Lompat ke isi

Templat:Infobox character

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Infobox character
{{{series}}} character
First appearance {{{first}}}
Last appearance {{{last}}}
Cause/reason {{{cause}}}
Created by {{{creator}}}
Portrayed by {{{portrayer}}}
Episode count {{{episode}}}
Nickname(s) {{{nickname}}}
Aliases {{{alias}}}
Species {{{species}}}
Gender {{{gender}}}
Age {{{age}}}
Date of birth {{{born}}}
Date of death {{{death}}}
Specialty {{{specialty}}}
Occupation {{{occupation}}}
Title {{{title}}}
Call sign {{{callsign}}}
Family {{{family}}}
Spouse(s) {{{spouse}}}
Significant other(s) {{{significantother}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Relatives {{{relatives}}}
Address {{{residence}}}
Religion {{{religion}}}
Nationality {{{nationality}}}

This template can be used to create an infobox for a fictional character of any type. The blank form immediately below shows the most commonly used fields, and complete instructions are listed further down the page.

{{Infobox character
| colour      = 
| colour text = 
| name        = 
| series      = 
| image       = 
| caption     = 
| first       = 
| last        = 
| cause       = 
| creator     = 
| portrayer   = 
| episode     = 
| nickname    = 
| alias       = 
| species     = 
| gender      = 
| age         = 
| born        = 
| death       = 
| specialty   = 
| occupation  = 
| title       = 
| callsign    = 
| family      = 
| spouse      = 
| significantother= 
| children    = 
| relatives   = 
| residence   = 
| religion    = 
| nationality = 
| imdb_id     = 