambahan gaji ini adalah senilai £73.617.[1]

Pemimpin Oposisi di Britania Raya saat ini adalah Jeremy Corbyn dari Partai Buruh, yang menjabat sejak September 2015.


Date Principal Opposition
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Leader of the Opposition
House of Lords
March 1807 Whig vacant The Lord Grenville 1
1808 George Ponsonby +
8 July 1817 vacant
1817 The Earl Grey 2
1818 George Tierney
23 January 1821 vacant
1824 The 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne A
January 1828 Whig vacant The 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne A
February 1830 Viscount Althorp
November 1830 Tory Sir Robert Peel, Bt 2 The Duke of Wellington 3
November 1834 Whig Lord John Russell 2 The Viscount Melbourne 3
April 1835 Conservative Sir Robert Peel, Bt 3 The Duke of Wellington 1
August 1841 Whig Lord John Russell 2 The Viscount Melbourne 1
October 1842 The 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne
June 1846 Protectionist Conservative Lord George Bentinck The Lord Stanley of Bickerstaffe
(The Earl of Derby from 1851)
10 February 1848 Marquess of Granby
4 March 1848 vacant
February 1849 Marquess of Granby;
John Charles Herries; and
Benjamin Disraeli 2
1851 Benjamin Disraeli 2
February 1852 Whig Lord John Russell 3 The 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne
December 1852 Conservative Benjamin Disraeli 2 The Earl of Derby 3
February 1858 Whig The Viscount Palmerston 3 B The Earl Granville
June 1859 Conservative Benjamin Disraeli 2 The Earl of Derby 3
June 1866 Liberal William Ewart Gladstone 2 The Earl Russell
(formerly Lord John Russell)
December 1868 The Earl Granville
December 1868 Conservative Benjamin Disraeli 3 The Earl of Malmesbury
February 1869 The Lord Cairns
February 1870 The Duke of Richmond
February 1874 Liberal William Ewart Gladstone 3 The Earl Granville
February 1875 Marquess of Hartington
April 1880 Conservative Sir Stafford Northcote, Bt The Earl of Beaconsfield
(formerly Benjamin Disraeli)
+ 1
May 1881 The 3rd Marquess of Salisbury 2
June 1885 Liberal William Ewart Gladstone 3 The Earl Granville
February 1886 Conservative Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Bt The 3rd Marquess of Salisbury 3
July 1886 Liberal William Ewart Gladstone 3 The Earl Granville +
April 1891 The Earl of Kimberley
August 1892 Conservative Arthur James Balfour 2 The 3rd Marquess of Salisbury 3
June 1895 Liberal Sir William Harcourt C The Earl of Rosebery 1 D
January 1897 The Earl of Kimberley +
6 February 1899 Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman 2
1902 The Earl Spencer
1905 The Marquess of Ripon
5 December 1905 Conservative Arthur James Balfour 1 E The 5th Marquess of Lansdowne
(Liberal Unionist Party until 1912)
1906 Joseph Chamberlain
(Liberal Unionist Party)
1906 Arthur James Balfour 1
13 November 1911 Andrew Bonar Law 2
25 May 1915 vacant F vacant F
19 October 1915 Opposition Conservative Sir Edward Carson
(Irish Unionist Party) F
6 December 1916 Opposition Liberal H. H. Asquith 1 G The Marquess of Crewe
3 February 1919 Sir Donald Maclean H
1920 H. H. Asquith 1
21 November 1922 Labour Ramsay MacDonald 2 vacant I
22 January 1924 Conservative Stanley Baldwin 3 The Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
4 November 1924 Labour Ramsay MacDonald 3 The Viscount Haldane +
1928 The Lord Parmoor
5 June 1929 Conservative Stanley Baldwin 3 The 4th Marquess of Salisbury
1930 The Viscount Hailsham
August 1931 Labour Arthur Henderson J The Lord Parmoor
November 1931 George Lansbury K The Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
25 October 1935 Clement Attlee 2 L The Lord Snell
22 May 1940 Hastings Lees-Smith + M The Lord Addison N
21 January 1942 Frederick Pethick-Lawrence M
February 1942 Arthur Greenwood M
23 May 1945 Clement Attlee 2
26 July 1945 Conservative Winston Churchill 3 Viscount Cranborne (The 5th Marquess
of Salisbury from 1947)
26 October 1951 Labour Clement Attlee 1 The Viscount Addison +
1952 The Earl Jowitt
November 1955 Herbert Morrison P
14 December 1955 Hugh Gaitskell + The Viscount Alexander of
Hillsborough (The Earl Alexander of
Hillsborough from 1963)
18 January 1963 George Brown P
14 February 1963 Harold Wilson 2
16 October 1964 Conservative Sir Alec Douglas-Home 1 The Lord Carrington
28 July 1965 Edward Heath 2
19 June 1970 Labour Harold Wilson 3 The Lord Shackleton
4 March 1974 Conservative Edward Heath 1 The Lord Carrington
11 February 1975 Margaret Thatcher 2
4 May 1979 Labour James Callaghan 1 The Lord Peart
10 November 1980 Michael Foot
1982 The Lord Cledwyn of Penrhos
2 October 1983 Neil Kinnock
18 July 1992 John Smith + The Lord Richard
12 May 1994 Margaret Beckett P
21 July 1994 Tony Blair 2
2 May 1997 Conservative John Major 1 Viscount Cranborne O
19 June 1997 William Hague
2 December 1998 The Lord Strathclyde
18 September 2001 Iain Duncan Smith
6 November 2003 Michael Howard
6 December 2005 David Cameron 2
11 May 2010 Labour Harriet Harman P The Baroness Royall of Blaisdon
25 September 2010 Ed Miliband
8 May 2015 Harriet Harman P
27 May 2015 The Baroness Smith of Basildon
12 September 2015 Jeremy Corbyn


  1. ^ "parliament.uk" (PDF). May 2011.