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Daftar naskah Septuaginta (2001-3000)

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Naskah Septuaginta (LXX), merupakan kelompok salinan tulisan tangan dari versi terjemahan Alkitab Ibrani ke dalam bahasa Yunani Koine yang dikerjakan di Aleksandria dan tersedia dalam berbagai versi naskah.[1][2][3][4][5]

Pembagian klasifikasi berdasarkan Rahlfs

Daftar naskah Septuaginta disusun menurut klasifikasi Alfred Rahlfs - daftar semua naskah Septuaginta yang pernah dikenal, sesuai proposal Alfred Rahlfs berdasarkan sensus Holmes dan Parsons.

Saat ini ada lebih dari 2000 naskah Septuaginta yang sudah diklasifikasikan.[6]

Tabel naskah Septuaginta ini dibagi menjadi sepuluh bagian:

  • Bagian I: A-Z (kode yang dipilih dalam huruf besar).
  • Bagian II: 13-311 (penomoran diberikan oleh Holmes dan Parsons)
  • Bagian III: 312-800 (manuskrip-manuskrip Perjanjian Lama, kecuali Kitab Mazmur)
  • Bagian IV: 801-1000 (fragmen kecil dari Perjanjian Lama, kecuali Kitab Mazmur)
  • Bagian V: 1001-1400 (mazmur dari abad kedua belas)
  • Bagian VI: 1401-2000 (mazmur bertarikh muda yang tidak dapat dipastikan)
  • Bagian VII: 2001-3000 (fragmen kecil mazmur [sampai abad kedelapan])
  • Bagian VIII: 3001-5000 (manuskrip-manuskrip Perjanjian Lama, kecuali Kitab Mazmur)
  • Bagian IX: 5001-7000 (fragmen kecil dari Perjanjian Lama, kecuali Kitab Mazmur)
  • Bagian X: 7001-xxxx (Mazmur)


  • Oct. – Octat; Oktateukh ἡ ὀκτάτευχος = Kejadian – Rut)
  • Pent. – Pentateukh (Kejadian – Ulangan)
  • Hept. – Heptateukh (Kejadian – Hakim)

Istilah Latin

  • aliquot – beberapa
  • Catenarum – rantai
  • ecloge – halaman perlindungan
  • excerpta – barang
  • graduales – Kidung Pendakian (Mazmur 119-133 dengan penomoran LXX)
  • inter alia – antara lain
  • poenitentiales – Mazmur Pertobatan
  • sine – tanpa

Keadaan per Desember 2012


Simbol Nama Tarikh Isi Institusi Kota Negara
9th/10th century Ps. 1?-2? Ägyptisches Museum, P. ? (Blaß Nr. IV) Berlin Germany
2002 5th century Ps. 105:38-45; 106:2-10 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5011 Berlin Germany
7th century Ps. 39:16-40:11 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5018 Berlin Germany
3rd/4th century Ps. 79:2-16 Staatl. Mus., Antiqu., Misc. 8630 Berlin Germany
2005 7th century Ps. 21:15-28 sec. Hexapla fragm. Univ. Libr., T-S 12. 182 Cambridge U. Kingdom
2006 6th century Ps. 143:1-144:6 fragm. Univ. Libr., T-S 16. 320 Cambridge U. Kingdom
2007 5th/6th century Ps. 22:6-23:2; 24:2-5 fragm. Philol. Sem. Jena Germany
2008 5th/6th century Ps. 5:6-12 fragm. PML, Pap. G. 5 New York United States
2009 7th? century Ps. 107:14-108:2.12-13; 118:115-122.126-135; 135:18-140:4 (with gaps) PML, Pap. G. 6 and 2000 New York United States
2010 5th century Ps. 58:7-13; 58:16-59:3 fragm. PML, Pap. G. 7 New York United States
2011 8th century Ps. 135:13-136:9; 140:1-142:1 fragm. Westm. Coll., Cod. Clim. Rescr., Bl. 26f Cambridge U. Kingdom
2012 4th century Ps. 14:1-5 Luwr, MA 3373 Paris Francia
2013 4th century Psalms 30-55 Univ. Bibl. P., Inv. Nr. 39
Univ. Bibl., P. Bonn 147v
2014 2nd/3rd century Ps. 118:27-63(?) fragm. Univ. Bibl. P., Inv. Nr. 170 Leipzig Germany
2015 5th/6th century Ps. 9:3-118:112; 146:9-11 (with gaps) British Library, Add. 34274, Bl. 51 + Or. 3579 A (17);
Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3855 + 3857 + 3859 + 3865;
PML, M 706 c;
BnF, Copt. 1292, Bl. 1, 2, 33, 98, 105-112; + Copt. 1322, Bl. 18 and 51; + Copt. 1323, Bl. 177 and 202; + Copt. 1331, Bl. 57, 57a and 58;
ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 31; + P. Vindob. K 902; + P. Vindob. K 8343; + P. Vindob. K 9851; + P. Vindob. K 9871; + P. Vindob. K 9872
New York;
U. Kingdom;
United States;
2016 6th/7th century Ps. 76:5-15; 77:8-16; 85:8-86:5 BL, Add. 34473, art. 7 London U. Kingdom
2017 7th/8th century Ps. 64:7-65:2; 68:14-21; 106:43-107:10; 129:3-137:8 BL, Add. 34602.1 (= Bl. 1-9);
Bodleian Library, Ms. Gr. (bibl.) d. 3 (P);
BnF, Suppl. gr. 1092
U. Kingdom;
see item 2015 British Library, Or. 3579 A (17) London U. Kingdom
2019 3rd century Ps. 11:7-14:4 BL, P. Inv. Nr. 230 (recto) London U. Kingdom
2020 5th/6th century Ps. 90:5-16 John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 3 Manchester U. Kingdom
2021 5th century Ps. 25:7-26:7 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 9754 Berlin Germany
2022 6th/7th century Ps. 50:14-20 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 10501 Berlin Germany
2023 7th/8th century Ps. 118:132-134 fragm. Bodleian Library, Ms. copt. g. 3 Oxford U. Kingdom
2024 7th century Ps. 1:3 Bodleian Library, Gr. th. g. 6 (P) Oxford U. Kingdom
2025 3rd/4th century Ps. 7:9-12; 8:1-4 fragm. P.Oxy. 1226 Oxyrhynchus
see item 2017 BnF, Suppl. gr. 1092 Paris Francia
2027 4th/5th century Ps. 141:7-142:3; 144:7-13 RBN Gr. 4 Petersburg Russia
2028 6th century Ps. 78:5-8.39f RBN Gr. 15 Petersburg Russia
2029 4th century Ps. 101:3-4; 102:5-8; 105:34-43; 106:27-34; 108:15-21; 113:18-26; 114:3-115:2 Harris Nr. 4 Sinai Egypt
2030 6th century Ps. 26 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 8022 Vienna Austria
2031 4th century Ps. 90:1-2 / quotes of NT ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 2312 Vienna Austria
2032 10th/11th century Ps. 98:5-8; 148:1-4.7; 150:1-4 BnF, Copt. 12919, Bl. 64;
ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9722
see item 2015 ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9851 Vienna Austria
see item 2015 ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9871 Vienna Austria
see item 2015 ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9872 Vienna Austria
2036 6th century Od. fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 8706 Vienna Austria
2037 4th century Ps. 18:15-19:3; 20:1-4 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39772 Vienna Austria
2038 6th century Ps. 33:5-10.12-18 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39774 Vienna Austria
2039 5th century Ps. 72:11-15.20-23; 88:51-89:1.5-8 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39775 a, b Vienna Austria
2040 5th/6th century Ps. 105:20-21.25-26; 106:25-27.30-32 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39776 Vienna Austria
5th century Ps. 1:1 (?) ÖNB, AN 26 Vienna Austria
2042 4th/5th century Ps. 68:30-37; 70:3-8 fragm. P.Oxy. 845 Oxyrhynchus
7th/8th century Ps. 90:1-6 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 3601 Berlin Germany
2044 5th century Ps. 103:2-20 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5874 Berlin Germany
2045 4th/5th century Ps. 28:6-11; 29:3-8 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5875 Berlin Germany
2046 4th century Ps. 35:12-36:10.14-25 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6747 + 6785 Berlin Germany
2047 8th century Ps. 67:2-28 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 7954 Berlin Germany
2048 6th century Ps. 90:1-7.10-13 Bibl. publ. and univ., Ms. gr. 50 Geneva Switzerland
2049 4th century Ps. 82:6-83:4 fragm. P.Oxy. 1352 Oxyrhynchus
2050 4th century Ps. 39:15-41:5 University of Paris, Inv. 827 Paris Francia
2051 3rd century Ps. 2:3-12 BL, P. Inv. Nr. 2556 London U. Kingdom
see item 2015 ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 31 Vienna Austria
2053 4th century Ps. 9:12-14.16-17.18-25 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 30893 + P. Vindob. G 40405 + P. Vindob. G 29525 + P. Vindob. G 30465 + P. Vindob. G 39786 Vienna Austria
2054 2nd/3rd century Ps. 77:1-18 fragm. Gr.-Röm. Mus., P. Alex. Inv. 240 Alexandria Egypt
2055 3rd/4th century Ps. 143:14-148:3 Laurentian Library, PSI 980 Florence Italy
2056 4th century Ps. 111:1; 73:2 Univ. Bibl., P. 305 Gießen Germany
2057 6th century Ps. 3:4-9; 44:3; 62:2.4-5 John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 461 Manchester U. Kingdom
2058 6th/7th century Ps. 148:9-14; 149:1-9; 150 fragm. John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 462 Manchester U. Kingdom
2059 4th century Ps. 17:45.47-51; 18:2-4 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 11682 Berlin Germany
2060 4th century Ps. 103:18-19.26-27; 105:17-18.25-26 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16390 Berlin Germany
2061 6th/7th century Ps. 51:4-7; 52:2-5 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16703 Berlin Germany
2062 7th/8th century Ps. 90:1-13 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 3642 + 3639 Berlin Germany
2063 7th/8th century quotes of Ps. 61-138 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 11763 Berlin Germany
2064 4th century Ps. 36:5-24 Laurentian Library, PSI 1371 Florence Italy
2065 7th century Ps. 141:2-6 Int. Pap., „G. Vitelli” PSI Inv. 1372 Florence Italy
2066 5th century Ps. 3:4-8 UML, P. Mich. Inv. 1573 Ann Arbor United States
2067 3rd century Ps. 8:3-9; 9:1.7-17 fragm. UML, P. Mich. Inv. 22 Ann Arbor United States
2068 7th century Ps. 109:1-4 Mus. Royaux, E 370 Brussels Belgium
2069 6th century Ps. 49:1-7 fragm. Kekelidze Inst., Inv. Nr. 220 Tbilisi Georgia
2070 4th/5th century Ps. 83:9-13; 84:2 fragm. P.Oxy. 2386 Oxyrhynchus
2071 6th/7th century Ps. 20:2-5 fragm. Or. Inst. Mus., O. Medinet Habu 1269 Chicago United States
2072 7th/8th century Ps. 30:3-8 fragm. Or. Inst. Mus., O. Medinet Habu 1175 Chicago United States
2073 P. Oxyrhynchus 1779 4th century Psalm 1:4-6 United Theological Seminary, P. Oxy. 1779 Dayton United States
2074 5th century Ps. 90:1-4 fragm. Laurentian Library, PSI 759v Florence Italy
2075 4th/5th century Ps. 90:1 + quotes of NT Laurentian Library, PSI 719 Florence Italy
2076 before 650 quotes of Ps. 18-36 Rijksmus. v. Oud., MS Insinger 41 Leiden Netherlands
2077 2nd century Ps. 81:1-4; 82:4-9.16-17 fragm. Sackler Library, P. Ant 7 Oxford U. Kingdom
2078 10th/11th century Ps. 77:65-69 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9730 Vienna Austria
see item 2015 ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 8343 Vienna Austria
see item 2017 Bodleian Library, Ms. Gr. (bibl.) d. 3 (P) Oxford U. Kingdom
2081 5th/6th century Ps. 90:13-16 fragm. Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. e. 6 (P) Oxford U. Kingdom
2082 2nd/3rd century Ps. 48:20-21; 49:1-3.17-21 fragm. Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. g. 5 (P) Oxford U. Kingdom
2083 7th century Ps. 140:1-8.10 fragm. University of Paris, Inv. 2136 Paris Francia
see item 2015 BnF, Copt. 1292, Bl. 1 etc. Paris Francia
2085 6th century Ps. 2:7; 64:2; 86:2.5; 109:3 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 27290 A Vienna Austria
see item 2053 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29525 + 30465 Vienna Austria
2087 6th century Ps. 11:9-12:3; 12:6-13:1 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35772 Vienna Austria
2088 7th/8th century Ps. 16:15; 17:3 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3090 Vienna Austria
2089 6th/7th century Ps. 17:7-11 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26047 Vienna Austria
2090 4th/5th century Ps. 32:9-15 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29274 Vienna Austria
2091 6th/7th century Ps. 34:1-8.11-14 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26205r + G 26607r Vienna Austria
2092 7th century Ps. 54:2-8.15-20 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26113 Vienna Austria
2093 5th/6th century Ps. 3:5-6; 62:2-3 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26166 Vienna Austria
2094 3rd century Ps. 67:35-68:4.8-14 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26035 B Vienna Austria
2095 6th/7th century Ps. 68:3-5.9-12 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35782 Vienna Austria
2096 7th century Ps. 77:1-8 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19920 Vienna Austria
2097 5th century Ps. 91:15-92:1; 93:1 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3093 Vienna Austria
2098 7th century Ps. 92:1-4 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26228 B Vienna Austria
2099 6th century Ps. 92:1; 103:10-12 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26781 Vienna Austria
2100 9th century Ps. 105:16; 117:17 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19809 Vienna Austria
2101 6th century Ps. 118:122-123.130-132 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3080 Vienna Austria
2102 5th/6th century Ps. 3:2-4; 118:155-160 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26786 Vienna Austria
2103 6th/7th century Ps. 135:10-13.19-21 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35887 Vienna Austria
2104 6th century Ps. 138:17-139:1.3-8 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26100 Vienna Austria
2105 5th/6th century Ps. 90:5-10 fragm. P.Oxy. 2065 Oxyrhynchus
2106 5th/6th century Ps. 90:1-16 P.Oxy. 1928 Oxyrhynchus
4th century Ps. 117:19-20 NLH Nr. V ?
2108 4th century Ps 40:20-23 fragm. Woodbr. Coll., OLCR, P. Inv. 182 i Birmingham U. Kingdom
2109 before 650 Ps. 45:11-12 fragm. MMA, Mon. Epiph. 580 New York United States
2110 2nd/4th century Ps. 17:45-118:44 (with gaps) Bodmer Library, P. Bodm. XXIV Cologny (Canton of Geneva) Switzerland
2111 7th century Ps. 42:3 Ashm. Mus., Gr. Inscr. 2912 Oxford U. Kingdom
2112 7th century Ps. 67:2-3 fragm. Ashm. Mus., Gr. Inscr. 2926 a + b Oxford U. Kingdom
2113 4th century Ps. 33:2-34:17 Bodmer Library, P. Bodm. IX Cologny (Canton of Geneva) Switzerland
2114 6th/7th century Ps. 28:3 Mus. Royaux, E 6801 Brussels Belgium
2115 4th century Ps. 90:1-4 fragm. Univ. Bibl., Inv. 1644 Oslo Norway
2116 5th/6th century Ps. 91:14-16 fragm. Eleph.-Mus., O. Eleph.DAIK Nr. 165 Aswan Egypt
2117 3rd century Ps. 144:1-10.16-145:4 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 21265 Berlin Germany
see item 2015 ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 902 Vienna Austria
2119 6th century Ps. 149:1-6 Ostr. Inv. n. 43 Deir el Giza-z Egypt
2120 7th century Od. 8:62-73 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 25199 + 41406 + 41407 + 41413 Vienna Austria
2121 6th century Ps. 21:19 (par. NT) ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29418 Vienna Austria
2122 2nd/3rd century Ps. 1:2-3 fragm. Int. Pap., „G. Vitelli” PSI Inv. 1989 Florence Italy
2123 6th/7th century Ps. 65:9-20; 98:1-8; 103:3-24; 108:4-11.14-17.24-31; 117:12-20; Ps. 103-135 (Incipits) Kopt. Mus., P. Naqlun I, 1-5 Cairo Egypt
2124 5th century Ps. 90:1-9 Inst. Pap., Inv. 501 Leiden Netherlands
2125 6th/7th century Od. 8:57-62(?) fragm. MMA, Inv. 12.180.334 New York United States
2126 6th century Ps. 71:12.16-17 fragm. Sackler Library, P. Ant. 51 Oxford U. Kingdom
2127 5th/6th century Ps. 8:1.3-4.7-8; 12:2-3.5-6; 120:1-2.5-7 private collections, without number South Salem United States
2128 8th century Ps. 100:1-4; 100:8-101:3 University of Paris, Inv. 2125 Paris Francia
2129 5th century Ps. 15:1-4; 16:2-5 fragm. Univ.-Bibl., P. Inv. 83 Amsterdam Netherlands
2130 5th/6th century Ps. 1:3-6; 2:6-9 Sem. Pap., P. Palau Rib. Inv. 33 Barcelona Spain
2131 6th/7th century quotes of Ps. 17, 90, 117 and NT Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6096 Berlin Germany
2132 6th/7th century Od. 1:1-2 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16158 Berlin Germany
2133 5th/6th century Ps. 1:1-2 Int. Pap., „G. Vitelli” Inv. 533 Florence Italy
2134 5th/6th century Ps. 114:5-8 fragm. Univ., IFC, PUG I 2 Genoa Italy
2135 10th century Ps. 70:20-72:12 IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 2071 Heidelberg Germany
see item 2015 Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3855 + 3857 + 3859 + 3865 Cairo Egypt
2137 10th/11th century Ps. 46:1-6 Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3856 Cairo Egypt
2138 before 650 Ps. 33:2-5 fragm. Ägypt. Mus., Inv. 44674.162 Cairo Egypt
2139 4th/5th century Ps. 30:14-18 fragm. BL, P. Inv. Nr. 0507e London U. Kingdom
2140 5th century Ps. 14:1-3 fragm. IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 525 Cologne Germany
2141 5th/6th century Od. 1 Rijksmus. v. Oud., Inv. I, 451 (A.AL 161) Leiden Netherlands
2142 3rd/5th century Ps. 19:7-8 fragm. John Rylands Library, Add. Box III, without number Manchester U. Kingdom
2143 before 650 Od. 8:57-66.71.72 fragm. MMA, Inv. 14.1.203 New York United States
2144 4th century Ps. 1:1 fragm. Mus. Egizio, P. Taur. Inv. 27 Turin Italy
2145 6th/7th century Ps. 9:4-13 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3084 Vienna Austria
2146 Byzantium Ps. 39:3-6 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17098 Berlin Germany
2147 8th/9th century Od. 8:64-66.71 fragm. Kunsthist. Mus., Inv. 8585 Vienna Austria
2148 6th century Ps. 50:9-12 fragm. John Rylands Library, Add. Box III, folder no 11 Manchester U. Kingdom
2149 4th century Ps. 72:6-75:13; 77:1-88:2 z. T. fragm. Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XIII (Ac 1501) Dublin Ireland
2150 4th century Ps. 2:1-8; 26:1-6.8-14; 31:8-11 fragm. Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XIV (Ac 1501[!]) Dublin Ireland
2151 4th century Ps. 1:1-4:2 (with gaps) Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XV Dublin Ireland
2152 6th century Ps. 5:12; 6:9-10 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 36022 Vienna Austria
2153 6th century Od. 8:57.86-87 / quotes of NT Coll. Lais, P. Lais Rome Italy
2154 IVE Od. 8 fragm. UML, P. Mich. 6427v Ann Arbor United States
2155 7th/8th century Od. 5:9 UML, P. Mich. 1572 Ann Arbor United States
2156 7th? century Od. 4:8-10 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 36114 Vienna Austria
2157 3rd/4th century Ps. 21:20-28.31-32; 22:1-6; 23:1 fragm. Univ., IFC, PUG I 1 Genoa Italy
2158 3rd century Ps. 1:1-2 fragm. Laurentian Library, PL Inv. II/34 Florence Italy
2159 6th/7th century Ps. 31:9-10 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29491 Vienna Austria
2160 2nd century Ps. 14:3-5 SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 2 Montserrat
2161 7th/8th century Ps. 106:35 UML, P. Mich. 6577 Ann Arbor United States
2162 3rd century Ps. 119:7 SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 10 Montserrat
2163 7th century Ps. 98:4-5 fragm. Sem. Pap., P. Palau Rib. Inv. 212v Barcelona Spain
2164 6th century Ps. 129:2-6; 140:9-10; 141:2-3 fragm. Ägyptisches Museum, P. 21270 Berlin Germany
2165 4th century Ps. 50:3-14 fragm. Laurentian Library, PL Inv. II/39 Florence Italy
2166 4th century Ps. 90:1-6 fragm. Laurentian Library, PL Inv. III/501 Florence Italy
2167 5th century Ps. 148:6-13 fragm. Int. Pap., „G. Vitelli”, PSI Inv. 1510r Florence Italy
2168 5th/6th century Ps. 30:20-24; 43:2-6 fragm. Univ., IFC, PUG I 3 Genoa Italy
2169 4th century 148:7-8 fragm. Univ. S. Cuore, P. Med. Inv. 71.86c Milan Italy
2170 5th century Ps. 67:20; 92:1 fragm. IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 2609 Cologne Germany
2171 6th/7th century Ps. 132 BL, P. Inv. 120 (3) London U. Kingdom
2172 4th/5th century Ps. 15:4-11; 16:3-11 fragm. BSB, P. gr. mon. 333 Munich Germany
2173 6th/7th century Ps. 91:1 fragm. MMA, Inv. 14.1.481 New York United States
2174 4th century Ps. 92:1-5 Luwr, MND 552 E, F Paris Francia
2175 4th century Ps. 146:1-147:1 Luwr, MND 552 I and H Paris Francia
2176 7th century Ps. 28:1-29:7 Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2657 Vatican City
2177 4th century Ps. 117:26-27 fragm. private collections of Fackelmann, P. A. Fackelmann 10 Vienna Austria
2178 4th/5th century Ps. 118:22-40 fragm. private collections of Fackelmann, P. A. Fackelmann 11 Vienna Austria
2179 6th/7th century Ps. 90:1–16 / quotes of NT ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 348 Vienna Austria
2180 6th century Ps. 79:13-15; 80:11-13 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3115 Vienna Austria
2181 5th/6th century Ps. 1:1-3 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 25949 Vienna Austria
2182 4th century Ps. 77:48-52.61-66 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35781 Vienna Austria
2183 7th century Ps. 31:1-3 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 41050 Verso Vienna Austria
2184 6th century Od. 3:3-7 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 40776 Verso Vienna Austria
2185 6th/7th century Od. 12:3-5 Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17097 Berlin Germany
2186 4th? century Od. 8:51-52 fragm. BSB, Gr. 610 Nr. 7 Munich Germany
2187 4th/5th century Od. 8:57.59 CSIC, P.Matr. bibl. 2 Madrid Spain
2188 7th/8th century Od. 8:61-66 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 503 (KO 503) Vienna Austria
2189 7th century Od. 8:77-88 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 37 Verso Vienna Austria
2190 10th century Od. 8:57-81 Baptistery Kasr al-Wizz
2191 Byzantium Ps. 103:1-6 BL, EA 32884 London U. Kingdom
2192 Byzantium Ps. 117:26-27 BL, EA 32966 London U. Kingdom
2193 7th/8th century Ps. 80:4; 117:19-20 BL, EA 35123 London U. Kingdom
2194 7th? century Od. 8:57-88 Kopt. Mus., Ostr. 3151 Cairo Egypt
2195 6th/7th century Od. 8:73-76.78 fragm. ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29523 Vienna Austria
2196 6th century Od. 8:52-56 ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19934, Fragm. Ia Vienna Austria
2197 5th century Ps. 50:17-20 SCL, P. Duk. Inv. 661v Durham United States
2198 3rd century Ps. 88:4-8,15-18 SCL, P. Duk. Inv. 740 Durham United States
2199 4th century Ps. 90 SCL, P. Duk. Inv. 778 Durham United States
2200 5th/6th century Ps. 80:2.4 IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 1367 + 2259 Heidelberg Germany


Simbol Nama Tarikh Isi Institusi Kota Negara


Simbol Nama Tarikh Isi Institusi Kota Negara

Lihat pula


  1. ^ Sidney Jellicoe, The Septuagint and modern study, 1968, pp. 175, Ch. VII: "For the manuscripts the familiar threefold classification into (1) Uncials, (2) Cursives, and (3) Papyri and Fragments has been adopted, although (see p. 176, n. 1, infra) it is not entirely"
  2. ^ Wolfgang Kraus, R. Glenn Wooden, Septuagint research: issues and challenges, 2006
  3. ^ Natalio Fernández Marcos, The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the Greek Version of the Bible, 2000, Ch. 15
  4. ^ Cécile Dogniez, Bibliography of the Septuagint, 1995 [This volume is a successor to "A Classified Bibliography of the Septuagint (Brill, Leiden 1973), by S.P. Brock, C. T. Fritsch and S. Jellicoe, for the literature on the Septuagint published between 1970 and 1993."
  5. ^ Swete, Henry Barclay; Thackeray, Henry St. John (1900). "Part I chapter V. Manuscripts of the Septuagint". An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek: With an Appendix – via CCEL. 
  6. ^ Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. "Herzlich willkommen auf den Seiten des Göttinger Septuaginta-Unternehmens!" (dalam bahasa Jerman). adw-goe.de. Diakses tanggal 2013-09-17.