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Berkas:KRI 368 Frans Kaisiepo.jpg
Korvet SIGMA 9113, KRI Frans Kaisiepo (368)
Tentang kelas
Pembangun:Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding
PT PAL Indonesia
Operator: TNI Angkatan Laut
Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Maroko
Angkatan Laut Meksiko
Subkelas:9113 (varian korvet Indonesia)
9813 (varian korvet berat Maroko)
10513 (varian fregat ringan Maroko)
10514 (varian fregat Indonesia)
10514 LROPV (POLA) (Varian OPV LR Meksiko)
Ciri-ciri umum (Korvet 9113)
Jenis Korvet / Fregat multiperan
Berat benaman 1.692 ton
Panjang 90,71 m (297,6 ft)
Lebar 13,02 m (42,7 ft)
Sarat air 3,6 m (12 ft)
Pendorong 2 × SEMT Pielstick 20PA6B STC dengan masing-masing daya 8910 kW menggerakkan kombinasi kopling Geislinger ringan BE 72/20/125N + BF 110/50/2H (kombinasi kopling baja – komposit)
4 × Generator Caterpillar 3406C TA dengan masing-masing daya 350 kW
1 × Generator darurat Caterpillar 3304B dengan daya 105 kW
2 × Poros dengan baling-baling CP berbilah Rolls-Royce Kamewa 5
2 × Gigi reduksi langkah tunggal Renk ASL94 dengan stabilisasi gulungan pasif
Kecepatan 28 knot (52 km/h; 32 mph) (maksimum)
18 knot (33 km/h; 21 mph) (jelajah)
14 knot (26 km/h; 16 mph) (ekonomis)
Jangkauan 3.600 mil laut (6.700 km) pada 18 knot
4.800 mil laut (8.900 km) pada 14 knot
Awak kapal 20 hingga 80
Sensor dan
sistem pemroses
Sistem tempur: Thales Group Tacticos dengan 4 × Multifungsi Operator Console Mk 3 2H
Radar pencarian: radar pengawasan multibeam 3D MW08
IFF: Thales TSB 2525 Mk XA (terintegrasi dengan MW08)
Radar navigasi: radar Sperry Marine BridgeMasterE ARPA
Radar pengendali tembakan: Radar pelacak Lirod Mk 2
Tautan Data: Sistem tautan data LINK Y Mk 2
Sonar: Thales UMS 4132 Kingklip medium frekuensi aktif/pasif ASW
Komunikasi Internal: Jaringan Komunikasi Serat Optik Thales Communication (FOCON) atau ICCS EID di mana pengguna on-board memiliki akses ke saluran komunikasi internal dan/atau eksternal dan kendali jarak jauh terintegrasi dari peralatan komunikasi
Komunikasi Satelit: Seri Nera F
Sistem Navigasi: Navigasi terintegrasi Raytheon Anschutz
Sistem Manajemen Platform Terpadu: Integrated Bridge System Imtech UniMACs 3000
Peralatan perang
elektronik dan tipuan
ESM: Thales VIGILE 100
ECM: Racal Scorpion 2L
Pengecoh: Terma SKWS, peluncur umpan DLT-12T 130mm, sisi kiri dan kanan
Senjata 1 × meriam OTO Melara 76 mm (posisi A)
2 × meriam Denel GI-2 20 mm (posisi B)
2 × quad (8) rudal anti-udara, maju & belakang Mistral TETRAL
4 × rudal kapal anti permukaan Exocet MM40 Block II
2 × peluncur rangkap tiga untuk torpedo 3A 244S Mode II/EuroTorp MU 90
Fasilitas penerbangan Landasan helikopter
Hanggar (opsional)

Korvet kelas SIGMA adalah keluarga kapal angkatan laut modular buatan Belanda, baik untuk ukuran korvet atau fregat, yang dirancang oleh Damen Group.

SIGMA merupakan singkatan dari Ship Integrated Geometrical Modularity Approach (Pendekatan Modularitas Geometris Terintegrasi Kapal). Desain dasar Seri Patroli SIGMA dapat bervariasi karena segmen lambung dirancang sebagai komponen. Kapal dapat bervariasi dalam jumlah segmen lambung dan urutan penempatannya. Dimensi panjang dan lebar kapal mengarah pada nama masing-masing tipe SIGMA: SIGMA 9113 memiliki panjang 91 m (298 ft 7 in) dengan panjang lebar 13 m (42 ft 8 in), SIGMA 10513 memiliki panjang 105 m (344 ft panjangnya 6 inci) lagi dengan lebar 13 m (42 ft 8 in)

Desainnya berasal dari bentuk lambung High Speed Displacement sebelumnya yang dibuat oleh Marin Teknikk AS pada tahun 1970an.


Ada tiga tipe kombatan Sigma

  • Fregat Sigma
  • Korvet Sigma
  • Korvet serang cepat Sigma

Perbandingan yang disederhanakan antara model Sigma yang berbeda.

Perbandingan antara model SIGMA yang berbeda
Compact SIGMA 7310 [1] SIGMA 9113[2] SIGMA 9813[3] SIGMA 9814[4][5] SIGMA 10513[6] SIGMA PKR 10514[7] SIGMA 10514 POLA SIGMA 10514 ARC Almirante Padilla
Pengguna  Angkatan Laut Indonesia  Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Maroko Vietnam
Angkatan Laut Rakyat Vietnam
 Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Maroko  Angkatan Laut Indonesia  Angkatan Laut Meksiko  Angkatan Laut Kolombia
Tipe Korvet serang cepat Korvet Fregat Fregat Fregat Fregat Fregat (Kapal Patroli Jarak Jauh) Fregat
Panjang 74.2 meter 90.01 meter 97.91 meter 99.91 meter 105.11 meter 105.11 meter 107.5 meter 105.11 meter
Lebar 10.00 meter 13.02 meter 13.02 meter 14.02 meter 13.02 meter 14.02 meter 14.02 meter 14.02 meter
Draft 3.10 meter 3.60 meter 3.75 meter 3.75 meter 3.75 meter 3.75 meter 3.75 meter 3.75 meter
Bobot benaman 900 ton 1,692 ton 2,075 ton 2,150 ton 2,335 ton 2,365 ton 2,575 ton 2,365 ton
Mesin utama 4x 3900  kW 2 x 8910 kW 2 x 8910 kW 2 x 8910 kW 2 x 10.000 kW 2 x 13410 kW 2 x 10.000 kW
Kecepatan (jelajah) 18 knot 18 knot 18 knot tbd 18 knot 18 knot 18 knot 18 knot
Kecepatan (maksimum) 34 knot 28 knot 28 knot tbd 28 knot 28 knot 28 knot 28 knot
Ketahanan 2,000 mill laut 3,600 mill laut 4,000 mill laut 4,000 mill laut 5,000 mill laut 5,000 mill laut+ 5,000 mill laut
Sensor utama Thales NS-100 Thales MW08

(Thales NS50)

Thales SMART-S MK2 Thales SMART-S MK2 Thales SMART-S MK2 Thales SMART-S MK2 Thales SMART-S MK2 Thales SMART-S MK2
Awak kapal 50 80 91 103 110 122 122 110
Penangkutan helikopter nihil hanya dek dek dan hanggar
(9 ton)
dek dan hanggar dek dan hanggar
(9 ton)
dek dan hanggar
(10 ton)
dek dan hanggar
(10 ton)
dek dan hanggar
(10 ton)
Status Desain konsep Operasional Operasional Dibatalkan [8] Operasional Operasional Operasional Dalam pembangunan

Ada beberapa desain SIGMA baru yang dirilis pada awal tahun 2015, berikut adalah:

  • SIGMA 8313
  • SIGMA 8011
  • SIGMA 7613
  • SIGMA 6610

Mereka kemungkinan besar akan menjadi bagian dari seri Compact SIGMA, sebuah seri baru kombatan berukuran kecil dengan jangkauan lebih pendek dan ketahanan misi hingga 2 minggu dengan sistem tempur yang sama dengan versi yang lebih besar.[9]


Dalam pembangunan

  • Meksiko telah memesan 8 SIGMA 10514 LROPV[11] berdasarkan varian Indonesia dengan sistem persenjataan dan peran berbeda. Angkatan Laut Meksiko akan menggunakan fregat SIGMA miliknya sebagai kapal patroli jarak jauh. Lunasnya diletakkan pada 17 Agustus 2017, dan diluncurkan pada 23 November 2018 dan layanan akan dimulai pada tahun 2020. Kapal akan dibangun dalam enam modul, dengan dua modul ini dibangun oleh Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding di Vlissingen, Belanda, dan empat sisanya oleh galangan kapal Angkatan Laut Meksiko di Salina Cruz di bawah pengawasan Pembuatan Kapal Angkatan Laut Damen Schelde. SIGMA akan menggantikan empat fregat kelas Allende (ex-USN kelas Knox), dan dua fregat kelas Bravo (ex-USN kelas Bronstein).[butuh rujukan]

Dalam pengembangan

  • Pada September 2022, Kementerian Pertahanan Kolombia mengumumkan bahwa COTECMAR dan Damen akan bersama-sama mengembangkan lima fregat baru untuk Angkatan Laut Kolombia berdasarkan desain kelas Sigma.[12] Angkatan Laut Kolombia memberikan kontrak kepada COTECMAR untuk membangun fregat pertama di bawah Platform Permukaan Strategis (Plataforma Estratégica de Superficie atau PES) pada 22 November 2022. Desain kapal diselesaikan pada tahun 2023 antara Coecmar & Damen Naval, konstruksi dapat dimulai pada 2025.[13]

Operator potensial

  • Greece - Damen Schelde submitted a proposal to the Hellenic Navy for SIGMA 10514HN Corvetes based on the SIGMA 10514.[14] This proposal along with Naval Group's proposal for Gowind 2500 are the candidates for the future Hellenic Navy's corvettes to replace the older Elli-class frigates
  • Malaysia - Although SIGMA-class design not be chosen as Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program, Damen with Malaysian shipyard, Gading Marine has offered their improved SIGMA 9113 LMS design for RMN Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) second batch during Defence Services Asia 2022 (DSA 2022).[15]
  • Peru - The Peruvian Navy plans to acquire between three and six ships, with a displacement of 3,000 to 4,000 tons. During the 6th International Exhibition of Technology in Defense and Prevention of Natural Disasters (Sitdef 2017) Damen Group offered the SIGMA-class design to the Peruvian Navy. It believes that the variety of models of frigates offered by the SIGMA series allows to fit without difficulty to the requirements of the Peruvian Navy.[16]
  • Poland - Damen Schelde submitted its SIGMA PL 10514 in two variants for the competition to supply the Polish Navy with options for their Miecznik & Czapla programmes.[17] Miecznik will be a coastal defense ship and Czapla a patrol ship.

Tawaran gagal

  • Brazil - Damen and Saab AB joined in a consortium called "Damen-Saab Tamandaré" with a bid to supply the Brazilian Navy with four new Tamandaré-class frigates. On 28 March 2019, Damen lost the competition to a consortium led by TKMS and Embraer with a project derived of the MEKO A-100-class corvettes.[18][19]
  • Egypt - Damen Schelde was in competition for four SIGMA corvettes (+ two options) for the Egyptian Navy. The French Gowind-class corvette won this bid. The other competitor was the TKMS MEKO A200.[20]
  • Malaysia - Damen Schelde participated in the competition to supply the Royal Malaysian Navy with six frigates under the Second Generation Patrol Vessel program. It was chosen as the winner but unfortunately, Malaysia's Defence Minister had changed the result to the French Gowind class due to interference from Boustead Naval Shipyard.[21] The other competitor was the MEKO A200.
  • Oman - Oman had an interest in buying four SIGMA corvettes/frigates in March 2011. The Dutch queen Beatrix planned a state visit to Oman, one of the reasons for the visit being the potential sale of the ships to the Royal Navy of Oman. The official visit was cancelled due to the unrest in Oman at the time, although the queen did go to an unofficial dinner with the Sultan of Oman. The official visit took place later in January 2012. During the first visit to Oman, the Royal Netherlands Navy sent its air defence warfare frigate HNLMS De Ruyter to Muscat. In April 2012 it was announced that they lost to the Singaporean patrol vessel kelas Al-Ofouq by ST Engineering. Damen had offered the SIGMA 7513.
  • Philippines - Damen Schelde bought bidding documents but did not submit an offer.[butuh rujukan]
  • Romania - Romania is planning to purchase four corvettes in the upcoming seven years, which have to be built and equipped in a Romanian building yard.[22][23] Previously, in December 2016, the Romanian government decided that Damen Group would build four SIGMA light frigates for 1.6 billion euro at the Damen Galați Shipyard.[24] However, the new Romanian government is repealing this decision and will re-open the procurement again.[25] Nonetheless, Damen Group is a top contender for the job, since it has the only shipyard in Romania that has recent experience with building new naval ships reasonably fast and at a competitive price.[26] In July 2019, the Romanian authorities announced the selection of Naval Group and its partner Santierul Naval Constanta (SNC) for the programme to build four new Gowind multi-mission corvettes.
  • United Arab Emirates - Damen had submitted an offer (likely the SIGMA 9813 or SIGMA 9814) for the corvette kelas Abu Dhabis. It lost to a corvette based on the Italian kelas  Comandanti.
  • Vietnam - Vietnam in 2011 shows interest in buying four SIGMA corvette with two of them to be built by DSNS in Vietnam.[27] The design were revealed to be SIGMA 9814 during Vietship 2014 Nava Exhibition in Vietnam.[5] As of 2016 the program seems to be cancelled.[8]

Varian Angkatan Laut Indonesia

Indonesian Navy SIGMA 9113 corvette, KRI Sultan Hasanuddin (366).

SIGMA 9113

The Indonesian variant is based on the SIGMA 9113 design.[28] Work on the first of the class, KRI Diponegoro, began with the first steel cutting conducted in October 2004. The ship was christened on 16 September 2006 and commissioned on 2 July 2007 by Admiral Slamet Soebijanto, Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff.[29]

Options for two other units were exercised in January 2006 with the first steel cut commenced on 3 April 2006[30] in Damen's Schelde Naval Shipbuilding yard, Vlissingen-Oost yard and not in Surabaya as stated earlier.

On 28 August 2007, Jane's Missiles and Rockets reported[31] that Indonesia was having problems securing the export license for the MM40 Exocet block II and was considering Chinese made C-802 anti-ship missiles as alternatives. However, the ships have already been delivered with the Exocet missiles.

In 2018 Thales has upgraded the Indonesian Navy's Diponegoro-class corvette through the installation and refurbishment of the Kingklip hull-mounted sonar system.[32]

In 2019 the Diponegoro-class corvettes were upgraded with MM40 Exocet block III missile.[33]

On 31 August 2021, Terma announced that they have been awarded a contract for the upgrade of existing C-Guard systems with Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capabilities for the Sigma-Class Corvettes of the Indonesian Navy. This C-Guard ASW upgrade program is a follow-on from the previous ASW upgrade contract awarded in 2019 for the same class of ships.[34]

On 4 November 2022, Thales has signed a contract with PT. Len to undertake the refurbishment of the integrated mission systems for Diponegoro-class ships.[35] The corvettes will be updated with Thales TACTICOS Baseline 2 combat management system (CMS) and the Naval Smarter (NS) NS50 radar system.[36]

Indonesian Navy SIGMA 10514 frigate, KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (332) arriving at Pearl Harbor to participate in RIMPAC 2022.

SIGMA 10514

On the 16 August 2010, Indonesian Defense Ministry, signed a deal[37][38] with PT PAL Indonesia and Damen Schelde to build a 105-meter frigate in Indonesia based on Damen Schelde SIGMA 10514 design. For the first ship, five modules for the ship will be built in Indonesia and the Dutch manufacturer Damen Schelde will build 2 modules while for the second ship the Indonesians will build six modules and Damen Schelde will build one module.

On 1 February 2013 it was announced that a second unit will be built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding and PT PAL Surabaya, the second contract includes torpedo tubes, combat control room and a couple of surface weapons.

They were built without several of their main system and equipment, namely VL-MICA, MM40 Exocet block III, Rheinmetall Millennium CIWS, Electronic warfare system and were planned to be installed later on (FFBNW).[39]

As of December 2015, the first ship, KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata (331), was 85% complete and the ship was launched on 18 January 2016.[40][41][42] On 7 April 2017 the first ship, KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata (331), was commissioned at Tanjung Priok.[43] The second ship, KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (332), was commissioned on 10 January 2018.[44]

The class finally received their full complement of FFBNW system and equipment in December 2019 for KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata (331)[45] and March 2020 for KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (332).[46]

Varian Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Maroko

Royal Moroccan Navy SIGMA 10513 frigate, Tarik Ben Ziyad (613).

On 6 February 2008, Morocco signed a USD$1.2 billion contract with Schelde Naval Shipbuilding for two light frigate SIGMA 9813 and one light frigate SIGMA 10513, which are modified versions of the existing SIGMA-class design.[47]

A subsequent contract was signed on 1 April 2008 with Thales Nederland for the supply and installation of the command and control and sensor package for the ships. The package included TACTICOS combat management system, SMART-S Mk2 surveillance radar, LIROD Mk2 tracking radar, Thales KINGKLIP sonar system, IFF system, Integrated communication system comprising external communication system and FOCON internal communication system, two Target Designation Sights, VIGILE ESM system, SCORPION ECM system, and the integrated navigation system.[48]

The first frigate for Morocco, Tarik ben Ziyad, was launched in July 2010,[49] began sea trials on 6 May 2011[50] and was delivered on 12 September 2011.[51] The second ship was launched on 2 February 2011,[49] with sea trials planned for late in the year.[50] The third ship was planned to be launched in September 2011.[50]

Varian Angkatan Laut Meksiko

Mexican Navy SIGMA 10514 POLA frigate, ARM Benito Juárez (F 101) departs Pearl Harbor to begin the at-sea phase of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022, July 12.

On 18 August 2017, Damen announced the keel laying for one SIGMA 10514 Long Range Ocean Patrol Vessel (SIGMA 10514 LROPV/ SIGMA 10514 POLA) at Damen Schelde Naval Shipyard in Vlissingen for the Mexican Navy. The vessel was constructed modularly in six modules, two modules were constructed in Vlissingen and the other four modules in Mexico.

According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Major Arms Sale notification on 5 January 2018, the primary weapon systems for the SIGMA class will include RGM-84L Harpoon Block II, RIM-162 ESSM[52] with eight cell MK 56 VLS launcher, MK 54 Mod 0 lightweight torpedoes with two MK 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes (SVTT) triple tube launchers, Block II Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) missiles and Bofors 57 mm gun.[53]

In April 2018 Damen Group contracted Spanish defense technology company Indra to equip the Mexican Navy's new long-range offshore patrol vessel (POLA) with its RIGEL electronic defense system.[54]

Kapal di kelasnya

Name Pennant Builder Laid down Launched Commissioned Notes
 Angkatan Laut Indonesia
SIGMA 9113 design
KRI Diponegoro 365 Damen, Vlissingen 24 March 2005 16 September 2006 5 July 2007 Diponegoro, a National Hero from Central Java.
KRI Sultan Hasanuddin 366 24 March 2005 16 September 2006 24 November 2007 Sultan Hasanuddin, a National Hero from South Sulawesi.
KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda 367 8 May 2006 24 November 2007 18 October 2008 Sultan Iskandar Muda, a National Hero from Aceh.
KRI Frans Kaisiepo 368 8 May 2006 28 June 2008 7 March 2009 Frans Kaisiepo, a National Hero from Papua and the fourth Governor of Papua province.
SIGMA 10514 design
KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata 331 Damen, Vlissingen
PAL Indonesia, Surabaya
16 April 2014 18 January 2016 7 April 2017 Named after Raden Eddy Martadinata, a national hero from Bandung and one of the founders of the Indonesian Navy.
KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 18 January 2016 29 September 2016 10 January 2018 Named after I Gusti Ngurah Rai, a national hero from Bali Island and leader of the Puputan War against the Dutch colonialist government.
 Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Maroko
SIGMA 10513 design
Tarik Ben Ziyad 613 Damen, Vlissingen April 2008 12 July 2010[55] 23 December 2011 Now shows on AIS as Sultan Moulay Ismail.[butuh rujukan]
SIGMA 9813 design
Sultan Moulay Ismail 614 Damen, Vlissingen March 2009 2 February 2011[56] 10 March 2012[57]
Allal Ben Abdellah 615 September 2009 October 2011 8 September 2012[58]
 Angkatan Laut Meksiko
SIGMA 10514 LROPV/POLA design
ARM Reformador 101 Damen, Vlissingen
ASTIMAR 20, Salina Cruz
17 August 2017[59] 23 November 2018[60] 10 February 2020[61] ARM Reformador (P 101) now renamed as ARM Benito Juárez (F 101) as of March 2020.[62]

Lihat juga


  1. ^ "Sigma corvette 7310", Damen. Diarsipkan March 18, 2015, di Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ "Sigma corvette 9113" Damen. Diarsipkan September 11, 2014, di Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ "Sigma 9813 Sultan Moulay Ismail Allal Ben Abdellah Morocco Royal Moroccan Navy البحرية الملكية Frégates Multi-Missions Marocaines FMMM DSNS Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding datasheet pictures photos video specifications". Navy recognition. 15 December 2012. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  4. ^ "Vietnam Navy selects MBDA Exocet and VL Mica missiles for its Sigma 9814 Corvettes". Navy recognition. November 4, 2013. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  5. ^ a b "Design of future Damen SIGMA 9814 Corvettes for Vietnamese Navy revealed". Navy recognition. March 1, 2014. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  6. ^ "SIGMA 10513 Tarik Ben Ziad Frigate طارق بن زياد Morocco Royal Moroccan Navy البحرية الملكية Frégates Multi-Missions Marocaines FMMM DSNS DAMEN Schelde Naval Shipbuilding datasheet pictures photos video specifications". Navy recognition. 14 December 2012. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  7. ^ "SIGMA 10514 PKR Frigate Indonesia Indonesian Navy TNI AL Perusak Kawal Rudal PT PAL DSNS Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding KRI datasheet pictures photos video specifications". Navy recognition. 8 December 2012. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  8. ^ a b "Vietnam's Quest for a Greenwater Navy". The diplomat. Diakses tanggal 2016-03-18. 
  9. ^ "Damen introduced the new "Compact Sigma" line of corvettes during DSEI 2013". Navy recognition. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  10. ^ Higuera, José (6 January 2023). "Shipbuilders near and far line up for Latin American naval upgrades". Defense News. 
  11. ^ "Cookies op pzc.nl - pzc.nl". www.pzc.nl. Diakses tanggal 27 December 2017. 
  12. ^ InfoDefensa, Revista Defensa. "Damen construirá las cinco fragatas del programa PES de Colombia". Infodefensa - Noticias de defensa, industria, seguridad, armamento, ejércitos y tecnología de la defensa (dalam bahasa Spanyol). 
  13. ^ "Colombian Navy awards contract to COTECMAR for first PES frigate, ocean patrol vessel, and logistic support ship". Janes.com (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2023-01-15. 
  14. ^ "Dutch shipyard DAMEN submits its SIGMA 10514 frigate for Hellenic Navy program". navyrecognition.com. 14 November 2021. 
  15. ^ "DSA 2022: Damen showcases Sigma 9113 LMS corvette". 6 April 2022. 
  16. ^ "Damen apuesta a su serie Sigma para el mercado naval latinoamericano" (dalam bahasa Spanyol). InfoDefensa. 2017-05-26. Diakses tanggal 10 February 2018. 
  17. ^ "Balt Military Expo 2016: DAMEN Unveils SIGMA 10514PL Designs Based on SIGMA 10514 PKR". navyrecognition.com. 21 June 2016. Diakses tanggal 27 December 2017. 
  18. ^ "Marinha do Brasil divulga short-list do Projeto classe Tamandaré". Poder Naval (dalam bahasa Portugis). 15 October 2018. 
  19. ^ "Projeto Classe Tamandaré Marinha do Brasil seleciona a melhor oferta". Marinha do Brasil (dalam bahasa Portugis). 28 March 2019. 
  20. ^ "Egyptian Navy would be about to order 4 to 6 Gowind Combat Corvettes from DCNS". Navyrecognition.com. 5 March 2014. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  21. ^ "Navy ignored on littoral combat ships, RM1b cost overruns - PAC report". 4 August 2022. 
  22. ^ "Romania to buy 3 sub, 4 ships to bolster Black Sea ops" (dalam bahasa Inggris). DefenseNews. 2018-02-09. Diakses tanggal 11 February 2018. 
  23. ^ "România cumpără 4 corvete noi, pe care Olanda le va fabrica la Galaţi. Cât costă navele şi de ce are România nevoie de ele" (dalam bahasa Rumania). Gandul. Diakses tanggal 11 February 2018. 
  24. ^ PM Grindeanu: Thursday we'll repeal Ciolos Government's decision on corvettes, Nine o'clock, 15 March 2017, diakses tanggal 11 February 2018 
  25. ^ "Romania's Naval Forces at crossroads" (dalam bahasa Inggris). Romania Energy Center. 21 August 2017. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 12 February 2018. Diakses tanggal 11 February 2018. 
  26. ^ "Defence Ministry to buy 4 corvettes by 2024 in a EUR 1.6bn investment" (dalam bahasa Inggris). The Romania Journal. Diakses tanggal 11 February 2018. 
  27. ^ Eshel, Tamir (2011-10-23). "Vietnam Negotiate Buying four Sigma Corvettes from the Netherlands". Defense Update (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2022-08-16. 
  28. ^ "Indonesian Specifications of the Sigma Class coverttes". Schelde shipbuilding. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2011-09-28. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  29. ^ "Navy chief takes delivery of corvette made in Netherlands". Antara. ID. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2009-04-10. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  30. ^ "Two Sigma 9113 corvettes more for Indonesia" (PDF). Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal October 1, 2006. 
  31. ^ "JMR: Indonesia evaluates C-802". Jane's. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. [pranala nonaktif permanen]
  32. ^ "Indonesian Navy Upgrades Corvette with Thales' Kingklip Sonar". Thales Group (dalam bahasa Inggris). 31 July 2018. Diakses tanggal 2022-11-30. 
  33. ^ "Indonesia conducts first firing of Exocet MM40 Block 3 from SIGMA corvette". Janes.com (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2022-08-16. 
  34. ^ "Terma signs 2 new naval contracts in Indonesia". Terma (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2022-11-30. 
  35. ^ "Thales Strengthens its Leading Position in the Indonesian Defence Industry". Thales Group (dalam bahasa Inggris). 4 November 2022. Diakses tanggal 2022-11-22. 
  36. ^ "Thales, PT Len to upgrade Indonesian corvettes". Janes.com (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2022-11-22. 
  37. ^ "JNR: Indonesia selects Damen for frigate contract". Jane's. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. [pranala nonaktif permanen]
  38. ^ "Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding". Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  39. ^ Scott, Richard (17 November 2016). "Negotiations under way on additional equipment package for Indonesia's PKR frigate". janes.com. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 18 November 2016. 
  40. ^ "Thales to supply mission suite for Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) PKR vessels". Navy recognition. November 18, 2013. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  41. ^ "Damen (DSNS) starts steel cutting for Sigma 10514 PKR Frigate for Indonesia Navy (TNI AL)". Navy recognition. January 15, 2014. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  42. ^ "Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding lays keel of first Sigma 10514 PKR Frigate for TNI AL (Indonesia)". Navy recognition. April 19, 2014. Diakses tanggal 2016-01-19. 
  43. ^ Rahmat, Ridzwan. "Indonesia commissions first Martadinata-class guided-missile frigate". IHS Jane's 360. Diakses tanggal 9 May 2017. 
  44. ^ "Indonesia commissions second Martadinata-class frigate". Jane's 360. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 11 January 2018. Diakses tanggal 11 January 2018. 
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