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Tawarikh Babilonia

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Tawarikh Babilonia (bahasa Inggris: Babylonian Chronicles) adalah kumpulan berbagai lempengan tanah liat (clay tablet) yang memuat peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam sejarah Babel. Merupakan sumber pertama dalam pengembangan catatan sejarah kuno (historiography). Tawarikh Babilonia ini ditulis sejak zaman pemerintahan Nabonassar sampai periode Kekaisaran Parthia, oleh para orang bijak (ahli bintang; astronom) Babel ("orang-orang Kasdim" atau "Chaldaeans"), yang rupanya menggunakan catatan harian astronomi (astronomical diaries) sebagai sumber mereka.

Hampir semua lempengan atau "tablet" ini menjadi milik British Museum.

Daftar Tawarikh Asyur dan Babel

Penomoran menggunakan "ABC" (singkatan dari "Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles")

  • "Chronicle of the Kassite and Isin Dynasties", juga dikenal sebagai Walker's Chronicle (dinamakan "Chronicle 25", tetapi tidak tercatat dalam ABC) (terjemahan Inggris)
  • "Bagayasha Chronicle" (BCHP 18)


  • Leo Oppenheim's translation of the Nabonidus Chronicle can be found in J. B. Pritchard (ed.) Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (= ANET; 1950, 1955, 1969).
  • The standard edition is A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (= ABC; 1975)
  • A translation of Chronicle 25, discovered after the publication of ABC, was published by C.B.F. Walker "Babylonian Chronicle 25: A Chronicle of the Kassite and Isin Dynasties", in G. van Driel e.a. (eds.): Zikir Šumim: Assyriological Studies Presented to F.R. Kraus on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (= Fs. Kraus; 1982).
  • John Brinkman revises Grayson's reading of ABC 1 in: "The Babylonian Chronicle revisited" in T. Abusch, J. Huehnergard, P. Steinkeller (eds.): Lingering over words. Studies in ancient Near Eastern literature in honor of William L. Moran (1990 Atlanta)
  • Fragments of the chronicles that are relevant to the study of the Bible, can be found in William W. Hallo (ed.), The Context of Scripture, volume 1 (2003 Leiden and Boston). This book also contains the Weidner Chronicle.
  • A recent update of ABC is Jean-Jacques Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles (2004, French version 1993)
  • An even more recent update of ABC is Amélie Kuhrt, The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources of the Achaemenid Period (Routledge, 2007)
  • The publication of I. Finkel & R. J. van der Spek, Babylonian Chronicles of the Hellenistic Period (= BCHP) has been announced.

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