Troilus dan Cressida
Troilus dan Cressida adalah sandiwara tragedi karya William Shakespeare.
Kisah Troilus dan Cressida
Tokoh utama
- Priam, Raja Troya
- Hector, Troilus, Paris, Deiphobus, Helenus dan Margarelon (anak haram), putra-putra Priam
- Cassandra (nabiah), putri Priam
- Andromache, istri Hector
- Calchas, pendeta Troya yang berpihak pada Yunani
- Cressida, putri Calchas
- Alexander, pelayan Cressida
- Pandarus, paman Cressida dan seorang jester
- Aeneas, komandan
- Antenor, komandan
- Agamemnon, Raja Yunani
- Achilles, pangeran
- Ajax, pangeran
- Diomedes, pangeran
- Nestor, pangeran yang bijak dan banyak bicara
- Ulysses (Odysseus), pangeran
- Menelaus, Raja Sparta, saudara Agamemnon
- Helen, istri Menelaus, cinta dan tinggal dengan Paris dari Troya
- Patroclus, teman Achilles
Waktu dan tempat
Setelah Perang Troya, Troya
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Troilus and Cressida is set during the latter years of the Trojan War, faithfully following the plotline of the Iliad from Achilles' refusal to participate in battle to Hector's death.
Essentially, two plots are followed in this play. In one, Troilus, a Trojan prince (son of Priam), woes Cressida, another Trojan. They have sex, professing their undying love, before Cressida is exhanged for a Trojan prisoner of war. As he attempts to visit her in the Greek camp, Troilus glimses Diomedes flirting with his beloved Cressida, and decides to avenge her perfidy.
While this plot serves as an eponym for the Troilus and Cressida, it accounts for only a small part of its run time. The majority of the play revolves around leaders of the Greek and Trojan forces; the former attempt to get the proud Achilles to return to battle and face Hector, who sends the Greeks a letter telling them of his willingness to engage in one-on-one combat with a single Greek soldier. Ajax is originally chosen as this combatant, but makes peace with Hector before they are able to fight. Achilles is only prompted to return to battle after his beloved friend, Patroclus, is killed by Hector before the Trojan walls. A series of skirmishes conclude the play, during which Achilles catches Hector baresark, killing him. The conquest of Troy is left unfinished, as the Trojans learn of the death of their hero.