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Templat:Storm colour/doc

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Revisi sejak 29 Juli 2023 09.53 oleh Ivan Humphrey (bicara | kontrib) (doc templat)
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Tujuan templat ini adalah untuk menyediakan skema warna yang konsisten untuk siklon tropis berdasarkan Skala Saffir–Simpson, penggolongan yang digunakan oleh Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers di cekungan siklon selain Atlantik dan Pasifik Timur Laut, dan badai musim dingin Amerika Utara dinilai pada skala Regional Snowfall Index (RSI).


[sunting sumber]

Simply include the template specifying the severity of the storm as the first parameter. A list of available parameters (with examples) is provided in the table below.

Parameter Code Produces Use for
unknown {{Storm colour|unknown}} c0c0c0 a storm with unknown wind speed
(no parameter) {{Storm colour}} c0c0c0
Classification used in Atlantic and East-Central North Pacific basins
cat5, 5 {{Storm colour|cat5}} c464d9 a storm with at least 157 mph (252 km/h) 1-minute sustained winds (Category 5 hurricane or equivalent)
cat4, 4 {{Storm colour|cat4}} ff6060 a storm with 130–156 mph 1-minute sustained winds (Category 4 hurricane or equivalent)
cat3, 3 {{Storm colour|cat3}} ff8f20 a storm with 111–129 mph 1-minute sustained winds (Category 3 hurricane or equivalent)
cat2, 2 {{Storm colour|cat2}} ffd821 a storm with 96–110 mph 1-minute sustained winds (Category 2 hurricane or equivalent)
cat1, 1 {{Storm colour|cat1}} fff795 a storm with 74–95 mph 1-minute sustained winds (Category 1 hurricane or equivalent)
storm, TS
subtropical, SS
{{Storm colour|storm}} 00faf4 a storm with 39–73 mph 1-minute sustained winds (tropical storm or equivalent)
depression, TD
subdepression, SD
{{Storm colour|depression}} 5ebaff a storm with under 38 mph 1-minute sustained winds (tropical depression or equivalent)
potential, PT {{Storm colour|potential}} 72a9cd a tropical disturbance with a high chance of becoming a tropical cyclone within 48 hours, and poses a threat to land
Post-tropical, POST
Remnant low, RL
{{Storm colour|post-tropical}} cccccc a system that was a tropical cyclone and has since become a post-tropical cyclone or a remnant low.
Enhanced Fujita scale (for tornadoes)
EF5 {{Storm colour|EF5}} C464D9 a tornado rated F5 on the Fujita scale or EF5 on the Enhanced Fujita scale
EF4 {{Storm colour|EF4}} ff6060 a tornado rated F4 on the Fujita scale or EF4 on the Enhanced Fujita scale
EF3 {{Storm colour|EF3}} FF8F20 a tornado rated F3 on the Fujita scale or EF3 on the Enhanced Fujita scale
EF2 {{Storm colour|EF2}} FFD821 a tornado rated F2 on the Fujita scale or EF2 on the Enhanced Fujita scale
EF1 {{Storm colour|EF1}} FFF795 a tornado rated F1 on the Fujita scale or EF1 on the Enhanced Fujita scale
EF0 {{Storm colour|EF0}} 00faf4 a tornado rated F0 on the Fujita scale or EF0 on the Enhanced Fujita scale
EFU {{Storm colour|EFU}} cccccc a tornado of unknown intensity
Classification used in Western North Pacific basin
supertyphoon, STY {{Storm colour|supertyphoon}} c464d9 a storm with at least 105 knot (194 km/h; 121 mph) 1-minute sustained winds
vityphoon, svrtyphoon, VITY {{Storm colour|vityphoon}} C464D9 a storm with 105 knot (194 km/h; 121 mph) 10-minute sustained winds
vstyphoon, svrtyphoon, VSTY {{Storm colour|vstyphoon}} FF6060 a storm with 85–104 knot (157–193 km/h; 98–120 mph) 10-minute sustained winds
typhoon, TY {{Storm colour|typhoon}} FFD821 a storm with 64–84 knot (119–156 km/h; 74–97 mph) 10-minute sustained winds
nwpsevere, strong, STS {{Storm colour|STS}} b4fda8 a storm with 48–63 knot (89–117 km/h; 55–72 mph) 10-minute sustained winds
nwpstorm, TS {{Storm colour|nwpstorm}} 00faf4 a storm with 34–47 knot (63–87 km/h; 39–54 mph) 10-minute sustained winds
nwpdepression, TD {{Storm colour|nwpdepression}} 5ebaff a storm with under 34 knot (63 km/h; 39 mph) 10-minute sustained winds
Classification used in North Indian Ocean basin
sprcyclstorm, SUCS {{Storm colour|sprcyclstorm}} c464d9 a storm with at least 138 mph (222 km/h) 3-minute sustained winds
esvrcyclstorm, ESCS {{Storm colour|esvrcyclstorm}} ff6060 a storm with 104-137 mph 3-minute sustained winds
vsvrcyclstorm, VSCS {{Storm colour|vsvrcyclstorm}} ffd821 a storm with 74-103 mph 3-minute sustained winds
svrcyclstorm, SCS {{Storm colour|svrcyclstorm}} b4fda8 a storm with 55-73 mph 3-minute sustained winds
niocyclone, cyclstorm, CS {{Storm colour|cyclstorm}} 00faf4 a storm with 39-54 mph 3-minute sustained winds
deepdepression, DD {{Storm colour|deepdepression}} 5ebaff a storm with under 35-38 mph 3-minute sustained winds
niodepression, D {{Storm colour|niodepression}} 72a9cd a storm with under 35 mph 3-minute sustained winds
nioland, landdepression, land, LD {{Storm colour|land}} 72a9cd a storm system that has formed over land
Classification used in South Pacific and Australian basins
Fiji5, Aus5, A5 {{Storm colour|Fiji5}} C464D9 a storm with at least 127 mph (205 km/h) 10-minute sustained winds
Fiji4, Aus4, A4 {{Storm colour|Fiji4}} FF6060 a storm with 99-126 mph 10-minute sustained winds
Fiji3, Aus3, A3 {{Storm colour|Fiji3}} FFD821 a storm with 75-98 mph 10-minute sustained winds
Fiji2, Aus2, A2 {{Storm colour|Fiji2}} B4FDA8 a storm with 55-74 mph 10-minute sustained winds
Fiji1, Aus1, A1 {{Storm colour|Fiji1}} 00faf4 a storm with 39-54 mph 10-minute sustained winds
spdepression, TD
low, TL, sublow
{{Storm colour|spdepression}} 5ebaff a storm with under 39 mph 10-minute sustained winds
disturbance, DI {{Storm colour|disturbance}} 72a9cd a poorly-organised storm with under 39 mph 10-minute sustained winds
Classification used in South West Indian Ocean basin
vintense, VITC {{Storm colour|vintense}} C464D9 a storm with over 132 mph (215 km/h) 10-minute sustained winds (Very Intense Tropical Cyclone)
intense, ITC {{Storm colour|intense}} FF6060 a storm with 104-132 mph 10-minute sustained winds (Intense Tropical Cyclone)
swiotc, TC {{Storm colour|swiotc}} FFD821 a storm with 74-103 mph 10-minute sustained winds (Tropical Cyclone)
swiosts, STS {{Storm colour|swiosts}} b4fda8 a storm with 55-73 mph 10-minute sustained winds (Severe Tropical Storm)
mtstorm, sub, MTS {{Storm colour|mtstorm}} 00faf4 a storm with 39-54 mph 10-minute sustained winds (Moderate Tropical Storm)
swsubdep, TD
{{Storm colour|swiodepression}} 5ebaff a storm with under 39 mph 10-minute sustained winds
{{Storm colour|swiodisturbance}} 72a9cd a poorly-organised storm with under 39 mph 10-minute sustained winds
Classification used for North American winter storms (RSI scale)
Category 5, "Extreme" {{Storm colour|cat5}} c464d9 a winter storm with an RSI value greater than 18
Category 4, "Crippling" {{Storm colour|cat4}} ff6060 a winter storm with an RSI value between 10 and 18
Category 3, "Major" {{Storm colour|cat3}} ff8f20 a winter storm with an RSI value between 6 and 10
Category 2, "Significant" {{Storm colour|cat2}} ffd821 a winter storm with an RSI value between 3 and 6
Category 1, "Notable" {{Storm colour|cat1}} fff795 a winter storm with an RSI value between 1 and 3
Category 0, "Nuisance" {{Storm colour|post-tropical}} cccccc a winter storm with an RSI value less than 1
Historical values (do not use)
shem5 {{Storm colour|shem5}} ff6060
shem4 {{Storm colour|shem4}} ffc140
shemsvrtc {{Storm colour|shemsvrtc}} ffe775
shem3, shemtc {{Storm colour|shem3}} FFD821
shem2 {{Storm colour|shem2}} ccffff
shem1 {{Storm colour|shem1}} 00faf4
shemdepression {{Storm colour|shemdepression}} 5ebaff
extratropical {{Storm colour|extratropical}} cccccc

Full list of available values

[sunting sumber]


  1. ^ a b Overriden from original color (  #5ebaff)
  2. ^ a b Overriden from original icon (File:Severe tropical storm icon.png)
  3. ^ a b c Overriden from original icon (TC)
aus1Category 1 tropical cyclone#00faf4Aus/Fiji40006
aus2Category 2 tropical cyclone#B4FDA8Aus/Fiji40008
aus3Category 3 severe tropical cyclone#FFD821Aus/Fiji40010
aus4Category 4 severe tropical cyclone#FF6060[W 1]Aus/Fiji40013
aus5Category 5 severe tropical cyclone#C464D9[W 1]Aus/Fiji40015
TCbeaufort0Calm (Force 0)#FFFFFFGlobal1500
TCbeaufort1Light Air (Force 1)#757575[W 1][W 2]Global1510
TCbeaufort10Storm (Force 10)#AAFD9CGlobal1600
TCbeaufort11Violent Storm (Force 11)#D6FFA4Global1610
TCbeaufort12Hurricane-force (Force 12)#FFFCD1Global1620
TCbeaufort2Light Breeze (Force 2)#909090[W 1]Global1520
TCbeaufort3Gentle Breeze (Force 3)#B7B7B7[W 1]Global1530
TCbeaufort4Moderate Breeze (Force 4)#D2D2D2Global1540
TCbeaufort5Fresh Breeze (Force 5)#F1F1F1Global1550
TCbeaufort6Strong Breeze (Force 6)#007FCE[W 1][W 2]Global1560
TCbeaufort7Near Gale (Force 7)#46A1FF[W 1]Global1570
TCbeaufort8Gale (Force 8)#5EDBF8Global1580
TCbeaufort9Strong Gale (Force 9)#3BFDFDGlobal1590
cat1atlCategory 1 hurricane#fff795Atl/EPac/SAtl80010
defaultCategory 1-equivalent tropical cyclone
epacCategory 1 hurricane
satlCategory 1 hurricane
wpacCategory 1-equivalent typhoon
cat2atlCategory 2 hurricane#ffd821Atl/EPac/SAtl80020
defaultCategory 2-equivalent tropical cyclone
epacCategory 2 hurricane
satlCategory 2 hurricane
wpacCategory 2-equivalent typhoon
cat3atlCategory 3 hurricane#ff8f20[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80030
defaultCategory 3-equivalent tropical cyclone
epacCategory 3 hurricane
satlCategory 3 hurricane
wpacCategory 3-equivalent typhoon
cat4atlCategory 4 hurricane#ff6060[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80040
defaultCategory 4-equivalent tropical cyclone
epacCategory 4 hurricane
satlCategory 4 hurricane
wpacCategory 4-equivalent typhoon
cat5atlCategory 5 hurricane#c464d9[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80050
defaultCategory 5-equivalent tropical cyclone
epacCategory 5 hurricane
satlCategory 5 hurricane
wpacCategory 5-equivalent super typhoon
csCyclonic storm#00faf4NIO50006
cyclstormCyclonic storm#00faf4NIO50006
dTropical depression#80ccff[1]Global90
ddDeep depression#5ebaff[W 1]NIO50002
deepdepressionDeep depression#5ebaff[W 1]NIO50002
depressionTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
diTropical disturbance#72a9cd[W 1]Global80
disturbanceTropical disturbance#72a9cd[W 1]Global80
ef0EF0 tornado#00faf4Global1000
ef1EF1 tornado#FFF795Global1010
ef2EF2 tornado#FFD821Global1020
ef3EF3 tornado#FF8F20[W 1]Global1030
ef4EF4 tornado#ff6060[W 1]Global1040
ef5EF5 tornado#C464D9[W 1]Global1050
efuEFU tornado#ccccccGlobal1001
escsExtremely severe cyclonic storm#ff6060[W 1]NIO50015
esvrcyclstormExtremely severe cyclonic storm#ff6060[W 1]NIO50015
etExtratropical cyclone#ccccccGlobal50
exExtratropical cyclone#ccccccGlobal50
extratropicalExtratropical cyclone#ccccccGlobal50
TCf0Calm (Force 0)#FFFFFFGlobal1500
TCf1Light Air (Force 1)#757575[W 1][W 2]Global1510
TCf10Storm (Force 10)#AAFD9CGlobal1600
TCf11Violent Storm (Force 11)#D6FFA4Global1610
TCf12Hurricane-force (Force 12)#FFFCD1Global1620
TCf2Light Breeze (Force 2)#909090[W 1]Global1520
TCf3Gentle Breeze (Force 3)#B7B7B7[W 1]Global1530
TCf4Moderate Breeze (Force 4)#D2D2D2Global1540
TCf5Fresh Breeze (Force 5)#F1F1F1Global1550
TCf6Strong Breeze (Force 6)#007FCE[W 1][W 2]Global1560
TCf7Near Gale (Force 7)#46A1FF[W 1]Global1570
TCf8Gale (Force 8)#5EDBF8Global1580
TCf9Strong Gale (Force 9)#3BFDFDGlobal1590
fiji1Category 1 tropical cyclone#00faf4Aus/Fiji40006
fiji2Category 2 tropical cyclone#B4FDA8Aus/Fiji40008
fiji3Category 3 severe tropical cyclone#FFD821Aus/Fiji40010
fiji4Category 4 severe tropical cyclone#FF6060[W 1]Aus/Fiji40013
fiji5Category 5 severe tropical cyclone#C464D9[W 1]Aus/Fiji40015
intenseIntense tropical cyclone#FF6060[W 1]SWIO30008
itcIntense tropical cyclone#FF6060[W 1]SWIO30008
landLand depression#72a9cd[W 1]NIO50000
landdepressionLand depression#72a9cd[W 1]NIO50000
ldLand depression#72a9cd[W 1]NIO50000
lowTropical low#5ebaff[W 1]Aus/Fiji40002
mdMonsoon depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global30
TCmoddepressionModerate tropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global95
monsoondepressionMonsoon depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global30
mstormModerate tropical storm#00faf4SWIO30004
mtsModerate tropical storm#00faf4SWIO30004
mtstormModerate tropical storm#00faf4Global105
niocycloneCyclonic storm#00faf4NIO50006
niodepressionDepression#72a9cd[W 1]NIO50001
niolandLand depression#72a9cd[W 1]NIO50000
nwpdepressionTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
nwpsevereSevere tropical storm#b4fda8Global120
nwpstormTropical storm#00faf4Global100
odOverland depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global60
overlandOverland depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global60
overlanddepressionOverland depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global60
postPost-tropical depression#ccccccGlobal70
posttropicalPost-tropical depression#ccccccGlobal70
potentialPotential tropical cyclone#72a9cd[W 1]Global25
potentialtropicalcyclonePotential tropical cyclone#72a9cd[W 1]Global25
ptPotential tropical cyclone#72a9cd[W 1]Global25
remnantPost-tropical depression#ccccccGlobal70
remnantlowPost-tropical depression#ccccccGlobal70
rlPost-tropical depression#ccccccGlobal70
rsi0Category 0 "Nuisance"#ccccccAtl/EPac/SAtl80100
rsi1Category 1 "Notable"#FFF795Atl/EPac/SAtl80110
rsi2Category 2 "Minor"#FFD821Atl/EPac/SAtl80120
rsi3Category 3 "Major"#FF8F20[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80130
rsi4Category 4 "Crippling"#FF6060[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80140
rsi5Category 5 "Extreme"#C464D9[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80150
rsicripplingCategory 4 "Crippling"#FF6060[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80140
rsiextremeCategory 5 "Extreme"#C464D9[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80150
rsimajorCategory 3 "Major"#FF8F20[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80130
rsiminorCategory 2 "Minor"#FFD821Atl/EPac/SAtl80120
rsinotableCategory 1 "Notable"#FFF795Atl/EPac/SAtl80110
rsinuisanceCategory 0 "Nuisance"#ccccccAtl/EPac/SAtl80100
scsSevere cyclonic storm#b4fda8NIO50008
sdSubtropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global62
severeSevere tropical storm#b4fda8Global120
TCseveredepSevere tropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global120
severetsSevere tropical storm#b4fda8Global120
shdepressionTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
TCshem1Tropical cyclone#00faf4Historical20008
TCshem2Tropical cyclone#ccffffHistorical20008
TCshem3Tropical cyclone#FFD821SWIO30006
TCshem4Tropical cyclone#ffc140Historical20008
TCshem5Severe tropical cyclone#ff6060[W 1]Historical20010
shemdepressionTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
TCshemsvrtcSevere tropical cyclone#ffe775Historical20020
TCshemtcTropical cyclone#FFD821SWIO30006
spdepressionTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
sprcyclstormSuper cyclonic storm#c464d9[W 1]NIO50020
ssSubtropical storm#00faf4Global65
stormTropical storm#00faf4Global100
strongSevere tropical storm#b4fda8Global120
stsSevere tropical storm#b4fda8Global120
TCstyCategory 4 super typhoon#c464d9[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80045
TCstyphoonSupertyphoon#C464D9[W 1]WPAC60050
subModerate tropical storm#00faf4SWIO30004
subdepressionSubtropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global62
subdisturbanceSubtropical disturbance#72a9cd[W 1]Global55
TCsublowSubtropical low#5ebaff[W 1]Aus/Fiji40000
subtropicalSubtropical storm#00faf4Global65
TCsubtropicalcycloneSubtropical cyclone#00faf4Global70
sucsSuper cyclonic storm#c464d9[W 1]NIO50020
TCsupertyphoonCategory 4 super typhoon#c464d9[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80045
svrcyclstormSevere cyclonic storm#b4fda8NIO50008
TCsvtyphoonSevere typhoon#FF6060[W 1]WPAC60015
swiodepressionTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
swiodisturbanceTropical disturbance#72a9cd[W 1]Global80
[2]swiostsSevere tropical storm#b4fda8Global120
[3]swiotcTropical cyclone#FFD821SWIO30006
swsubdepSubtropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global62
[3]tcTropical cyclone#FFD821SWIO30006
tdTropical depression#5ebaff[W 1]Global90
tdistTropical disturbance#72a9cd[W 1]Global80
tlTropical low#5ebaff[W 1]Aus/Fiji40002
TCtropicalcycloneTropical cyclone#FFD821SWIO30006
tsTropical storm#00faf4Global100
?unknownUnknown strength tropical cyclone#c0c0c0Global0
vintenseVery intense tropical cyclone#C464D9[W 1]SWIO30010
vitcVery intense tropical cyclone#C464D9[W 1]SWIO30010
TCvityViolent typhoon#C464D9[W 1]WPAC60030
TCvityphoonViolent typhoon#C464D9[W 1]WPAC60030
vscsVery severe cyclonic storm#ffd821NIO50010
TCvstyVery strong typhoon#FF6060[W 1]WPAC60020
TCvstyphoonVery strong typhoon#FF6060[W 1]WPAC60020
vsvrcyclstormVery severe cyclonic storm#ffd821NIO50010
wssi0No impacts#ccccccAtl/EPac/SAtl80200
wssi1Limited impacts#80ccffAtl/EPac/SAtl80210
wssi2Minor impacts#ffc140Atl/EPac/SAtl80220
wssi3Moderate impacts#ff8f20[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80230
wssi4Major impacts#ff6060[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80240
wssi5Extreme impacts#cf75ff[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80250
wssiextremeExtreme impacts#cf75ff[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80250
wssilimitedLimited impacts#80ccffAtl/EPac/SAtl80210
wssimajorMajor impacts#ff6060[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80240
wssiminorMinor impacts#ffc140Atl/EPac/SAtl80220
wssimoderateModerate impacts#ff8f20[W 1]Atl/EPac/SAtl80230
wssinoneNo impacts#ccccccAtl/EPac/SAtl80200
zodwZone of disturbed weather#72A9CD[W 1]SWIO30000
1not available#fff795not available
2not available#ffd821not available
3not available#ff8f20[W 1]not available
4not available#ff6060[W 1]not available
5not available#c464d9[W 1]not available
a1not available#00faf4not available
a2not available#B4FDA8not available
a3not available#FFD821not available
a4not available#FF6060[W 1]not available
a5not available#C464D9[W 1]not available
et2not available
ex2not available
extratropical2not available
stssnot available


This table contains warnings than should be addressed. Please note that some warnings cannot be fully addressed without changes that would require consensus.

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm This color has contrast issues with links (not WCAG 2.0 AA-compatible). It should not be used in conjunction with a link.
  2. ^ a b c d e This color has contrast issues with visited links (not WCAG 2.0 AA-compatible with #0b0080). It should not be used in conjunction with a visited link.