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Reseptor histamin

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Revisi sejak 20 November 2016 10.30 oleh Helito (bicara | kontrib)

Reseptor histamin adalah anggota reseptor terhubung-protein G dengan ligan alaminya yaitu histamin.[1]




Reseptor histamin
Reseptor Mekanisme Fungsi Antagonis
H1 Gq
H2 Gs
  • mempercepat ritme sinus
  • stimulasi sekresi asam lambung
  • relaksasi otot polos
  • menghambat sintesis antibodi, proliferasi sel T, dan produksi sitokin
H3 Gi
H4 Gi
  • memediasi kemotaksi sel mast.[2]

There are several splice variants of H3 present in various species. Though all of the receptors are 7-transmembrane g protein coupled receptors, H1 and H2 are quite different from H3 and H4 in their activities. H1 causes an increase in PIP2 hydrolysis, H2 stimulates gastric acid secretion, and H3 mediates feedback inhibition of histamine.


  1. ^ Hill SJ, Ganellin CR, Timmerman H, Schwartz JC, Shankley NP, Young JM, Schunack W, Levi R, Haas HL (1997). "International Union of Pharmacology. XIII. Classification of histamine receptors". Pharmacol. Rev. 49 (3): 253–78. PMID 9311023. 
  2. ^ Hofstra CL, Desai PJ, Thurmond RL, Fung-Leung WP (2003). "Histamine H4 receptor mediates chemotaxis and calcium mobilization of mast cells". J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 305 (3): 1212–21. doi:10.1124/jpet.102.046581. PMID 12626656.