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BerdasarkanThe Lego Movie
oleh Phil Lord
Christopher Miller
Pengisi suara
Penggubah lagu temaBabymetal
Lagu pembuka"Unikitty! Theme"
Penata musikNick Keller
Negara asal
  • Amerika Serikat
  • Denmark
Bahasa asliInggris
Jmlh. musim3
Jmlh. episode85
Produser eksekutif
Durasi11 minutes
Rumah produksi
DistributorWarner Bros. Television Distribution
Rilis asli
JaringanCartoon Network
Rilis27 Oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) –

Unikitty (Atau disebut UniKitty!) Adalah serial televisi animasi yang diproduksi oleh Lego Group dan Warner Bros. Animation untuk Cartoon Network dan dibintangi karakter dengan nama yang sama dari The Lego Movie.

Serial ini diumumkan pada 10 Mei 2017. Di San Diego Comic-Con 2017, dikonfirmasi oleh produser Ed Skudder bahwa serial ini akan tayang perdana di Cartoon Network pada Hari Tahun Baru 2018. Musim kedua dari seri ini diumumkan pada 24 Juli 2018, sedangkan musim ketiga ditayangkan perdana pada 24 Desember 2019. Di Inggris Sky Q memesan episode-episode berbeda.


Sebagai penguasa Unikingdom, Putri Unikitty memiliki berbagai kesalahpahaman di negaranya bersama saudara lelakinya Pangeran Puppycorn, ilmuwan Dr. Fox, pengawal Hawkodile, dan penasihat Richard. Mereka juga menghadapi ancaman Master Frown dari Kota Frown yang berdekatan.



  • Princess Unikitty (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Putri Unikingdom yang merupakan gabungan antara kucing dan unicorn. Dia sangat bahagia, suka bermain, lucu, dan ceria, tetapi memiliki sisi marah yang terkadang dia susah untuk dikendalikan. Dia sebelumnya disuarakan oleh Alison Brie dalam film aslinya.
  • Prince Puppycorn (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Adik laki-laki unikitty, gabungan anjing pug dan unicorn. Dia kadang-kadang tidak mengerti dan kurang cerdas, tetapi juga setia dan baik hati.
  • Dr. Fox (disuarakan oleh Kate Micucci) - Rubah merah yang merupakan ilmuwan di kastil yang eksperimen dan penemuannya dapat menciptakan dan menyelesaikan masalah.
  • Hawkodile (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith) - Pengawal Unikitty, dia adalah gabungan dari hawk dan buaya yang memiliki kepribadian "macho" dan jatuh cinta dengan Dr. Fox. Dia dilatih untuk menjadi petinju di "Action Forest".
  • Richard (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith) - Batu bata Lego abu-abu 1x3 yang merupakan penasihat kerajaan Unikitty dan penjaga properti kastil. Dia berbicara dengan suara monoton yang membosankan dan sering kali menjadi suara nalar, meskipun yang lain merasa bosan mendengarkan.
  • Master Frown (disuarakan oleh Eric Bauza) - Musuh bebuyutan Unikitty yang berasal dari Frown Town di sisi lain kerajaan Unikitty. Dia adalah salah satu Doom Lords yang menyebarkan rasa sakit dan kesengsaraan di seluruh dunia karena dia ingin mengesankan Doom Lords lainnya. Ini sering menyebabkan dia menderita amarah Unikitty, yang ingin menyebarkan kesenangan dan kegembiraan.
  • Brock (disuarakan oleh H. Michael Croner) - Batu nisan antropomorfik dengan kepribadian netral yang merupakan sahabat, sahabat karib, dan teman sekamar Master Frown. Brock lebih sering berkeliaran di apartemennya bermain video game daripada membantu Master Frown dengan rencana. Satu-satunya saat dia marah adalah ketika Master Frown mengabaikan tugasnya.


  • Alert Siren (disuarakan oleh Kaiden Balentine) - Sebuah sirene yang melekat pada sebuah tiang yang memberi tahu Unikingdom ketika bahaya mendekat.
  • Beatsby - A kotak boom dengan lengan dan kaki bundar kecil. Mitra mainannya tidak memiliki lengan dan kaki.
  • Beau (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Makhluk persegi panjang dengan kaki pendek dan tangan tanpa senjata.
  • Bim-Bom Liebowitz (disuarakan oleh H. Michael Croner ketika berbicara, Roger Craig Smith ketika batuk) - Kantong sampah hijau antropomorfik.
  • Brennan Gerry - Kerucut es krim yang bekerja sebagai penjual es krim perumahan Unikingdom.
  • Burger Person (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Warga cheeseburger dari Unikingdom yang tidak suka disantap.
  • Buzz - Makhluk dengan kepala persegi biru dan tubuh persegi panjang kuning yang bergerak di atas skateboard.
  • Cloudbarry - Seorang warga cloud dari Unikingdom. Dia dieja "Cloud Berry" di toyline.
  • Warga Terkoneksi - Duo yang terdiri dari lereng kapur dengan lengan dan persegi panjang dengan kaki.
  • Craig (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Seekor rusa betina yang merupakan petani yang menanam pizza dan makanan lainnya di ladangnya.
  • Crankybeard (disuarakan oleh Eric Bauza) - Seorang lelaki tua berbentuk batu nisan dengan satu roda untuk kaki kiri yang berada di Frowntown. Dia adalah ayah Brock.
  • Crazy Chicken - Seekor ayam yang dibuat dari batu bata tunggal.
  • Dainty (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Warga berkepala bundar dengan lengan persegi panjang.
  • Diane - Makhluk melingkar dengan lengan lipat dan cangkir hisap untuk kaki.
  • Dino Dude (disuarakan oleh Gray Griffin pada 2017-2018, Eric Bauza pada 2018) - Tyrannosaurus beraksen Australia dengan roda alih-alih kaki.
  • Doom Lords - The Doom Lords adalah sekelompok individu jahat yang Master Frown adalah bagian dari yang membuat sarang mereka di gedung tinggi di Frown Town.
    • Master Doom (disuarakan oleh Gray Griffin) - Master Doom adalah pemimpin Doom Lords. Dia memiliki kecenderungan untuk menghukum Master Frown karena berbagai kegagalannya dan tampak mengancam para Doom Lord lainnya. Dia dibedakan oleh heterochromia iridum, atau matanya yang aneh.
    • Master Papercuts - Master Papercuts adalah anggota dari Doom Lords. Dia adalah sasaran lelucon dan mengaku melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik daripada Master Frown.
    • Master Malice - Seorang anggota Doom Lords dengan tanduk.
    • Master Hazard (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith) - Seorang anggota Doom Lords dengan kepala berapi-api dan sayap seperti kelelawar. Dia pernah membakar Kerajaan Jagung Permen.
    • Master Misery (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Seorang anggota Doom Lords dengan wajah berbentuk berlian.
    • Master Fear (disuarakan oleh Eric Bauza) - Seorang anggota Doom Lords dengan wajah berbentuk tetesan air.
    • Master Pain - Seorang anggota Doom Lords.
    • Master Plague - Seorang anggota Doom Lords dengan kepala seperti burung.
  • FeeBee (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Makhluk bunga / lebah beraksen Selatan yang menjalankan "FeeBee's Flower Shop."
  • Gizmo - Makhluk robot dengan antena, penjepit untuk tangan, dan roda untuk kaki. Ia juga memiliki varian kuning.
  • Glandrea - Warga negara tingkat dua yang bagian atasnya menyerupai bukit dan kaki berbentuk sepatu bot.
  • Hominid - Alien tanpa jenis kelamin yang bergerak dalam UFO.
  • Kickflip (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong di sebagian besar episode, Grey Griffin dalam "Little Prince Puppycorn") - Lapangan berkuda skateboard.
  • Kite Trio - Trio layang-layang yang hidup.
    • Bee Kite (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Layang-layang lebah.
    • Kate Kite (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Layang-layang merah betina dengan ekor seperti dasi.
    • Octo Kite (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Layang-layang gurita ungu dengan empat tangan.
  • Ladybug - Ladybug tanpa nama yang Puppycorn cenderung tersandung.
  • M'Ladybug (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Ladybug dengan kulit ungu.
  • Old Timey Moustache Man (disuarakan oleh Eric Bauza) - Seorang pria berkepala cakram nipis dengan kumis stang yang tinggal di Unikingdom.
  • Pegasus Citizen - A pegasus ungu yang memiliki kemiringan seperti kepala dengan kaki kapur dan cyan yang tinggal di Unikingdom.
  • Penny - Makhluk hijau berbaju abu-abu penuh yang bekerja di Zona Toy Unikingdom.
  • Q.T. (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Warga Unikingdom yang berkepala oval berwarna merah muda.
  • Rascal (disuarakan oleh Kate Micucci) - Silinder oranye dengan lengan persegi panjang.
    • Sebastian - kadal peliharaan Rascal.
  • Really Old Edith (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Seorang tokoh bungkuk yang merupakan salah satu warga tertua dari Unikingdom.
  • Rock Guy - Batu yang tampaknya mati itu adalah teman Puppycorn.
  • Ryott (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith) - Seekor katak hijau.
  • Slobodan (disuarakan oleh Tara Strong) - Warga Unikingdom yang berbentuk silinder dengan kaki berbentuk boot.
  • Sssnake (disuarakan oleh H. Michael Croner) - Seekor ular di topi bowler yang terbuat dari persegi panjang dengan ekor berujung segitiga.
  • Squarebear - A brown bear dengan tubuh persegi panjang, telinga berbentuk lereng, dan kaki persegi panjang. Ada juga varian merah muda dari Squarebear.
  • Stellacopter - Makhluk ungu dengan tangan bulat yang mengenakan fez yang memiliki pisau seperti helikopter di atasnya.
  • Stocko (disuarakan oleh Kate Miccuci) - Persegi panjang teal dengan lengan dan topi bowler.
  • Tap-Dancing Butterfly (disuarakan oleh Grey Griffin) - Seekor kupu-kupu yang suka menghibur penonton dengan ketuk menari.
  • Ted Butter (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith) - Warga seperti bebek dengan kepala persegi panjang vertikal.
  • Theodore (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith) - Beruang coklat dengan suara halus, kepala persegi, lengan panjang, dan kaki pendek.
  • Tigerlope - Makhluk harimau / kijang.
  • Toaster and Toast (disuarakan oleh Roger Craig Smith dan H. Michael Croner) - Duo yang terdiri dari pemanggang roti dan roti panggang dengan tangan yang menungganginya. Mereka kadang-kadang disebut sebagai "Toast Bros."
  • Trevor - Makhluk seperti kucing dengan kelopak bunga yang mengelilingi kepalanya.


MusimEpisodeWaktu tayang
Awal tayangAkhir tayang
14027 Oktober 2017 (2017-10-27)4 Februari 2019 (2019-2-4)
2404 Februari 2019 (2019-02-04)24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)
3TBA24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)TBA

Musim 1 (2017–19)

No.Judul [1]SutradaraPenulis skenarioTanggal tayang asli [1]Penonton U.S.
1"Spoooooky Game"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
27 Oktober 2017 (2017-10-27)0.99[2]

After getting a haunted board game from a shopkeeper, Unikitty and the gang (except Richard) get sucked into the game and must try to avoid all obstacles to reach the end and escape, but Hawkodile and Dr. Fox fall victim to the shopkeeper and get left behind.

This episode aired as a sneak peek and the series' first Halloween special.
2"Sparkle Matter Matters"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangWritten by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
17 November 2017 (2017-11-17)1.00[3]

When Unikitty notices that Richard is the only unhappy person in the kingdom and has not produced any sparkle matter, she gets Dr. Fox to create a happy serum. The results are disastrous, however, when Richard's sparkle matter starts growing huge and out of control.

This episode aired as a second sneak peek and is the first episode produced.
3"No Day Like Snow Day"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Mike Nassar
1 Desember 2017 (2017-12-01)0.93[4]

Master Frown sets out to ruin the gang's Snow Day, but gets stuck in Puppycorn's snowman (Snow Buttons) and his struggles to get out make the gang believe that it is alive.

This episode aired as a third and final sneak peek and the series' first Christmas special before the series premiere in January.
4"Action Forest"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangCerita oleh : Chad Quandt & Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Mike Olsen
Storyboard by : John Martinez and Mike Nassar
1 Januari 2018 (2018-01-01)0.65[5]

When his old foe Eagleator defeats him and takes his shades, Hawkodile sends his friends into "Action Forest" to turn them into fighting machines to take him down. However, Unikitty repeatedly insists on making them hug, not fight.

This episode aired as the series premiere.
5"Kaiju Kitty"Casey AlexanderWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Careen Ingle
1 Januari 2018 (2018-01-01)0.63[5]

Dr. Fox creates a giant robot for the gang to defend the Unikingdom from monsters, but they love it so much that, against all of Richard's advice, they use it for other purposes. However, the robot is too large and too strong to do these things safely, and the citizens start to fear it.

This episode is an obvious reference to Power Rangers and Voltron.
6"Fire & Nice"Casey AlexanderWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee and John Martinez
1 Januari 2018 (2018-01-01)0.64[5]
On Problem Fixy Day in Unikingdom, Unikitty is helping out all of the citizens, but when an outburst goes a little too far, causing a lot of destruction (thanks to Master Frown), she wishes that her rage would not be part of her anymore. It comes true with the help of Dr. Fox's latest invention, but her rage goes out of control whenever she helps someone.
7"Rock Friend"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Aaron Preacher
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
1 Januari 2018 (2018-01-01)0.78[5]
When his friends are too busy to play with him, and having a rock as his only friend, Puppycorn is given advice by Unikitty to "make a friend". He takes this literally and makes a friend using the body parts of his friends named Friend Guy, and soon, Friend Guy starts creating himself using other people and objects in the kingdom.
8"Kitchen Chaos"Casey AlexanderCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Kelsy Abbott
Storyboard by : Careen Ingle
1 Januari 2018 (2018-01-01)0.84[5]
After injuring himself from working too hard cleaning up the gang's messes, Rick gets sent to bed while Unikitty and the rest fill in and clean the kitchen for him, but they soon start to find out it might not be the easiest chore.
9"Crushing Defeat"Casey AlexanderWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
1 Januari 2018 (2018-01-01)0.86[5]
When Hawkodile's sparkle matter hearts form into big hearts whenever he is near Dr. Fox (his secret crush), they start crushing him in size, and he seeks the help of his friends to help him confess his love so he can grow back to normal.
10"Wishing Well"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
5 Januari 2018 (2018-01-05)1.16[6]
Unikitty and Puppycorn free the wish coins that are stuck in a wishing well, not knowing that they have turned evil during their time down the hole. Eventually, the coins start ruining everyone's wishes and it is up to the team to gather better wish items to defeat the coins.
11"Hide N' Seek"Casey AlexanderWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Mike Nassar
12 Januari 2018 (2018-01-12)0.89[7]
On Hide N' Seek Day, Unikitty is once again the Hide N' Seek champion, but when she finds everyone in the Unikingdom except Richard, it drives her crazy and it sends her on a search to find him, even if it means traveling all over the world.
12"Stuck Together"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee and Raymond Santos
19 Januari 2018 (2018-01-19)0.75[8]
When Master Frown loses his body, Unikitty decides to tow his head around on her rear end. He needs to make it to a meeting of the Doom Lords in time, but first Unikitty has to do her duties, with Frown as help.
13"Little Prince Puppycorn"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Careen Ingle
26 Januari 2018 (2018-01-26)0.77[9]
Unikitty makes Puppycorn the ruler of the kingdom (as he is a prince, since his sister is a princess), but when he overflows his royal power, Unikitty and the others must come to the rescue.
14"Pet Pet"Casey Alexander and Careen IngleWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee, Mike Nassar, and Raymond Santos
2 Februari 2018 (2018-02-02)0.66[10]
The gang adopts a creature named 'Pet Pet', contrary to Richard's wishes. When they lose him, Unikitty must pose as Pet Pet to distract Richard and avoid getting in trouble while Hawkodile sets out to find him.
15"Kitty Court"Careen IngleWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee and Kacie Hermanson
9 Februari 2018 (2018-02-09)0.75[11]
When Unikitty slightly "hits" Master Frown with her Cloud Car, Frown takes the case to court, where he is hoping Unikitty will end up in jail. He eventually realizes that Unikitty Court is much too happy and upbeat to have consequences, so he starts to get upset that the court is not going how he planned. When Unikitty notices, she tries to make the court exactly to his liking.
16"Birthday Blowout"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangWritten by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Casey Alexander, Careen Ingle, and Mike Nassar
16 Februari 2018 (2018-02-16)0.65[12]
On Puppycorn's birthday, Master Frown and Brock are invited to his party by Unikitty. Eventually, however, after Frown steals Puppycorn's candle (which Puppycorn can make his wish with), Unikitty and Puppycorn race to Frown Town to rescue it before it melts completely, and Unikitty finds herself in a mech fight against him.
17"Lab Cat"Casey AlexanderWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
23 Februari 2018 (2018-02-23)0.71[13]
A comet Dr. Fox believes is a giant gumball arrives to Unikingdom finally. For her to get a sample of it, she sends Unikitty and Puppycorn on a trip to space in her rocket to obtain it, but soon fears the worst when they are endangered during the mission.
18"The Zone"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
2 Maret 2018 (2018-03-02)0.92[14]
During the gang's video game time, Dr. Fox is captured by her own security robot. The robot blasts at the video game console turning Hawkodile, Puppycorn, and Rick into 16-bit versions of themselves. With Unikitty at the helm of controlling them like a real life video game, she uses this as an advantage to go rescue Dr. Fox.
19"Too Many Unikitties"Casey AlexanderCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Aaron Preacher
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
12 Maret 2018 (2018-03-12)0.54[15]
When Unikitty notices that her friends are having a stressful day, she believes everyone should be positive like her. With the help of an invention by Dr. Fox called the Happy Horn, (a model of Unikitty's horn that, when placed on someone's head, it gives them the mindset of Unikitty) that becomes a reality, but she soon starts to realize she misses her friends' old personalities.
20"Film Fest"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson, Chivaun Fitzpatrick, and Careen Ingle
12 Maret 2018 (2018-03-12)0.50[15]
At the Unikingdom Film Festival, the gang are excited to show the citizens their films: Unikitty and Puppycorn with their action film, Hawkodile with his romance film, and Dr. Fox with her sci-fi musical. However, when Richard keeps trying to get his movie to be shown, the gang thinks it will be boring and try to stall as long as they can.
21"Unikitty News"Careen IngleWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson, Ben Crouse, and Sarah Oleksyk
12 Maret 2018 (2018-03-12)0.48[15]
Unikitty and Puppycorn host a variety news show, with Hawkodile as the weather reporter, Puppycorn with sports, and Dr. Fox with science/cooking. It soon turns into a disaster, however, when Dr. Fox's cooking opens up a black hole.
22"Dinner Apart-y"Careen IngleWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
9 April 2018 (2018-04-09)0.66[16]
Brock invites Unikitty and Puppycorn to a dinner party with him and Master Frown, but soon, when Master Frown starts focusing on his job to make people miserable instead of enjoying the party, it soon causes their friendship to fall apart, so Unikitty and Puppycorn try to bring them together.
23"R & Arr"Bill ReissCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Mikey Heller
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
13 April 2018 (2018-04-13)0.72[17]
Unikitty and Puppycorn just want to veg out on Lazy Sunday, but it is also Chore Day, and Richard keeps trying to force chores on them. They try to escape him by being lazy pirates, and set sail using the couch as a pirate ship to rescue Dr. Fox and Hawkodile from chores, but when they enter Unikitty's room, which is a big mess, Richard uses this as an advantage to get them to do chores by joining the pirate idea and shoot cleaning supplies at them.
24"License to Punch"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Matt Loman
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
20 April 2018 (2018-04-20)0.74[18]
After Hawkodile gets caught by two members of the Action Police for battling a giant monster without an action license, Unikitty and her friends try to help Hawkodile get rid of his action urges. If Hawkodile does not keep his urges under control, he will lose his shades. There is only one way to earn his action license: take the action test at "The Department of Mayhem and Violence". With Unikitty's help, he may be able to get it even when the Action Police plan to make sure he doesn't pass.
25"Buggin' Out"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Mikey Heller
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
28 April 2018 (2018-04-28)[nb 1]0.49[19]
While watching a movie, the gang finds a creepy spider to their fear. They want to squash it, but Unikitty wants it to be loved. When the others tell her to squash it, she lets it roam free. It soon becomes a disaster, however when the spider lays eggs, resulting in tons of spiders invading the castle. Soon the gang get caught in the spider's web, leaving it up to Unikitty to get rid of the spiders and save the day using Dr. Fox's mech.
26"Chair"Casey Alexander and Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Lynn Wang and Ed Skudder
Storyboard by : Mike Nassar and Raymond Santos
4 Juni 2018 (2018-06-04)0.47[19]
Unikitty finds an old, beat-up recliner on the curb on Trash Day, but sees its inner beauty and believes it can make dreams come true, so she decides to bring it home and introduce it to the gang. In a series of absurd and fun vignettes, we discover how the dirty, inanimate chair comes into each of their lives and changes them for the better, however Richard does not see what makes the chair so great and tries to get rid of it.
27"Kickflip McPuppycorn"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Greg White
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson
4 Juni 2018 (2018-06-04)0.62[19]
After buying a skateboard, Puppycorn is determined to impress his skater friends with a stunt, but he fails. Soon Dr. Fox creates a plan to create cloaks to aid Puppycorn in his second try at a stunt, but when he succeeds at impressing his friends, he gets himself into trouble when he is entered into the Skater Stunt Games, the most dangerous skate obstacle course.
28"Super Amazing Raft Adventure"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Mikey Heller
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
4 Juni 2018 (2018-06-04)0.63[19]
Hawkodile tells Unikitty about a Bodyguard Boat he is building and decides they should use it to test his survival skills and show that he is prepared for anything. When they get lost out at sea, Unikitty's ideas seem to work while Hawkodile realizes maybe he is not prepared for anything.
29"Tasty Heist"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Matt Loman
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
4 Juni 2018 (2018-06-04)0.67[19]
When Unikitty finds out Richard has the most tastiest ice cream planned, she gets excited. However when Richard says they will not get the dessert until after the dinner he is cooking, Unikitty sets up a heist with Dr. Fox, Hawkodile, and Puppycorn to secretly retrieve the dessert without Richard knowing.
30"Brawl Bot"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Greg White
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson and Mike Nassar
23 Juli 2018 (2018-07-23)0.43[20]
Dr. Fox is proud to unveil her new ultimate combat machine and take it into an underground scientist fighting ring. But Hawkodile is jealous of the fighting bot and declares he can beat anything it can, so he dons a robot costume to enter the ring, planning to defeat Dr. Fox's robot to prove he's the better fighter.
31"Beach Daze"Bill Reiss, Ed Skudder and Lynn WangCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Emily Brundige
Storyboard by : Derek Evanick and Diana Lafyatis
23 Juli 2018 (2018-07-23)0.52[20]
Unikitty and the gang gear up for a fun day at the beach, but Master Frown uses his position as lifeguard-in-training to spoil their plans. They embark on a beach quest to find the legendary Perfect Spot, far away from Frown's tyrannical rule. Though Master Frown and Brock are not far behind.
32"Big Pup, Little Problem"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Casey Alexander
23 Juli 2018 (2018-07-23)0.67[20]
In an attempt to help Dino-Dude with his stomach problem, the gang plan to shrink down to tiny size and go into Dino-Dude's stomach, they do shrink down but when Puppycorn shows up, he believes the gang are action figures. At first they enjoy being Puppycorn's toys, but when they find out that Puppycorn plays rough, they try to escape.
33"Tragic Magic"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Kyle McVey
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
23 Juli 2018 (2018-07-23)0.57[20]
After Richard puts on an amateur magic show, Dr. Fox becomes obsessed figuring out how his science-defying tricks are done, but she goes a bit too far and upsets him after spoiling his magic tricks. After a giant bunny monster creates in the lab, Richard will have to use his tricks to stop it.
34"Dancer Danger"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Matt Loman
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson and Mike Nassar
23 Juli 2018 (2018-07-23)0.56[20]
An upcoming dance party is coming to the Unikingdom and everyone is excited to show off their moves, except Richard, who believes he has no groove. Unikitty decides to help, but nothing works, soon Dr. Fox decides to help him by showing off her newest invention: Grooveatron, a robot that will let Richard do some dance moves, but soon the robot gets a mind of its own and the gang have to defeat it in a dance-off.
35"Landlord Lord"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
17 Agustus 2018 (2018-08-17)0.46[21]
The landlord has threatened Master Frown and Brock with eviction unless they fix their apartment. Brock invites Unikitty and the gang to help. Instead of doing what Master Frown and Brock want to their place, she proceeds to do what she wants.
36"Scary Tales"Casey AlexanderWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Careen Ingle
16 Maret 2018 (2018-03-16)[nb 2]0.47[22]
During the gang's Halloween party, Unikitty discovers Richard isn't so easily scared, so the gang engage in scary stories to try and scare him; Hawkodile's story is about him chasing down a guy with chainsaw hands and a hockey mask, Puppycorn's story is about a ghost in the TV, Dr. Fox's story is about a monster made from Halloween candy and Unikitty's is about a stain on the carpet, which seems to affect Richard.
37"Float On"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
13 Oktober 2018 (2018-10-13)[nb 3]0.66[23]
Unikitty plans a parade to celebrate being unique, with everyone designing their own personalized floats. But when Master Frown crashes the parade to bring misery to the citizens of Unikingdom, Unikitty and the gang try to stop him.
38"Space Mission: Danger"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Kyle McVey
Storyboard by : Howie Perry
21 Desember 2018 (2018-12-21)0.59[24]
After their spaceship explodes, Unikitty and the gang float helplessly through space. As they try to formulate a plan that will get them home safe, they flashback to how each of them is responsible for their ship being destroyed.
39"Top of the Naughty List"Careen IngleWritten by : Ben Gruber
Storyboard by : John Anderson, Kacie Hermanson, and Mike Nassar
21 Desember 2018 (2018-12-21)0.59[24]
On Christmas Eve, Master Frown decides to tell a holiday bedtime story to Brock about him stealing all the presents (the story plays out in the style of Die Hard) and Unikitty and the gang try to foil his evil plans to ruin Christmas.
40"BatKitty"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
18 Januari 2019 (2019-01-18)0.46[25]

After stumbling upon Batman's suit after a mix-up at the laundromat, Unikitty decides to take on the persona of Batman, which gives Master Frown a chance to step up his game and hatch a plan so evil, that Unikitty can't do it alone. She calls on her friends (dressed as Robin) to help her in defeating Master Frown and Brock (dressed as Joker and Harley Quinn) and foiling their plans. Meanwhile the real Batman demands for his suit to be back, but Unikitty refuses to give up the fun.

Note: Will Arnett guest stars as Bruce Wayne / Batman. Arnett reprises his role from the films.

Musim 2 (2019)

Judul [1]SutradaraPenulis skenarioTanggal tayang asli [1]Penonton U.S.
411"Pool Duel"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Jordan Morris
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
4 Februari 2019 (2019-02-04)0.48[25]
It's now summertime which gives the gang a chance to have fun in the pool. But Puppycorn is afraid of the deep end, so Unikitty and the rest try to help him and show him how cool the deep end is, but Master Frown is destined to make things worse to increase Puppycorn's fright.
422"Tooth Trouble"Careen IngleWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Adriel Garcia
5 Februari 2019 (2019-02-05)0.49[26]
After an accident, Puppycorn knocks his tooth out. After waiting for the Tooth Fairy, she doesn't show up, which leaves Unikitty to pose as the Tooth Fairy exclusively for Puppycorn. She soon takes up the opportunity to help the Tooth Fairy with her job along with her friends, which soon leads to disaster when they go too far.
433"This Spells Disaster"Brock GallagherWritten by : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick, Mike Nassar, and Raymond Santos
5 Februari 2019 (2019-02-05)0.54[26]
The gang is planning a surprise for Puppycorn, so they spell things out when talking so he won't find out. Desperate to know what they're saying, Puppycorn finds a magic spell book that he thinks will help him learn to spell.
444"Roadtrip Ruckus"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Emily Brundige
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee and Raymond Santos
6 Februari 2019 (2019-02-06)0.36[27]
Richard finds the opportunity to take the others on a road trip, but soon the road trip turns haywire with bathroom breaks, stops to fix the tires and the van itself, interdimensional space/time travel, crumbs, road rage worriness, and an "evil truck" (in a reference to Duel).
455"Memory Amok"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : AJ Watts
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick, Careen Ingle, Mike Nassar, and Raymond Santos
6 Februari 2019 (2019-02-06)0.38[27]
After Puppycorn sees Unikitty do the most embarrassing thing ever, she forces him to forget by hooking him up to Dr. Fox's memory machine. While throwing away the bad memories and keeping the good ones, the gang look back at the past memories together (clips from past episodes in a clipshow style format).
466"Election Day"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Adeline Colangelo
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson and Mike Nassar
7 Februari 2019 (2019-02-07)0.48[28]
Unikitty and Frown decide to have the first ever Election Day in the Unikingdom to see who would rule the kingdom as Princess. This eventually leads to a heated competition when Master Frown pretends to be nice and gives free things away in order to win the hearts of the citizens, while Unikitty tries to win her way, much to the disappointment of the citizens.
477"No Sleep Sleepover"Ed Skudder and Lynn WangCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Aaron Preacher
Storyboard by : Angelo Hatgistavrou
7 Februari 2019 (2019-02-07)0.50[28]
Unikitty and the gang (including Brock) decide to challenge themselves to stay up all night in order to meet the Sandman. After a night of activities, they start to notice that everything is not what it seems.
488"Unfairgrounds, Part 1"Ed SkudderCerita oleh : Ben Gruber
Skenario oleh : Emily Brundige
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
8 Februari 2019 (2019-02-08)0.38[29]

The gang arrives at Doki Diamond Funland, their favorite amusement park to ride the life-changing ride called The Sugar Crash. When Master Frown arrives to get everyone out of the line, Unikitty and the gang try and stop him.

This episode and the next episode aired as the series' first half-hour special. It also aired on the same day The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part premiered in theaters.
499"Unfairgrounds, Part 2"Lynn WangWritten by : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Derek Evanick and Diana Lafyatis
8 Februari 2019 (2019-02-08)0.38[29]

Master Frown, Brock, and the gang finally get to ride the ride now that the line is empty. However when the ride turns into a never-ending nightmare when it keeps going on and on, the gang try to escape the ride before they're stuck on it forever.

This episode and the previous episode aired as the series' first half-hour special. It also aired on the same day The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part premiered in theaters.
5010"Kitty & Hawk"Adriel GarciaCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Kyle McVey
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee, Mike Nassar, and Raymond Santos
11 Februari 2019 (2019-02-11)0.37[30]
When Puppycorn's toy dump truck goes "missing", Unikitty and Hawkodile turn into buddy cops and track it down, car hood sliding, stunt driving and delivering cool one liners along the way to crack the case while Richard is forced to be The Chief (even though he doesn't want to be).
5111"Camp Unikitty"Neil GrafCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Kyle McVey
Storyboard by : Caroline Director, George Kaprielian, and Hae-Joon Lee
12 Februari 2019 (2019-02-12)0.46[31]
When they think nature is gross and dangerous, Unikitty takes Dr. Fox, Rick, and Puppycorn through the woods to prove that it's not all that gross, while Hawkodile stays back and defends the van from creepy raccoons.
5212"Hawkodile Sensei"Brock GallagherCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Greg White
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson, George Kaprielian, Mike Nassar, and Raymond Santos
13 Februari 2019 (2019-02-13)0.42[32]
After destroying a group of chipmunks' tree, Hawkodile takes them under his care to train them into unstoppable fighting machines as Hawk's sensei trained him to be, but Unikitty believes this is wrong seeing as how the chipmunks are just kids.
5313"Perfect Moment"Careen IngleCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Dani Michaeli
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
14 Februari 2019 (2019-02-14)0.33[33]
On Valentine's Day, Hawkodile is planning to get Dr. Fox to be his valentine, but there's never a perfect moment to confess his love, so Unikitty and her friends are destined to help him find the perfect moment to confess to her.
5414"P.L.O.T. Device"Neil GrafCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Jordan Morris
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
15 Februari 2019 (2019-02-15)0.44[34]
When everyone starts experiencing dangerously low boredom levels, Dr. Fox introduces her new invention: the P.L.O.T. Device, which can make anything exciting happen, but it starts getting out of control when it's used too much.
5515"Who Took Toast"Adriel GarciaWritten by : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
18 Februari 2019 (2019-02-18)0.46[35]
When Toast is kidnapped at the party, Unikitty becomes a detective to track him down. On the way her and the gang run into secret passageways and clues.
5616"Rainbow Race"Brock GallagherWritten by : Brady Klosterman
Storyboard by : Derek Evanick, Kacie Hermanson, and Mike Nassar
19 Februari 2019 (2019-02-19)0.50[36]
When Frowntown goes sadder than usual, Unikitty and the others decide to deliver a rainbow to them to cheer them up, but Master Frown is destined to stop them in the style of Mad Max.
5717"Beep"Neil GrafCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Katie Matilla
Storyboard by : Derek Evanick, Diana Lafyatis, Hae-Joon Lee, and Brian Kaufman
20 Februari 2019 (2019-02-20)0.43[37]
On Taco Tuesday, Unikitty and her friends are making the best tacos ever, but mysterious beeping fills the castle, giving the gang stress. Unikitty explains they're Bad Vibe Detectors that detect sadness and try to figure out who's sad, when they discover no one's sad, Unikitty takes them into therapy to test if they're upset.
5818"Delivery Effect"Brock GallagherWritten by : Jordan Morris
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson and Mike Nassar
21 Februari 2019 (2019-02-21)0.39[38]
After ordering food and it never comes, Dr. Fox introduces her latest invention: The Time Machine, which will let the gang make time go faster to get their order, but Father Time isn't happy about the use of time travel.
5919"Lazer Tag"Adriel GarciaCerita oleh : Ben Gruber
Skenario oleh : Nick Wiger
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
22 Februari 2019 (2019-02-22)0.41[39]
When the gang get tired of doing everything together, a laser tag game opens up in front of them out of nowhere. They soon find out Score Creeper (from Spoooooky Game) is in charge of this place, and pit them in a laser tag game against another team. During the game, Unikitty insists they work together to win, but the others would rather be a Lone Wolf.
6020"Trapped in Paradise"Neil GrafWritten by : Brady Klosterman
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick and Brian Kaufman
25 Februari 2019 (2019-02-25)0.47[40]
When the gang get deserted on an island after an accident with a hot air balloon trip, they find comfort and enjoyment while Richard freaks out about chores at home.
6121"Prank War"Adriel GarciaCerita oleh : Chad Quandt and Aaron Waltke
Skenario oleh : Mikey Heller
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
25 Februari 2019 (2019-02-25)0.47[40]
At the Zoo, Master Frown pranks the gang, which prompts them to devise plans to prank him back. Unikitty wants to prank too, but doesn't seem to understand the concept of a prank when she believes they are too mean, pranking Master Frown nicely instead of in mean ways, which worries the rest of the gang.
6222"Safety First"Adriel GarciaWritten by : Kevin Fleming and Rob Janas
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
26 Februari 2019 (2019-02-26)0.44[41]
When the gang notice Puppycorn is very accident-prone, Richard puts him in his old safety suit. It protects someone from any dangerous thing, but soon Puppycorn thinks that he can survive anything and starts doing very dangerous stunts.
6323"Volcano"Brock GallagherWritten by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
26 Februari 2019 (2019-02-26)0.44[41]

A mountain in the Unikingdom becomes a volcano when it gets in a very bad mood, so the gang try to cheer it up by borrowing one of Feebee's most precious flowers, but Feebee herself isn't happy about it, and tries to direct the gang in a dangerous path to the volcano.

Note This episode is a parody of the ending scene in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
6424"First Flight"Careen IngleWritten by : Tobi Wilson
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson
27 Februari 2019 (2019-02-27)0.43[42]
Unikitty and Puppycorn try to help Richard overcome his fear of flying in airplane while Hawkodile takes his flight test, but Richard can't seem to stop being afraid, no matter what.
6525"Cheerleading"Careen IngleWritten by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Derek Evanick
27 Februari 2019 (2019-02-27)0.43[42]
At Unikingdom's Cheerleading Competition, Brock vows to make his dream of being a flyer on the cheer team a reality, but Really Old Edith and her team shakes it up and competes with them, making the competition heated.
6626"Rag Tag"Brock GallagherWritten by : Jordan Morris
Storyboard by : Mike Nassar
28 Februari 2019 (2019-02-28)0.45[43]
When the citizens become bored and un-inspired, Unikitty takes it upon herself to re-inspire and excite them with a game of kickball. When the Doom Lords return to play against the gang, and the castle is at stake, the team must step up their game, but Unikitty wants them to be "ragtag" and tries to help her team lose.
6727"Career Day"Adriel GarciaWritten by : Brady Klosterman
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson, Brian Kaufman, and Hae-Joon Lee
28 Februari 2019 (2019-02-28)0.45[43]
Richard notices the gang spending their money irresponsibly and the Golden Goose can no longer lay any more golden eggs, so he makes them get jobs. Unikitty decides to open her own business called Grandma Richard's, where they sell cookies.
6828"Asteroid Blues"Adriel GarciaWritten by : Kevin Fleming and Rob Janas
Storyboard by : Raymond Santos
1 Maret 2019 (2019-03-01)0.48[44]
An asteroid is heading to hit the world and it's up to Dr. Fox and the gang to plant a bomb to blow it up. However, when it's revealed that the asteroid is alive and can talk, everyone hangs out with him, until the asteroid realizes Dr. Fox's original intentions. The gang then chase after him to remove the bomb before he explodes, but he's too sad to listen.
6929"The Big Trip"Neil GrafWritten by : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
1 Maret 2019 (2019-03-01)0.48[44]
Hawkodile is tired of having to take care of the gang so much on their vacations, but they eventually persuade him as long as they follow his vacation training. They're put through selfie training, eating metal to gain guts of steel and to hold it in for the bathroom in order to be prepared for the next vacation.
7030"Late Night Talky Time"Neil GrafTBA24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.33[45]
The moon is bored of taking the nightshift, since everyone’s always asleep. So Unikitty leads the gang in putting on an over-the-top late night talk show to keep the moon occupied.
7131"Welcome to the Unikingdom"Careen IngleWritten by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson and Raymond Santos
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.33[46]
After Unikitty finds out that tourism is down, she recruits the gang to make a tourism video to inspire people to visit the kingdom. But after calamities come one after another, Unikitty begins to think the video is going to be a disaster.
7232"Time Capsule"Adriel GarciaWritten by : James Hamilton
Storyboard by : Brian Kaufman, Hae-Joon Lee and Mike Nassar
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.29[47]
The gang puts their favorite items in a Time Capsule to send 100 years in the future, but they get stuck inside right before the door seals.
7333"Music Videos"Careen IngleWritten by : Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.29[48]
Unikitty hosts a live music video countdown show for the kingdom, presenting the ecstatic audience with the top 4 music videos in the Unikingdom, featuring our favorite characters.
7434"Brock Most Wanted"Neil GrafWritten by : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Ian Mutchler
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.26[49]
When Master Frown starts ruining parties to earn a promotion from his bosses, the Doom Lords, Brock accidentally gets blamed for the calamity.
7535"Bedtime Stories"Neil GrafWritten by : Jordan Morris
Storyboard by : Katie Mitroff and Arielle Phillips
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.26[50]
When Puppycorn can’t fall asleep, Dr. Fox uses an invention to bring classic bedtime stories to life. But the gang’s presence leads to some surprising twists in these popular tales.
7636"Grown Up Stuff"Careen IngleStoryboard by : Hae-Joon Lee24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.26[51]
Puppycorn doesn’t want to grow up. To ease his woes, Unikitty spends the day teaching him all the fun things about being an adult.
7737"Stop the Presses"TBATBA24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.26[52]
Richard’s newspapers aren’t selling, so his friends pull out all the stops to put the printed word back on top.
7838"Castles and Kitties"Careen IngleTBA24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.28[53]
Score Creeper traps the gang in a fantasy role playing game where they must follow a complex set of rules to win their freedom.
7939"Brain Trust"Careen IngleWritten by : TBA
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.28[54]
Dr. Fox accidentally transports the gang inside her brain, where they must control her movements to complete a dangerous experiment.
8040"Dunklecorn"TBATBA24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.30[55]
A mysterious relative shows up and claims to be Unikitty and Puppycorn's uncle, but Hawkodile is suspicious.

Musim 3 (2019-2020)

Judul [1]SutradaraPenulis skenarioTanggal tayang asli [1]Penonton U.S.
811"Growing Pains"Neil GrafWritten by : Matty Smith
Storyboard by : Kacie Hermanson
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.30[56]
Puppycorn is enraged that Unikitty is always helping him and treating him like a little kid. Not wanting to be a "little brother" anymore, he eats some of Dr. Fox's "growing taffy" to literally grow into an adult.
822"Wiener Club"Brock GallagherWritten by : Kevin Fleming & Rob Janas
Storyboard by : TBA
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.34[57]
Puppycorn is determined to become the Hot Dog King and joins an underground hot dog eating contest called Weiner Club. Rick warns "you are what you eat," but Puppycorn doesn't listen and eats so many hot dogs he becomes the new champion of Weiner Club. Unfortunately he also literally turns into a hot dog, that the other club members reveal they are going to eat! Unikitty and the gang now must attack with vegetables and defeat the hot dog-eating baddies in order to save the giant hot-dog-shaped Puppycorn and turn him back to normal.
833"Trapped in the Tower"Careen IngleWritten by : Ed Skudder & Lynn Wang
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.34[58]
During the fireworks show, Unikitty and Master Frown were trapped in the horns on the Unikitty Castle when she caught Master Frown trying to mess up the fireworks. Unikitty tried to find out why Master Frown always grumbled.
844"Special Delivery"Adriel GarciaWritten by : Patrick Rieger
Storyboard by : TBA
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.36[59]
After being rudely interrupted by Bim-Bom during her morning song, Unikitty takes advice from her friends and writes down her feelings in a letter. She intends to keep it to herself, but accidentally sends it.
855"Scary Tales 2"Adriel GarciaWritten by : TBA
Storyboard by : TBA
24 Desember 2019 (2019-12-24)0.36[60]
It’s Halloween again and the gang is telling scary stories to some trick or treaters.
866"Old Lady Bodyguard"TBATBA8 Maret 2020 (2020-03-08)0.27[61]
877"Too Cool"Careen IngleWritten by : Zack Keller
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
8 Maret 2020 (2020-03-08)0.27[61]
888"Guardian of the Unikingdom"TBATBA15 Maret 2020 (2020-03-15)0.27[62]
899"Cast Aside the Truth"TBATBA22 Maret 2020 (2020-03-22)0.25[63]
9010"Unikitty and the Ice Pop Factory"TBAWritten by : Alan Denton & Greg Hahn
Storyboard by : TBA
29 Maret 2020 (2020-03-29)0.27[64]
9111"Sunken Treasure"TBAWritten by : Alan Denton & Greg Hahn
Storyboard by : Chivaun Fitzpatrick
5 April 2020 (2020-04-05)0.25[65]
9212"P.L.O.T. Device 2: Beyond the Bored Dome"TBATBA2020 (2020)TBD

Following up where it started, Dr. Fox reprograms the P.L.O.T. Device just to only generate boring events, but the gang can't help but add drama and excitement to every scenario, but then, Rick keeps on pressing the P.LO.T. Device due to a lot of excitement and either, over Rick's Evil Clone, and Richard decided to use the Overdrive Switch to made everyone bored out of existence, and cause the world to lose its color, He, and Evil Rick went to bring back excitement to restore the world, and Evil Rick fades out from existence for despising Jazz Music, leads to the destruction of the P.L.O.T. Device.

Note: This episode is also aired as a continuation from the first one.
9313"Sick Day"Careen IngleStory by : Patrick Rieger
Skenario oleh : Nick Wiger
Storyboard by : Hae-Joon Lee
2020 (2020)TBD
Dr. Fox catches a “common cold” and does everything in her power to cure herself, ignoring the gang’s pleas that she takes the day off and rest.


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Unikitty!: Episode Guide". Zap2it. Diakses tanggal March 9, 2019. Click the "Episode Guide" tab to view all listed episodes. 
  2. ^ "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.27.2017 – Showbuzz Daily". www.showbuzzdaily.com. Diakses tanggal 26 March 2018. 
  3. ^ Mitch Metcalf (November 17, 2017). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.17.2017 – Showbuzz Daily". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  4. ^ Mitch Metcalf (December 1, 2017). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.1.2017 – Showbuzz Daily". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f Mitch Metcalf (January 3, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.1.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  6. ^ Mitch Metcalf (January 8, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.5.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  7. ^ Mitch Metcalf (January 16, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.12.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  8. ^ Mitch Metcalf (January 22, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.19.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  9. ^ Mitch Metcalf (January 29, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.26.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  10. ^ Mitch Metcalf (February 5, 2018). "Top 150 Friday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 2.2.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  11. ^ Mitch Metcalf (February 12, 2018). "Top 150 Friday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 2.9.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  12. ^ Mitch Metcalf (February 20, 2018). "Top 150 Friday Cable Originals: 2.16.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  13. ^ Mitch Metcalf (February 26, 2018). "Top 150 Friday Cable Originals: 2.23.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  14. ^ Mitch Metcalf (March 5, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 3.2.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  15. ^ a b c Mitch Metcalf (March 12, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.12.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  16. ^ Mitch Metcalf (April 10, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.9.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  17. ^ Mitch Metcalf (April 16, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.13.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  18. ^ Mitch Metcalf (April 23, 2018). "Top 150 Friday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 4.20.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2018. 
  19. ^ a b c d e Mitch Metcalf (June 5, 2018). "Top 150 Monday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 6.4.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal June 5, 2018. 
  20. ^ a b c d e Mitch Metcalf (July 24, 2018). "Top 150 Monday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 7.23.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal July 24, 2018. 
  21. ^ Mitch Metcalf (August 20, 2018). "Top 150 Friday Cable Originals and Network Finals: 8.17.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal August 22, 2018. 
  22. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (October 22, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.19.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal October 22, 2018. 
  23. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (November 26, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.21.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal November 27, 2018. 
  24. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2018). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.21.2018". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 26, 2018. 
  25. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 5, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.4.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 5, 2019. 
  26. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 6, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.5.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 6, 2019. 
  27. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 7, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.6.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 7, 2019. 
  28. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 8, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.7.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 8, 2019. 
  29. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 11, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.8.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 11, 2019. 
  30. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 12, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.11.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 12, 2019. 
  31. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 13, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.12.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 13, 2019. 
  32. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 14, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.13.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 14, 2019. 
  33. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 15, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.14.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 15, 2019. 
  34. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 19, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.15.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 19, 2019. 
  35. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 20, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.18.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 20, 2019. 
  36. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 21, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.19.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 21, 2019. 
  37. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 21, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.20.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 21, 2019. 
  38. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 22, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.21.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 22, 2019. 
  39. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (February 25, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.22.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 25, 2019. 
  40. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.25.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 26, 2019. 
  41. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 27, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.26.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 27, 2019. 
  42. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (February 28, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.27.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal February 28, 2019. 
  43. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (March 1, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.28.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal March 1, 2019. 
  44. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (March 4, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.1.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2019. 
  45. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  46. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  47. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  48. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  49. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  50. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  51. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  52. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  53. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  54. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  55. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  56. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  57. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  58. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  59. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  60. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (December 26, 2019). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.24.2019". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  61. ^ a b Metcalf, Mitch (March 10, 2020). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.8.2020". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal March 10, 2020. 
  62. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (March 17, 2020). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.15.2020". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal March 17, 2020. 
  63. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (March 24, 2020). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.22.2020". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal March 24, 2020. 
  64. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (March 31, 2020). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.29.2020". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal March 31, 2020. 
  65. ^ Metcalf, Mitch (April 7, 2020). "UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.5.2020". Showbuzz Daily. Diakses tanggal April 7, 2020. 

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