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Attn: The Board of Directors of Akzo Nobel From: Erik Young founder of ICANN REGISTRAR EASYSPACE

The Sophonpanich Mafia promoted "rape" in Thailand as a game. Subsequently I applied to the Thai Government to have the law changed so GIRLS/WIVES CAN NOW PRESS CHARGES FOR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION AGAINST HUSBANDS THAT RAPE THEM.



Sophonpanich Mafia-origin Catalina)(4000 yrs of killing)


They stole my daughter of five years old and her mother. Then they lied to my girlfriend who was a daughter of The Sultan of Brunei. I do not know if they are live. They tried to fool me with look a likes. Regards Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek -Kennedy- Nesbitt) who according to the Sophonpanich Mafia are the "Nothings from Nowhere". But they are quite happy to use the telephone communiucations systems of the World we helped to invent develop and finance the world's first Telecommunications Corporation "The Bell Corporation". They are quite happy to use technology that uses Electric Motors that we helped to invent develop. We didn't go around killing people to get what we wanted like they do but I want them executed for murdering my father and some of our friends (if I don't manage to kill them first). They have been interfering with transfers of cash to my account with Standard Chartered Bank in Bangkok, where is the money Mr Sophonpanich you murdering Heroin drug dealing bastard ?????????? Who in the Bank have your illegal THAI.CIA Mafia intimidated and lied to ???????

Posted by: Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador | Jan 27, 2009 2:35:56 AM

I suppose there is a criminal law in Spain and Ibiza that forbids the promotion of Satanism in any form including "Satanic Games". The term "Games" is interpreted as describing the killing of living animals as "Game Shooting". And that OLD Spanish Law ..doesn't it suggest all the assets of those involved in promoting Satanism and Satanic Worship/Games can be confiscated / frozen/ seized ???? How many people have vanished in Ibiza in the last five years ?????

Interesting to read that one of the Brinks Matt Robbers had a 17 year old girlfriend when he was 51 years of age just two years older than Thaksin Shinawatra… and these are the same group who have worked with Mr Thaksin Shinawatra for years committing serious crimes around the world. Did the Thai people know that Thaksin Shinawatra was from SPAIN ?????

Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra was one of the people behind the "Brinks Matt Robbery" ?

Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra has been involved in crime for over 25 years and that is where he developed his interest in mobile communications the developer (devils-offer) and the crime world ?

Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra caused an internal fraud within The Nobel Group in France to damage the reputation of Mervyn F S Young and put him out. At the same time Shinawatra caused a fraud against the chipboard manufacturer in Austria started by Franz Aicher and put the chipboard mill out of business. Then there was the L/C fraud where where he changed the principle in the contract to be Mervyn Young and Company Ltd so they would become liable for the value of the fraud and lose about 250,000 UK pounds this was about35 years ago. These wre all instigated crimes by Thaksin Shinawatra in order for him to continue holding and selling land he had forged out of the title of my family.

In particular forging land title deeds in Spain, Gran Canaria, Ibiza and Majorca.

Did you know The Shin Corporation was laundering money for the crime world for years ? Discussion 5 : 05/02/2009 at 05:38 PM5 Why are they refering to Thaksin Shinawtra as a "PRESIDENT" ??? You cannot have a King of Thailand and a President,. Presidents replace Kings. Then the Thai politics has broken international law and made a series of criminal offences.

"Suthep affirms his innocence in his statement A Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban affirms to remain innocent in his comment on the ousted PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s incentive to return to Thailand as the first president, reasoning that his statement is merely based on the former PM’s actions perceived by the public.

During the Parliamentary session today (Februay 5), Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban, a deputy Prime Minister overseeing national security affairs, made a response to questions made by Phuea Thai Party MP regarding Mr. Suthep’s statement claiming that the ousted former PM Thaksin Shinawatra would return to Thailand and become the first president. Mr. Suthep’s statement had deeply annoyed the Phuea Thai Party members as they believed this could lead to further divergences in the nation. "

Anyway Thaksin Shinawtra has been arrest for a series of child abductions, murders,frauds,forgeries,thefts,treason, serious Human Rights Offences.. I will be coming to Government House with a Military Team soon. Thailand "God's Given Land" Einstein is 101 a messenger from God. My Aunt said "Erik you are God" I answred "Oh no I'm not going to get blamed for all the problems Satan points at God by stealing his ID, like Satan did with the "Paedophile" scam on The Roman Catholic Church. Get out of here Satan and your servants we will burn you until you are gone in a "Lake of Fire" by God's Commandment you will perish for eternity during the next few hours. Erik Young UN

The problems include third party mobile phone callers duplicating voice of intended receiver. URGENT LEGAL EVIDENCE OF MOTIVE FOR MURDER.

Please contact Herbert Smith Solicitors in London UK Regards Erik Young - Pattaya Thailand


Did Mr Thaksin Shinawatra meet Mervyn Young in Gran Canaria in 1974 about one year after a Mervyn Young had been on a business trip to South East Asia ? Has Mr Thaksin Shinawatra had any dealings with the "PLYWOOD" exports of South Korea with an Alistair Dees where someone changed the contract making Mervyn Young's company the principle in the contract when the company should have been the agent. Does Herbert Smith Solicitors in London remember this matter ??? because I think someone intentionally sabotaged the contract in an attempt to damage the success and reputation of Mervyn F S Young because they did not want him in Asia he might find out about the land they had "forged title of and defrauded" him and his beneficiaries out of ?? Isn't that the case Mr Thaksin Shinawatra? "Erik this is Bob, I thought you new that already..." "I did but I couldn't remember you told me before I returned here on The Blue Ship..." So that is why he has been trying to destroy me and our family and our friends... looks like it may be land and property and Brand frauds and murders" "Well I did tell you to deal with that L/C first and Montague Meyer were one of the major clients" "Bob how could I do that when I was only 13 years old at school day dreaming about girls, I thought you meant a girl called Elsie or the Sweet Shop ?" "Bob where is my personal life? I am not at all happy with a life of being psycho-terrorised can you put the scales of justice onto it, thank you your Lordship." My thought of compensation for damaging Mervyn Young's company and causing / arranging extreme emotional rage within people that was enough to lead to his death. I would suggest the amount would be several UK hundreds of millions of pounds. Mervyn Young's company had 23.8% of the imported chipboard market of the UK according to Dunn & Bradstreet who considered the company to be good for unlimited credit. I believe other failures in suppliers firms The Nobel Group division Resogil Chipboard Manufacturing Plant in Bordeaux France, there was some internal accounting issue although I do not know the outcome with some strange financial discrepancies and chipboard manufacturer Aicher Spanplaten in Austria which was financially damaged in a similar way, may be the result of sabotage from some people trying to keep Mervyn Young out of both Asia and the USA where land belonging tomy mother's family was being occupied without authority or agreement or legal title. These people we operating in business to destroy my father's reputation and finacial strength of business. It has been a massive orgie of illegal deals involving forged or aunauthorised title transfers or bond of title to holders without the knowledge of the beneficaries. It has involved the murder of children, the abduction of friends of my children, the murder of friends of my children and the murder of Mervyn F S Young whio was a very honest man placing others before himself in the world.. PLEASE NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM SATAN HE KILLS THE HUMAN WITHIN OUR PHYSICAL. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek -Kennedy-Nesbitt)




Kenneth James Noye (born 24 May 1947) is a British criminal who was convicted of the 1996 murder of Stephen Cameron. Noye was involved in laundering the proceeds of the Brinks Mat robbery in 1983. While he was being investigated for his part in the robbery, he stabbed to death a police officer (John Fordham) who was observing Noye from the grounds of his home. Noye was acquitted of murder on the grounds of self-defence, but was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 1986 for handling stolen gold. He was released from prison in 1994, having served 8 years of his sentence. Two years later, in 1996, Noye became involved in an altercation with 21-year-old motorist Stephen Cameron on the M25 motorway during what was described at the time as a road rage incident, but has also been suggested to have been dispute over a drug deal, Cameron being a small-time drug dealer who owed Noye money. It however suited the purposes of both the prosecution and the defence to not mention this during the trial.[1] During the fight, Noye stabbed and killed Cameron with a knife. Noye immediately fled the country, sparking a massive police hunt. In 1998 he was tracked down in Spain, and Cameron’s 17-year old girlfriend Danielle Cable, who had witnessed the killing, was secretly flown out to positively identify him. Another eyewitness, Alan Decabral, declined protection and was shot dead in his car in Ashford, Kent on 5 October 2000. However, police sources stated that he was himself involved in drug and gun-smuggling, and that his death was detrimental to Noye’s forthcoming appeal, which would have concentrated on discrediting him.[2] Noye was a police informant for many years,[3] and he was also a freemason, a member of the Hammersmith Lodge in London. I was contacted by the late mao Tse-Tung who has told me where Mr Shinawatra hid the Gold Bullion. Please forward this message to The Sultan of Brunei from Mr Erik Young in Pattaya Thailand. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek -Kennedy-Nesbitt)

'Teks ini akan dicetak tebal'{| border=1 cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="300px" align="right" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" |+Zürich
|- |style="background:#efefef;" align="center" colspan=2|

Lambang Zürich

Lokasi Zürich

|- ! colspan="2" | Data dasar |- style="background: #ffffff;" | Kanton: || Kanton Zürich |- style="background: #ffffff;" | Luas: || 91,88 km² |- style="background: #ffffff;" | Penduduk: || 371.767 jiwa (Maret 2007) |- style="background: #ffffff;" | Situs web resmi: || www.stadt-zuerich.ch |- ! colspan="2" | Politik |- style="background: #ffffff;" | Walikota: || Elmar Ledergerber |}

View of the inner city with the four main churches visible, and the Albis in the backdrop

Zürich (kadang ditulis Zurich, tanpa umlaut) adalah kota terbesar di Swiss dan ibukota dari Canton Zürich. Kota ini dihuni oleh 364.558 jiwa pada 2002 dengan ditambah daerah urbannya menjadi 1.091.732 jiwa. Zürich adalah pusat perdagangan di Swiss dan menjadi salah satu kota yang sangat penting di dunia bersama Jenewa. Nama Romawi untuk kota ini adalah Turicum sedangkan dalam dialek Jerman Zürich dikenal sebagai Züri.


Zürich adalah salah satu pusat pertemuan lalu lintas kereta api, jalan bebas hambatan, dan pesawat terbang. Di Zürich terdapat beberapa stasiun kereta api seperti Zürich Hauptbahnhof, Zürich Oerlikon, Zürich Stadelhofen, and Zürich Altstetten. Kota ini juga dilalui oleh kereta api kecepatan tinggi TGV. Untuk transportasi di dalam kota, jaringan transportasi publik ZVV memiliki jaringan yang cukup padat dengan tiga macam moda: S-Bahn, trem, dan bus. Rumor yang ada mengatakan bahwa tidak ada lokasi di daerah pusat kota yang jaraknya lebih dari 150 meter dari pemberhentian bus, trem, atau kereta api.

Zürich dilayani oleh bandara terbesar di Swiss, Bandara Internasional Zurich di Kloten, sekitar 10 km di timur laut kota.


Di Zürich terletak universitas/institut terkemuka di Swiss: ETH Zürich. Institut teknologi ini telah menghasilkan lebih dari 20 penerima penghargaan Nobel. Albert Einstein bersekolah dan kemudian menjadi profesor di sini.

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